the notebook - megan

Post on 25-Jul-2015






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1. The colour red connotes to love. The red ambience of the scene creates a very warm and inviting atmosphere for the viewer. Love is normally quite warm which is why the director has specifically chosen the colour red as the film is to do with love. The sun is also a very warm tone and creates this warm atmosphere, the sun is almost like a pathway for the man. Its also shining down on him this could signify he is the main character within the film. This is a convention as the main character is introduced within the opening sequence. 2. The use of the long shot establishes that he is is the main focus, especially the use of the positioning of the man. As he is the centre of the screen in the long shot, it connates that he is the main focus of the film as it symbolizes he is an important character. 3. The establishing shot along with the many other establishing shots connotes that this place maybe important to the rest of the film. Maybe the focus of where the love scene takes place or an important location within one of the scenes maybe where the couple first meet. The consistency of the warm colours also establish this film is about love warm being something you feel stereotypically feel when you're in love 4. The establishing shot allows the viewer to see the birds flying to the house. The house may be quite an important figure in the film as the birds are flying towards the house. Birds also represent freedom which may be featured within the film maybe love as freed one of the characters. This would be a unconventional as normally romantic films don't normally include freedom within romance. The house could maybe one of the main focuses in the film which is why the birds are flying towards it. 5. The long shot of the house also signifies that the house is important and hint that it could be one of the main focal points for the developing characters relationship. Within the house, warm colours are also seen which also indicates that the house is a focal point for the film and for the characters. 6. The long shot of the view from inside the house onto the man, shows the woman is looking at the man. This could connote that the man and the woman are the focus of the film as the woman is looking out onto the man who is in the focus of the shot. The continuing of warm colours also creates this atmosphere of love and comfort, supporting the idea of the man and woman being the focus of the film maybe about their love story. 7. The long shot of the woman by the window implies she is an important character as she is in the house which has been the main focal point for the opening sequence. The reflection of the birds also refer back to this idea of freedom. The continous warm colour also establishes the theme of love and comfort. 8. The mid shot of the womans face introduces her character. The shallow focus shows she is a main character within the film as

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