the principle gods

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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The Principle Gods. Zeus. Father of God’s and man His Roman name was Jupiter Child of Cronus and Rhea Was married to Hera but had children with more than her. Hermes. The great messenger of the gods and god to the underworld Born on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Father of God’s and man

His Roman name was Jupiter

Child of Cronus and Rhea

Was married to Hera but had children with more than her.

The great messenger of the gods and god to the underworld

Born on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia

His Roman name was Mercury and protected the travellers that prayed to him

1st daughter of Cronus and Rhea

Virgin goddess of the hearth and agriculture.

Received 1st offering at every sacrifice in the household.

She sat on a wooden throne with a white cushion and didn’t choose to have an emblem for herself.

Daughter of the titans Coeus and Phoebe.

Born on the island of Kos.

Zeus is the father of her twins, Apollo and Arthemis

The God of time and his name in greek means time.

Had 3 heads- one man, one lion, and one bull.

Portrayed as an old man with a long gray beard such as father time

Was a titan and the son of Uranus and Gaia.

He was the titan of mortal life while his son Prometheus was the creator of mankind

Mother of Hermes

Born on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia

Since she was a daughter of Atlas she was also called Atlantides

Was a titan goddess and oracle of Dodona in Thesprotia.

The mother of Aphrodite by Zeus

Her name is simple the female version of Zeus.

The brother of Prometheus which they acted as the representatives of mankind.

Epimetheus was depicted as foolish compared to his brother.

Epimeheus was in charge of giving all the new animals positive traits but when it came to man he found none left.

Was the greek god of volcanoes.

He was a craftsman as well as a blacksmith

Some images that were used to represent him were axe and tongs as those were tools he used.

Often considered the king of the underworld.

Was also the god of wealth since mine digging brings up wealth from under the earth.

It was possible to refer to a god Pluto ruling a land of the dead called Hades.

Goddess of fertility, grain and agriculture.

Although she is the goddess who taught mankind about agriculture, she is also responsible for creating winter and a mystery religious cult.

Was the daughter of the titans Cronus and Rhea.

Titan god of forethought and crafty counsel who was entrusted with the task of molding mankind out of clay.

Trying to better the lives of his creation brought him into direct conflict of Zeus.

Was the great Olympian goddess of beauty, love, pleasure and procreation.

Depicted as a beautiful women followed by the winged godling Eros.

The goddess of youth.

She was the patron goddess of the young bride and an attendant of the goddess Aphrodite.

In Greek, vase painting Hebe was depicted either as the bride of Herakles, or the cupbearer of the gods, pouring ambrosia from a pitcher.

The personification of Earth.

A goddess and divine being as early as Homerice.

The first being that sprang from Cronus.

The god of the sky

Fathered 12 sons and 6 daughters with Gaia.

His sons murdered him

Wife of Haides and daughter of Demeter and Zeus.

Queen of the underworld

Also brings spring

Born from the head of Zeus

Goddess of wisdom, strategies of war, and craft

She competed with Hera and Aphrodite for the golden apple

Wears a helmet for a crown

The titans mother of the gods

Goddess of female fertility, motherhood and generation

She represented the eternal flow of time and generations

Greek goddess of light

Also the goddess of earth and based prophecies- most notable the oracle of Delphi

Has two daughters which were Leto and Astria

Titan goddess of the sources fresh water which nourished the earth

Wife of Okeanos

Daughter of Uranus and Gaia

Titan god of outer seas encircling the earth

Father of oceanides and river gods

Parents are Uranus and Gaea

Female titan that was a bride of Zeus

Goddess of motherhood and protector of the young

Her name also suggests she’s the goddess of modesty and womanly demure

God of the underworld

Seated on a throne and owns the helmet of invincibility

Also considered the god of hidden wealth of the earth, rich in gold, silver, and other metals

The god of the sea

His symbols are a trident and a dolphin

A trident is a weapon the can shake the earth and destroy any object

God of the sun

Said to be the most handsome of all gods with long golden curls

Carries a harp in one hand and the sun in the other

God of weightlifting and heavy burdens

Often pictured carrying the world on his shoulders

Led the titans in a war against Zeus

God of war

Unpopular and hated by men and gods alike

His symbols are a helm, a spear and his sacred animal is a dog

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Frank Cascio Scott Sire Nick Faro Nick Miller Josh Benton Jorge Gavilano

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