term 1 homework pack - greenacre academy · year 9 term 1 homework pack greenacre academy intends...

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Year 9 Term 1 Homework Pack

Greenacre Academy intends homework to be diverse in nature, focusing on more project-based work which will be on-going over a number of weeks. This booklet includes homework from each subject that your son / ward studies at school. Our Expectations Students must complete and submit homework pieces from each project as their teacher directs. Teachers will inform students when each piece of homework is due in and this will be recorded in their Planners. Please also note that some tasks in the booklet are subject to change, and this will be done so at the discretion of the teacher. This would occur on occasions where a different task may be more beneficial to your son/ward’s learning. As well as the three Homework Tasks, there are some additional activities for each subject.

Reading List Students should read for at least 45 minutes each night. Reading frequently will help students to develop their vocabulary and literacy skills. Please encourage you son / ward to read. Suggested reading material has been included within the projects for each subject.

Stretch & Challenge Students are encouraged to push themselves, completing more tasks where they see fit. If they have a particular interest or gift in a given area, students should be encouraged to complete the stretch and challenge task.

Skills for Life As part of the Academy’s implementation of ‘Skills for Life’, each subject-area has carefully thought about activities and tasks to integrate particular skills into their schemes of work. To help promote this, the completion of the homework tasks will help your son/ward develop these certain skills. The Skills for life focus is EMPLOY ME -

Excellence, Manners, Perseverance, Listening, Organisation, You, Motivation and Employability Homework Club If your son/ward needs help with homework we run a homework club every weekday from 2.50-3.50 in the Library. Queries? If you have any queries about the homework projects please get in touch with the relevant teacher using the email address provided for each subject. Thank you for your continued support of Homework.

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Schedule

Your son/ward will be set homework on alternate weeks throughout the term on the week commencing dates outlined below. The ‘hand in dates’ will be set by teachers in class and recorded in student diaries.

Week Commencing

11th Sept 18th Sept 25th Sept 2nd Oct 9th Oct 16th Oct

Yr 9

Art and Design


English Food Tech Geography

Photography Engineering


History Maths


Science Media

Computing Business

MFL Music

Art and Design


English Food Tech Geography

Photography Engineering


History Maths


Science Media

Computing Business

MFL Music

Art and Design


English Food Tech Geography

Photography Engineering


History Maths


Science Media

Computing Business

MFL Music

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Art and Design Miss Sassi sassj013@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Complete task one from the booklet remember to keep your mark-making accurate and maintain proportion when drawing. Need some help? Use the grid method to help you with scale and proportion.



Complete task two from the booklet. Try to add tone or extra detail to show off your skills! Need some help? Draw a tonal key at the top of your page to remindyou of the five tones you need.



Complete task three from the booklet. Could you a add a background to draw upon to add a different effect. Need some help? Why not use tea or coffee to stain the page to give your work an aged appearance?

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Create your own Day of the Dead skull mask made out of materials you hae at home. Remember to incorporate pattern and colour, must like an original Calaca.

Day of the Dead - Tony Johnston

http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Day of the Dead.aspxz#1

http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/humanplanetexplorer/eventsandfestivals/day of the dead

How to draw Skulls for Beginners: Draw skulls Step by Step. Guided book - Gala Publications

Dia de los Muertos

Tone Sculpture

Composition Paper

manipulation Pattern

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Business Mr Gill - gillm212@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Create a spider diagram listing 5 businesses. You must then draw/sketch our each business logo and explain why a business has gone with that particular style and what it says about the organisation. Ext Task - Including the aims of each business.



Based on your groups ‘Tycoon in Schools’ business plan, explain how you are going to complete the marketing mix by answering the questions below: 1. Product – What product or service is your business going to sell or provide? 2. Price – How much will customers be charged? Why? 3. Place – Where and when will the product and/or service be sold? Why? 4. Promotion – Where and how will the business, its products and/or services be promoted? Why are these the most effective methods? Think about your target audience.



Research the following key words and find any necessary formulae in preparation for our next main classroom activity ‘Profit and Loss Accounts’. Cost of sales – Gross profit – Net profit – Overheads and expenses – Profit - Sales revenue -

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy Task Spellings Define the following key terms:- Variable Costs Fixed Costs Revenue Break Even Cash Flow

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business Using the above link, find and read 2 articles about current business affairs in the UK.

Break even = Fixed cost ________________ (Selling price per unit – variable cost per unit) Calculate the break even point for the following example; Fixed cost = £100 selling price = £5 variable cost = £3

Entrepreneur Apprentice

Manufacture Objectives

Promotional Finance

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Computing Miss Whiteway - whith280@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Using the internet you are to find an example of Python coding and bring a printed version to class. Don't bring in pages of code. You need a short code of no more than 30 lines and no less than 10 lines.



Take an A4 sheet of paper, hold it at portrait, fold it in half from left to right, then fold from top to bottom, then half from top to bottom again. On the four left hand squares you are to write a revision question based on Python vocabulary and the answer to the question opposite it on the right hand side.



You will collect a piece of code from your teacher. You are to add comments for each line/section of code, explaining its purpose. Include an explanation for the entire code. You can use the internet and other resources to help you, but you must note any help that you find/receive.

Stretch & Challenge

Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Create an algorithm based on the concept of using a calculator that can times two number together and divide the result. Please ensure the correct symbols have been used as well as some form of user input is included.

BBC Bitesize: - “Introducing algorithms” http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/z22wwmn/revision Teach ICT:- “Using algorithms” http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse_computing/ocr/216_programming/algorithms/miniweb/pg2.htm

What do the following symbols mean? = > < >= <>

Computing Programming

Python Variable

Reference Technology

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Construction Mr Sutter suttn026@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Complete the worksheet with the tool, name and function for the tools listed.



Complete the worksheet with the fixings, name and function for the fixings listed and three additional fixings of your choice.



Complete the worksheet with the wood, name and explain places these would be used.

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Discuss a carpentry activity you would do and explain the material, fixing and tools you would use to complete the task.

GCSE Bitesize



Work out as many dimensions as you can for standard construction items.

composites cavity toggle

bolts masonary raw

plugs mortise bevel

bradawl mortise gauge

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Designing the Built Environment Mrs Pamphlett cobbk020@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Who is Renzo Piano? What did he design? What was his inspiration? Tell me about him and his work.



Yas Viceroy in Dubai, The Spittelau District Heating Plant in Vienna, Grand Lisboa in Macau, China and Dunmore Pineapple building in Scotland. Find images of all of the listed buildings and write what you think are the good and bad points of each. Also what you think the inspiration for these builds is.



Gather 4 images for inspiration and create a basic sketch for a builiding discussing the inspiration and how it has affected your design.

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Use Sketch Up to create a 3D model of your building.

Architects Book

Drawing Techniques

GCSE Bitesize

Add some dimensions for your construction including features.

Anthopometrics Inspiration Dimensions

Features Environment Sustainability

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Engineering Mr Sharp sharn001@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Write a list of 20 safety rules for the workshop. These should be machine specific and relevant.



Draw the tools used for marking out materials and explain how and why you use them.



Write a step by step plan about how to make the ends of material square. Remember to discuss all the tools you should use and the health and safety that you need to ensure you follow.

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Write a how to guide on using the machinery.

GCSE Bitesize

Level 2 Btec textbook

Add clear dimensions to your step by step plan

Environment Assess

Potential Risks Hazards

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

English Mr Batchelor batcj001@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Research task - Find out about J B Priestley. Concentrate on his political beliefs as well as his interest in time. Find out what Capitalism and Socialism are. Find out about the Titanic, The General Strike and The Depression. Produce a handy guide called "The Context of An Inspector Calls."



Choose a passage from the play and rewrite it as prose fiction. It is up to you which narrative methods you use. You can use any narrative voice and point of view that you choose. If you decide to write in the 1st person, which character will you write as? How will you write the dialogue? Will there be lots of description?


3 Prepare for the Spoken Language exam. (1) Choose a subject to speak about. (2) Watch videos of

speeches. TED Talks is an excellent resource. (3) Research your subject. Make notes. (4) Reduce your notes to short headings and transfer to to cue cards. (5) Practice speaking. Time your speech. It MUST be four minutes long. WARNING This is not a homework to be done in the shortest time possible. You need to practice your speech over and over in order to do well in the exam.

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Imagine that you are interviewing J B Priestley for a newspaper. Write the interview including both the questions and Priestley's answers. Ask him why he wrote the play and what he was trying to achieve with it. Did he think it might change people's attitudes?

Time and the Conways by J B Priestley

The Penguin Book of Modern Speeches by Brian MacArthur

Dangerous Corner by J B Priestley

Look at the stage directions at the beginning of Act 1 of An Inspector Calls. How old would each of the characters have been when the play had its premiere?

Dialogue Socialism

Capitalism Manufacturing Haberdashery Responsibility

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Food Technology Mrs Pattinson pattc010@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



A local chef has given you the opportunity to work and train in a professional kitchen. You have to design and annotate 6 dishes which will demonstrate a range of different skills for example: knife skills.



You must carry out a health and safety risk assessment for your 6 chosen dishes. You should also include the working environment in which you intend to prepare and cook the dishes. Identify potential risk and hazards, stating what precautions you will put into place to avoid these. This must be written up in a form of a report.



Based on your 6 chosen dishes you need to name and describe the main equipment and utensils you will use . You must describe safely how you would use them, also explaining the importance of keeping them clean and storing them safety and correctly.

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

*Video demonstration how to use the equipment. *Laminated displaying of the equipment with image on step by step. * Booklet on risk assessments

GCSE Bitesize



Ingredients Temperatures

Professional Hygienic

Environment Assess

Potential Risks Hazards

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

French Miss Turk turka041@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Provide an identity card about yourself in French (you can pretend to be a celebrity).



Design your family tree and write a paragraph in French to say what each person in your family does for a living (you can also add physical description).



Write a full description in French of a famous person that you like (this can be a friend). You need to provide the name, age, where the person lives, hobbies, physical description… You can do it as a poster (can be word processed and picture). The most important thing is that you write full sentences.

Stretch & Challenge

Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Research what jobs you can do with French (or any other language).

BBC bitesize for GCSE The Week Junior Magazine l'equipe (on line) on various sports

Name each department of France with their number.

Hobbies in French *

Jobs in French *

Adjectives to describe people*

The various pronouns in French I(I, you, he, she, we, you, they).

Main verbs jouer = to play; aller = to go; faire = to do; aimer = to like; detester =

to hate; preferer = to prefer

*All distributed in class or can be found on line

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Geography Mr Gower gowec018@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Complete a fact sheet on the climate of the UK. What is the weather like? What is the average temperature of the UK? What month does the UK have the highest amount of rainfall?



Complete an in depth explanation about the tropical rainforest biome. Explain what animals you would find what the flora and fauna would be like and detail the layers of the rainforest.



Describe and explain the impact of Hurricane Katrina on the communities that it affected. What happened to people's homes? What was done to counter the impact of this extreme weather event?

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

On a map annotate what communities were affected by Hurricane Katrina, show the sphere of influence.

WJEC Textbook

BBC Bitesize


Find out the percentage of the US population that was affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Weather Climate Extreme

Hurricane Biome Flora Fauna

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

German Miss Segurini segum004@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Provide an ID in German about yourself. You can pretend to be a celebrity.



Design a family tree and write a paragraph in German to say what each person is doing in your family and physical description (at least 1).



Describe in German a good friend of yours (character, physically). Please also explore the interests you have in common.

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Describe all the members of your family

10 words of the week

Number games in German

10 words of the week

*Distributed in class

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

History Mr Uddin uddis462@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Write a paragraph about how and when World War One ended.



What do you think should happen to the losers of World War One? Explain.



Which element of the Treaty of Versailles was the harshest? Explain.

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Identify the main leaders involved in the Treaty of Versailles and explain their different aims and objectives.

Treaty of Versailles

After the Versailles treaty

Aftermath of World War One

Create a series of graphs to illustrate how the Treaty changed Germany in terms of Land, Money and Arms.

Versailles Treaty

Reparations Agreement

Revenge Diktak

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

ICT Mr P Provins provp001@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Students are to reflect upon their ICT skills which have been covered during this cycle. Students will be asked to identify their strengths and areas for development. In addition, Students will need to answer the following questions below and document ALL responses in one of the following ways—contributing to their group blog, in a form of an email (sent to your class teacher) or completing a reflective log worksheet. • What are the benefits of email? • What are the drawbacks of email? • Why do businesses communicate via email?



Students are to reflect upon their ICT skills which have been covered during this cycle. Students will be asked to identify their strengths and areas for development. In addition, Students will need to answer the following questions below and document ALL responses in one of the following ways—contributing to their group blog, in a form of an email (sent to your class teacher) or completing a reflective log worksheet • What are PowerPoints used for? • How could PowerPoints be used in businesses? • What is the purpose of notes pages within a PowerPoint?



Students are to reflect upon their ICT skills which have been covered during this cycle. Students will be asked to identify their strengths and areas for development. In addition, Students will need to answer the following questions below and document ALL responses in one of the following ways—contributing to their group blog, in a form of an email (sent to your class teacher) or completing a reflective log worksheet. • Names three business documents used for communication • What Formatting tools that could be used to make the business documents look professional • What house style techniques could be used?

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

1. Why we do use the internet to search and what are the benefits of advance searching? 2. Give examples of some Boolean operators 3. How can we determine whether a website is trustworthy?

F1 Help Function panel—on any piece of software provided by Microsoft. Go onto the internet and search “user guides” for the piece of software that you are struggling on. You will then be provided with a list of resources and tutorials to help you on your away.

Are you confident in using a spreadsheet? Tell me the purpose of the following symbols? = + * / -

Information Communication

Technology Email

Spreadsheets Word Processing

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Maths Miss Gee geec001@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Create a number line with positive and negative values from -15 to 15. Explain how the number line works and give examples. Then write 10 questions, with the answers on the back of the page. Your questions will be answered by a peer during lesson



Create a leaflet to explain BIDMAS – the order of operations. Explain how this works and give examples. Then write 10 questions, with the answers on the back of the leaflet. Your questions will be answered by a peer during lesson.



Create a presentation on long multiplication. You can use the traditional method (column method) or the Chinese method. Explain how you achieved your answer. Give examples and then write 2 questions for your peers to answer in class.

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Give a written explanation on what techniques and methods you used when completing the homework tasks.

Research a famous mathematician. What did they do? Please reference any books or websites that you used to help you with this homework.

Focus on knowing times table up to 12.

Positive Negative

Digit Place value Inequality


Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Media Studies Mrs Tozeland chilt002@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.


1 Have you ever heard of the term ‘Blockbuster’? What does it mean to you? Look at the list of

films that were called ‘blockbusters’ and create a mind map that lists 5 things that they have in common (you may need to research some/all of the films to complete this task): Spiderman 3, Iron Man 2, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Now add at least two other films to the list and explain why you think they are blockbusters.



Create a poster that shows ten things you think of when you hear the term ‘hero’ – uses images to support your ideas: Which of the following definitions do you agree with? · wins against the odds · heroic and resourceful character · usually male · has some sort of mission or task to accomplish · overcomes all kinds of perils. One of the central features of an action adventure film is that the main character has the qualities of a ‘hero’. Pick one of the films listed below, that you have seen, and explain which hero qualities are used. Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace, The Mummy, The Mask of Zorro, Lost in Space, The Fifth Element, Stardust, Rambo, Robin Hood, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, The Dark Knight, Iron Man.


3 Find copies of the film posters for the following using www.imdb.com: Pirates of the Caribbean

(2003) The Fugitive (1993) Gladiator (2000) Avatar (2009) For each, explain three things you see on the poster that would suggest it fits into the genre of action–adventure. Which poster seems to fit most neatly into the genre? Why is this? Which is the hardest to define as action adventure? Why?

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Answer the following in the style of an essay, using appropriate examples: the audience for Action Adventure films has traditionally been male. Why do you think this might be?

Action and Adventure - Yvonne Tasker Empire magazine Sight and Sound magazine

Look at a recent successful Action Adventure film. Can you discover the following: How much did it cost to make? How much has it made at the box office so far? How much were its big stars paid to be in it?

Representation Genre

Audience Conventions Protagonist Antagonist

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Music Miss Breckin brecd001@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Complete the music listening sheet for next lesson.



Complete the keyboard practice sheet and keep a log of your improvements on the keyboard.



Complete the vocal exercises sheets and note any improvements in your singing ability.

Stretch & Challenge

Reading List Numeracy Task Spellings

Practice for at least 30 minutes a week on your chosen instrument.

Read an article about your favourite band or singer and be prepared to discuss it with the class. 'Basic Live Sound' by Paul White How Music Streaming saved the Music Industry article https://www.ft.com/content/cd99b95e-d8ba-11e6-944b-e7eb37a6aa8e

13 students are going to see a concert in London. The tickets cost £20 each, but there is a discount of £5 per ticket for groups of 10 or more. The students will be travelling by mini-bus, but the fuel and driver cost must be split between the students and added to the overall cost of the trip. The fuel will cost £60 and the driver will cost £100. How much will each student need to pay for the trip?

Melody Accompaniment

Rhythm Chord

Texture Accuracy

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

PE Mr Gearey gearj017@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.


1 Complete the worksheet on barriers to participation. You will need to:

1. Describe how each area can prevent people taking part in sport. 2. Provide specific examples 3. Explain how it may affect you completing your 6-week circuit training programme. 4. Explain how you might find a way to overcome this barrier.



Complete the worksheet on FITT. You need to: 1. Describe what the principle is and define it. 2. Explain how you might use it in your 6 week training programme.


3 Complete the worksheet on warm ups and cool downs. You need to:

For each box, you should add: 1. A diagram or picture.

2. A description of how to do it and how long for?

3. An explanation of why we do it?

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

1. Task 1, research any government initiatives designed to overcome barriers in your local area.

2. Task 2: Research the additional principles of training. ISPARRV

3. Task 3: Explain the 3 components of a warm up and the 3 functions.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/pe/exercise/1_exercise_principles_rev1.shtml https://www.brianmac.co.uk/warmup.htm

I have 10 minutes to complete a warm up. I want to complete the 3 phases of a warm up. Design a way I could fit all of these in.

Barriers Participation Adherence Principles Functions


Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Performing Arts Mrs Kelley kellt007@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Create a spider diagram highlighting the keywords you have learnt this term in relation to Contact/ Physical theatre work: trust, health and safety, core strength, team work, technique. Use photographic images to support your work.



Complete your rehearsal logs regularly ensuring you use key terminology and set yourself improvement targets.



Complete a written evaluation sheet based on your practical work and performance assessment this term

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Get involved in the Christmas Concert as either a performer or in a production role.

Research the physical theatre company ‘Frantic Assembly’.

Your class is going to see the Lion King’ at the Lyceum Theatre . You will be going to an evening performance. Find out the ticket prices and work out the cheapest price to take the class.

Physical Theatre Spot Lighting Hot Seating

Vocal Expression Facial Expression


Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Photography Miss Sassi sassj013@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



You will be issued with a booklet and sketchbook in class. Task 1: Analyse the image in the booklet provided and use the writing frame to help you. Need help? Use the vocab list you made in class to aid your analytical skills.



Task 2: Source some found images and create a collage/ montage in response to the title ‘Fragments’. Need help? You can source images from magazines, newspapers, the internet, your own personal collection or even old books.



Task 3: Research the portrait images made by Hockney called ‘Joiner’ Images. Write 200 words on these images. Need help? Use the writing frame in your booklet to help you.

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Under the theme of portraits, take 200 images using an SLR camera, select t your best images and discuss why these are successful. Need help? You can borrow the cameras from the art department.

Lonely Planet's Best Ever Photography Tips - Lonely Planet. Use This If You Want to Take Great Photographs: A Photo Journal by Henry Carroll

If you charge 30p for every time someone downloads your image and it is downloaded 10,234 times, then how much will you make before tax?

Fragmented Abstract Portrait Facial

Features Lighting Angles

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Religious Studies Mr Uddin uddis462@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Research five creations and do they prove that God exists?



Look at two religions and explain how they believe the earth was created.



Surely there must be a creator as everything on earth has a creator and purpose. What do you think? Explain

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Science vs God Creation of the Earth

Big Bang Theory

Research how many different theories there are of the creation of mankind

Science Religion Big Bang Creations

World Nature

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Science Mrs Bennett bailc197@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Draw or cut and paste a picture of a light microscope and label all of its working parts. You need to explain what each part of the telescope does and why it is needed. You should explain how to calculate the magnification of a sample and provide examples of this. You will need to know all of this information for you Biology paper one exam.



Construct an information sheet for a Year 7 or 8 student to explain what the main parts of an atom are and where these parts are found. You should provide at least three different examples of elements drawn as an atom e.g. oxygen, hydrogen, lithium. You will need to include the rules that link to electron configuration are and an explanation of what an isotope is.



You have been asked to write an article for a science journal based on vectors and scalers. Explain the following statements within your article: What is the difference between a vector and a scalar? How are they linked together? How does the speed of an object have the same value as an object? You can provide examples or diagrams to support your article explanation.

Stretch & Challenge Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

What is an isotope? Draw some examples and explain what

Edexcel 9-1 combined science resources.

Calculations of sample sizes under a light microscope. Remember units

Microscope Vector Scalar

Magnitude Isotope

Year 9 Term 1 Homework Tasks

Spanish Miss Brett brete023@medwaymail.org

Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



Research which hobbiesare popular in Spain - create an informative poster, labelling all pictures in spanish. Include your opinions in Spanish too.



Complete worksheets handed out in class, on family. Then you should write a short paragaph about your own family in as much detail as possible.



Identify all verbs in a text about friendships. Change all these verbs into the past tense to make it about past friendships. Add extra time expressions to make it sound natural.

Stretch & Challenge

Reading List Numeracy

Task Spellings

Translate a menu of your choice into Spanish. Raffle tickets will be given.

Las vacaciones de simon (class) Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (1st chapter) Huevos verdes con jamon. (Dr Seuss translation)

How many years did it take to construct La Sagrada familia in Barcelona? Was this longer than it to construct the Eiffel Tower?

Lists to be distributed in class

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