ted talk slideshow ullrey m

Post on 06-May-2015






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Full Sail Public Speaking Online 1302 TED Talk Evaluation


TED Talk Evaluation Presentation

Compare and ContrastMichael Pritchard: How to make filthy water drinkable andSir Ken Robinson: Schools kill creativity

Michael Pritchard

The Thesis: Watching people drink contaminated water or face death motivated Michael to invent a portable water purifying system.

Michael Pritchard

Michael Pritchard

Michael captured the attention of the audience by pointing out the luxury of drinking purified bottled water at the TED conference.

Michael Pritchard

He then reminded the audience of the Asian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina.

He pointed out that the desperation for clean water during natural disasters spans across all cultural differences.

Michael Pritchard

Michael Pritchard

Michael further went on to amaze the attendees by conducting a disturbing and yet miraculous demonstration of his Lifesaver filtration system.

Michael Pritchard

Michael Pritchard

Michael used simple speech and defined the technical aspects of his presentation clearly with direct and easy to understand graphics.

Michael Pritchard

Michael Pritchard

Michael best followed the second and third TED commandments by showing a new and wondrous thing in the Lifesaver water filter and demonstrated his passion in the presentation.

Michael Pritchard

I would give Michael a 5 for his dynamism. He spoke clearly, showed enthusiasm for his topic and his example was demonstrated in front of a live audience.

Michael Pritchard

Michael practiced simplicity, naturalness, and restraint during his presentation. He highlighted and made clear the important information (and the water) without wasting the time of the audience.

Each of the three ideas are promoted in Garr Reynolds' PresentationZen philosophy.

Michael Pritchard

I learned from Michael’s style of presentation that visual aids can boost the understanding and attention of the audience.

The live demonstration of the technology was extremely captivating.

I was expecting the water to still have a stench or unsavory flavor after the process, but it was described as “delicious.”

Although, with the low audio level and british accent, a case could be made for “the fishes” as being the description for the taste.

Michael Pritchard vs. Sir Ken Robinson

Both gentlemen were there to speak about serious issues.

The scope of the issues are different.

Michael’s point has an immediate impact on the quality of health for millions.

Ken’s topic has a long term impact on quality of education for millions.

Michael Pritchard vs. Sir Ken Robinson

Michael Pritchard vs. Sir Ken Robinson

Each speaker had the audience laughing at a certain point in their topic.

Michael’s attitude and message needed a sober air and only at the appropriate time did he crack a joke about the probable effect of the water on Chris the master of ceremonies.

Ken’s method used a liberal dose of humor and funny stories, but under close inspection you will find that they “held water” in relation to his theme.

Michael Pritchard vs. Sir Ken Robinson

Michael Pritchard vs. Sir Ken Robinson

Both Michael and Ken used illustrations in their messages.

Michael’s presentation was mostly scientific and his illustrations relied heavily on slides and the main water purification activity.

Ken’s “Schools kill creativity” talk didn’t have the benefit of slides or demonstrations. Ken used his words to paint the ideas and relied on the imagination of the listener.

TED Talk Tips

If you are able to use slides to simply illustrate your point, use them.

Don’t neglect story telling.

By stimulating the imagination of the listener you will have a better chance of keeping their attention and getting your message across.


Screen shots from the respective TED Talk presentations of Michael Pritchard and Sir Ken Robinson



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