testing basic concept in physics

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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This is a test paper designed for the undergraduate level students in Physics at the entry level. Any one may test oneself. Your comments are valuable. Feel free to write to me at kg.abhi@gmail.com


Testing the Basic Concept Prepared by Dr. Abhijit Kar Gupta

e-mail: kg.abhi@gmail.com 1. Calculate the arithmetic mean and root-mean-square (rms) value of the four numbers

1,2, 3, 4. Which one is greater? 2. Sketch the behaviours of the following functions: xe , xe− , xxe− , 2x 3. The motion of a body falling from rest in a resistive medium is described by the equation:


−= , where A and B are constants. Show that the velocity at any time t is

given by ( )BteBAv −−= 1 . Show that the velocity becomes constant (terminal) after a

long time. Can you plot v against t ? 4. You are given a cube. If its each side is increased by 10% then what will be the percentage change in its volume? 5. If θ be the angle between two vectors A and B then show that the resultant vector C has the magnitude θcos222 ABBAC ++= . What is C if A and B are perpendicular to each other?

6. For a simple pendulum total energy =+ 22


21 kxmv constant. Prove that the time

period kmT π2= .

7. If the magnitude of velocity of a body is measured to be 8 m/s and 12 m/s at time 2 sec. and 4 sec. respectively then find out the average acceleration of the body during this time.

8. Newton’s law of Gravitation is 221


GF = . Find out the dimension of the universal

constant G . Find out a quantity from the above relation whose dimension is mass per unit length. 9. Are the two vector products )ˆˆ(ˆ jii ×× and jii ˆ)ˆˆ( ×× equal?

10. A wave is represented by 005.0

sin2 ty π= . Find out the amplitude, wavelength and

frequency of the wave. 11. Are the following quantities scalar or vector? (i) r⋅∇ , (ii) r×∇ , where r is a position vector.

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