t7 b18 loose ends fdr- feb 04 emails- michael p wright and hijacker ticket purchase at oklahoma...

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  • 8/14/2019 T7 B18 Loose Ends Fdr- Feb 04 Emails- Michael P Wright and Hijacker Ticket Purchase at Oklahoma University 549


  • 8/14/2019 T7 B18 Loose Ends Fdr- Feb 04 Emails- Michael P Wright and Hijacker Ticket Purchase at Oklahoma University 549


    John Raidt



    A l FelzenbergFriday, February 13,2004 10:26 AMTeam 5; Team 7; Front Office;Team 1; Team 2; Team 3; Team 4; Team 6Dianna CampagnaFW : Hijacker's Plane Ticket Bought From OU LibraryTerminal

    This came in from a citizen, who claims to have important information for us. It has someoverlap among the teams.

    Alvin S. FelzenbergDeputy for Communications9-11 Commission202 401-1725 (office)

    I I - (-cellular')'9/11 Personal Privacy

    Orig ina l MessageFrom: MPWright9@aol.com [mail to:MPWright9@aol.com]Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 5:28 PMTo: Al Felzenberg

    Subject: Hijacker 's Plane Ticket Bought From OU Library Terminal

    Dear Mr. Felzenberg:

    In th e fall of 2001, a librarian at the University of Oklahoma told me that she waspresent when an FBI agent interviewed her colleague about the fact that an airline ticketfo r a 9/11 hi jacker was purchased from a l ibrary computer terminal . This was for UnitedFlight 93 , which crashed in Pennsylvania. Further, she told me that the purchaser wa snot a hijacker. He was a white American male.

    I have not identif ied the l ibrarian to others out of concern for the likelihood that shefears retal iati on from having lea ked this to me; however last fall I informed Commissionstaff member John Tamm that I would disclose he r name if subpoenaed an d ordered to do so.

    In the fall of 2002 I helped Bil l Crozier compose an FOI request about the t icket purchase

    to the FBI. Our request specifical ly described the event and referenced the 9/11 ticketpurchase and the OU library computer terminal . We also asked the identity of thepurchaser and whether he had been arrested. The FBI reply stated:

    "The material you requested is located in aninvest igat ive f i le which pertains to a pendinginvest igat ion."

    The FBI refused to identify th e purchaser and did not answer th e question about whether hewa s arrested. The scan of the reply is at me websi te , to which I provide a link at thebottom of this let ter.

    I was also informed by two people th at they witnessed an Oklahoma City TV news broadcastin which this event wa s repor ted . One of them, Sheila Bruton, wrote to the Family Liasonfo r th e 9/11 Commission and confirmed it. She copied th e email to me.

    In October 2003, I called KOCO TV news in Oklahoma City and spoke to a woman named Meliss aat th e news desk. Sh e confirmed that KOCO reported th e event and proudly asserted: "W ebroke the story." Then she transferred me to the voice mail of reporter Ter ri Watkinswith the suggest ion that I contact her for a videocasset te .

    I left a message requesting the videocassett e from Watkins. She later called and left arecorded message for me in which she contr adicted Melis sa and denied that KOCO made thisbroadcast .

    In Oklahom a it is legal to record a phone conversation so long as one party is aware ofit . Beari ng this in mind, I cal led the stat ion again in which I recorded Melissa

  • 8/14/2019 T7 B18 Loose Ends Fdr- Feb 04 Emails- Michael P Wright and Hijacker Ticket Purchase at Oklahoma University 549


    qonfi'rming that th e station ha d broadcast th e event an d that Terri Watkins was the'reporter. As this time on e must ask: why the cover-up?Yo u ca n hear th e recordings at my website.

    The indictment of Zacarias Moussaoui accounts fo r only 14 of the 19 airline ticketspurchased by 9/11 hijackers. There is only one ticket purchase reported for United Flight93. Why are the others concealed? The ticket purchased at the OU library was for Flight93.

    I encourage th e Commission to investigate completely th e purchase of this ticket at OU.

    If th e purchaser ha d been arrested, there would be a public record of it . Why wasn't hearrested? Was he protected? Was he infiltrating Al Qaeda working under th e supervisionof a U.S. intelligence agency? He was assisting a foreign enemy in an act of warfareagainst the United States. He and his collaborators an d supervisors ar e guilty oftreason.

    I have reported this matter to the Commission before, at your info mailbox. The onlyresponse I received was a phone call from John Tamm in which he promised to read mymater ia l and contact me again. I have not heard from him since that time. I amperplexed by the indifference of the Commission to this evidence.

    Fo r th e product of my own investigation, see my website, where yo u will find the FBIletter, the KOCO telephone communications, and numerous details, links, and references:


    Th e we b page also has a link to my biographical information.


    Michael P. WrightN o r m a n . O k l a h o m a '" 9/11 Personal Privacy

  • 8/14/2019 T7 B18 Loose Ends Fdr- Feb 04 Emails- Michael P Wright and Hijacker Ticket Purchase at Oklahoma University 549


    J o h n R a i d t

    F r o m :

    S e n t :To:Cc:

    S u b j e c t :

    Chris KojmFriday, February 13. 2004 11:24 AMTe am?Dianna C ampagn a; Al Felzenberg; Team 5; Front Office; Team 1; Team 2; Team 3 ; Team 4;Team 6; Team 1ARE: Hijacker's Plane Ticket Bought FromOU Library Terminal

    Al l Let's get a proper tasking here: This is for Team 7 to follow up, in closecooperation with John Tamm, who made the initial contact. Everyone else stand down.


    Original MessageFrom: Al FelzenbergSent: Friday, February 13, 2004 10:26 AMTo: Team 5; Team 7; Front O ffice; Team 1; Team 2; Team 3; Team 4; Team 6Cc: Dianna CampagnaSubject: FW : Hijacker's Plan e Ticket Bought From OU Library Terminal

    This came in from a citize n, who clai ms to have imp ortant information for us. It has some

    overlap among th e teams.

    Alvin S. FelzenbergDeputy for Communications9-11 Commission202 401-1725 (office)

    I t - - ( -og l - - luTarT9/11 Personal Privacy

    Original MessageFrom: MPWright9@aol.com [mailto:MPWright9@aol.com]Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 5:28 PMTo: Al FelzenbergSubject: Hijacker's Plane Ticket Bought From OU Library Terminal

    Dear Mr. Felzenberg:In the fall of 2001, a librarian at the University of Oklahoma told me that she waspresent when an FBI agent interviewed he r colleague about th e fact that an airline ticketfo r a 9/11 hijacker was purchased from a library computer terminal. This was for UnitedFlight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania. Further, she told me that the purchaser wasnot a hijacker. He was a white American male.

    I have not identified the l ibrarian to others out of concern for the likelihood that shefears retal iation from havin g leaked this to me; however last fall I informed Commissionstaff member John Tamm that I would disclose he r name if subpoenaed and ordered to do so.

    In th e fall of 2002 I helped Bil l Crozier compose an FOI request about the ticket purchaseto the FBI. Our request specifically described the event and referenced the 9/11 ticketpurchase and the OU library computer terminal. We also asked th e identity of the

    purchaser and whether he had been arrested. The FBI reply stated:

    "The material you requested is located in aninvestigative file which pertains to a pendinginvestigation."

    The FB I refused to identify th e purchaser and did not answer th e question about whether hewas arrested. Th e scan of the reply is at me website, to which I provide a link at thebottom of this letter.

    I was also informed by two people that they witnessed an Oklahoma City TV news broadcastin which this event was reported. One of them, Sheila Bruton, wrote to the Family Liason


  • 8/14/2019 T7 B18 Loose Ends Fdr- Feb 04 Emails- Michael P Wright and Hijacker Ticket Purchase at Oklahoma University 549


    for th'e 9/11 Commission and confirmed i t . She copied t he email t o me.

    In October 2003, I called KOCO TV news in Oklahoma City and spoke to a woman named Melissaat the news desk. She confirmed t h a t KOCO reported the event and proudly asserted: "Webroke the story." Then she transferred me to the voice mail of reporter Terri Watkinswith the suggestion tha t I contact her for a videocassette.

    I left a message requesting the videocassette from Watkins. She later called and left arecorded message for me in which she contradicted Meli ssa and denied that KOCO made thisbroadcast.

    In Oklahoma it is legal to record a phone conversation so long as one party is aware ofit . Bearing this in mind, I called the station again in which I recorded Melissaconfirming that the station had broadcast the event and that Terri Watkins was ther epo r t e r. As this time one must ask: why the cover-up?You can hear the recordings at my website.

    Th e indictment of Zacarias Moussaoui accounts for only 14 of the 19 airline ticketspurchased by 9/11 hijackers. There is only one ticket purchase reported for United Flight93. Why are the others concealed? The ticket purchased at the OU library was for Flight93.

    I encourage the Commission to investigate completely the purchase of this ticket at OU.If the purchaser had been arrested, there would be a public record of it. Why wasn't hearrested? Was he protected? Was he infil trating Al Qaeda working under the supervision

    of a U.S. intelligence agency? He was assisting a foreign enemy in an act of warfareagains t the United States. He and his collaborators an d supervisors ar e guilty oftreason.

    I have reported this matt er to the Commission before, at your info mailbox. The onlyresponse I received was a phone cal l from John Tamm in which he promised to read mymaterial and contact me again. I have not heard from him since that time. I amperplexed by the indifference of the Commission to this evidence.

    For the product of my own investigation, see my website, where you wil l find the FBIletter, the KOCO telephone communications, and numerous details, links, and references:


    The web page also has a link to my biographical information.


    Michae l P. WrightN o r m a n , O k l a h o m a 9/11 Personal Privacy

    i 3

  • 8/14/2019 T7 B18 Loose Ends Fdr- Feb 04 Emails- Michael P Wright and Hijacker Ticket Purchase at Oklahoma University 549


    John Raidt

    From: Chris KojmSent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 1:58 PMTo: Lloyd SalvettiCc: John Tamm; Team 7Subject: RE: Hijacker's Plane Ticket Bought From OU Library Terminal

    Lloyd Please check with John Tamm, who told me he has run this to ground

    Original MessageFrom: Lloyd SalvettiSent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 11:48 AMTo: Chris KojmSubject: R E : Hijacker 's Plane Ticket Bought From OU Library Terminal


    Since there is a conspiracy theorist at work in this OU story you and Philip ought to knowthat I selected Dave Edger, a CIA Officer in Residence at OU cited by the author in hisweb page, to go to OU. Thus, from the conspiracist's point of view, the 9-11 Commissionhas on its staff someone involved in the OU conspiracy. I'll share this more broadly ifyou think it appropriate.


    Original MessageFrom: Chris KojmSent: Friday, February 13, 2004 11:24 AMTo: Team 7Cc: Dianna Campagna; Al Felzenberg; Team 5; Front Office; Team 1; Team 2; Team 3; Te'am 4;Team 6; Team 1ASubject: RE: Hijacker's Plane Ticket Bought From OU Library Terminal

    All Let's get a proper tasking here: This is for Team 7 to follow up, in closecooperation with John Tamm, who made the initial contact. Everyone else stand down.


    Original MessageFrom: Al FelzenbergSent: Friday, February 13, 2004 10:26 AMTo: Team 5; Team 7; Front Office; Team I ; Team 2; Team 3; Team 4; Team 6Cc : Dianna CampagnaSubject: FW: Hijacker's Plane Ticket Bought From OU Library Terminal

    This came in from a citizen, wh o claims to have important information fo r us. It has someoverlap among the teams.

    Alv in S . FelzenbergDeputy for Communications9-11 Commission202 401-1725 (office) /

    | |....Cc.ellula-E-) - ' 9/11 Personal Privacy

    Original MessageFrom: M P W r i g h t 9 @ a o l . c o m [mailto:MPWright9@aol.com]Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 5:28 PMTo: Al Felzenberg

  • 8/14/2019 T7 B18 Loose Ends Fdr- Feb 04 Emails- Michael P Wright and Hijacker Ticket Purchase at Oklahoma University 549


    Subject: Hijacker's Plane Ticket Bought From OU Library Terminal

    Dear Mr: Felzenberg:

    In the fall of 2001, a librarian at the University of Oklahoma told me that she waspresent when an FBI agent interviewed her colleague about the fact that an airline ticketfor a 9/11 hijacker was purchased from a library computer terminal. This was for UnitedFlight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania. Further, she told me that the purchaser wasno t a hijacker. He was a white American male.

    I have not identified the librarian to others out of concern for the likelihood that shefears retaliation from having leaked this to me; however last fall I informed Commissionstaff member John Tamm that I would disclose her name if subpoenaed and ordered to do so.

    In the fall of 2002 I helped Bill Crozier compose an FOI request about the ticket purchaseto the FBI. Our request specifically described the event and referenced the 9/11 ticketpurchase and the OU library computer terminal. We also asked the identity of thepurchaser and whether he had been arrested. The FBI reply stated:

    "The material you requested is located in aninves t igat ive file which pertains to a pendinginvestigation."

    The FBI refused to identify the purchaser and did not answer the question about whether hewas arrested. The scan of the reply is at me website, to which I provide a link at the

    bottom of this letter.

    I was also informed by two people that they witnessed an Oklahoma City TV news broadcastin which this event was reported. One of them, Sheila Bruton, wrote to the Family Liasonfo r the 9/11 Commission and confirmed it. She copied the email to me.

    In October 2003, I called KOCO TV news in Oklahoma City and spoke to a woman named Melissaat the news desk. She confirmed that KOCO reported the event and proudly asserted: "Webroke the story." Then she transferred me to the voice mail of reporter Terri Watkinswith the suggestion that I contact her for a videocassette.

    I left a message requesting the videocassette from Watkins. She later called and left arecorded message for me in which she contradicted Melissa and denied that KOCO made thisbroadcast.

    In Oklahoma it is legal to record a phone conversation so long as one party is aware ofit. Bearing this in mind, I called the station again in which I recorded Melissaconfirming that the station had broadcast the event and that Terri Watkins was thereporter. As this time one must ask: why the cover-up?You can hear the recordings at my website.

    The indictment of Zacarias Moussaoui accounts for only 14 of the 19 airline ticketspurchased by 9/11 hijackers. There is only one ticket purchase reported for United Flight93. Why are the others concealed? The ticket purchased at the OU library was for Flight93.

    I encourage the Commission to investigate completely the purchase of this ticket at OU.If the purchaser had been arrested, there would be a public record of it. Why wasn't hearrested? Was he protected? Was he infiltrating Al Qaeda working under the supervisionof a U.S. intelligence agency? He was assisting a foreign enemy in an act of warfare

    against the United States. He and his collaborators and supervisors are guilty oftreason.

    I have reported this matter to the Commission before, at your info mailbox. The onlyresponse I received was a phone call from John Tamm in which he promised to read mymaterial and contact me again. I have not heard from him since that time. I amperplexed by the indifference of the Commission to this evidence.

    For the product of my own investigation, see my website, where you will find the FBIletter, the KOCO telephone communications, and numerous details, links, and references:


  • 8/14/2019 T7 B18 Loose Ends Fdr- Feb 04 Emails- Michael P Wright and Hijacker Ticket Purchase at Oklahoma University 549


    The web page also ha s a l ink to my biographical information.


    Michael P. Wrightr O k l a h o m a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g/n personal Privacy

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