the battle of the bet

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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The Battle of the Bet. Press SPACEBAR twice to start. E. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Battle of the Bet

Press SPACEBAR twice to start.


• Hello, A. I’m your boss. You can’t see me, but you can, well, read me. You must complete all the missions I assign for you to do. To advance text, press the spacebar. If the camera is slow in motion, it will eventually advance. So don’t press SPACE at those times.

• When the computer gives a signal to shoot, press SPACE. If the attack is not working, the computer will say so.

I’ve already seen the directions

• First, you’ll need to get through level one. It’s quite easy because there are no bad guys. And there are no cracks in the ground. Once you start to advance from there, it’ll gradually get harder as you go on. So, let’s start!


• A

• A

• A

• A

• A

• A


• A

• A


• A

• You have completed your first mission.

• Ready for level two? In this level, there is no path! You must shoot all the bad guys.

• A

• A

• A

• Z

• A

• Z

• A Z


• A--Z

• A +

• A +

• A Z

• A

• Z

• A

• Z

• A


• A

• A

• A J

• A J

• A J

• A J

• A J

• A J

• A J

• A J

• A J

• A J

• A J

• A J


• A-----J

• AJ----------------------


• A+


• A

• J

• A

• J

• A


• A

• A ______

• A ______________________

• A________________________________

Great job! How did the bad guys treat ya?

Were they good guys once you beat them? Or did they continue trying to run into you so you’d die. What if I told you I had the answer? I watched the whole thing on my virtual action computer. They just floated right under you like nothing ever happened.

A: “How do you KNOW that stuff… uh, oh yeah.”

• Boss: I just told you, ya freak! You must have a bad memory chip! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... Uh, sorry about that. Adult joke. Didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. But, anyway, there is something I must tell you. The numbers are coming! THE NUMBERS ARE COMING!That’s right! Our worst enemies, the British numerical soldiers are arriving tomorrow at noon! Fight them! And fight em for your life!


•They are here!

•Go, A!


•A 2

• A: Hey, dweeb. Or should I say Brit? Yeah! Hi, Brit! You are a 2. We letters hate 2’s! I’m an A. That’s right a capital A and I will turn you into history!

• 2: Yeah, aha. Like you could beat me and my British accent. I have the most proper grammar in England. I shall kill you!

• A: Oh yeah? Bring it on!!!

•A 2

•Now!•A 2

•A X

•A 2


•A 2


•A 2


•A 2


•A 2

•A 2

• A: I read in social studies (Ms. G’s class) that you were the British commander in chief of the numerical army. I also read that if I killed you, your whole army would run away and never want to fight again.

• So I fought; and I fought bravely so that now, you are dying.

• 2: I beg your pardon. Let me rot in silence.To Jesus I pray that I am forgiven my sin.

Goodbye, world. Goodbye life. Good----bye… Uh- ah- ow, my-----spleen! Good----------bye-------A.

•So 2, the numerical commander died in the silence he wanted.



•A 2

• A; Yuck! Blood everywhere!

•A 22

• Well, bye British dude. Hope your army does well; psych! Hey boss, you’re watching live footage of me boasting that I beat those crazy British bad guys!






• Boss: That was wonderful! I’ve never seen anything like it in my whole life!

• A: Really? You really think so?

• Boss: Yeah! I mean did you see him die? He went all red with blood! Sure, I’ve seen death, but I’ve never seen a dead letter OR number drowning in his own blood!

• Well, I’m honored! Thank you very much for thinking so highly of me!

• Boss: Guess what my little friend…

• A: What? What?! What!

• Boss:

•You beat the first version of this game!

• Here are the credits!

The Battle of the Bet



James Johnson

Grammar, Vocabulary and Word Choice:

James Johnson


James Johnson


James Johnson

Love to:

• Mrs. G

• Mrs. Papa

• Maggie


James: Mom didn’t think I’d be able to make this game before getting out of college, and yet here I am, showing it to you in the eighth grade!

My sister says, “Now, this is the game I’d play!” Originally, I was going to make an Animal Crossing 2.0, but it didn’t go quite well. That’s when I thought of this game; and it WORKED!

The End

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Save successful

Microsoft PowerPoint – The Battle of the Bet Version 1.60.552u.ppt


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