the london borough of hounslow (hounslow high …€¦ · of the car park (rotunda area); (iii) an...

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  • 22 March 2016LGL/RYP/063524.00004/42355168.06 Page 1






    22 March 2016

  • 22 March 2016LGL/RYP/063524.00004/42355168.06 Page 2


    1.1 The Acquiring Authority responds below to the points raised in the written representation

    submitted by Montagu Evans on behalf of Legal and General Assurance Society Limited

    (L&G / the Fund) on 16 March 2016.

    1.2 The London Borough of Hounslow (Hounslow High Street Quarter) Compulsory Purchase

    Order 2015 (the Order) will, if confirmed, authorise the acquisition of plots 14, 15, 16, 17, 19,

    20 and 22 in the Order Map. These plots are currently in the ownership of L&G.

    1.3 These plots of land are essential to the delivery of the Hounslow High Street Quarter. A brief

    description of the plots and their requirement for the delivery of the scheme is provided below:

    (i) Plot 14 comprises the Blenheim Centre Resident’s Car Park which is located

    in the north-west corner of the Alexandra Road and Holloway Street Car

    Parks. Plot 17 adjoins the car park and forms part of a footpath within the

    Alexandra Road and Holloway Street Car Parks. Upon these two plots of land

    will sit parts of Block A and B of the consented development.

    (ii) Plots 15, 16, and 19 relate to an area of the Blenheim Centre basement car

    park and the surface of the road and pavement above. This area of the

    basement was originally formed to create a link-way between the Blenheim

    Centre phase 1 and phase 2 car parks, but with Phase 2 not progressed, this

    area is occupied by car parking spaces. This area of land is required to allow

    the construction of Block B.

    (iii) Plots 20 and 22 form parts of Prince Regent Road and Matisse Road and an

    area of pavement on the north side of Prince Regent Road. The portion of the

    roads that are in L&G’s ownership are private. Uninterrupted access is

    required over these roads to allow access to the basement car park and

    service yard to be constructed. The acquisition of these plots will allow the

    Council and the Developer to undertake the necessary works to bring the

    roads to an adoptable standard and then dedicate and adopt the roads and

    associated pavement as a public highway. The acquisition of the pavement

    area within plot 20 is to allow continuity of public access around the site both

    during construction and on completion of the development.

    1.4 The purchase of these plots of land is fundamental to the scheme proceeding. They each

    form an essential aspect of the overall Scheme and is the basis on which the planning

    permission was granted and units within the scheme have been pre-let.


    2.1 L&G's Written Representations state that:

    ‘the affected areas where the Fund has concerns over the extent of the proposed acquisition

    of its title are shown delineated and edged as blue, and in part crosshatched blue.1’

    1 Paragraph 3.1

  • 22 March 2016LGL/RYP/063524.00004/42355168.06 Page 3

    The appended plan show that affected areas are all within plot 20 and relate to:

    (i) the pavement area on the north side of Prince Regent Road extending across

    the width of the Blenheim Centre (pavement area);

    (ii) a small section of land that sits within part of the rotunda of the Blenheim

    Centre. This rotunda provides access from street level to the basement level

    of the car park (rotunda area);

    (iii) an area of land to the north of the pumping house which is situated to the

    south of Prince Regent Road and to the north-east of the Delivery Office

    (pumping house area);

    (iv) a pedestrian crossing located at the western end of Prince Regent Road, to

    the north of the roundabout linking Prince Regent Road and Alexandra Road

    (pedestrian crossing area);

    (v) an area of road that is located to the east of the Blenheim Centre, sitting

    immediately south of the access to the Blenheim Centre’s basement car

    (eastern access) and service yard (entrance way road area)

    (b) "Plot 19 also delineates an area of basement beneath the existing road constructed

    as part of the Blenheim Centre development to create a link-way through to a

    subsequent phase of development. The link road is no longer required and it is

    accepted by the Fund that the area of basement can be acquired and the link road

    effectively blocked up by installation of a retaining wall which the developer is

    intending to construct" 2;

    (c) “The fund is agreeable to part of Prince Regent Road outside of the area edged blue

    being acquired and dedicated to the Council as Highways Authority3” but in respect of

    the Pavement Area, the fund seeks a formal assurance that of the basement area

    beyond that which is need for the construction of the basement wall within plot 19 will

    be excluded from the acquisition. “The Fund requests that the Order is not confirmed

    until such an assurance is provided4” ;

    (d) The acquisition of the Pavement Area will “create a break in what is currently a clean

    continuous title. This will have an adverse impact on any subsequent disposal of the

    investment and the underlying asset value. As such, the fund must retain ownership

    of this area of land but is willing to commit to entering into a legal mechanism which

    will guarantee the land in question can be brought up to an adoptable standard and

    subsequently adopted by the Council5”.

    (e) In respect of the rotunda area, pumping house area, pedestrian crossing area and

    entrance way road area “the Council nor the developer has provided a specific

    explanation for acquiring these areas of land and consequently the Fund see no

    reason as why these cannot be retained and effectively excluded from the

    2 Paragraph 3.2

    3 Paragraph 3.3

    4 Paragraph 3.3

    5 Paragraph 3.4

  • 22 March 2016LGL/RYP/063524.00004/42355168.06 Page 4

    Order…Accordingly the Order should not be confirmed until the Council provides an

    assurance that title over these areas will not be acquired6.

    2.2 The Acquiring Authority's response to these statements is below.


    3.1 Pavement Area (para 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4)

    3.1.1 The drawing titled ‘Highways Areas for Adoption under Section 38 Agreement’ which is

    provided in Appendix 1 shows the areas of land proposed to be adopted by the Council as

    Local Highways Authority. The yellow area shows the area of footway proposed to be

    adopted and the pink the extent of the carriageway. The drawing also shows the extent that

    the basement extends under the pavement area in the form of a dashed line. A plan of the

    basement area is provided in Appendix 2.

    3.1.2 The Council has been seeking the adoption of the road and pavement area since the

    Blenheim Centre was constructed in 2006 but to date no agreement has been reached. This

    is principally on account of the works required to put the road into an adoptable standard not

    being undertaken. There are also works required to the pavement area in respect of the

    lighting in order to bring it to an adoptable standard.

    3.1.3 The acquisition of the Pavement Area of land is required to allow continuity of public access

    around the new development, both during the construction period and following completion.

    As explained in the proof of evidence of Ms Marilyn Smith and Mr Chris Wieszczycki, a key

    aspect of the scheme is to successfully integrate the existing Town Centre, the High Street

    Quarter and the Blenheim Centre. An offer has been extended to L&G that this area of land

    would not be acquired under the CPO if the s.38 agreement for the adoption of the pavement

    area was completed before 30th September 2016 but this was not accepted and a timescale

    has yet to be agreed. Consequently, inclusion of the Pavement Area in the Order is required

    to ensure that the pavement is brought to an adoptable standard and adopted.

    3.1.4 Furthermore, in order for the Council to adopt the carriageway of Prince Regent Road the

    road will need adequate street lighting which is also publically maintained. The lighting

    columns are located within the Pavement Area and therefore the Council would need this

    area to be acquired to allow for the adoption of the road.

    3.1.5 The Acquiring Authority confirms that it will not acquire any part of the basement area save as

    to that contained in plots 15, 16, 187 and 19 and will provide L&G an assurance confirming

    the same.

    3.1.6 Whilst a matter of compensation, the acquisition and adoption of the pavement area

    (excluding any basement falling under these areas save as to the aforementioned plots) will

    not have an adverse impact on the subsequent disposal of the asset or its value. Once the

    pavement area is adopted as public highway, whether the strata of land underneath the

    pavement area is within the ownership of L&G or the Council will be immaterial to any


    6 Paragraph 3.5

    7 Plot 18 is in the ownership of the Council but forms part of the basement car park.

  • 22 March 2016LGL/RYP/063524.00004/42355168.06 Page 5

    3.2 Rotunda Area and Pumping House Area (para 3.5)

    3.2.1 The Acquiring Authority is happy to exclude the Rotunda Area and Pumping House Area from

    the Order Lands and an updated Order Plan and Schedule will be provided to the Inspector

    reflecting these amendments.

    3.3 Pedestrian Crossing Area (para 3.5)

    3.3.1 The Pedestrian Crossing Area sits immediately south of the entrance to the Blenheim Centre

    basement car park for which access is controlled by barriers. The area of land is the

    pedestrian crossing point between the footpath of Alexandra Road and the proposed public

    footway (following acquisition and adoption) on the north side of Prince Regent Road. This

    land is required in order to create a continuous route of public access around the site and

    between the two areas of public adopted footway. It therefore cannot be excluded from the


    3.3.2 Following acquisition the area of land will be brought to an adoptable standard and adopted

    as a public highway. As public highway, L&G, its tenants and the public will be able to

    continue to access the car park by passing over the land and the Council can ensure that the

    crossing is maintained to minimum highway standards. In any intervening period between

    acquisition and adoption, rights will be granted to L&G to ensure they enjoy the same

    provision of access as currently enjoyed. Deeds outlining these rights have been provided to


    3.4 Entrance Way Road Area (para 3.5)

    3.4.1 The Entrance Way Road Area sits immediately south of the eastern entrance/exit ramp to the

    Blenheim Centre basement car park and the Centre’s service yard. The area of land which is

    part of the road that forms the roundabout junction between Prince Regent Road and the

    service yard/car park access is included in the Order so it can be acquired by the Council,

    brought to an adoptable standard and then adopted as a public highway. It is not appropriate

    for only part of the circulating road that forms the roundabout to be public adopted highway.

    The whole of the circulating carriageway must be adopted to ensure that vehicles can access

    the car park and servicing areas of the consented development.

    3.4.2 The proposed exclusion of the area of land to that sits to the north of the roundabout junction

    and to the south of the entrance/exits to the Car Park and service yard is not possible. It is

    required in order for a public crossing point to be created between the two areas of public

    footpath on either side of the road in the event that L&G do not agree to the adoption of other

    areas of footpath that fall outside of the Order Lands (as shown on the drawing in Appendix


    3.4.3 The full extent of the Entrance Way Road Area is required in order to create a continuous

    route of public access around the site and between the two areas of public adopted footway.

    This footpath will provide one of the principal pedestrian routes from the development to

    Hounslow East Underground Station.

    3.4.4 Following acquisition the area of land will be brought to an adoptable standard and adopted

    as a public highway. As public highway, L&G, its tenants and the public will be able to

    continue to access the car park and service yard over the land. In any intervening period

    following between acquisition and adoption, rights will be granted to L&G to ensure they enjoy

    the same provision of access as currently enjoyed. Deeds outlining these rights have been

    provided to L&G.

  • 22 March 2016LGL/RYP/063524.00004/42355168.06 Page 6


    4.1 The London Borough of Hounslow and BDW Trading Limited will continue to negotiate with

    L&G to reach agreement for the necessary transfer of land required to bring forward the

    scheme and will also document that no part of the basement outside of plots 15, 16, 18 and

    19 will be acquired (as per the assurance stated above).

    4.2 If L&G is willing to enter into an adoption agreement that will see the necessary parts of the

    Pavement Area become public highway in a reasonable timescale then the option of L&G

    retaining the ownership of this land is a possibility. However, the Acquiring Authority cannot

    be reliant on an agreement being reached given the fact that it has not been possible to do so

    since 2006 (including the 9 months since the Order was made). In order to provide certainty

    that the necessary public connections around the site are created and maintained, it is

    essential that the Council is able to acquire the land to bring the pavement and road areas to

    the required standard to allow their adoption as public highway as part of the comprehensive

    redevelopment of the Order Lands to deliver the High Street Quarter scheme.

  • 22 March 2016LGL/RYP/063524.00004/42355168.06 Page 7

    Appendix 1: Proposed Section 38 Agreement Drawing

  • 22 March 2016LGL/RYP/063524.00004/42355168.06 Page 9

    Appendix 2: Plan of Blenheim Centre Basement Car Park

  • 5
















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    Newcombe House

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    T 020 7309 7000

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