talk of max völkel at semwiki2008 workshop

Post on 17-Oct-2014






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Max Vlkel, FZI Karlsruhe 02.06.2008 SemWiki 2008, TenerifeMotivation.User interfaceData Model

The complete applicationUser interface

Personal Notestodosideasbookmarks, text for or from documents,contact data of persons, insights,notes on sport exercises, cocktail recipes, places to travel to, things to remembernice restaurants, ...

Challenges: Scalability in size and long-term usage

Look at Costs and BenefitsGranularity A long document takes long to readMany short documents take long to writeDegree of FormalityUnstructured is easy to write, but costly to retreive, re-useFormal is costly to write, but nice for re-useMotivation.

Degree of FormalityImagine you write down your work asA newspaper articleA workshop paperAn email to your mumA note to yourself for tomorrow

A note to yourself for ... laterMotivation.

Data Model

Information Snippet (Schnipsel)Item.RDF:x a cds:Item.:x cds:hasContent Dirk Hageman.:x nao:creator nao:creationDate 02-06-2008.

Data Model

NameItem and ContentItemRDF:x a cds:NameItem. :x cds:hasContent Dirk Hageman.

used for auto-completionRDF:x a cds:ContentItem. :x cds:hasContent Review ... Initial risk management ...

  • to evaluate .... :x cds:hasMimeType application/xml+stifData Model

    RelationHas always an inverse relationData Model

    StatementRDFUsing reificationData Model

    Statements about anything. Even about statements.StatementData Model

    CDS and RDFRDF(U,B) x (U) x (U,B,L)CDSUU x U x U and UL

    Triple vs. StatementInverse RelationsData Model

    User interface

    UI Ideas: NavigationSee more than one resource at a time (compare this to your desk)NameContentUser interface

    UI Ideas 1. Navigate by association 2. Group associations into types

    User interface

    UI IdeasUser interface

    UI Ideas: Authoring Item creator widgetUser interface

    Content-entry pop-upUI Ideas: AuthoringUser interface

    UI Ideas: Change semantic links.Links (statements) are external to items.Widget: Statement change boxUser interface

    The complete applicationUser interface

    Future Work1. Integration with NEPOMUK semantic desktop link and annotate desktop resources, tooturn items into dekstop resources

    2. Start private beta of HKW ( to get an invite: )

    Thank You.Questions, Please.

    Personal note-taking:Over several yearsAbout several topicsUnstructured and structuredSloppy and accurateShort or longer2 more: what to externalise, when to searchWriting for yourself can be quite challengingZU flapsig. Bekannte Begriffe wiederverwenden! Z.B. Entitten statt Schnipsel.Und Datenwerte? Was ist die SEMANTIK des Datenmodells?Rechter schnipsel hat VIEL zu wenig kontrast.

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