the good book award · 2 days ago · st mark’s@home newsletter 9 – 19th june the good book...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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St Mark’s@home Newsletter 9 – 19th June


EYFS Camber Logan Awarded for fantastic number work all the way to 100!

EYFS Windsor Asher-Blue

Awarded for writing excellent worm facts this week.

Year 1 Arundel Oliver Awarded for showing enthusiasm towards science and working extremely hard in maths this week.

Year 1 Bodiam Valentino Awarded for brilliant mental maths doubling numbers.

Year 2 Pevensey Benjamin Awarded for keeping up the great Home Learning and regular reading.

Year 2 Leeds Ava Awarded for learning Spanish!

Year 3 Deal Isabella Awarded for continuing to keep up with her reading and exploring new texts.

Year 3 Lewes Morris Awarded for creating lots of fantastic learning that we are proud of!

Year 4 Dover Lillie Awarded for an incredible amount of lovely reading! A genuine book worm!

Year 4 Farnham Harvey Awarded for showing great effort in school and having a positive attitude towards all learning.

Year 5 Hever Harley Awarded for excellent home learning especially in maths..

Year 5 Lullingstone Daniil Awarded for continuing to work hard in his home learning and sharing his success.

Year 6 Rochester Daniel Awarded for working hard to develop the vocabulary and structure of his writing.

Year 6 Oxford Hrishaan Awarded for working very hard to improve his writing with very good success.

EYFS – Camber & Windsor In class this week, Early years have been busy learning all about worms! We began by reading the book ‘yucky worms’ We have become super wormologists by searching for those wriggly creatures and we’ve even made our own wormery. We have learnt some super worm facts too. Did you know that a worm has 5 hearts? Logan and Florence have been super busy counting to 100! Franklin has been refining his cooking skills by making pasta. Yummy! Bentley has been a busy bee and has been doing some super reading and writing. Louis and Jacob have also been super writers and have written their class a letter! What a fantastic week! I wonder what creepy crawlies we are looking at next week?! From the Early year’s team. Year 1 – Arundel & Bodiam

In Maths this week year 1 have been looking at Multiplication and Division. They have been making arrays to support their multiplication and have been sharing and grouping to help with division. The children have been enjoying choosing their own Maths puzzles and problems to solve. The children this week have read an extract from Pattan’s Pumpkin, they were asked to think about their favourite fruit, vegetable or herb they would plant and how this would need to be looked after. The children were asked to design their own

gardens. Year 1 children have been imagining being stuck on an Island last week they created these at home through pictures, painting and models. This week it was time to find a way off, so they have been writing messages to get help. These are going in bottles and floating out to sea. In Science children have been learning about Senses, they have learnt what these are and which ones we use when doing different activities. Please keep sending in your amazing home learning to

Year 2 – Leeds & Pevensey Well done Year 2 for another great week of Home Learning – despite all the rain! Hopefully though, any plants you planted last term have been growing lots and are starting to look luscious. We’d love to see any photos of how they’re getting on! Well done to all of you who are keeping up the Home Learning activities, like Alex who worked hard at our Science work on Survival.

It’s been great to see your online learning too, like Alexander who created a great poster about his favourite animal. And those of you who are working

at a wide range of other activities, like Jack who made and described some 3D shapes using spaghetti and marshmallows, or Ava who has been learning Spanish with her Grandpa. Keep up the fantastic work Year 2, we’re really proud of all you’re doing. Love Mrs Smith, Mrs Kington and Mrs Davies. Year 3 – Deal & Lewes Well done to everyone who has been doing home-schooling at home! You are all amazing! We know at times it must be hard to stay motivated but make sure you choose things that you enjoy! Don’t worry if you don’t get to do absolutely everything, just try and complete a selection of the learning. It has been another busy week in the world of Year 3. In English we were looking at The Bluest of the Blues and in SPaG continuing with the present perfect tense. In Science, we are continuing our ongoing Light topic, focusing on marvellous mirrors. Thank you to everyone who has sent in pictures of their learning! Lots of children have been hard at word! Well done to Horatio and Timon who have mastered the present past tense. It’s great to see how many goals and challenges children are setting themselves, particularly Pixie, Morris and Ellie. Lots of you have been enjoying our Science learning and it’s great to see your reflective book bags

and mirror experiments Henry, Anastasia and Reuben. Although your Topic projects aren’t in until the end of the Term, Estefano and Douglas have made a great start, along with lots of others too. We can wait to see them all! Chloe and Isabella both used Oliver and the Seawigs for their English learning

and thought about The Island and it’s features. Arthur and Millie took up the Sudoku challenge and Archie and Lennie sent in their underwater theme artwork. Finally, Alexa continued her independent learning on Catherine of Aragon. A huge well done to everybody for not only these examples, but also ALL your home learning! It truly is amazing! We’ve had another great week, keep it up Year 3! Take care, Mrs Haynes, Miss Porter and Mrs Speight

Year 4 – Dover & Farnham We have had a selection of lovely work sent in this week showing how engaged the children are with their Maths and English learning. We have even had a movie trailer for a fantastic story that was written, just going to show the creativity on display at home.

We hope that you are continuing to enjoy our class story which contains many prominent issues and is one that many children in the class will be able to relate to in some capacity. The Maths learning should have been a good opportunity to practice some key methods and hopefully you are still enjoying our topic of Vikings. Please do continue to send work in to the year 4 email address, as we would love to feature examples of your child's work in the newsletter. Stay safe, we hope to see you soon.

Year 5 – Hever & Lullingstone Well done to all those Year 5 children who have been keeping up the great Home Learning and sending work over to us. This week we have continued with our Victorian learning, which has proved to be very popular with many of you. Daniel H produced a heart-warming diary entry of a Victorian child working in the coal mines and living under such tough conditions, Brooke was able to use her senses to describe the working environment that Victorian children had to endure and Harley was able to accurately order the events of Lord Shaftesbury’s Timeline.

In other learning, Rosie has been working extremely hard and managed to hit 72 with her Big Maths - well done Rosie! She has also been practising her art skills using her iPad and created a beautiful picture of a mermaid. Lucas has also been working very hard across all subjects and even had a special visitor joining him with his home learning this week! Stay safe and take care, the Year 5 Team

Year 6 – Oxford & Rochester This week in Maths the children solved two step equations, found pairs of values, converted metric measures, converted miles and kilometres and investigated an ‘age old problem’. In English the children read an extract from ‘The Midnight Fox’. They answered questions about the text and created drawings linked to it. They then wrote a piece from an insect’s perspective, considering the challenges and dangers. In the afternoon sessions, the children have been researching different kinds of bread and tried designing and making their own bread! In school, Yr6 have been studying 'The Viewer', a fantastic picture book that has enabled us to explore ambitious vocabulary and detailed illustrations that have inspired us to predict what happens next. We are beginning to use sketching techniques to create art in the style of the illustrator too. In maths, we've been looking at statistics work and ensuring our understanding of 3D shapes is sound. In the afternoons, as well as topic, science and RE, we have been lucky enough to start the summer sports of cricket and rounders - GREAT FUN! Under the Water Art Challenge Thank you for all the under the sea art work and that have already been sent in to us. There have been some lovely ideas to create 3D artwork as well as paintings and drawings.

Keep sending in any paper plate artwork you created to share in next week’s newsletter. Keep safe, Miss Burton

INSET day in July: You may recall that we cancelled our INSET day before half term in order to open the school for Key Worker’s children. We will now be reinstating the INSET day on the last day of Term 6: Wednesday 22nd July, this means that the last day of term for the children will be Tuesday 21st July. Staff will be using the inset day to begin to put in place the necessary arrangements for the return of children in September.

Update: From next week, we are opening a further ‘bubble’ for the children of keyworkers to cater for the increase numbers that we have seen over the past two weeks. The SLT are aiming to get further information out to all parents early next week, as to the additional arrangements/provision for children for the remainder of the term. Best wishes Mr Bird

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