enabling evolution big leap introduction

Enabling Evolution Following your heart in times of change

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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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Are you standing on the edge of big change in your life? Would you like some help? Big Leap is a one to one coaching programme to help you when you are at a challenging crossroads. The programme is designed to help make choices that align to your purpose, vision and values.


Page 1: Enabling Evolution   Big Leap Introduction

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Enabling Evolution

F o l l o w i n g y o u r h e a r t i n t i m e s o f c h a n g e

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Congratula+ons  on  embarking  on  this  comprehensive  journey  of  change;  designed  to  help  you  to  navigate  big  change  staying  connected  to  your  purpose,  vision  and  values.  

Big Leap Helping  you  to  take  a      

Page 3: Enabling Evolution   Big Leap Introduction

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. ���So throw off the bowlines. ���Sail away from the safe harbour. ���Catch the trade winds in your sails. ������Explore.. Dream.. Discover. “������~ Mark Twain ~

Page 4: Enabling Evolution   Big Leap Introduction

big leap

Any  change  that  we  are  faced  with  in  life,  whether  enforced  or  made  through  personal  choice,  can  leave  you  feeling  both  nervous  and  excited.    If  the  change  is  one  that  requires  you  to  make  a  big  leap,  your  feelings  intensify  and  the  change  ahead  can  look  like  an  impossibly  daun+ng  task.    A  move  to  a  foreign  country,  a  redundancy,  a  change  of  career,  star+ng  a  family,  taking  a  career  break,  ending  or  beginning  a  rela+onship  are  all  examples  of  big  leaps  that  require  you  to  act  with  courage  and  demand  that  you  stay  true  to  ourselves.      It  is  a  cliché  but  endings  really  do  bring  new  beginnings  –  oEen  with  surprises  that  far  outweigh  the  possibili+es  of  your  imagina+on.    However,  when  change  is  imminent  and  happening  to  you,  this  cliché  really  does  not  maFer.    What  oEen  maFers  most  is  survival:  “How  will  I  pay  the  rent?”    “What  will  my  family  think  –  will  they  be  suppor+ve  or  disown  me?”  “What  if  another  organiza+on  won’t  take  me?”    “What  if  I  have  no  transferable  skills?”    Understandably,  fear  rushes  in  and  the  mind  instantly  ac+vates.    Sleepless  nights,  driEing  concentra+on,  lower  energy  levels,  and  a  lack  of  zest  for  life  are  all  signs  that  you  are  in  the  grip  of  fear.    The  mind  of  course  urges  cau+on,  telling  you  to  “play  safe”,  “be  sensible”,  reminding  you  that  “there  is  a  recession,  now  is  not  the  +me  for  risks,”  “you’re  too  old  for  change”  or  that  “you  have  too  many  family  commitments  to  be  daring”.        You  will  have  seen  the  people  who  have  listened  to  this  mind  chaFer  everywhere  around  you  –  those  people  in  the  office  who  are  stuck  at  their  desks,  deeply  unfulfilled  but  too  afraid  to  listen  to  their  hearts.    People  in  your  family  who  turn  up  every  day  for  jobs  that  they  hate,  spending  endless  hours  telling  you  about  how  awful  it  is  but  never  finding  the  courage  to  change.    In  your  group  of  friends,  those  who  live  for  the  weekends  and  get  by  from  one  holiday  to  the  next.          

following your heart at times of change

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big leap

   In  my  experience,  those  who  listen  to  their  mind  chaFer  and  stay  in  the  grip  of  fear  are  not  those  who  make  big  leaps.    Having  coached  many  people  to  make  big  leaps  over  the  years,  those  who  make  it  are  those  who  feel  scared  but  are  prepared  to  challenge  their  mind  anyway.    Most  importantly,  those  who  create  amazing  results  for  themselves  are  those  who  follow  their  heart.      The  programme  you  have  commiFed  to  is  powerful  and  proven  to  create  change.    It  is  not  for  the  faint  hearted!    If,  right  now,  you  are  listening  to  your  mind  chaFer  and  thinking  that  you  should  play  it  safe,  then  this  might  not  be  the  programme  for  you.    It  is  a  programme  for  the  brave,  for  those  who  know  that  there  is  more  for  them  in  their  lives  and  want  to  discover  what  that  might  be.    There  is  no  defini+ve  answer  provided  by  this  programme;  it  is  a  journey  of  self-­‐discovery,  enabling  you  to  make  informed  choices  as  you  become  ready.        During  this  programme  you  will  never  be  asked  to  do  anything  that  does  not  feel  appropriate  for  you.    There  are  no  expecta+ons  for  you  to  make  a  leap,  and  at  any+me  you  may  discover  that  now  is  not  the  right  +me  for  you  to  do  so  –  whatever  happens  is  okay!    You  may  feel  scared  –  that’s  okay  too.    All  that  is  needed  right  now  is  for  you  to  take  a  breath,  jump  in,  enjoy  the  ride  and  something  amazing  might  just  happen.        AEer  all,  as  a  wise  teacher  once  wrote,  “Fear  is  excitement  without  breath”  –  KBB.    

following your heart at times of change

Page 6: Enabling Evolution   Big Leap Introduction

big leap a journey of change

• Where  are  you  now?  

Session  1  

• Secret  dreams  

Session  2   • Where  have  you  been?  

Session  3  

• What  makes  you  you?  

Session  4   • Do  what  you  love,  love  what  you  do  

Session  5  

• Fear:  what  is  really  true?  

Session  6   • Your  preferred  future  

Session  7  

• Step  by  step  

Session  8   • A  Hme  to  act!  

Session  9  

• Takeaway  tools  

Session  10  

When  faced  with  change,  the  first  response  people  oEen  have  is  to  create  a  plan  to  act.    Contac+ng  recruitment  agencies,  pu]ng  CVs  online,  searching  for  accommoda+on,  wri+ng  business  plans,  pouring  over  travel  maps,  calcula+ng  finances.    Whilst  all  of  these  ac+ons  are  important,  they  don’t  help  with  the  feelings  of  anxiety;  in  fact  some+mes  these  ac+ons  feed  the  anxiety!      To  create  change  that  lasts,  that  you  feel  exhilarated  by,  change  that  is  really  worth  your  effort  and  energy,  it  is  important  to  follow  a  process  that  helps  you  to  understand  what  makes  you  thrive  in  life.    With  this  understanding,  you  can  then  make  choices  that  allow  for  you  to  follow  your  passion.    This  will  require  you  to  slow  down,  take  your  +me,  and  give  space  for  your  crea+vity  to  flow.    The  great  thing  about  this  is  that  if  you  follow  your  heart  then  the  change  will  flow  with  greater  ease.    

Big  Leap  is  a  series  of  ten  one-­‐to-­‐one  personal  coaching  sessions  that  will  enable  you  to  create  a  deeper  understanding  of  yourself  before  you  dive  in  and  act.    A  tried  and  tested  coaching  journey  that  is  flexed  to  your  current  circumstances  and  that  really  gets  results!  


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