the newsletter of hampton lucy, … merry christmas and a happy new year from all of us in the...

Post on 13-May-2018






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is printed by ‘Think Design and Print’, 21 Athena Court, Athena Drive, Tachbrook Park, Warwick

CV34 6RT. E-mail:

December 2015

January 2016 Issue No 175

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New

Year from all of us in the Grapevine team!



Loxley Bonfire and Fireworks The Friends of Loxley School hosted their annual Bonfire and Fireworks event on 7 November, seeing a

record-breaking crowd turn out to enjoy the

spectacular fireworks not to mention the pre-

fireworks show, ‘'The Great Loxley Bake

Off’! This year’s dancing skeletons cooked us up a

huge cake in front of the largest AGA ever seen;

before promptly setting fire to it all! All with the

aim of providing great family entertainment, which

must have been the case judging by the amount of

very generous donations made throughout the

evening. £2200 was raised on the event, which was

exceptional! Thank you to all those from the

community who volunteered their help - whether as

marshals, food/drinks servers, fire fighters or

skeletons! The FOLS couldn't manage without you! HC

Let the Bells Ring Out for Christmas ‘Carols at the Mill’ will once again be held at Charlecote Mill on

Saturday, 12 December - it’s becoming a lovely annual community

tradition. The mill will be open, dressed for the occasion as always

from 3pm onwards, with mulled wine and mince pies to set the

scene. Expect a magical afternoon with the children of the Hampton

Lucy School Choir singing carols and Christmas songs for us and

the Snitterfield Hand Bell Ringers once again creating sweet sounds

with their beautiful old bells (- and the young belles who play

them..Ed). The music will be between 4pm and 5pm and we are

planning for a great Christmas atmosphere. A big “thank you” must

go to the choir, to the bell ringers, and to Chris and Nicola Edwards

for their support and for allowing access to the mill via the

Charlecote Mill House drive. There is no charge but donations to

the school choir would be very much appreciated. The mill will

close at 6pm. Karl the Miller, his friends and volunteer assistants all

look forward to seeing you there. Everyone is welcome. KG

A Fond Farewell Mrs Smith had a wonderful send-off when

she retired at the end of half term after

more than 29 years of service as Caretaker.

She was presented with a bird table, bird

bath, insect house, flowers and cards from

the children, staff, and members of the

community. The size of the collection was

a testament to just how highly regarded and

well-liked Mrs Smith is. We wish her a

long and happy retirement. MO

Hampton Lucy Christmas

Craft Fair

Many thanks to everyone who

supported the Christmas Craft Fair in

aid of Hampton Lucy Church. We

raised the fantastic and much needed

sum of £1000 - which rounded off a

lovely social morning. Particular

thanks must go to Chris and Sue

Northcote-Green for hosting the

event. ER

The Parish Letter

One reader responded to last month’s letter by writing

to me to say that she believes “religion divides us”.

Clearly at times it has and it can easily do so again.

So perhaps the first challenge for us is to remember

that the Paris attackers do not speak for all Muslims;

and that the Christian ‘God with a human face’ is God

for Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.

But the second and perhaps bigger challenge is to

strive to become ‘humans with a divine face’, human

beings who reflect the love, mercy, forgiveness and

wisdom of God as we try to go forward in a world in

which there are people with such a distorted view of

God. To do that we will need to deepen our own

relationships with God; to get to know Him better so

that we can demonstrate his love in our lives. Maybe

Christmas is a good time to start that.

David Jessett

PS. We are looking forward to our first Christmas

with Tommy. Based on what he seems to do most of

the time, I can imagine he will enjoy nothing more

than getting his teeth into a soft brush in a paper bag.

(For new readers, Tommy is a Border Terrier!...Ed.)

From the Registers

Baptism: Hampton Lucy 18 October Alasdair David Andrew Ledingham

Funeral: Hampton Lucy 4 November Evan ‘Bob’ Bresnen

Dear Friends,

So Christmas is coming once again. Amid all of the

commercial elements and the lovely traditions, the

Church continues to celebrate and to proclaim one

of the key religious beliefs of Christianity – that

God became a human being in Jesus. We will be

retelling that story, as seen by Saint Luke, in a

dramatic production at Barford Church called ‘The

First Christmas’ on December 10th and 12th.

Whether or not every detail of the stories of Jesus’

birth is accurate, it remains a key part of Christian

faith that, in order to make it easier for us to relate

to Him, God came among us as a human being. So,

for Christians, Jesus can be seen as ‘the human face

of God’, the one who, among other things, taught us

and showed us how God wants us to live.

I am writing this the day after more than 100 people

were murdered in Paris by people who seemed to

believe God wanted them not only to do that but

also to kill themselves by detonating suicide belts.

Such a view of God seems to me to present him as

having an ‘inhuman’ face and a callous disregard

for the lives of some of his children.

The First Christmas

In December, local people of all ages from Barford will be performing a play entitled ‘The First Christmas’. This

will share the remarkable story of the birth of Jesus. Entry is free and no tickets are required - simply come along to

one of the performances. All are very welcome! Performances will be held in St. Peter’s Church, Barford on

Thursday 10 December at 7.30pm; Saturday 12 December at 5.00pm; and Saturday 12 December at 7.30pm. RM

Revd Neville Beamer,

8 Aintree Road,


CV37 9FL.

Tel. 01789 263435

Parish News A complete list of church services, including those at Barford, Wasperton and

Sherbourne, is displayed on the notice board in your church.

Rev’d David Jessett The Rectory Church Lane Barford CV35 8ES Tel: 01926 624238 E-mail:

The Charlecote Village Books These lovely old books have been renovated by Kath

Clarke who instigated their creation in the early

1980s. The six volumes have all been rebound with

smart new covers, and feature all aspects of Charlecote

- the people, buildings, history, geography, and events

over the years. Now that winter is here it is the ideal

opportunity to spend some time finding out more about

Charlecote. The books may be borrowed from Beryl

Penn, telephone. 01789 841487. HH

The End of an Era for Loxley WI The AGM in Loxley School on Thursday, 12 November, at 7.30 pm was our last as it is with great

regret that I have to tell you that Loxley WI will close at the end of the year due to diminishing

membership. Sadly, it is the end of sixty-three years of activities, learning, friendship and fun in Loxley

village. Members will be made most welcome at the Charlecote and Hampton Lucy WI if they wish to continue their

association with the WI movement. Our very last meeting will be on Thursday, 10 December, when Alycia Smith-

Howard will give a talk entitled 'The Food of Love - Dining at Shakespeare's Table’, which should make a fitting finale

for the Loxley WI. This will be held as usual at Loxley School beginning at 7.30 pm. (That’s a shame, Margaret - thank

you for your regular contributions to The Grapevine ...Ed) MCl

Charlecote Park at Christmas The house is only open to enjoy the Christmas decorations at weekends

now, but we’ve added some extra days, (16-18 December and 21, 22

December), so that everyone can make the most of the festive fun. Although

appointments with Father Christmas have sold out, he’ll be popping in to

see us on those extra days too, so young visitors may well see him around if

they want to give him a special letter. This year we’re celebrating the 1842

version of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ with our tree trail and you’ll

find that some of ‘My True Love’s’ gifts have changed a little since

Victorian times. We do hope you’ll come and share some Christmas spirit

with us this December - don’t forget the grounds, shop and Orangery

Restaurant are still open every day. The limited winter opening hours in the

house enables our House Elves to carry out the winter deep clean, (after Christmas the house is closed until February half-

term), but this year we’ve introduced tours of the house or the outbuildings so that visitors can still enjoy a visit,

accompanied by some of our lovely volunteers. These tours are free, last about 40 minutes, and take place between

11.00am and 2.00pm every weekday until Christmas, and then every day from 2 January to 12 February. Just sign up on

your way in. We’re closed completely 23-25 December but we know that the Boxing Day walk around the parkland is as

much a part of Christmas for many of you as the big day itself, and we hope to see you then. MGl

Hampton Lucy and Charlecote WI The November meeting was our AGM and

it was well supported by the members.

Kath Clarke will continue as President,

along with Helen Sill as Treasurer whilst

Jeryl Stone took over the role of Secretary

from Carol Pagett. The committee was elected ‘en bloc’,

with the exception of Jill Wilson who stepped down. Jane

Whyatt took her place. The formal business of the AGM

was followed by a quiz and games. The quiz was quite

quirky and won by Alison Edwards. A very popular game

involved trying to guess the identity of small objects in

thick cotton bags, and Pauline Pratt was the winner. The

December meeting will be our 'Christmas Party’ and this

will be held on Wednesday, 2 December, in Hampton

Lucy Village Hall at 7pm. It will be a lively musical

evening with the speaker travelling over from Shropshire

to talk about and play a variety of sizes of ukuleles. A

‘bring and share’ supper will be provided and it will be

an open meeting when friends and family will be made

very welcome. A small charge will be made for guests. MJW

Part-time School Caretaker Needed

Loxley School is looking for a

Caretaker to look after their friendly

village school. The work involves

fourteen hours per week, but this is

negotiable. If you are interested

please contact 01789 840211, for

further details. MO

Photo: Jana Eastwood

Wellesbourne & District Lions Club

Christmas will soon be here again which means the

Lions will be out and about around the district from

Monday, 7 December, until Friday, 18 December,

between 6pm & 8pm with Santa and our annual Christmas

floats. We are looking forward to meeting you. Every day we

shall be supported by a different local charity and each charity

will receive a share of the money collected each evening, so

please give generously. I have a couple of news items for you

this month. We now have the final results for the annual raft

race and I am pleased to announce that just over £10,000 was

raised for this year’s charity, Shakespeare Hospice. Once

again, a big “thank you” to all who participated in any way.

We also had a successful Halloween Dance in Ettington

Village Hall with some amazing costumes on show. Local

band ‘Cactus Jam’ played and kindly gave their time free of

charge. The event raised over £800 for charity. On behalf of

all the Lions and their partners I would like to wish everybody

a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. AS

(Santa will visit Hampton Lucy on Friday, 11 December, but

sadly can’t make it to Charlecote and Loxley this year ...Ed)

“Thank you” to our advertisers for your valued support in 2015. Your patronage helps us to deliver this

newsletter free to all households in the three Parishes.

Our correspondents this month are: SA - Sue Alldred; HC - Helen Chidgey; MLC -Margaret Clayton; HH - Helen Hoggarth; MG - Mary Gleave;

KG - Karl Grevatt; RM - Rob Miatt; MO - Marie Osborne; ER - Elaine Rajkowsky; AS-Andy Stokes;

AJW - Jeremy Whyman; MJW - Margaret Whyman; HW - Huw Williams.

Big Boys’ Toys

07507 953659

Hampton Lucy Grit Bins

Just a reminder that grit bins for the

treatment of public footpaths and roads.

are located at the end of The Close and on

Snitterfield Street. Please remember that

this is provided for treating roads and

pavements and not for private drives and

paths. AJW

Sandra Oram

Clinical Aromatherapist &


Registered with I.F.A., A.R.R. & B.R.A.

30 Lawson Avenue, Tiddington

07581 576198

Hampton Lucy C of E Primary School and Nursery - ‘Stone Age Cave Art’

As part of our current topic looking at the Stone Age, Class 3 have had a go at recreating the cave art discovered in

Lascaux, France. To prepare for this work we have had to make our own paint by using a pestle and mortar to grind

some charcoal into a paste. We have also experimented with different painting techniques by using feathers, sticks,

leaves and our own hands to create different textures. The resulting art work was a collaborative effort made up of

images and symbols that we were able to identify from a virtual tour of the caves of Lascaux. We are really proud of

our cave paintings. We hope you like them too! SA

Alistair’s Famous Table Top Auction

Ali and Chris Speller held another of their fund-raising auctions in

Hampton Lucy Village Hall on Saturday, 14 November, the proceeds

going to the church and a new ride-on mower for the churchyard. A very

creditable £320 was raised. Rev’d David Jessett thanked Ali and Chris for

their hard work. Ali in turn thanked his willing assistants and all those

who came along to bid for the many and varied lots that went under the

hammer. It was a great success and good fun. AJW

Call me a big kid, but it’s every boy’s

dream to drive either a railway engine or

a big tractor and, thanks to Neville -

pictured here in the Agco Fendt tracked

unit, I had the chance. Technology rules!

The Satnav and computer steers the

vehicle, follows the contours of the field,

cruise controls the speed, operates the

hydraulics on all the equipment and many

other jobs…. and it’s BIG and great fun.

Sadly, it won’t fit in our garden! AJW

The big beast at work. Satnav, cruise control - you name it!

A Seasonal Space Filler

The Four Ages of Man: 1. You believe in Santa Claus

2. You don't believe in Santa Claus

3. You dress up as Santa Claus 4. You look like Santa Claus!

Hampton Lucy C of E School and Nursery

Christmas Bazaar Saturday 5thDecember

12 noon to 2.00pm Santa’s grotto and photos, gift stalls, face painting and

nail art. Refreshments: mulled wine, sausages, burgers,

pork and apple, vegetarian option, mince pies.

Lots of fun!

£1 per head includes raffle entry. Children Free

Everyone welcome..

Christmas Fair at Home

Friday, 11th December Stourton House, Stourton, Shipston-on-Stour

CV36 5HG 10am to

Scented candles, Hand-painted porcelain, Plants and Wreaths, Cakes, Ceramics, Books,

Aloe Vera products, and many other gift ideas. Raffle, Mulled wine and Mince Pies

The Boar’s Head Hampton Lucy

Dinêr Français, Sunday, 29th November, £29.95 pp

(a choice of five courses and a bottle of French wine!)

Village Party, Saturday 19th December, £10 pp

(including Phil’s Buffet and an introductory drink.)

New Year’s Eve, ‘Open mike’ music evening ‘til late!

New Year’s Day, Brunch, noon to 6pm, from £5

Saturday, 12th December Karl the Miller invites you to

Carols at the Mill with the Choir of Hampton Lucy Primary School,

and the Snitterfield Hand Bell Ringers

Mill open from 3pm for mulled wine and mince pies

Music and carols from 4pm to 5pm. Free admission but donations very welcome.

Proceeds to The School Choir and Charlecote Mill. For more details, call 01789 842072

Hampton Lucy Children's Christmas Concert

St Peter ad Vincula Church,

Sunday, 6th December, 3.30pm

Do come and hear them all performing!

£3.50 includes tea and cake.

Tickets at the door

or from Sue Appleyard (Tel. 841457)

All proceeds to St Peter ad Vincula Church

and Hampton Lucy Village Hall

Loxley C of E School

Christmas Fair Saturday 5

th December.

from 3.00pm

Fun and games for all the family,

including craft activities,

Santa's Grotto, and a gift shopping area.


including mulled wine and mince pies!

The Charlecote website:

Cheese & Wine Saturday, 9th January at 7pm

in Charlecote Village Hall Tickets £5

Proceeds in aid of Charlecote church

Please contact Vanessa on 01789 842552 or Sue on 01926 624545

is published in colour each month. To view the colour edition visit either the Hampton Lucy or Loxley websites, or request an e-mail copy.

The The Notice BoardBoard Hampton Lucy website:

The Loxley website:

The next Grapevine will be issue 176 for February, 2016.

The copy deadline will be Sunday, 10 January. It will be

published on the websites on 18 January, with the printed

copies delivered on or after 21 January.

Police: Police enquiries: 01789 842114. e-mail:

Website newsletter, with regularly updated local information:

Contact details

Grapevine copy by the 10th of the month please

with a contact telephone number,

to: Jeremy Whyman, 9 The Langlands, Hampton Lucy

CV35 8BN. Tel: 01789 470911


For advertising contact: Jackie Williams, Tudor Cottage, Hampton

Lucy. Tel: 01789 841155. e-mail:

Charlecote Celebrates Christmas! On Sunday, 20 December, from 12 noon all residents of Charlecote, together with any guests who may be staying with

them, are invited for Christmas Drinks in the newly refurbished village hall so that they can wish their friends and

neighbours a "Merry Christmas". The party will be preceded by a village walk for those who fancy a bit of exercise, all

ages and dogs welcome! Please meet by the Hampton Lucy signpost outside The Malt House at 10.30am. The walk will

take place come rain or shine! HH

For your diary:

November 2015 Sun 29 Dinêr Français, The Boars Head, Notice Board .

December 2015 Tues 1 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 7.30pm. All welcome.

Tues 1 ‘Ladies’ Coffee and Cakes’, The Boars Head, 10.30am. All welcome.

Tues 1 Dene Valley U3A, St Peter’s Church, Wellesbourne, 2.30pm, (visit website)

Wed 2 Hampton Lucy and Charlecote WI, H.L. Village Hall, Open Meeting, 7.00pm. See page 3.

Thur 3 ‘The Lucy Lads’, meet at the Boars Head, 11.30am, see the Hampton Lucy website for details.

Sat 5 Hampton Lucy Primary School and Nursery Christmas Bazaar, 12pm to 2.00pm Notice Board .

Sat 5 Loxley Primary School Christmas Fair, Loxley School, from 3.00pm, Notice Board .

Sun 6 Hampton Lucy Children’s Christmas Concert, 3.30pm, St Peter’s Church, Notice Board.

Mon 7 Loxley Parish Council, Loxley C of E School, 7.30pm.

Tues 8 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 7.30pm. All welcome.

Thur 10 ‘The First Christmas’, St Peter’s Church, Barford, 7.30pm, see page 2.

Thur 10 Loxley WI, Loxley School, 7.30pm, see page 3.

Fri 11 SHN ‘Christmas Fair at Home’, Stourton House, 10.00am to 3.00pm,

Fri 11 Santa visits Hampton Lucy, with the Wellesbourne & District Lions Club, see page 3.

Sat 12 ‘The First Christmas’, St Peter’s Church, Barford, 5.00pm and 7.30pm, see page 2.

Sat 12 Carols at The Mill, Charlecote Mill, from 3.00pm, Notice Board and page 1.

Tues 15 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 7.30pm. All welcome.

Sat 19 Hampton Lucy Village Christmas Party, The Boars Head, Notice Board .

Sun 20 Charlecote Village Walk, meet 10.30 by the Malt House. See below for details.

Sun 20 Charlecote Village Hall Christmas Drinks, The Village Hall, 12.00am. See below for details.

Mon 21 Hampton Lucy Christmas Drinks, The Village Hall from 6.00pm. See below for details.

Thur 31 New Year’s Eve ‘Open Mike’ Music Evening, The Boars Head, ‘til late, Notice Board .

January 2016 Fri 1 New Year’s Day Brunch, The Boars Head, noon to 6.00pm, Notice Board.

Tues 5 ‘Ladies’ Coffee and Cakes’, The Boars Head, 10.30am. All welcome.

Tues 5 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 7.30pm. All welcome.

Wed 6 Hampton Lucy and Charlecote WI, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 7.30pm.

Thur 7 ‘The Lucy Lads’ meet at the Boars Head, 11.30am. See the Hampton Lucy website for details.

Sat 9 Cheese and Wine, Charlecote Village Hall, 7.00pm, Notice Board .

Sun 10 Copy deadline for the February Grapevine.

Tues 12 Dene Valley U3A, St Peter’s Church, Wellesbourne, 2,30pm, (visit website)

Tues 12 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall,7.30pm. All welcome.

Wed 13 Hampton Lucy Parish Council meet, the Village Hall, 7.30pm.

Mon 18 Loxley Parish Council meet, Loxley C of E School, 7.30pm.

Hampton Lucy Christmas Drinks

As a “thank you” for the support we have enjoyed over the past twelve months, the Village Hall Committee invite all

residents to Hampton Lucy Village Hall from 6.00pm on Monday, 21 December, for a warming drink and the

opportunity to extend Christmas greetings to friends and neighbours. We look forward to seeing you all there. HW

Church Services

Stripes Garden Maintenance

Grass Cutting, Hedge Trimming,

Patio Cleaning, Garden Furniture Cleaning. No

job too small.

Local reliable service.

Call Chris Clarke, 01789 295909

Mobile: 07928 895501


L Brooke Joynson


All aspects of woodworking undertaken

Phone 01926 842547 or 07909 901989

for further information and advice,

and for a free quotation

H T WILLIAMS PEST CONTROL Rats, moles, mice, wasps, ants, insects

Tudor Cottage, Church Street

Hampton Lucy

Telephone: 01789 841155


Chartered Physiotherapist

Registered with the Health and Care Professions


Hampton Corner, Warwick Road,

Stratford upon Avon, CV37 0NZ

Tel/Fax: 01789 263891

R. Turner


Specialist in re-upholstery and

restoration of cane and rush seating

Tel: 01926 624077 Mobile: 077685 71593

Hunscote Farm Shop Stratford Road, Wellesbourne

Tel: 01789 840240

‘A Farmer’s Market on your doorstep’ Open Monday to Thursday

8.00am to 5.30pm

Friday and Saturday

8.00am to 6.00pm

A Merry Christmas to All Our

Local Service Providers


6 December The Second Sunday of Advent

9.30am Charlecote Morning Worship CW

9.30am Loxley Holy Communion BCP

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Holy Communion BCP

13 December The Third Sunday of Advent 9.30am Hampton Lucy Family Service CW

11.00am Charlecote Holy Communion CW

11.00am Loxley Matins BCP

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Evensong BCP

18 December 2.30pm Hampton Lucy HL Primary School Nativity

20 December The Fourth Sunday of Advent 9.30am Charlecote Holy Communion BCP

9.30am Hampton Lucy Come and Worship CW

6.00pm Loxley Carol Service

Traditional Nine Lessons and Carols

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Carol Service

Traditional Nine Lessons and Carols

with The Festival Singers

23 December 4.00pm Hampton Lucy Christingle

7.30pm Charlecote Carol Service

Traditional Nine Lessons and Carols

with The Festival Singers

January 3 January Feast of The Epiphany

9.30am Charlecote Morning Worship CW

9.30am Loxley Holy Communion BCP

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Holy Communion CW

10 January The First Sunday of Epiphany (The Baptism of Christ)

9.30am Hampton Lucy Family Service CW

11.00am Charlecote Holy Communion CW

11.00am Loxley Matins BCP

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Evensong BCP

17 January The Second Sunday of Epiphany 9.30am Charlecote Holy Communion BCP

9.30am Hampton Lucy Come and Worship CW

11.00am Loxley Family Service

24 January The Third Sunday of Epiphany (Conversion of Paul)

8.00am Charlecote Holy Communion BCP

11.00am Loxley Holy Communion CW

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Evensong BCP

31 January The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemass) 10.00am Loxley Holy Communion CW

24 December Midnight Eucharist

4.00pm Charlecote Crib Service

11.30pm Loxley Holy Communion CW

25 December Christmas Day

9.30am Hampton Lucy Holy Communion CW

9.30am Charlecote Holy Communion CW

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