the power of using the m.e.t. empowerment success system

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Part 1 of 3 - Motivate of Using the M.otivate, E.ducation and T.rain Empowerment Success System


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A Guide for Revealing the Power

of Using The M.E.T. Empowerment Success System

PART 1 of 3

Written by Jill

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction ....................................... 3

Chapter 2 – Key Factor #1-Motivation ................. 4

Chapter 3 – How To Turn Your Challenges Into

Success Tools ......................................................... 6

Chapter 4 – 3 Steps To Getting Out of Stuck Place

and Into Action ...................................................... 9

Chapter 5 – 3 Ways To Identify Negative Belief 14

Chapter 6 – Exercises for Breaking Through

Negative Beliefs ................................................... 17

Chapter 7 – Personal Application-Take Action! . 19

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What is the M.E.T. Empowerment Success System?


This is one of the most important eBooks you will read in 2011!

When it comes to making a decision whether to start your business

or just master a wealth and abundance mindset, understanding what

it takes to run a business successfully and create a balanced

and happy life; no other course will be as open, honest and

insightful. This practical life empowering eBook will help you to

develop the habits of mind necessary to live your dream, change

destructive limiting beliefs, and learn the importance of having a

supportive network of successful people, valuable resources and

tools to help you along the way.

In this powerful, "truth-telling" eBook I will reveal facts about:

1. My personal journey and Key Factor #1 of the M.E.T.

Empowerment Success System which is Motivation

2. How to turn your life challenges into life and/or business

success tools

3. The 3 steps to get out of a "stuck" place and get into

action to create the life you love and live your dreams

4. Three "must-do’s” to identify limiting beliefs and create

beliefs for self-empowerment

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M.E.T. initials stands for Motivate, Educate and Train. This is an

Empowerment Success System that I've used over the years to reap

the rewards of manifesting abundance and seeing incredible things

happen...yes, phenomenonally and miraculously. Although, I'm not

wealthy (yet), it is no fault of the Universe...I've mad poor decisions,

just as some of you may have. However, I've never failed to take

time to sit back and analyze my process for success and living my

dreams and taking the necessary steps to get back on track.

I am not at all about perfection, being a perfectionist of sorts earlier

on in life. I've learned to be more about progress as I've evolved

into this new freedom of being gentle and patient with myself.

Ladies let me tell you, that change has come by way of some hard

knocks, tears, sweat and unfortunately a lot of resistance.

One of the main reasons that I've found myself stuck so many times

is because I was trying to swim in mud. That's right ladies. I had

some old feelings, emotions, beliefs and habits that kept me wading

in the past. The past is mud and you can't swim in mud. You only

get pulled down until you eventually sink or pull yourself out.

I want to share the M.E.T. Empowerment Success System with

you because I believe some of my poor decision making was based

on a limited belief system passed down to me from others and I held

tightly to them like a pit bull (as most colored women do with things

they believe in) and I got dogged! Dog tired is what I'm talking

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about! I got dog tired of missing the mark and living in fear of

success. What is real is that all the tools that I had acquired had to

eventually come into play or I would die...spiritually, emotionally,

physically, financially, and mentally.

I thirsted and hungered to live my passion of working with women

(and now teens) by any means necessary and therein lies these

accomplished goals that have manifested quickly my new website,

financial abundance in way of being called back to a job to do a 3-

year contract working with teens, spiritual healing, meeting some

wonderful women who are supportive of my dream, and being able

to create products and services that revitalize the women of color

community and their families.

I've learned that changing my mindset, making executive decisions

and taking action despite my fears were the only action steps I

needed to master to get to the next level of self-mastery. I am so

glad you are here, now I have someone to talk to. If you have a

dream and no one to share it with...that can completely stop you in

your tracks. So thank you for being here for me and guess what I'm

here for you too.

To find out how I can support you in living your dreams today click

here! But don't forget to return to the page and finish reading...I'm

just getting started !

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So let's start this eBook with how one can turn their life challenges

into life and business success tools.

Let's look at the word challenge from a different perspective.

The word challenge can be transformed into change by removing

the middle 3 letters. The technique to change lies in analyzing what

happened in the beginning and deciding what you want the end

result to be. What determines our results is our response which is

represented by the 3 middle letters “l l e” = ing at life’s


If we at our life experience negatively then the only result

that can follow that experience is negative. No storm last forever

regardless of how destructive and tumultuous it may be. We can

see the storm coming and be terrified or it can just creep upon us.

However, it is not what we do before the storm as much as what we

do while the storm is raging and after the storm has passed that


Let me give you an example...recently my house was burned down.

Most people want to know "what I mean by burned down". What is

important is that I lost everything in my house including a new

computer, 3-in-1 printer, new clothes, books I had collected over the

years, motivational tapes and cd's by my favorite coaches, a collage

I had just put together, all the data I had on my computer for the

last 10 years (no back-up), and a lot of other material stuff.

At that time, I had just re-started my Real Estate business working

with a company providing Section 8 people with Lease Options to

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Buy properties, my broker and I were starting our workshops, I had

made a commitment to also start up an enterprise with ACN

(American Communications Network) and I was 2 weeks from

graduating Women's Initiative for Self-Employment and elected as

Class Speaker. Well, all I can tell you is that my confidence, my

calling, my world came crashing down. I had a mudslide and I was

being buried. Everything thing that I "thought" I had built up was

being built on a slippery slope and it all came crashing down

because of the fear of success or failure I had stored up inside. Fear

often drove me to the edge and I was making poor decisions about

running my life and my household...oh did I tell you? I'm married.

Where do you think my husband fit in all this busy work?

Ladies that is how I lived my life...dangerously bogged down with

doing busy work. I was always taking on responsibilities that didn't

necessarily serve me or help me quickly manifest my dreams. My

biggest limiting belief was that I wasn't good enough to live my

dream and that I needed all these degrees, certificates, etc. Don't

get me wrong having degrees and certifications are great! I'm a

professional student and I learned that the reason I wanted those

things was because I loved learning, but I don't necessarily need

them to start living my dream and building credibility. I was never

one to let grass grow under my feet, but I didn't stop to smell the

roses and that is what I mean by living dangerously.

Please watch this video...I couldn't embed it per YouTube permission

rights, but it's off the hook and it expresses what I'd like to say to

you right now. Remember, when I share to always take what's for

you and leave the rest and know that everything I share is to

encourage and motivate you.

Do you feel me? I needed to hear it for myself over and over...okay,

so getting back to turning my challenge into life and/or business

success tools. When I looked back 3 months later, I was able to see

what happened and why things went awry. I'm talking about lack of

motivation here people...I was dead in the water and didn't know

how to get back to that comfort zone I was in. So before I cover the

next topic, let me summarize what we've covered so far...simply see

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your challenges as opportunities for change in order for it to become

a life and/or business success tool.

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#1 Analysis - What Happened?

1. I was fed up with what was going on my life and I was ready to

make a change. I was mad at God, mad at myself, mad at my

husband, mad at everyone. I was so tired of starting over and I'd

seen this place too many times before. But what happened for me

was incredible. I got motivated through anger and my anger

became a tool for me to move forward. I moved through the

process of being anger, to being disappointed to being hurt and

finally from hurt to acceptance and healing. Question, what are you

emotions are you using in a healthy way to move you forward? Are

you just sitting in those emotions and blaming everyone else for

what is happening in your life?

2. After the fire, I was willing to give up on the marriage, and

leave the country to see if I could start a new life. I had a new

grandson (Jillohn) who was born 15 minutes before my birthday and

I wanted to see my granddaughter (Raydience) who I'd never seen.

I also wanted to see my son and daughter-in-law whom I hadn't

seen in almost 5 years.

So, I took the necessary steps to get reimbursed for my losses and I

packed up the remainder of what I owned and flew to Australia with

no real income and no money. I just want to pause for a minute to

reiterate that I had to take some steps. Nobody was going to do this

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for me. I had to call people, ask questions, get help, and keep it

mov'in in order to get a plane ticket.

Another thought-invoking question...How many people know you

take "YOU" wherever you go? Have you heard the scripture that

says, "God's calling is without repentance?" Or for you non-

believers or believers of another Higher Power...your purpose for

being born doesn't go away just because you leave the country,

matter of fact, it's not even delayed. Everything that happens to us

is for a good purpose and a worthy cause.

3. So even when it felt like I was running away from all that had

happened, I was running to a place to clear my head. I was always

motivated by an emotion, sometimes it was pain, fear of failure, fear

of success, frustration or irritation. Regardless of the emotions,

there was always a motivating factor and that was me wanting to

live me dream no matter what the cost. Motivation is important.

Motivation is an inside job. No one can motivate you, but they can

touch your emotions of joy, confidence, self-esteem, anger,

disappointment, etc. to help you get motivated to change, take

action or do whatever you need to do to in order be a better "you".

#2 Look for Positive Results

1. The result of the fire deepened my relationship with my oldest

son and daughter-in-law and allowed me to spend six wonderful

months with my grandchildren. I was always too busy to buy my

ticket or save the money, so the Universe brought the gift in another

way. You might be wondering how that can be used as a life or

business tool. Good question...the time I spent there helped me

learn the importance of spending time with my family and to learn

balance so I don't burn out. If you don't have peace of mind, time

for family and friends, you don't have a life or a business you are in

bondage. You are simply working for your business, not on it. You

are not a participant in life, but one simply passing through.

2. The distance strengthened my marriage even though, I

thought I was out. My husband supported me 100% and payed for

the business coaching lessons I was supposed to start before the

house caught on fire.

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3. My son sat in on the Coaching Sessions with me and I found

out that he had more technical skills than me. That was amazing

because he was now coaching me and pouring into me everything I

had poured into him. He even gave me of all his motivational books

when it was time to leave. I was able to spend six months focusing

on my website, potential products and drilling my son about the

various social networks and how they work. I watched him create

techniques that built his members in a group from 16 to 300 in three


By the way...the bigger the groups and mailing list the more

attention you get from advertisers who will pay you to advertise on

your website or social networks. It also drives your website up in

the search engines. He has the whole first Google page (except for

the last 2 entries) when you search by his name - Paul Kalvin. Just

type in Paul Kalvin and see what I'm talking about. If all of that

didn't motivate me to move forward what would? Every time I

wanted to stop, I just remembered how much my children are

depending on me to lead the way and become successful.

4. Let me give you another example, say you stopped patronizing

black businesses because the people you encountered were

unprofessional. Whatever behavior the person had caused a

negative reaction in you and it motivated you to stop patronizing

black businesses. Isn't it true that there are some businesses owned

by Caucasians that are unprofessional too? Hey, I've been there and

I felt the same way too! That's why I can give that example and that

is why I'm doing business differently and want to help bring

businesses up to the next level so they keep their customers and

commitments...but it starts with me.

One of my business tools that has come from receiving poor

customer service are my business components - Inspired Speaking,

Empowerment Coaching and Networking for the "Success Ready"

Woman of Color and Teens. My experience with receiving poor

customer service has sparked something positive in me and I'm

motivated to have a business that serves others in excellence no

matter what is going on with me. I want to help others solve their

problems by showing up and showing out in the world, but I can

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only help someone when they're ready. It's sad, but some people

will never live their dream of owning a business or having financial

independence and I'm not saying that everyone should own a

business, but I am saying that every women and teen should

understand the joy and have the experience of having financial

independence along with the opportunity to make their dream a

reality. I'm in no ways perfect or where I want to be, but I have

goals, vision, a business plan and a supportive network of friends

and business associates that are willing to help me get where I want

to be.

#3 Assess Where You Are

1. One of the ways I was able to make my dream a reality was to

assess where I was with living my dream. Motivation, Drive,

Commitment, Determine, and all that good stuff. My coach was

instrumental in helping me do that assessment. I also had other

people in my life who were open and honest with me about what I

needed to do to get back on track. I had been through a lot and I

had many things to consider.

I had to ask myself if I really wanted to give this

business a try even if it meant hard work, financial

sacrifice, determination, having fun, ups and

downs, facing fear, networking, trusting, claiming

victory over every circumstance and seeing

challenge as change.

Were my expectations realistic and was I willing to be

criticized, judged, etc. for my past?

Was I really as good at speaking as people said I was?

Did I have enough money to get started?

Have I taken all the necessary steps to be successful?

Do I have the necessary network of people in place to help me


Do I have people around me who believe in my dream and can

hold me up when I feel down?

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Can I maintain this balance and discipline or is this temporary?

Will I remember to take care of myself and not feel guilty when

I have to tell people "no"?

Am I willing to study and the work required?

After asking myself these questions, I had to find out what negative

beliefs could stop me from saying "yes" to each and every one of

them. I had to analyze my negative self-talk and be willing to

change my limiting beliefs.

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Doing the assessment should have brought up some limiting beliefs

that probably have held you back for a long time. I say again, get a

supportive network of friends, coaches, etc. to help you move

through the process of assessment. They can hold a positive space

for you. If you don't have someone feel free to use me, click here

and get your "free" 20 minute coaching session and see the

difference it makes.

Secondly, please get rid of all naysayers and negative people in your

life. People who are always saying you shouldn't do this or that will

just hold you back and damage your self-esteem. If you have a

dream and want to pursue it ask someone who is already in business

for themselves and has a positive attitude.

People will help you identify limiting beliefs by giving you theirs.

Must-do #1 - Don't take on anyone else's limiting and

negative beliefs. Have you ever said something to yourself about

yourself that was negative or something you wouldn't normally

believe about yourself and say....hmmmmm, I wonder where that

voice is coming from. Girlfriend, it is coming from that negative

person you hung out with or a show you were watching on T.V. that

you connected with. That's right T.V. has negative energy attached

to it. I watch it, but I limit what I watch. I don't watch the news,

even though my husband does. Thoughts do not just come out of

thin air, they are triggered.

Must-do #2 - Trace your limiting beliefs back through your

family history. I'm not saying look for blame or excuses. See if

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there are some similarities in your family members' belief system

that doesn't agree with your spirit. My mother told me I shouldn't

become a Minister because they don't make money, but she gave

generously to T.V. Evangelist faithfully. So, I stayed away from

ministry because I felt like they didn't really get blessed like other

people, they had to live destitute lives burdened by

the cares of ministry and people. Wow! That really

limited me and my possibility of becoming a

minister in my early twenties. If you still don't quite

understand what limiting beliefs are let me share a story with you.

The most common reason why people fail in anything in life is

because they don't believe they can do it. We are ruled by our

beliefs, it's like the little navigation system in our heads that tells us

what to do and we follow it without question. If you have negative

and limiting beliefs this can be very dangerous and unhealthy.

These beliefs can stay with you throughout your life and keep you

from ever realizing your dream. Not only that, but you pass them

on to your children and it hinders their life too. They can be

responsible for you and others around you living a miserable life.

The Story of How Limiting Beliefs Cost A Lady 1 Million

Dollars - Dennis Isong

Here's a story I read a while back and all I could think was "How

many million dollar opportunities I may have passed up due to my

limiting beliefs."

I will never forget this story because it was so amazing. A little

while back I was at a private party with a close group of friends,

there were a lot of millionaires there and we were having a

discussion about how most people think money is bad. There was

this one lady who had extremely negative beliefs towards money

and she argued that money is the root of all evil and that money

changes people and makes them bad people. One of the guys there

who is a multi-millionaire argued that you can do a lot of good with

money and it's the individual who decides to be evil not the money.

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They argued back and forth for a while and then he pulled out his

check book and wrote her a check for 1 million

dollars, he signed it and dated it. He asked, if I gave

you this check right now you would become a

millionaire, so what would you do with the money.

Everyone was still a little bit in shock, but eventually the lady's

strong negative beliefs kicked in and she refused the money.

When he asked her again what she would have done with the money

she broke down and explained she would have sold her home,

purchased her dream car and done something special for her family

for Christmas because her parents were close to broke and she

wanted to help them out. The amazing thing was that even though

she would have done something good with the money her negative

beliefs didn't allow her to accept the check.

Must-do #3 - Spend quiet time with yourself

In order to rid yourself of limiting beliefs it is without parallel that

you spend quiet time with yourself daily and become intimate

meaning loving and nurturing with the person who is carrying those

negative beliefs. It may be your inner-child you

have to deal with or incidents that hurt you over the

years that you haven't healed from. Healing from

past misconceptions and mistakes takes time. Allow

yourself time to heal. Get to know the "real you" better and let her

shine through with all the positive energy and glow there is

available. Someone needs your positive energy and strength,

someone needs to hear your story and "know how you got over" as

the old saints use to say.

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Henry Ford said, "If you think you can, or you think

you can't, you're right."

When it comes to challenges, having a positive and powerful mindset is

more than half the battle.

If you say to yourself, "I'll never find a job in this economy," it can

become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If you say, "I'm no good at networking," it's not likely you'll put

yourself in a position for networking opportunities.

If you say, "I don't have enough experience to compete for

the jobs I want," you'll automatically send that message to

interviewers, who will then be happy to agree with those nonverbal messages.

If you say, "I'm too old, too tired, too broke, too whatever to start a

business", it's a good possibility that you won't secure the resources

which includes energy, abundance, finances, creativity, etc. in order

to start it.

If this type of negative self-talk is undermining your life, you know how

devastating it can be. It can derail, demoralize, and de-energize you. And

it can cause you to be anxious, get angry, and even give up.

But there is good news: a positive mindset is a learnable skill, just like

learning to ride a bicycle. You can change your thinking, and when you

do, you'll change your life.

The A-B-C's of Managing Mindset

Note this simple "A-B-C" method for becoming aware of where mindset is setting you back, and how to set yourself free to succeed:

A = Awareness. Change begins with awareness. Start by becoming

more aware of the negative self-talk in your mind and categorize the

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areas that you find come up the most. Is it around finances, career, self-

esteem, family, lack, spirituality, weight, etc.?

B = Behavioral result of negative self-talk. Next, look at what

behaviors result from the negative self-talk. Do you, when listening to

toxic tapes in your head, become discouraged, apathetic, stop trying, or

engage in self-defeating behavior?

C = Choose to reframe. Once you are aware of limiting beliefs and how that affects your behavior, look at reframing the belief and choosing new


Examples of Reframing Negative Thoughts

Here are some examples of the A-B-Cs in action:

Sample 1

A = Awareness of negative self-talk: I hear myself saying, "I do

terrible at interviews ... I never say the right thing at the right time."

B = Behavioral result of self-talk: I become anxious in interviews and

start feeling desperate, trying to convince the interviewers to like me.

C = Choose to reframe: I've had a bad experience or two with

interviews, and yet I'm grateful for those experiences because I've learned

from them. I've come to realize that I need to do more research prior to the interview so I better understand the company, its culture, the core

issues, and how I can be a solution to those needs. I commit to doing at

least one mock interview per interview to feel more comfortable in my

skin and come across more confidently. I trust that if this interview/job

isn't the right one, that there is something else for me just waiting to be


Sample 2

A = Awareness of negative self-talk: I hear myself saying, "I will

never be able to learn this new technology ... there's too much info to

learn ... my brain has gotten fuzzy as I've gotten older."

B = Behavioral result of self-talk: I get distracted and spend too much

time online doing stuff that's a waste of time. I just give up on trying.

C = Choose to reframe: The fact that I'm older and wiser has helped me to see the whole picture more easily. Instead of trying to do a lot of tasks

as once, I will take it in stages and baby steps. I remember that I learned

other new software programs in the past and mastered them, as well.

Sample 3

Awareness of negative self-talk: I hear myself saying, "I'll never get a

job in this economy."

Behavioral result of self-talk: I get discouraged, start over-eating, then

feel fat so I don't go out and do the face-to-face networking I should be

doing, and then I feel guilty about that, so I over-eat again to help drown

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the bad feelings. Bottom line: I start believing that no one wants me and

no one will hire me.

C = Choose to reframe: I am retraining my brain to realize that

I will work again, that this is not the end of my career, and that the

unexpected turns are causing me to look in new directions that I wouldn't

have considered previously. I am shifting from "looking for" job openings

to "seeing" job opportunities, and then taking smart steps toward those opportunities every day. I am learning that perseverance and pushing

past my comfort zones is the key to progress. In the meantime, I can

create a vision board with things related to my dream job.


The most important thing that I've learned over the years is

to actually take the time out to do the work. When I right it

done I become more aware of what's hindering me and

where my negative-self talk is really affecting my


Take a few moments now and:

Write out a couple of key limiting beliefs that are dragging you down (that's step 1, A = Awareness).

Next, examine what behaviors those limiting thoughts trigger (step

2, B = Behaviors).

Finally, reframe those beliefs with a positive, resilient message of

positivity and action (step 3, C = Choose).

If you find that you are having trouble believing the "reframed"

perspective, experiment with putting these phrases at the beginning of the


I am learning that ... I am moving in the direction of ...

I am starting to see how ...

I am choosing to look at this in a new way that ...

I am open to believing that ...

Next time you hear the limiting-beliefs radio station playing inside your

head, notice it (without condemning yourself), then choose your new

uplifting belief and -- very important -- do more than just think new

thoughts: take positive action!

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If you think you can, you're right!


For more information about reframing negative beliefs, being kind to

yourself and showing up more powerfully in the world. Why not sign

up for a "free" 20 minute consultation.

To stay focused and on purpose visit the Motivation page on my

website at the tools that I display are

hand selected as a part of the M.E.T. Empowerment Success


Also join me for more power-packed information on my FaceBook

Fan Page, LinkedIn, Wordpress Blog, and the BYH Info Blast

eNewsletter in the following ways to catapult your life to the next

level and help you create new pathways to move beyond your








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