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:ie cem!'­Irr, \'an­rcretar~',

An~lican rr ~ai!l:

ay of the


7.00 p.m.-The Barrelman.' 8.00 p.m.-Canada at Work'

9.00 p.m.-The Scadet


THE DAILY NEWS . presents. Pimpernel.

10,00 p,m.-The L1berace Show.


, available at

Cha'rles' Hutton & Sons 5T; JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, JUNE S, 1955 t


,. (Price 5 cents).

Attlee To Drop Control Britain

Of Britain's Labor Party Headway. In Strike Sees

Settlement , . ,

Invite Adenauer Crews Tie .. , ' IUp Lfue~

72· Year-Old Leader

~O T ','S' ,·t ,iI~OSCO'w LONDON (C.P.)-Peace BULLETIN .I . ~ " . ~ 1 r.l'~ efforts gained headway

Retires October In LONDON (Rcuters)-Clcment AttIee, Britain's 72- Tuesday night in Britain'.

year-old former Lnbor prime minister' has deddedto As Purt of Anti-Rew·JJtcultent Campaign rail and dock strikes. , Iclinquish leadership of the labor party in October it But a wildcat walkout by Ha.

I d I, MOSCOW (A.P.)-The ministry. continued. It warned Ulat another men blocked movement of six

was carne But loritatively Tuesdny, UNSOLVED QUESTIONS "war on German territory with the trans -' AtbnUe linerg and threat-WheQ th~ party meets lor its Soviet go~ernment, climax- The note said the Soviet gov· employment of the latest weapolls ened to keep the 83,ooo.ton Queen

annual conference in that month, a~nouncell ~ will not stand for 1 ing its campaign against ernment "proceeds from· a basis of mass destrucllon would be even Elizabeth at her pier. AltIce, who hns been chief of the reappplntment In thc Imp~nuing: that the cstabllsliment and develop. more stern and more destrueti"e TOO Elizabeth docked Tuesday at ""'MIl b cl ti f th h d "i 1 West German rearma,m. ent. ' 6,IIW,WV _ mem er party for 20 ec ops or e s a ow cau net. I ment of normal relations' between than all former wars." Southampton and Tuesday night

),em, 11'111 announce t..'1at he does It Is believed James ChuLer Etle, I TlIesc1a~' night invited Chan- the Soviet Union and the German some of her crew attended a nat Inlend to stand for ri!..;!lectlon 72, former home sccrolary, and·, cellor Konrad Adenauer to 'f~deral republlc will facilitate the HARD TO REFUSE strikers' meeting. A spokesman for as leader. Emanuel Slllnwell, 70, former de.! solution of unsolved questions re- (In Bonn, Adenauer declined the local strike committee said he '

I1ll elose friends say he wl11 fence minister, Intend to slep down i visit Moscow with the aim of garding all of Germany and comment. Vice Chancellor Franz had been assured that 70 par cent 3rccpt nomination as leader for as well. i "normalization of relations." should thus help In deciding the Blu~cher said "wc' must handle of the Elizabeth's crew would tum thr fir,1 (ew monlhs of Ihe Parlia- Well.lnformed sources added that "The Sovlct government believes main general national problems 'of this only In full agreement with up at a meeting called for today. nit 111 which opened Tuesda)' aUllls William Whitel'~y, the 72'yc<A-.old the interesls of pc ace and Euro. the German people-the establish· the powcrs of the !ree world •. ' Tuesday night tale' seamen', likrl) 10 b? elected unopposed for chief whip of the parly will follow penn secllrily, as well as the na- mcnt of tha unUieation of a Ger· We must conscientiously study strike ticd up the 22,000·ton Cunard Viis ,hort ~pell. Altlec's cxample and ~nn~uncc al. tion::1 int'ml,st of the S~\'let and man democratic state." whatever can serve possibly to re· liner Saxonia which had b~n due S~lIrccs in Altice's confidence the Octobcr confcrence he docs i Gcrman pcopl~s, demand Ihe nor. It emphasized that periods of bad duce world lension." In London 10 leave Liverpool ftr Montrcal

dmribcd as innaccuratc reports not, Intend to sland ngaln. I malization of relations between the relations and wars between Ger- th~ first reaction of diplomatic of· Thursday. Some '800 would·be pas' I',al he lI'oultl retire from Ihe lead. ".~Iteley prJsumably will carry - SOl'iet Union and Ihe German fCd'l many and Russia caused the two ficials was tllat it would be difli· sengers wcre notified she wouldn'" rr,hlp In July whcn Pnrliam~nt on as chief whip between now and i cr~1 renublic," n note 10 Adcnaucr counlries losses "numbered in mil- cull 'for Bonn to refuse Ihe Rus- sail before Saturday. !Iort; Its summer l·acuUon. Oclober. 'I' Slid. It warned Ihal a new war lions of p~ople and sllrpa~sed 1,11e sian bid.) I C\N"1'1 CliVI TS ~1.\tiE CUASGES MAKE NO~Il:<lATIOSS could "Iurn Ihe tcrritory of Ger· . losses suffered by olher countries . Adcnallcr plnps In Icave 1l!1l1n i ',:" ' ........ s::, '

D h f· I I A Atll II n,"nY I'nto ", field of hallIe and sCI'eral times over," Sllnda~'fnr a visit'lo Ihe Unllell, the slllk111~ .eam.n, Ilho want

III I c~' con lI'med tint fo loll'- s SOOn as ee announ:es I s I " . " S' 'Iales an(1 C('llfer"llc"." I"I'tll 1'I'e."I'.1 a H'.III.llIr wcek anti beller workln" . I b ' d ft' I '[ Inl 'nll'on ot 1 I f II (t"'!·.· ... IC1.:IIII." . "Cel'lain a~~rcssive circles in ' •. , " I .. m~ .a 01' 5 C ea In tie " ay 26 " n 0 run aga n Jr Ie ,~- . den I Eb'~nhll\l'er and Stale SCCI·C.: ('!llIlhllllnS, have alre~dy force(\ fl'ncr:!1 e Ie c I ion, immediate leader~hip, It \l'ili b~ open for Ibe 'I.'h.e nole was (t~livcr~ll'b)' sovieil SI!l11e counlries. are m:lkl~g pl~l1S I"rv \Julies. lie will catl lin \l"ilish: l (lIIar!1 III eal1ce! cru.lse~ of tht Ch~ngc5 no\\' will tal:e place In parly to makc nomlDations for a "fllelal. III the Wesl (,el'l11an el11· olreckll aL sellmg Ihe ~ov!el Vnll!n u ,\ II II I I th Labor', "'badow cabinet" _ Ihn SUCC"~5sor. hus,v in Paris, The lexl was re· and'lhe German federal republic l'rfme ~Jinisler Eden "n his relul'll: . SC,lIl1a, . It!. 1'1 ~nl1la ~n,( e

J 0 _ ' I I" JIll' In I ~lalll'cl;lIl1". (.OI11alhal1 l'aclf1c and p:lrliamcnlary leadership, from Rlght.wing Labor sources said leascd h~re by I,!le SOI'iel forei~n agninst one anolllel'," Ihe message IIP._ l.e __ :,, ___ .. -"-- I t'UI'Ill's. Wilily Il'an.allantic liner. \\'!Jirh some of the \,clerans Inlend Tuesday night It Is a eerlainty that . '. . .. .. .. -----... -... _-.-.- .-- ha\'c also h~en hit, InclUding lhe Il' depart. Herbert Morrison, 61, now deputy Ilh~ J~,,·wlngers will put forwardl press the clnims of Hu~h GJitsi;cll, . 5 I( -II d S t d H I- d i Empre~s of Auslralia and the New.

n:tgh Dalt~n, 67, former chancel· parly leader, will be among those their champion, An~ul'in Bevan, 51. 49, former chancellor of 1,le ex· I I e a ur' a y . 0 I ay I fOllndland. lor nf the exchequer, already has nominated and they eXpect that I Another section of the party will ,hcquer. , Another Canadian Pacific liner; _____ ..:......; __ -=-_..:..:..:..:.::..::=.:.:._:::..:..,.:::...::::.-..::::~::..::.::.::.....:=:::.:...:::.:::::.::..::::~=:...:=~~:::::._.________ the Empress of France, 'which ati

John M 'Forbes . RUSSI-aIlS CII' 'eerl\Jn C~a. sh Proclaimed Today ~~;thi~;!t:~~~!r:~~\~::S!!~n~~;~ Dulles Raises Redlre

Dies In Montreal, . r1rla~ is likely. . . ! BULLEllN . I An end was brought to the con. ~1illister powcr 10 proclaim a Meanwh.iJc. rt comp~cmi,e p~ace

MONTREAL (CPl-Funml will N h 0 V·· t i Etl1lIONTON (C.P. )-Fh'e lrorer,y over tile Summer whole whole holid~~' on Saturday or ~n: : ~~~I1~{\~.I~~dr~h~~~~n:!1~~~e~~: ~~i1I;e~o~e~~ ~~~~'in~o:t ~~~ad~~~ . e ru 11' lSI" -: l,el'SOl1S were killed latE' holiday for st. John's when the olher da~' m the week dunn,;; no\\' in its 10lh da)·. fcund fa\'Ol' mining t'n;;ineer, Who ,died' sud. '.' T I It" . Dally Ncws was ulloUicially in· JunB! July and August. II ,dlh thl striking Ac;so~ialed Sq-d~nly In ho;pital Monda~': He was l1e5( a:' W len a \\ lJ1·ellg1l1- formed that today the Minister of It is not known when the Sat· I c.lflr of wcomoU\'e EngIDeers And 73. . , • T R d L d et.l ail'cI·;.ft cl'aFhed c.nd burn- Provincial Affairs will issue' a d I I h I'd '\I b gin firemen,

Mr.' Forbes. native of, Bona. 0 e e a e r s ,ed neal' Wintel'bul'\1. 10 miles Proclamation ordering that Satur· ur a~ ~. 10 e 0 I ay \\,1 e, Approl'al by !lIe ril'al. non·sulk-• t NIII d.t d f' 'I' . but It 15 known that both whole· 1 ing llational Union of Railwa"·

VIS a, I., an gra uate 0 "c· "" '., .,: . . . " ' .. '. '.' I' west of Edl11.onton. A~snciat- day be obs.ervedm! whole 1,1Olida.y , Gill Unll'crsltv In '1906. served as d i I S ~ I salers and retailers wiil .be ob· m€:l and tb~ Bri!i!h trans~rt com.-

director of Ihe Reid NeWfoundland '., '.', .' . i en Ail'w<l\'~, ownprs· of the ur ~g tie .um ~r lont s. '" <. . , mi'5ion. which runs the national·

At. n:,.!! . VOUI

• COmpRn)' Rnd' ass oc IRtes'and Indzan Lellde,' ItIay· neac/r. 4 flTeemenl 1 'f" d t1 . . . TI1I5 Is In hne With. a la~v enact"j h .. ed to .ob"erv~ the .. new hohda~ izel\' rrtilwa~'s, could open tlle way "u 1.1 1 helped organiZe the financing of . . ' e . 11 ane. con Irme lere "were ed· tll'O years ago whlcl! gIVes the when it comes mto effect. lor negotiations to break the stale-

;tIT. t~e' Newfoundland Pulp and Pap~r On Co-existence Pact no survivors amonq the five' mate. bJ.eetlllg Compan)' from 1&18·1023. Later,.he aboard. It was the fourth '''DOmlDl' '011" H T R HIGHER· DIFFERENTIAL'! was managing director of 'Siscoe MOSCOW (Reuters)-Thollsands, of cheering Rus- A . t d A' 1 t . Op~ o· escne

1 Gold JlIines, Ltd. sians Tuesday welcomed Prime Ministet, Nehru to Moscow • SSQ[:I~ e ,:lrways pane 0 . , . 'The englnemen want'a higher dIJ. \\ ASHINGTON (AP.)- For many ~ears lII.r. For~e6 was in the, biggest spontaneous outburst of entnusiasm seen. I crash 111 a little more than a Or "Canada" Entombed MI'llers lerential betWeEn their wage. and

State Secretary Dulles, closely assocmted with' mln!ng h . I h" T • month., '. those of less .skilled workel'5, memo • • '11/1' . " . developmcnt In northwc5tcrn Quc. ere s1l1ce t le ent of t e S'"cond \\ mId War. '. bers of the NUR. 'The differentials Ignorm~ ~nOSCOW S angry bec. ' . . '. rl ";ldIY .e.nlhuslasti,c c roll' d ~",-'-~' -.-~-- - .... ---- ~---. , All Tbe SanlC SA.-\RBRUECKTN CR. cut e ~ s) were narrowed b,' the latest round complamts, Tuesday set up Surl'h'ors Includr. his widow, Ih~ " sU,r "cd fUI \I nrd despite police. COl· I Zl~ IImuuslne nnd rode h('Slde Bul· J I. .' S' J" ! ncselle sl!llnos \1'Cre ,1111 \l2'l1lg of wage increase". h 1 - I I ctl bl h (II S il( Oe~ ) 'llleS Therc was also fresh hope in

t e fate of Ru~sia's Eastern rormer Clnra Loube ~lcCallum. I Ion, anI 0': '"~ '~$ 0 I ~c ~:lllill Ihroub", )I(I:icul\' III 11 gu",· t:..,..::l l II "I OTT \'V \ ('1' " .. Tuesday night 10 dig oul 10 Icrs six strikebound nort. whcre a stop. E l II' _ , and a son, GordOn Ross. ' and 3!l!llc ~lo,s?lm nt Ihc Illdl~n, e'1'n1enl COllilll'V hlllJ<c I' h~l'e Ihe • I •• ,' t,: - .o0n111110n of Irappell 2.100 feci underground in • I . u~opean sa e Itcs as .11; , I b~dcl',on IllS Ir;umpha~t four·nUle "bitor \','ill slnl'\lhile illlh~ SOliel rrO B BoolOtC{1 /:-?1l3da or Just plaID "Cnnada": thc Il:init~ mine ncar Neunl:irchen page by 2n.OOO slCI'Clorcs ha~ tied maJor issue for the Big I D' I' I' dn:'c from ~I~scow all·port. ' cllpital. . e ,. I~ all Ihe same, Primc :llinisler' br 11 roof collnpse carl)' TucEday. up liZ '~hips and le(l 81 others Four confercnce I ec lIle n I :'\ehl'u f1e~l'. mto. )I~seow ~or a, Thc slow pro"rcss o( Ihe Zis St. Laurenl ~aid )Ionda)'. I Six m~n were brnught out and un1?1~~n~'~I~L n a I A111alll~matecl

011 id h i ~ db' I I tll'o.\!ce~ I'ISII, hiS Ilrsl trip to 1i11l0\,sil1~ Ihrulr~h I'le llu',\er· 01T.\\\·A (CP) - The gurcrn·1 IIe said the eXllression "Domin·, one of the~c dietl. 'rhe olher fivc Stevedorcs and Dockers' Union, RI1!~ia~: S:ewl.e dfscl~~~~ri{~itud~ Rail,4Tav ReVellUe I Ru.!sla smcc, ~s. ,an obscure rc~d: Ihrowing crowd; 1\:\> Ullprrcc·, mcnt illtc~ds to boost salaries 0[: ion of Canada", u,lcd for more :1' h~(1 ullly slight injuries. which nOli' holds exelusil'c country· tOll'ard Yugosfavia to believe ttat' lpposcd 1°

h llntish rule of India, dellled, :llo~1 pl'umilll'llI vi,;ilul's I Canatla's Judges by a 'flat S2,:;ooi Ihan 80 ycars. is certainly not im., Hampcred by Ih~ narrOll'lle-s of wide negotiation rights. It would

, tit d h h If· ~~ came ere 28 years, ago. He' arc whlsltcd brisl:ly thl'uu"h the a ycar-no, maHcr whether Ibe I pro er But the n . th I the shalt, rC,CUe squads worked I . d f ~!taelrn \:~r~o~v~~ \: ~~a~~in~. OTTAWA (CP) _ Operating trayellcd from Pragu~. on the p~r- slreets in closed cars. 0 I judge carns $~,OOO a year .or $%5,. con.~tit;'lion 10 1I~~ee;I:~~~V I: furiouslY to dig their way through. ~~;~ C~:::'lft~ ler~~~g t~:\~:p~

He tuld a Ppress Yconference' he revenues of main Canadian rail- Ns~nkall lalBrlllner . of Sonct Premier In addition, Ihe SOl'iet prcmii!r is I ~?n. federlll !D(ormants dlsclo~d ,illllill' "("lnalla'l h" "111\ II'. 'I al1ll \I'~re nhl~ 10 shoul to ~nmt' lIf ullilln. ·I'h.' transtl1)\·t union had . ways d r a ed I FbI loa uganm. I' . lu,·"h,· ' . . • I " P. I'I~ ml'lI ronsalcrs It possible Ihat UIC So- ec e s n e rllar), 0 . r~n' y ~("'Il I'hhnl! Ihrmlgll Mn"rulI' i .•• .' ~". ~I I alll't'lIl said the 1'01' '. '.. . ~,;k~tI (.Ir Ihis gl1;"'autre ~,I ~ pre-

I'k" government rna)' b~ prepared $81,882,775 from $84,08J,553 In Ihe SPOK\: 1lI~DVS1'.\~1 I in :til ollt'n (':11'. , i 'I'h(: ~"\'~I'n111~nl h~.' "lr,':lIly lU' ilH'I'S' I~'~·r,'· lIuit!'11 . ill Cllllh'~('J'a:: II H .:';:ts. 1:'IIJ~''''lbl~ I" ll~t (,loll! l"iI .. III lll".,ihie l'l'lilJ'll1bhlll\: III 10 "loosen Ihe reins a little bit" on corresponding monlh last )·ear. the All l\us.;lan gOI'crlHllenl anti llilllllm;llic (111'11'1('1''; h('re IlI·H,'I·e' Ufllllll'('" it ;ul"llIl. 10 hllll' I jllll"I'; l' I '. t't 11 I .' I I ",'"~ I 111 11m. ',·x"I",i"" 1I1"'lIlhlilllJ ri~hls cllllnlric. like l'oiand Czechollo. bureau of slatistics reported, 1'lIcS~ purt)· lcD!tCi'~ wcre at Ih~ ail'lIlI'rl: Nehru' nl:1l' I'ca(:h a.:rcelll':nl with ,alaries bill has' 11111 I'ci 1II1IIi~It:11 ": I. 111011 all ell I Y ('~ ,'1 3 I II, ~ ---- -- -. . .. -------.... -I . 'I'!." sl;'ik,. "il"~ :11'[""1",1 .i'i!ls In-"k' I H ' da\' . I "11 I I'· I' I .:.,' , ,. ". , IllInlllll ~nd 1111' n:l111,' "1',"'11 III 11i;.I· . J'II'I "C' I' I'" al' ~1'11l' '1'1'i'1le I . I II' ,1. 'alaal\( IIngary. .... .• anngl\JIIICCllllctlpon101llc,SIII'lCllcllllcl'"Ul1;lf,vC'''l'hl". , " . :"1' ."a'" •• ,. ,1."'lIlon .• 11'01'1'"".'·

In a lelel'i~ion broadcast three _ Opera ling expenseil...(lropped to colon)' to ~rcel Ihe Indian sl:lles.! exi,tence parI similOlr to Ihe line will h~ done when legisl:ilill1i is in'II ,'"I."Y WilS (;111:111:1. : II("('I'il'lions IIf Ihis CIIIIIIII·Y· They I' he:lIl. l:arsllll1, ~lanch~~ler and wrck~ ago Dullcs mat~a leferences $,0,070,83t from $82" ,Mal . \\'hll'~ man. he 1I'1lrl:edllut lasl ),ear.wilh COlli. Iroduced In the Common~, likely 1 ~lIll1e had 1,.11 Ihe wlll'd lIn·· llIeanl Ihe sallie Ihing. lIull. to th~ chance of Iii!lng Ihe Iron rel'enue frelghl rese 10 11,i28,31r. 'mllnist China.' Ihis week. ,minion im\lli(·d.' a principle thai i .. -.. ------.-.- - .- -----!"1I,'1.1in. T~at ~upplled one of Iho ton~ fr~m 11,535,400 tons,In Fcbru· Nch~lI, wCllring a red carnalion I Canada was uniler Ihe dominion] . _ . ",ark, which ,et of{ an explosion ar~ 10.4.., '.' in . l!'Ie buttonhole of .hls l:nee· The Indian prim~ minisler has S I&. 1 of another counlry but thaI idea ~~ t d D dIe of .~Io;coll' edilorial .comm. cnt In Net operalmg revenue rose '1.0 .Ienglh jackcl. stepped smiling from said he is not visiting Russia on tea ·".}".·,30ao I had fallen inlo disuse. I X en e a I II IIllIeh t!lc Idea of dISCUSS11l~ the $2,811.841 from $1,310,092. Emplo!· Ihc Iwln-:!nglncd ilyushin onto u I any particular mi~sion but has ex.·"". 'I SI L . I I; I" I n ~. . d 1 t S" 711""9 rcd carnet I' b I'III'U t u h' I I h' . '11 I I 51' 'IARC Q (CI') '1'1 "r.. aUten las rep Yin!: 10 ' .rll r"~imes of Easlern Europe ees earmngs roppe( 0 "", ,OJ • • .n r, n s n.' mc.. presset lope !s triP WI Ie p 10, . " ,UC. - Iree, Ih C '1 t' b J' riM II '" ilenounced 1IS "absurd" and from $40,670.428 last .I'ear:' Spenklng In Hmdustani, he said: case world tensIOns. Diplomats he· nrmed men held' liP ".'c branch I. '~f om~ons 0 q~es Ions y ~ In F . . G . "',"il,I:' "1 have wan led .for' II long time Iicve his talks here niay provide of the Banque. Canadlcnnc Na- Die cnhaker PC·Prlnce Albert IIho or . '. RJ:lIS ,\StiERED rr" ". .to visit the Sovlel Union and Lo clues to cI,"C'~ssions Ihe TIussians tionale h~rc Tucsday and c!caped noted Ihat a resolution .. dca!irig _.

'loSCQII"s angel' at Ihat time 'emperatures. sec this remarkable celebrat~d may be willing 10 make to en'd the, with _Dlprelhan .~3,OOO provincial ~ith CNTI financing incl!1ded. the . W 'T k' ,arc lillie encouragement to of- city. . • • cold war. police repo.rtcd.. words "Domir.ion of Canada." StJ·OJtg·HoJle That lV alk-out on t a ~

Strike licials hEre about prospect oi the Dawson ....... ..... .... 35 ,71 . "I have come here wiUI Ule best Officers· said the.' bandits es· Mr. Diefenbaker said there has .. r .' 1 roll.back of Soylet power !rom its Vancouver ............ 48 69 feelings for yOlJr people and gov·, caped In a car which was later been a tendency in government·, . . . Pace p:mnt forward positions in Etir- ~~;~~f ........... ( ..... ~~ .~~ ~:n:~~;·.I~o~~ctr~~nf ~~ec!~Jf~ I! found br.oke~ down and aban.~oned legislation to let the \I~ord d!Jo DETROIT (A P) Thl> threat of a General Motors OP~. Dulles' hopcful comment Ol 0 .............. WID ,4 ",l.TD'R '~n a .. hlglmay near Ulls \lllage minion rail inLo disuse. The word;. ....,.. Tuc;day seemed 10 add up to a ~I!~~\\::::::::::::::·.~: :~ :~a~trn~~gth~~Vf~icl~%hl;\'i~et~~~~~ ,i "' lidl .1 £1,D. toO, miles I~e~t of Q~eb~c.: . I had been eliminat~d from some: .stl'lke at nlldntght Tuesday, mght was eras.ed Tuesda! ' ~"~oeuvre to put pressure on the Hal!Ia~ 4i 50 : Ihe ea"!llCr, MIss. JCHnnme statutes but retained in others I and the United Auto Workers era stron"lv h1l1ted that It ShllCls through II'OI'ld public opin' 'd ................ ollr peoplcs:" . j nnc, was alone at,lhe time of Ule, . . . ". " . . b • 11111. I~) ney ; ................ , 42 45 OPEN CAR .' Overcast; Rain and DrIZzle.. crime. The men forced ·her at gun· I' Mr. SI. Laure.n~ said bolh e~:. doeSl'), t expect to ha\'e a stnke at all. - . ,lie said thnt in prcsslng for So. St. John s ............. JO 45 Nehru th~n st~ppcd Into an open High' 44. point to surrend2r the money. pressions . "Dominion of, Canada I .. The 'unio~ agreed 10. ex~"nd !L~! .

I:"l acceptance of inllependence I contract With tile U.S. auto I~' I plant in nclghbonnl! Dearborn. for the satelllie stales he would 1 dustry's . biggest producer until: SO~IE mSS,\TJ8FmD rely u)Xln the 19,t5 Yalta agree. Sunday mid~ight. It had been! The IIl1Dlbcr of idle there reached ment and other documents con- .s~'1edulcd to fun out Tuesday 14,000 .dlll·ing tile dar. Some 5.000 • talning Russian promises to reo night. . '. , : tool and die workers rcfused to spect the sover~lgnly of those VA\\' I'ice • presidenl John W.; ·r~port. They wcrc reported dissat· cOllntries. , Livingston 'said :no furlher exl~n' : isficd wilh the ci~ht·cent hourly

Dulles dlseus~cd the ouUook. for sions will be granted. But at the 1 wage increase they reccivcd in the n~XI month's proposed' conference same time he said: . I Ford agrC'~mcnt. They had asked of American, British, Russian and "There is every indication. at' a 30.cent raisc. ' I'rcn~h chiefs,' nlong with a 'varlety : point in negotiations' that, . givcn Ford 'plans at SI. Louis, Mon· (If ol.her probl~ms ul Ills weekly! sufficient time for furU,er bargain· roc. ~lich., Kpl1sas Cit:·. Mo.! alitl meelmg with reporters. He. re'j· ing, a !leac~ful seltlement of Ule Buffalo. N.Y.. also werc lilt by IlIlrlcd cvidence. of SOllie rclnxation contract wilh General Molors that walkouts. Local griel'ances were of lI!n;ions in the Far East 'as well! is just anll honorablc, c:m' be 'at lea~l partly responsible for ~, in I~urope..' ,," .. I • achievcd." • these stoppjjges.

1I~ saill he' thou::ht'lt was In' ; JllAY MATCH FORD tn 53)' Ihat there is 'whilt a I', . ,This optimistic statemcnt was i p:lr!~r called a "de' facto c.eas., . widely intcrpreted as mcaning that· IIr: noll' iry cUcct In Ihc Formo;. I witllin the last, few hours Gi\l ap· area. II 1~ unsatisfactory,. he I parently had giV"~n the UAW at 3lh!eu, to have the situation, S'<lt up least I'erbal assurance that· it ~o In(ormally but sometimcs events would matcJJ or better Ihe Ford ~rc dcalt wilh more ef[ectively settlement. Ford nod the UAW In ,~~ 'Informal way,'agrecd Monday on a modified Li,.ss II'.\MRDOUS . . guarantced wage plan. \' rhe ~lluntlol1, .aroun~ For,:"os.a Livingston, tho! union's. General \ as" Icss hazardo!ls;' with les5 Motors dIrector, said he was bound ilanocr of war, ~'1al! Ull'\le, month? by a companY'1!nlon secrecy agree· ago, he said. . ' '. . menl not to s~y whether GM had

n~llIl'S ullnouncc!l ·tbat Foreign 'offered a' guaranteed wage' plan. ~1I1!lsler Mololov bas accepted his As. the General Molors n-:!gotla. I~vltalion 10 ,dlnner·with Dulles, _ " ... _ •.. " ..... ,,- ....... ,' .• '.""." .... : .tions "neared a showdoWn,. lin·

I~ rench .'ore!::n Minister Plnay 'In'. . ,.. .. ' . . , . . ' . . authorized \~alkouls' hit company rlUsh Foreign Secretary. Macml} BA~K TO :NO:R,M~L B~AUG~ST? Regatt~, enlhus~asts. ~9~e so,~\1r .:np.Il'ti.wIii~ 'Quidi Vid,i'Lake,' sw'ollen by .ex(ra-b·eayy !'ains, ,h~s b~r~t.1l1ants atSt, Louis" and Clcveland.

I~n al San ~ra,nclsco; June 20;.T~~ all 11s boundarl~s. ,~nd sw~mped Lhe countrYSIde surroundmg It. ,TIllS ,vlew',; lClo!qng towards ~he new: b()athquse, . shd\vs' how" the water has; I ThcS\.. touis walkQut involverl f."r arc expectcd 10 make some. 1 1 1 . d ih d th l h 1 il h I ';l' ," - /. .' til'ingg!on's' .OlVn Fhhr.r hody.loeal.

··INSIDE Rubber Plant·

:'-"Prince Charlc's Gold· fish Bowl" '

'Il-Wayfarer OQ Temper· ence Educallon .

7-11~1l blonJl Ntws a-World of Sllurt 9-Lcwisporle' ,News

10, 1l~Womcn'5 News t3-Cnmics l4-Sloek marllets

~!nal plans for Ihe lop.levcl Bhl comp e e Y'iCOvel'e • e roa on ,e eas ern sore, W 1 e W ich,were.p' auted' along the pOnd-side appear to be growing .in the middle . More scriouslv cripphid;' how. Our smion. a1 lime. . 'of the .lake. '." t ". ,_.,.. . .,. ;, ." .. e\\~r, was forll's sprawling ROUEe ' ________ ~-...,;-.

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THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 19~ I em all countries In fact left of Czechoslovakln.

M' " ", M l' t -' who are nelgbbours of tho Com· DISTURBING PRECEDENTS r 0 0 0 V munlst bloc. : : ' A pledge of. a trellty· of non·, t - - . ,- What Is the Austrian pattern aggression Is another fCll'm of ~~ . . ' -, ,,' ,.' which he so 'presSingly cOl!lmend, guarantee of the intergrlLy of •

A' "d" 'N " , tr" ',1-t' "ed? First,' the state"concerned Is state. It was, If one may lise th'll , . n 'eu, a l' 'y .', to give a solemn gU8U'ant~e' of ,its phrase, rather fallhlonable In *e , , " own neutrality In any Internat· nineteen thirties. Soviet Russia

, By W. N. EWER. . I ' rnllty."· . lonal co~l1ct. ~t Is to abstain was one of the pro,tallonlats of .,\t was notliblo"attMceremony Already tM Sovlctpr~ss '11M from all all\ance8. ,It Is to allow th-e Idea that the security of her·

. Night., . 9.00-Architccts of Modern

oC :tho signing o[ the Austrian been suggesllng that the Austr. no foreign troops or f~relgn '. self and of hp.,r Europ!!an n~lgh. WEDNE~DAY, SliDIIS T'rcaty'ln,tt.c Belvedere Place In Ian treaty might serve as a pat. bases on Its \errltory. It Is to bours could be 'assured by tht' --'-. -----.-~-... --.. Velnna that foul!' of the\f1ve For. tern for a German settlement. rely for Its seeu:rlty o~ Its own cOl)eluslo of a series of such tre- '7.IID-1'c.ip of the Morning;

Thought. . . 9.30-South American Musi~

10.15-rrlribtserral 11.aO-CllO National News.

eilln i\lInlstcrs made' sliort and And l\tr. Molotov reCerred partl. forces and on a pledge by the atles. Sh~ signed non·aggresslon ~:~trru~lc~O~111~~d Weather. appropriate speeches but that Mr eularly to Germany In his speech. great powers ill at they w1l1 "re. treaties with, amongst others, 9.00-Mofnh"'" Molotov spoke for thlrleen min. He went ·'further. "I want 10 ex. spect lind obse!~e" its neutrality Finland and Poland. But when 'llli-Proararit Pr~Ylew. utes. He had the day before dc, prcss my' conviction illat other lind. Its territorial Int~grlty. the time came In 1939, the 11m· I ~.20-0rgan St),lings. ~ c1lned politely to accept tile sug· states too will follOW thlspath,l' , NOT A NEW IDEA ' ': ply denounced the Finnish Trc· 1O.OO-:Know, Your Nflci. Ilcstlon 'that they should all which he had described liS 'that • Now. the luea, of ,pbtalnlng aly al~W hours before attaeklng·!lO.lll-_HIt 01 the OaJ. limit the lenlltil of their spt!ecllcs. of '''honest neutrality:" .. " .. secu£,lty. by sucb guarAntecs,or While In the case of Poland the LO.25-New$.

The reason was. plain enough. "BUFFnT BEl. T" by what amounts, to the Russian InvasIon wasjustlf~ed."~ , LO.3~Trlple Treasure. The Soviet Foreign Minister- had FOR EUROPE? ' thing, by treaties of nOll·aggres· . Mr. Molotov on the groundS tnRt Il~·~t}f~~~f:~~ l~~CaI not come to Vienna, as Mlr. Dul· That has given rise to·specul. slon with powerful neighbours the Polish state with .whlch the n:45-Parade of Stir.: . lca, Mr, Macl\lJllan and 1\1. Plnay atlons that t\le Soviet govern. Is no new one. Unfortunately, treaty had been eOllcludedhad, ,,,,,,--dlllQUpcers t:holce. had, simply to sign the treaty and ment, nmy hav!: in mind the ere. ~Is~ory, teaches us that It has nol now ceased to exist as II result 12.15-Dinnet pell llreakdown. tp conllratulate the Austrian peo: aUon and recognition by the Big In the "past proved a very ef· of Hllter's attack. 12.3D-Farin Bro:i~cut. , . \ , f tl ' . t2.45-,.Aunt Luc1. pie on at 1ft!! achieving their POwC!~S of ,a kind of "buffet ec \Ie. one. These then are preeedonts. 1.00-MJd Day Serenade. lilng' promised freedom from for- belt" of neutral states stretelllng The caissie "neutral" countrY '\' . t' Th~y are haldly reassuring. The 1.15--If'ura Limited. . elln occupation. He had come to IIcross Europe between the Com· is, of course, Switzerland.' But ~'t"~~~\ ! Idea of secullly through guaran. l.3(i.,-CBC News ahd Weath •• make propaganda for a new Sov· munlst bloc and the orglnal Swltzarland's traditional neutral· teed neubralUty has very obvious 2.IlO-Yolir Gooct Nelsbbour. "r ~e~ let theory-tbc thesis ,that any NATO countries: It would con- tty· did not prevent the country attractions. But If I were a cit· 2.2!J-Dominioit Time SignaL counln'y could ob\aln both secu· slst of Sweden, Germany, Swit· from being overrun by the ".q . zen of any of the countries to 2.3D-Ofl the Retord. rlty and tho. IIdvantages of Sov· zcrlnnd; Austria and Yugoslavia. French and Ihercfore invaded ",.".CAt,"iU.,:"T ..... ,C.u...,.,CI!. which It Is being commended 1 US-Musical Pfllgr4m, . 3.lS-Musical Kitchen iet friendship by accepting, 8. And there has been furthcr spe· later by ,tit cAllles during the 'T d M should be' asking myself whet· 4.3O-CBC News. Austrla has, ,the' status of "neul· cillation that one of the purposes Revolutionary War and tho Na· L ryan r,emember. Iss her, If all British and American 4.3S-Tlmely Turtes.

6 TEMPTING lIavolJr~!


. of the aelf.lnvlted visit to Bel. poleonlc· Wars. It 'Is truo that ea it 'makinl a lime troops, IIlr forces and base. were U3-Chlldren's ~tory. ~ grnde of Mr. Khrushchev and since the lIuarnntees o[ the Tre. wlthdrnwn from Europe and the 5.1S:-Musle of the West. I\Iarshal Bulganln may be to try aty of Vienna were given In 1814 despcrat~ r~slstance In "redoubt" ed it from being attaclred and i\Uddle East as the Soviet Gov· 6~~J~~Y:~le~r:J,~:~aat. to "iell" this Idea to President Switzerland's neut'rallty . has of HIe ;HIgh Alps. They had In Invaded In 1914 by one of the P,II'nment proposes and the NATO 1I.0000000IntermcZ%0.' TUo. been respected, particularly in mind no doubt'the lesson of ano· guarantor states. In this case the system dissolved (as the Soviet 8.~!j."·:Prol!r!lm, Preview.

Thnt may, be. But If 1 Inter. the two great wars. But so little tl~c'r classically neutrnl Europ· existence of a solemn trealy gua· Government urgesl-whether In ~.3o-sufper Gues~. pret Mr. Molotov correctly ,hl& confiderice had the Swiss them. ean state-Belgium. rantec proved to nffc~'d no pro· such circumstances the exlsten~e ~o4t'6~CrW~~/~~l\~S~~iher, advocacy of a policy .of "neut· selves In the certainty ,that it Belgium's permanent neutral- tcctl~n whatever. of a declaration promising to "re- 7.15-Curtaln Calls. rallty" Is not limited io Europe. would be respected that dUll'ing Ily was both declared and gua· It Is petbops hardly necessary spect and observe" my country's 7.aO-Tops Today. He lind bls colleagues arc com· the Second World War they kept ranteed when the state was to recall that the Munlcb Settle- neutrality and Integrity would 7·tS-DOYle BUlletin.

6.00-Slgn on and Sundial 6.1l1-Sundlal News . 8.IIO-TOday's the Day •

. 8.l3-Rex . Koury. ,8.30-,It Happened Last NighL 1O.OO-Coffee Time.· 11 OO-Pepperrell Juke Club. 12.00-HilIbllly Matinee. 12.30-1nslde Track. 12.45-At Ease. l.OO-Turn Back the Clock. 1.SO-Uitiverslty Explorer. 1.4!!-Bob Crosby • 2.0D-Bud's Banawagon. 2.:iD-lIIartin Block. a.OO-.vous Record Room . 4.00-Sports Editor Speaks. U5-News. 4.30-Toplcs and Issue •. S.OO-March of Events. 5.15-News. 5.30-Mllwaukee va New York. '1.45-BIlI Stern Show. 8.00-Groucho Marx • a.SO-Dragnet. , 9.00-Theatrt'> Royal 9.80-Rogers of the Gazette.

10.OO-Newl 10.15-U.N, Story. 10.30-Mu£ic Till Midnight.

.VOCM 7.00-Breakf8st,~--7.30-Newl • 8.00-11reakfast Club. . mending It also to countries of their army permantely, mobilized Counded In 1840 and fc.guarante. ment contained a promise of give me any real iense and as. 8. 6-Newl9undland Story.

1 h ~ Iddl S I ' B.3!l-Rawhl~e. . t e .. I e East, and of outh· and made a I preparations for cd In 1B70. But that had not sav· non·aggresslon' against what was suranee oC sccW'lty. 8.4~lntroducUon to Wednesdu

8.33-Hit of the Day 8.3~New5

, -,

, I'

~.' .

',\ -:.. :

,. •

. ", .. ,:. ",

, •

All-new S,,-ORT-sTROKE power in all


5 .. ~ -


NEW TltIPL!.LIFE TURIO·ACTION SPARK PLUGS (or top performance.' Resist foul-

, ; '" btr. prolong peak 'power. '

.... Horaepower lind torque ratingS are up. 'NEW MORE POSITIVE OYRO.ORIP .CLUTCH New ga&.savlng "short-stroke" design AcnON-Advanccd design gives longer

',lite, ' reduces engine .friction up to one-third, increaesplstonringliteuptoliS'l'o"saves NEW SMOOTHER AUTOMATIC TRANSMIS. , up to one gallon of IIBIIIn Jeven. SION with '101' glllU' "stop down" for

extra pull-away power; Ava1labla on all NEW"OOER PAYLOADS-higher Grall . light duty trucks. '. '

, VehieleWc!gbtratinp,lIfeatantructural NEW IMPROVED BRAins It~eleafer atoptl. • .trensthand heavierframea.newllprings . ,. ".Powerbrakeaar8a~\lleonnewmodela., and new axle i:apa~tlell. ' '. NEW-10WI. STEIR1NG.Jiucea ateering efl'ort

NEW OPERAlINGECONOM1ES-widerangeor ... ,. ~:=:O~·d.~!~:O~,~C::U~I= traDflmlMlODl-tbe power train that is to .turing wbeelAvallable on most

, tuctly righ~ for your joll. BIG JOBS, . . .

Here'safullrangeofnewoverbead.valveV.scnginea . -a complete Iino of modem lhort-.trDM truck engbiea. ,N ew ,high compression ratiol increallB

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and cooling ayatoma IncreBlle enRine lite. New, monpr ehusia in all modela give greater load· carrying ability. New tUbelesi tires on M-lOO III!d

MorCl!1'Y Truckl oft'er one ,or the wldeal selcctioDl of models, enamea, traDlmlsaloDl, wheeloo- and powor,optiolil in Caftada, STANDARD and CUSTOM "Driver-engineered" CABS reduce

, fatigue for llUier. safer drlving. See the new '56 Mercury Truekt on diJpbiynow, Get all the Cactal.

'.' :. l .

Sec!an Delivery. ' . .' . . .

· ,,' ~', • .!,. ~ .• . . . · ,

/0\0600 COHVENIIO., •.

ChICktht.pIClncolfon.1 If tho .!roM Is Hmort III, or .borter than the boro-It's a ahort· • troko enslne.

.'. ) "'. , ;. " '

-for 1955 /,1·350 COHVENIIONA!. I

DIAL 7008·9

. Phon. your Mercur, Truck D.aler for " ... 1955 ca!al0JUeI.


B.40-Name the Newfoundlander. 9.00-A Date With Denys. 9.1!!-Man From Ymterdl1 9.3D-A Date With Denys. 9.45-Burtons of Banner Slml

10.00-News. 10.05-A Date With Deny •. IO.li5-New$. . H.OD-Club Time. 1l.55-News . 12.00-Club Time. l2.15-Bank or Happlneu. 12.30-News. 12.3S-Musieal Menu. 1.3D-N ell'l. US-Tunes for Toda,.. 2.00-Betty Grable-HarrT Jam"

Show. 2.55-News. 3.00-Dollars on Parade. 4.00-New.: 4.05-Newfoundland Parade. 4,35-Bank of Happiness. 4,55-News. 5.00-Junlor Jamboree. 5.30-8upper Serenade. 8.00-News and Weather. 6.05-Supper Serenade. 8.25-Lost and Found. MO-It's a Queer Old World. 8.M-News. 7.00-The Barrelman. '1.15-Doctor Paul 7.30-8on5 of the Pioneers. 8.00-Canada at Work. 8.15-Sammy Kaye Serenade. S.SO-Penthouse Party. 7.00-The· Scarlet Pimpernel. 9.30-TJme out for Melody.

lO.OO--;The Liberace Show . 10.30-0ne Night S\and. WAS-News.

, 1l.OO-Sportscast. 11.15-Club Time. 12.00-News . l2.01-Club Time. 12.30-News. i2.35-Club Time. 1.00-News In a Minute anu


CJON 7.00- Wake up Ind I.Ive. 7.lo-·New •. 'l.l5-Strength for the Day. 7.30-News. 'I.35-Bob Lem. Show. 7.4!!-News. . 7.50-Bob Lml Show. 8.DO-News. 8.0 i-Bob Lewis Show. 8.~U-Ncws. 8.3S-Bob Lewis Show • 9.IJO-News, 9.05-Juke Box Review. 9.3D-FIllal Year • 9.4S-Women', New •.

1O.000News. 10.Dl-Time out with Westons. 10.lS-Whnt's On My Mind? lO.3D-Who Am I? lO.45-Joan Blanchard Show. 10.50-Musical Fill. ll.OD-Nell's_ 1l.01-Bill Ring Show. 1l.15-Tennessee Ernie. 1l.30-Imprisoned Heart . 1l.45-Davld'. C)1Ildren. 12.00-NewJ. 12.0l>-Homebakm QuI!. 12.1O-Hlt of the Day. 12.1!!-BllIy O'Connor. 12.30-News. l2.35-Bob Lewis Show. ' l.00-New~ .• 1.0l-Frank Parker Sholv. l.l5-B1ue Star Ne .... I.SO-News Digest. U5-Sports Parade • l.40-Bargaln Bour.

·1.45-Bowrlng'! T.V. l.IIO-Mantovani, MelodIes. 2.0o-News. 2.01":"'Perry Mason. 2.15-Young Dr. Malone. 2.3D-Rccord Shop. 3.00-News.' 3.01-Housewive. Club (prl%cs). .. DO-NewB.· , 4.05-Spot the Star. U5-Ranch Party. 1I.00-News. 5.01-Talent TraU, US-Dan Dare.

• 5.30-Record Shop. 5.BS-Handy Andy. 8.00-News. 6.01-CJON Bulletin Board. 6.0!!-Record Shop. 6.l5-Sport.ll Parade. 6.25-NewB. 6.30-Hospltallty Time. 8.M-The Octopus. 'l.DO-News • 7.{)1-Courtship and Marriage. ~.l5-Program Report. '7.30-News. .7.45--,Dark Stranger. B.DO-News. -B.Ol-Dr. KIldare • 8.SO-Eddle Cantor." 9.00-News. 9.01-Alhum of Favourltel. 9.1~Murder at Midnight.

'9.45-Dosco News. 10.01-They Were Champions. IO.I5-They're Human After All. 10.45-Barry Wood Show. 11.00-National News. l1.1~J'!orts Parade. 11.30-1 was a Communist for FBI. , .


Reti Old


For Go sing of the' great Newfoundland. Springdale at and nothing since it was Verte at 3.30

The hell.cop'tl low, with the its side.

The heJicopllt

was by Mr. man of ilnnuai

., holders Limited.

,'.! '!1r;







Germans FAR NORTH:

Mail 'Service Gets Underway I. ,

Are From Funeral Mass. Dr' J . .J ~ Greene

Dr. .famesi' Greene,( lal{! Parish Pricst of Torbay, Who died at St. Clarc's .. Mercy Hospital on Sunday morning last, w~ burled ~csterdny morning from the R; C.

' Northern Labrador freighting and mail service get~ Cathedral wit!> Solemn Pontifical d ·th th h dId T f om port thio Mass. Hie Gn,ce the Archbishop underway to ay WI e sc e u e sal mg ,r. '~rontificated attended by Reverend

momin rt of the M. V, Trepassey, Capt. Ches Wmsor. J G I t· f th b , R. . rcenc, P.P., Te a Ive a e

The Trepassey on this initial provisions for their families. 'deceased as As~lstant Priest. Deac. trip will go as far north AS Naln. On her trip south the Trepasscy ons of Honour w'ere Reverend In her holds the vessel earrlcs will bring back a cargo of fish, Fathers p. J. Kennedy and C. S. eight car loads of general ca:go, the remainder Icft over from Jast Ea~an, While the Deacon and Sub. which co?slsts of food and fish· year's catch, by the eskimoes, After, 'deacon of the Mass were respeCt. ing suppllcs for various Northern this first trip the boat will take ively Rev. F. W. Bradshow and Labrador Trading Posts along the 'up her regular 'summer's route Rev. A L. Penney:. Master! of coast. In addition there is 450 from Cartwright to Hebron. Ceremonies. were Rev., D. L. hogs·heads of salt lor the eskimo The Tre'passey is under charter O'Keefe, S.T.D., and Rev. C. G. fishermen. to the CNR, who have handled Greene.

ruE DAilY NEWS; WEDNESDAY,)UNE 8, 1955 '

Must End

;' ,,'

Nationals, ,Leave " ,

Of June

.''''' 3',

: ....


Max Braun Wogan, a director of Superior Rubbef Limited of Holyrood informed the Daily News by tele-: phone last night that ,all German nationals employed with: that concern have been given notice of dismis5al to become-. effective on July 1. .. (

,Mr. Wogan who I.·S one Of. th~ 11 Purcbase Boats ",", Germans involved 10 the dismissal ' , ' ·h .. order said that he was at a loss B . f n B ... to explain the reason for the ac· OnaVlS--. ay ".·t.

Three Newfoundland rirls graduated with the 1955' class of the Victoria General H05pital School of Nursing in Halifax on May 11th. They are left to right, Lola EVl\ns of Cartys"We, Elizabeth L, Foote of Grand Bank and Marilyn Moores of

Captain Winsor told the Daily the freighting operations to La· Occupying special places in the News that the Trepassey will be brador since Confederation. i're· Sanctuary w~re the .following a welcomed sight to the eskimo viously this service was carried Right Reverend and, Monsignori, and Indian population when she out by the Nfld. Government. The J. J. Rawlins, P.A., P,P., M. F. arrives In Labrador. It will mean Trepassey is one day late this year Dinn. D,P., C.G., P.P., North River;'

tion of the directors,. Together with Two St. John's small ·boat l~. Messrs. C. A. PIPPY, Gordon ermen were required to ,go 1P Pushie, D. Dawe, Grube and a I aficld from St. John's this year.te Swiss Barrister, he has been hold· get new fishing boats so that tile) ing ofCic~ as a director of the could continue their fishing Ira$i. new industry, but the decision 10 IIIr. Jerry Connolly and )lr dismiss the German direetors and David Siurge, two well.known St employees was taken in his abo John's cod trappers and' hand.' sence and In the absence of Mr. liners have both purchased ~w Grube. boats from, the Bonavlstl . liar '

, Carbonear. the end of the long winter months on her sailing from last year when H. A. Summers, D.P., V.G., Ad·

d f t th 7th ministrator of the Cathedral, C. of Isolation and there will be she c1eare rom por on e . f d d th f J n A. Jl!cCart~y, D.P., V.F., P.P., R. fresh supplies of 00 an 0 er a u e.

Mc,D. Murphy, D.P., G. B. Bart· -CONDUCTOR SELLARS:


Retired ~mplo.yee Recalls Slackening Freight Rush lea, D.P., P.P.: E. P. 1.iaher, D.P., P.P.; W, A. Carew, J.C,D., who was recently named Papal 'Cbamber·

"I do not know wn1t is going area. These boats, measuring "p­on," ~tr. Wogan said. ~'I am told proximately 30 It. on lop, havi 10 leave on July and the plant been towed to -port and are b .. will be taken over and directed ing fitted for the season's work. by a Mr. Ferguson from the Can· . It is learned that small boat adian Mainland." building, which was eommol­


Old Ratlroadlng Days To Northern Settlem.ents Some thirty prIests from the

Diocese oC Harb,our Grace and from city and nearby parishes in the Archdiocese attended, to pay The Superior Rubber Company a final tribute of respect to one was set up some three years ago who had laboured zealously in the as part of the' government's

place In most sections or the Ava­lon Peninsula a lew years ago, hal died out almost completely.

Snowstorms On The Line; Potbellied Stoves In The Coaches

of habits like that, Mr. Sellars Alter the firs~ big splurge of dltional (rijls north. Priesthord for forty·fiv~ years. scheme for economic development. S . C explained. freight lifUng to Northern ports However, statc the skippers, Mass was sung by the Priests' The plant, was financed by the i upreme ourt

Mr. Sellars commenccd his rail· by local coasters this Spring. there this Is no indication that this will Choir under thc direction of Rev. Newfoundland government at .a IdS roadlng career as a brakeman. He is now a defhilte 'slackening of!' be a .poor year for the freighters, John MI~rray, P.P.. reputed cost of o~er $2,?00,OO. It Re uces . entences

Johnathan Sellars, 65, for forty-one years a railroader in Newfoundland stood in the living room of his two storey, brown house at 20 Raleigh Street yesterday after­noon and recalled for a Daily News reporter some of the pioneering days of railroading in this province.

\"as the first brakes man down the of cargoes, according' to the Cap. I t'ti f Special places were reserved in was to have provided Widespread . , as there arc arge quan I es 0 the Cathedral for Mr. Joseph M. employment in the Holyrood area 'f.he appeal abnainst the sentence branch line to Heart's Content and talns of freighters now in port. lumber 10 be brought south and d the first brakeman down the Because of the Icc· blockade, ' Greene, a brother of the decease in the manufacture of rubber handed down by Magistrate S. W.

as soon as the fishery gets gomg and Mr. James J. Greene, M.A., goods. At the time the agreements Strong of Corner Brook' In the branch line from Carbon ear to which tied up shipping to the East in full swing there will be in· d th Bay de Verde, both the runs be· and Northeast coasts for several [' LI.B" h,s neJ:ilew an for a er were signed it was reporled that case of Michael Gillingham, found

crease demanQs for supp les. relatives. In the congregation a huge pier would be constructed guilty of carnal knowledge of two Ing made In 1915. weeks this Spring, there was d Uniforms of train officials ample freight available for the Visitors to St. John's from the which attended the mass was a on the North Sid of Holyroo to Iittl'C girls on Apri 1st., was alow-Mr. Sellars was born In Westcrn

Bay back in 1890. Alter welcom. ing us at the door and Inviting us in he said that he first joined the

haven't changed much but the cos· boats when they were able to North, say, In sp~te. of the late large numb~r of p~rishioners from accommodate Cargo Liners which ed in the Supreme Court, and tumes of the passengers have. make their first trips for the se~· spring there arc mdlcatlons that Torbay. . ,would bring thousands of tons of yesterday morning Chief Justice When Mr. Sellars joined the rail· son but now that the held up sup· this will be a good year for t~e Interment "las in tht e prlhests raw, rubber from the Far East and Sir Albert Walsh, and Mr. JustiCI

' d fl hln e ui ment cod and lobster fishery. At the plot at Belvedere Ceme ery were an extensive market was, ,to be Winter handed down the judi-road, It was just In the first year piles of foo s g q p ···t d b d t' . railway back In 1914, when It was of World War One and plumed and other co~modltles have been present allproximately twenty the fmal prayers were re,cI e y found for the plant, pro uc IOn. on ment in the 'case of the appeal. the Reid Newfoundland Com· hats [or the ladles, high collars delivered, the numerous COBsters local coasters here looking cor] Rev. R. J. Greene. • the Mlliniand anf 10 the Untted Gillingham who was sentenc~d pany. and natty mustaches for the men b kit w f'nding It freight. Most of these have already . States. But there have been many by Magistrate Strong to serve ten

ac n par are no I' . tl F ' LO ' Club' difficulties experienced in getting years on both, counts, each, sent-Forty years, he remlnlsccd, Is were all the order. Incidentally; difficult to get quick loads for ad.: made one trIP nor I. , ! orm Ions. the plant into operation and train. enee to run consecutively, has the

I long time on the one job. I he has always liked the travelling il' T h A'tt d At 'Clarenvill, ~ ing local staff. IIi this connection sentence reduced to seven yeara lind that even though I made my public. Film Coune." eac ers, en it was reported In the House of on each count with the 5enten~es last run Friday {a (relght train Mr. Sellars said that the old Assembly In March that a large to run concurrently. Mr. William to Glendale) I still catch'inyseU tIme coaches didn't have the vest!· EJlterta'loned By Toronto Course Making a total of eighteen Lions quantity of inferior rubber boots Smallwood was counsel for the listening to the phone to see If buIes and Borne coaches had pot· Clubs in Newfoundland, a new had been marwfactured and sold appellant and Mr. H. Carter,Q.O it Is I call for me to go out. on, bellied stoves to help keep the M A J I Teachers from Ne\Vfoundland Lions Club was formed at Claren· In Montreal: These were' reported represented the Crown. ' the line. And Instead the'reporter, passengers warm. '!t', improved I r. 0 e (ste are participating In a Toronto ville on Friday last with the fol· to have been manufactured during seated on a chesterfield and chat· lot like everything else, he said. course fQr apprenticeship teach· lowing officers duly appolitted:- the "running In" period. to Gander Airport in a specIall1 ling with Mr. Sellars noted that 1 remember, back In the old 1Ifr. Albcrt Jekste was host to I ers as a step towards more uniform President, Baxter, KIm:; lst. viee It is not known when I~e In. chartered aircraft to meet Doe-every once in aWhile he WOUld, days we didn't have as much the Executive and gue~ts of the provincial apprenticeship courses president, A. Duffett; secretary, dustry will go into full pioduc. tor Sennewald who was then e,o/ get up, wander over to the' door equipment as we have now and St. John's Film CounCil on 1.,lon. by the federai labour department. Walter Osmond; treasurer, Pat Me· lion or who is to operate it when route from Turope to divulge eer. and look ,at the phone. ' many a time we had to' help I day June 6th at the Atlantic FIlms The teachers will attend a six Grath and tail twister, Clarence the Germans have left. As oC yes. tain information to' Mr. 'Gordon

SEARCH STA{lTS: ' It takes ft long lime to get out (Continued on page 14) Ltd. Prescott St. During a brief weeks course at the Toronto Col· Trask. terday some 30 persons were said Higgins, respecting the new In.

business meeting, committee Te· ege of Education which began in Present for the Initial meeting to be on the Company's payroll. dustries. Doctor SennelVald ',never

Conti~ue Sear~h For Hodders

ports showed that membership In mld·May. of the Clarenvillc c1uh were the Max Braun Wogan is probably did divulge any information. He the Film Council has grown to one The department said that "for following St. John's Llons:-Reg one of the' most controversial was latcr abandoned the Idea and hundred and fifty·flve groups. years It has been the hope of Morgan, Roy Forward, Han. Sam figurcs to cross the local political became an intern at the General

For Missing Govt. Helicopter

Twenty·seven groups joined the many officials in the iield of ap· Hefferton, Bob Grouchy and scene since Confederation. It will Hospital. A few months Igo he Film Council in the month of May prenticcship that training stand· Gordon Harris • be recalled that he figured prom. resigned from the Hospital and

The search for the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Vietor Hodder of Corner Brook was to be continued ycsta:day. The two are be1ieved to have lo~t their lIves when their car plunged Into the Humber River.

alone. The special film showings ards might be made uniform The Lions District Con'lention at IdS returne'd to his formcr home III for Portuguese fishermen were throughout all provinces. Rockland Maine, convene! on Sun· inently in the long Chose h e~n~ Europe.

A helicopter with two u yet unidcntified pcrsons aboard is mls. ~ing somewhere in the \'astness DC thc great northern stretchcs of :-;Ocwfoundland. Thc copter left Sprlngdalc at 3 p.m. on Sunday and nothing has been seen of It, !incc It was spottcd ovcr Bale Verte at 3.30 Sunday. afternoon.

The helicopter Is blue and yel. low. with the letters CFHUP on its side.

The hcllcopleds owned by Unlt·

cd Helicopters Ltd. Names of the two men aboard have not been released. .

The RCAF Rescue Co·ordlnatlon Centre at Torbay yesterday reo quested' all ama.teur radio op,era' tors In the area to help In the search.

And Jast night; shortly after 6 O'clock, an RCAF Lancaser swung north lor a look at the area to see If It could piCK up any trace of the missing craft.

Personal Mrs. A. G. Gosling, Provincial

Commissioner {or the Girl Guides ,In Newfoundland Is In Fredericton, New Brunswick, attending the an· nual meeting of the Canadian Council 01 the Girl Guides As­sociation. Mrs. Eric Cook" Deputy Commissioner' of Girl Guides for Newfoundland, is also In attend. ance.

reported to have been highly suc· day next and the following 51. wald case in as muc as c c cessCul with a total attendance of JoJtn's Ijons will attend:-Messrs. 2200 during the five nights. Talent Trail '::hariie nishop, Gordon Harris, Don

It was moved that letters of all' Mercer, Bill Parsons, Ran Sellars, preciation be sent to Rev. Broth· Conce~t TomOght Mercer, Bill Parsons, Ron Sellars, er Wakeham for his kindness in making the Holy Cross Audi· torlum available, to ChieC of Pollce Strange for providing police assistance and to Bowring Brothers lor their special window display.

Sponsored by the st. John's KI· C dOte C rage wanls Club contestants in CJON's on 1 Ion ou TV Talent' Trail programme will d ' perform at a grand concert In Girl Improve Pitts Memorial Hall tonight.

Prizes to be awarded for the Twelve·year·old Gloria Courage, who was knocked down Monday best performances are $200 for

first place, $100 for second, and night near her Craigmiller Avenue home is reported to hav,e escaped four $500 awards.. b I

Taking part will be a number with only minor cllts and ru ses.

. Following the business meet· ing, Mr. Jekste screened two high· ly Interesting films. The first de· plated the work of the United States Information Service wllii tis 217 posts In 77 countries. The work of this service In bringing the real facls about democracy to the peoples of the free world and

of the contestants who have been Word yesterday said she was

heard from time to time on CJON c~o~m~in~g~a~IO~n!g...:s~p~le~n~d~id~ly~a~ga~i~n.~~===;;;;;;;;;;;;;; __ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii during the regular d~i1y presen·, tion or the Talent Trail program.'

to those behind the Iron CUrtain, dOd F made an absorbing documentary, Can 1 ates or ,COTTON PRINTS

Firemen Pump Flooded Basement

City firemen were called to Campbell Avenue yesterday morn. ing-but not to deal with a Cire. What actually happcncd was the b.scment of the home became so flooded, Ihe housewife had to gel !Omeonc to help her out with it.

Clearing, Up Memorial Park

Poor Weather ~etards Fisbery £Ilm. Using press services, fil1l)S; ,

'Tadlo; libraries and with the telp Carbonear Election The weather conditions arc ham· of private organizations the Unit. ,

Getting topsoil on' tlte 'proposed pering .the corlflshery scriou~ly on cd States Information service' is Thero are two candidates Cor King Gcorge the Fifth Memorial Newfoundland's east coast. A re· striving to' unlfy the free world, Carbonear's Bye Election which is Park and sowing grass seed ,will port.from 'Low,er Island Covc, says against Communism, not by war 10 be held either later this month oceupy the attenilon' Of the' au.' that not une trap has been placed but by using all possible, media or early In July. They are Charles I thorllies for the next felY days. In the water there yet. • to present the true Cacts to the Drake and Frederick Penney. Mr. I


fA'BRta~~ ~~rw.

36'1 wide' - Stripes" Florol! and

Fancies ''''''''''''''''''''39c yard

They arc tr)'lng to Get !be park . Men (lave been jigging {or cod I peoples oC the world. Drake is ~n employee of the ~NR ' Into shape by Regat1;a time. Ihere but no .fish have been laken., The .~ccond!llm "My Latvia" ivhilc Mr. Penney is a taxi driver

CANADIAN JAVELIN: of that town.

. " Magistrate's Court, G ' 'Only cne ca~e, that of a motor· erm any ist arrested lor driving while

, . under tne influence, was heard in Report' Sale To Iron

MONTREAL, June 6-An c.l0wd of shareholders tliat he had I which wlll be pal.d for in 31k years agreement w·th the entir(l arrived back from Germany onl~ out of eamlllgs from the agree·

1 • . the night before tbe meeting "with ment. The Rhur steel plants have German steel mdustry to the slgned agreement In my poe~ 'agr~ed to buy 2 million long tons purchase a eoritract minj- ket for your' 'Inspection." Hc ex· and up to 3 mllilon long tons a mum of 2,000,000 and pos- plalned' that three main Ger- year on a long term basis. The sibly 3 000 000 tons of high man groups comprising 15 indus- plant and railway wlll be bum grade 'ore' ·from the com- trial- firms were partlclpating In by the fall of 1956 and we' will

" the contract. He described them definitely, begin shipping Wabush pany sLake Wabush'depnslt as the RohstoIfhandel group' (re, are to Europe by the spring of 111 Newfou!1dland-Labrador presenting 55% of German steel) 1957." was announced here today the Erzkontor group (representlng Copies of t~e, agreement al1d by Mr. John C. Doyle, Chair- 35%) and Huttenwerk Oberhausen plans of the plant and railroad man of the Board, at the 10%,'., . were distributed among sharehold. annual meeting of the share-, "The agreement means," Mr. ers. Many came forward to can·, h . 'I' Doyle said, "thai the great' Ger· gratulate Mr. Doyle' on' Ihe olders of Canadian Jave in man firm of Klockner.Humboldt. achlevemimJ which has bee'n many

Limited. . Deutz A. G. will build a complete months. in the planning sta(:k Ur. Doyle told the en thuslasth: plant lor us atl Wabush Lake In addition to the German can.


, the Magistrate's Court on Tuesday'. tracts, negotiations arc under way, morning. The case was postponed, the meeting was told, with steel for 8 days. mlerests in other countries as :.-.. ___ ~~-:-~-::_-;-~ follows: , . was particularly interesting be:

Italy-600,OOO to 1 million tons. cause Mr. Jekste himself was re­Benelux-500,OOO. sponslbie for the fllmlng of thIs Others {Including Holland and picture and appeared In the fUm's

Austria)-300,DDD. Introduction. It tellS the. tragic "The question you all want to story of the Invasion and, occuP',

have answered," Mr. Doyle said; ancy of Latvia by .communist Rus· "Is how are we going to ,get the sla and the' ~readful suffering ore out?" . the Latvian people. ,

He said that the answer Is' the At the close pf the !lIm show. undertaking of the German Co. lng, Mr. Nathan Penney, Pre· Klockner.Humboldt·Deutz to build sldent' of the SI. John's'Fllm Coun· the plant at a much lowe; cost cil expressed the thanks of' the than previously estlmated, and the executive and their guests :to Mr. olCer oC other Interested parties Jekste for a most interesting even"j

(Continued on page 14) ,Ing. " , ,

• . .



36" wide in, plain shades

'4Sc yard

BROADCLOTH Sanforized ..::. in 'on' assorted

,shade ...... · ........ ·· .... ·45 c • •


plain y.ard

,36" wide, fancy Floral

,patterns on fawn, blue

or grey background.

36" wide, plain shades.

also', fro~als.,' '

-45c yard yard

.' ,

;,' " " :

i. '

-j . ' .1

'1 ,!



!: i, , ,


• I"

. ... j

~; .' ':

.";'''~':-. ..~ .... ~. ,, ___ ._ ... :.":.1:."':_



. ~-'--------------~~~~----~~ GoVt. Was He~vy l1>ser In Buying Surplus Fish

rGoo . .Thye To Steam' I

THOMSON farewell silow, a valedictory af. TilE NFLD,·GREAT LAKES By EARN'EST CHISHOLM represented here, for tills is a'

. Tn days to come I ImagIne peo. fair sillnal\lng the end of one of STEAlIISmpS LTD. : pIe will vIsIt c-.:hlbillons aud mus. the most glorious epochs In BII'I. leI.V. Dundee ,loading at Montreal : cums to sec dear old jctalrera[t tain's engineering history. The June 7 for St. John's. This vesscll : that could barely c:(eccd the steam locomotive Is being shunt.' " o![ers 45,000 cubic feet rc(rlger·

OTTAWA (CP) ,- Surp!us li'h ?Tought up by the fet:-3ral fish;r. les prleL"s support board cost roughly 12 times more thnn the board received in disposing of it

: spced of. sounn or ancient space cd 01£ the track by elcctrlc and atorsllRce. . . ships capabie o[ only short hops diesel machines-the distant M.V. Perth loading al Hamilton : no (uther than the moon. PO;]' whistle or thl! gas.turblne loco. June 0, Toronto June 10, Monlreal ; derlng on these bL'nve mementocs motive can' al~o be hcard-and June 13, for St. John's.

r !

Thc board paid fishcrmen $t' 840,669 for fish between April j' 1948, and March 31" 19S5, the gOY: ernmcnt said in a r~turn table~ Monday in t~e Commons lor H J Roblchaul .(L-Gloucester). .. . Th~ amount-paid to fishermen tn Ncwfoundland, NOVa SeoUl Ne\~ .BrunslYick, Quebec and th~ Prairie proVinces-does not Ineluct cost of frcight, storage, handlin, and oth'u charges.

I. of a OICf:e leisurely agc, they will 'tn a [ew more llteam "Ioeos" or M.V. Stc. Addresse loading at

regale their Mal'lIan guests with any kind will be made for ler. Hamilton June 16, Toronto June ,tales of the Earthman's early vice In the United. Klngdol\1. 17, and Montreal June 20 for St.

struggles to llct moving, of the The exhibition In the share. John's. , ' I, 1",,,'I'k' W, ""ri ,h.'ow h.Id",' h,D " ."1,, 51,,,,,. FURNE" "ARREN LlNB • round the globe and the tCllen. London, running until the cnd of Nova Scotl~ Icav'lng 'Halifax : tial triumph that first landc(1 him OelobN, looks baek 130 years, . June 4, due St, John's June 6.

, I , , i I i.

I on Venus. but also' galcs unblinkingly Sal!ing" for Liverpool June 7. 1 Something like this Is be~ln. ahead to 1070, when British Rail •. ' Newfoundland Leaving Liverpool : nlng already. Today In London ways wlll have 1,100 elcctric 10. June 4, due st. John's June 10. : we are sadly shaking our lleads comotlves and 2,500 dicsels in Leaving ror Haurax and Boston

Total proceeds from the sal~ 01 fish in the same period was $i4i 335. ,.

OVel' an exhibition of machines circulation, and 4,600 multiple' . "".. June 11, due Halifax June 13 and loon to be as outmoded liS the unit dIesel cars. 'l'he 1956 manu. ..~ Boslon 'June 16. Leaving Boston sedan chair, tile stage coach and lacturlng programme of new 10. ' ~ June 17 and Halifax June 21, due.

. A board official said some of the fish was converted into fish meal for fertilizer and somc was sold on markets not normally SUpplied by Canadian fishermen.

; the models 011 views is one of will be the 'Iost. ,~~ 1(\\ erpool same day.

. N-2t cost of the board's Opera. tlons lrom Its Inception In 19H to last March 31 was $~,141,575.

, the one.horsc buggy. Yet amo"'! eomoUvcs for passenger trains ~\~.,~~~.,J , St. John's June 23. Saillng for Liv·

: ";o,lallara," that' splendid strcam. Despite the grcnt onrush of Nova' Scotia Leaving Liverpool .: lined engine or British Railways road and air travel, I share the June 18, due St, John's June 24. : 17 years ago ran at 126 miles nn exhibition organizers' view that " Leaving for Halifax and Bosten

hour cstabllshllilg wlmt still railways arc onc of Brltaln's c .. '.mn'lItl_ ..... f.M ... ,.u .•. ,.tOlf, June 25, due Ha\ilax Junc 27 .I"d ... ", w,,1d ,~,'" ,,, ,,"I'~ gil" ., 01,,,.,,1,,,. Th' "Not toni"," H"m"! I .,H. huny homo-tho m01f1or. ,,' .,." J,,, 30. L,,"" .... "".w w.n! Thi' I, • d •• ;r.y""" ,,,j.ot-,,,d I'm not I ,PORT ARTIIUR. 0,( ""_ Iteam. stockton and Dad"'"I" R.I1. I 1n.I.w I, ",;,rn" on tho ,I. ,',loc1c b"",I" . 10, ,,~ 1 on' """" J,~ 5. ,,, h;,;, ... y ",,,;nt,,d,,"'·' 'hl~nhts wefre ordered for a deer


I I , 1

t ,:

" ,. f j: . ,

" t 1 "

i ~

" .. IV Ie suf eNd a broken leg wheD

LOOKING BACK 130 way, opened 130 years ago, was • , St. John's July 7. Sailing again Halifax July 26, duo st. oJhn's tV) ATL'RB}RONrr struck by a car on the higJw3y YEARS .AGO first in the world to usc steam whlell, within the limits set, ap'11rol cab of a modern standard same day lor Llverp?ol.. I July 2a, sailing again July 30 (for lY I'J r ne~r here. Game officials had the

The curtain. arc to fall on locomotives. Brltahl's initiative proach perfection. Tratns were I ex~ress steam englnc, their NewfoundlandLeavmg Liverpool Corner Brook and Ncw York ' antmal treated and taken to ~ luit· "Mallard" as Indecd on all the then paralleled in .the all' today light In those days, but .speeds thoughts are switched to the fut· July 6, due st. John's July 12.1 . DIRJGlf'TORY abie spot for convalescence. proud stahle of thoroughbreds with' the "turbo prop" pl'illclple were high, and the green.liverl. 1 lure. \\Iodels urc 'displayed uC' Ledving Cor Halifax and Boston I NFLD. CAN. STEA~ISIIIPS !rJ\ J •

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:,=-. In 11)(; Viscount and Britannia niL'· I" .1Idlng ,1"1,, .... "Id" b. m'" ,,1,,1 .1",.1, on' ~,,,I J.~ 13. '0< H,ur" ,,~ 15 on' .,",,' 111,,,1,, 1"liI" J,,, STEERS LTD ~fI~~:~, J,', R~"I1. \\,," ... I h .. ". '''I n ,I, ,'I h" Ih" I ,. h~ 1",1, I' I,!, k 01 with ",I,! I ,,,m,tI,,, .hl,' ." ,k"d, ''''on "I, IB" I." ,i n" '"Ion i 5. ,,, ", ',h,', J '" • "lUng "V, 11<.11.. In,''. ., "k,h i". '" "I cr. hom Bon"i,I" "ill "Ii

N E U R A L G I A AND .'.I"bI, j,m, .h"d ., hcr "m. ~"ml", ",,,,tI,. rod,. wo", b,ln. 1,,,,,1 on, I, I1dml' , ,,,, J,I, ID on' "'hl" "I, 23. ,,, I ".m ,," '.' ! ""I" .111 h, I.kl" ,,,1,1" " ,,, ." " I I ,.h I . P"'~: b'" ""bI.h,' • l"dll1on .",h,"" on "m ""k. 'Vb"': ",I", A"" '. Ib, di",I, , ,.,,,,,, .",,', J,I, ,", ,.iII '. ,,, Li ,., BoII,;J. 11 Im'h" U.ll1" , W '" ";,.,, ,'," S:h, ,,, 'pon i ,It".. '" , " ". ''''

N E U R IT IS P A INS "d"Io" "",, ,,~ "."lm.~1 """ ., 10 mR" ,. I,,", .. ," , """I" "'~' ,b hno,. boo" ,,,.! ". ?~ "I)' 26, . , I J ','~ 10. d no 51, ',h'·. ,," 12.1 ",'. CO'. no' H ,. .,11" I. i 51' ,,' ,." i, ". ,,'01 I" 10k 0

,m '''' I." ",," I." ",I,.,,,,' ""' " .Ib" """. 11'" '" ,I I ,11" I" I"" ",mb", ,. A.",· ,N,,, So,I,. "' .... " L"'".,,I, ",1m, ,,,,, ,,,"' 14. I >J. V. ,." Art ",w, ""'. m.' I' "I,h I '" Th ".;,",', AGO N I Z IN G Y i) U " which persisted far Into the 20th 180 nn hour with the Great North.\, rali~, C,~YIOn .an,~ Bgypl. The i July. 20. due lit.. John's July 20.:, Belle 11 leav!n

g Halifax ~unc iter, i, ~ailing for ,northcrn ports I, HORWOOD LUMBER CO.

l century. . ern. expresses between London straight dcctrtcs included loc'iLCaVmg for HniLfax and Boston; la, .due st. John s June 20, salling when a timr. I)rrer~. • i Carll I Str~ng, Templeman, malo ARTISTS AS WELL .. , "'''on', "N. I" I, Ih' R,I1. " ,,, B .. ,n on' • "" .... Iu J,I, 27. 'no H.I1'" "I, " ,,', ., .. , ,," 21. SbI,I" C"'f'"' I.", , I". i. 'i"h"~'" ,,,.n I

Cd .h, "'101 ~ .... , .h.. A, .,n " "min"" Ib', wo... .'" ","'" ". y, "', 3.GOO h .'.op ",'", m",1 ",hI'h I. ."Ion A " .. I 1. ""I" B .. ,on I '01" 101, 11 I" ,i" 10 Iii" ,,,I,hl ,,, i h. ,,,.1 ",Ib", 1 I,m h". ' .... ,m"", ,I.OAN'",,', "iI,". N •• rt ,,"lbllI'" " G".I "1" .m, ''" .. l1h m'" ""I., ,I""""." "th. 'po". A" .. I 2. on~ lI."'" Ang,~t G., J'~~ 25. ".' 51. J,h,', "no 27. I p"I,. i L,." B"". ""h"",. I,~ ....,r •. "",,', .". !." '" " " .. I'~ ,~, pold hl.b" "Ib,I.. "mo>. I ",,,I ,kI. w" 'h' I", I" N, 11''1'1 I1,U •• ,. BnI th, 'no SL "b,. An, .. 1 0, ,,,10,, " .. 1m' .... ' "" ,", ,",,,I "',, 'm IIh. " .. I", ;,. I"m"". All" dI"h. ",oJ .iII .. _ '"'",' , .... " " """"on to ,I"" pi .... "th. ,,,.1 V"I,,,,,,--,,,m,,1 """"I,,, I, ,I" 3.000 h""'~· ,,, L1" •• ,,1 A",,,, o. ,,,I,, Ow, ""L, i"I.l1oo1, I" ,~,

past To us who have follower Waite Johnson who Introduced er gas.turbine machine which FURNESS RED CROSS SCLIAdRKkE .STEMISlI~ CO. T HALLETT L TO A 11 ~tURRAY & CO LTD • d I I' d 1\' t lit "I k' F t A I 1 I . he ra e m port salling June ,. . . • . . "


Also for Anhritls, Rheumatism. L_ballO pain •• SLOAN'S ald. , I.n brlngioJ the faSler relief fOU want!

'0 ,"'rI • " •• /lJ .Id i. "lIuirt, ~.i,,'

B"J>I,', "''''''' hI'I"" J,1m eo,""", ",,,,,no,, "'." ,. "" ". '''' ." now " " " '" '. "''''" OJ"" II.V. Lm', "0'""'. G,I,. m., J .. "" """. ;". ,,, ~I., n,,,,hol\om " ,,,h.,. ,h. Rom' D",1d Dromm,,' Wh. b,,11t th •• I"U" ,,, ""I'h •• Uw". ,," '. 'no 51. ,.",,'. ,," 10.·. I". wI" , , .. , •• , whod ,Ii,k,. A. E. HICKMAN CO. LTD. b",dI ., Ib, .. II""', B,,' I,' hi ... ,In" "11k, b.'II .. 'I.... Th,.M lb. dI .. ,I •• I "Ith". "",,. ".In J", 11 (C,,,,, 1:::~'::' :'~"~.,M"~ .. I '~" "iii" ,,, P"lpg,1 eo" "Ih' >tV. 1.0,1" B"'.. W,Um,. Ib, 1"'" I, hoi .... """In •• ,,' G. J .. CM"" ..... , th' ,,,., ,,' N~ y"k). '.. '" '" 5." '" • W. C",I. whm ,lim""'". m'"'' ,",h"g" ""',,' ""' ,1",,1 ""re" HIm ,,, Ib, G"", Wool.'" m'" b. m ..... ' oJ •• 111 b •• "" I' " •• " ... g. F,rt H.ml11" I"." Now Y"k .go" Jon. 17. . BOWRING BRDS.. (TD. '''' .~, " nnw ow,"" " ,; London and North Western Rail. ed as the Rogel Bannister of his speeds on British Railways wel1 June 10, Halifax June 14, due St, Sheldrake leav~ng Montreal ~~ne Philip Way;'!e is taking freight on dock . '>Y. h. 1n",I" tho .1 .... I,. tim'. '" Bn""', .. "",,, .... b". Ib,· 100 mil"" h'"·, '"~no ". 0111, •• ",1, Jon, 18. 'no SL J.h, , J." 22. n,lmg , .. C,"",';l1. . M,rion E1iab.lh I, moo'" " I.ct.~ on' lb. ,10" "" .hI,h I'" "'" mon " '" • mil' I'. m'" Edl,...".h. 400 mil.. 18 (H.I"" ,,' N.. Yno". ."'" J,,, 24 (,B', ".h.rn,. C",I,I "",m I. "kin, 'rel,hl. ;" .. ,,,,1,. . .. "'., I, "'" 1,1."" .. m' 'on' mlonl ... Ch""hW",' w" '"m Lo"". , I, b • .,,,.bI . F,ri H,ml11" 1",1" Now Y"k N"",rt I""~' Mop"" J~" CI." H,I"l1. F,I_, m."" ., ON DOCK


",11" ... ,1" "".,. th. II", I. ,,,I.. • ..... _ .11h1,. 'on, hon, jon"". M.& ,," ·24. 51. NJl.. 'on. '" ". duo ". J,"" ,," • "IU,. I",., ,,,i,hI ,,, 'm""'" ,,', Tw111i"'''' ""J,ri. ''''''' .... ,"11",,', ",,,,I., '''' "."",1" 100 mil" "hon,~th. ,h"'" 011h1' ~ ••• B''''m'' by H.IIf" J,no 30. , .. SL J,h,', .,.m J,~ • . "Uing wh" " lim' ",.". ,,' 2 ',oni,h I"wl",.

I"", .U1 ,,,'" •• , .... "11 ,,,roo "CI1, ., ",,,"" "0,,.. U" ""Id •• wll. h. thlrty·ml,'" Jnl, 2, "iii, •• ,,1, lnly 5 <B.I1·, Sbcl'''''' I ... , .. , M .. I",I J,,, A YRE 'ONS (TD. AT DOCK "". lb •• "'lbl<1" I ... "I" M.11 ,pool., I, ·190' Th' ". h'~ AI ..... , Ih. "'~'" .ro b. ,,, ,,' N.w Y"k1. '. ,,, Sl J,h,', J,I, lL "UIp, A"", B.dlol' ';, I,"", p,,,, .. rih .... ," W. .. ... StcrIlng, the fiery Scot whose cord atood until broken by "Mal. In~ st~nFten~d to carry the die· Fort Avalon leaving Halifax agam July 13. freight .or Glovertown. '1 ~nd Trenassey which sailed. nom. ,I,,. 11k, nf 'bo' " • I", ... "~'''no' by ,"01 "I", .'." ,.n< J'~ '. 'no st J,hn 'nIy g, uil· Jorrl' Elim"". E,"~ m .. I",,, CANADA PACKERS LTD.



--- - .... ---_._-_ .. --_._---_ ....... -

TRADE ,UPP L Y RY. Vcl",u" .. 'flU". ..... 11 ."' Ib, ,'9m '1 .. ,.... 51, NI,'I 0, m, ""I 100 "U .. "hon' I" ",In J'" 11 'CM'" ",ook. I, ,,"., '"i,h"" E"I". R,'·' ;""hl ,,, I'. ",,1 PO"h." 51,1,11" I, 1873 wh, "",1,001 G, .. I.,. "'"'' 1.1",. . I"" ,""I"k "" my ,hon" .• hd N •• Y"k,. TlWiSF.R POLles 1"lon. C."b,. ,,,,, ",,' G""I p",lo, !~~~~~~~~!!!!~a~!I.'h' m .. ' b",,11 ,,,I 1".m,l1" 'WITCHED TD TH'· FUTURE " ,,, U"" ,m111" gh .. "" F.rt IIom1l1" 1 ... 1" N,.. MONTREAL (CI'I - H' m ~, C.". . II Kean Bros., is ready to sail.

GERALD S DOYL~ I ever run on metals. The Stir!. The exhibition is thronged Ramsbottom, Stirling Gres!cy i York July 13, St. .Tohn, N.B., July bones said .to be a ecntu~yoid, dl~' Norma Conrad, Blackwood mas- Dina Thornhill master is ready

I ' I tl ' . 1 H 1'( J I d covered bv workmen m central ' • ' ' , '

ii • I hlg "a· Fool Single" was one of I with small boys-and \I' lcn ley nad all. Yes, I am surc they will 6, a I ax u Y 19, ue 51. John's '( t I· t fit Icr. is awaiting further orders. 1 t~ sail II hen a time offers -',", __ .. ,. '" ". w." '"'''''' ., ' ' .. p ,"".. "" Imm" "hl",m'''": h ... , 1,101 ,"01' ,,,', I, Ih. ro'. ,m,I,. , .. " ,21: u,I,,! "'!' . ,," " "mol,,;. A poi .. , ,," U"" W" 'AINE JOHNSTON • CO. CTO , CRO~B1' • CO. LTD, (HahIax and New .>:ork). a 'C'~melery a century ago in the MaggIe Green, Delorc!" mastrr, 1 ~I.V. \\cstl!rn Explorer [rnm Fort Avalon leRl'lng New Yory site of the Dorchester street exca. loaded a car~o of .<all for St .. (orner Brook is moored up in·

July 23, 51. John, N.B., July 25, "ations for a new street widening. I Mary's Bay. Saping when II timr.. (~~!initcly. --_._ .. _----

when you.' b"y · • 0

, ,

Paints, Enamels & Varnishes YOU OBTAIN TOP' GRADE . PRODUCTS




Manufactured by , . ,.



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That's because Player's are made from the finest

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These fine Virginia tobaccos give you flavour and, mildness •• ,

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Discover for yourself this mnd, true,

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Let your taste discover the extra

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LONDON six: years old, for AU"l'>·,."t-·

Hea Cele

May lRth \I

fnr the when they Annh'crsary. casion we in having shiprul G foundland,

About one five Lodges Brownsdale Church,


I (


·r ....... --~, ,


(CP)_ a deer

leg when hi~!JlI'ay

; had the to • luit.

Walt~n, will lal\

n ~ timl

sale. LTD.

Wellman, of Ium. to go

Irn[lOrl!d up


5 LTD, northern

to nil. ,'r, is read,. iers. LTD.

from up in·


THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESD1Y, JUNE a, 1J;..;,5 ... f __ !

Prince Charlie;'s', Goldfish




IN 1951, a WIVI goodbyo •••

In Boreon: the Queen, herseIC, (or monkeys, because his presence spending too much time at the had been spotted. , raee.tracks. The young prince Is, of course,

As Prince Charles grows older' aware thnt his mother Is Queen. NEA Special Correspondent and takes p more active Interest This fact, Inevltabl~', was brought

) E d' ,. Ch l' In hUnting and polo, as he shows home to him at the time of her

LONDON (NEA - nglan s Bonme Prmce ar ie, every Inclination tq' do, such Cornatlon, He doesn't however, six years old, has learned Lesson No. 1 in his education busy.bodles as the lcague will be yet know that he Is Prince, not for kingship: A future British monarch's life is not' his watching over his pctlvltes wIth to mention Dl1ke of Cornwall, own. A goldfish has more privacy, , zeal. Duke of Rothesay, Earl o[ Car·

This lesson ,vas underscored thi.s year when the How to bring up a boy as nor· rick, Baron of Renfrew and all h

mally as possible undCll' such cir· his other titles. prince wcnt to watch a fox-hunt near t e royal palace at eumstances ls, perhaps, tbe main . He is never addressed 'as any. Sandringham. problem which the Queen and thing but plain "Charles" by his

Sitting with his back. as straight as a poker, he was the Duke of Edinburgh have to servants and the royal household photographed astride a hunter. Then He p,uffed up nis face In their. d~m;stie lICe,. attendants. . .

checks and blew on a hunting horn while his mother, • • • Quecn Elizabeth, took ,mo\'ies and the scarlet-coated The glare of publicity surround . His father keeps a firm hand

lug the royal (amily Is strong, 011 him. When Chall'les tlirew his guests roarcd with Inughtet'.. ,and despite his parents' l'lgilanc~, slippers down II stairwell to the

\cxl dllY, the British Lcn!1u(' contempt" by 85 lca~t haIr lier Prince Charles often finds him· danger of people below, his dad "~ain~l C\'IIel ~porls took 10 the Mnlesty·s loyal suhjects. It I~ "a, self the center of Il. lie has only turned him .over his knee and h~adJincs. Thc league. It saiel, was cruel and dC~I'adillg rclic of a 10 npperol' outside nle Bucklllg· lIpanked him. "pRinc!! and dlsmn~'ed" thai lllc barbal'Ol1s pge" ham PalR~e glltes for crowds to When ChRrles was naughty qllrcn comldcl'cd [ox.huntlng "a The ro)'al fmnlly is Ihe \r.aguc·5 gather, almost miraculousiy, to, .llI5t before the Queen Mother IIIHable treat fol' the royal chi1; fal"orlte targel. \'l'ltICl!5S Mllrga· chccl' him. was due to take him to a mill· drm" rr.t has been criticized IIII' fol· Recently he was I~hbkcri 0[[ tai;y tatloo, another little boy

Fox,hulltln!l, the lltntcmellt lowillg the hUIII; the Duke o[ frol1l the Regents Park Zoo he· (tllc SOli or a roya!..secrctarYl was went on, is held III "loathing and l~ent lor witnessing a cock figbt I fore he had time to sec even the substituted In his place. Chules

stayed home Plld sulk~d. During 'a Carnation review

when Charles started acting up on the palace balcony, a stern look from his father was enough to subdue him.

Quebec And Luther Film

TaxiMan Assaulted


IN '953, • thoughtful smil,.

Americall Embassy sccond ~cc· Il'ctari, was chosell to be the princc's sparring partncl'. Oncc a week ~tephell was to go to Buckingham Palace. don boxing golvcs and push the l'Oyal feal· ures around.

., 1

MONTREAL (CPl - The min· MONTREAL (CPl-Raoul Gou· istcrs Who showed th~ banned Mar· let, diminutive 25·year·old taxi Un Luther film In their church'cs driver, has told police of a night, mre last week had no desire to marc trip to Quebec while bound ~mbarras5 the Quebec government, and gagged on the floor of his ol';n Rcv, Charles C. Cochrane, moder· cab. ator of the Montreal presbytery of Police ~aid tll'llay that Gouiet told the Presbyterian G.'lUrch, said to- of his eXperi{lncc~ Monday night day, after rcsting lrom his weekend or·

In a leU'2r tn Premier Duplessis deal. ' he commented on a' statement G~llet told De~tive,Sergeants made by the premier at his press Frank Boire and Rene Trudel that conference in Quebec City Friday •. til':) trouble started whcn he picked The premi2r stated: "I think this up two male passengers in cast· is a very strange Cllinciclen.ce. The I end Montreai Saturday night. Af· film was banned 18 months ago ter driving them to a couple of and nOW it has been shown ~n onCnight clubs one of the mcn pulled of two Montreal ridlngs where by· a revolver and relieved Goul~t o[ elections wili take place this sum· his money. Then he was bound m~r." . and gagged and niaced on the !loor

B~·.electIons are due July 6 In of the cab whlfc the men drove Westmount·St., George and Mont. to Quebec City. real ,Laurier. Tha cab was abandoned on a side

In his letter Mr. Cochrane ~aid street in Quebec City and Goulet the decision to show the film in was released by a passer·by. church was taken April 27 w.!lile the writ for tha by.elections was Ell· G D" A not issued until May 11.· J IS reen leS t

- "We had if course, nor prior . knowledge of the contemplated N· W t ·f d date o[ the by·election In our con· ew a el or stitueney." . BANNED BY CENSORS

Tba 1I1nrlin' L~ther film was banned ahout 18 months' ago by the Quebec board of film censors on the grounds that it might stir rcligiou~ controversy. Spokesmen [or the Quebec attorney - general's department said· tb:! churches hacl dolated thc ban Premier Duplessis said he had asked lor a report on the showings last weck. An esti· maled 25,000 people saW the film.

iIIr. Cochran;! wrote: "~lay I assure you thai my col·

leagucs and 1 have at no lime de· sired to afford embarrassment to the ~o\'crnment which you have the honor to lear!, nor 10 our brethren in Chri~t of· another p'2rsuasion. ~Iany of 115, hnving secn thc film elscwhere, . desired only tllat our Protestant people misht have ac· ceS.1 to this powerful new teaching

NEW WATERFORD, N. S. (CP) Ellis Green" 63, presidant of the­New Waterford Credit Uniun and secretary of the United \IIine Work. ers (CCL) Local 12, died today at his home here,

Survivors include two broUlers, ,Tos'~p.!J, Hants Harbor, NOd" and !!,unlcy, SI .• Inhn's, anrl a sister, Mrs, .Tohn Harris, also o[ St. . lohn's.


city 0' Chicimouti North will cele. brate it~ centenary Ihis summar and a portrait gallr.ry of a1\ may. ors. who have governed the rural Quebec municipaiity sin c e its I founcling in 1855 will be um~i1cd' July 17.

m,"dium. nlOVED TO INDIA "The lilm Is, for us, a means of COnNWALL, Onto (Crl - Filty

Prince Charles was a1l excited about it. His parents, Queen Eli· zabeth' 11 and and the Duke of Edinburgh, were fill' it, too. Then the British press got wind o[ the

The IIttle prince's biggest thrill story. "Is Boxing a Sport Fit for of the Cornation, far out·welgh· Princes1" screamed the headlines Ing that of seeing his mother In the London News.Chronicle. CIl'owned In Westminster Abbey

acquainting OOr people with a eri·· tons of papermaking machinery is tical period in the history of the being shipped from an abandoned Christian church, and it aflords mill near here to Calcutta, India, us an opportunity of proclaiming to ba used in a new· plant manu· the gospel as It has !leen received lacturing paper from bamboo. among us. Part of the old mill here now is

was the .fact that, for the first Its readers lost not time in reo time, he was allowed to use hIs plying. "Boxing Is a beasUal dad's hair pomade for the ocea· sport," they write. "It stimUlates

"With these things in mind an· used as offices for the St.· Law. nouncement of th'a services, and renee power project. of the c-.iurch showing of the iilm --.:.-.-~~----­

IN 1955, A ROYAL TOOT ON HORSEBACK brought 8 pained bleat from tht busy bodies.

slon, • evil, animal, fighting instincts, • • • Boxers are war·mongers."

But he did not get to use the Back into their ·wrapping went boxing gloves sent to him as a the gloves. It prohably will be a gift from Cannda, although n few years before he gets to use

. "Y:l1ll:" very nearly had the hon· them again. i\Ical1while, aILhough or of being the first to bloody he may not kl10W he's a prince, Prince Charli(!'s nose.' Char lies knoll';; what it is tv live

Stephen RuLler, son oC an In a goldfish bowl.

was made only to our own people, and only through' our 0 w n churches."

MIXED POPULATION Almost half the population ol th..:!

Fiji islanrls in the Pacific nrc dc· scended from early immigrants [rom India.

-----James Garfield, U,S. presid..:!ntl

assassinated in 1881, was a caMI bargeman in his youth.

Heart's Content L.O.B.A. A~tbma.May Be • ,~I \" ':. (I' .. ;' ',.- ....', • ., ' <' ~' • ': ' • ,. '1/'.· : -.

C I b '. A· EIgbt DIseases e e rates nnlversary Asthma is one of our m05t . clusil'e diseases, Even though SOIllC i

~lilY 18th was a wi letter day! A ~pccla~ word of t~lanks was modern drugs arc highly ~f[ccti\'e I lor thr. members o[ Hop.e Lodge I tendered Sisler J~an Georl:e 10l'1 in allel'iatln!l asthmatic attacks whc~ they celebrated thclr .Silver Iller work .as org~Dlst oC the Lodsc and ,preventing thcir rccur~ence, .\nnll'crsary. For this speCial oc· since Its II1stltutlon. I no real cure has yet been found. minn \l'e were highly honoured I Thc Grand )lIstrcss addrcssed I'erhaps thc answer lies In a in hill'ing wilh us the Richt Wor· thc meeting, telling aboul her work recent report by a NOl·th American ,hip[ui Grand Mistress ol New· and the places she has "isitcd spccialist. According to him' the fuundlnnd, Sisler Ada Hampton. organizhlg new Lodges in, dlf[erent illness is actually eight different

Abont one hundred and sixty. parts of the island since being diseases. He believes that an five members representing the elected to the orrice of Gralld asthma victim's gasping and wheez· I.odges from New Harbour to Mistress one year ago. ing may be due to allergy, ob· Brownsdale paraded to the United She read a poem which she com· struction of the air passages, Church, where Rev. G. B. Butt posed In reference to ~he anni· heart trouble, bacterial Infection, eonducted the service, nn.d Mrs. versary. It WRS mueh enJoyed lind and emollonal clisturbances. In ad· Butt presided at the organ. appreclnled by all., dltion, diseases of the nose, as well

Rev. Butt preached a' very in· Other speakers were tile War· as exposure to temperature ex· ,piring sermon, taking his, text shipl!:i Mistresses and Past War· tremes or noxious chemicals, may lrom 1st Corinthians, 12th Chapter, shipful Mistresses of the different bring on an attack. 20lh Verse, "But now are they Lodges represented. Special men- Though the callses may range many members, yet liut one Body." tlon was made of the Sisters who from sensitivity to cat fur to DUring the service the names of wer~ absent through l11ness, and trouble with in.laws, the symptoms thirteen departed members were also, of Bro. C. G. Rendell Who Is ol the condition are the same: read, and nowerE placed in church ninety years old, and residing with breathing becomes a gasping night· 10 their memory. his son at .St. John's.. mare because ol narrowed, mucus·

Returning to the Lodge Room, After the meellng a' soml hour c1ogge(1 nlr passages. The con· t~e mceting was held, with the was held, to which Rev. an9 .Mrs. structlon IIf the air passages Is \\ O:lhY . )I\slrcss, Sister Lucy Butt were invited. With the hghts ollen aggravated by the resulting SlI1lth, welcoming all the Visiting turned of! and the glow from panic expericnced by many pal SiMers, also the ehartcred memo twenty,£!ve candles on the bea,uti· t\cnts. One o[ the nelVcr Rnll· h~rs who were ,prese~t, namcly: [.ul~Y dec~rated birt~,day cake, ail astpamatic drugs, callcd tedral, Brl!, .lames ROIIC, Sisters P.:I!. Ilsillng SISters sang Happy Birth· has' been reported to relieve Annl~ ~I. George, ,I',~I. c~rrie day To You." asthamallc • allaclts effcctively: ~lartlO,. P.~!. Lue~' Smith and Sister We thank al\ who were present through. three,pronged acllon . .1t Blanc~e George. . l~r hclplng 10 make this anni. relaxes the muscle o[ the bronehl,

DUring the mectlng congratula' I'ersary such a success.' To Right .it opens' I1P the nir passages and ~~ry ,"!cssages . were r~ad from Worship lui Sister Hampton IVe say reduces the mucus congeslion, and , ,nst \\ orship[ul Slst: r Edith Pud· a special thank you lor arranging .also calms the patient, thereby d.lster ol the ~Ios.t Wor~hl~rul her dates so t\lal she could be with !oresta11lng luturc attacks: Grand l.odge of British America, us at this time. ---' ----Ind a chartererl member o[ Hope Lodge: also from Sisters Maud Reiular and Marjol'ie Non.U ol 5t. John's.

That we may be spare 11 lor many more anniversaries together Is the wish of all.


community 20 miles cast of Lun· don, which s~nt the team that won the world's tug·ol·war ehainploJr ship al Ohicago' in 1900, has just receiV'<ld the cup and the. team's anchor belt from an anonymous donor to be placed In the Oxford

'Montreal 2 Flights Daily Tow-1st . Flight Lvs. 2.55 II.m. 1st Closs Flight Lvs. 5.40 p.m, All times quoted lire local titlle. .

S ... HARVEY & CO, Gtnt,.1 Allintl fDr TCA

or 'Phonl TCA 7121


" ','

county museum,


Fort Henry, a proud new ~ ."'''",,." freighter, completed her runs on Lake Huron. T:!e Canada Steamships Company ves~l, laun· ched here last March, is driven by a type of steam turbine that was

.never before built In Cunacla,


.. The newly·organizell 'reck town· ship Inllustrlal commission is. erlng Information on,procesMing and packing of bluj!berrles In the hope tha~ blueberry growing' can be esla blished as one of the second' ary industries In this' norlhern lario' area. .. .'


- ,:-"


The entire stock of M on'is Car

Pal'ts formerly at· British IUolOl'S

Lindted. al'e Harp available at OUI'

. p1'ellllses.

All l'epail' work on iUonis,. Cal's

will be done lllulel' the supervision of

lUI', Geol'ge Johnson fOJ'lnel'ly. of

Bl'itislt Motors Limited.

, I


, " ',' ". <,'. . " . ",' , . . , . . .': .' ", , .. I ' ..

, .


'i ;f





Photo Co,ntest:·-··' To .. day!






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";' I :., .


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. . j: ,

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:r :t" " r:', f.


• f';

',', I

6··, THE DAilY NEWS, WEDNESDAY/'JUNE 8, 1955 .. c

. "

.' . '

•• ,._ ...... ' -- +-'--'--"'-' .•..•

, ---_.--­~- ---.

r The Daily News-l Tbe DAlLY NEWS Is • morning paper

bas~s, 6t'pa~t ex~e. rienc, e and p,rese!1t por.'\ tents and must 'be regarded in the light of an·inJormed attempt to peer into the future. ::., . '.' .

·On. the expectation that 50 per cent inbrc people ,will be pr04ucing twice as much goods and 'se~vices, the outlook is good

News \ 'In The

BY WAYFARER. Beautiful

, ..

. established In 1894, and published at tbe l'!e". Building. 3:15-359 Duckworth Street~ SL John'., NeWfoundland, by Roblnson',& Compall1. Limited. '


for il steadily rising standard of living. It, NOTES 8: COMMENT ' ,I Byrne, thcn h~ad of· detcctives, should mean' that. taxes will taltc less o[ I There have come to us recently kept his .collectlon. of stills. These . some copies ot a periodical issued were qUite a variable lot. There

Tbe Canlldian Preula exclusively en·, tllied to the use for rcpublication 01 all news dlapatcl1eti III this paper credited, to It or to The Associated Press or Rcutcn ud also the local news pUblished therein

total' production and that a richer: popu· by the Newfoundland Temperance wcrc also some examples 'of nar· lation wilL be able' to consume .for more Ilederation. Called the "Couricr,", row breast .plates, hollow and an Cana'qian-made' goods. '. It sc~ks as far as possible to. In· in ell or so thick, in which boot­

... . It js a ,ple~sant. outlbok for thofc who form the Ntlwloundland public lesgors carded ,about thelr 'i1licit

h h· . t . f 't b t 'th about the evils of drink. This Is. warcs .. rherc arc somc Meadful

ave't e patience 0 walt or I u WI the . first ,we have heard about cases still living who sllow the so many imponderables at work in the this puhiicatloll o~any other ,work effects on ~ye5 and brain of an world' today, with so much uncertainty of the kind .. They came to us with addiction to 1V0od' alcohol. about tile' outturn of international affairs. othcr Informafion. ahout. temper'

All Press 'service and feature article. In '. this paper are copyright and their repro-.' ducUon Is prohibited. .

Authorized as second class mall Post ; .. Office Department, Ottawa.

e: M.ember Audit Bureau of Cir~ulaUonl

DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES: CInada ••.•• "" ; t •••••• $ 8,00 per. annum

.' United Kingdom and all Foreign Coun'riel ••.. $12.00 per annum


'===~'==~== -WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8,1955

with: so . much or ~aiional output diverted ance. education because of some· AlcQhol just h~ppcns to bc one to tho e wasteful needs of military defence. thing s~id on thc subject'in this of those things that the fortunate column a fcw weeks. ago. citizen who is re.istant to It can· most bf us will, be inclined to concentrate _ not understand. The basis for the on the imm~diat~ .f~ture. and lqt 1975 take What that was, we are not quite cral'lng is usually a desire to es· care of itself. sure, since we. keep no clippings cape' fruM 'pl'pscnt troubles. AI,

'., . . or these articles for reference cohol does not stimulate. It an- •

Potholes? purposes. The . letter we rcceived aesthcUscs' the highcr brain cen· (rom thE! Director of Temperance tres, driving dull care away and Education suggests that we might making the victim believe that have been Ciitlcal., If so, It must the wm'id belongs to him. Any

Just .think of New'foundland roads with: have broen of presumed inactivity person o( any make-up can "tic out any potholes .. That delectable vision becausc we have never "11eard' of one on" now and again and, be­has been set before us ,by' speakers at the anything that the· T.emperance .come a genera~ menace if he Is Fedcration, financed prlmarlIy at the wheel of an automobile.

What, No

a.nnual conference of the Chemical Insti by the Governml!llt, has done. We But the alcoh:llic Is someone who tute of Canada. ' ., may say .hese booklets can be Is alIergic to alcohol. It dOes

It used to be the case that manners Di~persing agents are the answer to the very, useful If the right people things to him. He cannot keep maketh man. Now that old aphorism has pothole problem and we .~re the right get and read thcm: away from It. And when we sce an alco;IOlic, those o[ us who can

been extended to meet requirements ot- country to try them out because we pro· Tlie contents arc quite varied. take liquor or leave it, wc can be .

Courtesy Saves. Lives

a world on wheels. The new version is duce a lot of the basic raw material. There is an orUcle, for exa",ple, mighty thankful that we happen )hat manners can save lives. That is lignin or the waste liquor that on tonic wines. It is interesting to' have' the right kind 01 body

That was the gist of a speech by W. A. pours out of the newsprint mills and for tolobserve that some of ihese con· chemlst~. Wecker, President of General Motors of which an economic. use has not yet been ta n 32 pe(1o rent alcohol. Why anyone bothers, in the circum- Becausc we believe that, body

. Canada, to the first Canadian conference employed in Newfoundland. stances, to make "pinkie" Is' more chemistry as well as' the individual ,Op highway safety. . The proper use of lignin or lignosol than we can tlnderstand. But the psyche has a lot to do with al· '. .The automobile, he said, has been the Will prevent frost damage, preserve road tragedy of the craving for alcohol coholism, we wonder sometimes

, t t 'b t' t t' nal surfaces, a. nd give us roads that will be is that people will drink any sub- if alcohOlic education really· can century s grea est con rl u lon 0 na 10 stitutc If thcy cannot get the "chieve what ,'t sets out to do. It

available for heavy use all the year round.. . -development through efficient and eco- lc"1 tiling can warn those who have \let to ,nomi",1 communication but somewhere Of course, the people who have said th~· . 1,,1. '~'"' .h;~' 11 ,,; , ••• ,oIong the road the public fallod to k"p about roads in Canada have never seen the Prohl\>illoo,,, ,UII 1I".rot> Ih.m. 11 Q' """d. Ih. ,"01"

kind of potholes we produce in New· cally the law !Jf the Innd when we drinker from taking one for the

'pace with the progress of the motor age f' . b . t foundland. These are out.size by every mnrched Irst mto the world arm· road before h(l chm s m 0 a car. As the chief cause of accidents he,',cited d ith d f . k th h t'o thosc whose

standard. Cars can be lost in them and e w a wa 0 pm copy paper But e apprJRC


people, both drivers and pedestrians. of the kind then furnished by inferiority comp\exes are 50 grave Mr. Wecker declared: "I have said never recovered. And when one is filled our evening contemporary to .Its that th~y must find a release in

}before and I repeat; to me it is a shocki in, two others always appear. reporters ,and a very thick black· alcoholism for their inhibitions or . ~g Just the same there is some' encourage. lead pencIl. At that time the those ot:ler who are physically in· 'c.6mmentary on our twentieth century G t • d b r d t bl r t hi g I hoi with . ment in the report from the Quebec con. overnmen "a een oree 0 incapa 0 0 ouc n a co morals when safely engineers say that laclt sell FlOrida Water and Bay Rum impunity has to be different. How of simple courtesy causes most highway ference. Once the ordinary mainland pot. by medical prescription. The Bay one approaches them is more accidents. We must not allow so simple holes "have yielded to the new chemicals, Rum has stlll to be got, we be·' than we C&:1 tell. and personal a thing as poor manners to concentration on the special Newfound- lIeve, from the Liquor control -land kind can ·begin. And since we are Board. Peoplp were coming to r We have th~ ~reatest sympathy change our friendly servant, the automo., h police station or hospital day af- for the aims and efforts of. those bile, into something that reflects unfavour. always" optimists in this province, t e ter day, suffering tragically from who aN now endeavouring. to ably on our moral advancement when prospect is that the youngest among us drinking concoctions made by foster educatlon about temper, compnred to Our mechanical development." may one day ,know hlghw,ys that are !,,~ b"" ,. wh>h ",.1 .... p". ,,,. ,. NOW""'"'''' Th' .. I,

• at. from potholes of any' kind. It l,s a consum. clls, cheap pbrfumes and a var- thing that troubles us Is whether What Mr. Wecker wants to seelS a gre I [ d·t! h d ii t th ' m nd m. ation devoutly to be wished. ety 0 other commo I es a g. the resources a ' elr com a

educational campaign' that will mo'qilize ured largely. are enougl1 to allow them to reach public opinion for highway safety. the people who need help most

It is a big undertaking but one that is Wc took some snapshots In the and to reach, these people In the

well worth trying and well worth spending S, treng!b For To-day police Station where Inspect~t_~ay_. ----'--~ money on. J T Bid Governments'can, of course, improve .By EARL I •. DOUGLASS ~urney 0 e gra e driving conditions by building better roads ,------:...------. '. and cnforcing sensible regulations. They FUTURE GLORIES Ey ", N. EWER I d I" I B t h


n nom c an po Ihea. u t ey con·

'can help by stiffening driving tests an We look ollt over the world ~oday with mingled The Soviet Government's woo· tinued to make It plain that they making mechanical tests more frequent feelings of hope and deep concern. We see a new ing of Yugoslavia, after a period could go no farther than this. and exacting. age emerging, but that age Is characterized by in which epithets for Marshal When M. Saburov spoke of the

In the long run, however, safety de. such Immeasurable power that we tremble when Tlto had nearly exhausted even Soviet Union and Yugoslavia hav· .. d we think of what this power may do In the hands the Communist vocabularu of Ing "common enemies", be Invltcd

Pends on the attitude of the people behin f i' k d ' o w c e men. abuse, IS one of the most Intrig· a tart comment from Belgrade.

the wheel and .those others who walk on Are we 'golng to be blown to pieces by our own ulng episodes In all the strange When M. Molotov in a moment of the highways. hiventlons? One man's guess Is as good as history o[ Soviet diplomacy. over-optimlsm allowed himself to

.• . The stubborn and foolish persons who anot~er'R, but there lire some of us who believe The journey of M. Khrushchev say that there were signs that the insist on walking in the middle of a high. tha~ the age In which we stand is the beginning and Marshal Bulganln to Belgrade Yugoslav Government wiscly was

d d of material glories the like of which are not even was no sudd~n decision. It was revising Its attitude to the Soviet

. way or. try to ,0 ge across streets m at present conceived, The formula which the late the culmination 01 a change in Union, President himself pro­

. 'circumstances which, invite large risks Albert Elnstclh left to the world wIll be imple· polley which had begun two years vldcd the comment. The Soviet . contribute to traffic perils. menti!d by physicists' within the next generation ago. It was probably the making Foreign Minister's remarks, he : ... ~ The motorists who' drive too fast in and glvl! us releases' of power which will make o( the 'Balkan a11lance, and the said, "did no! correspond with

!i!, '. c'ongested .. traffic' or . around dangerous atomic power look much smal\er than It d,pes ,today. visit of the YugoslaV Premier to reality and in a way did corre· :.' . I f h We may travel to other planets, and the Inhabl· London, that convinced the Soviet spond with certain "nonsensical :\'. . curves or on s ippery sur aces,. w 0 try to tants of otj1er worlds may visit us. We wll! conquer leaders that the altitude they had tales" that had been put about In h: paSS other 'cars' in perilous circumstances, lost of the ~r~a~ diseases of the world. Airplane adopted since the break in 1948 cominform countries: to the effect

.1 .

I!-: 'Who will' not :giye . the other .fellow a busses wl\l take the place of vehicles slowly had been a stupid one. . that Yugoslavia had seen the error ,!:i Teasonable chance toeut in from a side' crawling along our highways. Indlvldual\y owned A "NEW LINE" of her ways and was trying to cor· " " Toad,' who park . in the wrong places and airplanes wm be as common as automobiles today. It was then that they went into rest them."

C ,': i Iail to glveslgnais, are public menaces. W, wlll """ .. ",I"" .""'by"';' ~~ ro'M" "d '~W.d ,.d. ,~". "" ~looI,hi., .. I., h.pp."'. I" , Som'ehow"or' o· ther' l't has to be brou"ght messalies ·to en!lrc nations at one time without the thing possible to lure the Yugo- Marshal Tito's snub to M. lI1010tov ,:1 ~ ald'. of reci!ivlng sets.. slavs back into the "Soviet Camp" was printed without comment, :;:' i home'. to' diem. that. good manneIt : are :Qreams? Fantasies?. Many things thnt we have , from which they had been ex· though In slightly milder form, in ;;',' .,absolutely.essentie.l. to the safety of'them- today would have' been: called· impossible and pelled "with bel\,. book and Pravda, It is, 50 far as I can ro-i\t ; ".selves and'lill others who use the highways fantastic fifty. years, ago. ..' c3ndle.~' member, ,the only occasion on ::J'A r'oaa .couitesv .... programme ','cnanot 'be But there ,Is another side to the picture, and The lirst steps were tentaUve- which a foreign criticism of a

, 's'tarted .too soon. we: aliallconslder that tombITow. .. an.d naturally acceptable to Bel· Soviet Mlnistl'r has. appeared in _ ... grade. The fury of anti.Tito. propa. the Soviet Press without derisive . .,' . ganda ceased, in May, 1953. In or polemical reply. .

,:,. 'What 0, the. rs Are Saying' June, full diplomatic relatiOns It was, one must surmise, at . -'.' \, .. , : I .. T' . t' y' . . Hen'e e" were restored-on, Russian Inltl: this point that M. Khrushchev 'wen y:, : ears, atlve. (who may bave been the initiator

. In Februaru 1954 the pur' pose of the whole policy) decided to ., ",' " ,. ONCE WEEiu .. y 18 EASY .,. ,

.;',; ",: James. Coy".;·GOvei:nor, of th- Bank of ' (P,rt Artb•i ••• ...,,,,, •• ,.) "' lho "ow ;,~:' ~, ,lm~1 I,k •• h .. ,. " .. , 'PM'." him·


Canada. " ha.sre. cently' put himself .in 'the . openly avowed. The journal 01 the self: seemingly with the complete "It Is'surprlslng how fast the day for the weekly Cominform suggested that the assurance thal he would succeed. :TOle of a prophet. . ,. ,,", "., .. ne,!"sletter comes 'aroul!d" says the publicity man YugoslaV people would best lurt· lIlmhal Tito had politely evadcd ;::~:'" A recent: speech' on the :subject of Can. for JI . Government Institution. 'Did he ever try hcr their interests by (onowing an invitation to MoscoW. NoW M.

" .

.41~a's .future has "been . .studied .by the working on a dally? . "the'wlv of restoring the'ancient Krushchcv' as~,ed that he himself Financhil Post' which' has conie up with . .:..-.-':OJ-'-- bonds with tht fraternal peoples and Marshal Bulganin should be h' . rd' . .. . . 'LONG' TIME NO SEE • ~f the countries of the Peoples Invited to Belgrade.

t IS ~stiinate' ounde on Mr. Coyne's (Afton6ladet, Stockhoim) . Democrac)', with the' great Rus· 'It was a suggestion which could statements. about Cahada in 1975.. .' In, Rlo!\eJaneiro, 76-year.old Signor Albcr!o sian people who helped the Balkan hardly be declined. Nor was there .: .. ~e pop.ullitionwill rise from' 'the present two resounding slaps on his face from peoplcs to (ree themselves!' It any rcaSOIl for decUning it. Most :level of 5A"million to '23.1 million. : an: elderly' woman' .he eni:ountered on the street. was an IIlVitatlon which not till' of the world would deduce that ,: The Iabour!oree Will go up from 5.4 Sh .... ' "" wi' ......... ,~ .d-_'_ .. ",,11, m,1 wllh, ,.hilt, i. Ih. ,,,,,t ,,,.,,. ,'''"' .. ", 'millIon 10 8;1 million. ... , •• ro .... ,." ,~ ... "d oh, """,I". '''~ ,.m tho Y",~,,, •. Th" Q~i •. h .. d I" lb. I ..... hi' " . 111m 'wheli they met. . '.. had had experience of the nature Yugoslavia, which seven years

. :~: The gross national product. expected to; _:0:- of the 'bonds'. But the Russians before had dt'fied them. There b~ $~5, bmiop. in 1955' should, be of ,'the . \ . TO SELL BUTI'ER were persistent and, as always, must nave bten some amused, order' of $55 billion some twenty years ·(,Toron~o Financial Post). self-convinced . of· success.' The $lleculation in Belgrade ~s to the hence:.' ... ' . Cheese ,may Improve with age but that surely "party line" of the moment ,Is effect In the satellite states where

, . . . . . ' isn't the 'way with butter. Yet Ottawa seems to' always "currect". References to so' little time ago the suspicion of . ; Exports, no~ 2~peJ;" cent of the gross thlnk~so .. ;Agaln this year, it Is expected to intro- Marshal Tito in the Sovret Press "Tltolsnl" had bee.n a passport to . n~tional pro'duct,'" will . represen~ ,20 per duce its Summer plan of "s!ore the fresh and' eat became respectlul., , He . was . no prison or to the gallows. .

cent in. 1975. i . . .. ','... -'. the old." By,juggllng prices, just as the' grass longer a '''Judas''. Nor did he any At thcsame time, Marshal Tito ;The' trouble ;witl] any predictions ab'oui Is, getting, green anll butter normally reaches Its ionger appear in caricature as'a and his colle~gues ,bad quietly

$>' lies abead :'at the end' of:. anothe!- ""'."' q~.lIty, ... ,";;'"II".IJ". .h,'"'''' D",.".tb,'m".'" wi.. b1oo" ~di "P ... , -.."'" ''''1, .. ",b .. ' , into Government warehouses and the stuff stored dripping' hanlls.· In October,. th'c they were qulle ready to negotiate twenty years .. is that -nobody· knows' wpat Jast year 'will be moved into' consumption. This six years "blockaae" was lifted [or any Imprnvcment In relations innu~nces. 'Willi

be at: woi'lt:'in ,that'periOd, Is.alimny way to sell butter, 'eape'clallY when we and trade' restored between' the between the two countries, there

and very few:people:are;a~ m,uch,~oncern: have so much of It. . And It. Isn't working. Last Soviet Union Rnd Yugoslavia. could be no question of Yl1go­eo: with what ·.thin·gs :Wilf,.be:lik, e ·twehtf year ,at tbls time the Federal Government had TITO WILLING TO GO H' AL'F slnvla's re:entp.rlng ,the "Soviet . ' . . ... . b camp" or' becoming again a sub-y~~~fromri~'.t1ian With how theY.Jwill a out ,25,000.000. poynds. of. butter In storage. This ' WAY···, . ordinate "ally" of 'the Soviet be. in .1;he next five yea~s. . year It has twice that. Pretty' soon a~ ,the rate ' The Yugoslavs were wllllng Union. , \ M .. t. Coyn,e's vision of 1975 is, of course we are going In this top~y·turvy marketing, wc enough I~ meet the Russians half . M. Krushchcv would havc becn

maybe' putt'!1g . all .ou'r butter 'hi storage, and way In the restoration of correct rela.ted t.o ....•. a' normal development on the HUng. mariarlne exclusively. and normalre.latlon~, ·.both ec~ wise to realize and accep,t ~he o ~. (CQntlnued on page 16)


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Annua Kiwoni

The annual st. Kevin'li: Cadet Corps was sports Field on June II.

Under the Cl. Kent, the {oons, with, of twenty s.ded from the the Sports Field number of 2·U, arrival of the

. At 2.46 p.,"., Party comprising Berwick, C.D.; by, CapL n'I:".ha ••

bell, Capt. toeut. I.. G. Goodyear, Field and too the reviewing lowing progr3m

Genenl Salute. Inspection by

C.D • March Past In

toons. March Past in Advance In General 1ialtllf .•

PresenMion Address"by' I.l. Address by Corps retires Demon~tratiun:

Dri1l. Battalion Fortuuately

weather which morning abal ed provide dilions, Iond wet conditions Battalion w~re celie nt' tI"n,nn"trll rUle

In his address. Lt. colonel being very appearance faultless executil. movements the sparkle' band and the general ed at the I1nd the 1111 the officers colonel told training they prove useful country in services they list. To the Rt. Rev. P.P., he lions and to officers of the his admilratlion. training that Ing the year.

Magistrate cd Lt. Col. Bell Island Battalion, kind remarks congratulated fine' ' credit to town. He 'WaS gratulations lett for the his efforts boys.

The Lt. Stratchona monetary Uille team Trophy for the corps to C/Lt. Norcot. and rifle instruc'tl He will be date for Alberta,

Mr. K. the rifle Trophy year for Kevin's.

The thre~ Matthew command


. ~



" I I

" I ....... , .



" .

, .


. ,


Genera, Items The~Be ll"/slultd News

-. ",- >,,!;, •

Sport, Activities


.. ----AS'~EMM.i'~W~~E*KL~Y~F~EA~TU~R~E~--------~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~-----~~-:~~~~~~------~~--~------~I'~====:="=:==::'= -=-__ ~,;,.._-::---;---.:. __ ~",--~-,:~' '':;';'''~''~_..;..;.-. __ ~~ _____ WABANA, NEWfbLJND~NO ' , " . , ,

AMU~ ~~&~ri o/j~~~ ~~~'N~~~'~~~~·.~-~-';A~,~-ru-·d-oo~~-'~l~~~~~~~~'~"~ Kiwanis Cadet Corps Sdtoo.l A~'n., ~tifl~ From , People In The News il

'The annual Inspecllon of the gave a remarkable demon5traUon Meetmg Doseo Mr. DIck Fl1I!er and ,Mr. J'e , Mrs, H.' S. Butler is.presenU~ St. Kedn's, BoyS' School Army of foot and rifle drlU consisting A ,meeting. nl .tlie Home Dlld . Lawrence . C!inlldian Nat/onal. on a vlslUo the Capita]. i Cadct Corps was held at the of sevenly.elaM movements with. School Assoclatloll o[ the Jack. One of the most widely known Telegrapm, equipment Inspector Mr. F. J. Newhook made :a Sport, Field on Sunday afternoon, out command. 'on Memorial School was held lind esteemed employees 01 ,Do- maintainer l'espI!Ctively were businl!~ tzip to' ·S!. Jolm'. over June 5. ,At the conclusion ot the pro- In the school on Friday night, minion' Wabana Ore' Limlted"ln here last Friday on a brief bus· I the weekend. r '

t:\Idcr the commRnd, ot CILt. gram the Inspection Party motor. May 27th. A large number of the. the per!on lif Mr. Andrew Rideout, Iness trip. ' lIlr. Bramwcll Snow. took hi. CI. Kenl, the Jlattallon of six pia. cd to the presbytery Where they members were In attendance: al. 'L~Ured from the Company on Mr. Kenny MacLeod of the Ac- little daullht1!r Man-llyn to a city loons, wllh, colour party and band had been guests of Rt. Rev. MaBt'. 110 attending lIB a guest speaker Alarch 31st, after having sttVtd counting i'lepnrtmtnt DOminion hOllpital l8st Saturday. i 01 Iwenly thrce Instruments par. Bartlett .turing their visIt to Bell was Mr. D .. ,EV'Cly, a supervisor them faithfully for the past ~ Waban. Ore Llmlted"."pent a Mr. Leonard Gone' was inS"t. turd from the Cadet Drill' Hall to Island, ~!tcr which they returned from the Department oC Educ. years. • , few days at his home in Sydney" John's last Satui'da '3 on a bUi' lhe Spurts Field where, to the to St. John,'s. . atlon. Mr; Rideout was born at Twil· Nova. Scotia. " " ' Iness trip. ~umbcr of 244, they awaltelf' the The tllol1slgnor, to whose en. lIngate, N,D.B., In 1861, and came 'Mrs. James Wicks who was I Mrs. ,Reuben' lIennett went to arril'al of tho Inspection Party. thuslaslic support much of the AI this meeting some very In. to Bell Island In 19O!l I'll the em· hen on a hol!day visit to her John's last Saturday em a but-'

At 2.45 p.'ll., l/1e Inspection .uccess of the corps. may be 'at. teratin,', questions were discuss- ploy oC the Scotia Company, work· brother, Mr • .T. M. LeDrcw, has busIness. ' ' : Pnrly comprising Lt. Col. E. W.H. trlbuted, cnn feel justifiably proud ed, among them one Introdu~d ing for one y~ar '85 a repair lore·' returned to her hom,e In Port Ml'lf.· Arthur ~rinett anll .m BerwiCK. C,D.; M3jor R, B. Ogles- of the continued growth and eon. by the teachers of argnnlzlng nn manj be then acted In the capacity Nelson, B:B." Lloyd were atnong the mlny .. h. Cnp\, O'Flaherty, Capt. Camp- slatent superlurlty millntnlned by a\1nu~1 sports day for the pupils of, relieving foreman until 1912 Mrs. J. Gordon B~nnett and Iton to, the Melropolls last wel!k· bell. Capt. L. W. McCullough, this splendid 'cadet corps of of the school. The Idea was reo When he was appoliited mechanic- daugbter Inez wer~ bustness vlsl., end. Locllt. 1... G. ~!orlne and Mr .. K. which 11C is the chief sponur.' celved enthuslnstlcnlly, and the 01 foreman, the duties of whieh tors to St. John's last Saturday. Miss Nellie Kelly nalted the Goodyear. arrived at the Sports The (ollowlng Is a list of span. first, perhaps more inthe nature he very capably carried out until Mrs. Max St!¥res returned from Capital recently. .,' Field and too their positions on sors, Instructors and ,officers of of an experlmental_eIfort, wlll hIs retirement from active service. a business trip to St. John's last Mrs. Howard GOSSI a"d )Irt. the reliewlng ~tnnd, nnd the fol. the Battalion. be run oft some time before the Andrew Rideout Wlis a sldUed Saturday afternoon. She was ac· Alex Clarke '\Vent to Harbour lowing progr~m was presented: CADET COMMITTEE end of the scnool, yenr. meehanic, and down through the companied by her daughter Ell· G'a~'Simday to attend the fun·

Genelnl Salute. nt. Rev. G. F. Barll~tt, D.»., In inbroduelng,the speaker, the years no ma'n could hnVeapplled zabeth. . eral of theIr mother the late Ml'L In,pectlon I>y Lt. Col. BerWick, P.P.; Maglstrato B. J. 'White; Mr. pl'esldent, Mr.' Jacob Harris sold himself more dilJgently to the Mr. Forward Wlclu of J. }I. James' Neal. They were atcom-

C.n. R. R. CostfllBllj Mr.' V. C. Bany, that Mr. Evely had b~n Invited welfare of the Industry than he, Hand and ComPl!n.Y came to thl! panled by Mrs. David Lynch. ~larch Past In column 01 route. Prlnclp~lj Mr. A. J. Grant, Vice. t~ address a pervious meeting " ,1n hll 46 years of unbroken .ervlce Isiand Monday on a, business Mrs. Clarke'lJ daughter. tr~~s. Principal. of the Association, but owing to with the same company, and hb trip. Miss Ida Kent returned 1ro1tt ~llIrclJ Past In colum oC route. CADET INSTRUCTORS . "bnormlll, ice conditions this line leadership in the mechanicli Mr. Clarence ~ackman of the a visit to St. John'. Saturd'; Adl'ance In Review Order. ' Lt. B. L, BrH7.lI, C.S. of C., Chief could nqt\.be arranged at that department will be greatly missed. staff of ~awtons Drug,.-StOll'e afternoon. ,,'. General Salute, Instructorj lIfr A. J. Grant, Asst. time. In hl\' addreaa Mr. Evely Through the years he has been spent the w~kend with his car Mn. F: T. Lamnrood anll l'resentktlon of Awards. Instr.; Mr. P. Hamilton, Aast. In. spoke on educatlonnl matters. He a valued member of the United on the local mainland. daughter Elaine visited the .eltt Addrrss'by I.t .. Co). Brrwlck. structor. Afr. J\. Carroll, C.S. of C., compcli'cd brJeny' the present Church, and also served on the MillS Mary 'Neary of the Cost recently. - ,,' Address by )iogl~trate White. Asst Instructor: Mr. F. COllworthy, methods of teaching lind scilMl. School Board for many years. lIis ana AudIt Department Dominion Mr.:. Gordon Panona in4 Curps retlros lo Inspection Line. Asst. Instructor; Mr.' P. O'Brien, room dIscipline 01 a generation. wife, too, was an untiring church Wabann Ore Ltd.,'~as a weekend daughter Dorls were in. St. Joh:\'. llpmon~tra1illn: Precision Squad Asst Instructor. BlIo, which, hp. said hall happily worker, being a member of tile visitor to St. John B. She was ac· last Saturday-on. a routine IIhop-

Drill. cADeT OFFICERS 8: N.C.O:' gone out fore~r. StressIng the Ladles' Ald alnce taking up res!. companle~ by ,her mother Ml'I. ping trip. , nat1ahon marches orr. C/LI. Col. Wm. Kent; C/MaJor point that the alms of modern dence here nearly hail a century Peter Neary. Mrs. Doug Nell returned frOm Fortu\latcl~' Ihe unseasonable E. Power; eIMaj. L. Powerj .educatlon is to train the pupil ago, am! both wlll be greatly mlsa- 1I1n. John Maloney' and her St. John's la.t Saturday wlier.

\lcather which prevailed In the C/Ca!1t. J. Flyon; C/Capt C:Jack. towards a useful an IntelJlgetn ell for th~1r invalunble service. two little girls Allee and Ja~. she had been on a bUlln .. tairI. morning Abated suUfclenllY ot man; C/Capt. N. Kennedy; C/Capt. citizenship, he emphasized the It Is understood that they are quellne returned frCll'n St, John s Mrs. Ste'ilhen Lahey journe,-t4 11I'III'ide comparath'ely good con. II. Quinlanj C/Lt. D. Kent; Cd/. tremendous influence of the planning on building on the Top. Saturday aiternOOn. ' to the city over the weelmd : dilions, ~nd dcsplte the rather T. Murphy: C/Lt. W. NorcoU, home, school, environment and sail Road, where they will make Mrs. Nnthen Cohen spent a Mrs. Gordon Bennett '!teDt t. Ilfl conditions of the grounds the C/Lt. ~. Stone, C/Lt. R. Sween. church In the physical, the mor. their luture home. few days with friends In the St. John's Jut Saturday em a'bia-Battalion w~rc able to give an ex.' ey, C/Lt. D. Perry, C/R.S;M. rd. aI, the mental and spIritual de. Their multitude of friends and city. . . Iness' trip. . cellent demonstratlon 01 foot ind M. Dugganj C/C.S.M. P. Colej velopment of the chlld. He spoke acquaintance. wish Mr. and MI'I. Mr. and Mra. J., G. Archibald'· Mills. Eleanor O'Brien. re1unttd rille drill. C/C,S.l\l. P. Fllzgeraldj C/C.Q.M.S. at sCll'ne length in his fluent yet Mn. &: MRS. ARTHUR ctm-IMINGS RIdeout man, year. of eontlnued trave~:~ cl~anls last Saturday from !\ brief Tlslt to the Capital

In his address to the Corps the B. QulgleYiC/C.Q.M.S. F. Murphy; unassumeing mannlll', and his ad. good health and Dapplneaa. morn .. ",. Saturday afternoon. . Ll. Colonel expressed himself as C/Sgt. P. QuIgley; ISgt. M. Kav. dress delivered by one so cen. Pictured following their wed· Formerly Miss lolarle Clarke, being very plcased w~ the smart anagh; C/Sgt., M. Power: C/Sgt. versht with all the angles and ding which took place on Saturday the bride Is the daughter of lolr. Kiwanis Guest Clift Lodge Hold~

Election Of Officers

appearance 01 the cadels and the ){. Klngj C/Sgt. J. Stone; C/Sgt: problems of our .educational morning, May 2Bth, in the Church and nrrs. MIchael Clarke oC West K -f C M '. lauiliess cxccutlon of the various l>\. KennedYj C/Sgt. J. Stoyles. system was appreclnted and oC the Immaculate conce,pUon .Bt Mines B II I I d Th b Id 0 eeting Speake' r Mr. movements and drills. He admired C/Sgt. W. Ezekiel. kelU1ly' enjoyed by aU present. Wabnna. T~e cercn:ony .. being ,e s nn . ere- • • thp sparkle' Bnd colour which the performed With Nuptial Mass by groom Is the son of Annie and the The exempIUlcation of the 1st Bob Moore hand and colour party added 'to the m. Revd. Monsignor G., F. late lI!lchael Cummings, of ,the Degree of the Order of K. ot C. the gcnml picture. He was ama'V ' ' Bartlett, D,P" P.P. Front, BeU Island. was held in St. James' Hall on cd at thc size or the Battallon M~ny Happy Weddin'g , Sunday, June 11th, at 8 p.m. Pres· At tile regillar monthly, mcetlnl{ ,nd the nil round efficiency' of ent for the ceremonies were the The guest speaker at the K!w· of Cllrt Lodge, No. 3694, E.C.A.F. the olliccrs nnd cadets. The Lt. R A.. State Deputy, Bro. Joseph Ryan, a~is luncheon this evening wIll Bnd, h~d in the MU50nlc Han Colonel told the cadets 'that the eturns nmverSarleS A'PRON Past Gr2,nd KnIghts of Terra Nova be Mr. Bob 1oroore of the firm of on WedQes~ay e,venIng, June 1st, training Ihey were recelvlng would 1I18ny happy returns of'the day Mr. and Mrs. Ronald DIcks are ALLEY Council, Bros. Wm. Ashley, and Price Waterbouse and Compnny the election of oIIlcerz for the en· prol'e useful to them and to theIr to Clarence Warren who cele- receiving the congratulations of ' . Arthur Jackman, the present Grand Montreal !IIr. Moore has, spent suing year was conducted and reo counlry In whatever branch of the brated his birthday on June 4. thelr many friends on the occasion KnIght, Bro. Nix Wadden, Past sometime in AusbraUa and no sulled as toUows: ' )Cr\'lces they might care to en. Happy birthday greetings to of their 9th wedding anniversary, Hoving a game of cnrds at your 2/3 cup water Warden Phlllp Redmond, ud doullt he will have an interesting W.M.-Worthy Bro. Bert Slar~~. lilt. To the sponsor of the Corps, Joan SquIres who was 10 years old which they celebrated on Sunday, house tonight? Or perhaps friends 2 eggs, unbeaten Bros. Jack Brennan, Stlnley Clan· !1lbject for the dub members. Treasurer.:... Bro. Ananlas W. nt. nev. Msgr. G. F. Bartlett, D.P., on Joan 6th. Many more, Joan. June 3th. The wedding ceremony just dropped In for n casual visit, 1 tsp. vanilla cey, Leeturer of Terra Nova, and He wltI be Introduced by Klwan· Rees. P,P., he extended his congratula. A vcry happy birthday to was performed nt St. Cyprian's and you are naturally going' to 3 sqs. unsweetened chocolate, James Bennett, Guard. FollOwing ian E. -J. Murphy. SIx new memo Tyler- Brl;). Benjamin Black· lions and to the In~tructors and Maureen Sklnncr who will tele- Church by the Rev. W. Gordon serve them a snack before they meltcd the Degree, the Grand Knight of, bers wlll be Inducted durIng the more. : olllcers of the corps he expressed brate her Bth birthday on June 9. Legge. Co home. If you'd Ilk!! something SlIt IIour, measure, and Bift Conception Council welcomed the me~t1ng by John Delavignette, The installation, and Investiture hi! admiration for the excellent Congratulations and best wishes Mr. and Mrs. Aiden Power cele. hot" Instead ·of tile usual sand. again with soda Bnd salt. Cream Visitors, and congratulated them of SI, John's ClUb. ." qJ officer, wJ1l take place at the lraining that they had given duro to Miss Mary Miller who celebrates bralet! their ,4th wedding annl. wiehes, pick your choice of these shorlening until It Is fluffy and on the excellent way the Dezree A party ·of twenty·two Klwan· regular meeting in July." in~ Ihe year. her birthday on June 10. nlversary on June Otb. Congratuln. tasty tld·bits. soft, and stir t~e dry Ingredients was exempIUled. lans will be going down In No. 3 ~Iagistrate n. J. White welcom. ?tlr. Wesley Churchill celebrates tlons. QUICK SAUSAGE ROLLS: Cut Into It, a small amount at a time, The Stato Deputy, in replying. Mine today, and will be shown rd Lt. Col. Berwick and party to his birthday today, Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arns, New fresh bread Inlo thin slices and blen'llin~ well. Combine honey, congratulaled Conception Council phases of, the ,operations by Mr. Bell lsland and, on behal~ of the June S. COngrahllatlolis. COl'e Road, st. John's, celebrated remove crusts, Plnce a cooked water And vanilla. Add 1 cup of on, its progress. ~fl~~~ICkey, lind othe~ mining

Sympathy Exetnded B.attallon, thanked him for his Mr. Hunter lIutter, formerly of their 11th wedding anniVersary on sausage on one edge of each slice this liquid to flour mixture. Stir The Past Grand Knights, Bros. •

kind remarks about the cadets. He 11 I J 7th G II f th land spread lightly with .prepared until all flour is dampened. Then Asbley and Jackman, also wished ---:-----fongratulated the codels on their Be . Is and but now residing in une • ree ngB rom e r mustard. Roll up nnd secure with theCou ncll every success, IS did P I I H · al We extend deepest sympathy to line performance which was a Toronto, celebrates his birthday to· !r1enl\.l on lIell Island. n toothpick., Arrange on a baking ~geag~ ::~Sk:el;~~ ~h:~:::S'toAtdhde Grand Knight Nix Wadden, anI! eop e n OSpIt Mr. Joseph M; Greene on the death· rr-dlt 10 them nnd to their home day, June 8th. Many happy reo' Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ethrldges, Bro. Brennan. f hi b' th R , turns, Hunter. celebrated their wedding .. annl. sheet and bru£h lightly with melt· remaining lIquid. Blend into the • AT THE GRACE 0 s ro er, ey. Doc!!or Jamel 10wn, lIe was iliad to add his eon. versary on .Tune 7th. Greetings ed butter; bake In hot oven, 450", first· mixture and beat 1 minute After the ceremonies, refresh· Mrs. Donald Tucker up Ind J. Greene, Ph.D., Parl3h Priest of ~ral:Jlations to l\Ionslgnor Bart. , from their friends on Bell Island, until gulden In color-about 8 longer. (This balter will be thin). ments were served. The party re- around, doing well.' Torbay, St.John'. !:lit, who pus-Mt lor Ihe succm that attended F. B. d · minules. Grease, two g·lnch .layer pans, line turned to the city, at midnighl ?tirs. Lahey, over operation feel· ed away at Sl Clare'. Mercy Hos-his cUorts all behalf of the Ire rIga e SARDINE PUFFS: (This quan. with waxed paper. Pour in cake • ing fine. ',' , pltal on Sunday, Jane 11th. The t boys. . C tity is, for 2 dozen crackers). batter, lind bake In moderate oven lorn. Ronald Hiscott, up and late Doctor Greene WBI ordllntd

The Lt. Colonel presented the' ourses Red Cross Meeting Place a piece' oC sardine, drained, (350 1egrees F.) 30 to 35 mIn· M · L 1 around, 'doing well. on Trinity Sunday, 1910, and WlS Slralchona Rifle Trophy and a , 'n centre of each of 2 dozcn crisp, utes. Put together layers, when eetIng oca 264.:Mr· H'?'I'Y :Whelan. had opera· 45 years a mem,ber of the II~ monetar~ award to the St. Kcvln's Two members of the Dominion The llell Island Branch of the round cracl~ers. Bent 3 egg whites cool wilh your favourite white A s I I II f 0 ,bon, Ieeling flOe. priesthood on the day of hi. death.

Itl'll t d th St th Volunteer Fir BIg' d Red C III h ld it I til t'!f b t 'd d' pec a mee ng 0 ClIce :Em· AT TIlE GEN H' 1.'. ""Ih " e cam an e ra cona era 0 are pres. rOls W 0 S regu ar un s I , u nol ry, an light·, or j:hocolate frosting. This Is one ployees I t tI I U I' ERAL e was 10 WJO,If year.

Trophy for Outstanding Cadet to enlly 1n St. John's taking i special 1I)0nthly meeting In the survey of· ly fold In 1 tablespoon· mayan· we like: . 264 will ~ee~~~d ~nath ~ °ln, Local Robin Kent, condition about the· , ,'" lhc corps to C/Lt. William Norcott. course In fire fighting. The twei flee on Friday night .at 8 o'clock. nalse and 1/.1 cup 5~redded, tangy 'HUNGAR1AN CHOCOLATE on Frida n c n on Han same., I A I t tin- ,", ';. t.:ILt, Norcott Is -a master cadet flrcmen wll1 be absent from the AU members are asked to make cheese. Drop a spoonful of egg· FROSTING B 'el : ~venlntf°mmenelng at !rrs. Nicbolas Shea, receiving n n eres g , , and last took the course of Island for about two weeks. an effort to attend. white mlxtur, e over the sardine re:ue~tC d St ar~t d members are treatment, feeUng much better. F· d ' rifle Instruction at Camp Debert. on each biscuit, bake in hot oven 3 sqs. unsweetened chocolate, e 0 a en • 1rfelvln ~ose, condition the B~me. m lie will be the St. Kevin's candl. (400 ~eg.) untU puffy and golden m CUllS sifted Iclng sugar ' Wo;kmen dolilg some excavatiOn

on the property of :Mr. Walter DIck" at the Beach, unearthed an Interesting object one day .last

date lor special training at Banff, -about 8 minutes. ' 2\-i tablespoons hot water Alberta, this year. • - • 3 egg yolks I . •

Mr. K. Goodyear presented to BOLOGNA ROLLS: Cut fresh ,~tablespoons butter the rlIle team the H. K. Goodyear b d hi' Melt ehocolate In double boiler. rea ' 1nto t n slices, and' trim £ Trophy which was also won this ff Remove rom' boiling water, add o crusts; spread slices with but· 'd "ear for the second time by st. sugar an water, and blcnd. Add , tcr. Lay a very thin slice of bo- k Kevin's. ' I egg yol 5, one at a time, beattng , ognn IIIl each slice of bread, II f

The precision 5quad of thirty. spread lightly with prepared, mus- we a ter each. Add butter, ;;. thre~ cadets trained by C/R.S.M. .lard, roll up' and secure each with tablcspoon at a time, - beating Matthew Duggan and under the a toothpick. Bake 'In hot oven thoroughly after each addition. commal!d of C/Maj. Edw. Power . (450 degrees) until golden brownj Makes enough to cover tops and

about 8 minutes., Remove tooth. sides of two g·lnch layers. . picks before .!ervlng. "

WANTED-, ... '

To tOj) off your hot snacks, what To Sta;~fe, PIa' y , could be nicer or more welcome I\.i

than, D big piece of fh)Uy chaco- On friday nigh!, June'17th,ln late cake? Here's a' recIpe we the C.L,B. Armoury; the St.;John" ~

" tucked away In pur collection a Theatre Guild wlll present D' lone few, days ago. nct ploy, and the ratllo .program

., HONEY CHOCOLATE CAKE Junior Jamboree. ;ApproximttelY

A CAPABLE WOMAN who Is willi119 to make her· self generally useful and to assist with plain cooking. '. Apply to MR. TOM BUTLER, Theatre Avenue, Sell Is/and

• I Photo by Max Stares' * CliP shQrtenlilg twenty·two people will be In the . .. ' Mr. 1. 1. New~k, ... A., is shown' proposing a vote' of .1 1/3 cups huney i shew, which is being 'spon50red .' . .,: . ~hoto by Max Stare.

. 'PHONE 237·J

thanks at the recent meeting of the :Bell Isla d B h" 2* cups sifted cake !lour by the Bell Island KlwBpls:.Club. Mr. ,Clifford A;ncJ.rews, President of the Newfoundland 'f . . n rane 11,2 tsp. bakIng soda Tickets are on sale this week for ~eachers Assqcla~lon is shown addressing a recent me'et.

o the Newfoundland Teache~ Association. 1/3 ts~ salt' $1.00. Please reserve the' date. mg of the )3ell Island Bell Island.Branch of the Association;

APL·E ·'Nur , :. \ \

• Vaa.:tion ·time when the wealhers hot'" ,. I love fa sifanchJreain ' '

And spoon my favorifecopling dish: '.' . .

,ICE , , .

, . CREAM .,


~' ...

• '1' • • tt's Map/e-nul Ice Cream 1

week.,' ' ,·Itwas spotted by Mr. Harry Squires, and upon closer examlna· tlon It proved to be a cannon· ball.

Although the product of a by· gone age,' it was well preserved and Is in excellent condition. , .. ,

It Is probably part of the arsenal used In the guns which old.tlmers tell Us were used to d~nd, the landing in another eentury~ wh~n France and England fouillt, tor pos~esslon of, Newfoundland. :',

~ROLD HILL, England (CP)­In9tead of sltting down and draw· Ing on paper,' ehUdren tn art clas· ses a~ a primary IchoollD·thl's Es· selt town are palriUng giant m~r· also Art .muttr 10ho Ireland laid: "The chUdrenire thrilled with this new kind of work anll their stlll<l' ards' have Jmproved." , ,.~)~

. :-". .:

. :

" . , ., . , , '

I , f L

:. I' \ '. . "

" '


:h t' I·

'i ; .. ,~ j, j

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!. i


. ~ .

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.: . 1



_....:.....J. __ .:-____ ~~_. __ .

. I


~ MICKEY.·McCO~NELL PrO' Roller Skaters Y k' I d • .~~'t!r':'::'M To. Perform At· . an s, . n lans 6I?ANV/I.L/E HAMNER I TH£ D' hI . . . .. j1fhtfffl't~'i: Oll elieader Lose Bums- Willi . : /~'jf'ff:;ft.'!,~ . , ·~·.Basketb~1I a;d roller skating \1' n L..~-------I

INSIDE 'BASEBALL . for. Uttl~ .L~(lgpers


..!iX4MP.I£O;:: ,'" !an~ :01'11,1 be '!ntert~inc.d with lop \ , . . . WHAr soPV' notch talent tomorrow night at Ihe \ YESTERD,\ Y S SCOnES \Ihe lin~up, drove roolde fireb II LEW cg:;/ffJ . .. S.t~d!um. wilh two exc.iting cage National League . \ pilcher ~erb· from the mou~d =.:;;.;--_ .... --1

Five New Teams I

;:01< A .contesls and two. professIOnal rOllc.r.\ Brooklyn 4, Cincinnati 0 10 Ihe fll'sl mnm!! Tuesday night .' BATT':;::', skaters set to .perform. Chicago 4,. Pittsburgh 3 a~d beat the Cleveland Indians, I'

, The Dasketball .gamcs will fea· St. Louis 5, Pbiladelphia 4 9-J.. . ' C 'e '!tire Guards and ME)morials In the I rolilwaukec 13, New York 4. be~;lIlflms, S abs~nt .l;hen S~ore: opencr .;nd.Holy Cross and Curtis I American Lengue "Ie o,x 10 t.l~ ~revlous : ' in the nlgh'tcap .0£ a twin bill I Detroit 4, New York 3 , T,amtes, doubI--d home 1'-1C fIrst two . - . . . I B t 9 CI I .,as on runs a[ter S'ore lI'alk d '.

Rollcr skating r~ns will get a ~s on, eYc and 5. \ Billy Goodman and Bin Klau- C . . . ~ t~rill. seldom wilnessed' locally . ,\ at~I~~ton 3, K~nsas Clly 2. crossed Ihe plale him scI! ~;'I~f S·· . Enter


Junior· . BasebaU FOUR TEAMS DROP OUT _ OPENER SET FOR >h~. ",,! ..... "h. ", "." . • 11m.,,·"''',' ppd., 5.m Whll, bli i'" • rum" ,,~'. . ·U '. .' .JULY . :'. "B' .l~FF·I N B'A"" "','" Bro .. ·.fPop,.=II ,b" By Til. CANADIAN pnESS ,.11" ., .. ", J"." h,' ,.,.,J ... l~' 1 ' ,d,"'."·' "h,hlli ... , ",w, I DoI,"II", Fre' ••• ,," Ibrew 'lllnAVES IN TIIlRD . . .

• . ,,,,,, b, .. boll will bog"~ II, Ib,'. "."" h'" ,,,mil, boo, ,k~", ".h,d,. ."db,,,k ., "" Now y"k y". NEW YOnK IAPl-,m ... ,,,·, '

L···· , .... . ea.gue


1955 season ,t Bannerman Park \ absorbed Into olher lineups. QUEBEC CHOICE .. Through the co·operation of the ecs Tuesday with a 12th inning I suddenly come • to - live Bra\'~! several requests "' J,1y 41b Ib'. , ... " ,.n ,I . A" limit I" Ib, ,,,'" h" • USAF ... Ib""''' Ih. Brow" wm h.m,( " Ti,m ,I'pp" II" I b.arged into third place j~ the Na- made. during the

the.open1ng day ceremonies of the been set lhe ~ame as In Ihe Sec. IN THE PI ATE perform during· Ihe . intermission AmerIcan. League I~adcrs 4-3 and !Ional. League Tuesday mghl, !~or· for Lewisporte Chltd,,", rl",ro"", II w .. '" "" B foolb." ""'" ,01 .".. ,. """,,' tho "m .. T","' ",II· ,,,'" ,i"h" N,' G,,,ci', .,>\ mg Sl~ ru~s in Ihe. s~cond inninl correspondent (as . . ' . yo.. 1M'" ,I".k ".,,' tho ,,' ""." W, ro. W ~ ,,," .

elded last night at a meeting or twenly as of June 30th .. of the year B J M . ICS, acrohatlc I.urns .. ~.ou. name It. Yanks.. the Yo. rk Giants 13-. II \\'a


, knOW) has belln

'the junior lenaue. In which pln",'rs are com perIn". y 1. BASTABLE 'rhe B n d t 1 . d bl t d

• ,-C."" .. POOH '10" '''U" . ~ ''',. ':. .. H.llw"·, h,m" "'" ,Il Now th' ,."" 'w~ • ., i' th' I"", ....... • 0 •

'""m"" ,,,,,I,,, ",k _ Th. N"" I""" "''' "" ;'. TORONTO (CP)-A b,,,,,,, .fm,B"""b'" ,,' .1"'mID .rr."." Y"k', f."U. ,iI,h"" T.m 51 .. "· gom" f .. Milw~k". II, b.W"" n " W.Job "',,'''' " .. m' h", .. U, ,I, "" ",,,, f" th. • ".N ow. . wb. .."' ,." " ",,,,'''I,blo "'. ",,,,,.""1 lb. ..","00' ''',. ,,' b"k, " tho "I" ,,,. Th'. "f.~ I "mpol "" .. " I"" (lb. nol"'l ,.,!,"'" .f '''''i .",b.,,~ .1 foo.""" ", .. ".,.", Ihi. "" ""wb.1I f. • .. "'" ". _", 'm"" "" "bU, will """", I", g. m,. I, ,m" \h, 12 f.1I i" 'h.~"." .,. f."W, • b.1f "m. " f,I'" .,I~ lb. m,,'m, ,,' reo.,'" ."If". ,I,,, (b, F .. , Lo ... ' wlU b,", b."I, .. ,,',' 'nth f ....... mw .. , Ibm. >h. h,,, •• 'ob,' Ih. 1·", G.",. ".{(",d .i,hI hil, b,h,,' th,· b", .. , , •• ,11mb., ...... ""', ... " 'w" f"m U,'n". loom, f.. th' "Iw, Ib" ''',. Th. P .. , "''''' ,,, ,,,I ,.'" m., b'., "", bo, '" boob .. , .. , .ul ,... ,,,,,I oo I, th, rud, .th" ••• moo, " • b." .~. f" tho 1I "I tI.. ,.,. 0,1" wllh tho "ml" "". .,. (1m." ." lb. "m'" Ib' fnl q",,', P',I"I,w" "",,,. "n.n. . t(,~ B,oo"" ""gOB kopt "'I May 19.' must • not do.

lt w"' ,,,,.101" .,1iI Ib, NAHA', ,., IImll f.. AU.N,'" &" cO"'"~ ""'",. . B.II~ who bit ,,, "gb " ...... Im~ ... "'po","" of hll' "'''r f.1I h,,' .f ""m " th' CUDS EDGE FIRA'ES w,n,lno, II'; I "'~, I.w "',,' ",'''"'' .. ,. I. f." ""d _ j".i" ,. ,.Il, .". ",,', Bolfln B., ,,' .I(bo"h I"", ,,,. ""~" ",. m." "'" mm ,"" .11 to" ... '''bog 10 . ~i.~':::!11 ":~:OO " th" hi"""· r>TfSB un G B (AF I - n. <>,. ",. k. ,h" "",ty pI

"" 11\'0 roullds in cacll seclion. tecn she hasn't the following of sitch realize thnt a level swing gets the best results. Even power llltters H b" ca"o Cubs cor'd II Ih I th . II . nJ ollhl dl th Id T liTe discovering that they will get their share of hom'c -'ns desplta a s To ,i\nnonnce Seven nighl games were sched- h"· .s .•. a e r run! In but· e wea ler

Tile lop IC

"lns I'n C", ch (1Ivl~. ion . ' . '"., ....,..... .. • ." " ' , ,,," ",m f . .. . .." Sccrc!ar" ,l~cl; 'V.aMI • .,nnDllnccd rnnlo ol\'ned Sc t JI' Lo 11 tho fnct that thoy arc attempting to hit line drives. Ted Ktu.'cw'kl, uled, four in the American alld '.' . g In a come· mm· cold and damp, • ,,,,I U.. h .. "" II di .m'" ., "', "d A" ""'''' ,h. " ,,",.. .... _k. with ... lop .m""" ".... g=' '""". ..,.. 1b,I ",. .. • Ib", i. II.. N, Ii" ,'. B .11', : ., . woo ,,, ,. \I ",.'I"I.~,,,

1"1'11 Illcel In • rrllln'll 1'011111 cham.' •. ... "' m, Y'" - • ""'''' " , .. I. I ", .. hi, .".,,,Il " Ib' ,,' of Ib' B"'oom .. ,,,k i, h"" '00'" g,,' ,h.", • ~h, Ib, $2D,00'. ..... I. hll ''', 'ri'~ ,,' h" _. ruM m'ght .. I~" _m'. New C. oach, was at Chicago, Washington was ~t~e PIttsburgh Pirates Tue~da, Junc.· Seyeral

I'rar. hf\er Il" a con'p",,(b,~,,". m.. ,dd" """I, .1 Wood"" ",. "' ••• , 10· ""rn ""II" wlU hit ,..... .born " ...... ,,,' " ,"""'N"" "" ,II" K,,,,, CiI, ~r· C "",." ,,,Ih, th'


~ r II II" J tra k xl SId to bc sure that your shoulders are level whcn you swing al the ball. BI' k ILk I and Boston meL Clcvl!land. In Ihe S 'k' c uhs knocked slutcr ~tal .. .

eams en ere" 01' IC com I" I'll Ille ner~on of "'llllam Rallal ,c ne a ur ay. . ' . . ° ur ont otlL r II b The S S Kyle' ,. " •• ssume a batting stance that Is comfortable with your front sho:a- . a e S I e V National il was MillVauk~c at Nell' '. ., o .. Ie ole In Inch . • •.

, •• > .".-S,.'oo f •. WI""', who " ~".,"" th' fI,1d f .. th, "Th, fill, ,. ,. "" .• ",,,." ,~ po"U"" Iowold '''' ,'"hu. K.., tho ...... ,,~ In 'bol pod\Jon ' ' Y"k, 51. "',,', ,I Phil.,,'·h·la and h!!l - mnmg. II Inch featured fil'! Clal'cnvillc, and Eagles, Cubs. Lions; Section 2:' P Ih h Iralner Mike Long of Montreal until y ."~t I d k "QNTREAL' (CP) - 'Icntr"al CII'leado at PI·ltsburgh." \' slll;;les and an crror. the'''r'rlvals, ·thus

"mm, "'.". 00' woo ", 'W' ,," '" .. '.1 .. "'''. "ll .. ". ...- ,." ~ 0" M '" """ h'" .'m.' In tho ~."" "" - " SI. J ... ,h." , .. th'"' 51. F.I', .... , h ..,," mo.; of th' hoo, h .. ~'I 'or, .h,'lI h"'. dI~tI ... Ihro.-I tho ~"g. 10 .thu won!. "'" .... ,ho,1d C""U", , ..... "., T,"'" .I.hoo, F.'", , .. ,," , fl,·,·"'· !lUst,\!, rou'~' PHfL.' b" hi,".' • CO"" •• ,.1., S.clI" "F."""" w"k I. do". ..., ,h" .. " ~,to .latl"'~' ~ ,." ..... m"" w,th ,." "'L . th.1 "" POW .... h will bo ,,,,U., .I .. ,,' ",.ki, p."k KoU,. , .. h" FmLAOELPfllA IAr) 51 ,,1M" .. S .. " .. I H.IY c,,"' G,"", T""', G ,,,,,. IS " ,. I CHOICE Ku,,",, ,..... h"d "."" will h.I, \0 "op "' ....... ".~ """ . ,.,,,. N ~"",, will .'" ".'m .. '· "I .... , hil, " ,110 """'" ,I. ""i.f b. II.' " (I,,,, ";;;, ,:' , •• to"''''''' ,,'

" .. '"'' I .. m ..... m"" (h, Fl'" 1.1" nil f" (h. ,,,'00 1lo, <0, "''' fIO''''' It, ,,(h, '" _ body " b •• ~. .. ..,. ,,,,,n'" " h' fook' "'" T" 10.,. Lo~. ""' B" P.'hI", .. , '''~'' ".(h" T~'.y .,,", , "I,n'" " pon. I'" .. m,I,.,,1. Th" '" 51. I""" , •• " I. b. ,I',.. .1 lb. h "'"m. '"gb.. of ,I. k" w,.. HI.".. . wh. w" "m'"d '" (h, ,,,,,Ib Ib,. 51. ""i, C,,",,', .d "" ~: Th. .,Id,m', .f Jo'eph'., Guards, Tigers, . Lions Ball Park as parI of a double. ncr Porter's Cap Isn't ready for B . . he 1 b. 0 Blake, tha old lamplighter to hIS on a Dcdger two·run uprising. PhJlad~lphia Phillies 5-4. Del En . ~o many. peoplc nnd Glanls. Four of lasl ycar's headcr when the arc llghts go up the big race noll' shc never'

wlll be. rl tIS 0 urn la arsmen Natlon~I' Hockey. Lcague playing Howeyer, it was the first time in and Jim Gre.eilgrass hit two.~~ parently spent ""''' 'n.' ,,",, ... "I b,l.1 (h. ,,,',, ,,,,,, fI.ld. H, wIU "" B.llIo B'" .wo,' ,," M"'tCranadletnls, ·has t~een tl;e 13 gamf ~ls that Ihe Lambasting Dod· homers for Ihe losers. Ihe exception of

by M". n. Y. G,,,' J •• of M,,' m .. m.. "q~", m" ,,"d mg· .... ,' 10 hil • h.m, nm. . C'n rumm.", ... b. h""1 Ii, . H' f. T T tr~al, only one light gallop before InVI· ted' To l~enly Rae' 0. recent'$JIecul~tton a~' the successor Garver retired th:! first 12 Nc\\' Ished a ball game this season cases,' all arc

I'< ll"by Is Traded onseWlle . 0 ry ,h. b .. ,k. with, do" of • """ ,:1.. - "".," Dwk ,'nm, , •• m~ y.,. b.I.'~ " "d" Iml Ib, v,,· ".n,' foo lb. """" ,,' foil"~ (h, .""" fo< '" I • ." m." """,bb,," • (h, to. on " "" CM",' HI"k How" k"" k .. ,,,g ., (h," h.m. I, 1"1 (h~,h (h, n." . ." .. ".t1"" '"'

WI S F SWl"m Tlile StralOts mile classic. . Canadian Press Slaff Writer IOlhcr officials agree tn-a ohances The latest dark horse to cnter streak, Jumped 10 a 3-0 lead in the I\turry Dickson took ovc/nn~~, quick treatment

To lite ox. or B,HI. B.,; ]eo".g m.", •• f,. VANCOUVER (CP] - Elgb' ... "",I,.. "to ",. "''''i', " F.". C_, fillh ... b= ... b, Ed,. n.bI"" 51mm." h., .".,., lwo no,' " """ .",to"'. (h,

Of J D F . ". f. lb, ",,', loot , .. , willi h"k, '''',' ,B,'"'" ""lomhl... 0" (h", ""n'"-...... m'. ~'" h" "'" ,. C",di",' 00'''' Uri,", , •• Ii,"', """', ,,' by Ii .. hlb, ." of ih,m ,,':'h"<: WM of ,h ••

,,,'" I' • 1" •• 1 ,h.'., b, (h, • ro,' I "mm"'. ,,,.. ore (li, "."'1', clio mpfu. po"". of "" W ... m Hook., ~.b Grim b.Id ofl tho TI '''' ,,' n., g,h.""".. . " ( h.m",

G>I .... oth, 2 Otllers nan e' nca '''',." of.$23,ro, b .. boo. " ••• " hoo' bY ,I. I"'"' to h.,", CO"' will b, ,,,gb. Amoo, no. ~,"".rul h ... ',' C"''''1 SI.m- J" C.II.... h, ""I" 1b.1 ''',,' Ho, .". • f.w ,II'

. VANCOUVER (cp)-Ann Mun. booknlakers Th t '" th They will match stroke. with the nllfslans and the UnIversity of League last ~eas"'I. {or five innl'n"s 'but J'n the sc"cnlh

';','SHI"'GTON (CP) _ .\"aslling. . a .,as on c c" . NATS S I 1\~¥ E n' " "dll!el Meraiv,36-ycar-old house. strength f h tit I b~st rowing crews In the world p~lmsylvania which this spring urrle has hen in Monlreal Al Kaline doubled to start Ih I ADE A's arc us. .


' senalors'traded oulflelder Jim' .0 er upse v cory n th R I H I R J I d f . th I' II a rce· I"NSAS CITY ( StJr d 1\1 wife who !las annol1nc~d she will her dlvlsl .,. fir t I te t I I lit e oya . en cy ~J;atta une r r0ppe nav~ rom Its long-held £IDCe e pro e.lSl~na eagucs met run Detroit rally durin" II'hl' h J' - "" AP)-'TIle Wa,h· ong an rs.

B\lsb~' 10 elllc.go While Sox Tues. on on !!i,e B par a s "0 J I h £. d N . U . I t k d' . D I . .. '. c • 1m In"t S I -• h b, ,,,I 10 ,,' I, ",'m Ib, b.'. .1 W"db! .. M., 25.. . • 'y " I' .u, C," I" ,rew ,. I .".,,,, i, lb. • •• , So I... " ." on .. repon.,' I, b '" • "' g '''''' , h", "'" '.1 II • "' "'"~" II... foc th". Th. m .. , .1" , .. ".,,1'" .'ob'" Gml. I,m,"", J"" D, .F"" .In" n.rr" Bo" wh ... ,.dd, "'" • I. ",.po_ f" th, ,n", d .. n .. " mAIN ON TIlA"ES "" ...... ·.lIh SoTh,. B" Bl.k, ",,00 ".Lt. ' " "!"';' n" ,imh ,,,i., , .... ,,, }\. w.", wm '" "i,h", a ,.1 cooo'''' "d ,II"'" ,," ,,, .. ,., ,b, ,,(It h, ,"", .. d ",,,,,,. '" th, S"I. A,II. D"b, ".,b,.· Th, "I, "" f'" " Ih' G .m.. .", ,I .. ,", w,th S,I'" M",'" sox ClI" E ,eo RF. ",hi I. h .. , k AI" ",II,",', ,b, I, . 1m""." ,., Ch."'''. hy ,,' R .. ,h " T.~I'.. "d "" '" f.,,'kI' th' K,I"k; T',," fi" ''''(I."" "m' from w'"'''' ",'" " C," O,.~, • ,,' " ".11. lop m.. ,m"" IIw CLOVE LAND " P ,-.", ... ,' ,,,.,,,' .. d """1 U" ",,'" ~'" ,ot ""0'

."b,. '" .f III, h .. 1 n,"'~ n"" h. wh, "rl ,,' h... Fri.", D"h, •• ald.'1 •• , •. \h, po.1 1. th' (II. 0 "k, ., Edt. '"g, • "" b, ".,. ,.," ,," J. ,. ",' C".di" ,",~m. I .... ",I ".... h, h.. S", ,."h" wilh T", wah. m,· C'" Alb I,"".. ,.< " lb. ""'0< ,.,. H." y.", In baseball, has been having a poor said his eharllc-comlng out nf d 1 I I I "'""" (II, "OC ,'gb, '"'' " wh, .. ,I",d n., 51 .. ,1 .. "'"~ ,""h,' '.m, i. Ib, Am"i," • m """" Iw,·,i,hl ' •• hI"" .. "'. ~ "."~on al '111e plale, hl'llin" 'only secon . pac tr a 5, held lost Fri- I 21 I I~' E . ....ockey League and' the Qu~b"c S R ' rapid and .2~O so far tlll'S .•.. nar. I'n' 191 " l " . a s anCe 0 a mean I d h B" hE' 0 • ,.. Ho k T - ' t· S AFFILIAT _", .. 17 year,-h~d ~ ~ood chance o[ day at dl' t f II d amnz ng ,~- png'iI wIn ovcr n~· swnm. n " C

_ '" _ "m ",Ii" ,h' ,..,,11, di,I"" ",. l' ",',. .. . .. ..,', ,,", m,," G ,m" "'00 w" m' mb... m •• ," (h, ,.,' - •• ".. • 01 • ba~.,. . I B bill I ""8 """ Vi".ri. ,,' P"I A.,","" .1, .","" ,ri." ""I" Jim "I ;,,1 "mm". 'ri, '" GI" Smi~. 23,. G~",n~" "'" Y ",,,.,1,, moo·' •• 1 S , !lOlls ~ The Annual d., 2R."".,' ""~ "."" W .. h. . hlm~".';" \h.h.H,i.d'd', WA IT . .,. p"k, Boom .. Loki.""",. '", ... ,' ..... " w," n.",. L,g" Tlo Af '. .II.. ..... ~j 11.' of C.G.l_T. and l"~l season and .312 Ihe year be. 'rhe dlslance defealed '\oggcr\ltoil-<'a;'imiislitnt"'ruetcll-riffi;\\,le;- ., .. ,: •. ~ ........ A Vr,,".~: ... , ...... ,,,~,, G ... ,o Tom .T"",beo;. ,,, ,I,,.,,, ,,,,h .f "'OW""" F,"; nslcrJ1()on ~ \(1 ],,1 ""k, I. f",. . • B", "'.m ... f T".m" W .. h., IoOf ."" ".,w. f' (d,. ",','" . f' M.~h, ","'" rowm, d.· G", .. D .. , "' DO' . ,I', 10, C.""," .. wh.·"" ",. Edi,h,~h .. . ~~ 1JJh I a large crowd

B,Ib G .. ", "d c"n .. , ,,," ,,' U,"""U, ., Bri",h C,',m- Th, S".I" "'" " .,,". ,.",i d'~ ",~,; .. d •. f'''' • """" G .. , .. L"t! •. W"I, 19. S .... " ""'thy

IFn\their mceting with £d. spSl.t BoDn'S I!;t'ilI

hold their amiu,,1 \ rr;r.qIlf.. tending. :\Irs_

boo' h".'" ",,1.,,1" • . "m. hi .. '0" P,I Roo"" . of. V". ,MI,'. J,dl! ,""".' ,,,,,. lV.lbu W, ~".,_ " .. , h.d". M'k, H,mo,. 22, Ab"."" moo 00 ,u','" 'ill, n,,, "." h" ,{(,moo, .. Ib Grolb, , ,,1m, "UI,""' .ho ""oo wh" '(h" .'01 II Fol"Y: 'Eiti!Ecn;. Nfr._ ...... '""., .. 1'''''''< .Ih'!'. 1 •.• li'!. "',.,!". .. U" D,,~m,!', 22, .,,'" ,,' who b" .b'" ~"In,· ""h f.; ~oll',. C.m"", w,,\h .. ,"mJl: .1" I. 28, ,,, ."",11, ... C~I",', F"""'; .1m,,1 " mil ... n,rt.',{fi' "Y hii ...... .;if~ ,..... . ..., "",,' "': ,,' ill ..... ·" ,,, .. ,, Phn '"bO',; lO. D .... !~ Y"hm ... tho WIlL. . ..,. 28. Is clouting Ihe ball at a .310 was hauled' out with only six mUes good' workout" times "R'" 11' biggest test '·.nd Will· answer those :md Blll HIIghes, 22. Westview 01". Wllb B.((Im", 1'" '''', tho • ,.. . "" b .... ..,.hoo. 'jro~"'':\:: ,ho, wmi'" U (h. G'm .. ,kw" """". wm ,lop "," • Moo. Th, ~~'"" ,.".,. fI,W ,,' .flb .. ", b.II,' .,ro. . "". """. ,," ,'" ",,,,w", 1;40 ... f,'011 ... : ..... , w" , fM.., •• ,,1 1,!,lgbl, "".". ~ .. doI., " S P 'F h II lVas orlgmally scheduled to take

Ch,'.", • 11 _ ''',,'' d,,,, h", .. oIIh., "',,,' , bool ",. RId"g •• tII; B.i 1 .(h ." I A, I. tho .. ow, ,h .. "" Ro .. "ri .. " Loo'" Fn'" m,"'" t. at soot a"'" , .. 1"", .... ,," b,t lb. h~"", h.. '"" .. " ."rio," ,,, .. ,, lWO I • .l'''ow ..... ,,,~, will .b •. Df.k ... 1 .. :. w: •. :~ ,,:,""1 ' '''',. 'll..,. will ,t •• · ... ,."!' "'"~,. ",,', , .... ,' ... ."k., f"m b, (h' Whll' S ... L'" '''' ••• lb. "" ,g."'1 "td. f,U" .... , .hoo.'wh".,,.. w" '"" .c." •. f " .. , , .. t 000', . 110 .. Id.··" Ib, Th,m" Imm, •• I.I,. B h U' M t· the conslant rain oflhe pasl week.

""", .IIh ct,,,,,,, "'B.((I. "d •• '\f " .. " I'm ",!I .f l"k U U .. SIoO", ro, "''' fo< -,.;'l. . ase a ee mg "'". h. h., • >7 m .. O • ., .. I wo.,lo "", lb. ,,,I"" .d" " W .. _ h.1 ,... ." p,,, f,otb,ll 'b b II Even if the weather does cancel earned run average of 3.42. ' B If I B .. did '1 ff • . an ase a out thc fl' eld evenl t d th . . \ ,., '. " "'~, of. I",,, "'U h. (d , m .. U., ,.",hI ' '" •

.The trade was anho~mced by Cal· 'Pro' hahle PI"t' chers' wrectsdbrl~ po. ,,,,,'ow, ..... 1 .1 5(. 'Polri,k',. Boll "MI,,''''' ImO., '""". I"dili,," ,."," '" G .lltlth. """Ure. ,'00 ." .. ,. . .... ,," (,ll, """""'''' ,I . '.00. f" Ih .. ,,,", will ,. """. lli, I dent of the Senators, who said the NEW' YORK (AP) _ Probable ~had a nhar~D\V escape. Seven. other All thos~ Interested I Payi Aula Maxima. I ...... ". ..... .w .. J,A;lI'J,IM.l;.I,;uJ

three new pla)'crs acqulrcd by It I £ . I oroug br;!ds were lOlled mlhe n p ng W .. """ .. wI(( ",.n ',,'m, f" '''''" "m~~ .. , .. "m ... 1 ... , 'f,d."""", f .... lb. willi th. b''''''',1,,' f"lboll its game at Kansas Clly.tonight .f W,d .. "" .. J"" • (w"'· ... G .. ,1 ",bI. ... IN THE.CLtrrCH • I"", of SL P,I. thI' "" m • I"" "'";:.::..rr::::::~''' 1.,:, '~"" ,_, "y""blo, 'y ED LOPAT .... , ,. "1m'. \bi. Imp.",.1

._-_.- .. __ .... - ...... - ~

Clnclnnntl . at BrooklYn (N)- at I elate, .elthcr. I' have 'thrown ma'ny a pitch In meetmg.

C . }' Staley U.·~) YS Newcomba (9.0). "I think we're finished wltal that the clutch, but' one that retired -------

. a III waukee at New York-Bur- she'd. nearly go" haY'vlre in the Duk? .Snldcr stick out In my memo C~hs Practl"CDI

OmmerCI.a B II "II problem. There was a,time when I

. . delle (3.4) vs Gomez (2.3). gate •. Once .she flipped .over.· We ory. ... tJ Opener T.o. DI· 2:ht' SI. Louis al Philadelphia' (N)- had 10 get a replacement jock~y It ended the. second game of u Jackson (2-2) V5 Kuzava (1.0). that day. She was a bit of a screw. the 1953 World Series at Ebbels

.The Commercial Baseball League Chicago at Pittsburgh N)- bal!.'··;· Field. rained out of lis opcning date on Rush (4-~'::rl~~~eL!;:~~' . Mickey :Mantle had hit the ball Monday, will try. again tonight at Baltimore at' Chlcago.- Byrd' T "G Into tlie lower left field stands the Feildlnn diamond when Great .E3.2).or ShaUock (0.2) vs Harsh.. UrplD. ets.·· _ In the eighth Inning with Hank ~"'~c..l~pz'..s~~~~~~ I!.astern 011 tnke:.; on Harvey and man (4.3).. . . Bauer aboard to give the Yan· 'vividly recll th bill d Company .at six thlrly.. .. Washington at Kansas City (N) A d" O' t . kees and me a two-run lead' S . . ea. ma e

M.,m .,,, .... ntl"' •• U" ., •• -,p,rt"tI.~ (HI" "',," (3.1. ppen IX n "tlh ." ." i. tho D;""n' ,,'" h.l.. f( w"' "., low,,'

The Cubs junior basebaU team will hold· an open practice tonight at the C!turchiU'Parkdiamond at I !i.4~.' All those wishing 10 tryout for the team a~e' asked to turn out for tbe workout.

One to be wll:nes:red I Church for mnlzed before Wednesday, when' Rev. N. marriage daughter of Pardy f}CC,lIflO

eldest son of' late Mrs. tered the her father riage . and was ness d!l"cssed nylon lace length, and pink and veil also of der Icngth, 11810 oC honour Nocman attractivelY green taffeta,

, . ... Ing pilch to de~lare the nClv season 1~~e~~.310~s n~a~y''i~, (Nl-To, . LEA!IIlIGTON, ... "", (APl- h ••• f 'h, ·,i.(h, Ill" WI((" .. , ::::'bi~:'·:~~h"I" ,bo,~ •. ., .... If w .. "" .. ~" "I , •.. B,,'" .1 ct"""'" ,N,-D • n,,,,, To"", B"\Ioh lI,hI "' .. ,- boW" f" P ....... 110o, .,,\01 --.m' .' '''". • ,., ,,,hi' ,,~ th' ","" >111 ".~ '~k (54' .. Hop., It." " G: ... ~'" ,h.m¢" ,,' f,,"," w,," I. Icll, .M .n" Jim Gllli.m mot ",,"; :~'~I' B'tSeman. Billy ably get under way on Friday. . : cia' (3-6). ." r mld~lewelght Utlc .holder, under. to Mantle, I walked Pee Wee . elV· m ou . . . went an ~peraUon for appendicitis Reese, putting" William! on' _ .Wlth the game. finished, and for

', .. , ,~~ I ~'.~ I ., i :j: I

:::1 ~ 'I II: : " " . , t

. '.

. .- ~. , .

. ..

Tuasday. ond '. ~ec .many days later, I . grew . fright·

His condilion was ~tated to be' Up came S Id h It th ened . every time I thought of "satisfactory." . Ilk' n ert 0 er an I what Snider might have done .to

., f1~~~ra~a~t' ltd Br heklshorbt rklght that pitch had It been higher. Athlete of Year Ing.· ..' 00 yn ec on· '. The. more I thought of 'it the . '1' r more scared I becamc ., M .. " "got,,, Ibo ,""I, b'l NEXT' Mbml M • .

.. eeting Tonight' Negray' Sold' Tooth:lek! I: 'o:::~~ontalrierS 'rhe At~letc oUhe Year selee. . '. L . often appcar on the co~ntcrs: of

. lion committee' will' hold h meet. BROOKLYN (AP)' - Brooklyn public eating places 'but behig ex· . '. Ing tonl;:ht a~ 8.00 at the Bavarian ~odger~ Tuesday sold ·pllcher posed to dust and to germs {rom

BuI.ldlng for tile purpose', of dls- '11 onnl egr~ 'to'PWladelphla·PhU. people's fingers, they 'are very un· cussing the new constllutlon. \ C~~a ~!. it~S pa~~l~:CXmc~~avne·. ·sanltary.· If the teeth ca~not ~be

Tl1c '{~Pott, of Ihe three nian AssoelaUon:Ncgray, a'rlghthander brushed immedla~ely after. eat(hg, constitution committee will . be who was on option to St. Paul had' the mouth should be rinsed. wIth tablcd at this meeting. 4 3 . d' J a _ rccor. . . . ,~aier . to . remoye food particles!

NO.HIT. FORM-Ssm' Jones sts'rts to 'Pump' rears b k'd th . . . . b" . . ,', .t9werlng rlgnt.hander struck out th'e Plttsbu'rgh Plrn~;s' :rde aftws a~k~splflhn ts let. IThe Cub,'

. . ' ninth innbli •.. Thatelosed .out .the season's inltlalmiljorlea u er w~. n, t e bas~~.1ullln the .' . . . cago', in the National T _em. Ing 3ea no· It, n~l'un game: and .. Chi-. . ". __ . . ...... .. e. yean.· . J . ---_...

.', 't'

• You'll be sure to 'please Dad on Father's Day with a gift of Gillette Blue Blades or a Gillette

One-Piece Razor Set • • Gillette Blades are first choice with men every­where and Gillette Razors are recogni:ed c:s the f1neit shav(ng Instrumonts money can buy. 'he most practical gifts you could find for men.

Gift-Wrapped Carton of 50. GlIlettD BluD Blades

.• Father's Day carton of easy'-shilving' . Gillette Blue ;Blades in convenient· dis­pensers .wi$.safety. com· partmerits for used blades . . Each carton'holds 50 blades •.


Gillette A~lstocrat' . No. 66 Razor Set

• Extrll·spccial giftfor Dad I Rho· . dium finished one­piece razor wit)t lO.blade dispenser. Packed' in beauti­fulp.resentation

case. '$500

Gillette ROCKET Razor Sets • Gold-plated Rocket One-Piece Razor,

.lO.bladc dispcnser and Sly­rene travel case that opo::ns at a touch. . $159

• Nickel-plaled Standard Gillette Rockel One·Picce

.: Razor, lO·blade dispenser and St~rcne case. $129

Gillette No.5 8 · Razor Set • New fcathet· weight one·piece nickel and alu­minum'plated

. razor-with 10-blade dispenser

· and chrome·. trimmed case. ~379 .

.. )


. .'!


Score previous first two

walked H,

when pIal'


lill\'allkcc'~ . Jlr;l\'~~

Ihe N~. ~ht. ~Cor.

111\ inninR 10 wallop

1\ Ira. l<1st six

The Chi. nms in

rome·from. Ihe lall Tuesda,

1') - Stan runs and nieht u

edged the Del Ennl!

hit two·run

season, and failed

innin~ ol'er aftel

~\I'o runs on a double

Ken BO)'er

-The Wash. for thrc~

Tllcsd<lv Kpllncr'~

th. tho opl'nin~

, IIhlr·:lr<lCrr.

.' The ,Paily New~ SEc.r/ON II , ,

L ___ ----~ __ ----~~--~~~~~+-~~~~~~S~~~JO~H~N~'S~'~N~EW~FO~U~N~D~LA~N~D~I';~W~E~D~NE~S~DA~Y~I~JU~N~E~8~1~19~55~·--~--~~--~~____ " I - ~---,~----__ ~--__ ----~~-----l ber ~f men employed ·whleh is a tl1ul new gifts for her h~:me were not be necessary to go to Bot· Iy. improving, but unable to get gre,at asset to"many ill this town .. presented 'by IIIrs,'Smlth'to·Mrs. WOOd, Gander or any olhelr hos· out yet,. and slili under the doc· LEWISPORTE . ",., ... , : . .. ,. ': Ivho otherwise would have, to Woolfrey on behalf. of all present, pital, When an X·ray Is nesessa!l'y. tor's carc. .

, , . ..' ... :'. .. , . ,.. leave home to work. Not only fCl·, 'whl~h,' both Mr. :·and",r.irs. LIONS LADIES NIGHT ?llr.- and ',Irs.'ry Osmond

I M " , ,:', .. ' 0 f'f C . , t~'<", this town, but surroundlng's~ttJ:e. Woolfrey ?l'e appreclative.!~· Lions ladles, night, was held were in town Friday from·lIIore' -ce ov'es:" , 'oas ,(, mC:jts nu;e feeling the bencflt of Rev. N",.Wlnso,r is,lIt.present last 'Thursday; and as usual a tOll'S Hr., cnroute-to SI; John'.

• ,'f,' • ;.; ',: ' same.". . , attending Presbyt~ry ~t, Gander, very, enjoyable 's!leial, hour was where the latter will u'nderg'o '. , .. ' , ' - , 1\1r. ~Walter Roberts who spcnt Mrs., Fred "Smal! also' attend- held. Mr. Ted Carpenter was medical treatmcnt; which her

.', " .,'. .:. ' . , '" '; ,thc., winter In Toronto retur!.1ed Ing as representative nrom Lewis· as usual In !!harge of the pro. many Briends here and elsewhere'

S ' ' . . A' " ,. ·t· .., • t· B - ill :' '" home on Tuesday, after hav,lng porte offlel~I, board. ' gramme, which with' Lion Tcd hope wlll be, successful. While

U m m e'r . C' I V 'I e S g' I spent a very, enjoyable holiday Mrs. E. Rideout has been quite In chrurge needs no comment as here they were guesm, of' Mr. , : , .' I,. e ',. n' visIting with his son and two III with flu, but Is relovering slo~. he Is always first in his hour of and 'llfrs. Wilson Osmond. " ' ,daughters who reside there, glad Iy. . fun and entertainment: One of Mr. Earl Harnett has 'recently

, . ' . ' .,: " to' sec you looking so well 1I!tr. 'Messrs. Colin Forward and the largest' crowds yet to attend purchased a new car. Several requests have becn and carryIng a bonquet of mums. served by the· members of Lew., FERSONALS Robcrts. Arthur SmIth have new. homes was pres'Cnt, and all vouchcd it ,Mr. W. Moulimd, BA, has re-

made during thc past lew days Hm' head dress was a :halo 'of Isport Lodge to the Orrlc-ers and Thurlow, represcn'tlr.g 'Atlantic E !\Ir. !I. CGN ~e~15, dfst~let S~P\ under eonstructi~n In the east the bcst yet. cently purchased a new ellil'. The for Lcwisporte notes, but. your flowers. The other bridesmaids visitors ,of the ,various lodges Lobster House 'Inc. 'Charleston, xpress, . . . 'liS n owln as section of the town. '. Heartiest congratulations are family are, also receivIng the con­corre~pondent (as many Df you were' Joan ,(sIster ',of t1i~ ','groom) present,' am'ong whom' were a U.S.A. arrIved In towll.last'wcck, w~~~ o~o~us~~~~~ forr~h~ r:e!~t:- LEWisPORTE' HIGH SCHOOL being extended to MIss Elsie, gratu~atlons of the~~8ny friends k~O\\') ltas bel!n quite min bcd, who. was' very attrnc't1ve dresScd lorge : numbcr from Gander, an 11'111 remain for the Lobs~er G J' Carter He~:'ln ~:ek wa~ Construction for LewlSporte daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Sidney on t e ,recent b . at Grace and unable to do anything about in shrImp taCM:. willi' over 'lace Grand Fal1s, ond Bishop Falls. fishcu-y being shipped' by,., A. .• '.,' g High School Is now underway Freake of this town on hell' very Hospital of 8 ·lIttle daughter, a

It i h d k d "· ' . --' , .' ," fn town last wcek from SI. -',' sister for Bernice.' . Hope yap it, hO\\'c\'cr s ope to eep an Dorothy !\I'!'s. Levi' Mugford, Best .wlshcs tire extended to Northcott Ltll. M~. Thurl!>w John's enroute to' his home at and a crowd ·of men have· been ~ecent engagemen~ to Mr. Melvin 11k lIttl 'lster ',I t "B rJi. th"1n (the no\('s) coming better sister of the. bride, who came the officers of Lewisport-c Lodge spent most of last summ-cr. in Hcrrin Neck working on same under t'he fore- Vardy. Elsie taught at Clarke's ;, your e s ,8 0, e in future, unless that doctor of from Port Blandford' for the for a vcrY successful year, and tOWD, during which time he made', g. manshlp of Mr. CMI Warr. The Beach for 2 years, then accepted Ice, notice you ~njOY' driving mine decldCl; to even ,proh'lbit wedding. She wo's also attractive special' cong:atulatians are ex· mnny friends, who nrc happy to SURPRISE PARTY building Is beIng built'on a strip a slmlllar.position', at Howley,' In;~ w~thd~~Yd .~I'!. M~U~~~ 1)'pinS with the olher things I In pink taffeta, with nylon ",ct. tended the' W.M. " whose keen hav~ him back agalh;' and. wish Several friends met to give of land near Bowater's, about a where she now Is and where the an a y a ve ome u ...... must not do. All carried banquet of Mums Interest In everytl!lng' pertaining thim a vcr.y suceessfvl visit., l\~h·S. Jimmie Woolfrey a house mile from Main Street, 'and when happy event took place, Mr. week. ,

\Ycll since the' last write up, slmlliar' to: to maid of honour, to the good and welfarc of the Up to date 2 cars of.UVe lobste: warming ptll'ty ,last week. Mrs. completed will be another,build· Vardy is scaler with ~N.D. Co. Messrs. Hedley, Powell and the lee has finally, disappeared, with halos of flowCh's,'The groom Lodge os been evldcnced over have thus far been shipped ,from Woolfrey was completely taken Ing to be really' proud of. at Glenwood. ,Date of wedding Norman·busy,the,l bUI the weather remained very was supported by his 'brother a period of' yeurs,' aiso best wish· Ai Northcott Ltd. viii Port' aux by surprise as the large crowd For the first time in the ,his. has not yet been announced, but days ~aklng plans to· bulld a cold nlld damp, so' . uhl!kc 'thc Ron. ,N~rnian Forward, brother· es to the' retIrIng . w.!li. Reg. Basques and North Sydney. Fur· entered her new little homc v.:lth tory of Lewlsp'orte an' X~ray Unit heartiest. congratulations are ex· summer cabIn" Indian Arm. , rxpcctntlons for 'the lst. day of In.lawof 'the hrlde, and 'Hlmild Wo'olfrey', hope, 'you wlll be t'her shipmenls arc expcctcd to go no warning. However e~e long has been Installed, and several tended from the many, friends Bridge. 'We'll be "visltln' 1011 .Iunf. !::c\'el'al costal boats ha\'o Pa'rdY brotlillr of tlic' bride. The aro,und iQr a long time yet, Reg. forth via motor vesscl to P.E.I., everything was unde1\" iontrol and X·rays have already been taken. here and elsewhere to the happy, "friends when It 'Is completed. mire!l !luring thc past rew days Bridal !IIarch' was played 'by Espcclally now whcn ;'you llave thcn direct to Boston ,by, t"·)lck. the usualllood cup of tea provld· The equipment Is' at Dr. W. Pol. couple.' , which won't be tOO'long, it past The S.S. Kyle; Glencoc, !ltV. Mrs. Leonard Buddel),' ~unt DC recently become. the' happy .fat· ~Ir. N.Ol't~cott is a :vcry bUsy'maa cd by the ladles made th'e usual locks surgery, with JIlrs. Poll Del. lIfrs. E. H. !IIarch who has be'Cn jobs of buildIng by_ Mr. N. It. rtarrnl'ilIc. aud 'Cod roy, among the groom,' which Mrs. nev. N. hcr o( a lively IItlle daughter. these days, ant has quite a lium· ,happy. social hour. Several beau· x·ray technician, so that It wJJl quite J1l for past' 3 weeks' Is slow. (Continued oo-pale, 16) thr aI'!·il'als. 'thus,the wnter front \I'incor, sang "The Lord. Is IllY , ' , --------------"----.------has bccome a sccne oC summer Shcphcrd," ImmedlatclY aitcr the '.

,I 1(lil'll)·. SCl'cl'al, smaller boats bridal part)' motorcd around for I.cII'lspartc and Stecrs Whole· town, theil to" the' ·L.O.A: \vhlch lalm arc In port. 'Ivas beautifully ,decoratcd 'for tJlC,

Thr epidemic 01 flu 'which, hnd occasslon. About 100 guests, were '0 tunny peoplc!ll, has now ap. present to c)(tcnd, best ·wishes to parcntly spent Itself,' and with the brldc and groom, the toast to Il:e exception or two or three the brIde was proposed by Rcv. C;!SCS, all are now feeling none N. Winsor and' responded to by Ihe 1I'000sc for its outbreak. There t'he groom. They. were the reo "'ere at Icnst 200 cases, but with ceplents of many useful and quick treatment by one of our beautiful gifts, and evIdence, of local doctors. the period In bed the esteem' In which bOUl are \l'a~ of short duration. However held, They have a new home a few still remaIn confined' to practically completed, and their their homes, and, amonk those many friends wish them' many arc :'III'S. E. Rideout, !lIr. Roy happy future years toge.ther, be· Swang and IIlrs. E. H. March. fore ,her mal1rlage .the brldc was

The l1Iany friends of 1\Irs. Dr. on the staff of S. F. Forward & 11. Wood will be glad to hear Sons, where ~he was well liked ~hc is Improving dally, and can and respected by all. The groom noll' get around a little every Is a brakesman with C.N.R. and d;W. Hope your recovery wlJl be Is held with hIgh esteem by all' rapitl alld permanent. Mrs. Wo~d. co.workers, !llat your lives will

AFFILIATION SERVICE hold just cnough clouds to makc Thc Annual Affilfation sOl'vlce the Sunshine moore appreciative

of C.G.I.'f. and W.lI1.S. was hcld Is the sincere "'Ish of t'he writer last wcek, in Central School, with Sorry the flu kept me from al· ~ large crowd from C.G.1.T. ar tcndlng that beautlful wedding tending. :'I Irs. W. Locka. spokc friends, but wishes are none the vcry instructively to tho gIrls, less sincere, and I'll be sceln' you ~s did illrs. Rev. N. ,WInsor, aftcr In your nelV home. Ihe smice a lunch was served MASONIC INSTALLIATION by the W.II('S., whIch was enjoy: Installation (If officers of Mas· ed by all present., onie Lodge, Lewlsporte took

WEDDING BELLS place on Thursday, lI1ay 24th. The Pardy-Budden election was presided oV,er by

One of the prettist weddings Brother Ron Clarke. AssJttant to be wltncsred In the United De puty Provincia 1 G,and Lodge Church lor some time was sole- of ~Cld. mnlzed berore a large crowd on I·'ollowing arc 'the Ust of of· Wednesday, May 18th at 6. p.m., ficers for 1955·56. ' , when Rev. N. Winsor united In W: JIlaster":"Brothcr X. 'R. 1"0'1'· marrIage Emmeline youngest ward. " daughter of Mr. and MI'!. Joseph S. Warden-J. E. Snow. Pardy became the brIde of Ted, ,J •. Warden-Claude, Northcott. eldest son of'Mr, Lubcrt Bnd the Chaplain-E. H. Marc'h. ' iate Mrs. Budgen. The brJde en- Treasurer-Fred Moorc. ttred the church on, the arm of .R. Secretary-H. R: Seott Wool· her lathcr who gave her in mar· frey. , flage and was a picture or 101'1· ,Director of, Ccremonies-Guy ness dressed in a white satin a:1d Small. ' ' 11)'lon lace dress of ballerina Senior Deacon':-'W. A. Taylor. length, and carrying a banquet of Junior' Deacon-'-Harold Star. pink and white carnatiOlls, her kes. veil alsu o[ nylon lace was shoul· .}nnci· Guard-Walter WoolCrey. der length, and hung. from '8 Senior Slcwn!'d-I'l'lc 'Hackelt. lmJo or perals. lIer matl'on of .Junlor Stcwul'd-Jlpl'old SecI" honuur was IIC!' ~Istl'll' ~'anllie Jl!rs Jour. Xc.-man FOI'wnrd who was very 'l'yler-lledlcy Powell.' attractively dressed In lime Immediately aftcr the instal. green tafCcta, under nylon net, latlon a banquet was held and

Whars come over' me~thesed,s? -

Often 8 woman becomes patiicky and givu way to fears and nervel -when perfectly natural ehangea are taking place in her system. And the unfo:tunate part Is that these dark dreads and fears may cause a nervous breakdown ••• ntedlesslyl '

Plenty 01 sleep, fresh air, "'holcsome food 'Rnd Dr. Chnl!e's Nerve Food will help to build 'lIP ~'nur vitality and tone up ·tho Whole system-50 that ner\'0/1 Rnd hYdteria afe forllutten. -YOA. 1\ hen you're in Rood ilhapo

,physically· and mentally-with no condition' of "nerves" to mag. nify the sllihteat 'clum/c":'you ~ can keep 'el'lmc and happy rillht tluough the most trying times.,

So remeinber" at the 1irSt sign , of the fidgets, hysteria'or nervous doubts-start' building yourself up with Dr. Cbllllll's Nerve Food. You'U rt!t better, "Ioo/: better, fed better. Keep yourself ingood ' condition with this time.proven remedy ,which has helped thflu­Mnds of Canadian women. The nume "Dr:Chase" . , is your BSsurance.

Dr. Cha'se's : NERVE FOO'D 'l


~ , , , , , iii fI! Iii i!i i!li ill' 11I1 h II , , i i " lit! iii iii i I la, ! Iif~ GERALD,S;. DOYlE ~~ i ': " '. ' LlIi II! iii .' II II iJF Ii ill '"I' j;;;t;:t'.



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10 'THE DAILY NeWs, WEDl'l5DAY, JUNE B, 1955

BetWeen ,Us Women


. Manners' Make Frirnds'

, '

Never,"never go' up ,to a ~rson nnd Bay !'Oo you remember me1" Have pity on thG pOor fellow Chances are at least' 50·50 that he'll have to lush and stammer and

IF COMRADESIUP IS AlIII, admit he doesn't know you

. -.'

WIVES MUST DO CHt\NGlNG brazenl~ out with, an, "Of course T '''. face It. "'hon a husband I do"'anll hope to'llet some clue P' ,.' '" . ..... n to your IdenUty as you talk. ,t I\ll~ wife are especially compan put anyone through that kind ' ·rIn Dresses Summer Is usually,·because the torture1 " ;Wl{e Is wllllnK to ao along witt You could so easily say, "I'm all' of. her husband's Interests. George· Smith." Not everybody ;,Occaslonrlly t.'1ere Is, a husbnnt likes guessing gal1)0s, you know. who geu In~~rested In a sport -. or hobby ·or arUsUc endoavor be That 'probably Isn't fair. But cause'he wants to share-hls wife's that Is .how things are and there Interests,. But he Is R rate bird. Is no USe In a woman's beclOmllOg

Most oltho time the man as resenUul because her husband ~um~s. that shared companionship haves like most men.' In murl'le moans that his w~ Men and women have, to acc~pt will share his Interests.. each other as they arc •. And one

. Tltat Is just a word of cxplana thin II most wives have to accept tion to a wire who thinks her hus the fact that If they nrc to enjoy b\nd Is unfair becaUse al~ough the companlonr~lp' 'of. their hus· '!h~ has learned to fish, play lolf bands they will. have to 18arn land. to cnjoy going to baseball like what their husbands IIke:-ln­'!lImes with her )lusband, s~e can't stead of trying to get their hUB' ,:drl. him to I concert, danoo reo bands to share their Interests, . cltal, or' i.rt exhibit. . And they shouldn'l ruin the com· " ; She. I.ks, ~'Don't yOU think he panlonshlp they are able to create 'is beln, unfair and selfish?" by followlne wlme. their husbands ,1I1J11tan4l, Wives .Mllit Accept IQad, bytaklnll the' attitUde, "If I Eacll other share h1s Interest, he oUllht to

'I': LIt's slylnaLead that he Is just share mine." . fMlng I perfecUy normal man. That kind of aflltud.e' can ,. He enjoy. his wife's comp.ny- lend to quarrels and mlsunder­bul only U he Is doing what ~ standings-the like of which real

. ~ccessorles Can BeU5ed With Other Clothes


NEW YORK" (NEA), - Prlnts small and neat and In sophlsticateil col()rs, arc used by top designers this year for (lvcr)lthlng {rom suits to drcs~el for laIc day wear,

Lots of women have been Ilfrald of prints In the past and with 1I00d r~uon. they werB deslnged to aD with everythlna and ,conse. quently went with nothing, .

';.llkes to 'do, companionship can't survive. ....... , .

Prints this year arc meant to be aceessorlzed m IIno ,wIth the predominant color In the print •. But the dlfCerence Is that these prints are not auady and consequ· enUy the accessories that servo . ;;. _____ ------------------.1, them can serve, other cloth~s In a wardrobe. .



Neat silk costume by Hannah Troy (left) has beige background prlnte'd with navy raindrops. Dress underneath jack~t has molded bod· Ice sqURred neckline edged In navy velvot, Velvet trim Is repeated on the jacket.

Full sklrted white' s.lJantung latc day dress by tl1e sarno dcsigner

, prlnt~d in wlt11 flowers in royal bl~c.'}Valst1ine Is banded In royal blue \'cl\'et. IIns streamers reach· Ina to hemline in back.

Today's Recipe Beauty Briefs' Homemaking SPICED nROWNIES . '

1 cup brown sugar 1 cup butter 3 eggs

For this sOilson's figure there's neW cars try sheath which molds For paint·up time, pick color the' figure in a slow, slender lin· cllips from your dealer at them in exaggerated curve from the top both artlflcial ami natural light rib 10 the top or the leG. Tholly ReTembcr that almost all colors allow the waist to be high or low will look a shade or two darker and for smoothness, they zip up the 'on ihe \v·all. 1 pound dates back. 1 cup chopped nuls

1 heaping Isp. saod 211 cups flour . Thore are tow kinds of baths. 1 tsP. vanilla . ',rhe quickie for a clean·up, the

11 rounded elQves (scant) slow ono for luxury and beauty. Vol tap. lIulmeg ,This Includes fragrant soat Dnd

Cream butter and sugar .",,,n. not too hot water, followed by a Add ons and boat·thoroughUy. Sift r~lnxng In delightfully scented, flour •. and baking soda togother rub down with a fnvorlle cologne allo the spices. Add to first mix· Take Ume at for the latter, for urej beating weU,oAdd dates, which beauty's sake. I •

'have been cut and the nuts, lIeat -' .. ...:....;:..:. '- . again, Add vanilla. Drop from fork Recently a two·ln·one. cream, on pans, Ba~ In a moderate oven. which comes to us from France

Even if YIHl're going to use a !,tandard color o[ paint, have your dealer mix it up in his malted milk paint mixer. You can nevc, get It as well mixed with a wooden paddle.

There are three general types of paint: enamel, rubber ·basll, and jail base. Enamel has a shiny stirgace," '. can be washed often. Rubber and 011 base pains go on easily, dry quickly and are wash· able up to a point


~.. I For W,dn.ld'YI JunD 8

Present-For You .nd, Yours. : ~ 'Ihis is the most favorably aspected day oUhis week. Concentrate as much activity into it as you can, reo membering to put first things first-getting important mallcrs attended, to before indulging in recr .. tion. Som~ ment OQ your pocketbook it Indicated. Thll could I11tan atta roolllY i, COni' ini your way, perhaps repay'


ment of a loan.' • Past ••• On thi~ date, 127 years Future ••• }.fore than $600 uo, was publisbed "Birll. of mllllo" will be spent on new America," the fint volume by chut~h \J\I\ldIIlP during 1955, 101m James AUdubon. An ori,i' 'IlIts 'WlIIl&P 19!4's all tillle l1i,h nal copy will brin& quit. 1\lum fiSure of SS88lnillion. or money today. •

Th. Day Under Your Sig~ ARiU!tOll Mile!. ~I t. Altil201 LlIRA IStp •• n I. o.t. '2) Tum .. ail ".., otto .. u ',liioll ,I" W .. k I"" imp ..... · CoIl .. , ... \01', hi kllUY tf th " .. i<, y .. '1i "' ... up iOl lIU and ~y .i1I,. J)taI. "ilk ,.Iall ... .n , .. II ... k,t. ' ,,10ft ,rotltoWe. '

TAURUS l"pril1t •• ,.,.y 281 SCOR'IO 10ct. U '0 Ney.221 Xttl' ,our ,,1.4 ell '.111"''' lII~ 1t1t .ay lIlI,. IoIla OI~moile If <lIY ... ~r. ,.., ft_ to the "In""_ G'UI ,.". ,,..oIin,. Dqa', tah 1lI7lkin, IIr ,tiS 14 p .. li,blt. ,,~Iod at wo,k.

biMINI (Mn21 I. J_ .. 11) SA6ITTAlIU$INoY, U.o lIec.1ll V9ur work .h..,Jd lorin, IoU rul ruulll You ,,,l0iii4 lintl ~JII. tui" 10 Itl I~ ,ucc.Sl1n4 laddacl .... till'" ~."ftl .10", "I\k 10411. I/0Il'& "Jilf't If Ittk nil",,,,.... _ Ib.I, t ... ~flllbn.

CAN(:£l (.111" 2t t. Jul1 U) CA.aICOIH (Dtc,22 to Jfft. It) 9ftt. jC$ult. lie ,\Iun.d .'",aII ~. Yo", ~.'" .f jlCTCtMlIII .re u~lIu,111 ... .. , ""I'" ,at ......... Or..... .. aoad. .,', ,arll' ~f'J •• 1IIClI wiler. lalt"'""'II1.' c .. ~ ""UIt II .,0I,id.. , LID IJady 2J to Au,. 22) AOUARIUS (J.R.20 10 .. ". 11\ #.Clff'! , M~1imtll' IIlClDllllt, Pe6\lle y( ..... '.11 a tb ... 10 p"lil iii. art ".",lltl,ann laid ,..If ~rIt, :."tI <SIll. tkaL Gel COIIIptlllIl idYll'. I, ., ,.01{. , I .. j1nctt4.

VIRGO ,Aut.2J to s.pU2) tl5tH I"'~ It to MircUO) • T.", .... "' ... ~ ...... la ""Rtf! 1I,. ...,atel. a ~.,dul wlU. _It s!llp ell,n,. C"'I~1t put .au •• 1, .,t'1O pille ... OIl lit ...... Ma. .. ti ..... "11«1 e~ I~.... . ~ ~\Il~rnld Eal~m. be.

... - . _. __ -.--.-


?>liss Li1llam Greenll marriage to the Rev. takes place at the land Cathedral on recently tendcred a shower at the home Miss Grace Escott, Road. The bride elect many beauti[ul and assisted by Miss were played, altcr was ser\'e~ by. Mrs. ing a most enJo)'able close. Another sh ed Miss Greenland at following wcek guests were prescnt. the evening were ters, Mrs, Gilbert Greenland. Games and supper was the evening to a

LEFT FOR NEW 1Ilrs. Gordon

TCA Sunday Cor • where site is

with Welcome paratory to work as aSSlISla:nl. st. John's.

One-Yard Wonder! Simple Grace

Fashion Tips U's smart to til! II silk tie around

the waist of ~e long bodied sweaters, ovcrblouses or lounging trousers.

White lilacs from France, as nat· ural looking as though picked from the bush in the garden, make the stunnng 'Touch of white" on th<! spring suit or dress.

Striped umbreUu thnt furl up tight and slim to look Uke a candy stick are spring smarties-ac­ccessorles in the!un, uUlity In th~ rain. -

Don't be fooled. It's a season of big hats.besinnln~ now. -

, Makes Beauty IIY ALICIA HART

EI'eryone does lip service 10 pnl­ture as one of the most basic u. pects of feminine beauty. But on!, wlY.m·one sees a woman who gim the Imprenion of great beauty when !be ia merely grace!ul dot. one recognize how much posture means.

"Walk tall," says 4Jne postuu eltilert. ,

"Walk as though you were buu· tiful." says a dance teacher.

"CulUvate the graceful move- ' ments of Dature," advises ,Another beauUcian.

But whatever the catch word, It meanl taldng stock of your prel­ent posture and acting to impron it.

"TurUe Deck" Is a prime posture d!Ulculty. litany women never l1!alize they do this, for It's hard ., look sideways IDto a :mirror.

"Turtle Dcck" Is leading with the head. When a woman with this fault walks, her chin Is lead· Ing ipstead of her chest.

A simple remedy is to walk u though the entire body were IUS­pended from a string attached In " the top of the head; This pulls the . head up and In, lifts the rib tage , out of the abdimen and mllves th! ' pelvIc girdle to Its ~per loeatioD ,for walking. ' I

FRonl HOI.IDA Mr. and Mrs.

King's Bridge recently Irom hollday and England and

fROM PACKET . Mr. and Mrs. pacquet arrived in en a business and are registered dale Hotel.

SOLD OUT AU tickets

Party at Bally havo been sold mittee looks pleasant and nlng.


Due to the huge re~ponse II? ou~ Sale, and the ladies who could~'t be served, we ore extending thi~ event until ~aturdaYI June 18th,' ..

was m~ntloned in this column, as a food and a base which soaks into the skin giving It a smooth dull finish. By trial t.'1ls, cream hns been proven excellent. It comes in tubes and In neat liLUe plastic jars. And Is not expensive.

When plfinting a while room, d) the ceUlng first, beginning at on2 wall and pointing in str!pe that run length of the ceUlng.

The opera pump, pared down to a mear nothing but still keep Its toe Is stepping smartly into the spring plclure and promises to go right on into summer pastel fab· rics.

If you're not sure what your JIll!' ! ture fault Is let .om~one in th! rlmUy take a picture of you in ' your "Cornforable" .tance. You'll fod Qui, mauch to your dismay what ~eds to be done.

'" I





;! " , '

'. ~ ,

,~ ! ..

: I I

\ ,

The fashlollable line for lips this Beason Is the natural line. The What determines how much paint As a rule, this hems of ready· . natural 11ne for eyebrows Is also you are going to need to paint made dresses. and sklrts are sewn Only ONE YARD 54·lnch fabric

. Ihe !!mart one. walls. Is how smoothe they are. The loosely. Examme them befort; wear to make IhlS stunnln~ basque jac· ALL' CREDIT CHEQUES,

Will BE' ACCEPlED . '

For now In nail polish the 90ft smooUwr L.'1e walls, th~less paint ing the g~rment and rehem 1£ n~e·! I:et! ~w.thrifty and SEW·EASYI FASIUONS IN conON pink are the more flnttel'ing to Usually a gallon covers between essary WIth secure slttchcs and. The ~tyle IS!Q very flattering too MANCHESTER, England (CP)- !

____________ '~y~m~lr~h~a=n=ds=. _____ ~-~30=O~1=n=d~5=OO~~~u~u=e~f_~_I~. ___ ~~-o-n~g-~-~-e-~-.------ sm~yfi~d~~waiill~-~~~~*um~-to wear above your pretiJelt sum· I ures of an f!XhibiUon of dreu de· mer fashions. Wonderful In wool sign by Britain's cutton board .. ~ linen, glamorous DUksl mannequin parade showed a doren

UNTIL JUNE' 18th . "

i' If you have mlslDld your cheque award, come In without .It, Your name lion, our list and you will receln dedit for the fun amount. . "


/ JUST :ARRIV£D r . 'rankly we ran out of stock and new merchand.' Is, hal lust been, received - ALL AT LOW, LOW sale prices. W. don't n~lid furs In .the summer;"'so out they go. Your chance to save big mC?ney. ...


- Nov-:, when you donit need _0 fur co~t is ;he time to buy. Payments eire 50, easy on pur lay'°aVtay plan-you'll har~ly milS ,the money.' "

. " -' .

. ---.------~--~ 174 WATER STREET, ST. JOHI~'S 'PHONE 8·034B I

.Je8,111 .



8RlCK'S TASTELESS Will Help'You Make Rapid Recovery , After Sickness

Sometimes it takes a' long while to .. recover from the ,effects of even an ordina»y cold, 'and at !luch times Brick's

• Tastetes:r-the. tonic, that gives a good a{)petite for wholesome food-is very helpful as it restores strength and thul!I hastens recovery.

Energy is derived from the food, ypu eat, and you '. eat more when you enjoy your mea1!l.·,' Brick's Tasteless hall been used .l!Iuccessfully for nu\ny, many years and always gives satisfaelion. You wU1 derive benefit from it as many others

,.have if you st.rt taking it now.

1\lost popular tonle

In NewCoundland '


. . .' . - .. , . ··a Ii Ji II JIll iii) 01": i 11111.1' I /IIJIIIII!II;!IIi I iii Iii I Illl' n

GERA'LD ··S~::DOY(E III' II; 11.1'; I ji '1 (I 0' tOP I'" I" I'ILI!~I'I , ..'

. . . " .


Pattern ~13: Mlssles' Sizes 12, designs by students of the London 14, 16, 18, 20. All given slus take Royal College of Art to open the ONE YARD 51-Inch fabric, ~ sllow, demonstrating Ule uses 01

This pattern easy to use, 11m· eotton. p1e to sew, is tested for fit. Has ------complete lllustrated inllrucUons. JOINT APPEAL

Send THIRT·FIVE CENTS (35 cents) in eolns (tt~mPl eaDDot be accepted)' for thIs pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NVMBER.

Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of ST. JOHN'S DAILY NEWS (Patttm J)ept.)· eo FRONT ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONTARIO.

STOCKHOLlIl (CP)-Forty·thm Swedish w 0 men's orJanlzatioDI have appeald to the United N,· tions to enforce, the discontinuance of experiments with nuclear weap­ons in all eountri~s, until an Inter· national conference of experts car throw light' on the Influence o! atomic power OIL human being!,

W~ips Fast­Stays Whipped!

With . 3()~ butterfi~' .' . . you 'can depend on AVOSET.

. to whip quicldy and to~1whipped'

forhOUl'lo It's _e frOID

rftl Cteam,' theu ~ to keep sweet

forlnOa 'Top your best dessl~rul '1iVUh safe. healtJtful, deUciousAVOSET., ,

. AVOSET sterilized·


, ,

For ,Here care-for I~ve 1 and fit



.. "l I .



ChitChatColumn . . ... j. --n:~llt:REn TWO SIIOWERS

)li5S Lilliam Greenland. whose m.1Triage to the Rev. W. S. Tlbbo takes place at the Church of Eng· land Cathedral on June 21st, was recrntly tendered a miscellaneous ,hOWcr at thc home of her friend, ;i'i!! Grace Escott, 12 Allandal~ nllail. The bride elect opened her many beautiful and useful gifts, alsi,INI by Miss Escott. Games IIcrc played. after which supper wa~ 5crl'ed. by :'Irs. Escott, bring· ia~ a most enjoyable evening to a c1~5r, Anothcr showcr was tender· cd ~liss Grecnlant! at her home the [ol1oll'ing week where some thirty ~ucsts wcre present. Hostesses for the cl'cning were Mrs. Fred Wal· tm. ~lrs, Gilbert Wallers and Mrs. Grcenland. Gomes wcre played Ind supper was served, bringing the [I'enlng to a close.

1.1:1'1 t'OR NEW YORK ~Irs. Gordon Warren left by

Tr,\ Sunday (or New York, , whcre site Is taking n course Illtlt Welcome Wagon, pre· paratory to taking liP the \lurk as assIstant hostess In ~t. John's.

,\nlll\'lm SATURD/\. Y

Lo'learn that Mrs. Gordon Pcrty, Glenrldge Crescent, Is .at present a patient at SI. Clare's Mcrey 1I0s· pita\. '

LElo'f FOR ~IONTREAL nils! ntabel Case. 01 97

Springdale Street left by TCA Saturday, June 4, for Montreal

, where she wlll spent her two weeks' vacation. .

Sugar And Tooth Decay; Dentists' Vs.Doctors

Dr. Jordan Says'

SIIOWER Chewing swcels or crunching II ED'''IN P JORD/\.'" ~I' D sugar will nol harm your chll.' y T. ", ". •

A 'mlscellancous shower was t~nciered 1II1ss Kathryn Kelly by drcn's tceth. That Is what Brltaln's JEKYLL /\'ND I1YDE

Medical Research Council reports PERSONALITY IS/\. SERIOUS 25 of her. present and past co· after tests Insting two years on JllENT/\.L DlSE/\.SE workers of thc Confederation Ltre, boys and girls aged from two to Association at the home of Mrs, 14, !lvlng In residential homes In Lcwls Sparkman, Campbell Ave,. three big English cities on Monday night. June Bth, "Kay" Half the children w~re fed on was really surprised and pleased diets containing as mueh as two with the many attractive gi£ts she and three.quarter. pounds of sugar received. which were opened by a week lor each children. They her ~Ister. Bernice, assisted by took' the sugar In the form oE Mrs, Sparkman. Kay Is being mar· sweets, jam, honey. syrup and ried to LI. Berard Mass,e at the plain sU;lar. Their teeth did not Marian Chapel. Cathedral of St. decay any faster than those oE the John the Baptist, on Thursday, children Who ate onll '10 oz, or June B, at 9,30 a.m. LI. Masse's sugar per week.' . , \ parents arc arriving from North However, Immcdiately following Dakota on Wednesday to be pres· publication of the report a spokes. ent at the ceremony. " man DE the Brlllsh D~ntal As.


BY . EDWIN P. JORDAN, JlI. D. All of liS, no doubt, have some

good and som'~ evil impulses. Many people, for example. when they sec somcone else slipping on an Ie)' sidewalk arc both amused and sympathetic at the same time.

FortUnately. In must o[ us. most

be provided by our food or water. This lInding Is similar to 'rescarch on goitre, which led medical men to discover Lhat people who live In areas without lodinr in the soil surrer from thyroid dc!iciency, often resulting In sever cases of goitre.


of the time. the ~oodtraits triumph to a certain degree .. We become over he bad ones. In one sense, cheerful or low In our minds from however, nearly all persons have day to day, sometimes without any split personalities but this .does not I apparent reason. exist to a degl'2c waieh can be I ~n manic - depress.t~e Insanity, eonsi~ered abnormal. thiS rise and fall m SPlnts becomes

There 'is, howcver, a serious greatly exaggerated. Fur lou 5 mental disease. the most impol" bursts of energy lasting for weeks tant feature of which is an ex- are followed in the typical. cawe aggerated splitting oE the p~rson· by depression In which the. victim ality, in which the Individual shows may. sit in gloom for hours doing normal behavoir In some respects nothmg at all. and goes completely haywire In are variations In this pic. others. ture, of. courS<!, and sometimes !he

One of the most dramatic ex· depreSSIOn. Is present ,alone With· amples -' fictitious of course !... out the funDus encrgy-or th~, other. Is the famous story o[ Dr. J'~kyll way around.' , and 1IIr. Hyde by Robert Louis These Arc Not the only forms Stevenson. ' ., of mental disease but thcy al'l! two

This Form of menLal diseasc Is of the most Important. known medically as dementia prac· It is felt that qul.te often the cox or schizophrenIa. It Is one coming of these conditions can be of the big mental problems, and 'recognlzed before they are fully even today Its cause is not known. establishnd and that something can

It is most likely to start be- be done. at least in the former, lwecn the ages of 15 and 30. At t~ prevent fult developll\Cnt of the first disorderliness and lack of dlseasc. . cleanliness may be the only signs. It Is cncouragmg. too. that many ~rany victims also become unduly sunerers from both forms olmen· suspicious and feel that they ar~ tal diseas~ have been greatly help-being persecuted.. ed and In some cases cured bY', Toddlers, love this ouuit.::it's

/\.s time gocs on, hearing <\r see· electric shock, ~rcatments. In. some just ideal for play! Sew the shortie ing objects which arc not there. also an operalion on the bram has overalls in rugged denim or, no-ehan~es in thinking and ju~gmc~t brought good results. iron se~rsucker; sbe'lI wear tbem stealmg. and oth~r ~ltcrahon~ In without the shirt-as a cute sun-b~havlo: teml ,to nTlSe. ~t .IS a There are ten mills In one cent. suit. Both are very, very easy to dl~tre~smg \tung tl) family and the mill'~ value b~inl! one.tenth sew-wonderful styles for summer frlCnds. I t. [un! Toddlers lo\'e them! o a cen . One or The other common forms ' Pattern 4655: Toddler Size I, 2,

- .j , ,

Todav'sRecipe 'J , PyNCD FOR 25 ... ..~ 4 cups watcr .. ' .• 1 cup siJgar- : L quart cidcr-or •

apple jijice 2' !;ticks cinnamon Juice of 2 orangcs and

2 l~mons 4 cutis cold' tca 4 chives ' 1 quart gingcr ale Boil water; cider. sugar :rn4

spiccs together for 5 minutes. Ad~, strained juices and the .tea, Ade ~e gitiger. ale just before S<!rving

. PUNCH FOR 50' • " 1104 'cups ·water. . .

. 2Y.z, cups 'sugar ',L, 1 7-ounce can lemon juice ' 1 medium 'can orange juice - . 1 large' can grapefruit juie. 1 16·ounce .bottle of

g rapejuice 1, cup maraschino ch'2rrles,

plus' juice' . . . " . 1 cup strong. tea .:

'" Boil sugar' and water togethu for 10' minutes. Cool.' Add othe!' ingredients. and let stand 30 min; " utes or more. Add Ice water' to make about 2 gallons of· liquid. Charged . water 9r ginger ale mal' be suhstituted' 9r part·' of the water. If liquor Is to beldd~d,

cents) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern; Print

'plalnly SIZE, NAME, AD~RE5S, STLE NUMBER. ' S~nd order to ANNE .nUl" .....

care of ST. JOlIN'S (Pattern dept.) 410 IfRlll'llT


~\r. ami llrs. Lorne Hiscock. "h" ha\'c bcen on h01ld8)' In Vir· ~il1ia II'lth lhelr dallghter Faith. [pllllwing her graduation from Dal· hpu,ie Un!\'crsity, returned home b' TCA Saturday. Faith plans to Iprnci the slimmer at home.

Mr. and JIIrs, P; n. Parsons, Glcnrldge Crescent, are recelv· Ing the congratulations of their friends on the celegra· tlon 01 their 12tlt wedding an· nh'ersary todR),.

sociation warned that "Indlserim· Inate sucking of sweets and eating oE sweet cakes arc bad for ehil· dren's teeth." He pointed out that the expcrlments were concerned wilh sugar added to the ordinary diet and eaten at ordinary meal timcs. They did not concern the

On the lonely island of Tristan da Cunha, In the South Atlantic. the people surrer vcry little [rom tooth tlecay. Investigators found that. the fish thcy cat arc rich in nuorinc. This clement is most im· portant durin!: childhood when the teeth arc being develtiped. and need only he present in food or drinking watcr in Lhe infinitcsimal quantity or three or four parts per mlllion.

of insanily. which is again an ex· 3, 4 •. Size 2 overalls, 1 yard 35· . aggeration of I~'hat all of us ~otice Men's hat sizcl are figured by inch. shirt 1 yard. US'2 remna~ti;1

1'110~1 1I0UD/\. Y ~Ir. and ~Irs. t:. S. Plnsont,

I\ln~'s IIrldge COllrt, returned rcccnll)' [rom an extended holiday and huslness trip to l;n~land and Europe.

1'110)1 l'ACKET ~Ir. and )Irs. Bo),ee Saerey of

Pa~qucl arrh'ed in the eity Sooday :~ a buslncss and pleasure trip, md are registered at the Browns· dale Hotel.

SOW OUT All tickets lor the Lailles'

Parly at Bally lIaly tonIght hue been sold and the com· nlltlee looks forward to • plmant and profitable eve· nlng.

I~ HOSPITAL Her many friends will be sorry

Ii I. \

GREETINGS & GIFTS are brought to you from

Friendly Neighbol'l a: Civic & Soci.l Welf ....

Leaden through

:WELCOME WAGON 0" ,h, occodor( .1, Cb.n~. JI resiJ~lnc. Arrival. of r-/owcomel1l til


MRS. CATHERINE FOSTER Supervising Host,.c:s

eating o[ sugar betwcen meals, or U:FT .·OR ENGLAND with swcet eating. . Miss J\1ollie Dlnglc lind Mrs. M, We know that one important Cochrane left here by R~IS Nova [actor In tooth decay is the kind Scolla Monday to spend their sum .. or Ioot! we cat, and tbe presence mer vRcation In England. or absence o[ proper amounts o[

RE·JOIN. RX.A.F. Douglas Parkins, son of Mr.

and nlrs. Cyril Parkins, Craig. miller Avenue, left here last wcek to rcjoln the RC,\F at St. John's, Quebec.

ARRIVED JIIONDAY Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hancock of

King's Cove arrived In the city Monday on a buslncss trip. and arc registered at the Brownsdale Hotel.


Jllr. and ;lIn. II. V.E. Smith, Kilbride, . ai'e . receiving the congratulations on the birth of twin daughters at the Grace lIospltal on June 6th. I\lrs. Smltll was formerly Mis I Dorothy Inkpen.

LEFT FOR BOTWOOD Rev. Gordon S. Templeton and

Mrs. Templeton left here on :I1on· day by the express for B~twood, where they plan to live during their retirement. His mdny friends will be glad to hear that Mr. Tem· pleton has fully recovcred from the serious accident he suHered early this' past winter. when he was knocked down by a car.

ANNIVERSARY A group of Ii-lends' gathered

It the home of S/Sgl. and Jlln. Dangler, 16 Allandale Road, on Tuesday, 'June 6, to honour them on the occasion of their fourth wedding anniversary, which they celebrated ·yester· day.

saliva In our mouths. Scientists l\a\'e found that sugar in solution docs not seem to Increase tooth decay; probably because It docs not collect on the enamel surface oI the teeth. Saliva washes It off. . In all our mouths there arc

millions of bacteria. We know that they arc the direct cause o[ tooth decay. But why It It that some people are more subject to erosion of tooth enamel than others? ,Why are cavities almost unknown among the Eskimos? Why is there less tooth decay in India and China than In the highly industrialized countries' o[ Northern Europe, Canada, the United States and Australia? We do not yet know the answers 10 these questions.

The hard, outside surface of our teeth Is not either permanent or . non·llvlng. Studies with radio· active substances show that ma­terial placed on the surface of a tooth Is absorbed Into the body. However, teeth arc very different [rom other body tissues. They do not have the ability to repair themselves or correct deficiencies, Other parts of the body which con· taln calcium, mainly the bones. can do their own repair work. Once the teeth begin to decay, they have to have outside help.

One of the newest discoveries In the study of tooth decay con­cerns the thyroid gland. Research­ers have [Qund that when this gland Is underactive Juceptlbillty to tooth decay increase. They also found that when dried thyroid Is used with nuorlne, ,! chemical reo lated to Iodine and chlorine, the

LEFT FOR HOllIE .. rate of tooth decay Is reduced 55

per cent. .. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turpin, who were married at the Goulds on Sa lurday. left here by car yes· terday to return to their home at St. Lawrence.

FRO~1 IIEAnTS CONTENT IIlr. John Wlleo! of lIearts

Content 15 at present visiting the "lty on business, .and Is registered at the Brownsdale Motel.

Stili other rescarchers have re­ported that when children arc given extra amol1nts of Vitamin D teeth are strongcr and decay Is lcs~ prevalent.

However, the most Important clement In prescrvlng teeth seems to be fluorine. Both the enamel imd the dentine of teeth need f1ourine. Evidently nuorine shOUld


SNEAKERS' For The Cookie' Cr~wd

Mr. Anthony Mullowney, Linden Court. left here yesterday by TeA to,attend the annual meeting of the Canadian Liquor Commissioners,

. wbleh will open at Saskatoon on June 13th.

Here are the rugged, easy-to­care-for Play Shoes that mothers love! Bring the kiddies in to-day and fit them for play days aheadl



3 to 8 ,9t02 ,


FROIU FLOWER'S CQVE nlr. Augustus C. Normn,

business man from Flower'S Cove, Is at present vIsiting the city in the Interest of his firm.

LEFT FOR HALIFAX . Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Grant, '

G1enrldge Crescent, left here last week for Halifax, where Mr. Grant who was branch manager In St. John's for the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, has been transferred to the Hama! office.

ON VACATION !Ills! LIlUam e\llIns of'llare

Bay is at present spendlng her , vacation In SI. John's as tlte

guest of IIlr. and nlrs. B. Col· IIns.

ARRIVED BO~IE Mr. WlIllam Knowllng, Rennie's

MlIlRoad, who has been receiving medical treatment In Quebec for the past year, arrived home by the express . yesterday. His many friends w11lbeglad, tei learn that he' Is feeling fine. '

1I0SPITALIZED Mrs. Arthur Bell Is at pres·

ent I . patient at tlte Grace , . I

, .~

in ourselves, IS called manlc·de. th dl t I th h d h'l ThIS pattern easy ,to use, slm. prcssive insanity, e ame cr 0, e ca. w I. e pie to seW, is tested for fit. Has

It is pcrf·~eUy normal for cv. women's arc gauged by the elr· complete illustrated instruetlons. r el'),one's spirits to go up and down eumferencp.. Send TIlIRTY·FIVE CENTS (3$


Both BLUE and WHITE Breeze give you a CA 0 TE'AT WEL OR

FACE CL TN in every package!

Still the greatest bargain in detcrgents! That's Levcr \

Brothers' AIl.Purpose BrCCle. Thcrc's a genuine Cannon

Tea Towel worth 35¢ in every economy:size box ••• a

Cannon Face Cloth worth 25 ¢ in cvery large ~ile. Choose

white Breeze in the familiar red box - or Bluc BreCIC in the

new blue box. Get your Cannon Tea Towel or Face Cloth . right inside!

c 'C





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the principal ~hargei accessory to years, Jesse's end 'came as cer- :-----------------------------------

PARAMOUNT-. c~ 11\1 II W~ ,...". Uool II .... _ .. " _ ....... I,.. "' ....... 101114 _

the murder IO! J, L, Heywood, talnly as. had Cole's -with a , cashier' 6t the First National poesy o[ justice" no olden min:

Bank of Northfield, Judge 'Samuel ~lrel ever sang truer words than Lord lentcnced them . all to' life these: Imprlsonmen't In the alate penl·

XXXII . "Thomas Coleman Younger, who tentlary at Stillwater, The dirty IlttJe coward WHAT GlIspln's men found In looked Ilke a bishop and fought, Tho best ,farewell of lbe Who shot Mr. Howard,

that Watonwan River thicket, as like a bengal tiger lay upon the Youngers Will spoken outside the Hal laid poor Jesse In his well as. a priceless, last glimpse ground' soaked with the rainfall walls of the Stillwater PriJon, as. grave , • ;-of Cole Younger at his grlnlng and with his own blood _ and they 811 stood before Ils waiting best, was supplied withln the smiled as he law approaching gate breathing deep of the last . It I! known that some tlme In following minutes, him Colonel Vought, proprietor freedom's air ' and gazing, !ar- the month following the North· : ,Inside the grapevine fortress of the Flander's House hotel In ey~d, aCfOSS the heads of the field raid Jesse' and his Blbie-9ljarUe Pitts lay dead, 'live bul· Madella, where Cole and his small crowd w~lcb had gathered quoting b~other passed through ~I!J . bavlng done the job that. brothers' had stayed overnight to see them admitted. MissourI. In the passing they col· ~evel'al hundred' had failed to do previous to the Northfield Raid." A Madella lady, .on~ ilf those le.cled their wives lind children, at· Northfield. Bob ,Younger had Rearing himself up on his left who had nursed Cole through the their entire combined families a fresh, deep chest wound, In ad- elbow, Cole Ipanaged to sweep hours of . suffering at the Flan- leaving the' home' atate ·"In the dillon to' the shattered wrist and off his black hat· with hls man· . HOUse, broke forward 1m· dead of the night and In a alngle, right elbow sustained In the First' gled right hand. And managed, PIII~lveIY In the final moment to rickety covered' wagon driven National Bank ambush, 'Jim somehow, to do It with a flourish teU blm how glad and grateful from Kansas City by their s~ep· Y~unger, llke PlIts, was carrying to match tbe while • faced amlIe she was. that the brothers had brother, John Samuel." f(ve rifle sluss, the Inst one .of that came with It, fallen Into her town's Christian . Tradition has Jesse hiding in which had' smashed his jaw and "G 0 0 d morning, landlord," hands and that they had aU'been the wagon with the women and tbe wbole lower half of his face grinned the big outlaw. "You'll 10 well taken care of. children while Frank outrode the into a shapeless pulp. Cole, the excuse me for not gettfng up, but Cole, his handsome face thln- perilous journey by saddlehorse, only one of the four sll11 con. I've taken on lulte a bit of drawn from the weeks of court· No man from Missouri likes to Iclaus, was bleeding from 11 sep- weight since last we met, and room testimony and the unhealed question Sis homeland's native etate wounds, at least six 01 do not feel so well." torture of his wounds, stll1 had legends, But It takes a little faith ~lIch he had received wllbln 'Under Minnesota law of the one smile left. "1 am grateful, In local lore, together with a 101 tlie past 10 minutes. day, a confessed murdered could too, ma'am," be said. "But I of Innocence ,of Jesse's Inherent :,In the words of an emotional not be hanged. Cole, Jim and caln't say that we deserve 11. Clr· wolfishness of character, to pic· J~mes - Younger his t 0 dan Bob, In turn, pleaded guilty to eumstances, ma'am, sometimes ture him cowering In a wagon·

make men what they are, If It [ul o[ women and children.

.' ,.

, "













ADMISSION' PRICES FOR I'HIS .ENGAGEMENT, '. mNING-ADUL'l'~ ......... ; .. ,750 .CHILDREN: ........... "SSc

r: H'ATINEE5-ADULTS ...... "" .. 5Oe CHILD~EN" ............ Zilfl ': ~~

:!.ao ... 1-;., NEXT ATTRACTION


-. O'CONNOR - IIIARILYN·.1I10NROE....; DAN DAILE\,-~ .. '. ,"


had not been for the war, 1 It Is a safe assumption that might have been something, As where Frank's horse stepped dUro It Is'. 1 am only what 1 am." Ing that flight, no matter how 'And. then, thIs \Yonderful vale, warily or far In the leat!. he was

dlctory from Bob: "We are rough stepping In the tracks of Jesse's men, ma'am, and ~re used to black. ' rought ways." THE files o( the Plnkertons to,

t • • _ day disclose the 'amazing geug· THOUGH it was to be delayed raphy of that three,year hegira

across a span o[ five sinister which began lhat dark night In

~ .,










The story of a. JOHN Far-Flung .

Air Rescue WAYNE Against

. Unbelievable IN Odds •••• of a Guy Who Beat His Way Back "ISLAND ~rom a Wild White Hell with.

Where No Man' Had Ever Been' 'SKY'~



TIMES eF. SHOWS. EVENING S~OW~: 7.15 - 9.l5

~A~~EEIl:MONDAl'.:.~S.,"l'-\V~l:.lN~~!l~1'­TBURSD~Y-F~"'f 2.30 o'C~oc"


----~.~,~,~ .. ~,--------~------~~~~--~--

i.AST TIM'S TO-DAY •. . I·

The'atre Page Now.Playing -Comment

STAR ,To-lIlorl'OW.


On Current







0!1e ?f the year'~ most SUspenSI ful thrill drams, combined with a ~brant love ,~tory, is now pia)" 109 at the Paramount Theatre with the showing of "Bcldcvilled" starring Anne Baxter and Slel'l

I Fo11l"Cst.

The new l\I·G·1'rI offering, Is the

! first American molion picture 10 The mueh heralded "Broken With John Wayne in the star. The problem of juvenile d9lin. be filmed In ClnemaScope in tts

Arrow" opens tomorrow at the ring role, "Island In tbe Sk,," an quency crowding' today's .news· entirety In the French Capital Star Theatre ., James Stewart adventure drama opens tomorrow papers form Ihe subject 'of and Director M!tehell Lelsen took stars in the historical epic of the at the Cornwall Theatre. The l\r·G·?t\'s powerful fUm "Black, full advantage of the Cinema, West in Te'Chnlcolor, filmed in Wayne.Fellows production for board Jungle," opening today at 1 Scope cameras and the latest eol. actual Arizona locales by Pr". Warner Bros. concerns the graphic the Capitol Theatre. or processes to capture both the ducer Julian Blaustein and DI· action ~urrou:Jding a • Based on the sensational best, magnificent and picturesque pie. rector Delmer Daves for Twen. ing of a tra:!~port plane in the ~el1e~ novel by Evan Hunter, with II torlal qualitiei of Paris' boule. tleth ·Century.Fox. frozen wasles of northern tabra. lis pivotal cheracters enacted by vards and most famous bUlldings

The Michael B1ankfort screen. dar, The story deals wilh Ihe ef. Glenn Ford, Anne Francis, Louis Not only do such weJ1'kllow~ play, based on Elliott Arnold's forls of the rrew to survive dur- C,alhern and Margaret Hayes, the spots as the Elffel Tower, t\apo. novel, "Blood Brother," relates ing the five Imrrowing days and plctu~e, tells ~ reali.~tic. uncom· leon's Tomb, the Arc de Triom. the story of how Tom Jc{(ords, nlghb while thrl11ing resc'ue at. promlSlng, ami relentlessly grip· phe and Sacre Ceour sen'e a~ In. pioneer 'and adventurer. erfected tempts are made b] other planes, ping story of a young teac,lel I tegral settings for the stOI1"~ u. a close friendship with the great The ~ction Is 'ilmed with the new whose career, marriage and very dting action, but the drama 1:10

Apache leader Cochise, and how WarncrPhonic sound. life are Ihrea(ened. by the tecn, palys Itself against Paris side It. the cementing of this personal Based on the best .selling novel age gan~~ters who make a mock- rcets. elegant apartm~llts and friendship eventually proved to of the same name, "[sland In The cry, of Ius c~~ssroom in a melro· I hOl'el, with Its halr·raising dl, he the turning point in the civil· Sk~'" was written by the author polltan "ocatlonal school. I malt a chase of ,fugili\'cs and !lur· Itation of Inulan·white relation· o[ the book for the screen, Erne,t G~enn F~:d plays Richard' suers across the city's rooftop', ships, K. Gann. A pilot (or many years, Dadl~r. Ir~O l!n~ls the .enthusiasm The story opens with the ~r.

Stewart portrays .Tc[(ol'C!s In Gann appears to have developed and lneallsm With willeh he be, rival in Paris of Gregory Fill. "Broken Arrow," with Jeff Chand· a successful formula (or authen. gins his £ir~t leaching job turning geral (Stc"'e Forre!t and his Irl, ler as Cochl;c and Debra Paget !icily; he writes about the things t?, a shed In lhe (act of th.e hos- lend Tony, who are to contbUt as an ~ndian girl of Cochise's he knows. His latest novel. "The I1ht~', eo~templ on,d brutality he i to a Theological Seminary In Jnn, tribe With whom the white men H' 1 d tl JlI' It" I encollDtClS frr.m IllS stUdents, 'shurck to prepare for priesthoo· Ig I an Ie 1;( I Y was c losen Vh ' . I" n, Jelfords [ails in love, The sup- as the BookOf.Thc.!llontl1 selcc. \, en taunt~. msolence anll dl~' But their brief day·and'~·niRhl pOltlng cast Includes Basil Ruys. tlon for Mal' 1953 and It too will obedience fall to break theIr stopm'er Is permeated with lin, dael, Wlil Greer. Joyce MacKenzie be filmed b~ Warner Bros. ' teacher. the. cbssroom ho?dlum,~, cxpected dram~ for Gregory wh~n nnd Arthur Hunnicutt. In additio~ to star John Wayne led by two rmglcaders, Arlie West he hecomes the champion of ub­

the featured cast includes Lloyd a~11 the husky Negro. Gregory laret singN, ilTonka Johnson Ann

N I W tl Ah I A d 0 11IIIller, try stl'.!nger fIldhods, but Baxter. illonic3 Involved In A my. . . 0 an, a er c • nyc· '0 d' d t' h " CLASSES nELP vi All J I J A a ler oes no resign even w en sterious murder b helng tracked

. ne, yn os yn, ames mess, he I t b' k'II d . ' TORONTO (CP) - Shy chIldren H C . I d th Th comes c ose 0 emg I e In down by II sinister underworld gain confidence and aggressive dlarrt fYf aldre), ,!r't'hanI'lo e£rsll· te an alley gang,up, But ,When his character named Trevclle and hlld I 'd' f sa s e 0 elm a 5 0 ,'f A t' h'ld' ' c h r~nd e

i arn ~olnsl leratlon or Ann Doran J)awn Bander and , ~'l e, t 'l~e, expeClltng a c! ' It IS when GregOO'y attempts to

ot ers ur ng !Uus c ~ a~5'2s, says h 'iii " ' I~ sen ?O\~on.~en ~ ters accusing help her, at first out of klndnm Marllaret Fletener, prmclp~1 (If the P: s "Inger., hIm of mltdclity With a lVoman and later when he falls In 10\'e nursery schOol. at the Insl1tute for, Wayne portra).i th~ pilot ,of the teacher in the school, Dadier Is willI her, that their lives are turn. Child Study. JIlISS Fleteher has held forced-down planc. Kno\\ n In the I ready to throw in the sponge d . t I ht f f ." I' es fo 25 tl' t 'nd t s 1I~lr ' e In 0 a n g mare 0 ear And ",.ese c ass r years. mo on PIC ure 1 us ry ai, In the end he is able to reach fll I

Box Office," and winner of last tho b' 'h' g It, '" ' " 'I th across .. arrlCr separatmg 1m The hlde,and·s~ck escapadu Dl

year s Henrwtla A\\ arc as e from Gregory Miller and it is this tl lid h NEER JOURNEY Id' -t I I \IT, ' " Ie g r 8n er protector, the

PIO • wor 5 mo., !lopU ar ae or, "a>ne student who in the story's elcc, . t f EDMONTON (CPJ-Mrs. Mlnme Is eurrently une of the bu~lest tric climax delends Dadler when mJs ery 0 hI! IIssoclatlon with

Kinnick, celebrating her 85th birth· men In Hollywood. Having heen he i att;cked hy Arli West w'th the murder, the conflict In Gn· day recalled the family tNk from -een recently In "Trouble '\Ion~ s. . e : I gory's conscience lind heart In Ii 'I' Alb I I 1897 H • • b a km[e, and who gIVes him the d Idl b t . i II c ncan to er an. er The Way" Wnyne alter complct." ,. ec ng .e "cen runn ng ."I!

husband rode with a ca~load of I g "Isla~d In The Sky" left im. mcenliv~ to go on With hiS teach, . with the girl or adhering to hI! goods '~;llle she and thm three n di t I r M' t' n the Ing ,carecr, . iresolutlon to become a priest, Rnd small children made the weck·long me a c y .ohrl e~leo 0 B I m Dlreclor Richard Brooks, who I'the final moving sequence In thl tr' in d h newest of 1 '\\ arner ros, re· 1 ,t th 1 f . Ip a ay coac , '£'1 d 'th th I' a so \I ro e p screen p ay \ 0 chuhch of Sacre Coeur in which

leases, "Hondo,' I me WI c "Bl kb d I 1" h ' . , new all media camera In three' a~, oar f·ung e ~s "ru~.g Monica takes the fateful decision

Kansas Cit~·. D'uring its wide· dimensions. e::: IDg c;';cr n~ma~ces :om 1 1; In her own hands. make for an flung course, Frank and Jesse al· Lloyd Nolan, In "I~land In The tPh ~etrs, etnd °fr'ghst.por raya I °t out-ol·the·run .motlon plctur. r!-

'th h' " d hll' e ormen e I mg aga ns plete with t1!rllls unflagging act, ways WI t elr wives an c • Sky" 11'111 probably rank as one overwhelming odds to gain the I d tl'l L d II d uc essl'vely I'n 1 th " Id t" 't .. r I on an emo ona appea ren now, ve s c 0 e co es ,PI~ ures e, e respect of his students is honest , KentuckY, Tennessee, California, made since a majority o[ t~e and incisive. Anne Francis is emo. The valid drama and grlpptnl Texas and ilIissouri. Jesse con· scenes wcre ~hotograJ1.hcd In SIX' tionally taut in the role of his Iltenslty of "Bedevilled" are due sistently used the name of How· foot ~now drifts a~ Dmner Lake, wife who slruggles to overcome lin large part of the !ine ·perlor· ard; Frank, the family surname high m the mounlams of northern her jealous suspicions with ~[ar. malices of Its two principals. Anne of Woodson. So complete was California. Players and crew had garet Hayes, the wen.known tele. Baxter offers a vivid portrayal or Jesse's peculiarly faceless anon· to be transported ?y bus and cars vision aelress. making her first I the cabaret ~inger, seemingly Yll\ity that at one point in the in a wl~d mountain valley. Fr?m major film appearance as Lois hard, wordly and sophisticated on Pinkerton" unremitting pursuit that pomt Army wea~els towlDg Hammond, the woman teacher the 51Irface, In turn hiding &nd of him "he entered and rode his sleas took them two more miles who maKes a play for Dadier. . flaunting hE!!' terror of the pur, own horse in the Nashville Races, over the deep snow to the shoot· Two other teacher roles are ad. 6uer who Is determined to kill with tho talr grounds alive with ing slle. ~now stor":s Interrupted mirahly enact~d by Louis Calhern her, and In the end revealing the Pinkerton detectives' and local the shooling many ltmes and haz. and Richard Kiley the former as love and compassion whlcl1 make! law officers," ardoul ground conditions a~com· ~rurdock, cynical 'old.timer whose the theological student willins te

For all his crimes and the panied by the 7,000 foot aUltude onlv credo Is never to turn his follow whereever she flees. worldwide noloriety thcy had made the location a slrenuous back on his class; the latter as , brought him, he was still a man one lor the company of ninety. Joshua Edwal ds whn gives up In latter role, Steve Formt without a bce to his relentless Directed by William Wellman, the battle whl'n 'the hoodlums de. fulfills the high hopes held for trackers. The only picture ever "Island In Thf! Sky" b08sts o[ the stroy his record collection. this promising young l\I·G·lIi act, made of hlm remaiJied the one photography cf Academy Award The picture's' juvenile rllel arc or as the result of hb prevlD~1 which "hung In the locket around winner Archltl stout and the played with harrowing conviction performanCt! liS Robert Taylor I his poor mother', neck." technical dlrer-tion of the story's with sland.out portrayals by Sld~ brother In "Rogue Cop." .Now lll·

It Is not entirely beside the creator Ernest Gann, Gann took miy Poiller as the Negro boy, ling ?is first. stellar aSlugnment: point, for one who WOUld reo an active part In the film. Miller, who ultimately changes he WinS a compelling sympath~ member the real Jesse, to recall his point of view, and by Vic as the young theological studen. that he not only entered and rode One pound of sulphur Is reo Morrow as th~ incorrigible Artie' caught up In a sinister adventure. hll own famous black In the qulred to make enough sulphtte West. Nashville Derby - he won It! pulp for the manufacture of one "Blackboard Jungle" Is a dis-

(To Be Continued) pound of rayon. turbing, hard.hitting dramatlza, AcrIVE WORKER!

-tion of Dne \If the ~ocial conlra- TORONTO (CP)-The Art Gal·

lelj' of Toron'D has I SO-memblf versies ilf our, day, a~d It ~akes women's committee with I 25-for an cbsorhmg molion picture. member junior auxiliary. Durine

! a recent exhibition of Dutch ni~st, erpieces these committee stalwart~

WELCO~lES SON worked 2,64G hours helping tht GAUr, Onto (CP)-A mother and thousands of visitors.'

son had a joylul re,unlon at Jl[alton airport after b-~ing separated for six years. JIlrs. Eugeniusz Lebied· FINE GIFT ziew had finally managed to bring PREECEVILLE, Sask. (CP)-A her son out from Germany after Venetian copper vaSe and tray ".&1 her mothcr smuggled the boy from! tbe gift from the Canadian ugion behind the Iron Curtain. Auxiliary when Mr. and Mrs, Lm

Skogen ccl~hratcd their golden

The Cathedral· of Norte Dame at Rheims, France, was begun In

(" 12q lind ocmplcted in 1430,

weddin~ anniversary. They h~v' 10 surviving children, 21 l!randehil· drim and three great·grandchil, dren.





l~of . Bethlehem

I Nephew of Abraham

, Slifer of Abel " troquoiaD

lndiu 1S~e 14 Sln,lnl volct 15 Scatters, as

hlY 16 Pewter coin

Tbalt'and 11 Require JlP.rchld 28 Antiquated 21 Abstract 22 Velltablt %3pWeUinl ~5F\a&S 30 Pendent a I Gree\c IttltrE S!llct ftax by

uPOIUrt " Bilore ;4 Buckel 15 Miss Welt 38 0 i'lnion 31J!OoJr. of .eSeottl$h

.blepfold 41 Wiler .,~ r"itlftcaUon .5 !:xpunler 4. Diltincl IOtiOm-

l!ittrshtba 12 Narrow way !3Row UPoem 15 J,{u51~a\

Instrumenl . If River In

Oetl.1any "7 "Clst thy

-sinlo '. seA" . 6. Winter

~. '



I'e to'orrest held for

!\[.G.1\I act· previolll

rt Taylor', " Now fil·

assignment, sympathy


• 25· Durln~

mut· stalwart5

helpin, the

sk. (cp)-A and tray 'IUS

Legion . Mrs. Lari ·.heir golden . They have

21 trandcl1l1· al.gr3ndchll·

- --

This Page Is Presented . with the

Compliments Of •

The· Great Eastetn . Oil . Comp~ny' Limited •

Biblical Bit ~~mto '-I.""U. Punl. p. fj' 011. ele

.IL I... ". !tIE OIV 1111-11- "'RIP 11iI1;t\ 1"15110 ;,;IA 18 A010IIB DOWN ~ ,&Ii»;

1-of 1 Hardens ~ W!! Bethlehem 2 Large plant I" ~

5 Nephew of 3 Opera by ~.IRI I

Abraham Verdi ~ 8 Slayer of Abel 4 "On the r.; e '16 'M

11 Iroquolan seventh day fD He " Ii;I

Indian 5 Conduct. .~ • 1.IN11!iI16FT1 13 Ale 6 Worthleu ,. H Sinalni vol~e table scrap 23 irish suuce 39 Stable 15 Scatters. as 7 Make lace 24CoIOlnbian compartments

hay 8 Israelites' Indian 41 Exorcist 16 Pewter coin of Land or :5 Unclosed 42 Govern

Thailand Prombe 26 Lure 43 Geralnt's wife 17 Require 9 Malt drlnkl 27 Girl's name 44 Eat II Perched 10 Followers 28 Genuine 46 First king of 20 Anllquated 11 Complication 29 Plant part Israel "I Abstract belnS Ig Compus polnl 31 NarrolV fillet 47 Gra!ted (her.) 22 Vel,tabl, :0 Writing 34 Hammc~ head 48 BamboolU:c %3 D\\'ellln, Implements 37 Volcano s IIress "S Flags 22 Apostle to the mouth 50 Put on iOPendcnt Gentiles 38 Through 51 Fruit drink

etten 31 Grtelt I 32 Rot Oax . by


uposure n Belore 34 BuckeL 35 Miss W 36 Or-inion 39,Book of 40Scottl$h


Ihtepfo Id 41 Warer 42 Fortitlc ~t1on 45 Expunl er

part 49 Dllllnct iOFrom - to

ba Detuhl eZNarrow ~3 Row MPcem $~ Mlilical


ent 1n!lrum If Rh'er In

(J~t1.1an ~~ "Cast t -sin sr~"

y hy to the

at Wlnler .L'.'.




13 ,Zq

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fill f laJ ,ll .~ 125 P 1Z6 III

I ~ rn ~ IJ) J lIP! !~%; ~ I1fJ lIB

ISO 51. !9{ 55-

'57 58 II

30 C~ps Of Coffee All Right':"'F or H~althy Only


BV OSWALD 'JACOBY THERE shouldn't be much dl£·

A heallhy person can drink up !lculty In reaching a slam In to thirty cups of coffee. a day with· to day's hand. ·The North.South out harll!ing himself, In the opln· hands add up to 33 points In high Ion of experts for the AmerlcBn cards Bnd have lome fairly good .Medical Association. In answer to suit iengths to make th~ eheeiC! queries: the Association's Jou'rnal more blndlnll. ' quoted one consultant a~ saying: The right play for the slam Is "Drinking twenty to thirty cups of a bit more difficult. It looks like co[(ee II day WOUldn't hurt you un· a sheer guess, but there Is actu· , less you werD not completely ally a correct play. healthy to begin with." Another As you can see at a glance, cxpcrt staled that till! much cor· tho slam dopends on losing only Icc might produce. nervousness, one heart trlok. You lose the trembling, InsorninR, extra heart slam if you win the first trick In beats and headache. HOlVever, he dummy. and lead a low heart to added, "In healthy persons these your queen. You win the slom effeels ordinarily arc not ser· If ),OU overtake the first trick lous" and disappear promptly If with the king of spades and lead Ihe amount of coffee drinking Is the !irst heart towards the dum· reduced. He warns. however, that my. You lose dummy's king to

, where organic allmenls exist, the East's ace, but you can later excessive usc of coffee should be finesse through the jack to bring avoided. But even persons' with in the rest of the hearts. th'ese conditions may be allowed a Why Is ono play more correcl small amount o( ,coCCee every day Ihan the other? How do you pick without harmful effects. (lSPS). the correct Hno of play In 8 hand

I Barberry bushes nrc undc.rslr. nble In an area where wheat Is grown becims!) they are subject to a rust that attacks wheat.

"Scot (ree' CU'glnnlly mcmit without payml'l1t of a scol, or lax. Today, till3 expression means "saCe" or' "wllhout penalty." .

I Rats can squeeze through j

openings half their size. .

of this sort? When you look at the North

and South hands you cannot tell how the missing hearts are di·

.. ~:ORm (I» .t.AQJ 10 • ;~fi 3 2 + A.r 0\.9G5

",'P-5T EA Sl' ~80S:12 .,H ., None , A J 87

--~~------------------------~~~~~~~----_I By J. R. WILLIAMS

.. 8763 U542 .

... Q 10 j Z ... 8 H ! I SINCE TMEY'VI:




11"'50 "ODD FOR. YOU


, ~E"T1'lpJ", ME NOW.



noma ~K9 "Q 10964 • K,Q 10 "'AKJ

North·South vul. North lad Souih lVtlt 1 .. Pass 3 • Pass 4 , 'Pass 4 N.T. POI!! '5' Pass ON-T. Pow Pus Pass l.., Opening lead-' S

I'lded. If each opponent has two hearls, no line sse is needed. If the hearls arc 3.1, you may hal'e to guess how to start the suit. In any such case, one guess is ,5 good as another. You cannot be commended for guessing riGht, nor blamed for guessing Wfl!ng.

If tbe hearts are 4·0, however, gueS$lng won't hdp you. 11 Wed has ,U (0l!f of the' hearts, he e,n surely ~et two trlc~~ 0" )lour queen and the j~ck on your ten or nine. I! East h'l ,11 fouf hmts. you can flnes~c through the jack, ~ro­vlded you find out In time.

Your anJlylli bolls down to thll. You ean "nly ijIIess which opponent h!l~ 'lensth In huru, (or the odds Jr~ exactly even. The ,dvantalle of ~laylng Eut (or the l~ngth, r~ther than West, is that you can cope with It even If East has all (our of the hearts. The advantage II slight, but any advant~s~ Is' b~tter than none at alL


About 25 nursery' ICh091 children, up to five years of .ae,' got a first· hand glimpse of f,rmllIe when they' were ta~en on • vllit to a district l.rm: Th, trip (or !,he yoqn~stcra eUm~xed w~e~~ of short lu~o~1 on farm 11ft.

. .•.. t oNE OF THE GANG

. 'l'ORONTO(CP)':'ft{olhirs somt· Umes' wlEl! thllr·13'Y.~r:Old daugh. ters . weren't" quite 10' lively, but het~'s onc","h(l'le~ off ste.1ll pI.~. Ing b,sebaU with the b.oY,. SII. s Dal,'Evlini, Who pl.n ~ond b~le for the Khv~nlB boys' te,m in the Lt~!!~c ~e!lwte ~I~cult.

Artesian wells of 1!tO·foot depth dellever 200 gaUons of water per minute to fields in southeast· er Mexico.

. By BOB MONTANA - .. ,,' . -_.

1E5==~~w~~~~ F-(\,~c.:lllA·S 'POP


If G'-IMtLS '!Hii' KNUC.I(LES AND I<NEr­C/l.PS·,· ell/~s YOU '





:10,000 POOIJD5 j


':me DAilY NtWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8,195513,

VIC FLINT .. ~;;;;;;:::;:;:=~ I~~----~~~~' ~=--





r.m,l GIIlCI1.ID tt.l~ ~[MMS TOCM DOMl HEIE RcAUSE I !lIOJM Y::\I wm ~Cl(. SUr IJOW t FOlo O\JI' ntAT YQJ-


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1/ ' .. ' .:.1 I,:' \ Ii !.' ! 1·· '.I! ~ j ~

I.:; I '1

I': 1 " ,', I .. ". , "

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.. ;'


· ~ ':; ,'" .',

Retired Canadian Javelin I KAR:CW;i~~p ~OCT~h~S gove·ro. Furnes's, Wi~hy"& C'umpanY'l' t

,", , ~

1II1'Crown 01 "7I'!? ,n';~ Stock Mark~t· 'Rep'o~t~:

7400 lIexaplr ... 4875 R,Prado

1900 Rlx.tIIa .. 43200 lloeh. . . 49000 ROWlD' , '. 5000 Roxlnl'

"io . ,'5 75 50 .a 50'

150 110 150 31 3111 31" 15 21 2m 1\10 11 1l~ I: ·lIH 12 4 ; 4 ••

\ . menl of Pakistan has granted more

R ilr d (Continued from .page 3) , . \ than $400,000 to the Punjab pro.. ' a oa .er to finance the railway. on a 10 to "vincial'government 'towards mc~t-I LlverpuOl lil JoIoD. 8o~tun tt .. llla~ s' loba,

lo ~ Wll "kr lo 10 81 JolUI" , BoslDn "t~lur .. SI· John' 1.II_rPDn·

"Newfoundland' Jn~ 11 Jne, 17 • Jnc 21 Jnc 2i '1m CUIC. .' %I - .. .000 Dara,on • ~l ~I\':III.

100 Deer 1I0ra' IDS 1<0 1<0

'lOll ONTO CLOSING STOCIlc:' 11101 Bloek Hlell Low CI ...

B7 Tho Caaadil. PUll

330 ROfIUt. '. 1000 ,lIupununi .' 631 Sin Ant

1l00· Sand R" m5 Sapphlro

lao lID 180 :0 18 20

(ContlilUcd from page 3) 20· year basis. . ing eXpenses incurred on the Fat·1

h 1 tr I ut Answering a question from the Ima Jinnah Medical College for

5 Tovhe ah' ha nho'

b Ith' th floor, :Mr. Doyle' said that the Women at Lahore during 1954·55.1

"Nova Scotia" ' Jne. 18 Jnl! 25 Jly 1 Jly 5 Jly i "Newfuundland" .Ily. 6 J1v 1:1. .11y 19 .J1y 23 .fly ~I

.. . , "


175 Acad All 11 11 11 ZOO DI A 2411 .:4~ III~ 500 Acad Ur 12 t: n

1&110 AJa. 52 76 U "50 Aldermont 100 91 100 2000 no .. 11 21 21 %7 :680 AI,om 201~ 20 10

140 n. 9711 9'11; 9'/1!. 160 D. \I'll lOY, 101. 10'"

;, 500 Am Larder 16 18 16 ,'7223 Am Lcduc 130 120 130 : 8ZOO Am Ntph 132 119 131 ~190 Ana..,. 353' 3l5' 350 ;'120 AnI Am -Exp HI~ 1110 1m .11ll0 Ani Cdn 51)0 515 sao :~OOO A", Rour. 53 53 53 ClOOO A~x 7 6 7 :.400 Arean 100 " 100 .:'OO.Arel 62 62' 62 'IQOO Arlon 13\; 1m 131'J 12300 Ascol 50 47 so 11100 Allin 1\ul 30 29 30 3300 Aubelle 11 12 12

i1J833 Aumaeh. 21 21 27 5000 Auml'! Il 12 I:

11010 BaU., 11 • 10~i 101> 1500 Banll 201 2ITI :0 7 -.500 B .. 1<1lllt • I I • :100 Blnkenl lO lO '0 1300 Blrnat ' 115 111 112

500 Illrue II 1100 Ie 5150 Bamnln ~ 100 290

26000 B MellI. 53 60 8 1091S Bilka 18' n 1.

4100 Bill 17 16" 11 6100 BIIb M 210 203 210 %100 B Duq 47, 43 41 520 Bea\ly 1m l",!Ii

1510 Beluca,. 313 3.10 350 1000 Belver L 71 1. 18 JIM Belcher 70" 70 10

lOO Belleterro • 21S:1S 115 6200 Bell Glm 40 31 31

218300 Bt •• rt 11 II 11 ~1.I&6 Blcrlll 275 253 21'

5500 Bld,ood 10 7 TI'J '5150 Bilek II 299 2'10 290 ~9OO Bluo R 210 258 140

moo Bob", 3m 31 351; 5600 Bon.1 16 1511 U\\ 1500 lIordulll 10 10 16 ,33 Boymlr 11 It

· Brallomall In 110 118 . 2Il00 lIrilund 20S 1M 195 1100 Brllll 269 W :161 3300 B lIeel 133 130 133

110$0 Brunamaa 13 12 13 11250 Dnln.lon 29:0 29

22' Brunswick 1l II II , 2900 Buckle II 52 II

10600 lIulad.on 9\~ 9 9!1 12300 Bul Cd. 191. 18 19\.

3600 neldona ~ . '2110 22 :1100 Deloll. n '1\ II" · 2100 Scum··R

· 2600 S.cur Frt. 40030 Del m. . m 1U 17$ 17600 Delli 3.1 . 31 'I .000 DeV Led 110 133 110

500 Dom. Espl 550 SID 51e 4300 Dom A.b . 21 21 21 3.100 Donlldl ~1 38 :161. 1000 Duve. 20 tal\ 1e\.

2l6OO Dyno. HZ l!ii 1:11 IOS0 Eall Mil ~o 230 232' 22'S Eul Sui 820 600. &10

10700 E. ,I MI' 140 130 138 ' 1000 Eldrlch 60 60 60 6118 EI~nrey III. 1 10' 1000 EI SOl 91. : 91'; 91!. 500 Eln G11c1er ta\\ UH ml

11150 Eureka 114 ,:t07 11, 2m Fllcon ' . %1·.2611 21'

53125 Faradl' 210 3.1, ,., 100 FIUO 231 234 234·

2210 F Pel. SO· m 500 7271 Frcbl,h 42a .00, m

200 Do ,,18 61 67 61 WO Glllwin .6 43 0 SOOO Gil Exp 10 ,71 aD IJS Geco . ,151\ 1m· 1m 100 G Pet. SID, 610 110 100 Do A 570 no 570

:1000 Guo.. 1m 1% 13 U3S Giani ' 620 !US 615

10600 Glenn Ur m 110 11 ~023 Godl L 13 69 71

3000 Goldal. 25 23 25 3330!! Goldcre.t I' 39 n

3000 Gold EOII& 11 17 17' 3300 Gold.leld. U 10 IS 1100 Gold M 200'm 191 .aoo Goldblwk ,.1 10' '.1 510!! Grah lI,Ulq '"'1 3' ,. ~ Grondin.. 17 11 16 1000 Grlndu. 510 495 510 2S0 Gr Plains 10\i 20!\. ~II

51910 Gr S ..... t G :90' 2G3 un 300 Grld.U 1010 1m 101~

114411 Gulch 'm 110 ·101 4000 Gull L 2" SI ,22 1&-\ Gunnar 18 1m '18 :DID Do wi. !MIO 923 &:11 8500 GwllllO 19 11 IB 'ISO Gypoum 1m 61 61 210 II Carp '". a'.. BI!.

75000 II lIock 1S U Il 1500 liar MI. SO 50' so

30900·ay 113 122 130 6000 lIellh '9 9 9 510 lIev. 6" 6 , 61,

SO III '1'0'" 6 51;' 1521 1I01llnrer '21~' '24 . 21 300 1Iome 10 10 10

4100 110m Y 11 17 11 . SGOO lIoyle 421 410 m

ISO Shw,n 5211 cllaw~eJ'

1351!Sherltl . . 110 Slpna .

7000 sllanco ' " 1910 811 Mlr lOGO 911e .. 2500 Sourl. 5000 South U Ollt ~oo Spooler 600 Stada.

1662 Sttnwen' 17016 S lIock moo Sud ConI 2112 !;UIllVIII • 1700 5wliIOn 2500 Srl.anll. .1335 'leek II 1100 'leu. Cal

WOO 'I Lund 1!16~0 'J'orbrll .

200 'I'ran. Emp"·'· 1000 'I'ran •. E 6%00 TroM n

15500 'I'rend 7411 Triad 1150 U Minln' 3130 U A,be.t.' 320.11 Ken.

lWO 11 Monlaub 14430 Un 0111. 2100 Upp Can

, .7300 11 E.lella 63000 Van nol , 712S Venturel ~I)OO Vic our 12000 Vlollma'

1329 Willo Am 1615 Wanler

10'l00 Weodln 21%000 Weku.k.

1000 w •• t Mal 1173 Wesleel

moo IV A,h \110 W Lease . 21; w Noco

, 2000 W TUn,s! 4000 Wlllror 1600 Wkleh

lOilll Wlnche.lor 500 Windward

16900 Wino .. . 1100 Wr liar, , 26)0 Yale L 10Zl0 Ylnk Can 10000 Yenorc. ~IO Yk B •• r 2000 Yukcno

2300 lIul m 13 12 12 4100 Bunk II 2511 2S1~ 25\\ 530llud BIY 61\'1 8m 6m

115 735 730 . 735.

.'~OO Zonmc 4150 Zulap.

oug e as een w c t 'f C dl J I" 435 420 430

F ASlIIONS ON ICE' . 116 110' las 2SO 115 230 60\4 60 60 10\; II!. 101.

&0 &:D 615 SOS' SOS S05 . 22 20 '21 . n 91 '91 .a 41 .a 45 IS' 15

·79 70 '19 :0 20 20 2811 21'" 28\~ 6% 62 61 111. Il~ 1111 :IS 29 G'

100 615 680 145 435 410 138 135 ll~ 260 2SO m

railway for ,41 years It is only since \.sccre 0 ann an ave II! s ,sue. the Jast 15 years that he has been ccss In selling" North AI:"cr1can a conductor. This prompted us ,to ore In Europe ,~here othcrs had ask :Mr. Sellars If he could hazard tried and failed was the guaran· a gue'sa at how many trips he had teed 65% Iron content of the. ore made or how many mllcs he has ,,:hlch bas been established by en·

gone. No I couldn't,' he said, It seem·

ed sometimes we were just com­Ing and going, almo.t continually. But you caa average It, out for yourself, I! you' wish. Mr. Sellars has been a railroader .lor 41 years or 2132 weeks. Giving an average of four runs a week, that would make It well over 8000 special trips.

gmeerlng and metallurgical tests by' leading international authori­ties and more recently. by tests on' a shipment to Germany which resulted In Klockner·Humboldt· Deutz A. G. guaranteeing a 65% Iron content on shipment to thc

CAPETOWN (CP)-Models In a fashion parade on icc at the Natal hibiscus festival didn't need skates. The dresses were paraded on a carpet' spreMl over the ice to a central platform, while professional st.aters performed during the In· tervals.

11 75 11 11 611i 65

135 133 133 118 185 lIS

38 31 36 'ml ~5 m.

21 23 21 625 m 595 26. 26 26

810 600 610 1~0 7SO ).0

G3 52 53 148 111 143 103 lOS lOS

91 81 8B, • 8Vo me:"

34\, 321, 34 60 ~2 53

At anyratc, Il certainly is up in the thousands.

360 350 3:l~ 13l. 13\, )31,. Sellars said But It's wondedul to 71" 71 71 • 42 0& 40 look back on 41 years of railroad·

fl would take me a long time just sitting back and remember'· Ing to recall all these stories, Mr.

5 14' 11\. Ing 13 II Il •. 231> 23\4 231> IW. 181, IUV,

sjO 610 610 133 131 133

12 12 12 201 200 2Q7 65 62 62 m 7 m 30 30 30

At this juncture, we asked "Don't they say all .;railwarmen have a Hamilton watch." For ans· wer; Mr. Sellars dug in a vest pocket, brought out a beautiful looking watch.

German steel industry. In reply to a question regard· .

Ing potential pronts from the'

2m.2626 20S 200 200 54 ~1 51 28 26 27

argreemen(s, Doyle said, that the exact contract price was not b.e· Ing disclosed at this time for com· petltive reasons, but that Canadian Javelin shareholders could de· finitely expccl' net company pro­ms of about $4 per ton. "The prices' In Germany arc approxi· mately the same as In the U.S. he said. "We have tied our rate structure to a composite average of current world market prices for the orcs or Venezuela,· the Lake Eric Region and Sweden with a fixed price during the first three years. This is to give mutual protection to hoth parties.

It was a Hamilton. Big black lIIr. D'oyle told, shareholders 18 16 16

162 137 160 12!~ 12~. 12'~ 71 69 72 43 45 45

lID Cal Ed 1m 14'" 141. 43000 Callln U 38· 10.

500 Cal. Con lSO 330 550 1m camp Chlb 1I'l0 900 915

500 camp n Il' 130 ISO 000 Cd. Ad 011 14 44 44.

111m c Met 210 210 :01 100 C 011 IAI 293 . 290 290

2500 Cdn All oil 633 600 6:.1

11600 ny.Char, .111\, 11 11\1 200 In.o .. oll A II> ,8\1 II>

2620 In.plratl.n 115 )80 110 .203 I Mot A 35~'2 35\\ .35\i 1510 Int Nickel 8m 6m' 6B~i

2.\BDo ~r . 13& 138 lIB 13» Int Pote' 2m 2m 26 4000 Jlcknll. 8· : B 8

App~inted Director·

numerals for safety, so there can that the plant will have an initial \ be 110 mistake. You know, opined capacity of 3 million tons in a Mr. Sellars a rallwayman has to 6 month period and 4th millons In' know the exact time. They eh~ck a 9 month period. The Klockner· our watches every month and we Humholdt·Deut. firm, who will ourselves check them . at certain \handle construction, are the larg-points like Clnrcnv\l1e and Bls· est European builders of iron ore hops Falls: We have Lo - [or plants and their equipment is in safcLy's sake. '. use all over thc world.



,til WUJ(

11100 C Br Emp RI 74 &4 ~o C Col \I IOI~ 11 2349 C Decal ~ U 63 7510 C Dev 1'.1. m 190 190 ,)00 C Ho",.ld 203 lOS :01

· 100 C . )lllart 32 52 52 · 1035 Cdn 011 211. 21\1 21\1 ;173l0 C 0 and n n 63 60 SS · 86rA1 C I' L 1'011 220 213 21S : 100 C WIlUsI 310 380 310 : 2011 CanSO P 260 260 260 · 400 CIDIO oU 300 300 300 '13110 Clislar 1160, 923 930

lU Cull. .10 .10 410 117%!! Cen Led 25 205 230 · 2500 Conlma" 12 iii iii

1600 C"art 011 165 163 163

3000 Jlck Wt 18 11 11 611S J.cul.t 22 20 21 ' 1300 J •• per 1S3 15K 1M 4000 J'l" Exp 52 31 51' 3D600 1I01llc.. B', . I!~ s'i 1000 J.bUTk. IIlI \t 11 ,;.:....;.-1600 Joliet 41' 44 41

23300 J.n,mllh n· 83 61 1<00 Jupiter 2!1~ 21P ZlO 1741 Ker' Ad 16\,. 16\1 161i

300 KO)'bo)'con Il ,13 13 500 1C lIud 36 .:J8 36

2210 K Like 40 40 40 2900 Kroy OU " 135 130 132 m Llbrldor IB l1li 11\.

7030 L Cinch ' 32S .' m .3%0 0000 L Dul 131 121' 130 2500 L Unl 171. 17\. 1m

Bank of Montreal Soon. in a year or so, Mr. Sel· lars hopcs to make a real long trip on the railroad but as a passcnger. 'He will be going to \Vlnnlpeg nnd ' :Wlsconscln to see two ot his daughters, who arc mar· ried therc.

Construction on the 42 mile spur line to connect the Wabush mine· with the Qucbee North Shore and Labrador Railway of I

thc Iron Ore Company will begin I

next month,' Mr. Doyle said.'


afl.rsmall , clown paym~nl

.A.!lvaIDr Waahlng A.llon • FlngorUp Conlrol •• Adlu.l­able Wringer • FI .. ·yea. W ..... nly on WOlh.. Mechonlsm

. A'nd lots, lots more­You'll have to come

in and SEE!

"Nova Scotia" .ny. 20 Jly. 27 Aug. 2 Aug. R Au~. I "Newfoundland" Aug. 6 Aug. 13 Aug.)9 nUl!. 2:l Aug. 2, "!ltova Scotia" Aug. 20 Aug, 27 Sept: 2 Sept. 6 Sept. I

fJcrsutl~ l.:un't-IIJfJ.;ll,U~ I .... s~l:f,gl!' til l.J~h .'~l : : •.• ·u null .• Utfll r\ inRI

Nell In advance . • Mr pp.ssagesarr~nged by Ii O.A C - K.L.M - Sc"ntlinav,an ... IT.

lines _ PlIn American /-Irways - TWA Qnd conn~'Cting "'Ir.

lines Consult us regardlnl! VOUI ·Ir~v,·t problem~


"'OONII '10


39600 L OIU 43 40 15 zoo L Sh.r. 510 MO 540 500 La Lu. 210 20S 210 251 Lam_que 3.l3 33S 335

11ZOO Chern n 430 420 430 · ISOO Cheoklrk II' 10 10\\

1000 CllVle 36 36 36 660 Chi Eicpl 99" . 9&

I've made the trip twice bc[ore Mr. Sellars said alld I am looking forward to It' again. It wlll also probably give hlni an opportunity to chat with ·some of, his old rail· roadlng cronies as the express heads westward across Newfound· land.

TORONTO (CP) - Miss Lahja Piha, an accountant on a business ~ trip here from Finland. said: "I \ like to sze your men helping with the dishes' after mcals. ·The hus: 1.-_________ ...-1

bands afhome do nothing in t.'lc A .. EI HICKMAN ONLY $339.95

500 Lao! 71. ·m m 1 ""~ l..eltch 65 61 6l

10500 Lenert 20\1 19 19 1900 L,xlnd 79 15 78 3150 L Pel. 323 3IS' 315 .

16m ChlmO 210 220 315 13230 Cit Lar 1011 • . 10

33011 Cob.1I n 13 15 1000 Coin L 12\; I2Iio 1211

t53700 Cldlt", 10 33 :16

bome-nothing." AT ,

PLEASES PATIENTS. " CO., LTD. 3&450 L.L Lac 110' 125 . m 11100 Lome,. 7 .,. 1

100523 Lorado .'0 383 430

1200 Colom G .,' 8 1200 Colo", 8' 8 . 100 Conduit II 11 11

OSLO, Norway (CP)-Four thou·' sand bunch~s of beech twigs, a gift from the city of Aalbord; were WATER ST.

'PHONE 4131 A. E. HICKMAN lOOS3.l Lorado 4-10 3. 38 liO

2100 Louvel 41' 40 41 12000 Lynthlt ISO 140 112

1700 Con\lunlm .a.7.a I!lOO CoIIrI 57 5S'" 57 2nO Con Alt 1. 11 12 '1300 C AIIenb 18 1611 1611

distributed among patients in Oslo ---....-" hospitals. A handwritten card with

It does !11ake a . . 2000 Lynx 81'; • a\' !~

1200'Maea"a 168 167· 167 4700 Medon 105 100 100 5100 Mackeno ~1 sa' 515 mo Macleod 169 lIS 16' 3.lOO MAdlon J90 181 181

128 Con Bak 1111 II" I'J =g~eg:~ 3!. ~~. ~'. "719 C Dellil 11\'0 10\\ 10H

3.lOO C nile 340 325 330 I spring gree. tings was attached to

each bUllch • Dilly Idaho white pine and as·

DIFFERENCE where you buy your car.

4300 ~Ia .. el 13 , 12 12 4800 Malart m 185 115

.. C DUI Il 37 43 2200 CElli cr 62 &2 n

pen trees yield wood" suitable I for making matchsticks. A good deal depends an he M910 C hnlm 237 221 :133

11.191. Do iU u a 14 J500 Co. Gill 15 14 14 2500 C G Arro" ~1.0'0

usso C HaUlw ~o 41 IBI'J SOIl C H." 410 4M 4M ~ C lillar 1& 13 IS\\ _ Coli M ~llc :185 212 :185 1150 C Morrll 39 31 31 U50 C Mo.h 61 61 81

11701 Con NIC 51 ·45 51 2SOO Con' Nlch 30 29"" 30

110158 C Nortllld III 106 JI1 12500 Co Orl 12 1111: 11\\ 3000 Cea P.a" I 13 11

11000 C Ranwk IIG 14514.1 12S'S C Red Pop tl 71 12 M250 C Snrrn 42 33 :16

121210 Con Suclby 370 ~. 370 16S015 C TUnali 100 IS VI

1200 C Wut Pele 3.10 345. 3.10 1422' Con",ul 630 liS 630

1800 CoP CIII 116 115 115 12:10 Cop Mill 15 12 I

pOO Coul.. 50 130 110 1000 Cournor 8 1& 161!. 2000 Crolliur B~ 1\\ .\\

I t

13200 Manealt 16 63 7S 1000 Maraleo 10\1 101; 10\1

11100 Marbtnar 10 10 10, llOO Marl,old 33 32 33 lID Mlrltlme 105 ZOO 202

1500 Mlrlln 1111 10 10 1000 M.tatchew 21 21 21

19600 Maybrun 1111 11 11 111' Mclnlyre PO"O~' \~I; !86"

sosOO M,mar ",. ' 4.100 1olorr 79 11 78 1900 Mer Pete a~o 873 a90

S2300 Mel Ur 70 66 68 1900 Mill Clly 25 2S 2S 1100 Mlndam 13 73 13 2000 Minda cot 1110 ' 1 7 625 M n' Cor 191. 191; 191;

SOOO Monela 10 60 63. 1400 1olu1ll M 225' 215 22S.

12666 Moeul . M 263 249 263 74750 Marne Crt,1t ZI' 2S0 259 40700 Nat 221 214 220

&00 Nat Pel. 157 1M 1S7 3150 Ne. Lab 190 .115 liS

316100 N AIg ~I . 43 41 39100 N Alh.. 69 £3' 63 . 16100 New IIld M ·1 43 21150 N Brisiol 130 125 130 2100 N B .'" . 261 160 2GO 6900 New Col 70 68 70 1000 N Cone .. 52 ~2 52 4600 N Conlill . it 36 38

110200 N Delhi 1\4 101, tlO 2030 N Dick 211 210 212, 5000 N Fort 31 . 33 :7

3833 N arrle 3.\ 31 31 233M N Hlcbrld,_ 40 38 40 . 12000 New no,c ~9 31 51 1000 N Jlu;h M 9 ',8\1 ~11 lOOO'New Ju m 7l, 111 2000 N Kel 41 41 m.

17000 N Laeue: 19 11 19 12000 Newlund 33 31. 33

'HENRY s." WINGATE, or' New York, president of the Internation· al Nickel Company of Canada Limited, was today appointed a director 0[· thp Bank oi 1II0n,treal.

Mr. Wingate, who joined the Intcrna~ional Nickel. Company 20 years ago, has rIsen rapidly through various executive posts and .In 1954 became president of the company and of' Its United States subsidiary.

Among the other companies of .which be. Is a" director are thc Whitehead ~Ittal Products Com· 'pany, Inc., Nell' York; Alloy Metal Sales Llmltcd, Toronto; and Cen· tre' d'Inlormation du Nickel, S.A. (C.1.N.). Brussels, Belglu.m. He Is a, trustee of the Seamen's Bank fcr. ,Savings, New York, and Is in tested 'in a number o'f New York's cOlDmunlty organizations.

. 65100 N' Marl 1311 11 14 4500 N 1oIyl","q. 21 13 23 '

D.E ALE R Her. Is a list of loml of good us.,d cars:-


4.Door Rocket 88


Jet black, with lots of chrome. Equipped wit h hydra'matie transmission, radio, heater Rnd defroster, directional· signals and cigar lighter. Only 11,000 miles.

$035,00 down, balance 24 mos. Price $2800.00.

1952 BUICK Super 4-Door A lovely tv:o·tone color, med· \ lum blue bottom, with Ivory top. Equipped with dyna·f1ow transmission. radio with rear deck speaker, directional slg· nals, heater and defroster, cigar IIghtcr, chrome wheel discs, white wall tires. Only 9,000 miles.

$750.00 down, bnL'mce 18 mDS Price only $2250.00.

I~~ ~:~no~Or& .' 1m I:\~ !:\~ St'atutory Notice 3000 N R.Ufll 13 m~ 13 1954 MONARCH 4000 N' RYln L • ',9· 9 9 In the matter of the Will and 1~~ ~ ~~::~ • 2n J~ Jll1 • estate of Allan E. llaywanl,late 4·Door Sedan ,:m ~ .• r~rb I:~ .'I~t 1:: '''of: St. John's,'Newfoundlandl 1IIaroon in color. with lots of aooo Nib Ye\ . 8\~ I . av. Retired Accountaflt. chrome. Radio. heater and de-

UUD Nip.", 2100261~ 2~ - . , . froster, directional signals and lmo :i:!~d'i N '5\ 3211 531i All persons claiming to be cre· chrome wheel discs. Only 3,000 30'00 Nonold 65 51 59 dllors of or who have' any claims, miles. . .500 Norllrl 161> Ie'" 1011 ' . 1102 Nome! 'm 420. 125 or demands upon or affecting· the $885.00 down, balance 12 mos. 2f: ~~~~c ~~ 2;~i~' E'state of Allan' E. Hayward, late Price $2650.00.

1954-MERCURY .•••••• $2100.00 3000 Nor TrIJI 12 11 11 of st, John's, Retired Accountant. 1955-MONARCR ...... 1950.00 I~:~:~~:m ;; ~L ,~. are r.equested,to sen,d particulars '1950 JAVELIN. 4-D, oor S'edan 1952-BUICK • .. .... ;.. 1800.00 U S 1 1 6\1 1 k I H t 1952-DODGE •••••••••• 1250.00 =: gka it .... M 121' 12, 125 of the· same, in wr1ti\1gl duly at- . Dar green In co or. ea er 1950-VANGUARD ...... 600.00 1500 Okalll lIS: 140 III tested 'to the undersigned Sollclt- ~nd defroster. . 1951-METJWR : ...... 1100.00 ~: g~~~rln ~. 3~'~ ors f~r the Exccuto'r of the wm $140.00 do,!n,.bnlnDce:12 mos. 1950-FORD ............ 650.00 30065

1100 0o\'!.m

l,.. . 4!~. 3~' ~~. and' Estate of the said deceased, Fnce $350.00.

1955-METEOR .......... 1800.00 ~ • I 195D-CJ1EV ............ '850.00 :m~:~ ~~l~ .g' ·~\~.~m on or before the 1st day of Juy 1954 HUDSON Super Jet 1953-CONSUL .......... 1100.00 2300 P Well 21. ST\', 21 A.D; 1955, after which date the A I I' t· t'" 1 11 ht 195" ~IETEOR 150000 1000 Plnftlq a'·1 B • III .I t dl t Ib t ove y wo one co or, g .,.-, .......... 9100 Parbe. .2111' 20 .:1 Executor w procee" 0 s rue blue bottom with "black top; A iii~WE~~R'::::::::: i:::::g ',;~n:"::r \ li~ I~~ l~; thpald ESll!tebavlng,regard. only compact slxnassenger car; clean

-MEICUR1' ....... 10i5.00 '100 Paymllt· aro .:0 J: to the' claims of which he shall andd alttracttltVe·IIHhetate.r, defroster 1955-VANGUAJtD ....... 1100.00 ~ ~~1C1e:el . 11''; 1m WI then 'have had notIce. ' an c gare e g cr. }:S4-RUDSON ......... 1'700.00 B$Il Ptmn 33 33 ,a:J 'Dated at St. Jolm's· this 10th $625.00 down, balance 24 mos. 19~XF. ........... 1950.00 = ~:~ ou 3~. ~~ 3~, daY,of May,A.D. 1955, Frice $1850'.00. .

1951 PONTIAC' ... : ..... '19020°0.00°0 2m ~lo~r 11~ 11~ 'II~ .' CURTIS & DA WE, . . .. - , .......... • 11500 Pilch Ore . II~ ii iiI!. :;. Solicitors, for the Executor 1954 PONl'IAC .

M M· t .'. L d 3~' li::~ , ~I,; !~~ ~~I!. Boar,f of, Trilile Building, unn· . 0 ors t. ~ ~;:Im OD : 3M" ,~.' 'Wat~r'Stieet, St.' Joh~'s. BENNETT AVE. 2000 Prom B" .. 9. ., ri'i25,jnel,8,15 .

______________ ~ ________ ~~4:'00~p~re:lt:on, ~--~:~I:O~~:,-.~~:I~.~----~'~.------·~·J-------. - '


~.,,; ,

y , \', ",.'. ,

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UI ca· t·· :". '~''-"::':. .. '~.''',\ .... .1ql1 :ne -~~'.''­.lIour"·b· .",'." ,e.uls .'. "j , . ., ~ .~ .. ; .. , I "

." • ':'" ;' io' e/"., :.', ,Ha".'.' '~'I :, :, ,: " ,""~'.: '. c . ", ,,' .... '" :


Sedan Deliv!!ry Medium gr!:en In color. Heater and defroster. Only 10,000' miles. Ideal for arllund town dellven'-

$535.00 'down, balance 24 mos • Frice only. $1600.00.


.1948. BUICK4-D:lor Sedan Medium .grey,in color. Equip, ped with' dyn:pflow, heater and defroster ... rrrllio. ,seat covcrs. Good tires. Slight damaged con· dllloD, but drive It away. . "

Frice $55P,OO. '.

Ilere ~s


'PHONE 4131 ,

I WATER STREET -------------------------

• tip .. • a



Let us show you how

(lrofitable good printing can be.













.' ,. ,ou" " ..... ,. , 'end,' '." "'·"00' k'·· d' . ... Itg 01' '. e· . '. . . I ~"g"''''''' .... :

. ~oritri&\ ";>, .:Yo.ur. ,'.' . .. 'f<.. U"on 1. I . . .. .~ /'J/.t~' . , .... ~. .

See' lh~e ·Clr •. to~lght.: Open· 8,. l,m.·1D p:m; dally, , Including. Sund8Y', Rem~mb.r you'll' nlyer I know .. wh.dhe, .. l. I. 11111\

Job Printing Depar~~nt " . . ';;' .: ,.,. ... :;' \<r· :.::,:'

. .~

you see . . . . . . ", ~:, .t',,. t, • .' .

Au'to . S~rvlce. CO~." DIAL 2178" (3' lines)

":j.. .. ' , . DUCKWORTI·


Canadian P.o. BOX

" je7,8

. ,

, ..

, ·HE 2





Pur je7,21




. le7,3i

, . .. ;'l v

. . Dutkwor'th Striel . . '. Your Hudson, Vol~IWagDn d~.~rl _~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . - . ,

., t" : ':'

,. , " I"


-.! '. . '.




, , -


/: Ii I' Ii Ii I; I Ii' I!




~ t'rnOQ'

Jne 2.: .lIy j ,l1v 21 Au~. I ,'\ug, 2' Sept. i






iome experience preferred. Group insurance, ,

hospitalization and pension plan. Apply by

letter only to '

Canadian Pittsburgh Industries Ltd. P.o. BOX 156 ST. JOHN:S '

l~7,O .. '


Experience not necessary. Present staff aware

of this advertisement.


BOX 48 c/.o DAilY NEWS


2 CLERK TYPISTS" bperifnce preferred. Imm.d~at. employm,nt.

. Apply


lui/ding 803,

Pepperr." Air Force Base , le8,31

. Unusual Career I

Sales opportunity for the man who wants to

earn better than average income. You ,,!,iII b.

especially train.d for the job and you will

enjoy pension, group lif. and hospitalizatIon

benefits, future advancement. Possibilitiel

are almolt unllmit.d for the right man.

Reply in confiden·c. to

P.O. BOX 449, ST. JOHN'S'

WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL OFFICE F.xp.~ienc. not nec',asry. Knowledge of typing


Apply in person to MANAGER~

Purity. Factories Ltd. BLACKMARSH ROAD

Dr~ J. Arch 'McNamara

, 182 PATRICK. ST.


Another' .Uappy Usad : Car Buyer

• Buchanan ,of Thorbllrn ROQcJ, a recent used car buyer' at Terra Nova Motors Limited, says, "I like th!l way, in which the 'Used Cars' at Terra Nova Motors LImIted have been reconditi­oned and prepared . for im­mediate ,of, use". -

FOR SALE -Quanlfly pCIC:ka'ged fish in OM pound package.. ,


BIDGOODS , .,. ,


~~:-" -:,w_a_n_'e_d~,,-:-_l . For Sale' ' .. WANTED-A: woman to tend. FOR. SAL'E-1 1951 BulC'k

semi;lnvalided man In' prlvate tr,msmisslon, 0150 1 clutch , home In ,Comer Brook. Salary assembly, .. both complete,

ono ilundr~d dollars per never· used. 'Phone 721D-F. month. For other particulars jnB,!} contact ClBuda' Hnbbs ,at

'Heart's Content. ' WANTED to rent .thr'll bed • . room house' or apartment,'

unfurnlslled; e)(ccllent care taken. Call Lt. HartshQm" PAj.l'B, 89 ext.. 63180 t1ll4.S0: then 2137. ' . jnB,1w

,Teachers Wanted'

Female Teachers J.,IC!lll.Ce· {or Primary and u~'~.l\~"!'.' New' Harbour,

1 Male OIl.' ;;;~';;~1;' '1'-;'~~'~j,~.;; C;' Licence

1 Room Fenlale Toach·

'cr, Chap~l · Arm School, Lower Room.

'Apply with reft!rence to: ' , Rev. W. E; R. Cracknell,

Chairman. jn03,8,B,10,19,16

Applications will be received from Roman' Catholic and

,Protestan~ School 'Teachers fop. thc principal· position aJld teaching staff of the Depart. ment of National Defence In·' dependcnt School located at RCAF Station St. John's, St. Jean, Qucbec. Salary schedule as for Greater Montreal area. !lJarltal Allowance Officer sta· tus. Accommodations and messing facilities available for single applicants at nominal prevalUng ratcs. Apply to. In'

· dapenuent School Commltteo, RCAF Slatlon. St. John's, St. Jean, Quebec. stating ou~lIf1-catlons, experience, grade pre· ference, references and last

'school Inspector's name and . address, Limited vacancles

necessitate prompt application, jne7,O,9,10,ll,13.

Auto Accessories

TIRES 750 x 17·8 ply. Reg. $35, Now 29i Tires 750 " 20-10 ply. Rcg. $44, Now $39. Other sizes 15" and 16" ~ and 6 ply, pric. cd from $10 to $16,50. Tubes Reg. ~2.50, Now $2. Used TIre Sales, 86 Hamilton St.

'may 4,lm .


To R~"t TO RENT-A small .bun!l1lloYl

, on Torb!lY Rond, just one mUe from city limits. All modern conveniences - Telephope

, 5~62·F. ' jn7,21

. Miscellaneo·us

PRINCESS BEAUTY PARL· OUR, 13 LeMarehant .Road. 4310. We specialize In hair styllng and cutting, also tint­ing Dnd cold waves: Open nights by appoIntment.

AU:WO::-0:-L-M-A~T:-T"'R--:2~SS"'E--S-I-re­picked, re-covered; springs ,day beds rewired; inner spring mattresses recondItion· cd. Writo, Phone 3891; wire H. J. Kt!ats, 16 Mount Royal Avenue.

FOUR grease ramps, two Wish rack to serve you. Greasing,

.011 change nnd washing while-\ u·walt. Cars called for and delivered fo1' these and gener. al repairs-Terra Nova Motors Ltd., rear Newfound. land Hotel.






. Bally Halv, Ladies', Luncheon

Lac/ies Division

TUESDAY, June 14th 1 p.m.

'Phone Mrs. Steele, 2593F for reservatiQns.

Crystal Palace TO-NIGHT

Rythm Kings Orchestra, Cover charge 50e

Club open 2.00 p.m. for reservations call

Toll Operator




7.00,....Guards VS. Memorials. 9,OQ-Holy Cross vs. Curtis.


FOR ALl. your repairs to your home Inside and out, at low· cst esUmatC'ii and satisfactory service. Contact J. Stratton, 'Phone 6888-H. my6,1m



IF YOUR roof, windows or Iny other part of your house Is leaky, don't stop and wonder what to do; DIal 5992 and we will see to it for you. Gen· eral Contractol9, my24,1m

'-Water Street St, John'. je3,8,1p SATURDAY ======= 2:00-ROlLER SKATING.

For S~le Ono detached 2 storey dwelling, Is:. Floor-Living . room, dining room and inodern bullt·ln kitchen,


_--------- 2nd Floor: 3 bedrooms, each with CITY OF' ~T. JOffN'a


FURNESS WITHY INSUR· ANCE Department offering dependable insurance-Auto· . mobile, Fire, Burglary, Plate Glass, Tourist Baggagc, Transportation, Travel Aeel· dent, LI,bllity. Phone 2073.

ROBERT DAWE & SON, Fir. and AutomoblJc Insuraru:e. Be aafe, be sure, Insure. Tele­phone 2882, P,O. Box 05 Royal Bank Chambers, St.

, John's.

clothes closet, bathroom and large linen closet. Full size basement with self,contalned Apartment con· slstlng of ba:hroom, built·ln kltch· enette and 3 rooms, Hot and cold water throughout, Thermostatically controlled oil burning furnace with radiation, 500 galJon tank near qriveway. Apply ,

3·0'NEILL AVENUE, Telepbon~ 6836'L for appOintment



Tenders for Impounding

and Supplying EqUipment

For This Work Contact STAN' FOWLER, Re. · nouf,bulldlng, for,Flre Auto-

mobile and Plate Glass Insur· for 1956 :- .

, , ' T"ders will be received at · 'apce. Claims promptly settI· ,'cd; 'Phone 6531-P.O. Box AppJlcants for the 1956 lthodes the office of thet undersigned

Scholarship must forwar~ nil neces- for the work of performlng

N t dl d INSURANCE-Bowring' Broth· ~ite~:::~~::~~e :ee ~~~1r:~:J the duties, of Imp.ounding ew OUh an '. :er LimIted ln~urallce De~rt. from whom aU particulars can 00 anlmal~ and lupplYIng the

Se' rv'--es' I ", .Fn~n~nl~fi A~!~~a~rylJe'lIn:~~ obtained. As" the P!lP~l9 may be necossary equipment for this


... rcturned for correction, applicants ric ' Telcpbone 3131. ' arc stgronly advised to obtain these wo • '

SUMMlltsC'H!DULE EFFEe. CONTACT A'. ,E. HICKMAN partlculars without delay. A contract' will be made TIVE SUNDAY JUNE 12 'CD., Ltd. Insurance Agcnts, JOHN G. maGlNS, with iatlsfactory bidders I',,'

w.STBO\JND .' :'Phonos ,41S2·3-{·5-6 P.D.B. Secretary \If the nhQ~ea ~cholar accordance with the terms out-Train the "Caribou" :loDves Bt ,: 984, .for your. insurance re- ship far Newfoundland

fHE DAllY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE a, 1955 15 -..,lAII '.... r.:.r ...... I


,. , ",'


Robert Fennell,' ,Q.C. The Nati'onal Life ·Assur,ance Co.' WILL:BE CLOSED THIS WEDNESDAY· AFTERNOON,

JUNE 8th·, .

BING'O AND' FAIR;, .' , . ...




(Cancer, Tax' 5c) ,

, ,.

=-Catholic "Youth Club . '



Queen's Men Orchestra



; ,




FISH !ilEAL AND FISH OIL REDU<m0N PLANT ~mplete with Automatic Stoker and 150 h.p. Steam Boller. " All In excellent operating condition. Capaclty-SO,OOD' to '~ 80;000 lbs, per 24 hl1llr day. Located near water-can be .~ readily and economically removed •


O. B.,PULSIFER, Agent T~lephone nl103 P.O. Box 911 !JalUall, N.S. ,




Would appreciate dumping of earth or, rock ..

fill on. the site of the coming .

Pioneer . Drive-In Restaurant


Situated Portugal Cove Road, .

near junction to Bell'I Turn. ..'",

CLOTHES make the man if CHAfE .-II· .~ I I


makes the clothes

WM. l.· CHAFE, Tailor . New adclress: " HOLDSWORTH ST. . . . '


John's 11.l1li p.m. DAILY making _,..;q_ul_re-:m_en_t_s._--,...:.,. _,:_. __ Address:, "lined in a specification avail-direct conneeUon.t portNII~~ DEPENDABLE. FIRE INSUR. ~~~t::::~~1~eet, able at the·office of the City PUBI1IC NOTICE BaRquel with .teamer for a ;ANCE-Don'l risk your·vlllu· I===~=::==:i Engineer. . _ SjdnllY. LOCAL TRAlN, foc ,:ables to "save" 0 few ·dollars. paInt. to Corner Brook leaves St. 'Our falr·rate, reliable policy Tetnders w,ill be received up ''''enders are Invited and will'be John's 8.45, p.m. Tuesday, Thura- gives Immediate proteotion. N h d d <-day and ~aturdliy. ,'Phone' ijQ21 Dr write J. J. C t·f· d fo oon T urs ay, JUne 23r, , up to 11.30 p.m. on Mon·


'" EASTBOUND 'Lacey, P.O. Box 506. repl,t! • er I Ie and the lowest or any tendO!' June 20th, for ·th, Inr.alla~ .' je',21 ""' . " U d C V I willl\ot necessarily be acepfed of an 011 fired furnace. and ' _1::==================::11_ ,:steamer leave. North Sydney Refrigeration' se ar a ues" E FO AN ~IJI' new heating'in the C~ntr~l ; 3 Bushel Bags.:i~ . uo p.tJl. (A.S,T.) DAILY maldng . . • B. R, FIre ~tationL' ,



WANTED . , "




ReqUired Im'lnediately ----"

C··LERK,~TYPI,ST ' ". . (hinr.~.)' ", ...

Apply . .t"tini ag., !duc"t;~n and exp.rienci to

, ' .

. BO~ , '1000, 'c/o THE DAilY NEWS


, dlrect conneetlon with trlll~Bthe COURTNEY'S R&FRIGERA· City Clerk. flan. and specification. J!"iay be Clean oats-no weeds:: "Cirlbou" ,lelyl", l'0lrt. adult I" ; TION SERVICE-nepairs to jeD 9 " tb' . ' qUolena.~.: ~.IJI~ loJ~~~" l'ffc:i.all makes .of llcflrlgerators. 1951 STUDEBAKER SEDAN .'. Ins~ted in t~ offlce ot. . II :;'. ~R'\nneav~! Cornea' Broolt 10.30 Dial 4846-F, or ,write P. 0, Land CruIser Radio, ' B1sUdlpn Division of tblsJ)epart- :; •• Illl'.t'u •• day, Thursday and Sat- . ·Bolt 1311 <. .mY,H,lm Heater and Defroster $1,300.00 . WANTED . liIent and eoplel obtained on de- , TIMOTHY -:: ur4a,.. IrrMns at. Jolm' •• 7,00 .---.!o--..... ..-"":':-- -0- . of $211 'WIth the Revenue, , • :,' ,.m: followl!111 days. , . h d 'l . Dry Cleaning 1953 LAND ROVER Clerk. 'I1Ils sum will ". returned , , ~~,~ .

To conform til above 8e cue, . .' ." . 4 Wheel Drive, Low General Maid who under- If the planl and apeclfle.allonJ are HAY' SEED, :~~ a,'passenger extra with SJe~plng CRAFT CLEANERS· LTD., Milage, H_e_aleo~'" $1,450,00 stands pIa' In co~k'lng~ C:or ""0 retume4 alld • reasonable tender :~. '. !\lId. :DIning .Cars attAched will. where the -chDrmof~ncwn\'!ss ~ , ,n ::. L I V CIt. ·ohn'· K 00 p'" C!atur· 4 5 HIL'MAN SE AN • f '11 . M'ddl' f " i~ made. 50 Ib B ell e OJ" .. II, ..... p. II' fl'e~tored; Dla1.6985, ,1 19 0 ~ D In am y. I . e age pre IIr- ,· ....... are to be I11bmW .... III " agl' "~1. June 11,' fQr l'c;>rt I'IUX 131l1t:l'h ' Hamilton Street. ' . . 'h ... ~.. ..... quo. '.maklng, connect on . w, ' .. ' . Heater and Defroster, red, 'Apply to sealed enveloJl\!l addreued to the ' stelljner tar me Inland points. ' .,' ' fuJ1y reconditioned ,.; .$675,00 • ' HA undersIgned with th~ wordJ"Ten. . $16.00 CONN"C.,TION 'oR.iN, ·~AY'., V~netian,QlIl1d., 1953 rHEVROlET SEDAN . MRS .. RONALD C. FE, der for Heating-Central .Firl!

. '" , . . ' ',Ro, hinson's Hill Station" written across the face , SI"VICI-TOMORROW. ONLY COMPLETE· BLIND DELIVERY Train tbe."Cprlbou" leaving St. Service. Manufacture, Laun. . , of tile envelope. "

Jllhn's 11.00 p.m. tomorrow. Thul'll· 'dry Repplr Work gu3ll'anteed. Heater, Defroster, • 1 2 5 DO' between- the hours of 6.00 'T~nders Ire oto be IccompaJrled,

(Fertility brand)

,-, , , day; wlllm.lee cDnnection at One day service. Free quota. Radio ...... , ......... $ , 7 . , . d 730' 'Ph by III approved, accepted' cheque

Lewlsporte wIth M.V. "Codro)," tiona.' Kearneys Limited, . -0- p.m, pn • p.m., or one t CERT'IFIED fur the Green Bay Service.. MI!nufaclurers,454 Water at, 1953 HILLMAN SEDAN 6010 for appointmel't. ·the .mount of $~O ••• I11re., .: ' . CONNICTION $OUTH COAST Heater and Defro~ter I 1,,~,t~ , . that the tenderll'wl1~·!f ,ucml' . ," '

, Low Mileage ....... $1,050.00 enter int9 a C<lntr,et with the c..EED 'PO' T A 'TOES 'SIJtVICl-PRIPAY· Musical ,Instruments -0--, Tbe/iUCCBFs{uI tenderer., III nogill;'r t.Q0 •. m.traln to· Ar·" 1951 STUDEBAKER be expected to 4eposlt lur!her

genUa Prlday . June 10, .will make GJi!SDN' GUITARS - Horner , 1l TON PICKUP th' t tal d 'It ClIilnlction ,with B.S. "BMcalleu" ,.Bfttton Stop AccDrdllQns and " 12 . to bflng e 0 epos

, .. ' .: .. 7.5. lb. Bags

fDr the South Coast Service. ;HDJ,'lllOnlcas, Richmond Sa1l0- Fully' Recondltlone,a;. ,e2~.OO to 10~ of the amount of the. . ,,' \. . , , ';,' phones, Boosey ,Clarlnets,- accepted tender. This sum wl11 ' -- "

5,1. HGLINCOIi", SAILING' Charles Hutton & Sons, P.O. Ade'la' lOde: 'M'o' to' r's·.Ltd 'untiJ,lIO daYl8fter the ",~.. "., , NOONF.RIPAY, 5060·E., st. John's. ' of, ~he' completed con· . GAZE SEED :·CO.

s.s. !'Glllncoe" operallnll on St. - .... --....... ---- "PHO ..... S' ~Ol5 [3 ",111.') :~r~~~~~:P~~1c ~:::l:ie\V;~} Nlw GoY',r ~(Ad"l!ld. Depntment' do~ ~ti~'b~d, "'410 wl~ER;~;~' NooQ.fr1day,. June 10. THB' CENTRAL BARBER' SELLING AGENT ' to ICcitpt.~h~ Iow.ut 1I(i!?Y. , . '_, ~ :r"'.,~ .;;" .. ; il"'II" .al'· SHOP-Fast ef.ficlent sanl~DIA!" 7848 O~ 4813 . . ' DIA1'4328 '.

tary ,service •• All modern ~eO!10!lS . K. mNNJNG, , .' .. ') equipment, fIve barb~rs. The "'A5SIFIED ADS " . Deputy Minister. le1;3,6,8,10

_II' 0' NUe' least posslllle wllitlng, 24 New"''' ' . . . . . Department of Public WorkJ, ',' , .. Gower Street, opp. Adelaide " .,Gfr RESULTS , It.lohll'.. " . 14e8,10

. Motor. Ltd. JlI¥',lm #' '.

. .. "

1 '. ,

,,; .f ,"

,. ,; ;, .. '


" .

,. l-

f :. t;

',\ .'

,~ . ,



' .. , •. - :1


j :i I. . , .'


'; , ~ . ~:

\ •


16 THE DAILY Ney,'S, W.EDNE~DA~, JUNE 8, 1955 • . .... ' '" • I . \' .;' .. ~, " .' .

, ,. ... ! . . --,

: \'J)eal}' , Mar.(i~'i~":: c:'

l~A':c,<""" . . • "~f Jerry Lewis:'·, '.:'. " 16t/ ClNI91/.g net -~. Near Bre~liuJl ·

NITRATE OF SODA," Etc. Etc. • CHILEAN' '~ITRATE OF ·SODA ........................ : .... 100 Ln Bags

AMMONIUM OF' NITRATE ......................... , .......... 100 LnBags


i .

·r· ',.," . " "

, ,

,UI .....:~...;._ . ..;..~~~ .::t' ,,' HOLLYWOOD CAP)-The com·. I1.f : L .' 'rt' " :~':" edv' teRm of Martin and Lewis was mf2,[)~t II~ r;e9 ;:\ ,: ·~~~k~:. Monday on the verge'o[

"i'OTATO FERTILIZER .............. .' ... : ............................. 100, Ln Bags " TURNI~ FERTILIZER ............................................. ; .. 100 Ln. Bags·

.. ', .~: "

."' ..... '. . <II. ~ ,. . ~

· . . . ' ; . Dean. and Jerry have feuded be, .'"

~ABBAGE and GENERAL F.ERJILlZER.; .................. lOO Ln Bags HAYSEED' .............. , .......................................... : ....... 50 Ln Bag's

10 ' :'.' 'i' : [ore and made up but this time a

I';"" jj" '.' 'i"') I J J... ( .: clOS~, friend said: "It lioks like the f II' V'-f I ,,' end.. , , : ::, . Leivis, reached by phone,

. ':".: firmed that he was, going alol)e S d "f ~ Monday to Brown's resort hi New . pee Y re Ie rrom

Miss Harriet, TO'f'nshElnd 1

Kathleen Norris ...... ..:4.25 1

Onio~s iii the Stew .\ . . ',I

. Also

A limited quantity of CERTIFIED COBB~ER 'SEED . • .

ONARCH :::~rer;a~rll~,y~~~~ta~~v!~r 4~~ 'C'O uG, HS Young," the learn's lat~st piclure.. '

Dl!nn is taking his Wife to Hon· • . olulu today. _,' • : due to colds. Beech·Nllt

Betty .MacDonald ...... 2.50 . The 'Theirn Tree I . Nelia Gardner White .. 3.75 \ The Scotswomari ' I

.' "., ., Le\vi answe'red only "no comlllenthol COUGh DLops gh'c quick .' D" , EALER \~ln~g2;.:'~:u~in~~)~~:lIn~:!s ~.~ g~~~ fi~~~d~ro~al~f~,h~It~~ais~oR~~:e!~:



• Reconditioned by .)ip.rt S'Nlcemen for appearance and performance.

• Inspected and checked for safety.

• PrIced for autslandlng value. • Truthfully and accurately advertised •.

Ing! Pleasant tasting! Keep a handy Most' of the Martin.~ewis feuds roll In y'our purse or pocket.

have. started over movies. Some of the parts given Martin, have relegated '111m to a second fiddle role to Lewis.

lourneyTo ~elgrade .

(Continued from page 6l

TRADE SUPPLY BY : limitations. Hc did not. On his

arrival at ·the airport hr spolte of Ihe brolherhood o[ the Slav peoples, of tte century·old tirs· . a . - I betwecn Russia and Serbia, o[ the. GERALD S .. DOYL"

, n~d for an . apprllChcmcnt he· ~ tween th!: pal'lIes, 'based on tlt~' :Zi:it;; leaehinGs or'Marx and Lenln" . .It . ----.. -. was an open c~11 for an Impossible New ,Uetllods· relationship. '~U

Then came n gaff which anGered the Yugosiays and set the' world Make Paper laughln~ The Yugos!avs' were Mkcd to acce(\t the brest' Soviet MachI'ne 0 .. UI' et, hist01'lcal myth-tl1at the breach in 1948 was the work of Beria. QUEBEC. CP-Two methorls to They,were asllcd to believe that control the shricldnn sound of hi "h· [our years bdore Stalin's death' ~!leed paper.mlking" machines 11';re

! it was Bel'ia \\'ho ,,'as controlling I dlscloserl ~[onrlny at a meeting o[ , , , . the [orci~n p~licy of the soviet the tc~hnical section 01 the' Can· , .. ' Union and th,. solemn decrees .o~ nlllan Pulp nnrl Paper Association. , .. : the Soviet Cummunlon party. and Dr. G. J. Thiessen of the Na·

the cominform. They were asked tional Resear~h CouncIl and Dr. to believe that . it was under J. L. Keays 'ot Powell River, B.C., BcrJa's. Influence or at his d!c. told some '750 delegates [rom the tatlon that Marshal Buiganln had United Stales, Britain and Canada spoken of . "Judas Tito and his that they have succeeded in reduc· abettors", as "lhe desplse.d trail· lrig the sound o[ lhemachines to ors \vho have transformed YUgo· the point where it is inaudible over slavin hilo a' !iestapo prison upon the mlll noisc

. . " I . Inglis. Fletcher .......... ..4.50, The Brea'king 'Wa~e' ~ . \

.Nevil Shute .............. ..4.00 Mv Brother's Keeper i

Marcia Davenport ...... 4.95 Sincerely 'Willis Wayd~ .! , John P.Marquarid .... 4.50; The' Mistletoe and' Sword

Anya Seton ........ :~.: .. 2.75 The Case of. The . Sun Bath'eris. Diary

ErIe Stanley Gardner. 3.00 The Dark . Hostess

Sydney Horler ... ; ......... 2.00 Tb"! Plqnet Mappers'

E. Everett Evans ...... :.2.95 The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction;,

Fourth Series .......... ..4.00 The Spy Web .

Francis Noe/·Baker .... 2.75

Newfoundland Year Book and BusineSi

Directory 1955 . Edition .......... 3.50 Most complete Directory

yet published

'POTATOES .......................................................... ; ... 7S Ln BaSt


'PHONES 5143 - 5144 QUEEN ST.

. Oh' Safety devices to protect in· \ A f h h -.-': . Ituary dustrial workers from occupational 5 res as t e minute . SAllAIl JANE ~fANVEL hazards shoulll always he used they came out of the oven There passed away at the Gen. whcn on the juh. Goggles or c)'e I-that's wh t, th guards arc especially important I a ey say

eral Hospital, St. John's, as t)1e ' b ninth day of May drew to its close, whc~e there is dangcr from flying a ou, ELKES DELICIOUS Sarah Jane, beloved wife of Claro parltclcs. \ ENGLISH BISCUITS T ence MJnuel, in her fiftieth year..' h d d r'I

'It was approximately ten months 1 IS .a g?od ~dea to learn .to item to- ay an see for previous to her. passing that she rccogl1llC IVY ~lI1CC contact .wlth I you r s elf that the entered St. Clare's Mercy Hos. any pa~t of. the plant may cause, Y pital where she underwent an oper. a burnll1g Itching rash. IC e.x. I couldn t be fresher if ation. She was later transferred to posed to the, plant, the skll1 ELKES baked them in the General Hospital for treatment should be washed as soon as pos· wliere she remained until the time sib,le with strong hOUsehold soap. your own oven I of her "assing. She had spent 'two months in a mainland hospital previously to her period of hos· Pltalization in SI. John's.

Sarah Jane 1tfanuel was a won· derful p~rs'on and kindness at its best found expression In every­thing she did for others. She pos· sessed those rare girts and graces which 'combine to make personall. ties attractive and winsome. She 'I\'as.8 good citizen, and any cause which hed merit found a ready reo . sponse in her generous heart. She. loved the church, too, and during those years when her strenGth permitted her she gave [reely of her time and talent to the church's • Warranled by your Ford·Monarch Dealer

and backed by his repulll,lon. whom All progressive' mankind The men, \\'1',0 1I'0rlled In depend. looks with loathing and' who will entl~, said ,the hiGhly·technlcal have to account for their snnguin· methods could be used e[!ectively ary crhnes." It may well be that and cheaply in controlling tbe this strangely blundering speech shrieking that has been tile subject

THE BOOKSELLERS programme. 'Phone 3191 _ 4425 But it was, t think, in the home

_ that she excelled. It was my privi. Shop her. where the home h9fns , -,

_______ ~ _____ ...,.,.-______ II'as the most Important event o[ of a number of workers' can·

C.B .. Boy Is Vittim I Co.llision On the whole visit .•• it was not plainls. "sclf.crltlcism". It 'was .a devas· THREE·DAY MEETING .......

or 'SllootI'n'~ AIde'r' silot Street tating self·revelation. 11 was a Some '40 British specialists arc u - warning' (the most dramatic one attendlll~ the three·day meeting,

Coish, who was quite ill with lege'to live in her home (or a year £Iu, and who had to remain In during ·"he period· I served as a (or longer period than most will student. minister in her home· be glad. to' know he Is' now 1m· town' of L~Seie. Her home became proving, and hopes to be able to my home too, and the greatest stau1; his usual summer work in possible measure of courtesy and the not too distant future. . respect was' given to me un·

F. M. O'LEARY LTD. CORNER BROOK, Nfld. (CP)- Three veh'lcles were in collision since t1te Hltler·Stalin pact of aimed at reViewing new develop'

Doctors oog a .22;callbre 'rifle. slug on Aldershrit Street yesterdny. A 1939) of the infinite capacity of ments In the pulp and paper field. out o[ the (hi,;h of :: t4.ycar-old truck was in collision with a van the Soviet leaders for tergiver- The delegates will discuss more hoy today while' polic~ sought a I which then mung acro~~ a street . ~atIon and of their. complete dis- economical methods of plant pro­marksman whn :;hot hll11 \\'hl~ he to hit a parkrd car. Nil one was 1 reGard fur anYlhl.DlI except t~e cluction ami possibte nse of waste

Mr. Albert. Porter was ·in town fallIngly. Here, too, the poor were Friday from Porterville. never: sent away empty handed,

\1'H!k~d hllll:C 11'0111 a sports lI-~ld., injured. •. \ immediate objectl\'es of t~telr material. I ohce ~ald Hobert. Drove~ ap'l I momentary! policies. And it IS a Alter the mcclinrl the Briti,h

parent!>. got In the hne of lire of . ' '1'1 ' " '\1 one fecls . . "'. I ~omconr. shunting stral' cats Or at! The slimmest whisl,er on. a I warn ng \\ lIe.1 \\1 , . . group Will tour Canadian P anls.

ReI'. RndMrs. D. and little son and the .visitor always received a lI'el'e In town on Saturday from I warm welcome. To her dutiful I.aurcnceton. tl)~y were guests o( husb~nd she gave ~nsparinglY of :llrs. E. H. ·March. " her love and affectIOn, and the

mutual love and respect that was

a target. The lad's condition was; man's face is thicker than the I, s:u·c, not pass unnotle~d far ~llt'l Earlier ~londn~'. ~rthur Bal,er, nol serious. . i heavies 'hair on his scalp. ! Side the Ironticrs of 'lugosialla, ,chief technlca: adVisor for Bo· I 1 water's Paper Corporation, L?n.

! '..: don, said Ihere is a \\'orlrl'\\,ld~

FRIE:-iDSJIlP LINK always in evidnece produced an \\'ATERTON LAl\ES, Alta. (CP) atmosphere thr.t was conducive to

-Second annual International day real happiness and peace. at Waterton Lakes national park She was a brave chl'istlan soul will be held June 25. Northern who bore th'e long months of suf· ! Tenders For FIsh need [or administrators with 8

I . talent for leadership and inde-

PI N 0 pendent and logical thought. ant oW pen He said the enc.ouragem.ent of Tenders feir construction of a research.and,inventlon prOVide the

salt fish plant at Merasheen are keys to prosp~rity. In 1000, news· noW being Invited by the New- prlnt mn.chlnes pr?duced ribbons of foundlarid Fishery Development paper 10 feet Wide at a rate of Authority. These wishing to tender 25.0 to more ill an. 2,000 feet a have up until June 30lh. mmule and macillnes now were

_____ .__ producing stdps 254 feet wide.

City police arrested' one drunk Finance Minister Gagnon weI· driv~r. and one or'dinary drunk eomcd delegates on behall 01 l're· du1'ing the night.' No collisions mler Duplessis were. repolled. , . ~------

~w.isporte Notes (Continued from page 9)

Forward, are a'ny indication. Birthday greetings are' extend·

ed to Misses 'Verna Stuckless, Thelma. Hodder'and Sheila Man· uel who celebrated birthdays re-cently. , ".

Montana Chamb~rs. of Commerce fering and pain with true christian are being invited to pilltieipate. fortitude and 'without complaint,

TRANSFORlI1ED COURSE and there was no moaning of lhe VANCOUVER (CP)"A $1,750,000 bar when· she put out to sea.

junlor.senior high school will be . She leaves to mourn their sad built on the site of Qullchena gol! loss, her hushand, h~r al(ed mot· course in· Vancouver's residential her, Mrs. Elizabclh Chipp of La· will take up the remainder of the Scie' four. brothers, William of s~cti.on. A park and bousing area Tor~rilo, and Albert, Chesley and site. Heber: at home .. Also two sisters.

Dl~A'I'1I . Mrs. Norman 'l'hom~ of LaScie anti ____ !tIrs~' Jolin Parsons of Graml

WADDIGAN '-. Passed peace· d t fully away on'Tuesday, June 'Ith., Fall!. 1'0 all of whom eepes Ellen, widow' of the late James synipathy is hereby exlended. Wnddiglln, 'leaving to mourn' one :The :iU'neral service was con· son, three grandchildren, and tWo ducted by Rev.' R. B.· Green of sisters .. Funeral: on Thursday, June Grand .'Fdls l!1d interment was in 9th., by, motor hearse.·from ·.her late. residenccj·l·' Leslie St;wlth the' united' Church cemetery at Solemn 'Mass 'of' Requiem. at St. Badger. There. all·that was mortal Patrick's Church:at 10.30' a.m. , of ·Sarah.'Jane Manuel.will lie in

. BmTHS .. :" .' peace "until tbe .. day dawns and the sbadows d\ee .away." A.f:.B.

HANDRIGAN ~ .Born at .. St. Ciare:s . Mercy. Hospital on June 'Ith .• to lIIr. and . Mrs; Stepben Handrigan, .·(nee . Carmel, Bilird), a .daughter. ' , "

O'REILLEY-'-Born at 5t; Clare's Mercy . Hospital· on . June . 6th'i ;to Mr. and Mrs. ·Albert. E. O'Rei ley, a son. .' ... "

Air Marshal,' ·rlant ·.Explains '

The mBIlY friend! of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mackay were happy to sec them In town last week; end Irom Harmon Bal;e, where 'Mr. 'Mackay is empioyed. lItrs. Mackay is the' former Miss Blanc~e Ivany. ·.who wlll beev~r a welcome guest In this town by 1~ __ I11! __ "!111" __ a' large numbor ,of friends:. Glad. to sce you looking sO well and happy, while :here they' were guests of 'Mr. and,·Mrs. Sidney, Hodder: .They·motored to Gand·· er during. their short stay •.

OTTAWA (CP)-Alr' Viee·Mar­s~al John Lo' Plant tor!ay accepted "without complaint and without comment" . a. public rebuke by the

Mr •. and -Mrs. J. CUIl'iew who spent Friday at· Botwood . and Grand Falls' were unfortunately compelled. to ,leave ttie'lr . car at Botwood, 'and' return via Laur· , cnceton, due to some trouble at the Exploltll" River.

IN MEMORIAM' . . -, .. '

BATTEN·· --.' 'i :

In'-:Memory of' .. ' NATHANm~ '.BA'lTEN " .:

~ .who died .. . June' 6th, 1950.

Gone but, not' forgo!ten. ·-t~~erted ·by. his'. wife Annie' . M. Biltten. . ' .' :

government. ' He snicl In' a brief statement Is·

sued:·at1b1s office: :'Any'remarks maOO·by me were

not designed. to stir .. up .inter·serv· ice'troublo . nor raise· political' is sues. •.

'''1 have stated to the minister of national defence (Ralph Campney) that any action taken by him or tit.!· governmimt. wiU be,' accepted by me without complaint and with·

, .You· get muph.more .than ius~'a roo I ... , overhead . wh~n you' huy M?rray' Asphalt Shi~!1l~. ... " Behind these beautiiul, durable shingles is one of the

. "malt £amoW: names·in'roofing. ~ • GlIIuringyou '0£ 'long, trouble· free prauction·.· Let· us 'show you' our' " Clttroctiv"range of solid tones and blends" They can

Little Kath'rlrine,' daughler of \._-_ .. ___ ..... 1 Mr. nnd Mrs, Guy Small recently celebrated' her blrtliday, with the usual little friends as guests. '

out comment and in' the best pos· sible spirit. H •

'. ;The. air vice.marshal was reo UeV,ed 'ofhls job Monday as chief of RCAF· kchnieal . services' for saying. pubUcly at To~onto. 'last\ week that jae army should be scrapped· and, tIlat 'atomic war lip·

he' appU.d over oldrooEing, too I . . . .' , • ~ I ....... I . ._-------------_ .... _----------

'. '..

. Congratuaitions' arc extended to !\lr; and l\lr.s. llay Whitc, on. the rcccntbirth· of a baby: boy, ·and. to, lila'. and Mrs. Frii'1k Lacey and Mr. iuid Mrs. M. Bursey on the birth. of a 'baby boy: .. ' t

Mr. and. Mrs., Chas. Fudge ae:' 'companled by,Mlss BernIce. An· drews, avent, w.eek:~nd at GalJder. Hope you dlrln·t find it too lo'n'ely there' Bernice., ' ,... .


LADIES'''' BLOUSES ,~ • • ~. I .

pears inevitable. ,', Mr •. Campl)ey told the Commons

Air Vice-Marshal Plant's remarks were "highly inappropriate." The officer 'has been appointed head of air' material' command hero, a. pOst :whlch does not involve deal· " in~s with the !navy 'and army. ,I

When you build, repair or remodel. The use of !

just the RIGHT materials for any job pays off in ;uture savings. We can help you choose the best

materials for your job.

PANELING What.v.r I y P e .. \\'Ood pa .. Un~ yo. prer,r you caD IInd'll prcler you find 11 hf're. Most :1peeltl carried In .tock.


PAINT Fin,,1 qUIlIly Int.nDI and .xteTtor paint. Col a u r JUI~e!lIoL

books I.allabl •.




PLYWOOD Interior Ind .1Im ..


types of IInul qual· Ill'. W. lOck a .om· pl.l. Un. DE th\O T'" Fln,st quailly Inl.rlor B',

.- ..... -~--..

FLOORING Fln .. 1 "".IIt1.. .' oak And birch noor· In~. FlnI,b.d Dr un IInlsh.d. AU .1, ...






Cana Seel{s

WestG loins In Fislterv

" " aT!' -",VA (CP may join the tional \\':!St ,,,,3m,'"

Dr. J. LlU"UU·'.

crnment fiion's today 'his ing joining the on doing morl grounds off Slates an'd

He told the sea' fislieries cent of the landed "ill 10' uall:.

TO~ONTO. maximum Dawson ., Vaneou I'Cr VictDria . Ednionton Calgary .• _ Regina:·: • Winnipeg 'I:oronto' . , otta\v' ' .. a .. MontreaL

Mrs: Sld'ncY, Northcott recently· spent:'tihollda yat Bisbbp's . FaUS·. lIuest, or Mr. ,arid· Mrs .. WaIter Price. " .:' '." . , . . The'many frierid~'~f Mr. Claude I

. :A r.o:J.swimmer is ,handicapped: , when handling canoes.· or' any I '1 other kind of boat. He is in dan· I ,. /1,er in lny water where th.e depth ... varies. II pays to learn to swim.



" . .

.. , \'

'.' . I .. : " . , 'r.

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