tariff - | kakinada seaports ltdkakinadaseaports.in/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/tariff201516.pdf ·...

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Effective from l't April 20 l5 till 3 I't March 2016

Tnriff 2015-16


l) All charges will be charged at the notified wherever mentioned in US Dollars, the same are to becollected in INRs at exchange rate (TT Selling) notified by STATE BANK OF INDIA,KAKINADA Branch on the day of vessel's berthing/day of operation.

2) When/if exchange rates are not available on Saturday, Sunday, Holidays the currency exchangerate on preceding day will be applicable.

3) Service tax wherever applicable is in addition to the rates mentioned herein, unless specificallyinclusion is mentioned.

4) As and when long term contracts /special contracts entered with KSPL expire and the servicesare continued with mutual consent in which case the existing contract rates are chargeable tillsuch time of mutually agreed rates comes into force. For those services under the contract whichare also mentioned in the prevailing tariff are to be considered with reference to rates under theexpired contract and prevailing tariff and the higher of the rates prevails till such time newmutually agreed rates comes into force.

In this tarilT note following terminology wherever it appears mean:

(a) "Non Cargo Vessel" means a vessel calling for bunkers, fresh water, under water suryeys,provisions, statutory clearances, crew change, Ianding sick person, towing boats, tugs.

(b) "KDWP Main Jetty" means the l5l0 Meters Quay wall with 6 existing berths and theoontiguous 7th berth which is under construction.

(c) "OSV jetties" means the Two finger jetties construoted north of KDWP main jetty alongwith OSV diaphragm wall next to finger Pier -2 & NRW berth.

(d) " NRW Multipurpose berth" - i) Unit-1: North ii) Unit-1: Sourh iii)Unit-2 iv) Unit-3 arepart of KDWP and operations at these berths to the extent of Cargo & OSV operations aregoverned by prevailing KSPL tariff. For any other operation the tariff is to be applicable asdecided by KSPL.

(e) "NRW Multipurpose Berth Extension Mooring Dolphins": Two Mooring Dolphins Eastof NRW Multipurpose berth.

(0 "R&D Yard" means the open yards on west side of ADB road in front of main gate beingoperated by KSPL.

(g) "KDWP" rleans the port area encompassing KDWP Main Jetty, OSV Jetties, OSVdiaphragm wall, NRW Multipurpose berth & along with extension mooring dolphins withassociated backup area & R&D yards, berths, navigational channel & its anchorages.

Tariff 2015-16

(h) Tariff applicable fbr vessels calling at KDWP for repairs at the repair terminal ofNRW Multipurpose berth with extension mooring dolphins & Floating Dry-clock will benotified separately

TarifT applicable tbr Mechanised handting of Coal & Fertilisers will be notified separately.

The tariff applicable fbr EXIM caroes of Containers will be notified separately.



* **xx



a. All Foreign going/Coastal vesselsa) Upto 30,000 GTb) Above 30,000 GT

USD 0.65I /GTUSD 0.672 iGT






The charges shall be collected on the gross tonnage (GT) and fraction of half a ton and more,being counted as one and less than half a ton neglected. In case of vessels having SBT,Reduced Gross Tonnage (RGT) as mentioned in Tonnage certificate is counted.

Vessels entering in ballast shall be charged at75oA of the rates indicated above as Otherwiseapplicable.

Vessels entering the port for the purpose of repairs, bunkering and fresh Water but notdischarging or taking in any cargo or passengers there in (with the exception of such un-Shipment and re-shipment as may be necessary for the purpose of repair) shall pay full Portdues as per the notified rates.

Port Dues are charged per call of vessel calling KDWP.

Port Clearance amendment charges are Rs. 2,500/- per amendment.

Tariff 2015-16



The fee for the pilotage mentioned under this schedule is inclusive of towage for each Entry ofBerthing & Unberthing.

(i) All Foreign going/Coastal vessels:

a) Upto 30,000 GTb) Above 30,000 GT

USD 0.750 /GTUSD 0.882 /GT

L Pilotage is compulsory tbr all vessels.

2. The pilot is required to be booked 2 hours in advance for the movement of vessels. Theabove procedure is applicable to all inward and outward movement of vessels.

3. The rates in the schedule are subject to a minimum of USD 4,515/- tbr using pilot andTug/Tugs and USD 2,2601- for Pilotage where no tug or tugs are required in respect of allvessels to be paid. The decision of using tug/tugs rests at the discretion of KSPL only.

Exolrnation: In thq $chedule

"Entry" means the cycle of a vessel entering through the channel from the Fairway Buoyand leaving ofY channel and Fairway Buoy once.


l. If the vessel is not ready to sail or shifl/enter after pilot boards the vessel, the detentioncharges shall be levied at the rate of USD39O/-for the flrst half an hour & thereafter USD7751- per hour or part thereof.


l) Cancellation fbr pilot/movement of vessels shall have to be done I hour in advance.

2) In all situations of cancellation in acoordance with Item-l above shall be charged acancellation charge of USD 17651- per each cancellation of movement in addition todetention charges as applicable, if any.

3) In all other situations where cancellation is falling outside the scope of Item-l above, willattract Pilotage charges in full as per Schedule-ll-A: Pilotage above.

Tordf 201 5-16


l) No charges shall be levied for shifting a vessel for the convenience of the port, withinKDWP.

2) Shifting of the vessel includes mooring, un-mooring with the use of one or two tugs subjectto levy of tug hire charges in case additional tugs usage at the discretion of KSpL i-s chargectas per Schedule-V.

3) In all case of doubts as to whether the charges as mentioned above are leviable or not, orclassification of the above description, the decision of KSpL is final.



All services rendered like trucks, forklifts, cranes and any other mechanical equipmentprovided by port or through its service providers usage is mandatory according to itre ratesdecided.

A. Charges for OSVs/Nqn, carso vessels calling at OSV Jetties

Non cargo vessels/oSVs calling at oSV jetties are charged as under:

l.l Port dues - As applicable under Schedule -I


1.2 Lump sum charges Pilotage, Berthing & cranage ...uSD 7,s7s l- per aall of 24hours and at one third rate thereon for 8 hrs shift.

1.3 Wharfage - As applicable under Schedule -VII

1,4 For usage of Mobile silos to carry bulk barites, cement & Bentonite within KDWpfrom fixed silos to oSV fbr supply a user charge of Rs 4,6s01- per Trip isapplicable,

a. A trip means movement of mobile silo in load condition in one direction and empty inreturn direction. If- mobile silo moves in load condition in both clirections then it iscounted as two trips.

b. The quality & quantity of cargo carried is to the account of party ordering the usageand usage of mobile silos is limited to carriage between the stations ancl manpowerassistance for hose connections and delivery.

Tarilf 201 5- 16

B" Charges for OSVsi Non- cargo vessels calling at KDWp main Jetties

Non cargo vessels/OSVs calling at KDWP main jetties are charged as under:

l. I Port dues - As applicable under Schedule -tr

1.2 Lun-rp sum charges Pilotage, Berthing..USD 7,075 /- per call of 24 hours and at one thirclrate thereon fbr tl hrs shift.

1.3 Whartirge - As applicable under Schedule -VII

1.4 As and when port provides crane suitable fbr cargo operation for OSVs berthing on Mainjetty then the usage of port crane is mandatory and charges are additional.

1.5 For usage of Mobile silos to carry bulk barites, cement & Bentonite within KDWp fromfixed silos to OSV for supply a user charge of Rs. 4,6501- per Trip is applicable.


a) A trip means movement of mobile silo in load condition in one clirection and empty in returndirection. If mobile silo moves in load conclition in both clirections then it is counied as twotrips.

b) The quality & quantity of cargo carried is to the account of party ordering the usage andusage of mobile silos is limited to carriage between the stations and manpower assistance forhose connections ancl delivery.

Note: For special category of vessels/requirements - Refer Schedule-VIII.

C. Navv & Coast-Guard Vessels ca[ing at KDWP

l. For Navy / Coast Guarcl vessels of LOA (length over all) upto 90 meters calling at KDWp por1are chargeable for ohannel usage, tugs, navigational support & Berth hire at a lumpsum rate ofINR l, 99,500 for every 24 Hours and at one third rate per eight hours shift thereon.

2. For Navy / Coast Guard vessels of LOA (length over all) above 90 meters calling at KDWp portare chargeable for channel usage, tugs, navigational support & Berth hire at a lumpsum rate ofINR 299,250 for every 24 Hours and at one third rate per eight hours shift thereon,

3. Pilot services, if requireci tbr each entry (lnwarcl & Outwarcl) is chargeable at Rs.115,500 /-.

Toriff 201 5- t 6



1) Towage charges for a tug of 1000 H.P & above but below 3,000 H.p at the Rate of USD Z,6S0t-for the first two hours and thereafter for every additional hour or part thereof at the rate of USD1,350/- shall be payable.

2) Towage charges fbr a tug of 3001 H.P and above is chargeable at USD 5,300/- for the flrst twohours and thereafter fbr every additional hour or part thereof at the rate of USD 2,650/- shall bepayable.

NorE: Tugs should be operated within Kakinada port Limits only.


Hire Charges fbr the pilot Launoh at the rate of USD 210 /- for first two hours or part thereof ancl at' the rate of USD 105i- per every additional hour or part thereof, shall be charged.

NOTE: l.service is available during 0600 hours to 1800 hours within Kakinada port limits.


All services rendered like trucks, tbrklifts, cranes and other mechanical equipment providedby port or through its service providers usage is mandatory according to the rates decided.


(i) Mobile Crane 20 tons or below

(ii) Mobile Crane above 20 tons butnot exceeding 40 tons

(iii) Mobile Crane LHM 400

(iv) Mobile Crane LHM 984

(v) Mobile Crane LHM 550


(i) Capacity up to 2 tons .......

(ii) Capacity of above 2 tonsbut not exceeding 3 tons.......

:Rs. 775l- per hour or part thereof subject aMinimum charge of Rs. 3,,8751-: Rs. 1,3501- per hour or part there ofsubject a Minimum Charge of Rs. 6,750 l-:Rs. 70/- per M.TonOr Rs.180,000/- per shift of 8hrs.;Rs. 50/- per M.TonOr Rs. 80,000/- per shitl of 8hrs:Rs. 70/- per M.TonOr Rs. 180,000 l- per shift of Shrs

Rs. 580/- per hour or part thereof subject to aminimum oharge of Rs. 2,9001-

Rs.940/- per hour or part thereof subject to aminimum charge of Rs. 4,7001-

ffiTariJJ' 20 I 5-t 6


i) Grabs of Capacity up to 8/l0ll}cbmMechanical/Hydrau I iclRadio operated

: Rs.30/ M.Ton



Supply of fresh water to the ships at berth.....UsD 6.30 per 1000 liters subject to minimumsupply of 50 Mts.

Note:Service charges ecluivalent to 50oh of the charges prescribed fbr supply of Water shall be leviedon the water requisitioned and not taken by vessels provided the quantity not taken is more thanl0% of the quantity requisitioned by the vessel.


i. Covered space next to Docks/jetties...100 Sq.Mtr per fortnight or part thereof @ Rs. 12,0751-and thereafler (! Rs.24,2551- from second fbrtnight onwards.

ii. Covered space behind Docks/jetties... 100 Sq.Mtr is @ Rs. 24,2551- per month or part thereof.

iii) Open space next to docks/jetties for Bulk/General cargo ...100 Sq.Mtr per fortnight or partthereof @ Rs.3,9701- and thereafter @ Rs. 7,9401- from second fortnight onwards.

iv) Open space behind docks/jetties of North, Middle & South berths (i.e the land availablebetween west side of these berths till East side of ADB road) for bulkcargoes is @Rs.49.00/- Sq.Mtr per month or part thereof, upto stacking level of 5Ts per Square Meter.

v) Open space behind docl<s/jetties of Fourth, Fifth & Sixth berths (i.e the land availablebetween west side of these berths till East side of ADB road) for bulk Cargoes is

@ Rs.49.00/- Sq.Mtr per month or part thereof.

vi) Open space behind docks/jetties of North, Middle, South, Fourth, Fifth & Sixth berths (i.e.the land available between west side of these berths till East side of ADB road) for Generalcargo other than offlshore material is @ Rs. 61.00/- Sq.Mtr per month or part thereof-.

Tariff 2015-16

vii) Open space outside (i.e. the land available in R&D Yard on west side of ADB road) for bulkcargoes is @ Rs.31.50 /- Sq.Mtr per month or part thereof.

viii) open space outside (i.e. the land available in R&D yard ongeneral cargoes other than offshore material is @ Rs. 47.ZSl_thereof.

x) open space outside (i.e. the land available on west side of ADBtemporary structures are constructed by port users for purposesis @ Rs. 31.50/- Sq.Mtr per month or part thereof.


l. Fortnight means a period of fifteen days and a month means 30 days.

west side of ADB road) forSq.Mtr per month or part

ix) Open space fbr OfT shore material within port other than next to Docks/jetties is Rs. 6g.50 /-Sq.Mtr per month or part thereof.

road) for Utilities where theother than offshore material

3' Allocation/allotment of areas either covered/open inside docks or outsicle the docks is purely basedon availability and at the discretion of KSPL. The minimum chargeable period oi license feepayable is l5l30 days as detailed in tariff head even when the occupation is less than afortnight/month.

4. Any occupation of areas without valid permission in writing from KSPL is to be treated asunauthorized occupancy and is subject to penal charges as leviable by KSpL.

4. For delayed payments bcyond KSPL norms, KSPL reserves the right to levy penal charges andimpose penal interest for outstanding amounts.

5' In all cases of delayed clearance of cargo, KSPL reserves the right to levy penal License fee forstorage of cargoes and additional Penalty charges in additional to expenses for shifting/removaletc.

C) Lien on Cargoes/Goods:

I ' KSPL shall have lien on the goods for the recovery of rentals/any other charges.

2. KSPL reserves the right to evacuate any stacking area by giving seven days notice. In the eventof the occupant not vacating the land afler due notice, KSPL shali make arrangementsconfiscate/to shift the cargo to another location anyrvhere, at the cost and risl< of the occufiant.

Tariff 2015-16



L All rail users of KSpL are charged @ Rs. l,76sl- per g wheeler wagon.

2. In-Motion weighbridge usage charges is Rs. 3.30r- per M.Ton.

3' The in-motion weighbridge operation is governed by prevailing railway norms/circulars forweighment, weight adjustment, re-weighment, demurrage charges, shunting engine charges,detentions etc...and costs associated are to be borne by railway useis(co-users).

4' The users are to make suitable arrangements to unloadingiloading the wagons within the freetime allowecl by Railways. over and above the free time, demurrige ctrarges for detention arepayable as per the Railway Rules.

5' The users wishing to utilize the siding will have to give volumes commitment letter along withinterest free deposit of Rs. l0.00lakhs as security deposit for the cluration of the commitmentoffered by the party.

6' KSPL reserves the right to adjust all or any dues tiom the security deposit of the user concernecl.

7 ' KSPL will act on behalf of Railways to the extent authorized by the railways and enforce all theprevailing rules, regulations and procedures of the Indian Railwiys.

scHppuLE - X



(a) LICENCE/Registration t-ee for stevedoring-Rs.12,000/-, Valid fbr 4 years with security depositof Rs.17,5001 and thereafter t-ee of Rs.3,000 /- for renewal for a period of 4 yeais in theKDWP.

(b) LICENCE/Registration f-ee for undertaking steamer Agency - Rs.12,000years with a security deposit of Rs.17,500/-ancl thereafter f'ee for renewalvalid for 4 years.

l- for a period of 4

Fee of Rs.3,000ani

(c) LICENCE/Registration t-ee for undertaking clearing/forwarcling works is of Rs.12,000 i- periodof 4 years with a security deposit of Rs.17,500/-and thereafteifee of Rs.3,000/-for renewal andvalid for a period of 4 years.

TarifJ' 20 t 5-t 6


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