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THE rol. XXXVIII-No. 8 Salem High School, Salem, Ohio - Dec.-5, 1952 Price 10 cents

f oan, Schuller Wins Honorable 'lention At Ohio U. Finals

Christmas Time Means Social Security Cards

I Council Sponsors Success£ ul Annua_l Students' Day

Joan Schuller and Jim Schmidt, winners of the Ohio istory, government, and citizenship te~t, were awarded a ·vo-day trip to Ohio university in Athens, Ohio. Accompanied Anyone interested in g·etting a iy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schuller, Jim and Joan began their part-time job for Christmas is ad­' ip early Friday morning·. When they arrived at Ohio U .. vised to get a social security card,

Salem high's Student Council sponsored its seventh annual Students' Day on Thursda·y, Dec. 4, with student teachers assuming- administrative and teaching positions to give students experience in this field of work.

reports the Ohio Employement ey were ih1mediately ushered to their rooms. Jim stayed S , . Sandra Kroner, chairman o:f the ] · th Al h K L bd f t 't h s d Joan was ervice. As i'n past year·s e h t d t .c e P a appa am a ra erni Y OU e an . . . council's "board of education" re- ' ac s u en

, Q·uest at L1'ndley Hall. Application may be made at the ' participating in this activity fol-' ~ . ported that the board had a very The day's activities beg·an with post office. The Employement Ser- . . . . . lowed the entire daily schedule of general assembly and _ a wel- cate. A. fter receiving their awards, vice advises early apphcatwn to . . . 1. . b h the person for whom he was sub-I . . . . difficult time selectmg the teachers -

d.ff' It' 1 t from over 200 app 1cations, ut s e . ome to the university by Pro- they Journeyed to Columbus for save 1 1cu 1es a er on. st;tutmg

- · · S M' h' . Working· pel'lmrits must also be added they did their best and hope · · . 1ssor Carl Roberts. After the the Oh10 tate- ic igan game. the maJ'ority are satisfied. John R. A student teachers' rneetmg was

W. f th t t M 'l obtained from Mrs. Clara 'Riddle, :eeting· the two Salemites, along mner o ~ es was , an Yn Callahan is adviser of the council. held after school in room 310 on ;ith 100 other students, ' went to S. Miller of Cuyahoga Falls. school nurse. Monday, Dec. 1. i1e chemistry building where they -------------------------

FoUowing is the list of teach­

ers and their student substitutes: .;:ik an essay-type examination on

Jhio. This test consisted of thre& <uestions contributed by promi­;1ent citizens of Ohio,

-The dinner hour found Jim and .f~an at Scott Quadrangfe where Don Pease, president of the Stu­' ent Council, served as tOastmas­ter. Profes-sor McKinnen, freshman "Bnglish teacher, gave an inspir­mg talk to the group. A movie, 'Viva Zapata,'" climaxed the

ji!Vening. -Saturday morning Dr. Clyde

Hissong gave afi interesting talk entitled, "Your Mast~r Key." Af-

i . . ter the lecture, Dr. John C. Baker, president of Ohio U., presented the awards to the winners o:f the essay-type test. Joan was award~ ed an honorable mention , certifi-

~·Hi-Tri Gives Initiation Tea

The Hi-Tri held its annual formal initiation at a tea on Tues­rl~y evening, Nov. 25, at 7:.30 p.m. in the school libr.ary.

The fi-rst part of the ceremony was by candlelight. It began with c;peeches by the four officers; then everyone joined in singing the Hi­Tri song. - The old members then presen:ted t'he new with their pins.

Following this part of the in­itiation: the girls'went to the music room, where they were entertained by Pat Schmidt, who played "The Thinker" on the piano, and Ros,e-

"n1arie Faini, who sang "You'll Never Walk Alone" and "Some­·where Over the Rain!bow."

Refreshments 'were then · sei-ved in t he library.


Kris. Kringle Rides Tonijht Come and see Santa Claus tonight in the SHS gym.

· That's right, old Santa will make his first appearance in Salem tonight at the junior-senior party. He will be there in all his glory, and, getting into the Christmas spirit early, he will give some Christmas presents to several people.

- ...... Mr. Ludwig - Donald Schuck,

Mr. Allen - Jane Myers, Mr.

Barrett - Roger Jones, Miss Bickel - Betty · .Hannay, Mr. Brautigam - Nancy Schrrumm, Mr. Cabas - Ronald Moffett, Mr. Callahan - Joel Greenisen, Mr. Clewell - James Judge, Miss Cope - Kathleen Hamilton, Mr. Cope -.Joe Hrovatic, Mr. Crothers

Santa will feel right at home, for the theme of- the Rosemarie F·aini, Miss Doxsee -party is Santa's workshop, and be is bringing down, 'specially Lor-raine Warren, Mr. Guiler _ for this party, right from ,the North Pole, many of his tools, Nora.Guiler, Mr. Hagedorn -Andy benches, and toys. Menegos, Miss Hanna - Chuck

Jories, Mr. Henning Mary Paul Kuhns and his "little elves" will be there to Sweeney, Miss Henning - Mary

provide the music from 8 :30 to 11 :30. Junjor and senior Cocca, Mr. Howenstine - Paul Association members will be admitted by showing their Hannay, Miss Johnston - Bar­tickets at the door. hara Patterson, Miss C. Johnston

"Your presence is requested at the freshman-sophomore party oµ the night of Dec. 6 in the high school gym. Music · will be provided by Chuck Wurster and _his orchestra. Re­freshments ... will be served."

If engraved invit~tions were sent out for this shindig, that's what they might sound like. But . even an engraved invitation can't begin to describe the sharp trimmings that the decoration committee has planned. They plan to follow a "Santa's toy shop" theme in the center and have a polar scene (with real icebergs-well, not quite) ai:ound the sides.

The entertainment committee has lined up some hot acts picked from the talent of the two classes, and "the one, the only, the original" Rosie Sulea will be Mistress of Cere-_ monies!

Mrs. Bessie Lewis and Mrs; Pearl Taylor have taken over the chore of trying to round up the food to feed all the ravenous kids who will be there.

Association members will be admitted free of charge.

Dominate Bonor

(Bookkeeping) - Roberta GaUa­gner, Mr. Jones - Jon Zeigler.

Miss Kelley - Ingrid Nyberg, Miss Lehman - Carol Middeker, Mrs. Lewis - Glennalee Harris, Mrs. Loop - Joan Schuller, Miss McCready - -Joyce Cos-groye, Mr.

Miller - Bob Stewart, Mrs. Mul­bach -:- Helen Dora Copacia, Mr. Olloman - Jim Fife, Mr. Pardee - Marilyn Dodge, Miss Redinger -Gloria Colonanni, Mr. Stadtlan-der-Rosie Sul.ea, Mr. Swanger­Bill . Phillis, Mrs. Tarr - Verda Miller, Mr. Tarr-Pete Menegos, Mr. Phillips-Torn Johnston, Mrs. Taylor-Janet Reeder, Miss Thorp -Bob Kupka, Miss Ulincy-Pat Schmidt. Miss Weeks - Sandra Kroner, Mr. ZelleFs - °Jerry Mar­tin, Miss Zimmerman - Gloria Andrews, Marge ·Wtllis - Nancy Zeck, Beverly Lewis - Gretchen B-odendorfer.

Roll Again One-fourth of the senior Sophomores: Juniors: der, Teresa Stokovic, Ann Stowe,

1 h d h 11 rank Pode, Jerry Cosgrove, Mark Cross, c ass reac e onor-ro . Estella Sweeney, Judy Tame, Mer-this six weeks, with the Nellie Delp, Willard Dunn, Max . Sandra Bailey, Paul Barnard, Dornthy Alek, Glona Andrews, vin Thomas, Richar d Ward, Mar-

- . 'th Betty Dual1e Bates, Barbara Beery, Rob- Barbara Cameron, Sandra Church, lene Yunk. -sophomores next in lme Wl Ehrhart, Barbara E:rath, Donna Cocca Helen Dicu Marilyn

t f th · b J ert Boals Rebecca Bonfert, Georg·e ' . . ' 21 per cen o e1r mem ers Jane Evans, Bob Early, ames ' Dodge, Nancy Fife, Jnn Gow, Nora 'M W k on the list. Juniors and fresh- Fisher, Wayne Flint, David Fresh- Buta, Mary Campbell, Lowell Guiler, Sandy Hansell, Dale Hor- asquerS Or ~ . 'inen both lost some percent- ly, Shirley Gathers, David Giles, .Fleischer, Janice Jefferies. Nancy ton, James Howell, Richard Jour- On One-Act Plays age this time, with juniors at Judith Gordon, C arolyn Harbm<an,, CaTol. Debnar, Ev_ elyn Er- ney, Jerry Mairtin, Nancy Miller, New uwembers .attended their

f LI d Gary Paxson, Ra1i10n Pearson, Jo- . . · f th 1' t 'bl L H M · H nst, Gale Fair, James Fi e, · oy first meetmg· of the Salemasquers the bottom o e lS · Ma e ou annay, arcia en- . . anne Petras, Barbara Smith Bob '

4 point honor roll: . R ' h d H t S 11 H t Fitzpatnck, Kathleen Hamilton, ' Tuesday, Nov. 18, in 207. These mng, ic ar tm er, a Y u - . Talbot, Bob Winkler. h · M J I kes R'ta Jo Anne Hansteen, Nancy Heiden- ,., people are now working for Thespi-

Nancy Bailey, Gloria Colananni, c ehsonS, 11 arKy ' kabn~d c J ' - IL . - reich, Jeri Jackson, Melissa Lay- Seniors: .an points by taking some part in sep , a Y 1r l'I e, oann ew1s, . · the production of plays. Those who

. 'endell Dunn, Lois Getz, Joel Greta Lewis, Faye Lippiatt, Lois ton, Janice Lieder, Marilyn Litty, Carol Aiken, Ruth Ann Altenhof, were on committees far the senior Gre'enisen, Jacqulyn Houts, Tim L' . tt G .1 L h' l Marlynn Syhda Livingston, Carrie l\ilcFeely, Shirley Brautiga1m, Bonnie-Camp- play or took some active part in .. 1ppia , ai osc ms ,y, -Kennedy Curtice Loop, Cur tis Mc- M 11 M ~ M B b Jaim es Madsen, Andy Menegos, bell, Ma1ry Colananni, Helen Dora its production were asked to tmn

' a ery, ary r ercer, ar ara . . . . , . . . . Ghee, Florence Rea. . , Betsy Moore, Med1th Mormngstar, Copa-cia, Joyce Cosgrove, Bever~y m a record of their hours to Miss

Miller, Howard Pairdee, Lany G M d v· k' p 1, d's Durr, Roberta Gallagher, Conme Weeks· by Dec. 5. A coaunittee of · 1 p tt R eorg-e or ew, ic i apa. o 1 , . _ . . .

Parker, Betty Rite 1ey, a . oss, Gillett, Glennalee Harns, Don four. Curtice Loop, Melissa Layton, Kay Pasco Gayle Paxson Kay H h H 11 J H. : · · Marilyn Schramm, Joseph __ Sobek, ' ' · ars , Roy oneywe , oe io- Tom Petrucci, and Sally Rufer,

3 point ·honor roll:

-Freshmen: D St 1M •1 Th · B Paxson, Arnold P ing, Shirley Reece, vatic Na.ncy Howell ·wayne Ickes was chosen to order reading· copies on amp, 1uan yn e1ss, ar- t ' ' '

Jack Alexander, Sally Allen, b T . h R d ~" d G Janet Reeder, Gloria Rowlands, Delores Long, Don McCormick, of one-act plays and Christmas ara a use , aymon vv ar , ary . " . . . .

Ruby Altenhof, Jim Barcus, Bill Sharlene Sanlo, •Donald Scatter- Georg·e Manning, · Cairn! Middeker, product10ns. 1lennett, Donna Blender, Ca.rol Whitsel, Janet Williams, Barbara good, Bob Sh'as-teen, Ronald Slutz, Lynn Patterson, Ann Sandrock, Pat A lunch meeting was held on Brautigam, John Buta, Paula Car- Young, Bonnie Ziimrnerrnan, Ruth Mary Sweeney, Wendy Townsend, Schmidt, Nancy Schramm, Joan Nov. 26 and several Salemasquers lisle, Evelyeen Copacia. Dick Cop- Wolfe. Sylvia Weiss, Barbara Wright. Schuller, Bruce Snyder, Bill Sny- read one -act plays.

THE QUAKER Published weekly durlng the l!lehool year by the students of Salem high scheel, Salem, Ohio.

B. G. Ludwig, principal Prinkd by the Lyle Printing au Pub· lishing Co.

Suscription rate, $2.00 per year.

Editor-In-Chief Senior Au't Editor Junior Ass't Editor

Judy Tame Joan Schuller

Sandy Hansell

Sports Editor Lowen Fleischer Entered as second-class mall December

21, 1921, at the postofffoe at Salem, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ·

. To subscribe, mail name and address, with remittance t.o Manager of The Quaker, Salem High School, Salem, Ohio.

Just Looking The metal classes of Eugene Clewell have

, been wol'king busily on the various 'metal objects which are being made, many of which are to be Christmas gifts.

One of the projects under way is the repairing and painting of 46 metal f-0 lding chairs, which will l\e used by the school.

Dave Reichert .is I>ui'lding himself a trailer with which to haul farm machinery. Bill Snyder is making a welding table that is needed to replace the old one which can no longer be used.

Mr. Clewell stated that there are many f ine pieces which will be sent to the State Fair. Among these is a brass lamp being made by Jock Kelly, who designed it him­self.

Boys in J . 0 . Hagedorn'·s Wood I classes have been making such things as cedar chests and "waggle dogs." Their next pro• ject will be mail boxes. W-00.d 11 pupils are making large desks.

The combined classes o.f · Metal II and Wood II, along with students of the art classes, made a trip to Kent State U. to the new industrial arts building Nov. 21, where they observed fine . arts techniques and.

. teaching methods. . · ·

Bleak Beauty By Joan · Hart

The snow is falling gently on the 1fopi'ng countryside,

Covering it with a blanket of crystal as ff its scars to hide.

Cold naked trees lift shivering arnu1, Mindful of their other seasonal charms. As the bleak curtain'of night draws nigh, Aftd the bone:chilling winds subside, The stars come out to remind us of sun­

light, Which comes with the morningtide.

Hi kids!' Here we are again, but. we're ,. . :

kind of blue ·~ause we ate too much turkey and now we can hardly move.

Embarrassing, Isn't It?

One morning when Nora Guiler was dressing for schoof, she . noticed a split in her skirt. The pretty gal was late as it was, but ·she couldn't very well go to school with a split in her skirt, so she decided to mend . it. When she had finished this chore .and tried to .adjust her .skirt, she learned that it was sewed to her slip; so s.he had to start all ever again. TJle most embarrassing part, though, was ex­plaining why she was late ~to her teacher, especially since the teacher goes under the title of Mr.

Calling Mr. "H".

The field of science seems. to have over -If any ·students who are in Ann Stowe's


By Doris Rogers

Jn honierciom 212 you will find a hand

·some, sandy-haired Doy whose name ,;

DALE BARTON.' This senior personalit-

1 has shown skill in wood industries an,

would like to continue ·wood-working wib

an industrial arts course in college. Dab

chemis~ry · clase wond-ered why her face was ill ·often found drawing cartoons or parti• se red one Monday afternoon not long ago, they should · be info~med that. she called

cipating ' in an aer-0batic team with hi~

brothers. Typing is his favorite subject Mr. Tarr "M~. Hydrogen". This just goes Dale is · a . member of the track squad. to show how much Ann was concentrating on her experiment of making hydrogen. As a freshman, AUDITH GALCHICK

. Never t rust _your subconscious. Ann. shyly walked on stage to receive an aware.

which she won f(>r Courtesy Week. Now ~ Three In One senior, this small blonde girl came on

whelmed one of olr senior girls. Trying , stage in the role of Winifred Blaugh in to get a complete major in 01ie year, Pat the senior play, her ·most exciting exper'."" Schmidt is taking -biology, chemistry, and ence. Audith' has also shown he~ inter est health. Could be each class helps a little in the stage by being a dramatics assistant in the next one. Wise- gal, this Pat. .

Mixed Names or Sense of Humor? . and Thes.pian. She participates in sports as To The Top Brass , Tommy Johnston is quite a ·boy- and a member of ~he G. A_· A. Audith '.s ~astimes

Of course we mean our basketball cap- possesses quite a sense of ~umor. A da. Y. I include ?~aw1~_g, eatmg, and dancmg, and tain, Edd·ie Votaw. We'd liirn to con- never passes that he doesn't strut into her ambition is to be a nurse.

gratulate you once more, sir, and to tell you the study hall and greet a fellow stude Driving, dancing, and swimming ·are the tha we all hope that_ you will lead our with "Hi, Sobby Bebo." The greeting is in- favorite pastimes of SALLY RUFER, who boys t hrough a tremendous. season, with tended for Bobby Sebo. We wonder if relates t hat her happiest , moment came the help of our coacli. You boys are al- Tom is the one that calls Bill Crookston when her father presented her with her own ready snowing what you can do when the "Hersh", and Bill Megert " Meg", personal car keys. She wishes that some• chips are down, and .you ,proved it Satur- day she can help needy people. Her am• day night at East Liverpool. Keep; it up. Odds and Ends · bition is to be a receptionist in a telephone

Kinda Jumpy

If you see Joan Hart going around 'jerk­ing her head from one side to another, don't think she is crazy; she really isn't. The gal is just a little jumpy, so jumpy that the other night sche leaped out of a car while· it was going at a pretty good speed. Keep away from trains, Joan.

· · Big Hit

If you saw a big circle at the C Y 0 dance last Saturday night and the spectators throwing pennies . .in the middle of it, you ·probably wondered 'What was going on. The at traction was a pretty ·senior gal who was in the middJe . of2 the circle. She was none other than,, Sally Scullion, who· was. teac}lfog the rest of t,he :kids ,h-0w to do the "Hokey Pokey." ; .,, . \.

P. S. Thanks,; are in order to the C Y 0 for a w.ondemul evening.


. , ,D~sperate

Have you noticed the artistic honor roll on the blackboard in r.oom 204? Credit goes to Jim Gow. . Don't you think that t he clever scenea

done in chalk which have adorned the' bulletin board across from home room 206

· are really terrific?· Praise goes to the com- · bined talents of the art clas-si!s. ·

What happened to the idea ·of choosing a Basic~tball Girl, which was brought .up . by the Student Council at the beginning of the

· year ? ·

office. Her fi(vorite subject is English~ while popular and semiclassical music is "tops" with her; She is a member of the Art club and Salemasquets .

Receiving a superfor , rating at a music club confederation contest was one of the biggest moments for '.the robed's ac• compauist, BRUCE _SNYDER; Becoming a famous musician or an ·organ teacher are Bruce's dreams of the future. Already he is a talented organ and piano artist.

· Classical and semiclassical compositions are definitely :his favorite music. Bruce's

We were a:ll glad to see many of the pet peeve is girls who smoke. He is a three-1952 graduates and other SHS alumni, w·ho year band · member and is in the Spanish attend colleges, home for Thanksgiving. · · and.-:'Slide Rule · clubs. .

We should all wish . ~ate K~ley (the TERESA STOKOVIC is a student who friendly hostess at the Corner). a speedy has alre~dy realize<I her ambition, for she i·ecovery. Here's hoiiing_ thlit you will be , is ·a: secretary for Jones Insurance. In well . S(}On, Kate. addition to her position as secretary, ;

Girls, here is a suggution for a Christ-

It h t · k of Sa.Iem hi'gh mas present for your favorite fella. A seems t e wo JO ers

Teresa is vice~president of- Hi•Tri and . a member of the French elub. The. fint time ·' that she m!lde the A honor roll is her biggest thrill and "I lA>ve Lucy" is heJJ favorite TV show.

are running out .of jokes, and so they are. cashmere sweater will r eally send him, asking all the student body to please use so why not send him if you can afford it? their talents and dig out some corny jokes, ----'-----------,----_:_-'----~-"'""----~..;...--------­

corny enough to satisfy Sandy and John. Come on, kids, give the fellas a hand.

Misery Loves



By Jim and Cal'olyn

In our next column, which will be the last . before Christmas, we will print an open letter to Santa Claus. This has been a t raditional idea with the columns for about the last four years, ·so either write a note and leave it in the Quaker office, or let us know what you want for Christ- · ma~.

Believe us, there wasn't a word for the look on Miss Redinger 's face last week when she found a snake on her desk. It s·eems Bob Brantingham mislaid ( ? ) it un· der a stack ,of papers on her desk .. (Maybe -Bob rec~ived a SURPRISE from Miss Redinger last Wednesday!,


CONGRATULATIONS YQU NOTHING...,.. IT WAS HERE FIRST. To: Wayne Ickes for winning the K of C A lot of kids are red in the face about

football award. thefr last six-weeks grades, and you'd be Paul Hannay for selling the most t ickets surprised how well it matches their r eport

to the senior class play. cards. Miss Irene Weeks for an excellent job Well, after yesterday' a larger percent•

of directing. age oi the students in Salem high know The boys who made the Varsity ba,sket- · what the teachers have to go thru, every

ball team. day. For the student teachers we have only Don't forget the class parties Friday . one thing to say: "The line for icebags

and Saturday nights. Chuck Wurster and · forms at the Tight." Paul Kuhns will furnish the music, and · Carol Middeker has .asked us to make they· promise to be great dances1 We hope an announcement that four scarves, four to see you all there. ' lipsticks, and a pair of gloves were left

DEPRESSION IS WHEN PEOPLE, DO · at her house the night of the party . for . WITHOUT THINGS THEIR PARENTS the play committees and cast. Since the -; NEVER HAD. scarves are the wrong color, the li}llS·tick

We now have proof positive that Glen- the wrong shade. and the gloves· three nalee Harris is in her second childhood. sizes too large, she would like to return

" Yes, it's true. She was seen Tuesday · them to their owners. night buying a teething ring at a drug store . In closing, remember: WHEN ALL in town. When asked why the strange OTHER OPPORTUNITIES ARE GONE,

. purchase she replied, quote, My teeth hurt . . THERE IS STILL YOURS TO BECOME Goo, Goo. unqu-0te. FOOR AND HONES'.f-

.JRC Members Aid Quota Club • iThorough Education Social Life

Willmar Junior Red Cra&s mem- . · . ' hers helped at the Quota Club Fair : by Glenna Whinnery at .the Memorial building on "Sat-' urday, · Nov. -22. These volunteers Looking fer life-lo»g frie»dships. pleasant living con-By Nancy and Helen

,Ohio Wesleyan U. Offers Beauty; SHARPS

'N' FLATS PatRansqn:,Dorothea Wright;Wil- • ditions. an active aeademie and social life? If :So, perhaps the

MALE o:R FEMALE? I than t6: spend an eveniag square . ma Bodendorfer, Bonnie Zimmer- , sc.hool in your future is Ohio .Wesleyan university. ' The question ·of which sex pro- dancing, 'or ·'if that's im.possible, man, .F!lye Lippiatt; Welsh, ~ Ohio Wesleyan, located in Del· lce~ the better :eaders was solved .. sh. e'll j~st - si···t down. a_ nd lis~en. to M.· argiti Hann. ay_, MarJ.or~e ~esto1: i ' 1'0 .t I a.ware, Ohio, just 2? miles fr?m

ately by the. high school band the rad10. The . master seient~st, Anne Hansteen, and. MaJorie Jen. ~"' ~,,P. Columbus, has a d~hghtfully pie'." n.embers. It -seems that these lads John, however, hkes to work with sen,. worked f:om 8.:JO. a.m. until fl turesque ca.mipus with many large nd lassies elected ail male offi- chemistry . .What he ~oes with it _is lO:OO that rught serving meals, ._ and beautiful buildings. It has ers he~ded by the newly elected 'too complicated to, tell, but he is' booths, and ge!'ler~lly Dec. 1.1-C'horu.s sings for . com- grown from a very small institu-•rexy, John Litty. teertainly enthused over science. helpmg to make .the whole affair .a : bmed service clubs meetmg. '. tion to one with an enrollment of

We wish you well boys! These two fros;h can be seen al- success. Post~rs for the bazaar we:e Dee. 12-Chorus Assembly. . 2,006 scholars and otrers degrees ONE MUSICAL LOLLIPOP ' most anywhere on the freshman drawn and ill.ustrated by Margie ; Dec •. 12-:BasketbaU - Columbiana of Bachelo,t of Arts; Bachelor of

~oes to a ·cute senior gal., Jeannie floor, so when you're up that high, Hannay~ Gar:v: Moff~tt, .Anne Han- There · Musie, Bachelor of Fine ' Arts, Mas-iakubek, for writing the best last look them up. steen, and Faye L1pp1att. Joseph. Dee. 12-G.A.A. Square .Dance ter of Arts, and Master of Science. ;.ne to our limerick. This is her Record Shop StadU.ander. an~ some art studei:_ts Dec. 13 - BasketbaU-Youngstown Being a freshman on the campus entry: . 'l'his week we have asked seve1·al mad: the .s1~n m front _of the Me- South-There . . .of OWU is som~thing special be· "here is a cute majorette .studes to naim€ their favorite tunes. monal bmldmg. . . . , Dee. 14 - Chorus Ve-sper Se~1vce, .. cause the university belit:'Ves in Upon whom a tiger did _settc. They are: The JRC membership drive e~d- 3:30 p.m, . ~king good eare of all newcomers '%e pulled' at his tail, Hifs in the Book.. ed last . Wedpesday, Nov. 26, with Dec; 19 - Christmas Assembly, : to its grounds. A day is set aside at He began to wail, - Mervin Thomas every homeroom enrolled. The next Student Council . :the beginning of each new school ·Twas Marion Baker, a cute tiger- "Goof us" - Dale Horton pr~jeet will be the gift boxes _for Dec. 19 -- Es~ays due on . "Empl~?' :year to introduce freshmen to

ette. . , !"Water Can't Quench the Fire of ,children. overseas. Eve~y home- the Physically Handicapped • classmates· and the universfty set~ ~e.annie did, a terrific job in ob- . ' " · Love'' ---;; Bob Sebo ro~m will be asked to fill at least <Dec. 19 :-- Bask. etball-New Cast. le-:.up. As for living quarters~ Ohio

ammg the name of the leader of· In the Mood - Duane Bates one box. · Here · Wesleyan has room to house over ~.he Newton Falls marching band "In a Little. Persian Market" C •Dec. 20 - Basketball-Canton €en- :l,000 men in its fraternity houses and applying it · to our limerick. - John Dupal OllStitution, tral Catholic-There and men's dorms.

Congratulations Jeannie.. Marilyn Dodge, Paul Hannay, T .. n· d 'Dec. 20 - First day of vacati~n The yearly cost is estimated at Keep up the good work. and Rosemarie Faini did a sw~ll rl ps lSCUSSe : - .Dec. 23 - Basketball - Sebrmg- ahout $1 500 which includes college

The band members, including ' job when taking the places of Mr. i The mos~ recent meeting of the There . · · fee;>, bo~ks, 'room and board, ,. and Mr. Pardee, were very much sur- Pardee, Mr. Howenstine, and Mr. , Formaldea1des was help Monday, Dec. 26 - Basketball - Cleveland incidentals. prised when listening to some Crothers, respectively. How they , Nov. 24, at noon in room 109. West-Here . Social life on OWU's camp11s u·ecords Wendell Dunn brought for could take it we'll never know. The articles of the constitution~ Dec. 30 - Basketball-Al111mru-H~re ,consists of .µtany clubs, fifteen the band's benefit; They didn't Are you !oeking forward to the d:rawn up l>y a committee con- ,Ja.n. 2 - Basketball-East Palestme- fraternities, and twelve sororities. knO'W Wendell listened to that kind chorus concert -Sunday, Dec. 14', at sis.ting of Donna Coca, chairman, ; -There . ' 'For recreation and amusement <>f music! 3:30 The chorus~s are work- Joyce Cosgrove, and Nancy Fi!e, Jan. 3 - Basketball - Ravenna - ootbalil, basketball, swimming, and

Let's Get Acquainted ing diligently to produce a good were read and the constitution was . Here . . . " . fntra:m.ural sports are available to witq a couple of freshman band performanc~ and sincerely hope returned to the committee for re- ;Jan~ 6 - Semor class meflts .to du~- Jill the extra hours of a student members; John Buta . and Dolores that all the teachers and students vision. ' cuss Senior Scholarsh111 ex- at this university. J>uke. John, who plays· the druin, will take elfougll interest to attend · The group planned a trip to the . ams. , Over 100 scholarships are of-has brown hair; brown eyes, and is their coneert. Salem water works and the dis- Jan. 9 - Basketball-Warren-Thel'e ifered by Ohio Wesleyan ranging fairly tall. Quite _. the opposite See You There! posal plant, but a date will: not be , . from $100 to trust funds amount-Dolly, wh? plays, the cornet, has ' P . s .. We ,wish to thank all those set until Christmas vacation is ' Two Speakers 'ing to $20,000. Loan funds are also red hair, blue eyes, and ·is fairly . who entered our contest and show- ·over. . . • • · • available through the school. short; Dolly likes nothing better ed interest in our column._ It's nice . . A~y students _who a·re interested . . Highlight N urs1ng '

. _ . to know w_e have some fans. m lnology may become members A C . o-f the club. Admission requests aore ' s areer _Interesting Film Viewed

Students .Visit Ken~ Winners Announced to be made to John Olloman, ad- The director .· ·of , -the nursing : Dick Ward, president, had charge On Nov. 21 Joseph Stadlander Miss Lois Lebtm~h librarian has viser, or Jim Schmidt, president. school at salem 'City ·hospital, Mrs. of th~ Nov. 26 .meeting of Los

and a giro up of students from th~ announced the ~inn~rs of the ' con- TEAM TO BE HONORED .Aubrey, will .be 'here next Tues- ,Conqmstad'Ores. Dick showed to the art, metal, and w~od -~laases w~~t tests for National Book week. The G.A.A. is planning its year- day, Dec. 8, to talk with any gid's ~eu~ a film whic~ contained some to Kent ~tate .umvers1ty to VlSlt cSeniOl' Doris Rogers won the :1:f Christmas party; with the team .interested in : applying for .. nurses' ,.h1gh~hts of. Mex~COr Amon~ the the newly combmed art .and wood- original book jacket contest, and who sold. the most card,s as guests training at Saleni :City.' :many m:terestmg vi.ews w~re fl~s:as era-ft . classes at work. . .;freshman David Freshly took first ,of the other girls . .. Also. coming up ' Mrs. Car~lyn Limestahl talked rand n~tive .dances m, • The · s~udents wh.o participated prize in the crossword puzzle con- on their calenda.r is a square dance to all the senior girls on .Dee. 2; ,gl~ss blowmg and handpamtmg~ m th:e ~rip were Ruth Ann Alten- 'test. . , · :to be held Dec. 12 In the gym. No on nursing : .. as ,.a car,eer. Mrs.''&'hm~1es of fa~ous resorts, the hof, Sh1rlene Bowman; , Carole Coy, · . Doris illustrated a scene irom :date has -been !!let for the next 'Limestahl urged all girls inte:rested: ,eolenng of textiles, and sketches Dori~ Dotson, Jim Gow, Glennalee the - book, "StQries To Read at imeeting. ;in a career to consider the nll'lS- of bull fighting. ~ighli~hting the Harris, Charles .Kelly, ,Jane Myers,. Christmas.'' David based his cross- : ing profession~· . icture was the. view given of an Pat Parana, Doris Rogers, Joann ,word puzzle on books and· litera.., .,. __ 0 eruption o! a v<ilcano.

Solomon'. Bob Stewart, Karl Whin- ture. . ; Fithian Typewriter CLOTHING FOR TB'E Miss Mildred Hollett, adviser, JI_ ery, Joyce Woodworth, and Don- &th entries were exhibited in· Sa]· d S • . . axnounced the club wo_ uld have

, . , . es an . erv1ce ENTIRE' .F. A' MILYI " l d. aid Yunk. · the library showcase. . . . . '.charge .of the basketba I stan dur-

W. L. STRAIN .CO~ New Fall Sweaters

535 E. State

321 South Broadway . i . , mg the game with Youngstown

Phone ~6~1 " ; J. C. Penney Co. · Chaney, Jan. 31.


The Horne of Quality 1 Hill Bros. Coffee

Top Quality Value Always



Braut's Market -------------.: : Phone 3701 508 S. Broadway

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ARBAUGH'S Fine Home Furnishings

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Salem, Ohio

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Saddle-Oxfords, Casuals & Sport Shoes . In a Wide Range of Sizes and Widths.



Hoppes Tire Service SCHWINN· BICYCLES

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The Coffee Cup

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Phone 8727 Salem, Ohio · '----------------------------1-.._ .................... .,. ...... ·."'!········.~.'!.-J. ·.·.·.~.~.·."'····rl'.·.·.~.·.'!.~.·.·.~.~."!A"!•"!"···'!•~-·.~.·.v.~.·····························rl",


Cabas Puts Finishing Touches On Cagers -Who Be.gin Season Soon

The boys' gym classes the Wlth ·a week of long, hard practice behind them and qirecti-0n of F·red Cope. have start- anothei· week ·of more practice· . aheaa of them, the . Salem

. ed volleyball games. They will Quakers are preparing for their initial cage game of -~ . · 1 continue until after . Christmas va- rough 18-game slate. One preview over· with,' the: cation when»the classes will start Quakers travel fo Struthers for a second preview before the>

(:lass~s Begiu Volleyball


AT . FIRST GLANCE basketball games. first game on Dec. 12 against the Columbiana Clippers at. Basketball Coach John Gabas and his assistant coach, Karl Touc~ football games r,egularly Clippertown.

Ze~lrs along with a handful of ardent Quaker ·fans, got a look at played rn the fall w:re .canceled be- .. ---------------" Salem's varsity and reserve .. cage squads under actual game con- cause of Mr. Copes illness. . The Struthers preview will give ditions when the locals participated in a preview at East Liverpool . The volleyball team captams Coach Ca bas and his .assistant and

· · · are as follows· reserve coach, Karl Zellers, a Coaches, Players Select Three For Grid Awards

las.t Saturday night. The local hoopsters, along with Weils- · ·· Mon. and Wed. chance to see just what thejr . ville, Toronto, and the host team, East. Liverpool, took part in the 1st - Bob Brantingham - Harry cagers need to work on in the

' event sponsored by the East Liverpool Kiwanis club. The proceeds Bai'rd ' !from the affair went to the undei·privileged children of Ea>st Liverpool. 2nd - Bill Lipp - Harry Maenz

The . local reserves .met the Wellsville reserves ' and .also the 4th - Bob_ Stockton - Conrad Tor. onto · reserve squad. The 'Quake, rs' lone victory of the evening Thorne was the reserves' 9.,.6 win over Wellsville. The Toronto reserves Tues. and Thurs . . blanked the Quakers, 7-0, in Salem's second and final game of the 1st _ Eddie Sullivan _ Forest evening. McBrien

The coaches started two different reserve teams in their con- 5th _ Kenny Bosu _ Kenny tests. In the Wellsville game they started a sophomore group with Schwebach John· Todjl, Dale Middeker. Ray Hertel, Ken Bosu, and Jim Bean} at 6th_ Bill Panezott _ Richard the five positions. Six of the nine points scored by the reserves - Hunter against Wellsville were scored by two substitutes, Harry Baird and Bobby Early.

In the g·ame with Toronto tl~ey ·started a junior group composed of Ronnie Shaffer, John C~ester;- Bob Sebo, Bill Herman, arid Carl Flitcraft. ,

: Each of the ''games" was orily six minutes long, giving the boys 24 minutes of playing time, 12 for the varsity and 12 for -.the re­serve team.

The Quaker varsity squad met the East Liverpool and Well$-

Frosh Ca o·ers . ~

Organize Again The freshman edition of SHS's

roundball~rs is slated to start prac-ticing sometime this week. There was a meeting for all boys plan-ning to go out for the team a week

ville varsity outfits, losing to both teams. In the East Liverpool tilt ago, but preparations for the vai·-the Quakers lost by a score of 10-5. Almost all of the East Liverpool. sity and reserve teams took priori­swrifig was done by · lanky Dick Jordan. Jordan scored e'tght ·Of the ty in the· gy;m and the frosh prac­Potters, ten points. Freshman Jack Alexander, captain Eddie · Votaw, tice sessions were delayed. SHS and Jack Gott~chling shared Salem's five markers. · - - · Coach ken Jacobs "'.ill handle fhe

In the ·varsity's second tilt of the e,;ening they were downed 14-'4, by the Bengal outfit. Bill _Buckman and Bob Kupka each hooped two _points for. the ·locals. ·

frosh aggreg·a tion again · this year. The tea;n has a tentative ten-game schedule against Alliance State

final week of practice before the regular season opens. Nelson Mellinger and Joe Hrova-

. . • I tic have been selected iby theit , Th.e Clippers have already m- teammates to receive the Kiwanis

angurated their '52~'53 season and club MDst Valuable Player award, :have two victories under their it was announced by head football

belts. coach, Ben Barrett, in assembly on Dec. 3. Coach Banett also an·

Coach Cabas ct;t his squad down nounced the coach's a·ward winner';' to 22 on Monday of this week. On Jim Hrovatic. The award is ·· given the final reserve and varslty each year to the player who the­squad~ are 11 sophomores, four coaches feel has been most pro­juniors, four seniors, and three ficient in both offensive and de­freshmen. Captain Eddie Votaw, fensive play. Bill Buckman, Joe Carmelo, and Varsity letters were presented to __ . Bob Kupka are the seniors· on the team members by Coach Bar·rett, final teams. The four juniors are who commended the boys for their Jack Gottschling, Jere Holhadel,, fine, lastin'g tea1m spirit. Stanley Cosky, and Tom Ehrhart. John Baker, newly elected cap• Harry Baird, Jim Beard, Kenny tain of the '53 football squad, was Bosu, Larry Hainm1, Dale Midde- introduced to the student ibody. ker, . Jerry Myers, Ray Hertel, The freshman-numeral awards John Todd, Richard Saltzman, and the reserve-letter p1resentations Larry Stoffer, and Cdnrad Thorne' were ·handled by Vince Crawford comprise the sophomore gToup. and Sam Pridon, respectively. The three freshmen are Alex- Hea,d mariager, Dick Crookston, antler, Richard Hunter, and Bob- and his staff of trainers and man~ by Early. ager~ ·were presented ieHers by

, Coach Cabas started Eddie Votaw, Bill Buckman, Larry Stoffer, Jack Gottschliilg, and Jack Alexander in both of th_!'! vars-it:( contests.

, Champions of the evening were the Toronto ·reserves and the Wellsville varsity. Both of these teams won both of the contests

street, Goshen, East Palestine, Se- -----------,----­bring, and Columbiana. · Each of WN.•.•.•.•.•.-.•.•.-hYNrl"rl'rl'rl'il -=--------------.. Coach B~rrett.

these teams wm face the Quakers _ Men's and Boy's Apparel For Teeri-Agers twice during· their season. Tl1e., ·

that the'y were in. CONGRATULATIONS BOYS!

team is also exp2cted to enter at , least one post-season tournaT1:;ent.

Presented at tfe Boosters club banquet for the first ' time was • . ~


next year's football cap.tain, junior end, John Baker. Baker was a •t-0-








0-"-••!• i:.tandout for the Quakers both on offense an-d on defense· during the f BROOKWOOD i

•••• ·.·.·.·.·.-.·.···············-~.·.-.·.~.·.-.J _______________ ...;; past season. This corne~· gives its hearty congratulations to John . ! ROLLER RINK 1


and ~ishes both him and Coach Barrett all th~ l~lCk in the world for I their 1953 season. i Open Every Night ·

Tne coveted K11ights of Columbus football trophy went to guar:d_ i Except Tuesday . \Vayne Ickes this year. The trophy was . pi;es.ent'ed on . behalf of the •!··-0 - 0 - 0-·-.. _ ,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,•:•

MOFFETT - HONE . The Squire Shop

The Smartest Furnishings And Clothing

For the Young -Man


I Finney Beauty Shop ! "I 651 East Sixth Street I

• • I Phone 5200 ~ , ~ I IC. of C. by Rev. Fr. Edward Varble. It is presented every , year to ·

· a senior letterman who maintai.ns the highest scholastic record during the year. Also considered for the trophy' were quarterback Joe · Hrovatic and co-captain Don McCormick.

When Coach Art li'wis .of West Vi1'ginia university spoke at the annual football banquet sponsored by the Salem Boosters club on Nov. 24, he was full of praise for our own Fred Cs,epke. Fred, a freshman at the university, did a splendid job for a firnt-year man according to Mr. Lewis. Fred . was a four-year letterman ' for Salem and continued- to collect football letters this · year, as he received a varsity award from- West Virginia.

Alfani Home Supply

Meats and Groceries

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FOUNTAIN SERVICE Sandwiches and Light Lunches


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1 Quaker Pastry Shop 11 McArtor Floral i , . Salem's Headquarters For The I ·e . jl = Finest Cakes and Pastries I i Ph. 3846 1152 S. Lincoln Ave. = ! We Specialize in Wedding i f t and Pastry Calces ~.J'-,!f.·.·.·.···"'·········•rl'a•a•r!'.•.,;,,

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Salem, Ohio


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