the power of attraction april 10, 2007. kathy ollerton is an ordinary woman with an extraordinary...

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The Power of AttractionApril 10, 2007

Kathy Ollerton is an ordinary woman with an extraordinary gift.  If you listen to the thousands of people who’s lives have been affected, speak of her and her particular talent, you wonder why the whole world doesn’t know who she is.  How has someone like her gone unnoticed by the majority of the population?  

Why hasn’t she at least been on Oprah?

Her resume is impressive when you consider that at a fairly young age, she was on the first joint space committee with the Russians in Washington, D.C., she worked with Buckminster Fuller and Dr. Jerry Jampolski and was the 40th woman to summit Mt. McKinley.  She has worked with corporations like Chevron, Clorox, I.B.M. & Bill Marriott. Pretty impressive stuff for a Diablo Valley mother of three.

Kathy Ollerton is a Vision Consultant to real estate organizations. Through her coaching and mentoring, organizations shape their vision, solidify their core values and cultivate a deliberate and planned culture.  Her Leadership Training develops managers to effect change, develop agents, manage standards and promote high performing offices. 

When an organization crystallizes on its vision, and the vision manifests into reality, there is an experience – AMAZEMENT. Einstein once said amazement is the “highest form of human emotion.” Ollerton challenges her students to execute the leadership principles outside the classroom, the whole leadership class is challenged to go to the community, the nation, or world and find a way to make a difference. Some “Amazing Days” are unbelievable.

She started out in the late 70’s, training Real Estate agents to double and triple their production through focusing on the five principles of:  Commitment, Accountability, Personal Responsibility, Self Respect and Integrity, all wrapped up as Vision.As her course evolved, she noticed that the stronger her training supported the five principles she stressed…the bigger the breakthrough the agent had, the more successful, and happy, they became.

Her trainings were one full day a month for a year.  The last session was called “The Amazing Day”.  It was up to the participants to figure out what they would do on that day to amaze themselves as a group.  The only criteria that Kathy imposed on them was that it had to be unanimous…100%.

Thank you to Julian Perez, Rocco LaTella and Patricia Chaffin for

your continued support.

Thank you to Ameritech Mortgage, Rick Davis and Brian Ehmann for your support

Thank you to Countrywide Home Loans and Pat Kornychuk for your support

Thank you to Direct Access Lending and

Eric Torres for your continued support

Thank you to Fidelity National Title and

Debbie Amend for your continued support

Thank you to Nevada Title and Marcia Klann for your continued support.

Thank you to Old Republic Home Protection and Francine Willis for your continued


Thank you to Ticor Title and Nina Closson for your continued support

Thank you to Title One of Las Vegas and Sharyn Gagne’ for your continued support

Thank you to The Warranty Group and Jenelle Kennedy for your continued support

Thank you to Wells Fargo and Melissa Preston for your support

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