the inca trail and cusco - arawi peru...

Post on 21-Feb-2018






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Heart Warming Experiences  Ι  

THE INCA TRAIL AND CUSCO The Inca Trail is considered one of the best trekking routes in the world. It walks part of an old Inca road leading to the sacred city of Machu Picchu (Old Mountain in Quechua). Along about 43 kilometers, we will pass through various ecological areas: With Salkantay Mountain as a background and other glaciers-considered sacred and called apus by the townspeople-, we will walk from the valley to the high puna and from here down to the cloud forest surrounding the famous citadel that is located on a valuable protected area called the “National Sanctuary of Machu Picchu”.

When the Inca Empire expanded established a huge network of cobbled roads known as Qhapac Nan (Royal or Inca Trail, in Quechua), that join Quito (Ecuador) to Tucuman (Argentina), and many subsidiary roads that allowed the communication, trade and administrative control of the empire. The Inca Trail is only a part of this great network, but it had a special character: To go to the sacred city of Machu Picchu, meant to pass by a path of ritual purification. Along the way, therefore, we find a number of temples and Inca sites devoted to worship and the different stages of purification. These places can only be visited on the Inca Trail. We will arrive at Machu Picchu through Intipunku, the sun gate. Achieving seeing the sunrise over Machu Picchu is an stunning experience.



ARRIVAL IN LIMA. LIMA – CUSCO FLIGHT Arrival in Lima Airport, connection to local flight to Lima - Cusco. Upon arrival in Cusco (3,400 m above sea level) you will be met and transport to your hotel were we deliver the necessary documentation, and we will do a detailed review of the program. Then you will rest to acclimate.

Heart Warming Experiences  Ι  

We will have a free afternoon to independently explore Cusco at your own pace. The ancient Inca capital, Qosqo (the center of the world) was a sacred city of stone palaces and temples. Its streets and roads design reflected the technology, organization of the Inca Cosmo vision. Cusco was built under this city houses, colonial churches and plazas. It is a unique place to understand the Inca culture but also the cultural shock, syncretism and heritage of the mestizo baroque. Our recommendation is to have light meals, drink plenty of water or coca or muña tea, to attenuate the symptoms of altitude sickness (soroche). Overnight in Cusco .⁄ Meals: None Private transfer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 02: CUSCO CITY AND SURROUNDINGS: SAQSAYHUAMAN, Q’ORIQANCHA Today we will leave the city heading to Sacsayhuaman, an imposing Inca building that dominates Cusco from the north heights of the city. We will visit Puca Pucara, Tambomachay And Q'enko;all these archaeological sites will help us understand the history and Inca Cosmo vision as they are related to the cults of the Inca state and the astronomical observation, critical to the development of the agricultural economy in the Andes. In our way back, we will visit two important sites of the city; The Cathedral and the Qoricancha Temple of the Sun which is the true sacred center of the ancient Inca capital. Overnight in Cusco .⁄ Meals: B Services on private or shared basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 03: SACRED VALLEY: MARAS – MORAY - CHINCHERO Today we headed to the impressive salt mines of Maras, actively in use to the present day. We will see how the villagers removed the salt with a technique inherited from generation to generation since pre -Inca times, using the underground salty water, which are distributed in thousands of wells to facilitate the evaporation of water in order to abstract salt. Then we will go to Moray, an ancient agricultural laboratory located 7 Kilometers from Maras. On natural giant crevices called “Dolinas”, the Incas and their predecessors built a series of terraces or concentric terraces with their respective irrigation canals; what is striking is the difference in the average annual temperature between the top and the bottom of the terraces and in each of the levels. It is a difference that reaches up to 15 ° C. As a result, each year they could plan and control agricultural production throughout the territory, characterized by large differences in altitude and climate variability. Here is where amazing advances in agriculture allowed the expansion of the Inca state.

Heart Warming Experiences  Ι  

If time allows, we will stop at Chinchero village. The village has a colonial church built on the former palace of Tupac Inca Yupanqui (important Inca ruler). It keeps some original features that contrast and enhance the beauty of the main square, inside there are murals and paintings from the classic colonial age, full of symbolism and history. But the most remarkable are the weaver women of Chinchero, whose weaves keeps the history alive through organic designs that tell the past with colors produced with natural ingredients. More than a poncho, a tablecloth or dress, the fabrics are the way to express their wisdom, in every design they express a clear understanding regarding the reproductive cycle of cattle, agriculture and the all-around nature; they express their vision and love. Until a few years ago this tradition was in danger of falling into disuse, but the valuable work of a group of people led by Nilda Cañaupa has helped to restore and strengthen this tradition restoring its value, and allowing the weavers to offer their products at a fair price. Throughout the village there are several open workshops who teach the process of production. Visits are free of charge, but a purchase is expected and gratuities are accepted. Overnight in Cusco / Meals: B Services on private or shared basis. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DAY 04: INCA TRAIL: CHILCA - HUAYLLABAMBA We will pick you up at the hotel, to go to Chilca - Km 82 (Start of the Inca Trail), located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, there we meet with the porters and cooks who will go with us during the trip. Then we will start our hike until our first campsite in Huayllabamba. On the way we will visit Llaqtapata.

Total distance: 12 km Walking time: 5-6 hours Maximum height: 3,000 m Campsite hight: 3,000 m

Overnight in campsite ⁄ Meals: B, L, D Services on private or shared basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 05: INCA TRAIL: HUAYLLABAMBA – PACAYMAYU After breakfast we will begin to ascend to Abra de Warmiwañusca (4200 m above sea level) is the highest point of the trail. On the way we will see different ecological zones and microclimates. Our campsite will be in

Heart Warming Experiences  Ι  


Total Distance: 11 km Walking time: 6-7 hours Maximum height: 4,200 m Campsite: 3,500 m

Overnight in campsite ⁄ Meals: B, L, D Services on private or shared basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 06: INCA TRAIL: PACAYMAYU – WIÑAYHUAYNA After breakfast we will go to Runku Rakay to cross the second pass with the same name (3800 m above the sea level) and then we will descend to Sayacmarca, an important archaeological site where we will have our meal then we will continue to the complex of Wiñayhuayna where we will camp.

Total distance: 16 km Walking time: 8 hours Maximum height: 3,900 m Campsite hight: 2,650 m

Overnight in campsite ⁄ Meals: B, L, D Services on shared basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 07: INCA TRAIL: WIÑAYHUAYNA – MACHU PICCHU Very early we will go to the Inti Punku or“Puerta Del Sol” Sun Gate, which is the entrance to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu. We will have a guided tour at the sanctuary of Machu Picchu (Approx. 2 hours). We will visit the Main Square, the Circular Tower, the Sacred Sundial, the Royal Quarters, the Temple of the Three Windows and the cemeteries; then we will still have time to explore the archaeological site at our own leisure. Then descend by bus to the village of Aguas Calientes where we can have a meal (not included) at the local restaurant of your choice.

Total distance: 4 km Estimated walking time: 2 hours Maximum height: 2,700 m Height of the Campsite: 2,400 m

Overnight in Aguas Calientes ⁄ Meals: D Services on shared basis . Private transfer to the hotel in Cusco -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 08: MACHU PICCHU. TRAIN TO CUSCO Today we will board the train back to Cusco. We will arrive to Poroy station and transfer to your hotel. Alternavetively we can return to the citadel of Machu Picchu for a visit at leisure, and / or climb Huayna Picchu Mountain. It is a walk of about 3 hours (round trip) at a gentle pase on a steady rise. * Budget option taking the train to Ollantaytambo and then a bus to Cusco Plaza del Regocijo. Overnight in Cusco ⁄ Meals: B Services on private or shared basis.

Heart Warming Experiences  Ι  

DAY 09: CUSCO-LIMA. INTERNATIONAL DEPARTURE In the morning we will take the flight to Lima. And make the connection to the international flight. - .⁄ Meals: B Private transfer.


B: Breakfast; L: Lunch; BL: Boxed Lunch; D: Dinner The BTC or Cusco Tourist Ticket, allows you the entrance to 16 places surrounding Cusco and Sacred Valley. INCLUDED • Professional tour guide • Transportation from your hotel in Cusco to Km 82 • Luggage porters (if you wish service for your personal luggage, you can hire a carrier for an additional cost) • Chef • All meals on the trail (3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners, 3 lunches and snacks) • Dining tent with tables and chairs • Kitchen tent • Bathroom tent (located only in the camps that do not have bathrooms) • Spacious “North Face” tents for two people • Sleeping mats for Camping • First Aid Kit: includes an oxygen tank • Radio communication • Others: Hot water to wash off and boiled water to fill your canteens every morning and night, also we can provide hot water at lunch but you must let us know in advance. • One Ticket for a hot shower in Wiñaywayna • Entrance ticket to Inca Trail and Machu Picchu • Bus from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes • Expedition Train back from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo

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Inca  Trail  's    Altitude  Map  


Heart Warming Experiences  Ι  

• Transfer from Ollantaytambo train station to your hotel in Cusco • Acommodation for our staff. NOT INCLUDED • Sleeping bag • Tips for tour guides and porters • Lunch on the last day RECOMMENDATION: • Small backpack (40 L) with the things you need during the trek • Appropriate clothing for rain and a raincoat. • Bathing suit for the thermal baths in Aguas Calientes • Comfortable trekking shoes, they should be waterproof • Sun hat, sunscreen and insect repellent (minimum 20%) • Camera with extra batteries (we recommend to change batteries in Cusco not aguas Calientes) • Personal Kit • Personal medicines • Sleeping bag • Canteen or 2 Bottles of 600 ml of water • Snacks (energy bars, dried fruit, chocolates, cookies, etc..) • Cash in soles and dollars • Original passport • Optional: walking stick • T-Shirts • Gloves, scarf, wool socks • Raincoats in the rainy season • Flashlight • Long pants • sweaters / jacket • Small towel and toilet paper • Underwear • Thermal underwear (jersey and jacket) HEALTH The main problem a hiker may encounter is due to the altitude. The Inca Trail passes over 4000 m high and some basic rules: • We recommend taking coca leaf tea (mate de coca) upon arrival in Cuzco. All public places and hotels offer and some hotels give it for free to their customers • Drink plenty of water during walks • Eat light, avoid fat or heavy meals • During the Trek, walk slowly on the first day and avoid wasted effort • If you smoke, try to reduce consumption as much as possible • Do not hesitate to stop and rest if you feel you lack oxygen • Notify your guide if you have any discomfort, he is trained to assist you • Although water is drinkable in most of Peru, its chemical and bacteriological composition changes by location To avoid problems, we recommend drinking bottled water LIABILITY All itineraries are subject to our Terms and Conditions. You can read them in the link below:

Heart Warming Experiences  Ι  


Arawi Perú Expediciones Av. Primavera 1771, oficina 15, 2do piso Lima 33, Perú T: +511 6749371 (Lima office) +51 +51 978210309 (Lima mobile) +34 656 914 266 (Barcelona mobile) Information and reserves on this route: RUC: 20555149507 Registered in the National Directory of Qualified Tourism Services of Foreign Trade and Tourism Ministry; and registered in the TOUR OPERATORS SPECIAL LIST BY SUNAT.

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