the music video history1795.ppt

Post on 16-Apr-2017



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La historia del video


Su carrera como realizador comenz con la direccin de vdeos musicales para la banda de rock francesa Oui Oui, de la cual era tambin baterista. El estilo de sus vdeos llam la atencin de la cantante Bjrk, quien le pidi dirigir el vdeo para su cancin Human Behavior.

Esta colaboracin se extendera bastante tiempo, con Gondry dirigiendo un total de seis vdeos musicales para Bjrk. Otros artistas con quien Gondry ha colaborado en ms de una ocasin incluyen a The White Stripes, Radiohead, The Chemical Brothers y Kylie Minogue.

Gondry tambin ha creado numerosos comerciales de televisin, siendo uno de sus ms famosos el realizado para Levi's, con el que gan el Lion D'or en el Festival de Cine de Cannes de 1994. Fue pionero en la utilizacin de la tcnica conocida como bullet time, utilizada posteriormente en las cintas de la saga The Matrix,

Chris Cunningham naci en Reading (Inglaterra) en 1970. Desde muy nio se aficion al dibujo, luego a hacer esculturas, las cuales fotografiaba. Su carrera artstica la inici en la revista de cmics 2000AD bajo el pseudnimo de Chris Halls. Posteriormente trabaja en los efectos especiales de pelculas como Alien 3, Alien: Resurreccin y el Juez Dredd. Trabajara tambin en las maquetas de films como Hardware y Nightbreed. Estuvo involucrado en el proyecto del film Inteligencia artificial cuando Stanley Kubrick se ocupaba del mismo.Debut en el terreno del video musical en 1995, de la mano de Warp Records, con la realizacin del video promocional de "Second Bad Vibel (Autechre), y continu su trabajo con artistas como Squarepusher, Bjrk, Madonna, Portishead y, sobre todo, Aphex Twin, entre otros. Su segundo video para este msico ("Windowclicker", 1999) fue censurado por MTV en Estados Unidos. En 2000, por su video para "All Is Full Of Love (Bjrk), fue premiado por MTV, en los Music Week CAD Awards, en los MVPA Awards y en los Design And Art Direction Awards. En este ltimo certamen obtuvo, entre otras medallas, una de oro por su direccin en la categora "Pop Promos".Ha realizado comerciales de televisin para marcas internacionales como Nissan o Sony.

Entre sus otros trabajos destacan la video-instalacin Flex (presentada en ocasin de la exposicin "Apocalypse" de la Royal Academy of Arts en 2000) y los cortometrajes Monkey Drummer y Rubber Johnny, todos ellos con msica de Aphex Twin. Estas obras son el medio perfecto para que el artista insista en su particular estilo, caracterizado por su retorcida imaginacin, su obsesin por las anatomas enfermas, sus sincronizacioness exactas y su particular sentido del humor.Ha estado tentado de dirigir una adaptacin del cmic RanXerox 2: Happy Birthday Lubna de Tanino Liberatore y Stefano Tamburini, la novela cyberpunk Neuromante de William Gibson y la tambin novela Una mirada a la oscuridad (A Scanner Darkly) de Philip K. Dick (finalmente llevada a la gran pantalla en 2006 por Richard Linklater). En 2003 fue editado el DVD The Work of Director Chris Cunningham, el cual recopila videos musicales, comerciales de televisin y cortometrajes. El DVD es parte de la serie The Work of Director, enfocada al mundo del videoclip y que tambin incluye trabajos de Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry, Mark Romanek, Jonathan Glazer, Anton Corbijn y Stphane Sednaoui.

Videos musicales "Second Bad Vilbel" (Autechre, 1995)"Back With The Killer Again" (The Auteurs, 1995)"Space Junkie" (Holy Barbarians, 1996)"Another Day" (Lodestar, 1996)"Personally" (12 Rounds, 1996)"36 Degrees" (Placebo, 1996)"Something To Say" (Jocasta, 1997)"Jesus Coming In for the Kill" (Life's Addiction, 1997)"Tranquillizer" (Geneva, 1997)"Come to Daddy" (Aphex Twin, 1997)"No More Talk" (Dubstar, 1997)"Light Aircraft On Fire" (The Auteurs, 1997)"The Next Big Thing" (Jesus Jones, 1997)"Only You" (Portishead, 1998)"Afrika Shox" (Leftfield feat. Afrika Bambaataa, 1999)"Come On My Selector" (Squarepusher, 1998)"Frozen" (Madonna, 1998)"All is Full of Love" (Bjrk, 1998)"Windowlicker" (Aphex Twin, 1999)"Johnny Rubber" (Aphex Twin, 2005)"Sheena is a Parasite" (The Horrors, 2006)

Video-instalaciones y cortometrajesFlex (2000) (con msica de Aphex Twin)Monkey Drummer (2001) (msica: "Mt Saint Michel + Saint Michaels Mount" de Aphex Twin)Rubber Johnny (2005) (msica: remezcla de "Afx237 v7" de Aphex Twin)ELECTROMA (2006) (steady cam en el cortometraje de DAFT PUNK)

History of the Music VideoIn 1911 Alexander Scriabin wrote his symphony Prometheus -- Poem of Fire for orchestra and "light organ".

The Music Video


The Music VideoSynaesthesia is the neurological mixing of the senses. A synaesthete may, for example, hear colors, see sounds, and taste tactile sensations.

That means, the perception of one stimulus evokes a second perception. Synaesthesia is a common effect of some hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD or mescaline.

History of the Music VideoSergei Eisenstein's 1938 film Alexander Nevsky, which features extended scenes of battles choreographed to a score by Serge Prokofiev, was influenced by Vertov's work and it set new standards for the use of music in film and has been described as the first music video.

The Music Video


Sergei Eisenstein's 1938 film Alexander Nevsky.

Show Clip

The Music Video


A Hard Day's Night (1964)The film is a mockumentary written by Alun Owen and starring The Beatles during the height of Beatlemania.

By the time The Beatles stopped touring in late 1966 their films, like their recordings, were becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they now used these films to, in effect, tour for them.

The Music Video


A Hard Day's Night (1964)

Show Clip

The Music Video


The Beatles took the genre to new heights with their groundbreaking films for "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "Penny Lane", made in early 1967

The Music Video


"Strawberry Fields Forever" and "Penny Lane

which used techniques borrowed from underground and avant garde film, such as

reversed film effectsdramatic lighting unusual camera anglesrhythmic editing

The Music Video


"Strawberry Fields Forever" and "Penny Lane

Created at the height of the psychedelic music period, these two landmark films are among the very first purpose-made concept videos that attempt to "illustrate" the song in an artful manner, rather than just creating a film of an idealized performance.

The Music Video


The Music VideoOther pioneering music videos made during this time include the promotional films made by The Doors. The group had a strong interest in film, since both lead singer Jim Morrison and keyboard player Ray Manzarek had met while studying film at UCLA.


The Music VideoThe Doors also directed a superb promotional clip for their controversial 1968 anti-war single The Unknown Soldier , in which the group stage a mock execution by firing squad.


The Music Video" The Unknown Soldier

Show Clip


How MUSICAL FILMS became MUSIC VIDEOS (Targeted Audiences)

The Music Video


The various concert films that were made during the early Seventies, most notably Joe Cocker's Mad Dogs And Englishmen (1971) and particularly Pink Floyd's groundbreaking Live At Pompeii (1972) and Woodstock (1969) concert film, which featured sophisticated rhythmic cross-cutting.

The Music Video


Woodstock (1969)Show clip

The Music Video


Joe Cocker's Mad Dogs And Englishmen (1971)Show clip

The Music Video


Pink Floyd's Live At Pompeii (1972)

Show clip: Pink Floyd

The Music Video


The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)Show clip

The Music Video


The Whos Tommy (1975)Show clip

The Music Video


Song Remains the Same (1976)

The Music Video


Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts (1978)

The Music Video


Pink Floyd: The Wall (1981)Show clip

The Music Video


The first promo clip to combine all the elements of the modern music video is David Bowie's promotional clip for the song The Jean Genie, which was released as single in late 1972 at the height of Bowie's Ziggy Stardust period.

The Music Video


The Jean Genie (1972)

Show: Jean Genie clip

The Music Video


Filmed and directed by renowned photographer Mick Rock, this genre-defining four-minute film was produced for less than $350, shot in one day in San Francisco on 28th October 1972, and edited in less than two days.

The Music Video


Pre-MTV music showsThe Monkees American BandstandSoulTrain

Show Clip

The Music Video


The Midnight Special was a musical television series that ran from 1972 until 1983 on the NBC. It aired on Friday nights from 1:00 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. The program featured over 1,200 performers during its run. Some notable guest stars and hosts included:

Andy Kaufman, Tina Turner, Richard Pryor, Slim Whitman and Donna Summer.

The Music Video


Don Kirshner's Rock Concert mixing concert footage with clips incorporating camera tricks, special effects, and dramatizations of song lyrics.

The Music Video


The USA Cable Network program Night Flight was one of the first American programs to showcase these videos as an art form. Premiering in June 1981, Night Flight predated MTV's launch by two months.

The Music Video


Because of the distance, bands would not travel or visit Australia frequently, so in the 1970s-1980s Australian TV pop show Countdown were important precursors to MTV.

The Music Video


In 1980, New Zealand group Split Enz had major success with the single "I Got You" and the album True Colours, and later that year they became one of the first bands in the world to produce a complete set of music videos for each song on the album and to market these on video cassette -- the so-called video album.

This was followed a year later by the first American video album, The Completion Backwards principle by The Tubes.

The Music Video


Music videos find a home on cable.

MTV: 8/1/1981

The Music Video


The first music video

The Buggles: Video Killed the Radio Star

The Music Video


Concept Videos & Video ICONS: MICHAEL JACKSON (Michael breaks the color barrier, Thriller & Captain EO) & MADONNA to MISSY ELLIOT

Show Clip: Thriller (11:00)

The Music Video


Concept Videos & Video ICONS: MICHAEL JACKSON - Captain EO

The Music Video


Concept Videos & Video ICONS: MICHEAL JACKSON - Captain EO

The Music Video


U2: Rock-n-Roll embraces the video (lip syncing). Start of the musical migration towards MTV

The Music Video


AEROSMITH brings hip hop to MTV via RUN-DMC

The Music Video


HIP HOP wants in

The Music Video



The Music Video


Viacom owns Showtime, Nickelodeon, MTV and BET on cable

The Music Video


SUPERSTAR DIRECTORS: MTV gives credit where credit is due.


The Music Video


Mark Romanek

Audioslave (3:56) Jay-Z (3:41) unrated/uncensored version

The Music Video


Michel Gondry

Lucas (3:57) 1-take videoThe White Stripes (3:43)

The Music Video


Spike Jones

Fatboy Slim, Weapons of Choice (3:52) B.I.G. (4:21)

The Music Video


Hype Williams

Busta Rhymes, My Eyes (3:31)

The Music Video


MV directors to Feature Film Directors:David Fincher McGMichael BayAntwon FuquaF Gary GrayTim Story

The Music Video

















































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