teaching spoof text method_jurnal fkip unsam

Post on 24-Jan-2016






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English Teaching Method



BaihaqiFakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Universitas Samudra LangsaJln. Kampus Meurandeh No. 1 Langsa


This writing is amied to observe cooperative learning method in increasing writing ability through teaching spoof text technique. The objective of the study was to find whether teaching writing spoof text through cooperative learning method is effective to improve the students’ achievement or not.

Based on the study, it is found that cooperative learning seems to be effective for improving the students’ ability in writing spoof text. The researcher hopes this technique can be used by other teachers to enable the students to write spoof text.Key Words: Cooperative Learning Method, Writing Ability and

Teaching Spoof Text Technique

A. IntroductionOne of the language skills that will be learned is writing skill.

Writing is one of the four skills that are important to have in our daily

life that’s why writing is very important to study. Furthermore, for

students, writing is become a necessary skill to master since it

frequently determines their academic success. Therefore, every

student is to learn how to write effectively.

Unfortunately, Indonesian students’ writing in English is still

low. According to Richards “There is not doubt that writing is the

most difficult skill for L2 learners to master.1 The difficulty lies not

only in generating and organizing ideas, but also translating these

ideas into readable text.” It means that the students are not able to

write English well. They can not use the good word and grammar in

writing. Based on the writer’s research it was not easy for the

1 Richards, Jack C. 2003. “Methodology in Language Teaching”. Unites States of America: Cambridge University Press. P: 32

students to write well in English. Most of them are bored and lazy in

writing. Therefore, they do not give full attention and enthusiasm in

the process of learning writing. They have some ideas in their mind,

but they do not know how to express their ideas in writing. Moreover

there are many mistakes in grammar when written their ideas into a

piece of paper. Most of them have bad scores in this skill. Writing is a

process and that we write is often heavily influenced by constraints of

genres, then these elements have to be present in learning activities.

There might be those who give promise of great of expectations for

writing in future but too many of them encounter handicaps that

hamper the production of intelligible and informative writing.

According to Gerot “Spoof is a text which tells factual story,

happened in the past time with unpredictable and funny ending.”

Refer to Hornby “Spoof is a humorous copy of a film/movie,

television etc.” Its mean the students will feel interested with the

topic because spoof text give entertains while study. And spoof text

has social function is to entertain and share the story.2 The example

of spoof text:

The Boss and the Trainee

A Man joined a big Multi National Company as a trainee. On his

first day he dialed the pantry and shouted into the phone,

A Man : “Get me a coffee quickly!” (The voice from the other side

respondedDirector : "You fool you've dialed the wrong extension! Do

you know who you're talking to, dumbo?” A Man : “No", replied the trainee. Director : "It's the Managing Director of the company, you

fool!" The man shouted back.A Man : "And do you know who YOU are talking to, you

fool?" Director : "No", replied the Managing Director.

2 Gerot, Linda. 1995. “Making Sense of Functional Grammar”. Australia: Gerd Stabler. P: 45

A Man : "That’s good!" (Replied the trainee and put down the phone.)

After studied spoof text the students will be able to increase

their writing ability. Because writing is one of the most important

skills in English, refer to Hornby explains, “Writing is to make letters

or numbers on a surface especially using a pen or a pencil”.3 Writing

is a process and that we write is often heavily influenced by

constraints of genres, then these elements have to be present in

learning activities. Through writing also, we know that someone has

mastered English. That is why teaching English based on

competence based curriculum hoped could make student able to


In this research will use cooperative learning method to

increase writing ability through teaching spoof text technique.

According to Herrell “Cooperative learning is a term used for a

collection of strategies in which students work together to

accomplish a group task.”4 It will conclude that, to succeed, group

work must be carefully structure; the students must be thoroughly

prepared through social skill-building activities; assignment be

open-end rather have preset answer; and the task must be such

that a group, rather than an individual to accomplish it

B. Scope of Study

The scope of study will focus on the Cooperative Learning

Method in Increasing Writing Abililty could be described through

Teaching Spoof Text Method?

C. Purpose of Study

3 Hornby AS. 1996. “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English”. Oxford: Oxford University Press. P: 55

4 Herrell, Adriane. 2004. “Fifty Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners”. (2nd Edition). United States of America: Person Merrill Prentice Hall. P: 77

Base on the problem, the purpose for this research is to know

whether cooperative learning methods are able to improve writing

ability through teaching spoof text method

D. Method of Study

This method used in writing this study is library research

through identifying of reference list and then analyze and compose

into academic writing.

E. Description

A. Definition of Writing

Writing is one way to communicate with other people. It is

representation of language which is used to express and explanation

ideas in textual-medium through the use of sign or symbols.

According to Harmer states that writing is a process and that we

write is often heavily influenced by constraints of genres, then these

elements have to be present in learning activities.5 Boardman states

that writing is a continuous process of thinking and organizing,

rethinking, and reorganizing.6 Writing is a powerful tool to organize

overwhelming events and make them manageable. Writing is really a

form of thinking using the written word. From the definitions above it

can be concluded that writing is a way to produce language that

comes from our thought. It is written on a paper or a computer


Writing is a complex skill, it involves a complex process done

step by step to pass on knowledge or message in our mind in a

written form, in which we have to use certain grammatical rules and

choose the right words in sentences. Each sentence in a paragraph

5 Harmer, J. 2004. “How To Teach Writing”. Pearson Education Limited. England. P: 62

6 Boardman, Cynthia. A. 2002. “Writing to Communicate (Paragraph and Essay)”. NewYork: Longman. P: 107

must have certain correlation with each other and organize in a good


Actually, paragraph discusses the main idea of the essay; refer

to Zemach “a paragraph is a group of sentence about single topic.

As cited by Oshima and Hogue state that a paragraph is a basic unit

of organization in writing in which a group of related sentences

develop one main idea. 7

A well-written paragraph contains six elements. They are:

a. Topic sentence: It states the main idea of the paragraph.

b. Supporting sentences which develop the topic sentence.

c. Concluding sentence. It indicates the end of the paragraph

and leaves the reader with important points to remember.

d. Unity. It means that the discussion in the paragraph is only

one main idea, which is stated in the topic sentence, and then

each and every supporting sentence develops that idea.

e. Coherence. It means that paragraph is easy to read and

understand because the supporting sentences are in logical

order and using appropriate transition signals connects the


f. Cohesion. It means that all supporting sentence “Stick

together” in their support of the topic sentence.

B. Steps in Writing

Oshima states that steps to make a good writing, among others;8

1. Pre-writing

Writing, particularly academic writing is not easy. Writing

takes study and practice to develop this skill. For both native

speakers and new learners of English, it is important to note that

writing is a process, not a “product”. There are four main stages in

writing process: pre-writing, planning (outlining), writing and revising

drafts, and writing the final copy to hand in.

7 Oshima A, and A Hogue. 1999. “Writing Academic English” (3th

Edition). New York: Longman. P: 448 Ibid. P: 46

Steps in pre-writing include:

a. Choosing and Narrowing a Topic

If you are given a specific writing assignment (Such as an

essay question on an examination), then, of course, what you can

write about is limited. On the other hand, when you are given a free

choice of topic to particular aspect of that general subject. Suppose

you are interested in the environment. It would be impossible to

cover such as a big topic in a paragraph. You would have to narrow

the topic to perhaps environmental pollution, if that is your interest.

Environmental pollution, however, is still too broad a topic a for

paragraph, so you might event further narrow topic to a type of

environmental pollution, such as pollution of the oceans. However,

writing about ocean pollution is still too broad because it would

include pollution by oil, chemicals, sewage, and garbage. Therefore,

you might decide to write about oil as a source of ocean pollution.

Finally, you might make this topic even narrower by writing only

about the effects of oil spills on sea life. The point is, you must

narrow the subject of your paragraph to a specific focus so that you

can write about it clearly and completely.

b. Brainstorming

One way to capture your thought is by brainstorming, or listing

thoughts as they come to you. You might brainstorm are listing, free

writing, and clustering.

c. Listing

Listing is a brainstorming technique in which you think about

your topic and quickly make a list of whatever word or phrase come

into your mind. Your purpose is to produce as many ideas as

possible in a short time, and your goal is to find a specific focus for

your topic.

Follow this procedure:

Write down the general topic at the top of your paper.

Then make a list of every idea that comes into your mind

about that topic.

Use word, phrases, or sentences, and don’t worry about

spelling and grammar.

d. Free Writing

Free writing is a brainstorming activity in which you write freely

about a topic because you are looking for a specific focus. Follow

this procedure:

Write a topic at the top your paper

Write as much as you can about the topic until your run out of


After you have run out of ideas, reread your paper and circle

the main idea(s) that would like to develop.

Take that main idea and free write again.

e. Clustering

Clustering is another brainstorming activity that you can be

use generates ideas. Here’s how to use this technique: in the center

of your paper, write your topic and draw a “balloon” around it.

C. Planning (Outlining)

In the planning, you chose topics and narrowed them, and you

generate ideas by brainstorming.

According to Meyers states in organizing steps the writer does

as the following:9

a. Underline or highlight best ideas in your brainstorming list,

putting related ideas together. Add to the as more ideas occur

to you and remove or ignore the parts that are not related to

your choices.

9 Meyers, Allan. 2005. “Gateways to Academic Writing: Effective Sentences Paragraph and Essay”. New York: Longman.P: 107

b. Choose the part of the clustering diagram that has the best

ideas. Do a second clustering diagram that explores those

ideas in greater detail. Ignore the parts of the original diagram

that are not related to your choice.

c. Circle or highlight the best parts of your free writing. Do a

second even a third free writing on them, Ignore the parts of

each free writings that are not related to your choice. And

focus more specifically on your subject and add more details.

d. Outlining After selecting, subtracting and adding, the writer

can make an informal outline.

D. Writing and Revising Draft

After pre-writing, and planning is writing and revising several

draft until you have produced a final copy to hand in. remember that

no piece of writing is ever perfect on the first time. Each time you

write new draft, you will refine and improve your writing.

a. Writing the First Rough Draft

The first step to write a rough draft from your outline. This is how

to proceed:

Write down the topic sentence and underline it.

Skip one or two lines per line of writing and leave margins of one

inch on both sides of the paper.

Write your paragraph, following your outline as closely as

possible. Try writing steadily.

Don’t worry about grammar, punctuation, or spelling.

b. Revising Content and Organization

During the revision, do not try to correct grammar, sentence

structure, spelling, or punctuation; this is proofreading, which you

will do late. During the first revision, be concerned mainly with

content and organization. This is how to proceed:

Read over your paragraph carefully for a general overview.

Check to see that you have achieved your stated purpose.

Check for general logic and coherence.

Check to make sure that your paragraph has a topic sentence

and that the topic sentence has a central (main) focus.

Check for unity

Check to make sure that the topic sentence is developed with

sufficient supporting details.

Check your use of transition signal.

Finally, does your paragraph have or need a concluding

sentence? If you wrote a final comment, is it on the topic?

c. Proofreading the Second Draft

The next step is to proofread your paper to check for

grammar, sentence structure, spelling and punctuation.

Check over each sentence for correctness and completeness:

no fragments and no choppy or run-on sentence.

Check over each sentence for a subject and a verb, subject-

verb agreement, correct verb tense.

Check the mechanics, punctuation, spelling, capitalization,

typing errors

Change vocabulary words as necessary

Writing the Final Copy

After rereading the final copy, don’t be surprised if you decide

to make a few minor or even major changes. Remember that writing

is a continuous process of writing and rewriting until you are

satisfied with the final product.

E. Teaching Writing

Many reason for getting students to write, both in and

outside class. Firstly, writing gives them more ‘thinking time’ than

they get when the attempt spontaneous conversation. Refer to

Harmer when thinking about writing; it is helpful to make a

distinction between writing-for- learning and writing-for-writing.10

According to Kendall “Teaching Writing Language Learner can be a

challenge because students frequently get confused what they want

to say as they work.” 11

Teaching writing actually is not easy because in writing

needs some understanding such as grammar, vocabulary,

punctuation, etc. as cited by Susan process writing shift the focus

from the finished product to the processes which pupils need to go

through as writers.12 Refer to Heaton that the writing skills are

complex and difficult to teach requiring mastery not only of

grammatical and rhetorical devices but also conceptual and

judgment elements. 13

Based on the statement above it seems that teachers have

to more concern about teaching writing because it needs more skills

in writing than others. So teacher should give some strategies to

improve the students ‘writing. One of them is using some

interesting techniques in writing to make the students enjoy and

easy to write.

F. Definition of Spoof Text

A spoof text is a piece of text that retells an event with a

humorous twist. Spoof usually to explain the processes involved in

the formation (evolution) of a sociocultural phenomenon, the text

sends up the field of natural science, using the explanation genre to

do so. It can be said that to retell an event with a humorous twist.

According to Gerot “Spoof is a kind of text that retells an

event with humorous twist.” It is usually a result of systematic

10 Harmer, J. 2007. “The Practice of English Language Teaching”. Pearson Education Limited. England. P: 92

11 Kendall Juli, Khoun Outey. 2006, “Writing Sense”. Stenhouse Publisher Portland, Maine. P: 154

12 Brindley, Susan. 2005, “Teaching English”. Open University. P: 64 13 Heaton, J.B. 1990. “Writing English Language Test”. London:

Longman. P: 185

observation and analysis. 14 Refer to Oxford Dictionary explains “A

spoof is a humorous copy of a film/movie, television, etc.”

According to Gerot , generic structure of spoof includes:15

a. Orientation:

Sets the scene or provides the setting and introduces


b. Event (s):

Tell what happened

c. Twist:

Provides the punch line

Sample of Spoof Text:

The Boss and the Trainee

A Man joined a big Multi National Company as a trainee. On his first day he dialed the pantry and shouted into the phone, A Man : “Get me a coffee quickly!” (The voice from the

other side responded)

Director : "You fool you've dialed the wrong extension! Do you know who

you're talking to, dumbo?” A Man : “No", replied the trainee. Director : "It's the Managing Director of the company, you fool!"

The man shouted back.

A Man : "And do you know who YOU are talking to, you fool?"

Director : "No", replied the Managing Director. A Man : "That’s good!" (Replied the trainee and put down

the phone.).

G. Definition of Cooperative Learning

According to Hornby “Cooperative is involving doing

something together or working together towards a shared aim”.16

14 Gerot, Linda. 1995. “Making Sense of Functional Grammar”. Australia: Gerd Stabler. P: 127

15 Ibid. P: 13816 Hornby AS. 1996. “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of

Current English”. Oxford: Oxford University Press. P: 193

Refer to Herrell “Cooperative Learning is term used for a collection

of strategies in which students work together to accomplish a group

task”. 17

The Group Task is structured so that each member of the

group is expected to perform an assign task. Because of the

embedded structure of the unique tasks the assigned to each

member of the group, cooperative learning is much more affective

than ordinary group work usually done in classroom situation.

Appropriate training and structure is introduced into the process.

These opportunities for verbal instructions in small groups. They are

encouraged by the members of the groups and can participate at

the level at which they are able. English Language learners working

in cooperative groups must be given assignments according to their

level of English proficiency, which requires the teacher to be aware

of theirs stages of language acquisition and their levels of ability in

English reading and writing.

H. Teaching Writing Spoof Text Through Cooperative


Teaching English as a foreign language for Indonesia

Students is not easy. The teacher asked to use a suitable technique,

media or method to teach effectively because effective teaching is

the basic factor for the success learning process including learning


Cooperative Learning, commonly referred to as CL, is a kind

of instructional sequence, i.e. a model of lesson planning. Steps in

using cooperative learning strategies in the classroom are:

a. Assigning Groups and Building a Team: Divide the class into

group. Provide a team-building activity as warm-up for helping

17 Herrell, Adriane. 2004. “Fifty Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners”. (2nd Edition). United States of America: Person Merrill Prentice Hall. P: 156

students to see the advantages of cooperative learning and

getting to know each other. Each time a new team is formed,

there should be a team building activity to help members

become familiar with each other’s capabilities

b. Assigning Roles within the Groups: Give the team members

cards that identify their assigned roles and list clear

descriptions of their duties. Usually one member is designated

as the leader, one as note-taker, one as reporter, one as time

keeper. Its also helpful to give each member a name tag

which designates the role to be played so that all members of

the group are aware of the roles of all the member.

c. Assigning the Task: Give each team a task to complete and

remind each member of the roles they are expected to serve

to assist the others in completing the task. The leader keeps

everyone working and focused. The note-taker keeps record of

the team activity, the reporter shares the information or result

which the class at the completion of the activity, and time-

keeper makes sure they are on the task and moving toward

completion of the task within the time limit.

d. Intervening Ensure Full Participation: The researcher’s role is

crucial in establishing the tone of cooperation and group

interaction of its members. Without Appropriate team-building,

expectations, and validation of the contributions of all

individuals within the group, cooperative learning exercises

might actually be detrimental to the academic and linguistic

development of English learners. The researcher must

carefully monitor group participation and intervene whenever

a student is being excluded from the group process or taking

over the work of the group. To monitor these behaviors,

researcher listens to make sure every members of the group is

being given chance to talk, watch for physical signs the

students are being included from the group. The researcher

can do this by monitoring a personal skill or strength that

excluded members can contribute to the task, or by asking

question such as “Is everyone having a chance to talk?”

e. Reporting back to the Class: Provide an opportunity for the

groups to report back to the class at the end of the assigned

time. Each group should share their solution.

f. Debriefing and Examining the Group Process: Give each group

an opportunity to debrief, discussing the process and the roles

each team member played in the success of the group. Have

each group fill out a group report form that that focuses on

both product and process.

Through this method, teacher can motivate students to learn

spoof text interestingly and enjoyably. After researcher presents

about spoof text, students can easily write paragraph especially

about spoof text.

F. Conclusion

The researcher concluded that the students’ ability in writing

report text was improved through teaching spoof text technique such

as presentation, practice and production technique. The researcher

indicated that teaching spoof text technique can be adopted for

increasing writing ability especially in cooperative learning method. By

using this technique the researcher stated that writing ability skill for

English Learning can be increased and able to motivate the student in

studying of English writing at school.


Brindley Susan, 2005, Teaching English, Open University

Boardman, Cynthia. A. 2002. Writing to Communicate

(Paragraph and Essay). NewYork: Longman.

Gerot, Linda. 1995. Making Sense of Functional Grammar.

Australia: Gerd Stabler.

Harmer, J. 2007. How to Teach English. Pearson Education

Limited. England.

Harmer, J. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching.

Pearson Education Limited. England.

Harmer. J, 2004, How To Teach Writing, Pearson Education

Limited. England

Heaton, J.B. 1990. Writing English Language Test. London:


Herrell, Adriane. 2004. Fifty Strategies for Teaching English

Language Learners. (2nd Edition). United States of America:

Person Merrill Prentice Hall.

Hornby AS. 1996. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of

Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kendall Juli, Khoun Outey, 2006, Writing Sense, Stenhouse

Publisher Portland, Maine

Meyers, Allan. 2005. Gateways to Academic Writing: Effective

Sentences Paragraph and Essay. New York: Longman.

Oshima A, and A Hogue. 1999. Writing Academic English (3th

Edition) . New York: Longman

Richards, Jack C. 2003. Methodology in Language Teaching.

United States of America: Cambridge University Press

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