the road to revolution

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The Road to Revolution. Effects of the War on Britain?. 1. It increased the colonial empire in the Americas . 2. It greatly increased England’s debt. 3. Britain’s contempt for the colonials created bitter feelings. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Road to Revolution

1. It increased the colonial empire in the Americas.2. It greatly increased England’s debt.

3. Britain’s contempt for the colonials created bitter feelings.

Therefore, England felt that amajor reorganization of the

American Empire was necessary!

Effects of the War on Britain?

1. It united them against a common enemy for the first time.2. It created a socializing experience for all the colonials who participated.3. It created bitter feelings towards the British that would only intensify.

Effects of the War on the American


The British Empire

Where’s Great Britain?Where’s England?

The Island of Great Britain

Great Britain (is not) recognized as a separate country in modern times, but rather that term politically describes the combination of England, Scotland, and Wales.


What is Parliament?The colonies had zero representation.

Albany Plan of Union

Plan proposed by Benjamin Franklin Called for a council of delegates from each

colony with a leader appointed by the British king

Not approved because each colony wanted to control its own taxes and make its own decisions

Road to Revolution


Proclamation of 1763

Prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains

Disliked by many of the colonists

Road to Revolution1763


• King of England. • Instrumental in ending the

French and Indian War in 1763. • Strong supporter of taxing the

colonies to pay for the debt. • He opposed any compromise

with the colonial government in America.

• After loosing of the colonies, he withdrew his efforts at personal government and went insane.

King George III (1738-1820)

George Grenville

In 1763 became Prime Minister

He was determined to reduce Britain's debt

He knew Britain was losing a lot of money because of smugglers

1n 1767, Parliament authorizes “writs of assistance” to reduce smugglers

What is “Writs of Assistance”

These legal documents allowed customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods.

OR Warrants!!!

Sugar Act

Tax on foreign molasses, sugar, wine, silks, coffee, and other luxury items

Colonists refused to pay it See Video

Road to Revolution1764


Quartering Act

Required colonists to house British soldiers and provide them with food and supplies

Road to Revolution1765


Stamp Act

First direct tax on colonists by Parliament

Forced people to pay a tax on items such as newspapers, playing cards, and legal documents

Road to Revolution1765

Colonists believed it went against the idea of no taxation without representation (since no American voted in elections to Parliament)

See Video 5

Sons/Daughters of Liberty

Protest group who helped organize boycotts Sam Adams was an outspoken leader of the

Sons of Liberty in Boston Women signed pledges against drinking tea,

promised not to buy British-made cloth, and met at spinning clubs to make their own cloth

Road to Revolution








“If our trade be taxed, why not our lands, or

produce, in short, everything we possess?

They tax us without having legal

representation.” Samuel Adams

• Sons of Liberty was a secret society formed in protest of British


• They had a large role in the repeal of the Stamp Act and the Boston Tea

Party. • 9 original members

which included the leaders Samuel Adams

and Paul Revere

Samuel Adams

Paul Revere


Stamp Act Protests: 1765 to 1766

• Between 1765 to 1766, the Sons of

Liberty led over 40 protests up and down the colonial coastline.• Most of the protests

are located in the Middle Colonies up through the New England Colonies.

• Successful in forcing the British Parliament to repeal the Stamp



Refusal to buy goods or have dealings with a country or other entity

Colonists boycotted (or, refused to buy or sell) British goods

Road to Revolution


Declaratory Act

Act stated that parliament had the right to rule and tax the colonies

Passed after Parliament put an end to the Stamp Act, to warn colonists against future protests

Road to Revolution1766


Townshend Acts

Set of laws designed to raise money from the colonies

Acts placed import taxes on paint, glass, lead, paper, and tea coming into America.

Acts also allowed British officials warrants to search anywhere for suspected smuggled goods.

See Video

Road to Revolution1767


Charles Townshend spearheaded the Townshend Acts, but died before their detrimental effects became apparent.

Boston Massacre

Boston citizens were angry at the sight of red-coated soldiers on the streets.

Group of Boston civilians began insulting and throwing snowballs at a British guard. More soldiers arrived.

Mob of civilians surrounded soldiers in protest, and in the confusion the soldiers fired their guns into the crowd and 5 civilians died.

Following Boston Massacre, Townshend Acts were repealed (ended), except for the tax on tea.

Road to Revolution1770


Boston Massacre

Road to Revolution1770

Townshend Acts

Set of laws designed to raise money from the colonies

Acts placed import taxes on paint, glass, lead, paper, and tea coming into America.

Acts also allowed British officials warrants to search anywhere for suspected smuggled goods.

Road to Revolution1767


Charles Townshend spearheaded the Townshend Acts, but died before their detrimental effects became apparent.

Committees of Correspondence

Network of communication for passing along news of British activity to the colonies

Organized by Samuel Adams in Massachusetts

Also formed in other colonies

See Video

Road to Revolution1772


Tea Act

Designed to help the East India Company, who was struggling financially

Gave company exclusive rights to sell tea directly to the Americans without paying the British import tax

Cut out business for colonial sea captains and merchants

Colonists protested the act

Road to Revolution1773


Boston Tea Party

Organized by a group of about 50 men (from the Sons of Liberty), disguised as Mohawk Indians

Dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor from a ship in Boston

See Video

Road to Revolution1773


Coercive (or Intolerable) Acts

Laws meant to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party

1) Closed port of Boston until payment made for tea2) British officials accused of a crime were to be

tried in English rather than American courts3) British troops could be quartered in any town in

Massachusetts—even in private homes4) Reduced Massachusetts’ right to self

government5) See Video

Road to Revolution1774


Quebec Act

Extended the Canadian province of Quebec south to the Ohio River

Allowed French Canadians to keep their laws, language, and Roman Catholic religion

Colonists saw act as first step to keep American settlers out of the western lands

Road to Revolution1774


First Continental Congress

Group of delegates from every colony except Georgia who met in Philadelphia

Did not seek independence at this time Sought rather to right the wrongs that had been

inflicted on the colonies and hoped that a unified voice would gain them a hearing in London

See Video

Road to Revolution1774


Suffolk Resolves

Set of resolutions passed at a meeting in Boston– Demanded return to constitutional government– Demanded an end to trade with Great Britain– Plan for arming and training of militia

Paul Revere brought a copy to First Continental Congress, who passed the resolves

Road to Revolution1774



A group of citizens who would be ready to fight in any emergency

Road to Revolution



Members of a militia who could be ready to fight at a “minute’s” notice

Minutemen were usually 25 years of age or younger, and they were selected (from the militia) for their enthusiasm, reliability, and strength

Road to Revolution


Lexington and Concord

Road to Revolution1775

Taking Sides Assignment

Analyze the many events that led the colonist to revolution.

BUT, you will be asked to look at each evnt, act, tax from the colonist perspective and the loyalist perspective

Lexington and Concord

First battles of the American Revolution British soldiers marched toward Concord to take

American’s supply of guns and gunpowder British were surprised by group of minutemen in

Lexington (a town on the way to Concord) British casualties were nearly three times those

of the Americans

Road to Revolution1775


Second Continental Congress

Delegates from all 13 colonies met in Philadelphia

George Washington chosen to build a Continental Army

Road to Revolution1775


Olive Branch Petition

Petition sent to the King by the Second Continental Congress begging him to stop the war and make peace with the colonists

Unsuccessful—George III declared the Americans to be rebels and the colonies went to war

Road to Revolution1775


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