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THE Tol. XXXIII No. 20 Salem High School, Salem,. Ohio-March 20, 1953 Price 10 cents

' - . - ·-·----------------------,------~ 958 SEES GREAT THllGS JN STORE 1Cosmic Cruise To Be. Tlieme

;~OR PRETT· ·Y ner1·sT.,· cAROLE COY :of Association's Spring Dance f ~ JI . Construction is now under way on the glistening

•by a band-leader who was popular rocket ship that will take all Salem high Association mem­By Barba.ra Gam~ron

Let's suppose that the present .ar is 1958. As you pass a news-nd on .fae way· home from work

rn pause . to purchase·"'the latest lition of a popular magazine. ~en at home and comfortably

·ttled an easy chair, y:ou be­In to' th~mb t hrough · the pages, ddenly. noticing .a striking illus-1Hon of an tu:lvertiseme'nt. The ~-le of art, choice .of color-every·­:ng about' the tirliwing~Iooks-~ry familiar. Then at the· bottom ; ~he page you see the signatu~ ·arole Coy.

then -- .Monroe was his name.

"She " told me once that her greatest ambiti.on was to meet Presid(lnt Eisenhower but was afraid if she ever did, she;d just stand there with her mouth hang~ ' ) mg open.

"Imagine she's pretty well off now. with a job like this. She once stated that if someone gave 'her $1,000 she'd go to Florida, not to relax and enjoy herself, but to study art at the University of Mia ma.

bers to the moon the night of April 10.

Sophs To Take Ohio State Test "A Rocket_ Trip to the

Moon" as their theme the Associa­

tion officers have named eommit­

tees to plan the annual Associa-The Ohio State university psycho- tion ga,nce.

logical test will be given Monday Chuck Wurster will provide "at­

morriing, March 23, to all students mospheric conditions" with his or­

in sophomore ho~erooms. Other students who have not ~!ready chestra and the trip will last from

8:30 'til li:30. taken the examination will .also be tested at this time. All Association members will

The results of the test are placed t ravel free and will be provided "Why of course!" you· say, " I "Most every Saturday night

.J $he'd be up at the old hangout ea:t- on students' permanent record 11ew her in high school! She was' cards for ·future reference. They to embark wh-0 are not. Association .ie cute, ti1.1y brunette who sat ling pizza and spendin¥ a for tune b bt .

with free provisions. Those wishing

C 1 C on the jukebox-she W!!S nuts about are . used to determine whether a mem ers may 0 am passage -ior ext to me in art class. Gee, .I-re- aro e ov 40

b h t k. f '11 1 d b d h Frankie Laine and nuttier about. ·stude~t i's su1'ted· for college, as cents. nem er s e was a mg a u . r ight we 1 an elonge to t e " Chedule, · but art was always. her Junior Musie. club. the way he sang 'I Believe.' b'ackground information for · em- Committee chairmen will be: Bob avorite subject. She .beionged to , . "When we were juniors she was "Once I almost got up the nerve ployers, and as reference material Sebo a~d Sandy Hans.ell in charge i rt club too, and, if .I remember the class secretary and I reniem- to ask her for a date but some fella · of entertaimp.ent; J ack Ference and · by teaehers in determining whe~h€r ' ght, was the treasurer. I recall be-r her saying it ·was the ·nicest who drove ,a black Chevie beat me Don McCormick heading decora- · ·e.eing her in Spanish- club and ·in 'thing that ever happened to her. to it, a student is working up to his ca- t ions; and Dick Ward taking care ' rchestra 'when we were freshmen. That very year she was also a "Well, I sure am glad to see she pacity. of refreshments. '"Kinda nrusical-minded, i o o. candidate :Eor the Typical Teen- realized hei· ambition - always ~

~eems to me. s.he played the violin ·ager. contest and was interyiewed thought she could do it." ..,___-------"'----------------'To Attend Contest Pies Of Choir

In Showcas.e ·~ew Students & Enroll Here

Three new students, Ralph

Bowles, Walter R1;1tzky, ,and To~ Rutzky, have . entered Salem high &chool. Ralph, a junior, entered March 9 from East Palestine. Tom, a freshman, and Walter, a .sopho­

. more, entered from Leetonia March 7.

High School Studes See Class Play Fin'al Shows Tonight, Saturday ,_ . ' '

"Professor, How Could, You?", this year's Junior class play, will be presented in the high school auditorium to~ night and tomorrow night at 8 :15 p.m. A f.ew tickets are still available at the ticket office. The profits from this play will go to th-; -Junior class treasury to help pay for the· Junior-Senior prom. ·

Eighteen SHS music students

will attend t he Solo-EnsemblE

contest in Massillon tomorrow. Pictures of the Symphonic Cqn- -

Their performances will be judged cer t Choir of Ohio State universi-and rated. Those receiving a rating ty are exhibited in the library of one will be eligible to partici- showcase this week. This chorus pate in the regional .contest in . will present a program in the SHS Canton, Ap:Il 11. auditorium March 25.

The participants are entered i n both the vocal and instrumental classes,

New books, both fiction and non-fiction, will be availabie in the libr~ry after spring vacation.

The 'play w4s presented Wednesday morning of this weeH;, to the Junior high school ·and was enthusiastically

All thre.e were . introduced ito received by the high school Thursday. ·, Wh their homerooms by the Student Charles Jones as Profes·sor Keats 'Perry carries the ' ere Do Teachers Go At 3:30? Doucil .representatives; Ralph, )by iead, with Vickie Randolph portrayed by Barbara Smith Stude Un.' coye,rs Little-Kn·own Facts Dorothy Alek; Tom, by Patt Ross ; ' as teh bane of his life. and Walter , by Victoria P.aparodis. - ------------------------ By Joan SchuTier,

· - They were taken on a· tour of t he school by the Student Oouncil's new-student commit.tee.

F acuity To Fill Barcus, Lippiatt Win Have you ever wondered how SHS teachers spend t heir · • , 'Ticket Sales Contest s~are time? After_ a little scouting around, we came . up

Personality Sheets ', Jim Barcus and _Faye Lippiatt, w;th some mterestmg facts concerning the hobbies of our instructors. ·

Personality rating sheets have wha soid the most tickets ior the

Senl. or ··G· 1· rls.. been distributed among members of, rece~t Quaker weekly-sponsored ' . Anti51ue. ~ollecting is the part-, hand-made oboe reed, just drop. in time activity of Mis.9 Helen 1 and tai.k to ,Richard Howenstine.

. the ifaculty ior rating the members Faculty-Varsity basketball ;iame,. Thorp, Miss Helen Redinger, and The musicalfy- minded f ellow

Tour w esleyan of the graduating class: - were awarded prizes for thefr ef- D. G. Swanger. Miss 'fhorp at one spends his leisure >hours working - - Each senior will be rated by for ts at the staff meeting Monday, t~me was part o~~r of au ,an- ' at the fascinating an d intricate

F our senior girls Shirley Braut1' · f h Th . d March 16 Jim sold $20 worth of tique shop, In addition. to collect- hobby. · · · ' - · · · - five dif 'erent teac ers.. e recor , · . M · . . · zam, . Carole Coy, Lois Getz, and . . . .. . . tickets, while Faye's sales tot·aled ' mg, r. Swanger also refimshes .

/ , . : of all the ratmgs will be kept in1 . ' old pieces of furnit ure Robert Mi1lfor, SHS's avid sports Carol M1ddeker, Journeyed to Del- . · ' . , $17 50 - fali, occnpies some of his t>ff mo-

, Oh' t d · ' th M ·d the office for future refe'r ence.: · • aware, io, o ay w1 r . an · . , Alton Allen s,pends his extra meI).ts making fishing flies . . (They . ll!rs. Chester M. Brautigam. 'They . The sheets are especi,ally helJ?ful . 1 hours on his farm, .hoping secr eUy also make good-looking laipel pins.) wi~I vis~t classes at Ohio Wesleyan when the student is appl~ing !or' Fiesta Date Set · · .for a r eturn of the horse-and-bug- 'This busy man also speitds part ,m1versit:;: today and tomorrow. . ·college entrance or for .a Job, a_,nd : • g y days, so more people will buy of his tlme building and £~nishinr

While at . the school they will a school recommendation is For-April 24 the Belgi:an mares he raises. I cabinets.

also visit with Dick Brautigam, needed. "" _; Plans wer e made concerning the. If you should happen upon a Summ~er is tbe season for Miss a 1951 gz:aduate of SHS, who is a Th t h r e k' d to ratel' _1 .8 .. h F ' t . h L ·sound st age set up Martha Mccready· and Miss Sarah ~f;udent in the college of journalism e eac e s ar as e . · annua pams ies a w en os I th . h 11 d "'~ 'II

h- . d d bTt 1 ' . - a ong e a s, no OU'U• you Doxsee's hobby. These ladies spend and a member of Alpha Sigma Phi t e ' seniors on epen a i 1 y, c~ - , Conquistadores met Wednesday find John Callahan taking movies. their vacations gardening in the fraternit y. ' tural refinement, leadership, m-, noon. , A close Jook .around among the summer sunshine ·

, dustriou~ness, mental alertness,. , . . , ,camer amen milght re'Vea1 Howard , . Thespl'ans c· an·cel· I 1 . Nancy Bailey, chairman oi th~ p d th t h t Another sports-mmded faculty thorougl;mess, persona gr ooming, , ar ee, ano ·er am.a eur p o o-' B S orchestra commit tee, r eported that h . . th "t k ,, m'ember, Frank T-arr speRds part

ake ale I personal appearance, and the abili- ! Paul Kuhns and his orchestra from grav er , su.pervismg ' ~ ai e·s. of his out-of-school hours on hill

Instead of having a bake sale ' ty to get along with others. ; Lis·bon .have heel! engaged for the Mrs. Pearl Tayl-;;r finds amuse- "r~nch," a wo0ded ar·ea ·out sid• a s the Thespians hrad int-ended, the, F.iesta which will be held Aprl\ 24. ment and occupation for her spare , 1b0wn. Here. he enjoys hiu.nting ol' club vot ed to collect one dollar President Dick Ward appointed moment s giving vent to her artistic just plain relaxhlg .

..(r om each member. This was d e- Debate, Basketball . Glenna Whinnery chairman of t he talents. She does oil and por.Celaiii .Senior class adm er .Chester

d ded when the group met Mar'ch Assemblies To Be Held flower committ ee and Inkie Ny- painting. 10. . . . . berg chair man of the decoration . Brautigam is a very busy per- .

The recogmtion assembly for the 1 committee.

Tr youts for a one-act play, basketball and debate teams will·

" Listen, _Da9.," were held during ; be held Wednesday, Mar ch 25, in . Two . Omitted the meetmg. - · the auditorium. Coaches J ohn Ca- · David · Freshly and Barbara

Voices of some of the members bas and Karl Zellers will give out Erath were 4: p.oint honor r~ll stud­w~re recorded on a tape recorder the baskEtball awards, while J. c.: ents dur ing the last six weeks, al~ and were t hrn studied f or improve- Guiler will make the debate pre- though their names did not ap-; nent of d~tion and volumJ. sentations. pear in the Quaker.

Don't be surprised if you see' son during his hours away i rom Miss Irene Weeks stroUing through school. In addition to r edecorating the halls with a steth~scope and .igloos f or Eshlmos, he mana,ges thermometer. Beft:> re ent ering the ' Braut's market , and composes t·eaching profession, i;J;ie studiec · songs. His "Please Don' t H:at e Me medicine at the University o~ t'or L@ving You" was p1J1iblish1ed a Michigan. ;ew years ago.

If you ever have a neEd for a Busy people, aren ' t they'!

Page 2 'l'H.E QUAKER Friday, March 20, 190~

THE ·KID BROTBERS • • TOP DRAWER By Gail Loschinskey

Kid brothers! What . a nuisance! That's what they are. I -know , because I have one. Let rne tell you about hJm. ~By Jim and Carolyn

Joyce Cosgrove's 11ome was 'the center qf a much enjoyed p·arty last Saturday 0 night. Refreshments were served and TV and aancing provided tpe ~ntertainm~t.


He is forever collecting some kind . of box top and label. I remember once he bought 12 cans of cat food to get a monogrammed , dish. We don't have a cat · and · the dog wouldn't .eat out of a dish ·

. named "Stuckup." Eventually it cracked and soon it fell apart. Th neighborhood' cats ate off our back steps, and after the cat food was gone nothing but the memory of that episode remained.

~~~~~~..;._~~~~~~~~~~~ ..

Uid you :~otice ho}v quiet it was in· school this morning on the third floor and the south side 9f the second floor? Yo\l co~d have heard a pin drop. The reason was, of course, that the freshman _and senior class­. es_ went to, the Industrial Exposition in

When· he gets . hurt playing football or Youngstown. The show, in which six Salem· THE ·woRLD IS FELL OF WOODEN companies were represented, was · made _.up PEOPLE ALWAYS· WILLING TO WHIT- baseball you don't , hear a groan from

Oh, yesf His room! What an un~arthly· iness?· Clothes all over the floor. You hav~t to plow your way through. He· never makes his bed. Th_e only part of t_he wall-­that shows are the place~ too small t<>_ hang any snapshots, newspaper clippings, or some· other ·nominees for the waste

of displays by manufac_tul'.ing concerns in TLE OTHERS DOWN! him, but .when he gets a 'splinter from eastern Ohio and was educational and worth sweeping the porch the whole neighbor-while as well as fun. The school now has * •:, * * a case of 400 hoarse throats to deal with after the melodious singing on the busses.

* :1'

Do you realize, seniors, that there are only ten more weeks of school until graduation'.L


We ·pried once again into some of the fu­ture plans of the_ seniors. Would you like to know, too? Well, take a g·ander­Carole Coy-College-'-Art course Tea Hart-Navy Nancy Schramm-Secretary

, ;

George Manning-'-Hopes to go to. the Uni-versity of Cincinnati

Sally Moore-School teacher Wayne Ickes-Cleveland , Bible college Nelson Mellinger-Collegl!

S . en1or potlig~t

By Sally Scullion

Here's an active senior if . . there .....__ was one, and her name happens to be PAT SCHMIDT. Besides portraying the Health Inspector -in "Our-... .Hearts W·ere Young and Gay,'' Pat has also been occupied with debate, library, S.panish club, Thespians, Hi-Tri, Robed choir, and Quaker Weekly and .Annual staffs. Dancing, swimming, and singing ar/ her hobbies, and being with her best friend, Sally, is her favorite_ pastime. When the debate team _ won the district championship last year, Pat was overwhelmed. As entertainment goes, she prefers Alan Ladd, Deborah Kerr, Frankie Laine, and "Dragnet." A nurs·ing career at St. Elizabeth's hospital, Youngstown, Ohi-0; will be the next :big step in her life.

Playing cards ,and pool receive the at­tention of GILBERT (PUDGY) ALLISON. His "likes'; include spaghetti, pizza, and Tyrone Power. Girls who ai-e stuck-up are his pet peeve. Pudgy is a member of the Varsity S and plans to join the Air Force after graduation. ,.,.

HA VE YOU SEEN Sally Mayhew's new pin? 212's St. Patrick's day decorations? Gorky Hardgrove and Larry Hall's checked hats?



The third perfoi·mance of the J i.mior Play will · start tonight at 8:15, and after the wonderful job that was done yesterday in assembly we think the cast deserves a big round of applause. We're sure that 'you, spotted a couple actors Wl10 were terrific irt their parts. We would also like to thank Miss Weeks for her good job of directing, which is typical of the swell plays she puts on.


Bob Sebo went to Youngstown last Sat­urday with the express purpose of buying himself a sharp coat, and brother, did he find one! It is about two inches longer than normal with a stand-up collar and_ a three­section belt-"a really cat coat," says Bob. But when he got home his mother refused to let him wear it until Easter. We can just see Bob at Easter church services in that coat!

hood he_ars ab<_rnt it. He , pi·actically has

to have his arm put in ' ~ · sling. He's di~­abled for the rest of his life, paper basket.

His appearanc~ doesn't rate a second · glance, either. His face is usually dirty . and his hair .,is never combed. But what Thirst For

l(nowledge or Blood . , can -¥-OU e:xpect' from a "sloppy Sain" fan?­Manners? That's something he doesn' t-,.

even know the meaning of! Last Tuesday early in the morn­

ing far out in th,e Nevada desert-' Yucca Flats, to be exact-man set out to discover what would happen to a home like yours if an atom bomb 'expioded near it.

.. They . found out.

A building that was 3500 feet ·from the bomb was leveled except for one wall.

The steel tower in which the bomb was detonated was vaporized. And yet the eye-witnesses called the sight •"beautiful/' "awesome," and even "spectacular.''

This writer wonders what those "civilized" men and 'women will say when they see their own homes and loved ones vaporized.


But there .aTe a few rare . occasions when he gets dressed . up-for instance, his first date. Ne-w suit, s)1oes shined, white shirt, ' bow . tie, clean face, slicl>: hair. WOW ! He asked for an opinion. What could · you say?':--' Gosh! He looked positively dreamy. You" could fall for him yourself. I did!

State of ·Con/ usion by Nance Zeck

We're no longer us, but the ones we portray, In a world of our own, calied the Junior

class play. "Can't _hea1· you_; more volume; stand still;

And stand straight; Don't mumble; more action; do it o.ver;

enunciate·!" No matter how we try, we never see1n to do

it right, I

And I guess we'll be scolded 'til the Very last night. !

More _heartbreaks, more joys, more. Japgh• ter, more tears, .. 1 ,

More memories for our .scrapbooks, to i1ec,all in later years. ; ., ,

Alt~ough we wish it were never 'Yri,t~en ..., now,

. We'll wish it were before 'fls :when we· take

<' p By Donna and Helen

that last bow. ' , ; ·:

6Bth Publication. Of World Almanac Now In . ~ibrary .

MIRACLE ON STATE STREET locker ,one day last ·week and a milk bottle

Miracles never cease, and you will agree with us after you hear this. ·Last Friday a jun_i_or boy, Dale Horton, was walking-or should we say hopping-around with a cane. His explanation was that he ruptured a blood ·vessel while playing basketball. That same . Friday night Dale was at the Elks dance,'tripping the light fantastic. He explained this by saying that he irent to the movie before the dance and when he walked out of the theatre his leg , didn't hurt any more!

THANKS Loads of · thanks go to the people who

made Friday's Elks dance possible.

fell 'out. _The · glass scattered all around and everyone ran to t he scene· of the crime to see what · was happening·. All we can conclude. is that Happy br.-ought a big lunch to school.


____ Have you ever noticed how well Jack Ference can draw? . This boy has talent plus. If you ·would . like to observe some samples of his work, just ask ti) see the tablet covers of some of his friends. Jack has one of his paintings hanging in the

· Corner.


Want to know what the latest wo'rld :air records ,are? Inter~sted in American col· _, lege fraternities, sororities, and. societies?. 1'he place to find information is the new "World Almanac and Book of Facts for 1953."

Published by the New Y'ork Worlcl. .. t TeleFam and Sun, it is the most useful and -complete reforence book of its size ,in the

BETTY HANNAY is looking iorward to becoming secretary a,t the Trades Exten­sion office after graduation.· Her most thrilling moment occttrred when she was asked to be in the fo.otball queen's court BIRTHDAYS last year. She would " ~hjoy upside-down Last' Friday three Salem gals aged one

Dick Coppock was one surprised boy last Saturday night when he· went home to find a party goi11g . ,pr. in his honor. The occasion. for the fe~V;vitjes was his birth­day .. There ;Vere J!ll}Pt~~n kids there and they all had quite a time dancing, eating, and watching TV.

.. orld. It is ·possible to. .inforination "' on almost ~nythi;µg· from A to z; 'J ron1./ birth and death statistics to new expeditibn!S ·to Movnt .Eve1:est. · · , ,~ ;:- -

~ake anytime while li~tening to "Even more year. Ann Zuber was one of them. She No\v" by Eddie Fisher~ D'ean Martin and was surprised by her Spanish class. who Jerry Lewis are her favorite comedians sang "Happy Birthday" to her in Spanish. and stenography is her pet subject. Betty. The other two girls were Donna Blender is secretary of the Robed choir, a Red and Gloria Andrews, to whom their friends Cross representa\iv1e, a typist for the sang "Happy Birthday" in plain old ·Eng­Quaker Weekly staff, and is a member lish.

This interesting and valuable book, edited ·t by Harry Hansen; is in its 68th year of p\1b· lication. You can find it ln the high sc110ol ' li'brary. -

of the Salemasq>!lers. ·

GLENNALEE HARRIS reveals that her last performance on the football field as a majorette will never be forgo tten. She can't understand people who are two-faced. Working at a local movie house takes a lot of this gal's time, but she still has a likin' for pizza, Burt Lancaster, and "A Fool Such As I" by Joni James. Gle.nna­lee's intentions al'e to join the Air Force. She is a typist for the Quaker Weekly and a J nember of the Art Club ana Salem-asquers.

A senior looking for.wani to. seeing the U. S. A. on a motorcycle i$ ARNOLD NYE.

l Motorcycles ue his main interest, but : Marilyn1 Monroe, agriculture, •and xoast

beef run a close secornJ. Hitting a truck : with his motorcycle Ja~t year in front of

echool wu most embar.raHing for Mr. Nye.



I'M sure that we all feel proud of the senfor lad who is one of the members of the orchestra · that played last ·Friday night.

A brown-ey.ed, dark-haired sophomore wf10 goes by_ the name of Toni Petrucci is now sporting the class ring of Gary Mof­fett, a sharp and likable ' junior lad. Now what could mean? Of course, they; re going steady. Best of luck to you two.

Published weekly during the school year by the students of Salem high school, , Salem, Ohio.

This gone saxaphone player is none other than Paul Hannay. We are also proud of the orchestra's leader and trumpet player

• I

HAVE YOU SEEN Barbara Smith and Joann

who is a '52 graduate, Bill Schuller. Nice white buck loafers?


B. G. Ludwig, p.rincipal

Printed by the Lyle Printing tind Pub• lishing Co.

Subscription· rate, $2.00 per ye-ar · k b d t · .•. RALPH FIRESTONE'S SHARP

wor ' oys, an swee music. Entered a•s second'-class mail December PARTY TIME- BROWN SUEDE SHOES?

) 21, 1921, at the _postoffice at _Salem, Ohio, . Last weekend was a busy one as far as .. Jim Minamyer driving the fam ily Hud- under the Act of March ' 3, 1879.

social life was concerned. Friday night son? To subscribe, mail ·name and address,

after the dance Sue Hill had opin house. . • : Dick Ke.lley's duck tail? with remittance to Manager of The Quaker,

Saturday night Joyce Cosgrove enter- .• . ' BILL HERMAN'S TWEED TOP- ... . , Salem High School, Salem, Ohio.

tained. The ref.reshments. were wonderful, COAT? the hostesses were sweet, and_ we all had : •• Marcia Henning's lavend·er duster? Editor-In-Chief loads of fun. . .• THE AR1'ISTIC HONOR ROLL IN Senior Ass't Editor

EMBARRASSING _ROOMS 207, 204, 208, and 209? Junior Ass't Editor Happy Harriga.n was _the embarra~sed .•. D9ane Barton's figure sketches of a Sports Editor

owner of a red face when he opened hi~ ·boy? Business Manager

Judy Tame Joan Schuller •"

Sandy Hansell Lowell Fleischer

John Litty ,. -

ay, March 20, 1953


By Nancy and Helen

Well, kids, we're back again. It seems that some very im­~tant things will be happening in the music departments during • next two weeks, so we decided to switch with Irelen and . Nancy.

Here are a few delicious tidbits from that wonder~ul -dish w .sic. First, let's try a pretty little cookie' called SOF'T, by Tiny ~ . shaw and his orchestra. Tiny, accompanied by · his orch, sing'S' ' l!N' HOME TOMORROW. On the flip he sings ROCKING AND


Louis Die;rcl\:s~ Symphony_ Choir Wri~.ers Discuss · ~ · . · ~ .· . Name For Club

To Appear Here w edn~sda y . Tlie Creative Writin'g- club met in 212 Monda:1e, Mitr~h 16 •. A list of possibie nah1es for the club was submitted, but none_ of these were suitable, so the .members were asked to bring more s~g­gestions to th'e next meeting.

. Founder a'11d -director of t:he' a°hio St~te . University Symphonic Choir, whiCh will appear at Salem high s chool's auditorium Wednesday, March 25, is Prof. Louis H Diercks, one of the country's foremost figures in college choral work.·

The "'guiding light" of the Choir since it was founded in 1937, Pro- · fe'ssor Diercks is widely noted for the high degree of :technical pro­ficienc.y which the ·org·anization 'ELING, All of . these numbers are very tantalizing. ,

Have _ you -heard the wafer called l\1:AMA, HE TREATS YOU.R maintains yea_r after yeai·. ,UGHTER MEAN done by Ruth Bto.wn? This number is real The choir is one of the · nation's

It was proposed that the club sponso.r a1i.d ptiblish a book of creative writings written by any members of the high school who wish fo submit ~rticles: It was de~ cided to take this up next year.

.e. If you've heard this, no doubt you've heard : the answer, <\.UGHTER_ THAT'S YOUR RED WAGON NOW. If you haven't 1rd either, we think y-0u'd better jump. HEY, MR. JONES ' by •ddy Morrow, is really tops. T°'tJXEDO JUNCTION by the Foitr eshn\en is ·old but coming out again like new. Have you heard ~Y tMs crew? · - . ·

~ l

· Co'ming . around to the bop section we have the Lynn Hope ''sion of SILVER LINING. It's most d'oxie. Lynn halSI also

own song, BLUES FOR THE NIGHT OWL, _ which is pro-"hius.

MY SONB, by Johnny -Ace is still a sensation, but Joh1my has me up with a real cool caper called CROSS MY HEART. Y,es

I .

best known college choral groups, with a · membership careflilly se­lected and trained. During its an­nual spring conc.ert tour the · 50" voice organization will make 15 1ap­pearances in 12 cities in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York . .

Perhaps the finest of the tributes which have been paid to the Syn~­phonic Choir was that of a soldier who lost his life in 'Vorld War II. A fo1·mer mem'ber of the ·Choir, Richard H. DeSelm, instructed his

After the business meeting the group adjotirned .to the library where members read writings of thefr ·own for · consti'ucti ve criti­cism by other members,

'Masquers Start Work On~Orie-Act Comedy·

Highlighting the list"' of coming Salemasquer activities is the one-

,., this is · really cool. . . mother to give t lrn University LOUIS H. DIERCKS

act comedy, "Sure As You're Born." The story, written by Donald Payton, centers aro.und the inci­dents stemming from Wilbur Maxwems having beerr chosen to represent his school on a Whiz Kid program. -

Boo Stewart has requested YOUR CHEATING HEART by oni James. Says Bob, " I love that song." We wonder if there's :1y connection; Also Tom J~nnston requests IT'S A SAD, SAD DAY y Johnny Ray, "and who else?" says Tom.

Be sure to listen for these platters.

$1,000 in tlie event of his death, tive board meinber of the National the money to be used for the ad- Hymn Society and served as chair­vancement of chor!l'l music at the man of the Institute on Church University. He was killed in Italy, Music . and Worship ' held annually and the fund established by his be- at Ohio State until 1949. The cast, chosen . by Miss Irene ques. t provides an annual scholar- H · b · Weeks, club adviser, includes Larry

e 1s a mem er of Pin Mu Alpha, Parker w·1b M -1 n ·

shlp in the School of Music professional music societv· the Na- ' 1 ur ~xweJ ; .u;onme ~-------------:! . ·' Slutz, Mr. Maxwell; Melissa Lay-

A native of Osceola, Nebr., Pro- -tional Associatioi1 of Teachers of

Be Sure

To Attend

The Junior Play

f D. k . . . ton, Mrs. Maxwell; Curtice Loop essor ierc s received the oache- Smgmg, . National Association of and Sally K ···kb 'd B tt L

1 f t d - f B di Ch . D' n n e, e Y ou or o ar s egree rom ria ey Off irectors, Hymn Society of a d C · M 11 · t ' 1 P I t h · c II p · · A . . n onme axwe , respec 1ve y;

o y ec me o ege at ~ona m menca, and the Music Educators d 3 . B M J b . . an 1111 arcus as r. ones.

1926, the achelor of music degree National Conference. From 1946-from MacPhail School of Music, 48 he was president •of the Ohio Minneapolis, in the same year, and chapter of the Hymn Society. . Sales Reach 901 --------------r the maste~of arts degree from the H~ has served frequently as Miss Carol Kelly, junior class aa-'

,,_____________ Univei·sity of Iowa in 1932• visiting professor at other ins titu- visor, announced this morning that 1 Quaker Pastry Shop / "' For All of Your '-- He began his professional ca- tions, and has had wide experience tticket sales for the junior class

Alfani Home Supply

Salem's Headquarter's For The Publishing , and Printing Needs reer ias a conductor and soloist in as an adjudicator of . solo and play, ."Professor, ·How Could You," PeOTia in 1926, and in that year choral singing in state and qistrict have reached 901, as of 8:45 a. m.

Finest Cakes and Pastries The Lyle Pr'nting· And was ... i\1:ade professor of music in the We Specialize· in Wedding 1 · d . t t f N b k st · t contests throughout Ohio, Virginia, 141 tickets cam·e in .this morning,

voice epar men · o , e ras a a e Kenfuc,ky, Nebrask.a an·d West v1·r-a d Party CakeE · p bli h' · C · the largest single day total so far.

n · . U S Ing···~ O. Teachers' College,, Kearney, Nebr. ginia. He also has d1·1·ec:ted nt1111e1·- H omeroom 204 was in fi r st place Mrs. Diercks was · her husband's ous choral_ .festivals 1·n· Oh1'0 · and · ·

Q.uality Printers Since 1890 . t · t . h' k T · h with 204 tickets sold, while 203 was ass1s an rn t is .. ,wor • oget er neigh'bon.'ng states.

~ee Us For • they founded the P'.e.n~rnl Nebraska ---~-=--------:--_ _;_c_lo_s_e_b_e_h_in_d_w_i_th_1_9_8_s_o_Jd_. __ _

t Meats and Grocet'/es

PMne 4818 J • ~

295 So. Ellsworth, Salem ,

· Prices and Scheduies Ch1o:a!d~~~~~·- ~~ ~i~J:th~r prof es- ~\~\\I \ll1\\\\\l// // / /l/(/ij/f/l(~,~~~~~-~~~~0%;, Phone 3419 Salem, Ohio sional training, he also studied pri-~ ~/~~~

vately with such teachers as Franz ~~· ~ ~ ~- ·0•>.· ~~ Proschowsko, Robert Lawrence ~-----4io.. _ ~ . ' • j

Kaufman's BEVERAGE STORE The House of Quality

Weer and Bernard ·Taylor. ~ . , ~ The Ohio State faculty member ~

dirt:-cts the 300-voice University ~


Cl\orus as well as the Symphonic ~ ~ Choir, and is also minis.tee of music ? .

C. Higgins Sporting Goods Phone 3701 5,0a, S. Broadway at King A venue Methodist Church,

l -Sears Roebuck & Co. J

..._ ____________ _.. Columbus.

He is best known, however, for FOR THE BEST his work with the Symphonic Choir,

:,:-····JOE-BRYAN----·!,'' BA. R;E,1TTT'S ::tii::a~\::::d~~v~n c!~~:· t:1:~~ group, which has presented pro-

! FLOOR COVERING ! Motel & Restaurant grams before many prominent 1 Carpet - . Linoleums - Tile !1 groups. In 1938 it was selected as

l: Venetian Blinds - Shades :1· ..__ ..... .....,_ .... __ .._ _____ winner of a nationwide "choral : Wall Tiie • Rods : ~--------------~·~--•a--·-------- .... ---~ quest" cOnducted .by the Columbi!a

J\tcAHiste1:'S Mar}cet Broadcasting System, which re-



. sui'ted" 'in a concert tour of the Milk-Ice Cream-Groceries eastern states and presentation of

Smoked' Meats-Frozen Foods a program at Radio ·City, New

737 E. State Ph. &739 York. Professor Diercks is also known •!•·-,.-,,_·-·-·-·-"-·-.-••!- for his work with the University TRACK SCHEDULE


- BROOKWOOD . ance roup m col11' mmg ance ApriL14 Springfield Twp. Here 'I ,. ' ' ,- D G . b' . d

I I ROLLER K • alnd s01~,g into a "choral-dance April 17 Yo. Ursuline

t j RIN , I ~ 1eatre, .c.~n1bining the two ~r~s April 24 Yo. Ra yen i Open Every Night i mto a umf1ed medrnm of artistic April 27 Triangular meet i Except Tuesday i. expression. May 1 Niles •:•4m'o.-.o-.o.-"--.o.-o .... o...,n.-.,1 ..... i-.1••• Early in the last \Ya.r, Proft:.•3SOr May 5 Ravenna

Here Away Here Here Here

Apparel For Teen-Agers

.... -.•rl'a•a•r1'.Y.l'.•r1'.•r1'.•.•.•.•.• • .......;.,; Diercks was one of 12 men and May 9 Columbiana county meet women invited by -'the government:---------------------------­-to plan a nationwide wartime com-

SHIELD'S munity singing program. He h·aS appeared frequently as a tenor soloist in "The ,,:les$.iah" and each

• Christmas ·dii:ects the Unhersity -:--------------:- •.-.•rl'rl'J".....,W ..... w.w.•.•rl'.•.•rJ Chorus in this oratorio. .. -.... • • • • • • • • • • • • • .... ..._. • • • • • • • • • • • ·rl'rl'rl'~ He is the-composer of a cantata, ~ .,. • • inr• .,. .,. • • • • • •.,.•••••tr• ~· · "The Prodigal Son," several pub-

:- B U N. N '• lished ch wor.ks, and ,a number · .. ~ . . .. •· - ._ of other compositions and is the "'· ,., G 0 0 D S H 0 E S . ~ .author of numerou·s artic.les on . ._ , . . ) I choral problems and techmques. >. ••••••••••• ••• •.• ••••••• ••••• •• • .__._ • • • • • •••••••• t!..._ Professo1· Diercks is an execu-.;,; 4'• • ir~ ara:• * • • • • * * • • ·~• a a • • • • -~ a • • a • • • • • • .. ~ a • a a • • • .

Sheaff er or Parker Fountain Pens and Pencils

$3.00· to $10.00

BROADWAY LEASE DRUG '. l :- . ~' ~

State and Br0adway .;.

Phone. 8727 ;.-:-\

8,#leJ,n, Ohio "·'::·-]· · ·


Page 4 THE QUAKER Friday, March 20, 19-

Cindermen Start Conditioning; 2 Varsity Cagers 38 S .. -. u· .. .. M T ·c. . . ·_ To Speak At Fete-' tgn p, Ore . , 0 Ofile Stanley Cosky and Jack Gotts.:



-Thirty-eight boys answered Coach Frank Tarr's ini- chling will be tw<> of the speakers tial call for traek candidates on Monday of this week. at Mo~day night's Mickey McGuire Although this :figure is somewhat under the usual turn- ieague banquet at the Elk's H~me out, Tarr .said that several boys came later to _tell him they at six o'clock. would _attend practices. · ~- . The banquet will 'be held to , THAT'S ' THE WAY IT GOES

1 honor the league champions, Mc- · .Last Friday and Saturday the were held at th~ The final t9tal of cindermenl The first practice session was Kinley s·chool, and Salem . high's South fieldhouse in Youngstown. Girard, having worked their )Va·

would reach appr?ximately 50, the held Wednesday in the gym Th~ V:a~sity Swill present to the· team through the district toutnn into the reg+onals for the last threE>

coach estimated. l c~aches __ Pl_an to m_ ove 'outdo·or~ , .the .. ir victory t_ro_phy. . .· years, fi'nally came through and won this year's affair there~ Stall .and Jack are both JUnmrs gainlng a berth in the sta-te class A finals being held' tonight a~

In the first meeting . T,an, who, whenever the . weather breaks, but here and. have b~n highly a-cUve tomorrow night at Cincinnati. ' ' will be assistE!d,. hy Kar:! Zen/rs present plans call for at least two in athletics, ·parttcularly basket• • this season, outlined his training weeks of indoor conditioning. ball. The · llldians edged the Lisbon Blue Devils to face Canto<,

Timken in the finals last -Saturday. rules and told what will be ·ex---------------------------- \ · ,,., pected from each candidat-e: 'T z ·n · B _ · • T , • "• . Both the Indians and the Trojans were considered almos .. . . arr,-. . C erS .. eglll raffilllg · evenly tnatched, Girard with a .24•4 record, and Timkengoingwitha

This year's schedule released by · . 1 · • re.cord of 18 wins against .5 setbacks • . Incidentally, -0ne of Girard's I•Yea Cope is the biggest in recent B - F · -C · ·--• ·T · } M· nt · four losses was at the han.ds ' -0f the Salem Quakers. years. At least five dual meets are oys Or Ofillng rac {. · - e.:::; S CAGE STAR TO AJ;'PEAR HERE' ' carded with the po.ssibility of a _ . _ . . . . . Tarr is a real veteran of sports; triangula-r meet or another dual A pair of seasoned coaches will . . • . . . .

~ · · . · . · . serving at various times as head affair. Also, the NEO class "A" iutor the Salem track team through . . · . .

. . · _ · . _ . mentor m football, basketball, and and "B" meets and the Columbiana the 1953 season. Frank J. Tarr will · · .

"Bevo is comh1g to town! This newest basketball phenomenon anC his famous coach, N-ewt· Oliver, of Rio Grande college, are coming­to Salem as guests of _the annual ~ooster club basketball · banque,t Monday, April 6 • • count" meet will be held in Re_ illy - h d h 'd· K. 1· track. He coached freshman foot-

, serve as ~-a . coac - an ar · b. 11 t w·11 h.b Oh" · ~ - · stadium. ~ . . _ · , . _ _ -a a . i . oug y, 10 ior mm -Zellers will be assistant coach. years, and was head football, bas'" _ L_ast year the banque~ attracted_ a crowd o~ some _300 per•.

Captain Tom Johnston heads the ketball and track coach ' at- Madi· 'sons to hear Coach Dudley MO{>"re of Duquesne university. Booster list of ' eight returning lettermen. • r . son Ohio for ·six seasons t~rning dub President-Ward Zeller is expecting an .even larger crowd than . Rbl c ,, , I • -........

However, the team was somewhat . epu - lCall age aut several crack teams. last year's to see Bevo. ·

weak-med when several basketball T Pl Q h • Coming here i~- 1943, Tarr coach- Bev<> has broken many rec-Ords this season including the total' who are good cinderrnen · earn ays IO ed frosh hasketball'until two years number of points made in a si:ngle season. He scored 1,954 markers decided against coming _out for Bell Girls' Squad ago, when he resigned from the this past season; the old record was 1,051. During one game Bevo 'v

track immediately. ·t· H "bl f .. pos1 lon • . · e "'.as responsi e : 01· hooped 116 points, , als.o a new national rec-Ord. Coach Newt. Oliver,

Girls' Tourney 'f o Be Held Here

Two Salem high girls, Glenna sending many polished players up who hails from Wellsville as does Bevo, coached · the boy in high -Whinnery and Shirley Fox, went to the varsity coaches. school and was Bevo's main reason :for entering Ri<> Grande, a ~mall , , to Columbus with the Salem Re- · Through th.e years , his squads southern Ohio college with an enrollment of 125 students. '.!'his publican' girls' basketball-team last compiled consistently . fine records. past season Coach Oliver's boys, with . Bevo in the lead, racked up _.

S t d. h th t . . · d Tarr was graduated fr1>m Beth- 39 victories. ·, . a ur ay, w en e · earn e-ngage _ . . A cage tournament will be held . - any college, where he starred in • - . · . . • 1- · . . h

, h~re starting tonight, between the the Columbus Ohio Bell Telephone football, baseball and. track. He took- B~;o and R1~ Gr:ndeb have b~~n m th~ nabona -spotrt-hg t . for girls' teams of Columbus Ohio Bell, ·company girls'. squad: post-graduate courses at Kent some . ime now. e . as. e~n wn en up m many ,spor . . magazm~s -

) . . . . as . well , as other pubhcahons. The latest was a big story in !Youngstown, Hubbard, and the While the girls were there, they State and Ohio State- umversities. Life magazine. -Bev·o "has also appeared an several TV shows; in .. "' Sakfu Republicans. . spent a_. large part of the day with Mr. Tarr is in his fifth year as eluding Toast Of the Town:

It will be a doubte-elimination track mentor here. -

former Salem high te<acher, Ken Karl Zellers succeetls Ken Ja~ Among. all the praise being heaped upon this freshman star is Jacobs, who .now holds a job in cobs as - assistant track coach. He some criticism from a few people. Bevo is strictly an offensive Colnw.bus Jacobs W"S 1"nstrumental weapon, leavin"' the defensive end of thi"·°"" _ to his ' les.s famous · ...,... · "' b · also . served as assistant football "' .... ~ in arranging the gamd etween teammates -

match, and Salem will play· Hub­bard, followed by Columbus vs. Youngs town. Semi-finals 11-nd the final tilt will take place Saturday afternoon ' -Rnd evening.

" · , and basketball coach this year. - · ' the two teams. · ~ Tickets for the affair:_ may be purchased from any Booster ,

Zellers came here after coaching club member f<>r $2.50. / ' The Ohio Bell team won the

Glenna Whinnery and -.Shirley game by one _point, 30-29. Fox, both seniors, will take part Holland Cameron, of the Trades in the matches, representing the Extension office, is.. one of the

three years at Louisville high------ --- - --''----------------­school. He was graduated fro1n ,·.····0 ······.Ji.·.·,p.·.·.·.-.·.·.-.·.·········· --------------i&~~..., _ Mount Union. and cKent State uni- ALWAYS CALL A MASTER WARK'S

Republicans. Game time will be sponsors of the team:· · versities, w):lere he also sta1~red _ PLUMBER in football and basketball. ' Phone 3283 DRY CLEANING

approximately seven o'clock and _ . , . r. ------------------------------------~ 1 -------------the games will be. played at the \i , :1 ~ Memorial building. : :1 • ~ ., .. .... a ................ --;, • I! McMillan Abstract Co. ! Finney Beauty Shop '!"" •_• • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • 11

• • • • • i ! , · . ii 651 East Sixth Street I. Packard · Ball P_omt Pen 50c 1- \!: . Lisbon, Ohio !:

SALEM PhonP. 5?.00 I . I t ___________________________________ ;;

'1. Applia·nce Co. t "····"'"'····················II'·············-.·· ··----=-,.,,.,, • ....,..,,~ ............................ ,,. •• ,,. •• ,, Neon Restaurant •t• Fithian Typewriter .-1

Sales and Service _ ~ -.. Where People Meet

H Ti S • To Ed 321 South Broadway oppes · re erv1ce _ Phone 3611 t

SCHWINN BICYCLES il'.•.•.•.•.·.·············J'.·.···············.' ·~t--4~~·!< Regular & Bilavy· Duty -

Bike <'J,'ires

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Top Quality Value Always


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Fresh Meats - Groceries Produce - Home Made

Ice Cream 0Pt'n Daily 9 a. m. m 9 p. m.




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~·~fl·JY.-.·.···········-·················., MOFFETT • HONE FOUNTAIN! "".-1:.,,,:" . .. .t.".·.·.-.·.·JA.·.·.•,.•m•a•a•J'aVa••"~ .MAG .AZIN'11~S -!

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=-----------------1'---------------ll----------------1 ........................................... - 1



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