task 4 - page layout

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Page Layout Pro Forma

Images sourced from books:





Advantages of sourcing images this way:

The images come free with the book, so once you purchase the book, you can do anything with the images. The images will always be available in books which means if you want to see an old image, an old book will have the images from that time.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:

If you want to make the images digital so you can share them online or edit them on Photoshop, you have to scan the images and they might not be good quality as not every detail could be scanned and some colours may be changed through the process so the image isn’t original anymore. Also, you have to have a scanner and printer if you want another copy of the photo which can be hard to acquire.

Advantages of sourcing images this way:

There is a lot of choice and variety online making it easier to find an image you want as well as ones that are similar using key words, such as what I used ‘music gig’. As well as that, you can refine the search to find different sizes, colour, type, usage rights and quality. Another advantage is that you can follow the images link to see the websites it has been used on, making it easier to find out more about the image such as who captured it. Using Google to find the images you want is quick and easy to use and it gives you results in seconds.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:

Once an image is online, anyone can see or use it, meaning unless the image is watermarked, other people can use your images and take credit for them. It’s hard to know if an image is copyrighted or not. Although it is an advantage that you can focus on particular traits of an image, the more you narrow it down to particular choices, the less shows up.

Images sourced from stock image library:





Advantages of sourcing images this way:

There’s a lot of choice and variety on stock image websites making it easier to find high quality images you want using key words. All the stock images were taken my professional photographers meaning that the photos will be of a high quality and standard. It is also a good way to get your work out online while at the same time getting paid once an image is used. Once you purchase the image, you can use it however you want, such as using it on Photoshop or on a website.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:

You have to pay for the images if you want to use them without the watermarks on them. Although some people are known to screenshot the images without them but they tend to be a low quality.

Advantages of sourcing images this way:

There aren’t any legal obligations once you use one of their images, meaning it is yours to do whatever you want with it without having to worry about buying it or copyright.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:

The images aren’t always clear if they are completely copyright free or not, such as the photographer may not want their work displayed online, which can lead to legal issues. Also, the images are hard to find using key words as it only brings up a few specific to those words, making it hard to find the images you want.

Images sourced from your own existing images:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:

They belong to me which means I can use them however I want, such as editing them on Photoshop or using them on a website. The photos are also original.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:

Taking your own images can be expensive and time consuming and they might not always come out how you want. It can also be hard to find opportunities or subjects you want to photograph so you have your own images.

Processing Images

Original image:

Cropped image:

Scaled images:




Resolution image:

300dpi for print

72dpi for web

Advantages of different resolutions:

The amount of pixels can be changed to suit the use of the image to make it better quality, such as the printed resolution will be a higher quality as it needs to be printed for people to be able to view and the website resolution will be a brighter so it stands out more online.

Disadvantages of different resolutions:

The higher the resolution, the longer the image will take to load online and will take longer and more space to save. Also, the viewer of the image may have to change the pictures resolution to change the images size which can change the amount of pixels in the image, making it a lower quality once it is changed.

Manipulated image with appropriate caption:

Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes:

I added a lens flare into the top right corner of the image to add more light to the photo. It fit with the style of the photo well as there were different spot lights on the image.

I then went into the filter galley and chose to put the cronté crayon filter on top of the original image at 33.3% opacity. I did this because it fits with the alternative band theme.

Once I did this, I used the dodge tool to go over the yellow filter to make it stand out more. Then I used the burn tool over the main subject to make her stand out more against the yellow and grey colours.

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