talent mgt in india

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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8/16/2019 Talent Mgt in India

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In the light of case study and existing literature, examine

the current status and future of talent management in

India. Is traditional talent management losing relevance in

India, if so what is the alternative ? Present within ten


Vipin Suresh T

Roll No : EPGP-07-096

EPGP-07 Batch, IIM Kozhikode



Talent Mgt in India - Vipin Suresh T(EPGP-07-096)

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Current status of talent management in India 

1. Relations and personal connections are more important in retaining an existingemployee and attracting a prospective one.

2. The compensation demanded/offered are not viewed as “greed” but as an attempt to

stay even in the society in term of middle/upper classes and buying own house etc.

3. Money has become a major motivational factor than jab security for job shifting.

4. Wage pressure in showing increased trends in bigger towns due to establishment of

global centers by MNCs in smaller towns.

5. Both employers and employees have started discussing about further career growth

opportunities rather than just about the current job that is in offer towards


6. Retention rates vary widely from industry to industry.

7. “Career velocity” is seen to be higher in India compared to other markets and this isseen as an issue because, This results in relatively inexperienced managers being

given large portfolios of management responsibility for which they are very often

inadequately prepared.

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Current status of talent management in India 

8. The entire focus of talent engagement is now on building a positive experience

which can result in better performance, greater innovation and results. The

experience of dealing with the company — getting on boarded, trained, appraised,

applying for vacation, being evaluated or promoted are helping to get a better


9. Analytics and data modeling is being used to predict and prevent employee

turnover. Access to historical data and advanced tools for analysis are helping

organizations make better decisions and predict outcomes.10. Social networking enhances the impact of talent management actions. Whether it is

learning, hiring or connecting with the workforce, both intra-company and large

social networks are magnifying the impact of these actions.

11. Talent management software is being reinvented for mobile devices. Light and nifty

mobile apps are replacing cumbersome software. Almost all enterprise software has

a mobile version with access-anywhere functionality.

12. In India, professional growth is measured by vertical growth rather than growth

related to job enhancement or enlargements and often comes into conflict with

many Western MNC‟s development frameworks which are putting an increasing

emphasis on lateral skillset enhancement.

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Future of talent management in India 

1. Some organizations are giving college graduates “inflated”  titles instead of moresalary trying to attract and retain and this trend is catching up.

2. Another trend that is gaining popularity is marketinng of an organization‟s 

infrastructure (e.g., office facilities, on‐site recreational facilitiees, desktop

configurations, intra‐organizational social media communities, etc…) is being used

more and more by large r companies.

3. Some organizations are leveraging the emerging sense of Indian nationalism byusing recruitment messages such as, “The „good work‟ in this organization is done

in India and other organization does all its „good work‟ in the USA.” 

4. Given the huge increase in both the quality and scope of the telecom infrastructure

over the past few years, more organizations are marketing their flexible work

 benefits as a key employment proposition differentiator, especially to female

candidates. This is very important because within the Indian culture, there is still a

strong expection that women handle the “house work” even if they are working.

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Future of talent management in India 

Talent Management scenario towards female employees:

5. The pressure on women is sometimes exacerbated by the joint family living

6. arrangement wherein the woman is often called upon to be the provider of both

child‐ and elder ‐care services. Given this reality, some companies have begun to

reach out to husbands, in‐laws, and other direct relatives in an attempt to create

greater awareness, acceptance and pride as it relates to a woman‟s role in the work

environment and reduction in female attrition.

7. Some organizations are creating employee‐led, management‐embraced employee

councils in an attempt to give more authority to people “doing the work” (vs.

managers). This concept has been extended to the creation of councils focusedspecifically on women.

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Status of Traditional Talent Management

• For certain roles within certain industries, talent sources are limited because of the

need to stick with domain expertise (e.g., telecom, pharma, etc…). Even though

India is a huge market, these positions can be exceptionally hard to source because

of the relative lack of appropriately skilled executives available. As a result, certain

executives have built a career of “making the rounds” as they move from one MNC

to another within a given industry.

• An organization‟s ability to atract top‐level executive talent will be driven by a

combination of a company‟s corporate brand and how long it has been operating in

the country. If the company has not been operating long, an exceptionally strong

global brand is necessary. Companies operating for a long time do not require as

strong a brand.

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Alternatives to Traditional talent Management

• When recruiting at universities can bring in a group of students rather than ones and

twos. This helps to create a group “stickiness” which helps with retention.

• Create programs that reach out to the families as well as the employee and In India,

it‟s a sound competitive practice.

• Creating cafeteria‐style development opportunities to address the differing needs of

the various generations within the workplace. This involves moving from a

 philosophy of “equal” to one of “fair” since these generations place very different

demands upon the employer.

• A new welcome trend is that some corporate‟s attempt not to indicate “we‟redifferent” but rather to state, “Here‟s the issue we‟re facing, the solution we‟re

 proposing and the anticipated impact if we are not able to implement the proposed


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Alternatives to Traditional talent Management

• The key to empowering employees is to identify them as individuals (employee),

not as a homogenous group (staff). Where there is clear awareness of individual

strengths, talent clusters can be identified and new teams, collaborations or

innovations can emerge.

• “Work  hard, play harder”  - Entrepreneurial organizations know the importance of

creating fun, collaborative work environments, whether that means incorporatingdesign into the physical space or getting outside the office to let loose on a regular

 basis. Happy employees are productive employees.

• Encouraging Innovation…  But Allowing For Mistakes - Even when smart

companies are at their best and most profitable, they set aside time and resources togenerate new ideas, whether in concerted initiatives or small cross-team

collaborations. But more important than this encouragement is the acceptance that

not every project will succeed. Smart leaders recognize that in order to create

innovation failure is inevitable… and moreover they realize the great potential of

each and every mistake.

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Alternatives to Traditional talent Management

• Leveraging Each Staff Member‟s Expertise - smart leaders will look to identify

each team member‟s areas of expertise and turn them into assets.

• Automate the talent management process into an online solution there by reducing

time and costs of performance reviews.

• Recognize and close employee performance gaps by instantly turning automated

 performances appraisals into training development plans.

• Eliminate conflicting evaluation criteria by applying a standardized solution that

impose consistent language, feedback, and evaluation criteria.

• Use reliable, fair pay-for-performance initiatives.

Talent Mgt in India - Vipin Suresh T(EPGP-07-096)


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