tech solutions · web viewhe-man was putting put two-and-two together himself. he'd see in...

Post on 02-Dec-2020






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Tech solutions

The guy didn't look old enough. The man peering in through this energy tube that kept He-Man's strength locked down. He looked like a kid. Skeletor's men had isolated He-Man from the others in the capture. But then He-Man was always going to be a special case. He and Skeletor had history.

They’d enclosed him in some kind of unbreakable force-field, vibrating with energy, his hands fastened straight up behind his head. When the tube had been activated, He-Man felt it shrink. Till the sides pressed against his shoulders and it kept on shrinking till it squeezed in against his chest. Like a second skin. Or an all-body bearhug. Made a vibrating indestructible energy.

Pure energy, it turned out. The tube felt solid but not made out of any material He-Man knew. It buzzed, it vibrated against his muscles .. with an energy that withstood any effort. With his arms trailed behind his head, it was going to be hard to break free. But nothing was going to stop He-Man from trying. He had the others to think of.

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He-ManAt the first effort He-Man had made to break himself free of the force-field .. pushing with his elbows against the tube .. muscular chest expanded to heighten the push .. the tube just squeezed back. It pushed his elbows back, crushing on his chest. As a human opponent would. Like in some invisible and unbreakable bearhug. And when he persisted .. when He-Man refused to be beaten by any prison Skeletor planned for him .. determined to struggle against this invisible trap …. The tube had answered back. It had shot him a searing blast of pain.

This force-field was enveloping him like a second skin. It gave him a breath-taking blast. An all-body, skin-tight blast. All his skin was white-hot pain. Every muscle pinged with mind-rending agony. Torture filled every cell in his body. A long sustained lesson. Agonies bursting in his brain. Enduring, unrelenting. At the pinnacle of manageable pain. Till He-Man nearly passed out.

This wasn’t any kind of restraint that he had come across before. But hit by that energy-force, it was crippling, weakening. He-Man had known he couldn't try that on again. He would have a fight on his hand when Skeletor was ready for him. When Skeletor sent for him. Too many energy-attacks like that ….. He-Man without have nothing left. He had never known anything like this tube. He wondered what other instruments of torture Skeletor had been developing. One thing was crystal-clear .. his old deadly enemy would have no intention of letting He-Man go free. Not now he'd got his hands on him.

Jase always known he’d have a problem in his designs to test his hero out. There was a massive imbalance that hampered him in the scenarios Jase mapped out in his head. Jase was coming up to 18, Uncle Bob was mid 30's. Direct attempts at overpowering Uncle Bob didn’t come into it. Realistically for Jase to exact the most demanding of trials over Uncle Bob, he had to be cute. He had to think clever. There could be no direct one-on-one. That was implausible, Jase could never win over Uncle Bob in a straight-on fight.

He was Elite SF like his Pop. Uncle Bob knew better than anyone how to take care of himself. He knew countless ways of killing a guy. Never mind just disabling him. Jase might take after his old man physically. He might be wrestling champion in his weight at college. But that was nothing up against a physique and the skillset of an experienced operative like Uncle Bob.

If Jase was going to fulfil the half-dreams of his bed and achieve his fantasy of besting his Uncle Bob … Jase had had to come up other ways. And technology was going to tilt the odds.

Jase peered through the shimmering tube. He-Man stared back. Crushed inside a tube of energy, cuffed hands trapped behind his head. The tube and its powers would hold down his He-Man strength, Jase’s imagination had designed it so. The ultimate prison cell to contain Jase’s ultimate goal.Jase ignored the look of disdain that stared back at him. He-Man was wondering who was this mere kid examining him. But in Jase’s re-write of the plot, he was appointing himself as

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He-ManSkeletor's nephew. Commissioned to carry out Skeletor’s will. With technology like this energy tube as his tools …. Jase had not wasted his fantasies in his bed. He had fashioned the resources the will and strength of his He-Man was not going to match.

He might try to escape the tube. He had. All that hard-plated muscle on that eye-catching chest. All the stubborn will power of a warrior who refused to be beaten. And look where it had got him. It was inevitable. Jase did not plan on his He-Man escaping his clutches. Jase had envisioned and plotted. Jase had fantasised about getting his own special He-Man helpless like this. He now had full control over his fate. Jase was not wasting his planning time. And he wasn’t letting He-Man off lightly.

The shimmering energy tube perfectly exposed the impossibly captive He-Man from head down. The raised arms sucked in his abs. Jase had always envied his hero the crevices in those abs. And he'd heard from Pop how much effort he always devoted to them. Magnificent, striated, each mound perfectly defined.

The tube elongated the solid plates of He-Man's pecs, squeezed them up into his shoulders. Quivering like liquid steel. Jase sensed his victim’s glare of anger trying take make eye contact. But he knew that the adult was only trying to deride this youth for trying to dominate such a supreme specimen of manhood.Jase refused to play along. He kept his perusal to himself. He observed the dampness in the open armpits. Not caused by heat. The tube kept the prisoner cooled. It was nerves that had that hair there flattened and matted. Nerves. His all-powerful hero was helplessly trapped. He’d tried to break free. And he’d paid the cost. Now he was forced to take Jase seriously. As well he might!

An exhilarating thought. Jase had his He-Man wary of him! What a thrill. Involuntarily his cock gave him a slight twitch. Yes, this felt right.

Still he refused to be goaded into eye-contact. Jase could see, though, from his peripheral vision that He-Man was shouting at him. Goading Jase. Provoking him. His He-man was angry, Jase had got him to lose his cool. That sense of domination gave him another turn of the screw in his groin. Power. Power over his hero. Over THIS He-Man. The force-field allowed no sounds out. Jase smirked to himself. He’d got He-Man bawling at him .. like defiantly calling out some enemy who had him captured. But nothing that Jase had to worry about. He was in control. Master over the Master of the universe. Another twitch down below. Yes, it was all coming together. It was feeling just right.

Jase had never toyed with a guy's nipples. He'd reserved those games for when he was with the girls. But he knew from playing with himself the direct line of hot-wiring that went to his own dick. He-Man's were defined by the lift off his arms. Before, Jase had spotted how Uncle Bob’s got involuntarily hard .. poking through the compression tops he often wore.

Uncle-Bob’s chest pegs were solid. Nerves, my He-Man? Has young Jase got you worried? Big tough-man He-Man. Anxious about Little Jase? Or is it Skeletor's scheming nephew you should be worried about?

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He was clearly thrown by the giant image of Skeletor that filled the wall. Had he expected his foe to turn up in person?"It's been a long time coming. But soon it will be finally over. You will be mine, He-Man. For eternity."

Jase hadn't bothered with any restraints bringing Uncle Bob from his energy cell. Despite his strength and his tough-assed doggedness, the Uncle Bob Jase knew was a realist. He’d

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He-Mannot waste his strength. There were six guards. If he made any false move, six stun-guns would be out. Six shots on maximum. Jase’s He-Man would be on the ground neutralised.

Equally unresisting He-Man had stood between the steel pillars as he let his arms be restrained. Trapping him in place. Had he given up hope? Did he know he was finally beaten? Or did He-Man harbour the vain idea he could withstand whatever will-breaking treatment Jase had planned for him.

He-Man stared back at the giant vision of his enemy on the giant screen. Chin defiantly up, the muscular plates of his pecs pumped up."Yours, Skeletor? Break me? Never. You should know better than to try."The vision sneered back."Not me, He-Man."The fiendish head nodded at Jase."My nephew has got your disgrace planned."

In his re-write of the plot Jase had placed himself centre-stage in his He-Man’s downfall. Creating the part of Skeletor’s calculating nephew. Jase felt He-Man's eyes fall on him. He felt the gaze lash out at him."HIM? This BOY? He can TRY."There was a mockery in He-Man's voice that irritated Jase."He'll more that try …."Skeletor eyed He-Man grimly.

As if on signal, Jase had begun to whip his tight top over his head. In preparation for the effort of breaking He-Man's will. Bending it to Skeletor. He revealed his muscular young-man's torso. And instantly he felt He-Man’s look of disdain lash over his trim torso.

THIS ….? In his head he heard He-Man throw a bucket-load of contempt over him. This feeble boy. Up against a MAN? Master of the Universe? But Jase didn't rise to the disgust that curled on He-Man's lip. In fact, he needn't even have stripped off. The breaking was not even going to get him in a sweat. This was going to require no effort on his part. He had technological solutions on his side. But on the other hand, he was having an audience. Plenty of girls out there watching. Watching his muscles flex as he worked his magic. Girls who’d make themselves known. To the guy who’d broken He-Man..

Skeletor expressed his full faith in Jase."He WILL break you."Again Jase felt He-Man’s scoff break over his bare torso. He didn't rise to it. A few minutes and the boot would be in the other foot.

"And he will break you in public."Another giant screen opened up. A full-length view of He-Man. His arms held out sideways. Steel cuffs, unbreakable steel cable snaking out to the steel pillars on either side. This proud ripped torso to be submitted to Jase’s little plot.

"Your breaking will be telecast over the whole universe. Master of the Universe. Broken by a mere BOY.”Skeletor scoffed.“Like this on all monitors .. throughout the galaxy. All screens have been switched to this

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He-Manchannel. Compulsory viewing. The universe will see He-Man break. In every home, in every pod. All eyes will see, all ears will hear. The sound of He-Man sobbing. Begging for


He-Man again threw a look at Jase. His disdain scoured him from head to toe. A look of contempt for this challenger poured the length of Jase’s trim muscled physique. A mockery curled on He-Man’s lips, This the best you can do, Skeletor? This muscled chest but puny by comparison. Still growing shoulders on him. You’re putting that up against these? Torso with definition. But so undersized. A boy. Need to go and get yourself bulked up first, boy. Up against He-Man? Master of the Universe.Unfazed Jase returned the disdain. Confident of success.

"The universe will see …."Skeletor’s confidence filled the whole screen.

Dominating this scene."Everyone will see you submit. To me. My nephew will subjugate your will to me."

Jase saw Uncle Bob throw his eyes over him. Throwing down the challenge. A long cold look. Think you’re up to it? He scoffed once. Briefly. Then a look gave back He-Man's own answer.OK, kid. Give it your best shot.

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Jase hadn't conferred with Skeletor before making the move. And he was not a man you wanted to get on the wrong side of. But Jase knew it was the right thing to do. He was sure Skeletor would see it that way too. Jase always appreciated the value of a good image.

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He-ManHe looked at that view of him splashed huge on the screen. Uncle Bob looked magnificent, supremely male. Muscle-plated chest high, the definition in his abs catching the lights. Uncle Bob had been admiring himself too. Jase noted how he flexed his arms, emphasised the bulk, pulled back on them to expand the breadth of his chest. He was using that image to flaunt his defiance at Skeletor. Muscle power flouting his predicament, showing he was not one to intimidate.

He might be imprisoned here, arms forcibly outstretched. He might have been ordered to submit to Skeletor. But here was a superlative figure of a male shouting it out with his body. Over my dead body, I’ll submit. A ripped physique that was defiantly refusing to.

Gigantic on that screen .. the image streamed out over the whole universe .. that powerful representation of the mighty warrior-male. Bound but looking invincible. Uncle Bob. Master of the Universe. Who was ever going to believe a man like that .. looking virile, so supremely male, the very depiction of masculine impregnability …... what could possibly bring a man like that down? This was the image being projected across the galaxy.

Who would ever think a mere boy could? From behind Jase approached his victim. He stepped up close .. his bare chest pressed against He-Man's muscled broad back. He-Man was in all respects bigger than Jase, more indomitable. Taller as well as broader built. More muscular, power knotted across his back, shredded. More male, testosterone bursting from every pore. Jase rested his chin on the muscle heavy shoulder. Skin to sweaty skin. He-Man twisted his head around. A look of reproach at this insolence.

But the look changed when He-Man felt something slide down his hip. Jase’s laser knife sliced through the leather of He-Man's covering in two effortless cuts. Jase tore away the piece from between his legs.

Did Jase hear the universe gasp? He stepped back. His eyes flashed to the giant screen .. displaying to the universe He-Man naked. Enforced naked. Naked for his punishment. What was the universe thinking at this sight? Master of the Universe. Helplessly bound, shamefully stripped. The screen showed He-Man looking at himself too. Seeing what the whole of humanity too was watching. Knowing precisely where on him all eyes in the galaxy were focussed.

Quickly He-Man got himself in grip. Defiant, manly proud again, he pumped up his chest, those etched abs caved in further, even more sharply defined. Deep furrows hollowed out between supreme mounds of male strength. Like carved steel he stood. Uncle Bob, virile, proud in his nakedness …he stared back at the screen. He stared out at the universe. Chin up. An effigy of manliness in all his supreme glory. Jase grinned to himself. But not for long.

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Jase walked backwards .. examining the wand in his hand. He clicked on the handle three times. The reading registered Level 3. He'd calculated to place himself three metres behind his naked Uncle Bob. Jase looked up at him on the giant screen. Seeing He-Man watching him back too.

To impress, he waved the wand in two circles above his head. To give He-Man an idea of the power of the instrument of which he could not conceivably have any idea. Or of its evil

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He-Manpower. The energy whip hissed above his head .. flashing out from the end of the wand .. a fluorescent strip of pure lethal energy .. five metres of seething malice .. whistling evil in blood-red circles of flashing light above Jase's head. In a smooth effortless move, Jase flashed his arm towards He-Man's muscular back.

A biting slash of energy tore across the breadth of that muscled plane. Snapping pain out of muscular flesh from shoulder blade to shoulder blade. In that instant, deep in the very centre of his being, He-Man would have seen that Jase planned for him no escape. This mere boy had the tools to do the job.

A brief glimpse at the screen showed Jase He-Man's shock. Before He-Man could register and prepare his mind .. this time without the drama of the overhead flourish .. Jase directed the wand through the air. The evil stream of vindictiveness swooshed out from the end of the wand .. a blur of red-neon pain cut through the air .. slicing down He-Man's back. Pain slashing him from shoulder to the opposite hip.

On the screen, his face betrayed he’dnot expected such crippling force. He’d been fooling himself into believing he could sustain Skeletor's punishment. In a few strokes, Jase had dismissed that folly. Contorted .. feeling its power .. He-Man shuddered violently as his back was inflamed in an envelope of crimson suffering.

The stinging shock threw He-Man forward .. driving one foot forward until the arm shackles sharply halted him. Chafing at his wrists. Expanding that chest of pure muscle and virility to stretched perfection. Sweat ran in heavy rivulets down his sides.

Another flick of the wrist. Searing pain around the shoulders contorted bulging muscle. Spasms surging from a sizzling shoulder across his back .. shredding proud muscle into ecstasies of pain. He-Man had underestimated Jase. Foolishly he'd not prized Jase's whip. On screen, his eyes burst open saucer-sized in shock.

Quickly Jase lashed out again. Not giving He-Man time to catch his breath. A slash under one arm .. cutting into his victim's flank. Smarting eye-wateringly into the tender skin of the side. Wrapping the malevolent energy bitingly around He-Man's waist. Smacking him in the abs. A punch as hard as any he'd ever taken.

It took no effort. There'd really been no need to strip off. Crippling He-Man with malevolent energy was child's play. Boy’s play! Jase lifted his eyes up at the screen. His own personal he-man was bent over by the force of that energy pounding him in the abs. A grimace contorting his face. A shocked look .. at the breath-taking ferocity in Jase's attack. Fighting the sting biting at his side. Shocked by the clubbing to his gut that had taken his breath away. Bent toward .. chest heaving. The horror of this truth scrawled on his face. The sweat of shock cascaded down his front in sheets.Boy's play, eh, Uncle Bob?

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Levelling up

Jase's flow was interrupted by a flare of light on Skeletor's giant screen. Dutiful Jase stood down. Hands in front, the seemingly innocuous wand by his side."Look, He-Man. Look at yourself. Not a cut. Only the welts."Jase looked the stripes down He-Man's back. "Only welts." But evil swellings from massive contusions under the skin. But true, this whip did not cut. It pounded weakness out of fibre.

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He-ManIt twisted contorted spams of evil energy out of every cell of the body. Even out of the supremely powerful muscled flesh on He-Man's back.

"No blood loss. It can go on for hours and hours."Skeletor paused."Can you? Can you go on for hours and hours? Master of the Universe?"

On the big screen Jase saw the hesitation in He-Man's face. The one-time Master of the Universe .. he was feeling his throat close down on him. Fear was jamming up his throat. For the first time, He-Man was forced to recognise the peril of his predicament. In confusion at the inescapability of his fate, his eyes rolled back into his head.

The realisation of what he was up against. Not just some scrawny kid still to put on bulk."I'll never submit, Skeletor."He-Man had hesitated, fearing his inability to sound strong. When he did, there was untainted resilience in He-Man's voice. As Jase would have expected .. nothing else. This was not some pushover who'd crumple at the first lash of the who. Jase hadn't under-estimates his challenge. He appreciated the foe he was up against. And he had planned for his stubbornness. He smirked to himself. It wasn’t Skeletor handling this wand. It wasn’t Skeletor going to break him. It was that scrawny punk that needed to put on bulk. There was a rush of power to Jase’s dick. He gave the handle on his wand two more clicks. Level 5.

Jase took a pace forward. Again he aimed low. The fluorescent strip wrapped itself around He-Man's waist. Smack across the centre of his still heaving midriff it struck. A kick from a mule pounded him in the middle of his abs. Sharp pain doubled him up. A knee collapsed.

He-Man was still gasping for air. Instinct was still trying to right the weakened knee under him. Another agony at Level 5 tore down the breadth of the exposed bent back. A sharp cry of intense pain slashed out of He-Man's throat as pain jerked him back upright again.

Jase glanced up at He-Man's screen. Sweat sparkled off his forehead. Grimaces twisted his features. Writhing pain contorted his upper body as he fought the crippling pains. Skipping athletically one step to the side, Jase laid a stinging bite into He-Man's side. Wrapping his squirming torso with stinging pain. The magnificent sculpted body lurched sideways hoping to evade the pain.

Bit like a serpent out of hell had torn him open with fire. Ripping pain out of He-Man flesh with inhuman shrieks. Invading with fiery strikes of energy a body infused with agony . Jase senses he can hear the deafening pounding of the victim's heart rushing into his brain with boiling hot power

He cut across his arse. He curled the whip around the side and thwacked the wind out of He-Man’s gut. No effort, his energy whip did the evil deed. Jase just decided where. Another pair of flashes of raw energy tore searing shocks out of that bare tenderised flesh. Silent shivering jolts of muscle-crippling energy danced and jigged through his flesh in a grotesque spasmed dance. Sweat pumped out of his armpits.. Veins pumped up his muscles to gargantuan proportions of agony. Shocked, ambushed, agony twisted him around. That ripped body the plaything of forces it could not beat.

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He-ManStill feel so superior now, He-Man? Still want to look at this mere kid with such contempt? Another blistering slash of vicious energy ripped across He-Man's lower back .. his pain-reeking naked torso slippery with his sweat. Pain threw that heavy muscled torso upright .. lifting him to his toes. Still want to mock?A scorching slash of crimson evil tore across the muscular planes of He-Man's back. Jase was painting the marbled perfection of that back a glowing crimson-red

And you know what, He-Man? Want a good laugh? This is only Level 5. Want to try it at Level 10? Uncle Bob?

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Jase allowed his gaze to swallow the sight of this mighty force of masculinity. His eyes licking over the breadth of that manly chest, in his mind’s eye his tongue tickling at the nubs to full arousal. His life had been centred on getting himself abs that were defined and shredded like these. His He-Man had suffered. But the sight of him like this could only tickle Jase’s groin.

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He-ManHis victim had acquitted himself well. His doggedness .. Uncle Bob's stubbornness in refusing to submit to Skeletor's will .. it had been praiseworthy. And just what Jase would have expected of his hero. Why else had he worshipped him in secret for years? One tough cookie … that was Jase’s role-model. That stubborn tough-assed resilience was what Jase had promised himself when he’d re-written the plot. As expected. Submit to Skeletor? Over his dead body! And surely Skeletor himself would not expect his arch enemy to give in so easily? Not after just one session of persuasion.

Besides, Skeletor wouldn't want it that easy. Indeed when Skeletor had ordered He-Man removed, there'd been no hint of frustration in his voice. He-Man hadn't submitted. But then would Skeletor have wanted him to? All over so fast. Where was the gain in that? How many more thrills were to be squeezed out of this magnificence?

In Jase’s rewrite, Skeletor never showed his emotions. But could he remain hidden on the screen and not be fondling that throbbing power between his legs? He’d got his hands on He-Man at last. That long-held desire for domination had to be given a squeeze.

Jase had planned no tone of frustration that Skeletor’s nemesis had not bent the knee and submitted to his will. After all these years of struggling against the Master of the Universe, why would Skeletor wish so swift a victory? Wasn’t this punishment sweet music to his ears? Wasn't there honeyed joy in seeing his enemy helplessly entrapped in his sufferings? Why have it over so fast? Why just the once? Skeletor would indulge himself now he had He-Man in his grip. Repeatedly. Jase had rewritten the plot. Making sure Skeletor would be able to indulge himself in his enemy's suffering many more times.

"Activate the force-wall."He-Man was backed up against a wall in the lab. Jase was mocking his muscular role-model by positioning him in a double-bicep pose. He had to admit. His He-Man looked great. In that classical male show- off. The standard image for the preening male showcasing his strength. Mighty chest high, shredded abs sucked in, biceps bulging with masculine vanity. Yet Jase’s simple bands of unbreakable energy on He-Man's wrists could keep him pinned against the wall.

A green-tinged force-field enclosed He-Man. Jase noted him eye the shimmering light with suspicion. Jase put his hand flat against the field. He slapped it. He punched it. His hand did not penetrate. Jesse did not need to elucidate. It was a prison. A jail-cage. He-Man could see he was locked inside this green shimmering tube. No way to escape.

The beating had taken much out of He-Man. The energy whip was not anything human flesh could beat. And that one session with the whip had proven that He-Man was made of human flesh. He was tough, He-man was stubborn. He’d fight to his last breath. But that was human flesh.To prolong the pleasure of the beating, Jase hadn't upped the force to ten. Doing that had been just some idle playful thought. He’d save that for another day.

In fact, he'd lowered the level down to 3. The accumulated pain after dozens of energy-laden lashes had done enough to satisfy. He-Man had writhed. He'd gasped. Eventually Jase had unlocked the stubbornness in his chest and He-Man had shamed himself with a few unstoppable cries. His pride then forced him to swallow others back.

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He-ManBut that seemed to have been enough for Skeletor. He had ordered his arch enemy rejuvenated. Safe in the assurance this could all start over again..

In the lab, Jase directed He-Man's eyes to his feet. Already around his ankles a pink vapour was swirling. He-Man looked down the length of his sturdy muscled legs and frowned with suspicion. A pink smoke was entering the force-field that was entrapping him and it was slowly swirling upwards."Rejuvenation."

He-Man looked back at Jase standing outside the force-wall. He scowled. He didn't understand the word. Rejuvenation? Of course, not .. this was Jase's game. Jase had re-written the screenplay. They were playing by Jase's rules. As this went on, there'd be no love lost between the mighty-muscled Master of the Universe and the puny boy whose devious whip had so devastatingly broken his body. Crippled his body, not broken his will.

Not yet, eh? Not yet, Uncle Bob.

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Jase told himself this was the right way for it to play out."As it floods the tube, the vapours will restore your bruises back to health. Its healing powers will make your magnificent body whole again.2He saw no harm in being frank with Uncle Bob. Now that Jase was in complete control.“The pains and hurt will disappear. You will be whole again."Jase had hero-worshipped that body for years. It had been the gym-inspiration for him. More than anything he'd wanted the same definition and man-muscular physique for himself.

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He-ManHe wasn’t jealous of the way his he-man looked. It encouraged him. It was sacrilege to think of maiming that magnificence. Impairing that ripped male-beauty he so admired.“You’ll be good as new.”

Jesse had deviously re-worked the screenplay. Destroying this living godly statue was not his intention, though. In this fantasy, he was testing, challenging it to the extreme. He was finding the limits. Seeing how far that toughness went. Jase saw the question formed in He-Man's eyes. He answered the unspoken question."Yes. So it can start all over again.

Jase saw He-Man eye him questioningly. Then he saw the penny drop. Jase didn't bother to spell it out for him. He-Man was putting put two-and-two together himself. He'd see in that rejuvenation the threat. His punished body could be endlessly rejuvenated. Skeletor could submit him to that body-breaking punishment as often as he cared. Only to be rejuvenated again.

And every time Jase's He-Man had his restored torso offered up for another round, he would be facing the fear that this might be the time. Every agonising beating would chip away at his resolve to face down Jase and his energy-whip. Skeletor could endlessly torture him until He-Man's will would take no more. Till He-Man did the unthinkable. Inevitably. He bent the knee. Submitting to his bitterest enemy. What a triumph for Jase. Technology triumphing over the steel-clad will of this superlative male. He’d bested Uncle Bob. What that idea could do to Jase’s dick!

A grimace of pain creased his handsome face. He-Man looked down seeking to understand. The pink vapour was now swirling just below his knees.Jase explained his other little surprise."In restoring the damage .. the intense bruising to your flesh .. the inflammation .. the welts … the rejuvenation process is awakening memories buried deep in your flesh. In analysing the depth of hurt you have just experienced, the vapours will take muscle memory and re-awaken it. In short, the healing process will put you through the beating all over again. It will be like standing there and taking it a second time.”Jase smirked at the cunning of his little plot.“Two for the price of one. To heal, you have to endure the agonies all over again. The same intensity."

The same pain. Enduring the agonies of that will-breaking torture a second time. With a mocking grin, Jase said spread his hands in reconciliation. "It's little to ask, after all. For the prize of having this supreme body fully restored … Not too much to pay. Enduring the whipping a second time. Here within your energy-tube, your body will re-encounter the crippling lash of the energy-whip again."Jase grinned."Every time. After every punishment, He-Man will be rejuvenated. A little price to pay."

He-Man growled back at Jase."A chip off the old block, I see. Skeletor all over."Jase shrugged. And added with a smirk. Gloating."Oh …. we're not finished yet."

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He-ManHis hand gestured at the vapours swirling around Uncle Bob's thighs. He was already beginning to feel the vapours seeking out the hurt and re-awakening the pains. Pretty soon the rejuvenation would start in earnest. Jase had to explain his plot .. while He-Man could still concentrate."When it reaches your mouth … when it enters your breathing …. you'll have already been be reliving the full intensity of the whipping by then …. Then you start inhaling the vapours. It will be like you're suffocating. The vapours will be blocking your airways. They’ll enter your lungs. You'll be asphyxiating. Choking. Fighting to breathe."

He-Man glared back, he looked confused. Jase filled him in. He smiled re-assuringly. "You won't die. Of course. That’s not the point. The vapours will invade your bloodstream. They’ll awaken your pains in every cell.”Jase saw the look of anger glaring at him. But how much fear was behind those eyes?“You'll THINK you're dying. They will choke off your lungs. But let me assure you, He-Man …. you won't die. But you will think you are."

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Jase's devious cycle of torture. Repeated every time. A brutal beating. Then reliving the punishment as He-Man’s body was restored. And then slowly suffocating. Thinking he is dying. Time-and-again. Whipping. Beating repeated. Mock-suffocation. Time-and-time-and-time again."The body does have a way of overpowering the mind. Your head will remind you that you are not destined to die. But your panic will know better."

Jase lifted his chin. His chest expanded .. a gesture of strength, mastery over this scene. The puny boy besting this muscular warrior, Master of the Universe. What did that make Jase?

The Jase fantasies 22 A rendz’ world story


A tough-ass. A roughneck, dogged as hell. The Uncle Bob Jase knew … it would take helluva lot for him to break. He was Jase's own personal he-man. The stud he had always looked up to. Longed to emulate.

Here's the challenge, Uncle Bob. Skeletor can have this routine endlessly recycled. Next time He-Man faces his nemesis, he's going to know. What that whip can do to him. How much it can take out of him. Then Skeletor has him rejuvenated. He-Man will re-enter the healing process knowing he is to endure the same pain, at the same agonising levels, the same will-breaking intensity.

And then the wait. Waiting till Skeletor summons him. Alone, secured in his force-field, no chance of escape, He-Man is left to ponder. That the cycle will start back on him again. After each turn, the nerves working on his resolve. Grinding him down. Working on his fears. Dreading going back through the rejuvenation, the suffocating, the "dying". Living in fear of the approach of Skeletor's guards. In terror of being bound into those manacles again. Dreading it. Fearing this time it will finally get to him. He'll break. Dreading crying out, dreading begging Skeletor to stop it.

Question, Uncle Bob …. How many times recycled? How many times would Uncle Bob be prepared to have himself rejuvenated? How many times before his will breaks down? Before he submits. And acknowledges himself beaten? Broken by a mere boy.

The Jase fantasies 23 A rendz’ world story

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