task 3 creative ideas and pitching

Post on 10-Aug-2015






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Change you life change your attitude = better society

This project is about trying to find out who votes and who is registered to vote and the people who are not registered to vote I would have to make an advert that would persuade young people who are not voting to vote. I needed to find out why they don’t vote and the reason for not voting, plus why they didn’t want to vote would like to vote. The age range we are looking at is 18+ age rage with all ethnicity's/ the primary research

There aim is make sure that all UK advertising, wherever it appears is legal, decent, honest and truthful and our preferred approach is to work with, rather than against, advertisers, agencies and media to achieve this. To prevent problems from arising in the first place, there is a wealth of advice resources available, many of them free.

Advertising Regulations

The main message that I am trying to get out to the young people today is that If (young change your life you can change your attitude) it on takes on 5 mins on line.

40% of people that didn't vote in the uk, 30% of them were in the aged between 18 year olds to 21 year olds the main reasons why they didn't want to vote was " I'm not interested in politics", "I'm not registered to vote", " Its not really important to my life" and " I don't have time/ my education". I have asked student from all different age range

The message

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