the 1 hour business

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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The 1 Hour Business is a simple system you may use to start your business online. For just $10 a month, you can start and run a successful business online in just 1 hour a day. All the tools you need, including marketing tools are included. This is a step by step business plan, and if you follow it, you will make money.


The 1 Hour Business:How to Start a Business Online in Just a Few

Hours and Run it in Only 1 Hour a Day

Jinger Jarrett


Copyright, 2013, Jinger Jarrett. All Rights Reserved. You may print a

copy of this ebook for your own personal use. You may also brand it and

give it away. (Instructions on how to get your brandable copy are

included at the end of this ebook.) You may not change any of the


Additionally: Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or

private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright,

Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced,

stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior

permission in writing of the author. Inquiries concerning reproduction

outside those terms should be sent to the author.

The use of registered names, trademarks etc. in this publication does not

imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are

exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for

general use.

The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard

to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot

accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that

may be made.

To get the most from this report, read it through at least one

time. See what is involved. Then, read it through a second time,

only this time you want to take action. Follow the instructions to

the letter. Even if you only have 15 minutes a day to work on this,

if you work on it 15 minutes a day consistently, you will have your

business set up in no time.

To contact me, or for further resources, please see the list at the

end of this report.

Table of Contents


About this book...........................................................................................iii

Getting Started.................................................................................1

Step 1 – Sign Up For Your Web Hosting, Domain, and Website.....3

Step 2 – Set Up Your Easy Downlines System.................................7

Step 3 – Market Your New Business................................................9

Internet Marketing Tips............................................................................11

Step by Step Instructions...............................................................13

Part 1 – Set Up the Basic System..............................................................13

Part 2 – An Alternative Way to Set Up the System...................................14



Marketing Resources.................................................................................17

Get Help.....................................................................................................18



About this book

Although I wrote this ebook as a way to promote one of the many

programs I'm involved in, it's also something more. It's a way for me to

provide another solution for my customers and readers: How do you

start a business online without mortgaging your whole lifestyle?

Although you do need to know the basics of using a computer, you really

don't need any special skills to do what's required in this report. If you

can read and follow instructions, you are well on your way to starting a

business that will make you a lot of money.

One of the most important things I've learned since I started my business

is that most people aren't interested in making a million dollars on the

Internet. Most just want to make ends meet at the end of the month.

Personally, I don't have a problem with that. Running a business full time

isn't for everyone.

Regardless, the most important thing is that you get started. Read

everything you can about online business. Study it. Apply it. Keep doing

what works for you and discard what doesn't. Too often most people

want the “Magic Bullet.”

There is no magic bullet. To start a successful business, you have to roll

up your sleeves and get to work.

Now let's talk about what's involved.


Getting Started

The biggest problem in starting a business online is that most systems

are too complicated for those who are new to Internet business. For

someone new, the system needs to be as easy as possible.

This system was written to solve the problems involved in starting a

business online:

1.It has to be easy and inexpensive. It only costs you $10 a month. That's


2.The system has to be duplicable. This means that anyone can take this

system and start a business by simply following the instructions.

3.It helps in building a list. By building a list, you recycle your traffic and

get higher conversions on what you are selling.

4.It must allow you to generate multiple streams of income. Don't put all

of your eggs in one basket. The more streams of income you have

available to earn from, on autopilot, the faster your income will grow.

5.It provides you with a way to market your business using the most

common free Internet marketing methods without going afoul of sites

like craigslist and Ezine Articles. Because you will own your own domain,

you won't violate the terms and conditions of the sites where you are


How This System Solves the Problem

I've solved all of these problems by tying three different programs

together. Once you set up these programs, which can be done in a few

hours, you are ready to go. All you will have to do is market your new


Getting Started

business, and Easy Downlines, as well as Perfect Traffic Storm, will

help you get this done.

Now, let's get started setting up your new business.

(Please Note: Links to all of the resources in this ebook are at the

end of the ebook. Resources that have a link are in bold and



Step 1 – Sign Up For Your Web Hosting,

Domain, and Website

To get started, the first thing you need to do is sign up for an account

with This is the only expense you will incur in setting up

this system. It costs $10 a month, and you earn an income down five

levels. This program offers a 7 day free trial.

The rest of this business involves investing your time. Once you get the

system in place, you will only need to market your business, and you can

do this in less than one hour per day.

The next step is to sign up for the Easy Downlines System. With the

Easy Downlines System, you will get simple marketing tools and training

to build a list of referrals. It also allows you to refer others to multiple

programs, including, giving you the opportunity to earn from

multiple income streams.

You also build a list of prospects for what you are selling. Although you

can do this with the default page, their system doesn't allow

you to earn multiple income streams and promote multiple programs.

Once you have signed up for both of these systems, the next step is to

log into each of these accounts and complete your setup. (After you sign

up for both systems and confirm, copy down your affiliate URLs for use

in the next steps.)

Tip: When creating your domain name, stay somewhat generic. (You

may want to consider using your name, or something similar.) The

reason is that if I decide I don't like my site, or I want to promote

something different, it's easy to change. Keep it simple. Make your

domain name easy to remember. Names do rank well in the search


Step 1 – Sign Up For Your Web Hosting, Domain, and Website

engines. If you don't believe me, look at the top 10 high traffic sites on

the Internet as listed by Alexa... They're all names.

Once you sign up for, you will receive a confirmation email.

Confirm your account and then log in. (Remember, you will receive a 7

day free trial, so this gives you plenty of time to set up a business, and

you don't have to do all your set up at one time.)

On the left hand panel is the menu for this site. You will need to look for:


Click this button and it will take you to the Affiliates' panel. Scroll down

until you see “Hit Logs” on the page. You will also see your promotional

URL. It will look like this: Copy down this

information as you will need it later if you decide to promote the

program or to brand this ebook.

Next, on the left hand menu, scroll down until you see “Domains”. Under

“Domains”, you will see “Build Your WebSite”. Click on this link. It will

take you to the set up panel for your domain.

On the next page, you will see “My Domains”. Underneath will be the

domain you have just signed up for. You will see a link under “Change

DNS.” Click this link.

Scroll down until you see “Domain Forwarding”. Click the dot beside it

and click “Continue”. On the next page, you will paste the URL you

received from the Easy Downlines System into the box underneath

“Updating URL Forwarding”. Click the “Update” Once you have


Step 1 – Sign Up For Your Web Hosting, Domain, and Website

completed this step, your website is set up, and now it's time to see to

the administrative details. (If you don't have a link for Easy Downlines

because you couldn't find it earlier when you confirmed, then see the

instructions later in this report for how to find it.)

Underneath “Setup Your WebSite”, you will see, “Setup Your Email”. You

may either use the email service here, or you may simply forward your

email to your own email account. I recommend forwarding it to your

regular email account. You won't receive much email here, so this really

isn't an issue.

You do however, want to make sure you get the email here that comes

your way. Often it is someone who has a question about the program,

and you want to answer those questions. If you can't answer the

question, ask your sponsor. (That information is available in the

members' area. I personally always answer those in my downline. I'm

happy to help.)

Next, you need to scroll down until you see “Account Info”. There are

three things you need to take care of here so you get paid when you

make a referral:

Preferred Payment

Preferred Commissions

Contact Preferences gives you a choice of Check or Pay Pal. I prefer Pay Pal

because it's connected to my bank account, and I get a debit card. If I

ever need the money, I just go to the teller machine. If you don't have a

Pay Pal account, you can sign up for one. It's free. Some don't like Pay


Step 1 – Sign Up For Your Web Hosting, Domain, and Website

Pal. I've never had any problem with it, and it makes it very easy to shop

online as well as get paid.

One thing I would recommend is that you sign up for either a Premier

Account or Business Account. (Still free.) The reason is that later on

down the road, you may decide to expand your business and want to

accept payments for products you create. Even if you don't, the major

advantage of one of these two types of accounts is that you can get a Pay

Pal MasterCard Debit card. It makes getting your money really easy

because you go to any teller machine and use your card.

You do want to add a debit/credit card to your Pay Pal account, and your

checking account. This will make you a verified buyer and help you get

your Pay Pal Mastercard Debit Card.

Account setup is pretty straightforward. Make sure your account is set

up and confirmed. You may add a maximum of 8 email addresses to your

account if you want to use different email addresses to accept payments.

Otherwise, if you prefer, you may get paid by check by

Either way, make sure you print out and mail the W-9 to them.

Finally, whenever a site asks you for the information to pay you, enter

your Pay Pal information. All of the sites included in this report allow you

to be paid by Pay Pal to get paid. This makes it easy on you because it's

automatic, and you'll have all your money in one convenient place.

One word of advice here: Make sure that when you set up your Pay Pal

that you create a very secure password. (Use something like Roboform if

you have to and make backups of your pass cards). It seems nowadays

that more and more people are out there to steal your money, so protect

yourself. This includes your email and any other financial information

you have online.


Step 2 – Set Up Your Easy Downlines


Please Note: Before starting this step, I would highly recommend you

sign up for a free Gmail account. You will need this account to handle

the emails for your marketing system.

I won't spend a lot of time on this step. The reason is that when you log

into your account, you will find a link in the menu that says Training.

Click on the link that says Modules. Follow this through to the end.

You may want to consider doing the training over a series of days, but

you want to make sure you get it done.

If you can read and follow instructions, you can use this system to setup

and market your business so you make some real money.

Let me let you in on a secret here: the real secret to making money

online is to choose a system and then work it until you start making

money. In other words, find an opportunity you are interested in and

work it until you see results. Focus. Plain and simple.

It's not that a lot of stuff online doesn't work. Yes, there are plenty of

people out there that peddle junk. However, there are also plenty of

people like me who know tried and true principles for starting a

business. There are no shortcuts, and there's always work involved.

The truth is, most people will jump into an opportunity and work it for a

few days or few weeks. When they don't see immediate results, or they

don't see results fast enough, they give up and move on to the next big

thing. They just keep doing that over and over, and so they never make

any money.


Step 2 – Set Up Your Easy Downlines System

I know this because I've done the same thing. Let me promise you

something though: if you choose an opportunity and stick with it, you'll

see results, and you'll see results a lot faster if you stay focused.

Procrastination is another enemy of those who want to make money

online. That's why, once you read this ebook through once, the next step

is to reread it again and do each step as it occurs.

Once you set up your marketing, then you want to make sure that you

grab your affiliate link and go to Perfect Traffic Storm and set up your

links. You will also want to create ads to market your system.

One final note here: You will only need the Perfect Traffic Storm System

if you plan to brand this ebook. Otherwise, there are really only two

steps involved:

1) Set up your account.

2) Set up your Easy Downlines account. Once you have this ready,

then you will want to take the next step, which is marketing.


Step 3 – Market Your New Business

Some people act as if there's some big mystery to getting traffic to your

sites and making sales. It's really not that complicated.

The truth is, if you know a few things, you'll get traffic in no time at all.

There is a very fast and very easy way to get started generating traffic to

your website. It takes you about an hour to learn the system and then

you need to write your ads. Once you get the system in place, it takes

about 15 minutes a day to maintain this system.

It's called “Craigs List Marketer Pro,” and you can get a free copy of the

ebook and video through Leads Leap. Although Leads Leap offers a paid

program, you can sign up for their free program and use it to build a list,

promote your business, or make money giving away free stuff,

particularly the 1000 minutes of free video you get from this site when

you sign up.

Let me assure you that you won't even have to watch all of the videos to

become an expert at Internet marketing. Just watch a few of the videos,

or just watch Craig's List Marketer Pro and implement the strategies.

Either way, you'll become an old pro in no time at all.

Don't discount the value of these videos. I've watched quite a few of

them, and they are excellent. The marketing techniques are just as

relevant today as they were when they were made. In fact, I bought

Affiliate Project X when it was $77. It's now $97. Don't get me wrong; it

is a good product. However, many of the strategies outlined in Affiliate

Project X are also available in Affiliate Windfall Profits, which is available

through Leads Leap for free.


Step 3 – Market Your New Business

To get your free video, what you need to do is sign up for your Leads

Leap Account. Once you have signed up and verified your account, log

into your members' account. Scroll down on the left side menu until you

see “Resources”. Under this is a link to “Free Bonuses”. Click on this

link, and you will find video to teach you just about any Internet

marketing technique you might imagine. What's even better is that

implementing most of these techniques is free.

1000 minutes of video might seem like a lot. However, you don't have to

watch the videos on every technique taught. If you break the videos

down, and you only watch one hour of videos a day though, you will have

finished all of the videos in 17 days. On the 17th day, you won't even

have to watch a full hour. You'll know what you need to do to build a

business. (If you don't have that much time, spend 30 minutes a day.

You'll complete all of the videos in just about 30 days.)

The point is, it's not as hard to learn Internet marketing as you think,

and the learning curve is not as steep as you think if you actually know

how you want to market when you first start off. Do your homework first,

and then implement what you learn.

Finally, because this membership is so jam packed with resources to

teach you Internet marketing, I won't try and teach you those here. What

I do want to do is give you some tips to help you get started. What's most

important is that you take action. Bad marketing is always better than no

marketing. If you don't market, you won't make any money. Your site

might have bad copy, or it might be ugly. None of that will matter if no

one sees it.


Step 3 – Market Your New Business

Internet Marketing Tips

1.Choose one, and only one Internet marketing technique to get started.

If you try to learn all of the techniques at one time, you won't get started

at all because you'll get overwhelmed.

2.When choosing your marketing technique, ask yourself these

questions: What marketing techniques make sense to me? What

techniques do I think I can do? What techniques have a fairly low

learning curve? Do I like to write or not? If you don't really like to write,

Craig's List Marketer Pro is ideal. You create simple image ads, which

are really easy to do.

3.If you do like to write, then try article writing. Article writing and

promotion will help you rank high in the search engines because you are

building backlinks to your website. Searchers love articles because

they're information, not advertising.

4.The easiest way to learn how to write ads, articles, and any other

marketing materials is to study good ads, articles, and other marketing

materials. Although this sounds simplistic, the truth is, no one can make

you a copywriter but you.

Ask yourself what would make you want to buy a product and then write

about that. Don't tell others your life story. Find a problem and then

match the product to the problem. The product you promote should solve

the problem. If you don't feel comfortable writing your own ads, etc. then

rewrite the ads that come with the program if any are available. Don't

use them exactly as they are; the ads may have been overused. Overused

ads aren't effective in getting the sale.


Step 3 – Market Your New Business

(The easiest way to implement the Craig's List Marketer Pro Strategy is

to use the graphics in the Free and Powerful System as your image ads.

Just take the graphics and upload them to Photo Bucket. Change the link

in the code to your domain. Add something after the domain to make it

different. For example, if your link is, make it This makes the link

different and Craig's List will see it as a different link. You will still need

to write headlines for your ads, but which is easier and less time

consuming: writing 70 headlines, or 70 headlines and ads?)

In the next chapter I've boiled this all down to a step by step plan. Just

follow the plan, and you'll have this system set up in no time flat. I've

also included an alternate plan for you.


Step by Step Instructions

Since I originally wrote this ebook, I've found that there are a lot of ways

to make this system run faster and better.

In the first section of these instructions, I've included the fastest and

easiest way to build your business quickly. In the second part, I'll show

you how to take it to the next level by blogging. This will allow you to

earn multiple streams of income and still only work about one to two

hours per day.

My very best to you,

Jinger Jarrett

Part 1 – Set Up the Basic System

Step 1 – Set up your account. You will want to go to the

website and sign up for your account. It's free for the first 7 days. After

that, you will be charged $10 per month.

Step 2 – Sign up for your Easy Downlines acount. You will want to

log into your account and complete the training. Set up your account

including the payment information. Once you have completed this step,

then log back into and complete the set up steps listed in

Chapter One of this report.

Step 3 – Start marketing your new business. You may use the

resources within Easy Downlines. This is the easiest way to get started.

You will also want to get on the social sites and start connecting with


Step by Step Instructions

others who want to make money. Give away this ebook (You can brand it

for free.)

Part 2 – An Alternative Way to Set Up the System

One of the most effective ways to make money on the internet is through

blogging. Blogging allows you to generate multiple streams of income

because you can promote multiple products and/or services on your blog.

When you sign up for, you'll get all the training you need

to build this system. Here are the steps:

Step 1 – Sign up for and Easy Downlines the same way

you did before. Set up both your accounts.

Step 2 – Create your websites. You will want to use Easy Downlines to

create a squeeze page (Instructions are included inside the Easy

Downlines training.)

Step 3 – Upload this page to the main directory of your website.

(Website .ws will send you directions on how to do this. If you still need

help, ask, or contact

Step 4 – Log into your member panel and install your

blog. You will want to install it in a sub directory.

As a member of my downline, you're entitled to a copy of Wordpress

Cash Machines. Just send me an email through the member panel or

contact me through my support desk, and I'll gladly send you the

download link.


Step by Step Instructions

This package includes the following:

Wordpress Cash Machine - This ebook will show you 50 different ways

to make money with Wordpress.

Wordpress Setup Checklist - Don't struggle with getting your

Wordpress blog set up right. This video course will show you how to set

up your Wordpress blog correctly. Nothing is left to chance, and you

won't waste your time trying to figure out how to set up your blog.

Wordpress SEO Mastery - Optimize your blog for the search engines,

rank high in the search engines, and drive a ton of traffic automatically.

Make Money From Wordpress - Discover 20 more ways to make

money from your Wordpress blog.

Guide to $200 a Day - Step by step plan shows you everything you

need to do to get your blog earning $200 a day.

This training is in addition to the affiliate training provided on my main

website. Wordpress Cash Machines currently sells on my site for $17,

but it's easily worth a lot more because it's actually several different

packages that sell for $47 each. I'm providing this information as a

courtesy because I really want to help you build your business. When you

make money from, I make money, so it's win-win for both of




If you would like to brand this ebook to use it to promote your business

and make more money, then you will want to join my membership site,

Killer Marketing Arsenal.

By joining this site, you will have access to some of the best free ways to

make money online, as well as some of my best traffic resources. If you

decide to upgrade, you'll receive my 52 week Internet marketing

ecourse, as well as my easiest, fastest, and best way to make money


You'll find the link to this site below.

(Please Note: All links are clickable. If you decide to copy and paste

them, please copy and paste the full link. Because all links use a link

cloaker so the ebook can be more easily branded, you won't reach your

destination if you don't use the link listed.)


Easy Downlines

Marketing Resources

Leads Leap

Killer Marketing Arsenal



Get Help

Once you sign up, I'm available to answer any questions you may have.

Feel free to either email me from the member panel or use

my convenient support desk below:

Support Desk

You may also visit my channel on Youtube for additional training to help


Jinger's Youtube Channel




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