the o’lordee legacy

Post on 22-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Ten generation Uglegacyto prettacy on The Sims 2


The O’Lordee Legacy

Chapter 1

I got my man!

Hi, I’m Bonifa O’Lordee. And this is my story. I am a founder of this legacy. This is my little house. It is maxi’s made, because there was something going on that didn’t allow me to put windows or doors on my house, so I totally just bought this one and will be adding on to it as soon as I fix the windows and doors issue.

Here is the inside of my house… nice and basic…

Oops I forgot the fridge… anywho… while I go get that I have to explain my purpose in this legacy,

Dudes, I am on a mission, to beautify my bloodline. You see I am ugly…

I don’t dare get too close… because it trully is horrific, I will break your computer screens.

So my mission is to get the cutest available guy to ensure the beauty of the O’Lordee bloodline.

First few minutes of my time in my house…

I jump rope… got to make sure I keep my girlish figure.

I watched a little football highlights, but really I thought it was time to find a job

So that I could definitely concentrate only on finding a man.

Perfect there is a Job in the music track. I get to work at a music store!

Maybe I will be a super rock legend soon. Oh there’s plenty of time for me to Work still… I decided to walk to the store for my first day. Besides I kind of Wanted to avoid the welcome wagon… those people stay all day and I wantedTo be able to move freely.

They dropped me off that nnight, and can you believe it? I so totally got promoted

I’ a piano tuner!! So awesome!

But my victory was empty, because I had no one to share it with me.

I was starting to get lonely.

So what should I do now? I know…

Yeah I want to go to the shops I need some new clothes.


I’m going shopping for clothes and men.

The waiting is killing me… I know, I’ll check my e-mail while I wait.

NO e-mails… doesn’t surprise me. Oooh my ride is here…

Wish me luck!

I’m scared, but what have I got to loose. My virginity?

Oh yeah! I went there.

Alright, I was on the prowl. I went in to do some shopping, and I saw him

He was fiiine! Whooo child, I had to talk to him.

I walked up to him.

Hey… You come round here often?

“Um… er… huh?”

“ I’m Bonifa O’Lordee… What’s your name?” He seemed stunned by my beauty But he quickly recovered.

“I am Juan Raemon.” Sweet a hot latin lover… oh he will do.

I really like this guy, He is really sweet and we have so much in common

He is a family sim just like me, and he wants to be a captain hero someday.

Right now he is a business man, and he has one kid with Pleasantview’s slutBrandi Broke… she has ten kids, I wonder what she looks like. He said it wasA one afternoon thing… he hasns’t seen her since but has been paying for itHe has never even met the kid. I wonder if it is even his.

Soon some of his friends came by and he totally walked away to talk to them.

He ignored me for like ten minutes I guess it would be hard being seen with Someone like me.

I am such a stalker… I followed him after he was done and talked to him again

But he was trully done talking to me cause he kind of grinned and walked Away again.

Since he walked away from me again, I figured I should just go home.

Since it was early still, I thought maybe he would come to visit me at home.

So I ran inside and called him. You know what he said?

He said he would see if he could come!! I might as well give it up!

You know what? He actually came!

Here is my chance… I am not going to waste time.

“Hey you came!”“I did,” he said with a shrug, “you’re kind of cool.”I smiled at that, kind of cool is good. “Do you want to come inside and… “ I paused.What should I say. “Oh hell, you and me horizontal tango. You game?”“Um…”“You don’t even have to look at my face.” I nearly begged… who knows maybe I can Get my legacy started tonight. “What do you say?”

I’m so giddy! He couldn’t stop thinking about me.

I’m gonna get some, I’m gonna get some!!!

God he is hot without his clothes on.

Oh yeah!!! Oh god this is happening!

I can’t believe it!

And it was good… so good.

He got out of bed right away… I don’t want to let him go.

Please don’t go… What do I do.

I know, I’ll ask him to marry me. I mean how can he say no afterI put it on him like that?

Dudes… It was sooo good both our plumbums were platinum.

I want him again.

“Juan baby,” I said taking his hands. We were still floating in the afterglow, And I couldn’t just let him walk out of my front door. “Be my man, move in,Marryme.”

“You put it on me baby,” Juan said “Yes I will marry you.”

I’m so happy!!!

Here’s my sweetie’s profile.. Isn’t he cute?

Anyway I made arrangements for a sunrise wedding the next day,

I didn’t want him to change his mind.

When we woke. I changed into my Halle Berry formal gown andHeaded to the arch in our back yard.He cake out in a very dapper suit. He looked so handsome… like heCould help it.

There was even one guest… it was someone just passing by I guessShe just showed up to watch us get married.

I guess every beautiful wedding needs a witness.

We cuddled , it was sweet…

I think he really does love me.

We danced a bit… until I had to go to work…

So much had happened in one day, that I almost forgot to go to work.

Okay… so my name is Skalpro Sim. I got totally takenIn by legacies really late. I have only discovered them since Sims3 came out like two weeks ago.

I don’t have Sims3 yet. Because of some fluke.But I am not mad because I never knew that I could do so much with it in the first place.

I discovered hacks and cheats about two months ago. I have the ACR hack and InTeen hack. I also have the child support hack… which affects this legacy because of Juan’s son with Brandi

I only have three EPs those being University, Seasons, and Apartmentlife so maybe my legacy won’t be as eventful as some others… but I am loving this.

Since I am just starting, My legacy will be only slightly different from the regular.

My Legacy will be a ten gen legacy. Actually it is an Uglegacy to prettacy. Each heir will have at least four children, and the most beautiful of the children will be heir.

I messed up and started the legacy with a “B” name. But I want to go in alphabetical order, meaning Bonifa’s children will all have names that start with “C”

Personally I can’t wait to see what the offspring will be like… I have better pictures of the children… she always seems to turn away from the camara and she is hard to catch.

The most beautiful thing on Bonifa are her eyes… too bad I have not learned to capture the right kinds of pictures.

Anyways enjoy, I will be joining and post there too. Later!

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