table of contents employee news

Post on 26-Apr-2022






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April 13, 2020

Employment Opportunities

Here is a link to view and print

all job postings.

If you have questions about any of the employment opportunities,

please contact Katie Meyer, x 5138.


City Manager and Director Updates 2

Capturing Innovative Solutions 3

CRFD Story Time Videos 3

Mask Making Kits for Fellow Employees 3

Org Health—Keeping Staff Healthy 4

Org Health—Double Up Appreciation 5

Org Health—Maximize Communication 6

Values in Action Recognition 7

Library Virtual Resources 8

Wellness Enrollment Instructions 9

Wellness Program Updates 10-11

Wellness Newsletter 12

Safety Beacon 12

Employee News


John Dunkelberger – Police – Promoted to Sergeant as of April 11, 2020. (No Photo Available)

A Message from Mayor Hart

Dear City team member,

What strange times these are. Someone reminded me of the John Lennon song with these lyrics...."Nobody told me there'd be days like these. Strange days indeed. Strange days indeed." I look forward to the time when those lyrics will make me laugh, but right now they are very true and still a bit scary. I want to thank you, on behalf of the entire city council, for your remarkable work during this crisis. The services you are all continuing to provide are essential and, I know, give our citizens some sense of normalcy and hope. Every city ve-hicle I see out providing those services makes me proud. You'll probably see me wave to you from my little black car. Please know how much you are all appreciated, es-pecially in times like this. Stay safe and healthy. We will get through this, and you will be a big reason why and how we do that.

Thank you,

Brad Hart Mayor


City Manager and

Directors Updates Update on Federal Funding The most recent CARES Act provides $2 trillion in federal re-sources that will be distributed locally through a variety of agen-cies. This disaster funding is different than flood recovery dollars, as it will be distributed more directly to organizations within the community, providing resources quickly to those providing direct services to the public. While this funding relief is more dispersed than past flood recovery dollars, City staff is taking initiative to establish a communication framework with Linn County and LAP-AID. This will be critical in working effectively with our local non-profits. Though information regarding funding programs are evolving daily, we have attached a current listing of resources that will continue to be updated. These resources are grouped according to how the funding will be accessed: 1) distributed di-rectly to the City, 2) distributed after City application, or 3) distri-bution to another agency, such as Linn County or a nonprofit partner. Additionally, the newly published Business Resource Page on the Gazette’s website will continue to be updated as re-sources or information becomes available. View the Gazette Business Resource Page HERE.

Resident Resource Page Now Live The City of Cedar Rapids, along with The Gazette and area service providers, have launched a new online database of resident re-sources to help citizens navigate support resources available dur-ing the COVID-19 health crisis. The Resident Resources page ( includes a searchable, table-style directory of state and local resources for area residents. Citizens will be able to search and review the lat-est programs and assistance available, including employment, mental health, legal support, and more. Each listing includes the resource, host organization, brief description and contact infor-mation for full details. The directory is featured on the page, www.thegazettecom/coronavirus, The Gazette’s dedicated page for all news related to COVID-19. This page, along with any other COVID-19 content, remains accessible to all, free from sub-scription paywall. A similar page of business resources launched on the website last week, providing business owners and adminis-trative staff the ability to search and review the latest programs and assistance available for businesses, including grant and finan-cial assistance, case management options, virtual workshops and more. Both the Business and Resident Resources web pages are collaborative resources that will be updated in real time as new information becomes available.

Unified Command Inside Cedar Rapids Podcast Our newest Inside Cedar Rapids podcast episode features CRFD Training Chief and member of the State of Iowa Incident Man-

agement Team, Jason Andrews, talking about the City’s re-sponse to COVID-19, the Unified Command structure, and how the community is working together to respond to this pandemic.

He will also talk about what citizens can do to help during this time. This podcast gives residents a unique look into the work-ings of incident command during an emergency. Listen Here:

Reporting Social Distancing Concerns If residents want to report a concern about a large group of peo-ple gathered together, whether in their neighborhood, at a closed playground, etc., they are encouraged to contact the Police De-partment. Residents can use the online reporting tool at or call 286-5491. Staff from PD as well as Parks and Recreation are making periodic sweeps of play-grounds and other public gathering spaces, educating residents on the health risks and relevant closures.

Update from Horizons Horizons continues its operation of Neighborhood Transportation Services, and has remained able to fulfill ride requests from our CR Transit customers who work at essential businesses. Rides are prioritized to serve those working at services such as care facili-ties, hospitals, grocery stores, and convenience stores/gas sta-tions. Horizons has implemented additional safety measures, including separating the driver and passengers with plastic sheets, separating rows of seats and maintaining social distancing between passengers, requiring the use of hand sanitizer prior to boarding, and disinfecting vehicles several times a day. They also are requiring passengers to wear masks. To schedule a ride, citi-zens should call 319-363-1321 at least 24 hours in advance. For more information about NTS services, schedules and regulations visit

Small Business Recovery Funds Last Wednesday, Governor Reynolds announced an additional $20 million in funding for the Iowa Small Business Relief program. This is in addition to the $4 million recently awarded. There will not be a new round of applications for the grants, as the next round of grant recipients will come from the current pool of appli-cants. A list of first round grant recipients can be found on the Iowa Economic Development Authority's website:


Capturing Innovative Solutions

Difficult times and unusual work situations often require new, more sustainable solutions to old challenges. As you and your teams work to rise to meet the needs of today, please let us know about innovative ways you are adapting to any unique problems or circumstances in your daily work. Send ways you or other team member(s) have cre-atively problem solved to so they can be properly recognized. It is possible an innovation in one de-partment could benefit another. We need your help to share these beneficial solutions with oth-ers.

Story Time with CRFD Videos

During these challenging times, CRFD wants to support kids of all ages with something fun! The CRFD Public Education Team is planning to post a new video on the CRFD Facebook page every Mon-day and Thursday.

The first video was posted on April 10. A big shout out to Firefighter Marcus Burns for helping get this project off the ground!

In addition to stories, some firefighters will do sci-ence experiments that all kids may enjoy.

Kits Still Available to Make Masks for Fellow Employees

Many of our employees are unable to work remotely for their jobs, and continue to deliver important commu-nity services during this time. We are still looking for volunteers within our organization to sew face masks for City employees. Material and instructions will be provided free to anyone willing to help, volunteers simply need a sewing machine and scissors. Below is additional information about how you can get involved. Mask Kits Mask kits have been assembled and are ready for volunteers to pick-up. The kit will contain the pattern, in-structions, and enough fabric and thread to make approximately 10 masks. You will need: sewing machine and scissors. Masks must be sewn in a smoke-free environment. Pick Up a Kit Wednesday Kits will be available for pick-up on Wednesday, April 15, from 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. at City Hall. Please come to the back patio / veranda area to pick up a kit. There are still 25 kits available. If you are unable to come at this time, please contact Stephanie Schrader at to make alternate arrangements. When Finished Completed masks may be dropped off in the package drop-off box located in front of City Hall, near the corner of 1st Street and 1st Avenue. Thank you for your time as we support our colleagues! If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Schrader at


Keeping City Staff Safe, Healthy, and Paid

For our City Manager, Jeff Pomeranz, keeping staff safe, healthy, and paid is a City priority. “It takes the whole team working together to provide high quality service in our current circumstances,” according to Jeff Pomer-anz. Policy updates and strategic staffing patterns are two examples of how the City is taking care of our staff. With the support and consultation of the Human Resources Department, City departments are using creative staffing strategies to ensure staff safety and continuity of essential services. According to Gretchen Barske, “Although it changes daily, the City currently has over 500 employees in some type of social distancing scenar-io. This may be due to travel, illness, childcare, working from home or a variety of other reasons.” Of course, many employees must be physically present to conduct their work. Many of our employees are working alter-nate or rotating schedules. On March 16, the City implemented the Healthy Workplace Leave Policy. This proactive decision was neces-sary to keep our staff healthy and our operations running smoothly. On April 1, the federal government imple-mented the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Many of the regulations in this law are similar to the Healthy Workplace Leave Policy implemented by the City two weeks prior. The new legislation provides employees with Emergency Paid Sick Leave and expanded Emergency Family and Medical Leave for certain qualifying events. The Healthy Workplace Leave Policy was modified to expand upon the new law. It allows ad-ditional benefits to employees who have exhausted benefits under FFCRA and allows two weeks of pay for em-ployees who do not currently have work available for them, amongst other provisions. Both policies are availa-ble here. Some employees may file for unemployment, while still keeping their health insurance through June 2020. The goal is transitioning people to ensure employees have an income. Gretchen Barske in HR shared, “I’ve heard from many employees who appreciate the support and guidelines from the City’s early precautionary measures. Jeff Pomeranz has been very generous in prioritizing continued health and benefits for our city employees. This is an important time to share how we can support each other and promote positivity. This is a difficult time for a lot of people and the City is really stepping up to help them.”


Double up on Appreciation!

Our City Core Values continue to guide us! Take a moment to consider the bullets under each of our three core

values! We are demonstrating a People-first attitude, Listening and Learning, and Valuing Relationships. As

you see examples of our staff demonstrating our Core Values toward each other and our citizens, send a recog-

nition here. In a recent webinar by Patrick Lencioni, he reminded us all that now is the time to double up on ap-


New Resources to Support You!

Check out two new Organizational Health training programs to support you and your team through COVID 19.

You will find them here.

Resilience Training

Navigating Transitions Training


Maximize Communication During Social Distancing

Building Services Daily Zoom Meeting

Rapidly changing circumstances and the need to communicate quickly has caused us to try new communica-tion methods. When employees work alternate shifts, locations, and circumstances, one method some teams are using to stay connected is Zoom Video Communications. Zoom is a remote conferencing service that ena-bles teams to communicate from multiple locations. “Zoom is a great way to meet staff and community com-munication needs,” according to Zach Parker in Information Technology, who is leading the implementation of Zoom for the City. City staff are accessing Zoom Meeting through a phone or computer to connect team members. The Building Services team has been using Zoom Meeting for several weeks. According to Duncan McCullum, Building Ser-vices Manager, “Our team started with Zoom as an alternative to our huddles in mid-March. The team felt they needed daily interaction with their co-workers to keep everyone on the same page. Zoom Meetings have al-lowed us to connect once a day and keep the comradery we shared before working remotely.” In addition to Zoom Meeting, staff are using Zoom Webinar for essential meetings to seek community input and make decisions with partner organizations. The Executive Committee for the Corridor Metropolitan Plan-ning Organization (MPO) through Community Development is one team that is using Zoom Webinar. Accord-ing to Bill Micheel, Assistant Director of Community Development, “This meeting includes 8 member commu-nities and is mission critical to meet requirements for federal highway infrastructure funds. Several other public engagement meetings are scheduled for April.” Department Directors have designated “Zoom Hosts” who can assist in coordination. Practical tips for using Zoom Meeting and Zoom Webinar: Turn your camera off if you don’t want to be seen. “Mute” the microphone to minimize background noise. Ask each team member to weigh in on decisions. Take turns speaking so quieter members have a voice. Take time to check in with each other on a personal level.


Note from a Grateful Resident

Dear Whomever May Receive,

I would like to extend my thanks to you for taking care of the City of Cedar Rapids' roads. Without the care of the roads, transporta-tion would be hard for everyone, especially the delivery drivers who bring vital supplies and non-vital supplies to us. I am writing a thank you specifically to thank you for fixing the roads so the products that I use for my sewing hobby are delivered. You fix the roads that the trucks drive on, allowing delivery to the store. Then I drive those same roads to get to the store to pick them up. Without such great caretakers of the streets, none of it would be possible. Currently, those deliveries are allowing me to make masks for our hospitals. There is a long chain that happens because you all fix nasty potholes and faded lines. Without one link in that chain, you all, none of that would be possible.

We read a book in my sociology class titled "Thanks a Thousand" by A.J. Jacobs. In this book, the other makes it his mission to thank everyone involved in the creation of his morning cup of coffee, from the coffee bean growers to the streets department. I have made it my personal mission to thank those involved in allowing my sewing hobby to happen, so therefore I am thanking you all.

Thank you,

Sharaden Boggs




Onsite Health Screening Update The onsite health screenings will be postponed due to the rapidly changing situation with COVID-19 (Coronavirus). It is important that we take this public health concern seriously and proactively do our part to reduce unnecessary risk for all. Our goal is to continue providing health and wellness services while controlling what we can to limit chances for COVID-19 to spread. What this means for you? Participants who have already scheduled for an onsite screening will automatically have their appointment rescheduled to a future date and time. You will receive an email notification of your rescheduled appointment details. If the rescheduled appointment does not work with your schedule, you may reschedule in one of the following ways:

Reschedule in the wellness portal at

Call Health Solutions at 319-362-2409 between 9am-4pm Monday-Friday

Email Health Solutions at Participants may still utilize the other screening options by submitting a health form from their medical provider or completing a screening through Weland Labs. However, during this time we encourage everyone to limit the utilization of health care facilities for preventive or well-ness screenings. If you have not already completed your screening with your medical provider or Weland Labs, we encourage you to schedule for a future onsite health screening. You can schedule your onsite health screening in your wellness portal at Updated Program Steps Because onsite health screenings are postponed, deadlines for the program steps have also been updated. The updated deadlines are as fol-lows:

Online Health Risk Assessment Questionnaire – Due June 19, 2020

Complete your annual health screening or submit results to Health Solutions – Due June 19, 2020

Watch the Understand Your Health Risk Assessment Video or attend a Post Screening Consultation – Due July 22, 2020 - After your results are processed, watch the Understand Your Health Risk Assessment video - Participants with metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, or chronic results will be contacted by Health Solutions via email to schedule a consultation appointment - You may also request a post screening consultation if you would like to learn more about your results after watching the Understand Your Health Risk Assessment video

If eligible, participate in ongoing health coaching – Enroll by July 22, 2020 - Participants invited to complete a consultation will also be invited in to engage in health coaching. Care Team includes a Health Coach and Clinical Pharmacist. If you are currently working with a health coach, continue your coaching program until you have completed your next wellness screening. We appreciate your patience as the onsite screenings are being rescheduled.

Health Solutions Health Coaching NEW: Our coaches are available for emotional support during this stressful and uncertain time, in addition to continuing to provide health and

lifestyle education and support. As of April 1st, we will be offering free access to Health Solutions Health Coaches for members not cur-

rently working with a health coach. Members will be able to self-schedule a free coaching session on their wellness portal or by contacting

Health Solutions Member Support via phone or email.

As previously communicated, scheduled coaching services will be delivered via telephone until May 1st. If you are scheduled for a coaching

session, your coach will be contacting you at the phone number listed in your wellness profile at the time of your appointment. If there is a

specific phone number you would like to be contacted at, please notify your coach directly.


Health Solutions Member Support UPDATE: As the state of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) public health alert continues to change, our Health Solutions team continues to adjust our services to meet the needs of our clients, participants, team members and strategic partners. The Health Solutions physical office will be closed until May 4th (previously April 13th). Our team has been delivering quality services remotely since March 13th and will continue to service members who call or email our office. Members will receive support from the Health Solutions team through the following:

Health Solutions Member Support Phone: (319) 362-2409 | Toll-Free: (888) 362-5920 Phone Support Hours: M-F; 9am-4pm CST Email: Fax: (319) 362-5920 Website:

Support During Coronavirus Alert As the events surrounding the Coronavirus public health alert unfold, it’s understandable that you might feel overwhelmed or forget to prac-tice healthy habits. Whether you're juggling work and family life, taking care of loved ones impacted by illness, adjusting to working from home and keeping kids occupied, or navigating this unfamiliar situation, Health Solutions is here to help!

Visit your wellness portal to access trusted videos and articles, provided in English and Spanish, that cover topics such as “What is corona-virus?”, “Slowing the spread”, “Managing Anxiety” and more!

Looking for additional support? Starting April 1st, schedule free, telephonic health coaching appointments via your wellness portal or by contacting Health Solutions Member Support.

Health Solutions Member Support Phone: (319) 362-2409 | Toll-Free: (888) 362-5920 Phone Support Hours: M-F; 9am-4pm CST Email: Fax: (319) 362-5920 Website:



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