the art of storytelling - presented by oneika raymond - 2015 blogging while brown conference

Post on 15-Aug-2015



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The Art of StorytellingOneika Raymond- Blogging While Brown


A blogging joke to begin

Q: What did the hippie blogger yell at the rally for writers’ rights?

A: “Write on!”(this is the part where

you laugh)

Hi, I’m Oneika Raymond.Traveller


Writer and blogger

You can also find my writing here:

The Art of StorytellingWhat we’ll be talking about

1. Before you begin your story

2. The words (nuts and bolts)

3. Visual storytelling

4. Storytelling and social media

5. Things you shouldn’t forget

6. Q&A

Q: What is a blog?

a Web site that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer

blog noun \ˈbläg\

As defined by Merriam-Webster:

My definition:

A blog** is a place where you tell your stories.

Where you share your perspective + impressions of the world through your unique lens.

**digital platform = discuss current events/ recent happenings.

Why is good storytelling on your blog important?

Good storytelling:

1. Helps attract readers

2. Makes them read the whole post

3. Makes them come back for more

Compelling stories = a successful blog

1. Before you begin your story

Ask yourself:

What makes a good story?

What is the main point or idea?

Who is your audience?

What problem does your story solve or what question(s) does it answer?

Where do you want to take the reader? #goals

2. The words (nuts and bolts)

a) Use good titlesTo the point or



URL should be shareable

Informative and to the point



Url: SEO-friendly, eliminates

unnecessary words

b) Define your voiceVoice is the

distinct personality, style, or point of view of a piece of writing or any other creative work

Employs elements of tone, style, and mood

Your voice is (a big reason) why your readers keep coming back.

A strong voice:

Grabs your reader’s attention

Conveys a consistent mood/tone throughout the body of your work

Your voice is your brand!

Example: Luvvie Ajayi, author of

Luvvie has her own language--

A unique lexion that is distinctly hers

c) Start your narrative in medias res

Latin for “In the midst of things”

Kick off story in the middle of the plot/ conflict/ action

Hooks the reader

“Not five minutes after we enter the handkerchief-sized nightclub, one of the Japanese dudes who has been surreptitiously looking us up and down since our arrival sidles up to us nervously. We are the only two black girls in a room full of Japanese, all men except for the petite DJ — and obviously curiosity has gotten the better of him. The words that escape from his lips are halting but easily discernible, even as old school reggae shakes the room. ‘Where you from?’ ”

d) Layout: Structure and organizing your blog posts

Best blog posts: 500-700 words

Write clearly and concisely

Use headings to break up content!

Organize blog content into sections (“evergreen” content at the top or displayed prominently elsewhere)

Example: A Black Girl’s Guide to Weight LossCategories in navigation bar allow for easy access to posts on popular topics

Categories in nav bar for easy

access to popular or important


Sections for “evergreen” content prominently displayed on homepage

e) Allow readers to interact with your postsAsk open-

ended questions at the end of your posts to generate discussions

Accept comments on posts

Easy to find social media buttons so posts can be shared

3. Visual storytelling

How many of the following photos do you recognize?

A picture is worth a thousand words. They tell a story.

• Images that are evocative, sobering, funny, etc. have impact

• Killer images= more interesting blog posts

a) Choose a killer lead image for your blog post

(Who wouldn’t want to read on after peeping this view?)

Why killer? Awe-inducing

Example #2:

Encounter with locals in Tokyo

Why is this a good lead image? The stance, clothing, facial expressions, and gestures of the locals pique the reader’s curiosity.

“Who are these guys and how did she come to know them?”

Three tips from Lola Akinmade Åkerström (Founder of Geotraveler Media, award-winning travel writer and photographer) :

1. Shoot creatively: take your photos from mundane to interesting

2. When photographing people: interact with your subject

3. When photographing places: insert life

Tip #1 Example: Shoot creatively. Okay shot, but could be better

My attempt to make shot a bit less mundane: Focus on a single object, colour and texture more pronounced

Example: A portrait with some extra intrigue

Example: Attempt to make composition more interesting

Example: Fun with angles and perspective

Tip #2 Example: When photographing people, interact with the subject

Subject consented to photo, eyes

looking into the camera = better than “sneaky”


“Interacting gets you closer. Closer gets you better travel photographs.”

-Lola Akinmade Åkerström

Intense eye contact from the subject engages the viewer

Eye contact and smiles = warmth and good vibes

Tip #3 Example: Insert life when photographing landscapes– Lola says it “tells a story of interaction”

Static landscape feels alive when subjects interact with it

“Boring” pyramid pic is given scale and context when subject (me!) is in the frame

b) Mix it up! Add video

Audiovisual content is a great way to build brand and voice– readers get to “know” you better

More dynamic and engaging than still images

Youtube: More than 1 billion users

My Channel: OneikaTraveller

4. Storytelling and Social Media WHY?• Extend your narrative, more reach• Quick, casual, easily shareable: microblogging

Facebook: 1.44 billionmonthly users

Instagram: 302 million monthly users

Twitter: 300 millionmonthly users

Pinterest: 47.1 million monthly users

Example: Humans of New York’s Instagram page (3.1 million followers)

• Single photo: over 109k “likes”• High level of engagement• Comments and tags from viewers

Microblogging on social media sites is also a quicker and less onerous way to connect with readers

No time to sit down and write a full blog post?

When blog is on “hiatus” social media posts can fill the gap

Tipsa) Use Hootsuite to

schedule and promote

b) Don’t hesitate to work with brands: hashtag, tweet, and tag

c) Establish mutually beneficial relationships with other creators

d) Consider social media takeovers with brands that are out of your niche but have a similar target audience

Social media takeovers introduce your blog to a new audience

5. Things you shouldn’t forget

a. Be “k”ontroversial like Kanye: write about hot button topics you care about

Goal: promote healthy debate

Positives: more traffic, authenticity

Negatives: potential fallout

Courting controversy is not always easy

b. Use your platform for GOOD and to speak about something of substance

You CAN post about things outside of your niche

c. Don’t be afraid to get personal. Your pain may be someone else’s gain

d. Research (and proofread!) your work before posting

Use multiple, reliable, and up-to-date resources when necessary

e.Ask readers what they want from your blog

i. What interests them?

ii. What do they want to

see more of?

iii. What thing would they like you to try?

iv. What questions would they like answered?

v. What don’t they like?

The Takeaway

Good storytelling is integral to your blog

Good storytelling not only involves good writing but well-organized content, strong images, and a skillful use of social media

Good storytelling establishes and maintains a personal connection between you and the reader and adds value to their lives

A blogging joke to end


Oneika Raymond


Twitter and instagram: @oneikatraveller

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