the balkans information collaborated by: aaron mara

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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The Balkans

Information Collaborated By:

Aaron Mara

The Balkans: Countries





Bosnia & Herzegovina








The Balkans: 1900

The Balkans: 1913

The Balkans: 1920

The Balkans: 1941

The Balkans: 1945

The Balkans: 1900-1949

The Balkans: 1992

The Balkans: 1995

The Balkans: 1998

The Balkans: 2003

The Balkans: Climate

Three Climates:Mediterranean

Dry summers and mild, rainy wintersSouthern California

Humid SubtropicalWarm to hot summers and

cool wintersLike the climate in the

southeastHumid Continental

Mild to warm summers and cold wintersLike our climate

The Balkans: Austria

Population: about 8 million people Climate: humid subtropical Religion: 74% Roman Catholics, 5%

Protestant, rest belong to different faiths Key Events:

Assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914, sparked the start of WWI

March 12th, 1938, Nazis invade during WWII

The Balkans: Hungary

Population: about 10 million people Climate: humid continental Religion: 54.5% Roman Catholic, 21%

reformed Protestant, 6% Lutheran, 18.5% other

Key Events: After WWI the countries size was cut by two-thirds Sided with the Germans during WWII

The Balkans: Slovenia

Population: about 2 million people

Climate: humid subtropical/humid continental

Religion: 82% Roman Catholic

Key Events: Became part of the former country of Yugoslavia

1945 Became an independent country in 1990

The Balkans: Croatia

Population: about 4.4 million people Climate: humid continental/ humid subtropical/

mediterranean Religion: 90% Roman Catholic, 4% Christian, 1.5%

Muslim Key Events:

Was part of the first Yugoslavia Gained independence during WWII Joined the second Yugoslavia Croatia went through a civil war from 1991-1995

The Balkans: Bosnia & Herzegovina Population: 4.2 million people

Climate: humid continental/ humid subtropical/ mediterranean

Religion: Muslim, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant

Key Events: Great hostility broke out in the country after the

assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914 Part of the old Yugoslavia Joined Germany during WWII Since the end of Yugoslavia, there has been constant civil

war within the country

The Balkans: Serbia

Population: about 10 million people

Climate: humid continental/ humid subtropical/ mediterranean

Religion: Orthodox, Muslim, Catholic, others

Key Events: Part of the Balkan Wars Serbian nationalist was the one responsible for the

assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria, which started WWI

Part of the old Yugoslavia

The Balkans: Montenegro

Population: about 600, 000 people Climate: humid continental/ humid subtropical/

mediterranean Religion: Orthodox, Muslim, Catholic, others Key Events:

Part of the Balkan Wars Part of the Second Yugoslavia Just became a independent country on July 27th,


The Balkans: Macedonia

Population: about 2 million people Climate: humid continental Religion: Eastern Orthodox Christian, Muslim,

Roman Catholic, Protestant Key Events:

Part of the former Yugoslavia A lot of tensions between Albania and Macedonia

over land in the Balkans

The Balkans: Albania

Population: about 3.5 million people

Climate: humid continental/ humid subtropical/ mediterranean

Religion: 70% Muslim, 20% Albanian Orthodox, 10% Roman Catholic

Key Events: Declared independence shortly after the Balkan wars but

everything was about to collapsed at the beginning of WWI As a country, never sided with one side in WWII, but most of

the Albanians took side of the Germans

The Balkans: Romania

Population: about 22.5 million people

Climate: humid continental/ humid subtropical/ mediterranean

Religion: 87% Orthodox, 5% Roman Catholic, many others

Key Events: After WWI all the parts of Romania were unified under one

nation During WWII the countries land mass and population was cut

massively Was taken under the communist USSR

The Balkans: Bulgaria

Population: about 8 million peopleClimate: humid continental/ humid

subtropical/ mediterraneanReligion: Eastern Orthodox ChristianityKey Events:

Involved in both the Balkan Wars In WWII sided with Germany

The Balkans: Greece

Population: about 10.9 million people Climate: Mediterranean Religion: Orthodox Christian Key Events:

During WWI, Greece stayed neutral but with much difficulty internally

Germany invaded in 1941, which caused a civil war that lasted until 1949

The Balkans: Sources

The Balkans: Sources

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