taks review obj 4 with answers

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Properties of Matter


FACT: If it floats, it is less dense.

Properties of Matter

Viscosity Buoyancy

density is an intensive property of matter - it does NOT change

when you change the amount or shape of the sample.

density = mass/volume - given on the formula page of the

TAKS. Mass will be given in grams. Volume will be in milliliters

(mL) or liters (L). Check the units in the answers to ensure they

match the mass and volume units given in the question.

4.05 g / 12.0 mL = 3.775 g/mL

Viscosity is resistance to flow. Think of thickness - honey vs. water. Honey is much more viscous than water.

A - refers to density, which is unrelated to viscosity

B - there is no information indicating the block will change the temperature of the solutions.

C - displacement involves density and is unrelated to viscosity

D - the time the block takes to move through the solution under the force of gravity (sinking) is dependent on viscosity,

assuming the metal block is more dense than both solutions.

Buoyancy means floating.

Buoyant force is how much a fluid pushes up

on things floating in the fluid.

Density determines buoyancy, so...

Density goes with buoyancy! If a question asks about buoyancy, think

about density. Think about the density formula.

Periodic Table

# of protons identifies the element. Count them and

find the matching atomic #.






# of protons identifies the element. Count them and

find the atomic #.

Lithium (3 protons)

Columns on the PT are known as groups.

Elements in the same GROUP have similar

physical and chemical properties.

Metals tend to react with non-metals

Tip: When asked about groups and how they react, label each answer choice as

a metal or non-metal. The answer will become obvious.

Number of protons determines the identity

of an element. Number of protons is the

atomic number.

Number of protons determines the

identity of an element. Number of

protons is the atomic number.

Elements with similar properties are in

the same GROUP (column).

Metals react with nonmetals. Label the

element in the prompt as metal or

nonmetal, and then all the answers as

metal or nonmetal.





K is a metal (group 1)

·Metals lose / donate / give electrons - group 1 loses electrons most


·Nonmetals gain / accept / take electrons - group 17 gains electrons most


nonmetal - group 17

nonmetal - group 15

metalloid - group 15

metal - group 13

When you see a question referring to the periodic table,

refer to the one in your test! It is there to help you.

·Group 16 are nonmetals.

·Nonmetals gain / accept / take electrons - group 17 gains electrons

most easily

a.k.a. Law of Conservation of Mass

reactants mass must equal products mass

=+ +

reactants products

1) Make a table under each compound.

2) Count number of atoms of each element in each compound.

3) Make the number of atoms of each element equal on each side

of the equation by using whole number coefficients where


2 PbO2Coefficient

You can change this.Subscript


change this.

In "3 SO2" there are 3 Sulfur and 6 Oxygen atoms.

Ask yourself, is it still the same thing it was before the change took place? If not, it's

usually a chemical change.

still ice, just broken, physical

still sugar, just dissolved, physical

This milk is not milk anymore. It's gross.

still lead, just in liquid form, physical

acids = chemical changes

acids = chemical changes

"combining...to form hematite" = new substance = chemical

broken shale is still shale.

say this 5 times fast

Water is polar and uses its polarity to dissolve any substance that

is also polar.


HEAT, not cool


not a factor for solubility of a solid

pH of the mixed solution is more basic

not a factor in pH

not a factor in pH

not a factor in pH


Only changing the concentration of H+ ions and OH- ions can change the pH of a


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