the hoosier · time celebrating together at the 109th...

Post on 29-Jul-2020






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THE HOOSIER GIDEONThe Gideons International of Indiana

Distributing Gods Word to Indiana and 194 Countries Worldwide

November/December 2011

Vision 2020Earl StewartChurch Ministry Coordinator

Hebrews 13:7-8“Remember them which have rule over you, who have spoken unto you the Word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end of their

conversation, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever.”

So what has changed?

Why are we not holding as many church services?

It must be us!!!

VISION 2020 - “To have intentionally developed a relationship with each eligible church in every camp area!”

This will also be our goal in Indiana, to intentionally develop a relationship with every pastor, church leader and eligible church in the state!

We must communicate to pastors and congregations that we are a viable entity; that we are an extended missionary arm of their church. With their funds, their members and their prayers, we take the Holy Written Word of God to areas of the world where they do not normally go with the spoken word.

Only 14% of the world’s population will ever have an opportunity to hear an evangelical preacher. Therefore, we must distribute the God’s Word to the other 86%.

Please pray for all of our pastors, for any special needs they may have, and for all their family needs!Are you willing to start the Vision 2020 today?

Are you willing to make the change ---- to honor Jesus Christ?

An Expected Blessing

Paul Torma, President, Clark Co. West

The temps outside were unbearable that day. The coolness of the air conditioner brought them in droves! The old bait and switch technique came in handy here. The air lured them in and we gave out Gospel tracts, approximately 250-300 per shift of four hours each – all in Jesus Name. Our 10 x 20 booth, paid for by the Camps’ $25 donations*, was quite homey, nestled in between two other booths, - Pain Ointment and toe ring sales. Needless to say, we saw quite an array of people – all in need of Jesus!I was blessed to work with Vern & Madelyn Ramsey, Indianapolis, and Brother Glenn Klipp, Anderson. What a blessing! When we weren’t giving out tracts, which were rare, we had beautiful fellowship about our Lord, as our names were written in the His Book of Remembrance, as we “…spake often of him…” (Malachi 3:16) I received such a blessing by being given the unworthy and unexpected privilege of passing out tracts. A total of approximately 18,000 were distributed during the entire Fair. Thank you so much, Vern Ramsey and Delos Maxwell, for organizing the Gideon booth at the State Fair. No doubt, our Lord and Savior was glorified with your efforts. Sign me up for the same time, same day, same place for next year!*Please note: We are still waiting for some Camps to give their donation. Please send your donations today to Bro. Bill MacAfee, State Treasurer.

Convention Wrap-upBob HublerState VP – Southern RegionConvention General Chair

We had a tremendous time celebrating together at the 109th annual Gideon and Auxiliary State Convention held this year in Fort Wayne. We started the weekend with a

scripture distribution and awesome Gospel Concert on Thursday, and finished with a challenging Fellowship Banquet message Saturday night and the disbursing of Gideons around the Fort Wayne area for Church Reports on Sunday morning.

We had a total of 418 Gideon and Auxiliary members attend some portion of the convention this year. This includes 120 Gideon and 105 Auxiliary members who attended the elections on Saturday. There were 80 camps represented by at least one member attending the convention. We also had 7 young people who participated in the weekend activities.

We had a total of 532 attendees at the Pastor Appreciation Banquet on Friday evening. This total included 192 Pastors or other church guests. We also conducted over 80 church services in conjunction with the convention.There were total Faith Fund offerings collected as a part of the convention of $152,707.92, which included $690 pre-convention giving, $1,740 post-convention giving, and Auxiliary offerings totaling over $24,000!

It is not too early to begin planning to attend 110th annual convention. You can start by marking your calendar for September 14th to the 16th, 2012. The convention will be held at the Indianapolis Marriott East, near the junction of I-465 and I-70. Please, also be in prayer for the Convention Committee as they begin now to put together next’s year’s event.


An Action Plan to meet Indiana Program Goals: Craig Black, State President

Vision 2020 - Objective 100 from Gideons International says that by the year 2020 we intend:To have developed, personally and corporately, a culture of excellence throughout the worldwide ministry where 100% achievement, commitment and effort is the benchmark • To be distributing 120 million Scriptures annually.• To have 100% of our members, Gideons and Auxiliary, in every camp involved in camp activities.• To have intentionally developed a relationship with each eligible church in every camp area.

“Run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

How are we going to do that? I believe this action plan is where we need to start, and as we accomplish each of the steps listed for each program we will see ourselves making great progress toward our overall goals.It will, however, require that each one of us step out of our comfort zone and join together as a team in our Camp, in our Area, and in our State to insure that each of the 5 programs are given the attention and work necessary to complete Indiana’s portion of the International 2020 goal.The Indiana Gideon and Auxiliary Association is committed to Vision 2020 Objective 100!Are you committed to Vision 2020 Objective 100?And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24

Indiana Program Goals and Action Plans for 2011/2012 Membership – Form 1281. Involve every camp member in the activities of their camp.2. Implement a camp mentoring program that will insure that every Gideon and Auxiliary knows the opportunities of the Gideon Ministry. 3. Call Inactive members and visit them if possible. Follow up with a personal letter.4. Communicate the importance of Personal Enlistment. 5. Every camp shall have an Annual Membership Dinner Meeting or New Member Plan. Neighbor camps might hold a joint Annual Membership Dinner Meeting. (Super AMD for troubled camps, visit all churches for names, ask for state help)6. Retention of all camp members annually.

Church Ministries – Form 2231. Each camp will ask every church, every year. Keep a record of all contacts. (A camp with 100 churches would need to contact 8 churches per month.)2. Each Gideon will have a presentation in his own church.3. Each camp should have at least 2 church relations days.4. Each camp will qualify interested men as speakers and re-qualify speakers as they become due for re-qualification. Promote Speak Up each February.

Faith Fund – Form 1311. Each camp will participate in the Area Faith Fund Rally.2. Each camp will hold a Faith Fund meeting on the years they do not hold an evening Pastor Appreciation Event. 3. Each camp will participate in the Countdown 100 and bring or send to the State Convention. 4. Each camp will challenge inactive members to give to the Faith Fund.

Scripture Distribution – Form 1151. Each camp will stay on top of all possible distributions available in their camp territory.2. Each camp will contact all hotel/motels in April and October for flood the world.3. Each camp will look for new opportunities and make sure all distributions are Guide Book!

GideonCard – Form 8141. Every camp will strive to show the DVD in 12 churches.2. Every camp will distribute two 825 card packets per member.3. Each church speaker will take card packets to each church presentation to share.4. Each camp will show the current DVD at their Pastor Event.5. Each camp will have cards and displays available to use during Church Relations Days


Answered PrayersEllen Smith, Indiana State Auxiliary President

Acts 15: 7-8: “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will,And it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit;So shall ye be my disciples.” Once again we have completed a week-end at our Indiana State Convention.

Truly, it was a very successful and inspiring Convention. We had the next to largest group of Gideons and Auxiliary members there that have been at one of our State Conventions. The speakers and Presenters were outstanding and did a wonderful job, both Gideons and Auxiliary. Our speakers and representatives from International did a wonderful job and were enjoyed by all. The Auxiliary expecially enjoyed the presentations and testimonies of Mrs. Kay Grindall, our IACR. AND, of course, we were encouraged and happy to hear her responses to the cabinet of her impression of the Convention. ALL GOOD!The Auxiliary did an exceptional job this year with their “HEART” program.The offering at the President’s breakfast was inspiring and challenging with a roll call offering of $12,794.83 – double last year’s! Total offering was $24,319.80 and with our goal of $20,000.00, we were nearly 22 percent over the goal. Praise the Lord!We were also very happy to have guests attending our convention from other States. The Auxiliary had guests from Kentucky and Michigan. We also received an Expressions Card from the State of Ohio Auxiliary expressing their desire to attend the convention, and their sorrow over the fact that they were unable to attend. They sent a gift of five (5) Bibles to express their encouragement and consideration of all that would be presented at the Convention.God Is So Good! We pray and pray and we expect to have answers to our Prayers, but most of the time, God answers us in such a magnificent way that we are unable to realize all that He has done in answer to our prayers. That is also true of the work that we need to do for Him. He calls us because He knows that we are capable of doing and what needs to be done. We are so tempted to give an excuse of being incapable, too old, too busy with other things, or we just don’t want to do what He calls us to do. We all need to pray more and believe that He will answer. We should recognize that He knows us better than we do ourselves, and then set out to accomplish the things that He has put before us. Let us all strive to be what he wants us to be and accomplish the things He wants us to do. The Auxiliary will grow and increase in all our goals if each auxiliary member would do just this – to always pray without ceasing and to follow what God has put before us to accomplish. To Him be all the Praise and Glory!

Testimonies From the Ft. Wayne Pre Convention Blitz While preparing for the blitz, I made contact with A Hope Center, Pregnancy & Relationships Resources. I explained about the blitz coming in September and asked if they needed Bibles. The man I spoke with said it must have been God working because he had a note on his desk to contact the Gideons to see if more Bibles could be delivered. The camps in Allen County have an ongoing ministry with them. It was a pleasure to hear about the ministry and the thousands of clients the Hope Center serves each year. They are selective on giving Bibles to only those that do not have one.Janet Marshall, Allen County West

The Aids Task Force had moved so we went into the Big Yellow Cab Company. The manager (Doug) was there and took 2 PWTs. One was for his co-worker who is a Muslim. Please pray for Doug and his witness to his co-worker.Diana Morr, Noble County

Steppin’ Up Physical Therapy was not on our list but we stopped in and the woman refused. I was outside and a worker passed by and I asked her if she would like a personal Testament and she said sure. It just so happened she was a worker from Steppin’ Up.Diana Morr, Noble County

Total Bibles and Testaments distributed in the Ft. Wayne area were 9,693.

Thanks for all your help.

Russ Wolfe, age 93, leads the singing at the Clay Co. PAB Oct. 13th at Center Point, IN. Bro. Russ attends every camp meeting and every prayer breakfast and visits the County Jail every Friday. He has lead well over 100 people to the Lord so far. The PAB Faith Fund contributions will purchase 1,300 Scriptures for India.

(Photo by W.G. Willis)

“I can Only Imagine” sung by Auxiliary mem-ber Melody Barker of the Warsaw-Winona Camp during the Convention Joint Luncheon Friday, Sept. 16th. Melody also introduced the Whitco High School Gospel Choir at the Special Pre Convention Presentation Thursday, Sept. 15th.

(Photo by W.G. Willis)

Wilber Weber, Allen Co. West Scripture Chairman, presents Testaments to members of the Whitco High School Gospel Choir following their performance on Thursday, Sept. 15th after the Ft. Wayne Blitz and just prior to the State Convention. (Photo by W.G. Willis)


SPIRITUAL SEVEN UPSHalcia Martin, Former State Auxiliary Chaplain

Think about the day you were born – I’m sure your parents and other relatives have told you about that day – about all the plans they made for your arrival, and the hopes and dreams they had for you.Now think how God planned for that day. He planned not only for you, but for all the other children born on that day and on each

and every day!Look at what Psalm 139 says about this. Verses 1 & 2 and 13 through 16.“O Lord You have searched me and known me.You know my sitting down and my rising up;You understand my thought afar off.For You formed my inward parts;You covered me in my mother’s womb.I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.And in Your book they all were written,The days fashioned for me,When as yet there were none of them.”Just think about it – each one of us are God’s art work –an incredible life designed by The Great Artist. God chose each one of us to be a blessing. He had in mind even at our creation all the blessings we could be to others.Sounds overwhelming doesn’t it? Remember, God didn’t just create us and leave us on our own. He has given us His Word to help and guide us.I remember, as a child, when I didn’t feel well, my Mother giving me some 7-up to sip on, and years later, I would do the same for my son, and probably many of you have done that too. Well, God has given us, in His Word, many “ups” for our spiritual life.The first “up” we do in the morning is “wake up”, and hopefully our first thoughts are of God. As we say “Good Morning, God,” our first scripture to dwell on is Psalm 118: 24. “This is the day which the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Our prayer should be to look forward eagerly to whatever God has planned for us each day.Shortly after waking up, we usually have something to eat. As children, we had to eat in order to grow up physically. We do still need nourishment for our bodies, but more importantly, our true need for nourishment is for our souls. So our second “up” is to “grow up,” spiritually. Peter tells us in I Peter 2: 2, “ newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby...” and again in II Peter, he admonishes us to “...grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ....” For our nourishment to ‘grow up’ spiritually, we need to be in the Word – to read and study it each day.A third “up” we do in the morning, is to “clean up.” We wash our face, brush our teeth, comb our hair – so that we’ll feel good about ourselves. We also need to clean up our hearts, so we can feel good about our relationship with God. David prayed in Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” We too need to pray for a clean heart, so that our thoughts and actions throughout the day will be done in kindness.

Another morning event is to get dressed – to “dress up.” To dress up our spiritual lives, we need to put a smile on our faces that will reflect God’s love. By our very actions we can show the love of God. If we are willing to share that love, we can claim Psalm 9:1 for our own lives; “I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvelous works.”Those first 4 “ups” are things we physically do every day – let them be reminders to us to call upon God, that we might see His plan for us each day to be a blessing to someone.The final 3 “ups” may occur at any time or place. How often do you “look-up”? When you hear a bird singing in the spring – when you see a beautiful sun rise or sun set – when you hear a low-flying airplane? Whenever we look up at something, let it remind us to look up to God. Even though we can’t see a physical being, we are reminded in II Corinthians 4:18 that the things which are not seen are eternal. Let’s also be reminded to claim one of the great promises of God given in Philippians 4: 13. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” So be sure to look up to God each day and He will strengthen you.Our sixth “up” is to “lift up.” We all have cabinets and closets with high shelves where we have to lift up objects in order to put them away. Whenever you lift up something, pause for a moment and lift up a prayer to God – whisper a thank you, pray for a friend, ask for guidance in a special situation – just a few words – God hears every prayer – no matter how short or quick – that we lift up to Him. Remember, we are lifting up our prayers to a living God, And by whispering these short prayers throughout the day, we are fulfilling one of God’s commands given to us in I Thessalonians 5: 17 “Pray without ceasing.”And finally our seventh “up” – is to “reach up.” Reaching up takes some effort and is work, so let’s make and effort to reach up to God each and every day, asking for His wisdom and guidance. Proverbs 3: 5-6 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” I challenge you to use these 7 spiritual “ups” –Wake up, Grow up, Clean up, Dress up, Look up, Lift up, and Reach up – as we work in the Auxiliary. Remember That God created you, and He has something special in mind for you today!

Pray. Lord, we lift up our hearts, and minds, and our entire bodies to you, because you are worthy to be praised. Thank you for being the Great Artist who created us. You created each one of us as unique beings because you have a unique plan for our life. As we contemplate what we need to accomplish each day, we ask that You guide us. You, Who know our rising up and our sitting down, are the only one qualified to give us advice. May each step we take, each day we live, bring us closer to all that You intended for us from the very beginning. Help us each day to look for ways to share Your hope, Your joy, Your comfort, and Your love with those around us. Amen

Lois C Hetmansperger DekalbJoAnn Whitaker St. Joseph Co. WestEd Weaver NappaneeFloyd Lee Terre Haute SouthRichard N. Snider MarionLloyd H. Overmyer Pulaski Co.Jim Holesapple South Lake Co.Alfred Engelberth Warsaw/WinonaStuart Arthur Coiner Allen Co. EastCathering B. Preusz VincennesDennis Swayze Owen Co.Marge Wiley Evansville east

Gideons and Auxiliary with the Lord...


Prayer Requests. . .Pray for State Training Leaders as they encourageBoth the new and existing members: Greenwood Dennis & Genise Lohr St. Joseph East Robert & Telma Trimmer St. Joseph West Thomas & Bobbie Leland Muncie East Norman & Judy Needler Muncie West Neil McCammon & Sue Scott Marion North John & Phyllis Wray Marion South Robert & Marcia BenjaminNew Member Plans: Pray for the new members that they will each catch the vision of winning the lost to Christ, and that God will give them many years of service to Him. .

Please pray for those suffering with physical issues or other needs: (Please provide updates to Gideon State Chaplain before December 1st) Lucy Kesler (Lungs) Jay County Rinada Davis (Cancer) Jay County Michael Hassler (VA Therapy) Decatur Co. Harley Kelly (Medical Issues) Allen Co. East

What Cost’s God Anything?Chris Ray, State Chaplain

What is the only thing that ever cost God anything? Think about this. Our God created the heavens and the earth and all that therein is by just speaking.Yes, God has all power and can do anything. He doesn’t have to work at it. He doesn’t spend any money or effort. None of it costs God anything. Innumerable stars, planets, solar systems, a complete universe, even angels and all of it at no cost whatsoever.Now listen to remarkable verses: Hebrews 12:2-4“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.”The only thing that ever hurt God or caused Him any suffering or pain, was saving our souls. Jesus suffered real pain. He allowed Himself to be beaten, laughed at, whipped and hung naked in shame on a cross. The Creator allowed creatures He had made to do this. Why?So we could be with Him in heaven. So we could talk to Him, love Him, spend time with Him. He came that you might have life and that more abundant. Are you living that life? Is your life more abundant? It should be! You should be living where amazing is so ordinary.Think about this. He loved you so much that He, the Creator, suffered and died for you. And not only you but He died for the whole world. His pain was for us who were going against Him. He showed us what real love is. Then He said “Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.”What a great point! If the only thing that cost God anything was saving us, what should be our response? We should at the very least live for Him. We should try to do the things He likes. We should tell this world the good news: Jesus paid the price. He took the pain and bore our sins. No one ever cared for us like Jesus. A Personal Workers Testament lets them read it for themselves.

Greetings from Area 7. Arnold & Marcia Graves, Area 7 Directors

Nehemiah 8:10 says “ …for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” It looks like the fall season in this Area is a busy one in Gideon work opportunities and blessings. There were Pastors’ Appreciation

Banquets for Terre Haute South and Clay County in October, and Owen County in early November. There were college distributions for Indiana University (Oct 13th), Indiana State University (Oct. 19th) and Ivy Tech—as well as U of E (Oct. 14th) just outside of our area. Terre Haute North and South were involved in a New Member Plan the month of October. Calling took place October 11th and 12th, and the New Member Dinner nights were on October 31st and November 1st. We are all in need of new members in our camps, but Terre Haute North currently has two active Gideons and no Auxiliary. Terre Haute South is like most camps. They just need new, committed men and women to serve alongside the current members. Please pray for men who can be active, accept leadership positions, and who are Godly men that will follow the “Books”—the Holy Bible, and the Gideon Guidebook. Following these two books will lead to activity that is God honoring. We will need men who can be involved in Scripture distributions, church ministry, and jail ministry. God has indeed blessed the Gideon ministry and to Him be all glory!! He indeed is our strength!

IU Sophomore Katie Jessen, of South Bend, happily receives a College Testament from Lambert Herman of the Bloomington Camp during the IU distribution on Wed., Oct. 12th. Looking on is Damon Disch of the Greenwood Camp, who will be going on an International Bible Blitz to Tialand in January. (Photo by W.G. Willis)

Wanted GideonsTo Qualify and Re-qualify as

Church Presenters.Salary--terrible, but benefits

out of this world.Apply to Area Director or

Church Ministry Regional Program Leader.


New Area 1 Director ThoughtsDick Fox II., Area 1 Director

In a letter sent out to all Gideon Camp members, Michael Steiner, International Chaplain quoted Pastor Robert J. Morgan, Bible Hour Speaker at the 2011 International Convention. “We don’t do The Great Commission any more effectively than when we give somebody a copy of the actual Word of God itself.”When I read those words, I reflected back to a letter that Area 1 Director Doug Kiser mailed out to all Area 1 Camps on August 22, 2009. In his letter he gave each camp their goals for 2009-10. He encouraged all of us to be diligent in taking time to collect the offering and to find out how many PWTs and 825s were given that month. We all know what aPWT is, but what is a 825? An 825 is the Tribute Card Collection.Doug went on to say: “I know that with the new camp meeting format it can be difficult to do these things, but we have an important task to accomplish - men, women, boys and girls need to know about Jesus.”All Gideon and Auxiliary members know the importance of good work habits and ethics. It is what has brought us through life thus far, taught to us by our parents, relatives and others. Well, it is time to learn two more “GOOD HABITS.” We need to have PWTs and an 825s when we leave home so we can distribute them as we go about our daily routine. What is so hard about making it a habit of always leaving your home with a PWT or 825 in your pocket? We are God’s hands here on earth to spread the good news about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We have not been asked to give out a PWT or 825 on either a daily or a weekly basis. Instead, we have been asked to give at least one a month and report it to your Area Director. Is that so hard, I don’t think so. Ask any wife what is the best thing to make for dinner and most will say, “Reservations for Dinner!” Most of us eat out a couple of times a month and we all have our favorite restaurant and waiter, However variety is good. I now leavea generous waiter’s tip inside a PWT. On a recent trip my wife Elaine asked the clerk at a gas station for a key to the lady’s restroom. Upon returning the key, Elaine told the clerk that she had a gift for her and gave the young girl a Periwinkle PWT. Think about it for a moment. You have opportunities to give a PWT or a 825 with the newspaper carrier, the bagger at the supermarket, the quick stop clerk, the UPS driver, and the garbage truck driver. And besides, if these people don’t need the gift, they might know someone who does. We all know what Isaiah 55: 11 says: “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the things for which I sent it.”So, I encourage you to start a “NEW GOOD HABIT” of not leaving home without a PWT and 825 in your pocket or purse, and then watch for the opportunity to spread the good news about Jesus Christ. “Together we GO.......” Matthew 28:19

“Find out what new members are interested in and get them involved.” Ellen Reed, State Auxiliary President talks to Gideon and Auxiliary Cabinet members and Regional Program Leaders at the Anderson Training Meeting on Sat., Oct. 15th.

“A problem is just an unsolved opportunity.” Zone 7 Trustee Bruce Chadwick, of Michigan, urges Camp Treasurers to accurately record Axuiliary contributions. Bruce spoke to attendees at the RPL training meeting in Anderson Oct. 15th and showed a picture of a camp in Ecuador which distributed 186,000 Scriptures last year with only 16 members!

(Photo by W.G. Willis)

Auxiliary Counts A Lot!Auxiliary members Dee Hamilton, Joan Morningstar and Molly Bontrager count the funds received at the Convention Auxiliary Luncheon Sept. 17th. The Auxiliary Luncheon raised $11,515 for the Convention Faith Fund in addition to another $12,745.08 at the Auxiliary Presidents Breakfast, a total of $24,260.08. (Photo by W.G. Willis)

DUES NOTICEAnnual Dues Renewal Notices were sent to all members in October in keeping with the Bylaws of The Gideons International. Dues are payable by calendar year in advance. Members are encouraged to pay their 2012 dues as soon as possible, but before the end of December.• By check• By telephone at 1-866-262-4253• Online in theConnectionOnce you get registered…login to the website with your email address and password, then to pay dues….click the button in the top right hand corner. It will be a burgundy color that says pay dues now. Click on this and follow the instructions to process your dues payment. After you enter your credit card number, you will click on the button titled “Proceed to Payment Confirmation”….Membership Payment Summary page comes up next….it’s wanting you to review your credit card information, then click the “Proceed to Pay” button again. The next screen will come up and it will X out all of your credit card numbers except the last four digits. It will say “Payment Complete” in bold letters at the top of the page. Then the dues payment has been processed.

T.E.A.M.Robert Benjamin, State VP – North Region

Have you ever seen the cartoon where there are two donkeys with ropes around their necks, and each are straining to get to the separate piles of hay just beyond their reach? In the second panel, it shows them both eating at one hay pile, followed by another panel showing them both eating at the second pile. That is an example of teamwork. (Please do not take offense by

my use of donkeys for this illustration!)Team can be defined as Together Everyone Accomplishes Much. There is a lot we can do through this ministry. The signs of the time seem to indicate that the Lord’s return is imminent. However, there are still billions who have not heard the Good News! So what do we need to do to get the Word to them? Every Gideon and Auxiliary should ask themselves what they can do individually and collectively with other camp members in this ministry. Here are some things that you might consider doing to help win the lost. Hand out a PWT or tract to someone. Take a pastor or church lay leader out for a meal to get better acquainted. Stop by a pastor’s office to pray with them. Obtain a church service. Speak in a church or show the GideonCard video. Update the GideonCard supplies in a church. Send a GideonCard or Special Occasion card to someone. (Christmas cards, providing 2 Scriptures each, are currently available for only $3.) Write a check to the Faith Fund. Participate in a distribution or placement. Serve as an officer. (Yes, even serving as an officer helps to win others to Christ as you help plan and coordinate the camp’s activities.) Together Everyone Accomplishes MuchWhat will you do in the remaining time?


The Committed Minority“God doesn’t use the sympathetic majority; He uses the committed minority.” A total of 6,159 Scriptures were placed by 35 Gideons at the IU distribution in Bloomington on Oct. 12th. David Merida, Bloomington Camp President, coordinated the annual event which included participation by several new Gideons. (Photo by W.G. Willis)

Montie Johnson of the Evansville East camp, by the booth at the Block party at the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer Bob Malcolm also was helping.

“And they stood, every man in his place, round about the camp.” Judges 7:21. New members of Muncie West Camp learn about the Gideons slogan during a Scripture Funds presentation by past State Treasurer Bill Willis at the Oct. 20th meeting. From left, Camp Pres. Steve Scott, Neil McCammon, Training Ldr., Lee Sollers, Dean Clark, John Ginter, Dick Perkins and Jerry Moore. Muncie West was among the top five Hoosier camps in FY’11 with 53 church services.

Gideon Christmas CardsRick Zehr, State GideonCard Coordinator

Give a Card, Send the Word, Change a Life this Christmas by using GideonCard Christmas cards. You can purchase a pack of 6 cards for $12.50 and each card sends a New Testament to a reaching hand somewhere in one of 194 countries around the world. GideonCards are a great way to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Each packet of 6 cards provides $10 in Scripture funds and the remain-ing $2.50 represents the cost of the cards themselves. Order you cards at You will find the link for Gideon Expressions Cards on the left or by calling (866)382-4253.

Orders must be received by December 5, 2011.

Auxiliary member Marcia Graves, a member of the Greene Co. Camp, gives the Auxiliary report during the Seymour PAB held Thursday, Sept. 22nd at the Pines in Seymour. Marcia served as Auxiliary State President 1979-80-81. The PAB Speaker was former Zone 6 Trustee Sonny Fentress of Lawrenceburg, KY who said that 2,521 Bibles have been given in memory of his wife, Ruthie.

(Photo by W.G. Willis)


FAITHLoyalty, Belief, Trust

Larry Wernert, State Faith Fund Coordinator

There are 113 different passages in my Bible on Faith, five in the Old Testament and one-hundred eight in the New Testament.As a farmer plants a field he has faith that the rain will come and the sun will shine and finally there will be a harvest. The more he sows the bigger the harvest. When we have faith in Jesus Christ this is the most important faith in the entire world. What a treasure we have when we have faith in Jesus Christ, the love shown at the cross of Calvary, forgiveness of sin and the gift of eternal life. Jesus said to his disciples in the gospel of Luke 15:4-7: “If you have one hundred sheep and one was lost, would you not leave the ninety-nine and go and find the one that was lost?” In the gospel of Matthew 9:37 Jesus spoke to his disciples, “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.”While on a bible distribution at Ivy Tech, a young man asked, “Why do you do this?” I told him that I love Jesus and I love all my brothers and sisters that don’t know Jesus yet. I explained to him that through faith, not works do we make the distributions wherever we can. He said he was glad I told him this. Yet, what a joy we have in having a part in bringing in a harvest for our master, Jesus Christ. At another distribution at the Laneville Heritage Weekend, I was passing out Testaments to the youth and two teenage girls came by and I offered them a free copy of God’s Word. They came over and received one each. I like to talk to the youth if given an opportunity, so I asked them if they were looking for boys. They grinned and giggled and said, “yes”. I told them to carry the Testament so the boys could see it. Then the boys will start following you because there are good boys looking for good girls. They left and the Gideon that was with me said, Larry, “Why did you tell those girls that?” I thought to myself “Our God is big and this is a small thing, we’ll see.” About 45 minutes later two girls and two boys passed by. They were laughing and having a good time, but just as they passed our booth the girls looked back at me with a big smile and gave me a high five. My Gideon friend said, “Those are the two girls who you gave the Testaments to, can you believe that!” Yes we find joy in handing out Testaments. Back to the word “FAITH”. One camp I know has a Faith Fund Can and every Saturday at prayer breakfast the Can is on the table. When one puts money into this can FAITH is imputed that somewhere people will be saved. Since we know that two out of three people don’t know Jesus as their personal Savior, “What an investment”! When you invest in the Word of God, be assured, it shall make a difference in a life of someone. Life is fleeting, but a vapor, while we have time please reach out to your neighbor and the world, for some have never heard the name of Jesus.

News From Area 10Roger Lehman, Area 10 Director

Over the past few months, Area 10 camps have been and will continue to be “flooding” the area with the Light of the World and the Sword of the Lord. 2,850 scriptures were put into the hands of college students at University of Southern Indiana. Over 6,800 were shared with the crowds of youngsters at the 2nd largest street festival in the US… the Evansville West Side Nut Club Fall Festival. College distributions were made in October to students at the University of Evansville, Vincennes University, and IvyTech University. I believe the amount of Light shed will exceed 15,000 Testaments. As we are aware in Indiana, we do not have access to the public schools, so we have let God lead us to the places these children will be! What an honor and privilege we have to place in the hands of today’s youth a weapon that will help them fight the battle for their souls. I thank God everyday for the men and women of this ministry who have been chosen to step out in faith, with outstretched hands, to feed the spiritually starving the eternal nourishment of the Word of God.

The “3 Bob’s” Pictured above are from left, Bob Cerling from the Evansville West Camp, Bob Ashby and Bob Malcolm from the Evansville East Camp. Together they represent 240 years of Gideon service. Photo was taken at the registration table for the Evansville East & West PAB on Oct. 20th.

Pictured above is Gina Moore from the Browne Sisters who sang praises to our Lord.Testimony Speaker was Violet Hardison from Sebree, KY.

Pictured to the left is Gideon State Chaplain Chris Ray and Area 10 Director Roger Lehman at the Evansville East & West PAB on Oct. 20th.Chris Ray was the Gideon Speaker at the event where $1,275 was collected for emerging nations and emergency needs.


Brotherly Love in Action”Michael Butler, President, Clark Co. East

I Thessalonians 4:9. “But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.”I know I am “preaching to the choir”, as the saying goes, but I believe in giving honor to whom honor is due, and only regret waiting to do so.I truly appreciate having opportunities to serve with the Gideon’s. It is an amazing ministry which has demonstrated over 100 years God’s ability to use whoever He wants to accomplish His Purposive Will. Often I think about how God brought so many Christian men and women from diverse denominations to efficiently operate a worldwide, evangelical mission. Following a Guidebook which was prayerfully attained demonstrates how remarkable God is in carrying out His Master Plan.There have been so many occasions to write concerning the wonderful Gideon brotherhood and what it has done for me, personally. The most recent experience once again, demonstrated the type of organization we really are…….On Sunday, July 17, I was to speak at Hamilton Wesleyan Church in Hamilton, Indiana which is near the Michigan border. That is a drive when you are coming from Jeffersonville, on the Kentucky border – from one end of the State to another! Pastor David Leitzel of Hamilton Wesleyan Church had heard me testify at a PAB in Angola, Indiana, a few months ago and determined to bring me to his church. I agreed and the Gideon, brotherly-love ensued.Carol Leitzel, his wife, offered to put me up in a hotel since I was driving so far. “How nice and considerate,” I thought.I asked, “If someone could take me in for one night so I could save them money and arrive a day early, as not to be so tired out from the drive.”She told me, “There was a Gideon in their church, John Chorpenning, who would be glad to do so.”I called Bro John and mentioned how our Camp had a new Gideon, Bob Coffman, who was considering being a church speaker and this would make a great opportunity to receive some good personal training. John agreed whole-heartedly. (Wow! He was willing to not only take me in, but another total stranger – 2 houseguests!) I told Bob, “We would be treated well, since we were staying with a Gideon.” But, what happened, super-ceded my every expectations!Bob and I arrived around 8pm, Saturday evening. John immediately took us out for dinner. We spent hour’s fellowshipping with John and Vonnie, his wife, till about midnight. I learned John was a Korean War Veteran; and that he owns a Plumbing business, downtown, and still works hard everyday In the morning, after Bible reading and prayer, John made us a superb home-cooked breakfast and it was off to church. The service was wonderful! They offered to give me the entire service, so I could share a Gideon report with several other testimonies beside my own – which I never tire of telling! Bob even took 5 minutes to share how he came to Christ. A most generous offering was taken for purchasing scriptures.After church, John and Vonnie took Pastor David and Carol Leitzel, Bob and I to lunch. Afterwards, we returned to the Chorpenning’s to change into traveling clothes and gather our things for the trip back to the Kentucky border. John made us delicious energy smoothies for the road – what a treat! He even packed loaves of homemade zucchini bread, dozens of oatmeal/raisin cookies, jars of homemade salsa, bottles of vanilla, and lots of produce from his personal garden that we enjoyed on the way home! What a host! What a brother! What a demonstration of God’s love to a total stranger!

Bob and I were so overwhelmed by the graciousness and generosity of our guests. Yes, I had told Bob that, “We would be treated well, since we were staying with a Gideon;” But, the Chorpenning’s treated us way beyond what I ever imagined, like royality! We felt like part of the family, after sharing so many stories and pictures of each other’s kin folk and tales of traveling for Christ. What a wonderful blessing and time of fellowship!Bob and I had a fantastic trip making some new friends, whom I plan to look up at the State Convention in September. I witnessed a new Gideon catching the vision of opportunities in the ministry; the same vision I caught when I was new 3 and a half years ago. That, in itself was truly, encouraging and energizing to me! It is such a blessing to be part of the most wonderful, unified Brotherhood that only God could put together.Thank you Gideon’s for allowing me to be part of your family. May God bless the Hamilton Wesleyan Church! God bless the Chorpenning’s for their hospitality! God bless the Steuben County Camp! And may God continue to bless the entire Gideon Brotherhood!Once again, Scripture says it all……Psalm 133:1, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”We are truly, a family.

Jeanette Rudy, former KY State Auxiliary President, delivers the Auxiliary report at the Lincoln Land Pastors’ Appreciation Banquet in Boonville on Sept 29th. Jeanette’s husband, Jack Rudy, left, is a member of the Gideons International Outreach Committee and was the PAB speaker. $2,355 was raised for the Faith fund. Roger Heart, Moderator, right. (Photo by W.G. Willis)

The Gideon Interational of Indiana1105 E. Virginia St.Evansville, IN 47711



Evansville, INPermit No. 1096

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Hoosier Gideon Issue are due to the editor

by December 1, 2011

New Gideon and Auxiliary State Officers and Cabinet members are inducted by Bruce Chadwick at the conclusion of the Ft. Wayne Convention Sat. evening, Sept. 17th.

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