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The Orthodox Way November, 2016

USPS 600-160, No 11

St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church - 2100 Boyer Avenue East - Seattle, Washington - 98112 The Orthodox Way is published monthly. Parishioners who wish to contribute content or announcements are asked to email information to; or by fax to 206-631-2550. Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church reserves the right to edit, alter or reject any content.

Praying with True Thanksgiving

A s I noted a couple of months ago, I wrote about the importance of thanksgiving. I would like to briefly explore how thanksgiving is

an essential part of our prayer lives. The entire cycle of worship as Orthodox Christians is founded upon this. The most important sacra-ment, the Eucharist, quite literally means thanksgiving. We fervently offer up what God has given us and He transforms it into lifesaving food for us. When we pray do we recognize every good and perfect gift we have in our lives comes from God? If so, are we offering up our whole heart in thanksgiving to him? To be truly thankful we must first be aware that any gifts in our lives are just borrowed. In fact, we do not actually possess anything. This is a fundamental mindset for our prayer lives to be fruitful.

In his book “Beginning to Pray,” Metropolitan Anthony Bloom relates this mindset to one who has hit rock bottom in their lives. He says the following:

“[...] the moment you reach rock bottom, the moment you are aware of your utter disposses-sion of all things, then you are on the fringe of the kingdom of God, you are nearly aware that that God is love and that He is upholding you by his love. And at that point you can say two things simultaneously. You can pray out of your utter misery, dereliction and poverty, and you can rejoice that you are so rich with the love of God. But this is only if you have come to the point of discovering it, because as long as you imagine you are rich there is nothing to thank God for, and you cannot be aware of be-ing loved. Too often the kind of thanksgiving, and the kind of re-pentance we bring to God is too much a general repentance.”

This is a striking statement that may seem far off for most of us. We can reach this point of “rock bottom” in our prayer lives, but not without practice. If we start with this as our goal, the more we pray, the more God will reveal to us and the more our perspective on everything we do in our lives begins to change. We will begin to look to Him first instead of ourselves.

In two months we will receive the ultimate gift, God’s only son being born into the world for our salvation. How would our view of that gift change if we practiced prayer in the way that Metropolitan Anthony describes? You won’t know if you don’t try. As we enter the Christmas fast this month, commit to transforming your prayer life in this way. Do you want to learn how to do that? Join our monthly book club where we will explore Metropolitan Anthony’s book in greater detail. Our first meeting is Monday, November 21 at 10:30 am in the Fr. Homer Library immediately following Di-vine Liturgy for the Presentation of the Theotokos. All are welcome and books are available now in our bookstore for just $10. I hope to see you all there. Glory to God for all things.

In Christ, Fr. Daniel

Mission Statement: “To proclaim the Gospel of Christ in the Orthodox Tradition while creating a vibrant, loving, compassionate and supportive community.”

Inside this Issue

Serving Our Ministry 2

St. Demetrios Welcomes

he Shinas Family/Festival



Philoptochos News—

November 4

Youth Ministry News 5

Youth Ministry News—

Continued 6

Stewardship Update 7

Monthly Calendar 8


Recognitions 9

OCMC article/Dance

Ministry News 10

Memorials & Vigil Lights 11

Christmas Card Form/

Jubilee Women’s Center



St. Demetrios Office Hours:

9:30 am - 5:30 pm Monday - Friday

Phone: 206-631-2500 Fax: 206-631-2550 Rentals: 206-631-2515

Parish Directory

Rev.Fr. Photios Dumont Proistamenos 206-631-2501,

Fr. Daniel Triant Assistant Priest 206-631-2502

Dn. Perry Angelos,Deacon 425-652-2983,

Vasilios Lazarou, Chantor

Georgine Looney Parish Council President

Lefteris Sitaras Youth Ministry Director 206-631-2504,

Simoni Shirland Administrative Assistant 206-631-2503,

Maria Barbas Financial/Stewardship Admin 206-631-2505,

Saundra Maroussis Hall Rental Manager 206-631-2515,

Paula Charuhas-Macris Sunday School Director Ext 2507,

Nina Varlamos, Philoptochos President 206-784-4922

Tedros Habte-Mezengi, Custodian

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Church Services, Epistle and Gospel Readings

Date Church Service

Nov. 1st

Nov. 6th

Nov. 8th

Nov. 9th

Nov. 13th

Nov. 14th

Nov. 20th

Nov. 21st

Nov. 23rd

Nov. 25th

Nov. 26th

Nov. 27th

Nov. 30th

Sts, Cosmas and Damian

7th Sunday of Luke

Synaxis of the Archangels

St. Nektarios

8th Sunday of Luke

St. Phillip, the Apostle

9th Sunday of Luke

Presentation of the Theotokos

Vesperal D. Liturgy for Thanksgiving, 7 pm

St. Katherine, Great Martyr

Great Vespers, 5 pm

13th Sunday of Luke

St. Andrew (Services at St. Andrew, in Arlington)


Nov. 6th & 20th

Jack Hillman, Peter Dudunakis, Nicholas Biros, Yiannis Tsantilas, Nasi Contoravdis, Niko Contoravdis, Phillip Stamolis, James Konugres, Jonathan Poiana, Omar Mallouk, Stavros Panos, Nicholas Marcu-Visan, Theofanis Kalasountas, John Limantzakis and Zane Raissis.

Nov. 13th & 27th

Joseph Dumont, Nicholas Christianson, Demetre Teodosiadis, Alex Rotar, Manoli P. Tramountanas, Manoli A. Tramountanas, Johnny Tramountanas, Peter Ales, Ethan Weigle, Steven Stanos, John Christofilis, Peter Economou Grunder, Elias Oraivej and Anthony Sitaras.

Parish council servers

Nov. 6th 20th

Gerogine Looney, George Papanastasiou, Vicky Christianson, Thomas Dudler, Andrew Aliferakis, Bob Read, Louis Kotsakis

Nov. 13th & 27th

John Ales, Stephanos Margaritis, Jim Kost, George Tramountanas, Dale Hazapis, John Kapelouzos, Christos Psichos


November 6th Andrew Aliferakis, in Greek and Jenny Kapelouzos, in English November 13th Jack Hillman, in Greek and Peter Ales, in English November 20th Nikos Biros, in Greek

Fasting Type November

Fish Allowed 16, 17, 19-22, 24, 26-29

Strict Fast 2, 4, 9, 11, 18, 23

Wine & Oil Allowed 16, 25, 30

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St. Demetrios Welcomes the Shinas Family!

O ur family is very thankful to be in Seattle and call Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox

Church our parish. Terri and I arrived in Seattle in April 2015 and live in Maple Valley with our 4 children, Sophia, Michalis, Henry, and Zoe. I was born into the Greek Orthodox faith in Albany, New York as the son of Greek immi-grants. My wife Terri was born into the Roman Catholic faith in Massachusetts. We were mar-ried at my parish, Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Church on August 22, 1999 by Father Patrick Legato. Our children were all baptized at Saint Sophia's as well. Having lived in Albany my whole life, 2008 brought change to our family. A job opportunity took us to Roseville, California. We attended Saint Anna Greek Orthodox Church. We made many new friends there and became koumbaroi with some wonderful people. Father Christopher Flesoras was so wel-coming and so inspired Terri that she began to study Orthodoxy. After completing the course of study at the church, Terri was christmated in the Greek Orthodox Church on the Feast of St. Patrick in 2013. Father Chris remains a trust-ed advisor and each time we return to California we make a point of going to Saint Anna's to attend the Divine Litur-gy. In February of 2014, our family was on the move again to Columbus, Ohio where we attended the Annunication Greek Orthodox Church. Father Demetrios and Father Dean were very welcoming and we loved it when Metropolitan Savas would officiate. The cathedral was beautiful and the choir was so moving. Our faith would shepherd our family through a very serious automobile accident in October 2014 when a tractor-trailer truck slammed into the back of our mini-van at 70 miles per hour. All 6 of us suffered very serious injuries. By the miraculous intervention of God, our lives were spared. This experience strengthened our faith and grateful-ness. Father Demetrios and Father Dean visited us in the hospital and in our home once we were discharged. Our California parish sent many prayers our way, icons, and handmade prayer shawls from the St. Anna Philoptochos Prayer Shawl Ministry along with vigil light oil. We also received a heartfelt letter from Father Pat at Saint Sophia in New York with a monetary gift from the Philoptochos to help us in our time of need. Terri and I were very moved and humbled by the outpouring of support from all of our churches from coast to coast. All of these wonderful experiences through the church brought us here to Saint Demetrios in Seattle. The first time we visited, Father Photios was away and Father Daniel was officiating Divine Liturgy. We had intentions of looking at 2 other Greek Orthodox Churches in the surrounding area, however, after attending services here, we felt there was no need to look further. Meeting Father Photios further confirmed that we had made the right decision. We are blessed to have 2 passionate priests whom we truly appreciate. The messages they share each week resonate in our daily life and help us as we strive to be better Christians. We are so happy and thankful to be here. From the bottom of our hearts - Thank you! Athanansios, Terri, Sophia, Michalis, Henry, and Zoe Shinas


T hank you to all of the Festival chairs and volunteers who helped make this another successful festival. Once again we managed to set record sales amounts on two of the days and ended the Festival with our highest gross

total ever. Kudos go out to all the food booths as we heard from customers the food was delicious. We will be holding a post festival meeting soon to go over results and plans for next years Festival. The Parish Council will be seeking some individuals to assist with planning next years auction and festival and attendance at this meeting would be a way for some of our talented parishioners to get involved and find out what they can do to assist with this important part of our Church.

I especially want to thank Father Photios and Father Daniel and Deacon Perry for their spiritual guidance and support.

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Philoptochos News November 2016

Message From President Nina

E ven though our festival is an all parish event, Philoptochos ladies contribute greatly to its success.

Baking all summer, collecting and preparing items for the This~n~That Shop, working in many of the festival booths all three days, they are amazing. A huge thank you to everyone who helped this year! On November 6th, Philoptochos will celebrate the Name Day of our Patron Saints Cosmas and Damian. We take this opportunity to celebrate and remember our departed Sisters in our Philoptochos. Our chapter has a rich history of the love of so many who have paved the way for us, caring for people in need in our Church and in the community we live in. May their memory be eternal!

Philoptochos and the Sunday School Children Make a Difference

Thank you to all of the Philoptochos ladies, Sunday School teachers and students who participated in our second joint Make-A-Difference Day adventure! This year our Philopto-chos Chapter joined other Philoptochos chapters across the country, elementary schools nationwide and even in Greece. The goal was to engage in this “cross-generational” initiative (i.e., Philoptochos and children), during the entire month of October not only to make a difference but also to do so in hon-or of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios’ Name Day which is on October 26th. Philoptochos ladies provided Christmas cards in which Sunday School students wrote “Thank You” messages to veterans for their service. The cards will be sent to the local VA hospital for distribution. The children also made “Get Well” cards for patients at nearby Seattle Children’s Hospital. As members of the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Soci-ety, we have always acted to alleviate suffering and provide comfort to all. Indeed, as Philoptochos chapters and members distinguished by a long history of making a difference, we are the ideal partners for our children in this initiative, bringing together the energy of our youth and the talent and teaching of the Philoptochos. **** If you have Christmas or other cards that you know you will not use, please bring them to church and mark them for ‘Philoptochos Make-A-Difference Day’. We will use them next year, if not sooner. Again, our heartfelt thanks! Please Join Us for the Sinatra Chocolate Wine Ball Sunday, November 13th please join Camp Agape Northwest for an elegant evening at Herban Feast. Our 8th annual celebration will feature a seasonal dinner menu, Washington wines and chocolatiers, and the music of Frank Sinatra. Proceeds from the event will benefit Camp Agape, a camp for children with cancer and their families. Again this year there will not be an auction. Tickets are available at for $100 or at the Sunday coffee hour. Tables of 10 are available for $875. For more information, contact or call 425.772.1605.

Saint Demetrios Philoptochos Contacts:

President: Nina Varlamos 206.784.4922 or 206.499.0369. Camp Agape NW: Georgia Gianacos Steenis 206.419.6867 Dress for Success: Georgene Karambelas 206.829.9337 Jubilee Women’s Shelter: Georgene Karambelas 206.829.9337 Sunshine Cards: Mary Damascus 509.951.2975 St. Martin de Porres Men’s Shelter: Helen Kalasountas 425.641.0472 Visitation: Kay Betts 206.546.2370

Upcoming Meeting Schedule:

All are welcome to attend our meetings and events:

November 6th – Memorial for departed Philoptochos Sisters

November 17th - cook for St Martin de Porres Men’s Shelter

November 20th – regular meeting at church after Divine Liturgy * note change of date

November 23rd – potluck dinner for Jubilee Women’s Center

No regular meeting in December

December 15th - cook for St Martin de Porres Men’s Shelter

December 28th – cook for Jubilee Women’s Center

December 29th - cook for St Martin de Porres Men’s Shelter

January 8th – regular meeting at church after Divine Liturgy

Your Sister in Christ, Susan Reichmann, Philoptochos Advisor 425.772.1605


The Philoptochos will be baking Vasilopeta, Tsourekia, Melomacarona, Kourambiethes and other Holiday Sweets next month. If you wish to pre-order, please call Lena LaMarche at 206-383-6934. Please place your order on time for the Holidays!

St. Demetrios Philoptochos thanks you for your support!

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Youth Ministry News Youth Ministry News Youth Ministry News

Orthodoxy on Tap

Orthodoxy on Tap is for all college students and young adults. This ministry is a chance for us to meet and talk about our faith in a social environment. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednes-day of the month. Join us for dinner at Tutta Bella Pizzeria at 4411 Stone Way in Wallingford on Wednesday, November 9 at 6:30 pm and on November 23rd at St. Demetrios as we prepare special bags for the homeless.

For information, contact Lefteris Sitaras at 206-631-2504.

GOYA YES Retreat November 18, 19, 20

What is the YES Program? The YES Program of FOCUS North America is YOUTH EQUIPPED TO SERVE.

WHAT? A wonderful opportunity to serve and love our most needy neighbors in Seattle, WA.

WHO? 13 yrs. old- College Students

WHERE? We will meet at 5pm on Friday, November 18 and stay Friday and Saturday nights at St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church The service learning week-end will come to a close following Liturgy on Sun-day, November 20th.

COST? A registration gift of $150 a person will cover all trip expenses, make it possible for the YES Program to prepare and execute the trip, and enable our service team to meet the needs of those we serve. REGISTER HERE

QUESTIONS? Please contact Katrina Bitar, YES Program Director, Or Lefteris Sitaras,

Visit Register at

Mother & Son Black Tie Ball

Saturday, November 5

Mothers and Sons are invited to our 1st annual Black Tie Formal on Saturday, November 5th from 5 to 8 pm in the St. Demetrios Small Hall.

Dress to Impress for this dinner and dance. Cost is $10 per person. Please RSVP for this event. Contact Lefteris Sitaras at 206-631-2504 or

Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Dads and Daughters are welcome to attend too!!!!

Mommy & Me Events Join us on November 20 Sunday, November 20, from 3 pm. to 5 pm. Home of Carmen Bactad 11428 NE 90th Street Kirkland WA 98033

Sunday, December 18, 5:30 pm. WildLights at the Woodland Park Zoo 5500 Phinney Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98103

Reminder: Mommy & Me is meant to be fun for the whole family. Older siblings and dads are always welcome! For more information contact Pres. Michelle Triant at michellet.riant

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Youth ministry continued

Upcoming Youth Ministry Events


4 - HOPE & JOY Ornament Making

18 - Sunday School Christmas Play

19 - Christmas Caroling followed by Hot


31 - New Year’s Eve Celebration

January 13. 2017 - HOPE & JOY Family

Bingo Night

March 11, 2017 - Mother & Daughter Tea

March 17-19, 2017 - GOYA Lent Retreat in


Sunday School Christmas Play Rehearsal Schedule:

A ll children that receive a narrator, actor, or musi-cian part will be expected to make all of the re-

hearsals. Please check in with your Sunday School Teacher then meet in the large hall for practice.

Sunday, November 6, during Sunday School

Sunday, November 13, during Sunday School

Sunday, November 20, during Sunday School

Sunday, December 4, during Sunday School

Sunday, December 11, during Sunday School - Dress Rehearsal

Youth Ministry News continued

St. Demetrios was represented by "Maria's Chrushers" our Young Adult Volleyball Team at St. Nicholas Church's 12th annual Volleyball Tournament in San Jose, CA. The team performed well winning one match but losing two in the double elimination tournament. If you are interested in joining the team for next year please contact Lefteris Sitaras. The dates for the tour-nament are October 13, 14, 15, 2017.

Thank you to all of our Festival Youth Booth Volunteers. Thank you to:

Kosta & Melina Apostolou, Josh Benbow,

Alexa Bominos, Liza Bromley, Joseph Brymerski, Sophia Christodoulou,

Alexandra & Arianna Christophilis, Yioanna & Georgios Devekos,

Alexandra & Lea Koceski, Kennedy & Londyn Kyrismis, Caroline Madrid,

Zoe Manaois, Jacob Panagiotou, Evan & Luke Prior, Aya Psichos, Emily & Leah Raissis, Marisa Shepard, Henry & Michael Shinas, Elizabeth & Panos Sideris,

Katerina & Anthony Sitaras, Stevan Stanos, Eleanor Tramountanas and Ethan Weigle.

Special Thanks to Michael Fecadu,

Victoria Taroudaki, Thanassi Teodosiadis and Will Weigle.


Application Deadline: January 31, 2017.


For questions, contact our Scholar-ships Coordinator, Allie Clayman, at or

call 312.357.6432.

Page 7

Our Stewardship Campaign for 2017 begins this month. The Stewardship Committee will be handing out stewardship packets to parishioners after Divine Liturgy on November 6th and 13th. Remaining packets will be mailed on November 14th. Please take time to complete the stewardship card and reflect on what time, talent and treasury that you can pledge. On Sunday November 20th, we ask that you return your completed stewardship information to the baskets provided after the Divine Liturgy. New this year! Go to http://saintdemetr to enter your stewardship information online.

Thank you! The Stewardship Committee

Stewardship update

The following Parishioners have signed their Stewardship Card last month:


Congratulations to our 2016 ‘Citizen of the Year” Award Recipients, who were presented with their award on Saint Demetrios Feast Day Luncheon, October 26, 2016: Theo J. Angelis

and Paula Charuhas Macris! “Axioi!!”

Greg Bartell and Fotini Georgiadou Calliope Carras Stephanie Deliganis Paul and Becky Lymberis

Alexis Panteleakos and Matthew Conner George T. and Diamanto Tramountanas Timothy and Harriet Young John and Andreanna Zafiropoulos

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C ongratulations to Christopher Dodd and Maria Christofilis Dodd whose daughter Elena was baptized

on October 16th, 2016. Her sponsors are Dino Christofilis and Nina Christofilis. “Na sas zese!”

W e welcome to our faith Anthony and Maryann Shenoda and their children, Makarios and Seraphim

Shenoda who were chrismated on October 25th, 2016. Their sponsors are Presvytera Katherine Dumont, and John and Arianna Dumont respectively.

Yiayia and Friends Luncheon

O ur next Yiayias & Friends luncheon will be on Thursday, November 3 at The Bay Cafe at Fisherman's Termi-

nal. The Bay Cafe is located at 1900 West Nickerson Street. Time is 11:30 a.m. The restaurants appreciate knowing how many to expect so they can adequately accommodate us. For questions and reservations, please contact Mary Damascus, preferably by email: (or by phone: 509-951-2975) .


W e wish to thank Demetrios and Kiki Dotis of “Taki’s Mad Greek, Inc.” for their Bronze Level Sponsorship, Phil and

Barbara Sancken of “Café Appassionato” for their donation of American Coffee for the Dining Room and the 3 Kafeneia, and Espresso Coffee, cups and supplies for the Espresso Booth, Stephanos and Paula Margaritis of “Hain Refrigerated Foods, Inc.” for the donation of Yogurt for Tzatziki and the Yogurt Booth, and the Dance Group for making the Tzatziki. Also we wish to thank Mrs. Thelma Doces, Voula and Bill Athan of “Voula’s Good Eats” for the monetary donation.

Your generosity is truly appreciated! Congratulations to the following Raffle Winners:

Pauline Spyridis—1st Prize Winner—55 inch TV 2nd Prize—Thomas Jaynes—Computer Tablet 3rd Prize—$150.00 Cash—Gus Boutsinis

Ministry Sunday November 6th

D id you know that St. Demetrios has

nearly 50 ministries? The ministries range from helping others to educating our parishioners to social gatherings. Ministry Sunday is a terrific time to find out more.

Please join us in the large hall after Divine Liturgy on Novem-ber 6th for Ministry Sunday. Nearly every ministry will have representative available for questions and discussion. There will be a “passport” activity for the young and young at heart. Ministry Sunday isn’t the only way to find out more or get involved. Each year your stewardship packet contains a minis-

try brochure and a commitment card. Please consider joining a ministry to grow your faith and engage in our community.


H oliday season is coming soon. Bookstore Co-Manager Eugenia Macris, with her years of retail experience,

suggests that November is a great month to start your shop-ping. Your St. Demetrios Bookstore has a wealth of beautiful gift items, icons, children's books, Christmas Cards, and more. In addition, Fr. Photios recommends several books by and about Saints Paisios and Porphyrios for your spiritual develop-ment.

On November 21st, our clergy will initiate a new daytime women’s reading group. The first book is the excellent and meaningful small book, Beginning to Pray, by Anthony Bloom. Several copies are available for purchase on the front desk in the bookstore. Let's support this new ministry offered to us.

November 24th is Thanksgiving Day. Your volunteer bookstore staff thanks you for frequenting your church bookstore. It is a pleasure for us to assist you. We all wish you a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving with family and/or friends.

Our Condolences

W e express our Deep Condolences to Harry Jaffers and his family for the passing

of his sister-in-law, Dorothea Mootafes. Also our Deep Condolences to all Dorothea’s Friends and Caregivers. May her memory be eternal! We express our Deep Condolences to Lula Ba-barakos and Nina Varlamos, Eleni Christofilis and their families for the passing of her husband, and

their father John (Ioannis) Babarakos. May his memory be eternal! “ ”

In Appreciation

T he Tramountanas family would like to thank the many parishioners who made donations in honor of Peggy

Tramountanas. The money is going to a good cause and they know she would be pleased. Eternal be her memory!

Thank You for Your Help for St. Demetrios Feast Day

W e wish to thank all the Parishioners and Friends who attended the services for the Feast Day of our patron

saint, Saint Demetrios on October 26th, 2016. Many thanks to our Philoptochos who sponsored the Refreshments on October 25th, following the Vespers service and to our Parish Council, John Varlamos and his team, Jim Christo, George Tsantilas, Christos Psichos and George Lebesis for cooking the delicious meal. We also wish to thank Maria Nikolidakis for donating the Salad and Vicky Stamolis for her talent and time to deco-rate the icons of St. Demetrios. Many thanks to Toula Stavros, Eleni Christofilis and their team for making the Artoclasia. Your generosity is truly appreciated!

Coffee Hour on November 13th

T he Coffee Hour on November 13th will be sponsored by the Daughters of Penelope—AHEPA Family to celebrate the

Daughters of Penelope Founder’s Day. Please support their efforts!

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You are Needed as Part of a Mission Team in 2017 Contact 1-877- GO-FORTH or visit Around the world there are adults and children longing to learn more about the Orthodox Faith. There are women who want to offer their time and talents to the Church, but need guidance on how best to serve. There are people desperate for healthcare. In 2017, Orthodox Mission Teams from the Orthodox Christian Mission Center will do these things and more. Your service on one of these teams is needed! You can: Empower the Church at home and abroad by working, witnessing, worshipping and making disciples. Minister to the needs of Orthodox communities by: presenting a visible expression of the love, unity, and support; sharing the teachings of the Orthodox Faith and providing labor to communities around the globe; and increasing awareness of the unending mission efforts of the Church. In 2017 OCMC Mission teams will be serving in Albania, Guatemala, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, and the United States in Alaska. They will be involved with Teaching, Youth Work, Healthcare, and Construction. Please visit and click on “Orthodox Mission Teams” for dates and descriptions of upcoming mission teams or call 1-877- GO-FORTH.

Dance Ministry News


T he St. Demetrios Dance Groups launched their See's Candies fundraiser on Monday, 10/17/16! Make sure that all of your dancers have picked up their order form and envelope to start making sales!! The fundraiser will run through Monday,

12/5/16 so orders can be processed and delivered before Christmas! There will be a 1st Place Prize for the Dance Group that sells the most orders as well as a 1st Place Prize for the overall single dancer who sells the most candy! So, make sure you place your See's Candies order with one of our dancers to enjoy a sweet Holiday Season and help raise funds for our dance ministry!! Choral - Our choral program has begun! Come sing with us. Senior Choral (9th grade - adult) meets on Sundays at 12:30 and Junior Choral (1st - 8th grade) meets on Monday at 7:30. No experience necessary! Greek not required. Questions about the dance and choral ministry? Contact Demetra at

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Memorials and Vigil lights

Memorials and Holy Altar Candles from last month

Memorials and Holy Altar Candles for November 13th

A One-Year Memorial Service and a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light are offered in loving memory of Katherine Ales, by her children, John, Maria and their families, Trevor, Margaret, Ian, Alexis, Peter and Eileen.

Two Holy Altar Table Vigil Lights are offered in loving memory of Jerry Courounes (two years since his passing), by his wife, Nicoleta Courounes, son Gus and daughter Renee.

A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Harilaos and Evanthia Christo, by Eleni Christo and Family.

Memorials ad Holy Altar Candles for November 20th

A Three-Year Memorial Service, a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light and the Coffee Hour are offered in loving memory of Diana Gikas Dorough, by her parents, Michael and Wanda Gikas and niece, Lea and nephew, Adam.

A Forty-Day Memorial Service and a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light are offered in loving of Dorothea A. Mootafes, by her Friends.

The Eight Holy Altar Table Vigil Lights are offered in loving memory of Panos Koutlas (six months since his passing), by his wife, Toula Koutlas and Family.

A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Josephine Sabbag (eight years since her passing), by her daughter and son-in-law, Barbara and Phil Sancken and granddaughters.

Memorials and Holy Altar Candles for November 6th

A One-Year Memorial Service and a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light were offered on October 30th, 2016 in loving memory of Zannis Raissis, by his son, Nicholas Raissis and Family.

Memorials and Holy Altar Candles for November 27th

A Memorial Service, a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light and the Coffee Hour are offered in loving memory of Philoptochos Departed Sisters, by St. Demetr ios Philoptochos.

A Six-Year Memorial Service, two Holy Altar Table Vigil Lights and a donation to Philoptochos are offered in loving memory of Emanuel Xenos, by his wife, Demetra Xenos, their children, Spiro and Voula, Georgine and Glen and grandchildren, Deme, Manny, Theodore and Sophia.

A Memorial Service and a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light are offered in loving memory of Eleni and Alex Limantzakis (twenty-five years and twenty years since their passing), by the Panos Family, Limantzakis Family, Palios Family, Voltsis Family and Makratzakis Family.

A Twelve-Year Memorial Service and a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light are offered in loving memory of Dr. Tom Gumas, by Polette and John Limantzakis and Family.

A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Aristea Coulousi (thirty-five years since her passing), by Helen Exarhos and Family.

A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Emanuel Xenos (six years since his passing), by his cousins, Stella and James Nelson.

A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Tom Charuhas (thirteen years since his passing), by his daughter and son-in-law, Paula and Chris Macris.

A One-Year Memorial Service, a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light and the Coffee Hour are offered in loving memory of Theodore Kaltsounis, by his wife, Mar ia Kaltsounis and Family. A One-Year Memorial Service, a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light and the Coffee Hour are offered in loving memory of Pete Mykris, by his wife, Carol Mykr is, their children, Meena and Costa Vellis, Thelma and George Treperinas, Kris and Ken Dudunakis and grandchildren.

A Memorial Service and a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light are offered in loving memory of Harula Panos (eighteen years since her passing), by her husband Steve, her children Artemios and Rebecca, Alexander and Christina and grandchildren.

A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of George and Catherine Chriest (forty-five years and five years since their passing), by Janie and Rob Drumhiller and Family.

A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Harula Panos (eighteen years since her passing), by her brother, sisters and their families.

Two Holy Altar Table Vigil Lights are offered in loving memory of Gust Koulouris (seventeen years since his passing), by his sister Pota Johnson and Family.

A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of her Beloved Son Ken Eacrett and her Beloved Mother Anna Chigaras (thir teen years since their passing), by Sandra Mykris and Family. A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Panagiotis Manolakos (in honor of his Birthday—Dec. 1st), by his wife, Georgia Manolakos and Family.

A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Cleo Supernaw (six months since her passing), by her Friends.

Two Holy Altar Table Vigil Lights are offered in loving memory of Demetrios and Eula Begleris (eight years and thirty-six years since their passing), by their daughters, Renee Knowles, Stephanie Lembesis and Elaine Laurent.

A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Dorothea Mootafes (forty days since her passing), by Demetra Xenos and Family.

The Orthodox Way (USPS 600-160)

Published Monthly by St. Demetrios Church 2100 Boyer Ave. East, Seattle, WA 98112

Postmaster send address changes to: The Orthodox Way 2100 Boyer Avenue East Seattle, WA 98112


The Above are Contributed Announcements to The Orthodox Way Page 12


Your are cordially

invited to join us and send Christmas Greetings to All our

Parishioners and Friends on our Mailing List

Please write your name as you wish it to appear on the Christmas Card and mail it to the Church Office

before the deadline (Tuesday, December 6th, 2016). Please make your donation of $20 payable to:

St. Demetrios—Christmas Card. Thank you for your support and for the love and joy

you share with the other Parishioners.

NAME ___________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________CITY______________

St. Demetrios Men Cook for Jubilee Women!

F rom the residents of Jubilee Women’s Center, a heartfelt “Thanks, Guys!!!” The October dinner,

provided by Philoptochos, was cooked by some of our wonderful male parishioners. This month, John Var-lamos, Jim Christo and George Tsantilas generously gave their time (with a little guidance from Christina Meletis) and put together a delicious chicken dinner for our low income sisters in need.

The monthly meals our parish provides helps the residents at JWC stretch their personal grocery budgets, as they work towards stable and independent living.

Anyone can help and it’s much appreciated. If you would like to learn more about Jubilee Women’s Center or how to donate, cook or volunteer, please call Georgene Karambelas 206 829 9337, or

Help St. Demetrios to Provide Thanksgiving Dinner

P lease join us, as we provide a Potluck style Thanksgiving Dinner to our sisters in need at the

Jubilee Women’s Center. Can you donate a roasted turkey or side dish? We will need salads, vegetables, desserts and drinks. If you don’t cook, can you help deliver? This is a great way to support and get to know JWC.

Food items to be delivered to St. Demetrios by 2:00 pm on Wednesday Nov 23rd . For more information, or to sign up to provide a side dish, please call Georgene Karambelas 206 829 9337 or email:

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