the chronicles of the carless student

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Our story begins as the carless student

sees the ever so diligent and hard

working public transit working its route

once again. He knows he has yet

another day to travel on it.

Just hearing the sound of the bus and

knowing it must be ridden once again

leaves our vehicle deficient friend upset

and disgruntled, not wanting to brave the

cold outdoors for another bout.

Though mandatory yet not one of his

most desired things to do in a day, our

brave soul ventures out into the cold

fully prepared to take on the harsh


Making double sure he is prepared, the

carless student makes sure his bus pass is

not expired, unlike his patience with

Mother Nature’s winter shenanigans.

Waiting for the arrival of his white

limousine to carry him off to infinity and

beyond, our friend naturally shows off his

displeasures in not only having to

weather the weather, but also waiting for

his chariot of warmth.

YAY! Warmth is but a bus seat away! The

wheels on the bus go round and round…

Worried that he may be late because the

bus is never a guarantee when it comes

to being on time, the man with no wheels

takes a quick peek at his non-existent

watch to make sure he’s on time…

…and he is…COUNT IT!!!

After a hard afternoons work, it’s time to

head back home in the blustery outdoors

but wait! What’s this?? Something looks

very different here. This doesn’t

resemble the dash of a bus!

Low and behold would you look at this. A

ride from a good friend as warms the

soul! Thanks buddy guy!

Though winter makes it tough for any

person to stay warm, the carless student

gives two warm thumbs up and has made

it home sweet home!

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