the scientific revolution, enlightenment and american revolution! oh my!

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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How are all three of these connected!


You wake up tomorrow and find out the world is like this?

• How would your VIEW of the world change? Could you trust those who had taught you before? Would you trust your OWN mid?


What is a Revolution? DW A Revolution is a complete change of the way we think about things, or an overthrow of a government, a social system, etc.

SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION Don’t write•In the 1500s & 1600s the Scientific Revolution changed the way Euros looked at the world.

•new ways of thinking! Use experimentation!

•Telescope, microscope invented•Printing press spread ideas•Math studied

•PTOLEMY (gr/eg astronomer 100AD) said Earth was the center of the universe (GEOCENTRIC MODEL)

*Church supported!

*Earth surrounded by crystal rotating spheres w/ heavenly bodies stuck in them. (10th sphere was Prime mover w/ God & stars beyond

10th sphere).

Ptolemy’s view

Ptolemy’s geocentric model

1. Earth2. Moon3. Mercury4. Venus5. Sun6. Mars7. Jupiter8. Saturn

•Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus, in his 1543 book, said universe is HELIOCENTRIC - sun centered.

•Earth & planets revolve around sun •Moon revolves around earth, earth rotates on axis (church upset, fear all knowledge wrong

Copernicus’s ViewCopernicus’ model

of the solar system:

1. Sun2. Moon3. Mercury4. Venus5. Earth6. Mars7. Jupiter8. Saturn

•Johannes Kepler said sun was at center, but orbits were ellipses, not circles.

•Galileo Galilei- made 1st telescope discovered sunspots, moon mtns, planets were solid, & moons rotated around planets

•Put on trial by pope

•Ideas against Church teachings. (forced to recant &

put on house arrest)

•Isaac Newton- defined laws light & color, laws of motion, law of gravity & calculus!

1. A body at rest stays at rest2. Acceleration is caused by force3. For every action there is an

equal opposite reaction

•Don’t write: FRANCIS BACON developed SCIENTIFIC METHOD: a procedure for analyzing & collecting evidence.

•Don’t write! •Bacon argued that truth could

not be known at the beginning of a question, but only at the end after a long process of investigation.

•experiments to prove a hypothesis to lead to correct principles.

1. Divide a piece of paper in 1/2. Draw a line down the center (both sides).

2. Label them the following.

3. In the correct section, draw that astronomer’s view of the universe. (use pages 294-295 to help)

4. Label all parts of the universe (sun, moon, planets, aliens)

5. Use color. Be neat.6. In the 4th box, compare & contrast the 3 different views.

What are the differences? What are the similarities? 7. Be sure to write in complete sentences. Be specific! Be

sure to describe at least ____ things about each astronomer.

Ptolemy CopernicusCompare

& ContrastKepler’s

orbits only

The Enlightenment

•The Enlightenment PHILOSOPHES were French intellectuals.

•Reason, law, hope, progress, themes of enlightenment

•Said you should apply rational criticism, study society, look at facts & use scientific

method to make society


•John Locke, said all humans born w/ TABULA RASA

or a blank slate. •All knowledge comes from experience & all people have natural rights of life, liberty

& property

•Rene Descartes: Fr philosopher who said “I think, therefore I am”

•Doubt material world, trust your mind.

•Use human reason & question things

•Truth found after studying & investigation

•Father of rationalism

•Baron Montesquieu: used scientific method to study govt to find natural laws that govern social & political relationships.

•Saidin the Spirit of Law govts: should have executive, legislative & judicial branches.

• Also separation of powers & checks & balances.

•VOLTAIRE- witty middle class Parisian writer.

•Believed in freedom of speech & religion!•Deism: religious philosophy based on reason & natural law. World ran like a clock

• “All men are brothers”• “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it”

• Jean Jacque Rousseau: govt should secure freedom, equality & justice (rule for common good) for all within the state.

•Wrote Social Contract 1762: said entire society agrees to be governed by general will, but lose individual liberty.


• Free people, remember this maxim: we may acquire liberty, but it is never recovered if it is once lost


•ECONOMICS-Said if people pursue own eco self interest, all society benefits.

ADAM SMITH (father of capitalism) govt should protect society from invasion & create public works

•Govt should not interfere by imposing regulations.

Called LAISSEZ-FAIRE- let them alone

Descartes' philosophy

Voltaire’s philosophy


John Locke'sPhilosophy

Monteaquie’s philosophy


•DON’T WRITE: America was a colony- so it was run and controlled by another country, Great Britain which was 3000 miles away

•Britain has a monarchy ( a king)

•DON’T WRITE!!!! Colonies set up for profit, took natural resources & turned them into manufactured goods & sold back to colonies

*Britain needs $$$$ & passes Stamp Act Tax, taxing all paper goods, set restrictions

*Colonists angry (no say in govt) Wanted rights & freedoms of philosophes. Creates unrest & protests

• 1st Continental Congress meets to plan action

•Congress meets again after war starts on 4/19/1775 when colonists were

shot at by Br soldiers

•Congress organized govt & est Continental Army led by George Washington

•Thomas Jefferson writes Declaration of Independence

•Adopted July 4, 1776

•declared equality & rights of the people, reasons for rebellion & independence from GB

•France 1st to

recognize US

•War ends w/ Treaty of Paris in 1783, giving US control of land E of the Mississippi.

•Articles of Confederation, 1st constitution, kept each state independent.

•Very weak govt (no exec branch).

(no power to tax, etc)

•Meeting called to fix Articles.

•May 25, 1787, 55 delegates met in Philly for Constitutional Convention.

•Articles tossed out & framers write new constitution.

•New Constitution used Montesquie’s ideas of executive, legislative & judicial branches

•Separation of powers divide power btw branches.

•Checks & balances allows each branch

to check & balance each other

•James Madison wrote Bill of Rights (10 Amendments) gave basic rights of people (speech, press, religion).

•States wouldn't ratify Constitution w/o it.

•Seen as proof of Enlightenment

•Enlightened Absolutism: rulers who used enlightenment ideas,

but kept royal


•Prussia: Frederick II or The Great: abolished torture & death penalty, individal protects before law, granted limited free speech, press & religious toleration, set 1st law code & education rules, created agricultural reforms,

built roads•Kept Serfdom


•Joseph II of Austria abolished serfdom, no death penalty, equality for all before law, religious toleration.

•created administrative, fiscal, & judicial bureaucracy directly responsible him

•Failed. Upset many. Nobles, serfs unhappy

•RUSSIA: CATHERINE THE GREAT: encourage modernization of agriculture & industry, foreign investment in poor areas, relaxed censorship laws, encouraged education for the nobles& middle class. (Favored

nobility) •Expanded serfdom


Get in groups of 4 (teams of two)1.Pick up 1 envelope, 1 game board, 1 penny, 1 Revolution page & 2 Will

you/Won’t you pages2.In teams of 2, flip the coin to

determine moves around game board Heads-1 space Tails -2 spaces3. Move your token. Read your info as

you land on the squares. If you land on a crown, draw a card & read the message from the king. As you gain info, record it in the column you think it belongs in (on Will You/Won’t You)

4. Vote at the end. Would you rebel? Explain!

1. With your group, create a 3-5 sentence Preamble to a Student Bill of Rights (introduce yourselves, describe your grievances)

2. Next, create a 10 Amendment Bill of Rights. a. List 5 Amendments you feel that you as a student deserve, & the Philosophes would approve b. explain at the end WHY you guys deserve these things!

FLIP BOOK1. Cut out all 24 squares2. put all of the WORD sq in a pile (have a pic & a word)3. Put all of the DESCRIPTION sq in a pile (they have sentences)4. Match up the WORD with the correct DESCRIPTION (have me check them)5. Glue together, back to back. Staple pages together with THE ENLIGHTENMENT sq on top

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