the big leap

Post on 19-Oct-2014






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THE BIG LEAPMoving- Up With My


What do Teachers EXPECT from the First and Second Graders?

Grade 1

To follow their teachers and to respond to their requests

To be aware of class rules and follow them

To learn how to be part of a group

To listen attentively for an appropriate amount of time

TIME AWARENESS: To distinguish between work and play time

To follow simple directions one at a time

Staying on a task

Emerging Independence

To Learn How To Read CVC Words and Simple Phrases

To write words, phrases and sentences

Grade 2

To respond to authority

To follow classroom routines and procedures

To have a stronger task focus

To grow in self - control


To recognize one’s individuality in a group

To be able to read words and Sentences with


To be able to write in complete sentences

Signs of Trouble in First and Second Grade

You may find your child has trouble in First Grade if he can’t:

• Pay attention long enough to finish a task or an activity.

• Show a consistent lack of self – control when challenged or frustrated

• Follow simple directions and/ or cannot repeat what has just been said to him/her.

• Can’t name the letters and /or is unable to associate letters with its sounds

• Has trouble maintaining friendships or joining in with other children

You may find your child has trouble in First Grade if he can’t:

• Get along with peers without hitting or yelling

• Be respectful to his teachers

• Talk to his classmates and teachers in a way that they cannot understand

• To Manage personal hygiene.

You may find your child having trouble in Second Grade if he can’t:

•Listen and follow two to three step directions

•Concentrate long enough to finish/ complete a task

•Work independently

•Read on grade level : lack of mastery in syllabication of words to complete the reading of words in a sentence

•Communicate one’s needs and feelings verbally in a respectful manner.

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