ten pinterest seo tips to drive more traffic to your website

Post on 15-Apr-2021






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Pinterest is a powerful digital marketing tool that can boost clicks and traffic to your website but for that, you need to have a proper Pinterest SEO strategy. A practical strategy to boost your brand is hire a professional SEO company in USA to manage your social media marketing campaign.


Ten Pinterest SEO Tips to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Pinterest is a powerful digital marketing tool that can boost clicks and traffic to your website but for

that, you need to have a proper Pinterest SEO strategy.

As one of the main destinations that people visit to find inspiration and new ideas, Pinterest has over

442 million active users and gets over 2 billion monthly searches on its platform. This visual

discovery engine covers a broad range of topics including recipe articles, DIY how-tos, travel blogs,

and so on. More than just a social channel, Pinterest is a powerful digital marketing tool that can

boost clicks and traffic to your website. However, for that, you need to have a proper Pinterest

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy.

With a strong SEO strategy, you can optimize your Pinterest profile and website, and generate more

organic clicks and traffic. As Pinterest content has a much longer shelf-life than content on other

platforms, it can boost your reach and drive more sales. Your content on Pinterest lives on and

resurfaces over and over again -- for months, not just minutes.

So, now let’s check out some important SEO steps that are involved in optimizing a Pinterest profile.

Though many long-standing SEO tactics still hold true, Pinterest SEO differs from Google SEO,

especially in keyword targeting and ranking factors. Pinterest ranking factors relate more to

engagement metrics and social shares than backlinks and technical SEO.

10 Tips to Drive More Traffic to Your Business

1. Enhance your Pinterest profile with a perfect bio: Choose a direct, concise, and memorable,

SEO-friendly username and try to use words that accurately reflect your brand and at the

same time, help you to get discovered in users’ relevant search queries.

2. Link your Pinterest account to Your Website: This will help you to take data from your

website to feed more targeted Pinterest campaigns. Moreover, featuring your web site URL

on your Pinterest profile will help you appear more official and drive more traffic to your


3. Create Attractive, Original Content: Create thumb-stopping, visually-appealing, original

content that persuades users to click, save and engage with it.

4. Use Rich Pins: Similar to rich snippets, Rich Pins are designed to spread brand awareness

and contribute context to your posts. Rich Pins pull metadata from the website pages that

they link to and offer more details than your standard Pinterest pins, thereby driving more

traffic to your website.

5. Write Strategic Pin Descriptions: Crafting detailed descriptions – ideally with your target

keywords – helps Pinterest locate and show your images in relevant searches.

6. Create SEO-friendly and Eye-catching Pins: Have a keen eye for what’s trending on the

platform and create pins that have long images, high-contrast colors and mainly with

enticing, keyword-rich titles. This will help increase your visibility in the feed and entice

users to click through to your website.

7. Aim for User Engagement: Improve user engagement by linking your Pinterest account to

your other social media accounts, inviting relevant Pinterest influencers to collaborate on

any of your boards or by including text as an overlay on your images. You can also track your

performance using Pinterest analytics and gain a lot of insight into how your profile is

performing in organic search. Boosting user engagement will increase your Pin’s and your

profile’s visibility in search, growing your website traffic and conversions.

8. Follow the Right Accounts to Get Discovered: Pick strategically and follow the right people

to get discovered by the right audience.

9. Publish Video Pins: As people love to watch videos, publish video pins, an attention-

grabbing content and engaging format.

10. Leverage Pinterest Ads: Pinterest has powerful paid advertising capabilities. Create

attention-grabbing Pinterest images in an engaging format. Pinterest Ads can help your

content get discovered among a wider audience.

Try out all these tried-and-true Pinterest SEO tips and future-forward strategies to grow your brand’s

presence on Pinterest, target relevant audiences, and drive clicks and sales for your business. A

practical strategy to boost your brand is hire a professional SEO company in USA to manage your

social media marketing campaign.

For more detailed information about Pinterest SEO tips, read: 10 SEO Tips to Drive More Traffic from


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