the catholic church of the nativity 5955 st. elmo road...

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E-mail: nativity.bulletin@hotmail. com

The Catholic Church of the Nativity 5955 St. Elmo Road Bartlett, TN 38135

Parish Office Hours: Mon—Fri 8:30a.m. to 5:00p.m. Phone 901-382-2504 Emergency Phone 901-603-3364

Pastor: Father Robert Szczechura, STL Deacons: Frank Larker Chris Frame David Rosenthal, PhD Administrative Assistant/ Office Manager: Angie O’Neill Bookkeeper: Jim Moseley Director of Music: Kyung-Won On Director of Religious Education: Theresa Krier Director of Youth Ministry: Stephen Peyton Co-Directors Hispanic Ministry: Lyz Candia, 901-607-5982 and Lillian Luciano

Mass Schedules Daily Monday - Saturday 8:00 a.m. Weekend Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Spanish 5:00 p.m. Filipino First Sunday of Each Month (Tagalog/English) 12:30 p.m. Holy Days As Announced

Sacraments Reconciliation — Saturday 3:30p.m. to 4:30p.m. Sunday 9:30a.m. to 10:00a.m. or by appointment Spanish - Sunday 4:20p.m. to 4:50p.m.(1st Sunday of the month) Baptism — by appointment; please contact the parish office Marriage — Contact the parish office at least six months before the wedding

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 3, 2019

February 2 & 3, 2019

Please Pray for Our Sick

Claire Fitzgerald Albino Annemarie Lee Allen Erlinda Amaba Vinnie Ariemma Sharon Branch Bill Brigrance Mike Bulderbach Tina Burton Carey & Nancy Casad Bill Coburn Joan Cunningham Doris Dalton Nick DeStefan Michael Ellis Edythe Freeouf Sally Gyout Chad Hall Emilie Harris Leeghann Harrison Rosa Holmes-Barry Houston Lisa Janes Donna Lampen Catherine Johnson Betsy Larker Fran Leavey Ed List Annie Longoria Mary Mangol Paul Baker Miller Jacob Moody Fr. Mike Morgera Cheyenne Montgomery Louise Northrop Shirley Odom John & June Patton A.J. Perk Kevin Perk Kathy Palmisano Karen Raney Maria Robertson Fr. Robert Ponticello Sam Sudduth Caritas Sevier-Julia Theil Hannah Tighe Joe Tighe Mary Underwood Fr. Ricky Valleroy Peter Voss Joyce R. West Melissa Frame Vannucci Barbara Williams Ann Wingate Jack Lee Windley III

Mass Intentions

Lance Corporal Mark Earnest; Senior Airman Christopher Dill; Pvt. John David Dill; A1C Ryan C. Marlin; AO1 Andrew E. Hopson; Commander Derek A. Vestal, Pvt. Maria Witges, Captain Luke Sauber (USMC), Lieutenant Colonel Christopher J. Martindale U.S. Army, Richard A. Martin, Jr., BM1, (USCG) Captain Tami Kerns (US Army-Afghanistan) Captain Kevin Kerns (US Army-Hawaii) Captain Nicholas Burton. SSG. Carol Hopson, Gabriel Graven EF Specialist , Capt. Eric Wilder, MD, USAF

Pray for Our Troops

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Heb 11:32-40; Ps 31:20-24; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Boy Scouting Sunday Tuesday: St. Agatha; Chinese New Year 4717 Wednesday: St. Paul Miki and Companions Friday: St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita; International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary

8:00am Weekdays Requested By Mon 4th Josef Mastela+ The Morning Group Tue 5th Dan Key+ Father Robert & Staff Wed 6th Brenda Gaia + George & Eileen Kuehl Thu 7st Joseph Mastela+ Helen & Don Heehs Fri 8th Gerrard Trainor + Bob & MaryAnn Trainor 8:00am Saturday Feb 2nd De Lorne + Father Robert 9th Helen Tscherter + Tom & Mary Chronowski 5:00pm Saturday Feb 2nd Parishioners 9th Martha & Willis Chambliss + The Schwill Family 8:00am Sunday Feb 3rd Josef Mastela+ Knights of Columbus 10th Parishioners 10:30am Sunday Feb 3rd Helen Tscherter+ George & EileenKuehl 10th Johnny & Clare Trainor + Bob & MaryAnn Trainor 5:00pm Sunday - Spanish Feb 3rd Immigrants & Refugees 10th Jose Rocha + Maria Rocha

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The song of the angels, “Holy, Holy, Holy,” resounds from our lips at every Mass. There was a widespread belief in the first religions of the world that God stirred creation into being by a word, a song, a musical note. Music and a sense of God’s presence have always been inseparable. In the liturgy, your voice is invited into this song as the priest names the reasons for our praise. “Heaven and earth are full of your glory,” and we are not passive onlookers, but participants in this glory. Catholic prayer no longer assigns this angelic hymn to a choir, but gives it to you to sing. Even if your voice is thought to be suitable only for a well‑insulated shower stall, you are called into this song. We are born to sing—just listen to a baby testing the full range of newly‑discovered vocal abilities. Soon we get shushed and hushed into quiet, and given lots of messages that our voices are unwanted, and that we need to raise our hands in order to be heard. All of that is overturned in liturgy, the place where God waits to hear us come alive in the song of all creation. In heaven, everyone’s in the choir; why not start practicing now? —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Help Someone See Place used eye glasses (including Sun glasses) in the recycle box provided. To Date: 177 pairs of eye glasses have been donated to the Knights of Columbus Ophthalmology Project plus 3 cell phones and 6 hearing aids.


meet on Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 8pm

Nativity Information

February Altar Flowers Donated By - 2nd/3rd Jackie Raney - in honor of the living & deceased members of William W. Raney 12th/13th Patte & David Peterson - in honor of their 50th Wedding Anniversary 16th/17th Anonymous - in honor of the parishioners 23rd/24th George & Eileen Kuehl - in honor of Paul Baker Miller

Parishioners we have many prayer shawls - if you are visiting a sick or homebound person, please take a prayer shawl to them. Thank you!

Polish Mass

Will be celebrated on February 10th at 12:30pm.

Altar Flower Dedication Worship in our church is an experience of beauty. The flowers in the sanctuary are an important and beautiful symbol of what we offer to God in our worship. Every member of the parish is invited to contribute to the beauty of our worship by giving the altar flowers on a particular Sunday in memory, thanksgiving or celebration for people or events that are important to that donor. There will be one dedication per Weekend. The cost for the flowers is $65 or $100. If you would like to make such a gift, please contact Angie O'Neill at 382-2504. Thank you in advance for your generosity and for contribution to the beauty of our worship.

From the Desk of Father Robert - Parish Town Hall/ Strategic Planning Meeting Thursday February 7th 6:30-8:00pm in Stelling Hall and Saturday February 9th 10:00am- Noon in Stelling Hall Please come and join us on either date. We will be discussing our future planning as Nativity parish is growing. We look forward to all parishioners’ presence and participation in this very important discussion.

Abbey Youth fest St. Joseph Abbey and Seminary College

Covington, LA. 2 day Retreat for Confirmation I and II students

March 22nd-24th $200 for trip, includes 2 nights in a hotel.

$50 deposit due February 10th. For more information contact Theresa Krier

AN ONGOING MISSION In his hometown synagogue, Jesus’ neighbors are amazed by his words. Nevertheless, they remind each other, “Is this not Joseph’s son?” Surely the people know who he is. The carpenter’s son. The young man who had learned in this very synagogue. The boy down the street. Conflict arises as Jesus begins to define himself in a new way. When he compares himself to the ancient prophets Elijah and Elisha the tensions grow. The tensions multiply when Jesus begins to tell of a new mission for God’s people: the good news of the scriptures is intended for all. In his famous passage from the First Letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul reminds us of the eternal nature of love. Love does not come to an end. In today’s readings, we are reminded that, like love, Jesus’ mission cannot be contained. Jesus slips through the crowd of persecutors and moves on to new challenges. We are called to this same perseverance in the name of love. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

February 2 & 3, 2019

Our Ministries Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Sundays: ages 3 yrs to 12 yrs, Confirmation 1 and 2 ; Contact Theresa Krier, PRE Director Class times are posted on the Web site: Cub Scouts Pack 258: Cub Scouts meet on most Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30pm either at the church or on adventures. Contact Mark Owens to register at or 901-827-1262. CYO 9-12 Grade Sundays from 6-8 pm Stephen Peyton, youth director Fishers of Men: call the office Hands for God Puppet Productions: Most Sundays, 12-1 pm: For 5th-8th grade Puppeteers in Training; Contact John Walton 901-568-0910 or email For updates go to: Helping Hands Ministry Knitting Group: meet the 1st Thursdays at 9 am in Holy Family Hall (Narthex). They help the homeless and Birthright babies Holy Family Ministry: for information contact David Rosenthal, PhD at Knights of Columbus Council 14041: meet the 3rd Thursday at 6:30pm in Stelling Hall; contact Hank Winkler at 901-488-9053 or Liturgical Ministries: for information or questions regarding training or scheduling contact Jim Lippy 388-6515 or 371-6269 or the Church Office 901-382-2504 Men’s Club: Breakfast Meeting 9am1st Sat. of each Month Prison Ministry: for information contact Shellie Teems, 901-230-0074 Parish Outreach Food for the Sick: Contact Susan Hanna at 385-8277 or for information. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) preparation to receive Sacraments. Contact Deacon David or call the Church office for information. Society of St. Vincent de Paul: meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Contact Dawn Campbell 901-654-5773 for more information. Society of St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month: Meet at church at 7:45 am for carpooling: Contact John Walton, 901-568-0910 for info. TOPS - Take off the Pounds Sensibly: meet Mondays at 4:15-5:00pm for weigh-in; 5-6pm meetings in Stelling Hall. Women’s Guild: meets the 4th Tuesday at 7 pm the months of January, March, May, September and November.

Soup Kitchen Information! Volunteers meet at 7:45 am at Nativity on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. If you would like to volunteer, there is a sign up sheet on the table in the Narthex. You will need to bring a hat or other type of hair cover. If you want more information, please call John Walton 901-568-0910.

ST. VINCENT de PAUL - Nativity Nativity Information

COME BE A PART OF OUR MUSIC MINISTRY! There are many opportunities for involvement. Interested in singing or ringing? Talk to KW after Mass or email at Tuesdays: Resurrection Choir, 10-11 am 2nd and 4th weeks Wednesdays: Children's Choir (grades 2-9), 5-5:45 pm Handbell Choir 6-7 pm Parish Choir 7:30-8:30pm

ALL ARE WELCOME! Kyung-Won "KW" On Director of Music

News from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Nativity Conference We received 23 calls in December and were able to assist 11 families. Four of those families requested food only with each family receiving an average of $56 worth of food from our pantry and Kroger. Four families received an average of $381 toward their utility bills and we provided an average of $874 in assistance to three families who needed help in paying their rent/mortgage. In addition, the families who received assistance in paying their utilities or rent/mortgage also received an average of $47 in food from our pantry and Kroger. On behalf of the Nativity Conference, thank you for your generosity and support. God’s Blessings, Dawn Campbell “By drawing closer to the poor, we draw closer to God. And we students must draw closer to God a little more every day, or we’ll find ourselves falling away from him.” Blessed Frederic Ozanam

SVdP needs the following for our food pantry.

Canned Tuna - Canned Chicken - Canned Salmon Canned Soups - Canned Chili - Canned Vegetables Canned Fruits - Canned Beans - Dried Beans - Rice Spaghetti Sauce - Jam or Jelly (no PB at this time) Chef Boyardee Canned Pasta - Oatmeal/Hot Cereal Box Milk Please check the food pantry box for updated lists. It is located in Baker Hall. Thanks.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Diocese Information


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: “Before you were born, I consecrated you.” If you think that you may be set apart by the Lord to serve Him as a priest, Visit Call Fr. Yoelvis Gonzalez (901) 373-1243, or write to:

The Wings of Ave Maria’s Trivia Night will be Saturday, February 16, 2019, at St. Benedict at Auburndale in the Dining Hall. This year’s Trivia Night theme is “Mardi Gras” and a prize will be awarded for the best decorated table and best costume. Doors open at 6 p.m. for teams to visit with the competition and decorate their tables, followed by the Trivia Night contest beginning at 7 p.m. Trivia specialist Michael Hans will present ten rounds of questions. The top two teams with the highest scores will win prizes. Door prizes will also be awarded throughout the evening between rounds. Advance registration is required. The cost is $20/person or $160 for an eight person team. Mulligan's will be available for $5 each, with a maximum of 5 mulligan's per team. Light snacks, water and soft drinks will be provided and players may bring food and beverages. Proceeds will benefit Ave Maria Home residents. For registration information, contact Linda Aljundi @ 901- 901-335-0334 or You may also register on-line at

12th Annual World Day of the Sick: Divine Mercy Heal-ing Mass with Anointing of the Sick Saturday, February 9, 2019 St. Ann Catholic Church 6529 Stage Road Bartlett, TN 38134 Sacrament of Reconciliation: *English and Spanish 9:00 -10:15 am Mass 10:30am Reception to Follow Main Celebrant: Fr. Ernie DeBlasio, Pastor, St. Ann Catholic Church and St. Faustina Shrine Rector All are invited especially the sick, elderly, caregivers and all health care workers.

St. Benedict Sweets Feast (Feb. 7) & Name that Tune Trivia Night (Feb 9)! Join us for some good music and dessert from 7-9 pm on Feb. 7 ($7) and the Annual Name that Tune Trivia Night on Feb. 9, 7-10pm ($10 each). Both events benefit SBA Band Competition Trip. St. Benedict High School offers 3 ½ Shadow Days for prospective students – Feb. 12, 26 & Mar 5. sbaeagles/

You Can Help Your Marriage – 25% of surveyed couples say they are “Happily Married.” For everyone else, there is Retrouvaille. Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue…or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples rebuild their marriages. For confidential information about - or to register for - the next program beginning with a weekend on March 1 - 3, 2019, call (800) 470-2230 or (615) 523-0631, email<> or visit our web site at [<]<>.

St. Benedict, an authentic co-ed Catholic High School, is still accepting applications for the 2019-20 school year. For information or tour, visit sbaeagles/admissions.

February 2 & 3, 2019

2019 Diocesan Celebration of Wedding Anniversaries

Saturday, February 9, 2019 10:00 am at

St. Louis Catholic Church

For more information, contact

Diocese Information Diocesan Nights of Discernment: At the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. For Men - 6pm the 1st Monday of the month For Women - 6pm on the 3rd Monday of the month For more information contact Father Yoelvis Gonzalez, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Memphis at (901) 373-1243 or

College Students with a Heart for International Missions READ THIS The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) Missionaries serving Memphis are recruiting students to participate in four different missions trips over spring and summer breaks: Guyana and Jamaica over spring break and the UK and Peru over the Summer. The goal is for students will meet Christ directly in their evangelization efforts with the poor, that they come back changed and want to do the same work with their peers on campus. For more information, contact Catholic Campus Ministry at SEEK Conference for College Students SEEK, a bi-annual conference hosted by Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), is a 5 day event in which the most renowned Catholic speakers come and share with college students and parishioners how to live out our faith in radical and impactful ways. Not only that, but there will be 15,000 Catholics from around the world coming together to grow in love for Jesus and one another. SEEK2019 will be engaging us in our desires for something more, and how only Jesus Christ can fulfill our deepest desires. Come join us for a week of influential talks, free concerts, Catholic vendors from across the nation, and incredible fellowship with Catholics around the world who are also seeking something more. For more information, contact Catholic Campus Ministry at

Volunteer Opportunities: Ongoing: * Food Pantry: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Thursday. * Clothing Closet: 9 a.m. to 12 noon with special sorting hours from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. Upcoming: 2019 Volunteer Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 12 noon April 13, 2019 July 20, 2019 October 5, 2019 December 14, 2019 Donation Wish List Men’s Clothing Gently worn athletic shoes Interested Volunteers contact: Mandy Lamey, Volunteer Coordinator (901) 722.4758<> THANK YOU for keeping us in God’s business. For more information about us visit our website

Sunday Social for People with Special Needs 5:00 -7:00 PM , Sunday, February 10, 2019 Family Life Center, Madonna Hall St. Ann Catholic Church 6529 Stage Road Bartlett, TN 38134 For more information, contact St. Ann at 373-6011 Ministry to the Sick - New Minister Training Saturday, March 2, 2019 8:30 AM -1:00 PM Catholic Center, 5825 Shelby Oaks Drive Memphis, TN 38134 This training is designed to provide new ministers with the basic tools that will be helpful in their ministry. As a trained minister you bring compassion, communion and become sacramental presence of Christ for those sick and homebound. Candidates are required to send completed registration form signed by the pastor or representative by representative by February 27, 2019. No Registrations are accepted on the day of the training. Regis-tration forms are available at your parish office or on line For more information call the Office of Pastoral Life Ministries at 373-1234/1224 or email:

ONLINE GIVING To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at Locate the Online Giving button and set up your recur-ring giving schedule. The first time you give, you will select a password that will enable you to log in at any time and make changes to your giving or view your complete online giving history for Online Giving .

~~~Pray for World Peace~~~

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Holy Land Items for Sale this weekend 2nd 9:00am Men’s Club 3rd 9:00am PRE 11:30am Puppet Practice 11:45am PRE - First Communion Class 1:30pm Filipino Gathering 3:00pm Super Bowl - Set Up & Party 3:45pm Armada Blanca 6:00pm NO CYO 4th 4:30pm TOPS 6:00pm Cub Scouts 5th 8:00am Cub Scouts - Set Up and Blue & Gold Banquet 7:00pm Apologetics Class - Spanish 6th 5:00pm Children's Choir Practice 6:00pm Handbell Choir Practice 6:00pm Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help 6:30pm RCIA 7:30pm Parish Choir Practice 7th 9:00am Helping Hands 6:30pm Parish Town Hall Meeting 8th 6:00pm Hispanic Folklore Dance Group 9th 10:00am Parish Town Hall Meeting 10th 9 :00am PRE 11:30am Puppet Practice 11:45am PRE - First Communion Class 12:30pm Polish Mass 3:45pm Armada Blanca 6:00pm CYO 11th 4:30pm TOPS 12th 10:00am Resurrection Choir Practice 5:30pm Cub Scouts 7:00pm Apologetics Class - Spanish 13th 5:00pm Children's Choir Practice 6:00pm Handbell Choir Practice 6:00pm Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help 6:30pm RCIA 7:30pm Parish Choir Practice 14th No Events on Church Calendar 15th 6:00pm Hispanic Folklore Dance Group 16th No Events on Church Calendar

Offerings for January, 2019

3rd Week - Regular collection: $7,153 St. Joseph Fund: $3,561 Month to Date Total: Regular Collection: $30,103 (Budget $39,633) St Joseph Fund: $ 7,671


Scheduling Events at the Church

To All Ministry Leaders and Nativity Groups: We are a growing and vibrant Parish Community and I ask this special request of you. Please remember that we are a family of worship and share our God given gifts and church space to-gether. And as we continually grow in our ministries, I ask that group leaders please submit your yearly calen-dar by email or in writing to Angie O’Neill . We have limited meeting spaces that fill up very quickly and it is most appreciated if all will communicate by email with angie.oneill for scheduling all events. The Office Calendar is the Official Church Calendar. If there are conflicts in dates and times, we hope all of you are willing to work together to coordinate usage of our building and grounds. Thank you for your patience and understanding and for working together as a very large and faithful family. May God continue to bless each of us and the work we do as The Catholic Church of the Nativity. Fr. Robert

Bulletin Information

To View the Bulletin online go to or to .

Go to for scheduled present/future events.


Keep your Information Current If your phone number, work number, cell number, address, e-mail address, or name changes, please notify the office 382-2504. Thank-you!

FORMED - Become a member it is FREE. You can view e-books, movies, audio books, audio bible, testimonies, inspiring talks and video studies to enhance your knowledge of the teachings of the Catholic Church. To set-up an account go to then follow the instructions. Nativity's code is MV3JPX (all caps).

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