that raw lifestyle

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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By Kellie Olver

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Raw eating that is….

Although raw foods and eating RAW has been around since the time Homo

sapiens took his first step, this “diet” is one of the major diet trends to hit the

health scene many years back. And it is here to stay.

First, let’s get a couple things straight. DIET is a 4 letter word. A word I chose

not to use and a technique I rarely employ. WHY? Well, what are the first 3

letters of diet? DIE. YUP..DIE. And another big reason NOT go on a D-I-E-T is

that diets tend to lower your metabolism, set up unrealistic expectations for

success and have you on a short term plan of which you have no intentions of

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keeping up afterword’s. Which means, typically, all the weight you have lost is

put back on as you return to your usual way of eating.

So, from here on our, let’s use the words “eating plan” when talking about a

specific plan, protocol, or system used to shed a few unwanted pounds or to

enhance our overall health and wellbeing. OK? OK.

Now, back to RAW.

Rather than think of eating RAW as a “diet”, let’s think of eating RAW as a

lifestyle. Once you experience and enjoy all the pleasures from eating this way,

you will be hooked for life!

First and foremost, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, had it right: Let your

food be your medicine and your medicine be your food. For the past several

years, there has been a big push for you and me to eat our vitamins from fresh,

natural foods as opposed to eating processed foods that are devoid of nutrients.

In today’s traditional eating, most people eat cooked food. Now, it is basic

knowledge that a lot of nutrients in food, including enzymes, are destroyed once

it is cooked or processed with high temperatures, basically rendering the food

dead and nearly void of nutrition.

And because you are what you eat, whatever nutrients you take in, or don’t,

reflects on your outer appearance.

In a RAW lifestyle, you will hear the words “living foods”. RAW comprises eating

foods that are not processed, cooked or heated past 110 degrees or more.

Anything over 110 degrees starts to denature or destroy the naturally occurring

vitamins and minerals within the food.

Rawists eat living food. And in so doing, get a better dose of naturally occurring

nutrients found in fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts.

Is that the reason why RAWISTS generally look younger, have more energy and

feel healthier than the rest of us? Yes, one of them. And another reason is

passing over all the packaged, processed foods so readily available.

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From a different perspective, if you are looking to shed a few unwanted pounds,

eating raw is a very effective way to accomplish your goal. A balanced menu of

fresh fruits, vegetables and protein is already on the accepted list as part of a

healthy weight loss program so jump right in

When it comes to sickness, eating RAW can help to shut the door to unwanted

health concerns. One good example is eating raw broccoli – it revs up your

liver’s ability to detoxify carcinogens. Another is eating raw garlic which

produces allicin, a DNA protecting compound. Kale, with its anti-inflammatory

properties, helps to boost the immune system with its naturally occurring

carotenoid and flavonoid antioxidants. Plus, Juice up red cabbage, asparagus,

parsley and cucumber and watch your waist line whittle away. The list goes on

and on.

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Overall, when you eat raw, you get the benefit of fresh vitamins, minerals and

enzymes, all of which play a part in you looking 10 pounds younger and feeling

10 years lighter. Your taste buds will go into positive sensory overload with real

flavor inspired by real foods!

So say good bye to fried foods, packaged foods and fast foods.

Say hello to feeling good, looking good, saving money (unhealthy eating and

health bills) and hearing yourself say, I didn’t know food could taste so good.

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T H E H O W : E A T I N G R A W

It is the very base reason we want to go on a healthy eating plan – to get


There are some of us who want to embark on the healthy journey JUST to lose

weight. But eating right can never be wrong, RIGHT? And losing weight is just an

added bonus to gaining good health.

What we’ll be focusing on right now is the raw food eating plan. Its name may

not always trip people’s trigger but that’s understandable. We were born into a

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world where food is cooked or processed. Thirty, 40 years ago, eating raw food

was weird or taboo. So how to go about it then?

First step, research. Oh yes, ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your health.

You need to understand the philosophy and purpose behind the eating plan. This

is to make sure that it’s fitted to your needs especially if you have a pre-

diagnosed health condition. The internet is flooded with information so that

getting the data you want is in a click of a button. For a more solid education,

please consult with a health or medical professional.

If you are a little nervous to go at it alone, invite the gang. It’s good to have

someone to volley recipe ideas with. If none of your friends are raw food

enthusiasts, you can always locate communities online to get support and meet

new people.

You know that saying “The hardest part is of any journey is taking that first

step”? Well it is. It’s like taking a leap when you’re cliff diving. Or jumping off a

plane when sky diving… I think you get the picture. In short, just take that first

step and try it. Dive in with a sense of adventure and be flexible.

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You can start off going whole hog (pardon the expression) right away with 100%

raw food. Or, as it may take a few days for your body to adapt to this new way

of eating, start off with20 %raw and 80% cooked; graduate to 50% raw and 50%

cooked. You can always go 100% raw later when you and your body become

comfortable with it.

Now it is time to consider your food source during and after your trial period, so

to speak. Not all produce is grown in goodness. Best choice is organic foods,

fruits and vegetables as they are not sprayed nor filled with chemicals when


You might want to head out to a raw restaurant and taste all the delicious

entrees and desserts. And I mean DELISCHE!!! You will be hooked. Grab a

RAW cook book— funny name especially since you are not cooking—with easy

to follow recopies to create these types of meals for yourself.

Continue with your exercise program or start one to compliment this raw


Choosing to go RAW is a rewarding lifestyle change, not a test. Like everything,

change takes time. Gradually bring together raw foods into your eating. Easing

into it will help ensure you continue to follow the RAW plan rather than giving

up on day 1. If and when you are comfortable enough to go on a complete raw

food diet, go for it! As the saying goes, “try it, you might like it”!

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I’m pretty sure this is a common occurrence: we only remember to take our

vitamins when we feel a bit under the weather. Some of us are even guilty to

take the pill only when we get sick, right? Sadly, taking in vitamins during these

times might help our bodies fight off illness but it (most of the time) can’t be a

cure. So what’s the better thing to do?

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I think you already have a clue here: prevention of course.

And what better way to get that? Eat foods that are power packed with vitamins.

Like me, I’m sure you don’t want to just ingest all kinds of food just hoping you’d

get a bit of this and a bit of that vitamin. Yeah, some of you might even complain

that you don’t know which food can give you what vitamins. That isn’t really

reason enough at this day and age. Abundant information can be found in a click

of a mouse - or you can just continue reading below.

In summary, here are the ones you need to have every day, their effect, and

where to get them.

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Vitamin B Complex – keeps proper function of blood, nerves, and immune

system. Most especially vitamins B6 and B12. B6 is abundant in beans, fish, nuts,

chicken, bananas, whole grains, and wheat germ. As for B12, it is found in beef,

eggs, fish, pork, dairy, and poultry.

Vitamin C – This would be the DNA-damaging free radicals fighter. Yep you read

it right. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that does just that. It also helps maintain a

healthy immune system as well as boost HDL a.k.a. “The Good Cholesterol”. Load

up on red peppers, broccoli, guava, kale, kiwi, tomatoes and leafy greens.

Calcium – Bone health, baby. This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Getting calcium

in the body is pretty much engrained in us since we were kids. Best food sources

of course are dairy products because they are the most calcium packed foods.

Vitamin D – The calcium booster! It helps prevent calcium deficient illnesses

(provided you take in enough calcium) like osteoporosis, certain cancers, and

other chronic sickness. Food source would be fatty fishes the like of salmon and

tuna. And let’s not forget a daily dose of 20 minutes of unprotected sun.

Vitamin E – Another antioxidant here. Positive functions include prevention of

Alzheimer’s disease and good eye health. Best food sources to get this are from

almonds (and most other nuts), vegetable oil (e.g. sunflower, canola, olive oil),

wheat germ, and avocados.

Magnesium – For strong bones, normal muscle and nerve function, and

regulated blood sugar levels. As for best food source, you can get it from

legumes, and nuts like almonds, cashews, pecans, peanuts, and walnuts. For

green colored food source you have spinach and broccoli. It can also be found in

dates, bananas, and raisins.

Vitamin K – Provides good blood clot health and bone strength as well as

density. It’s abundant in dark green and leafy veggies as well as vegetable oils.

Folic Acid (Folate) – Lack of this vitamin can heighten risk for some cancers and

heart diseases. It can also be a risk factor for stroke. During pregnancy,

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deficiency causes a higher risk of neural-tube birth defects. It is advised to get

your dose from leafy vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, wheat germ, whole grains,

and beans.

And there you have it. Keep in mind though that if you want to try eating your

vitamins, you might want to consult with a registered dietitian. Dietitians will

ensure the food plan is precisely what you need especially if you have existing

health conditions.

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Kellie Olver is an internationally recognized

television host and one of the top home shopping

network presenters and sales people of all time...

She has over 25 years’ experience, logging over

22,000 hours of LIVE TV and generated nearly a

BILLION dollars in sales of product. Because of

her dynamic personality and contagious

enthusiasm she has been consistently ranked

number one as a television host, professional

speaker, and trainer, teaching people how to

present themselves, idea or product for maximum


She has been a host of two national shopping

channels, Home Shopping Network (HSN) USA and

The Shopping Channel (TSC) Canada and worked

with top celebrities such as Joan Rivers, George

Forman, Richard Simmons, Tony Little, Susan Lucci, Wayne Gretzky, Wolfgang

Puck, Liza Gibbons, Connie Stevens, Suzanne Summers, Frankie Avalon, William

Shatner, Ed McMahon, Dick Clark and Ivana Trump.

Kellie has consulted on several multinational/multimillion revenue producing

infomercials. She has worked with numerous clients throughout the years as an

agent, devising marketing strategies for product owners as well as positioning

their products into shopping channels, infomercials and traditional retail


As a health and wellness expert, Kellie understood the importance of natural

and organic ingredients for both the inside as well as the outside of the body.

Because of this, Kellie created her own multinational selling skin care brand,

Kellie Olver Skin Care, with emphasis on using REAL INGREDIENTS to get REAL

RESULTS. First came Zyming, a patented, nature based, living Papaya enzyme

formulation, made fresh and in small batches to ensure efficacy. After

successfully launching Zyming, Kellie then created 7 additional nature based

products to support the brand. Kellie also brought to market Smoothe, a

BioActive Revitalizing Collagen Gel featuring collagen’s naturally occurring

Triple Helix. Smoothe was also made by hand and in small batches with a

patented process harvesting the collagen which helped to ensure the delicate

nature of the triple helix.

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Kellie also lent her name to Genewize, an organic daily supplement with an

ORAC value of nearly 8000 and one of the very first supplements customized to

your DNA to support healthy living.

Kellie co-founded, an innovative combination of live TV

Shopping Networks and online shopping sites. Kellie’s extensive experience

gave her the ability to build, create and execute a total Shopping Channel

experience, offer a complete product analysis as well as strategic marketing

advice for product owners to help them achieve their goals. Kellie orchestrated

joint ventures between OSTV clients and outside resources. She hosted over

100 individual video presentations and helped craft the on air presentations.

Kellie is a real person who has experienced real life lessons and has come up

on top. She focuses on a healthy lifestyle, the importance on faith and belief in

a higher source coupled with inspired action steps in accomplishing one’s

ultimate desires.

Skype: Kellie.Olver


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