the scroll nov - dec 2014...

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The Scroll

Nov - Dec 2014 –

January 2015

VOL. #2 ISSUE #5

Our Savior Ministry Staff

Worship with us every Sunday

8:15 – Traditional Worship

9:45 – Education Hour

11:00 – Contemporary Worship

Our Savior Lutheran Church

and Pre-School

Telephone 636.947.8010

2800 Elm Street

St. Charles, MO 63301



Our Savior Lutheran




Administrative Pastor

Visitation Pastor


Seminary Field Worker

Director of Children and Family Life

Director of Christian Education

Pre-School Director

Rev. Dr. Mike A. Iannelli Jr.

Rev. Dr. Edward Arle

Vicar Dan Trempala

Jason Letsche

Cari Hannon

Mark Engelhardt

Barbara Hunt

Office Manager



Director of Choral Music


Director of Children’s Choir

Ann Broeker

Janet Brett

Lu Kelley

Scott Taylor

Billie Derham

Kathy Bhat

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give them eternal life.”

John 10:27

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Do you remember about a year ago when there was a television commercial for a financial company that wanted to

help everyone create and care for your nest egg? You probably remember this commercial as people were caring for

their eggs (of all sizes) and taking them everywhere they went. Well, this company wanted you to use their service to

help guarantee that your future will be big, bright and growing as large as possible.

This all sounds good and in some ways it is what most people strive to achieve in life (me included). We rate our life

according to our retirement status or our financial portfolio. But, God would have us think otherwise:

"Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor

was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and

tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith! And do not set

your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such

things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to

you as well. "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell

your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in

heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your

treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Luke 12:27-34)

Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget about the truly important things. Things like: salvation, Christ’s

return, helping our neighbor, coming to worship, sharing our faith with our family, showing others the Way, the Truth,

and the Life. We enjoy the gift of faith that we have been blessed with but we don’t always show it. We are sinful

humans who, because of sin, are forced to look at the “now” and, in fear, prepare for the future. But, thanks be to

God… that we need not fear any longer because as St. Luke records Jesus’ words we can take heart knowing that our

future is in Good Hands!

So to leave a lasting legacy we would be wise to share our faith with our families, not just when they are young but as

a father – and no matter how old my children get, I will always be their father, and as their father the legacy that I want

to leave behind is that all my family members, follow with me in the faith. Now that’s a lasting legacy. When we

think about it as a congregation… how can we most effectively minister to those around us?

Just a few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to share our thoughts and desires for Our Savior through the feasibility

study that took place. I am not sure what the results will be but just think about it: “If” we are able to expand our Pre-

School ministry, what kind of lasting legacy can we leave for the children that we serve and not only for them but also

for those they walk with in life. “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”

(Proverbs 22:6)

Just a few thoughts about our future… blessings

Pastor Mike

Isn’t It Strange author unknown

Isn't it strange.....

how a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large amount when you

donate it to church, but such a small amount when you go


how 2 hours seem so long when you're at church, and how short

they seem when you're watching a good movie?

that you can't find a word to say when you're praying but.. you

have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend?

how difficult and boring it is to read one chapter of the Bible but

how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel?

how everyone wants front-row-tickets to concerts or games but

they do whatever is possible to sit at the last row in Church?

how we need to know about an event for Church 2-3 weeks

before the day so we can include it in our agenda, but we can

adjust it for other events in the last minute?

how difficult it is to learn a fact about God to share it with

others; but how easy it is to learn, understand, extend and repeat


how we believe everything that magazines and newspapers say

but... we question the words in the Bible?

how everyone wants a place in heaven but... they don't want to

believe, do, or say anything to get there?

The Advent Wreath

Four weeks before Christmas, Pastor Bill was

leading a children’s message featuring an

Advent wreath. He told them what the three

purple candles represented, then asked,

“Does anyone know what the pink one

means?” No one answered.

Finally little Sara’s hand went

up. “Are they expecting a


Christmas Gift Giving

They’re planning to modernize the

Christmas story. From now on, the three

wise men will bring gift certificates.

Three stages of man: He believes in

Santa Claus: he does not believe in Santa

Claus, he is Santa Claus.

Do you think it’s the thought that

counts? Try sending someone a

Christmas gift C.O.D.

My wife gave me a beautiful smoking

jacket for Christmas. It took me an hour

to put it out.

Ten year old, little Billy asked his father,

“Who did you say gave me my bike for

Christmas?” His father replied, “Santa.”

“Well, says Billy, could you get in touch

with him and tell him some guy called

today, and the last payment is overdue.”

What's the Answer to This Question

In the October Reporter we asked: "Why is the LCMS experiencing such enormous membership

losses?" Here is one response from Rev. Stephen Skov (LCMS), St. Paul Lutheran Church, Wartburg,


Here are my reasons why the LCMS is not growing:

1. "To continue to do what you've always done expecting new and greater results is the definition of insanity."

2. If a church is not intentionally working for growth, it will not grow. 3. Many of our churches are dominated by strong members who want the Status Quo. 4. There is no plan or vision or strategy for growth. 5. Bickering or grumbling among the members is a sure sign that the church has turned in on itself. 6. Lousy fellowship where members are not loved and visitors are overlooked. 7. No prayer, no life, no fervency. Why would anyone want to join something that looks dead? 8. We cling too much to past traditions - "We've never done it that way before." 9. The pew hardly ever rises higher than the pulpit. If the preacher has lost his joy, zest and relevancy, it

translates quickly to the pew. 10. Too much mediocrity and comfort zone and not being aggressive enough for Christ. 11. Our message never changes, but our methods better change. Change or die! 12. In worship Content is king over Form. We rely too much on form. 13. Church growth doesn't happen by chance. Where is the attitude of St. Paul who said, "I seek to become all

things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some" (1 Corinthians 9:22).

I could go on and on, but that is a starter to your question.

Sincerely yours, Stephen Skov

Advent Peace From the Vicar For many of us, this is the prettiest time of the year. The heat of summer has passed, and

the Fall season has brought shorter days, milder temperatures and a flurry of colors

adorning our countryside. How beautiful indeed. It is easy to see God’s majesty as we

watch the trees prepare for the winter and peaceful transition into hibernation.

With this season we also feel that exciting anticipation of the Thanksgiving and

Advent/Christmas season coming upon us. The joy of gathering with family and friends,

sharing stories of times past, and giving thanks to our Lord and Savior for our many

blessings is front and center. But with all that anticipation and joy often comes a level of angst,

anxiousness, and stress as well. “Are we going to have Thanksgiving at our house this year? Is our house big enough?

Will anybody come, especially ‘you know who’? And, we only have a few more weeks to buy all those presents. Can I get

most of what I need on Black Friday?” Good grief, does any of this sound familiar?

Well, the apostle Paul has a few things to tell us during this time of the year. He says in Philippians 4:6, “Do not be

anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And

the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” God is pleased

when we give Him thanks and depend on Him. He loves when we recognize, celebrate, and share the many blessings that

He has entrusted us with. But, we sometimes get so worked-up over the minutia that we miss the real ‘reason for the

season.’ And the reason for the season is described so eloquently by Jesus Himself in John 3:16, “For God so loved the

world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

It is my sincere prayer that this Advent Season brings you and your families a time of prayerful supplication, meditation,

and rest in hearing the Lord’s Word. We need to give Him thanks, this is true. We need to enjoy the anticipation

associated with celebrating our Lord’s birth, this is true. But, the great peace and joy is found in the amazing promise that

comes through His resurrection from the dead and promise to be with us in paradise on the last day forever and ever.


Hello Fellow Our Savior Parishioners! I guess I have one important question to ask. How connected do you feel to those sitting around you each Sunday? If you are like me, you probably were connected to some degree, but felt that many you saw around you each Sunday, you did not really know. Well, how would you like to feel more connected? YOU CAN! Christ Care Small Group Ministry can help you do just that! Ask someone already in a group! Like me, I’m loving it and many of the people I used to simply just say “hello” to, I now have much more to say and share. We study the Bible together, work on outreach opportunities to share in God’s love, support one another in times of sorrow and share in times of joy, laugh, pray for one another and have lots of fun! It truly has made my husband and I feel so much more connected that we ever have and we have been members since 2006. Bill & I participated in launching Christ Care Small Group Ministry at Our Savior. We did this because of our strong belief in what a community group can do. We belong to a group from our previous church and would never think of leaving! We have formed friendships with others that will last a lifetime, these friends are truly family… the kind of family you pick! Ha! Besides Bible study, we have traveled together, dine on a regular basis and share holidays. You name it, we do it. I am sharing this with you so that you too will realize the many great benefits of joining a Christ Care Small Group. Please take the opportunity to visit our community board and see what is available that might interest you. If you do not find a group that does, you can always ask if one can be formed with a specific interest, or better yet, be a leader in forming a new group! God’s blessings to you! Kirsten Perschbacher

Update on Our Existing Small Group Ministries

Concerning the Camping With Christ: We camped and had a float trip this summer at Blue

Springs Resort. We even had a few people who are not a part of our small group join us as

we invited anyone from the church to come. The float was long but fun - weather was

great. We had a potluck that evening, did a Bible study, and sang some songs around the

bonfire, and Tom Hannon played guitar as Jeff Moore sang. The next morning we had Jeff

& Wendy's Famous Breakfast before departing for home. Our next trip is planned for Nov

14-16 at 370 Lakeside Park. Some feel it is a 'Fall' camp out, but others feel it is a 'Winter'

camp out.... At least we should not have any tornado warnings. We'll let you know.... In

our monthly Bible studies we are looking at 'Raising Children as Christians'. Average

attendance at meetings is about 7.

The Senior Shenanigans: Had a hayride and bonfire at Broemmelstiek Park which all

who attended seem to enjoy as we even had some grand-kids. The hayride was about 45

minutes and we even tried to sing once. The bonfire was super as we roasted hot dogs

and had s'mores. Wayne told the story of Linus with Sally looking for the Great

Pumpkin to come, then we sang a song about the Great Pumpkin. We missed some who

were sick or had other commitments. In November we will be visiting "Lady of the

Snows" and a possible cookie exchange in December. We are also being challenged by

the new Quarterlife Small Group with bagging food...Average attendance at meetings is

about 7.

The Peace, Love & Cardstock small group has been busy since we started

meetings in March. We were able to make centerpieces for the Mission

Possible luncheon at the church and then made about 3 dozen cards that we

donated to the church office with greetings such as Baptism Congratulations,

Get Well, Thinking of You, and Welcome to the Church. We have a group of

about 5 members regularly attending, but we have room for more. If you'd like

to join....we'd be happy to have you!! Don't worry if you don't make cards

because we are all learning different techniques at each meeting, and a couple

of members had never made cards before.

We are excited for the next step we are taking with our group - our focus is going to be on creating greeting

cards to sell, with the proceeds going to support the preschool. We plan to sell the cards between services in the

gym, so look for announcements coming up about when we will get started. Our first set of cards are being

created with the generous donation of a scrapbooking kit from Carolyn Fox that was going unused, but we've

made sure the supplies won't go to waste! If anyone has scrapbook or card-making supplies that are just taking

up space and you'd like to get rid of them, please consider donating the supplies to our small group. We'd be

happy to turn the donations into lovely greeting cards!!

Our meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. We have been meeting at

Kristen Singer's house, but we've been discussing rotating the location because some members have fabulous

craft rooms that they are willing to share. So if you are available when we meet and are interested, please

contact Kristen at 636-484-0184 or and we'll make sure to let you know the info for the

next meeting. Thanks for supporting the Small Group Ministry!!

The Taste and See Group meets the 2nd

Friday of each month, in member’s homes, to

share in bible study, wine and snacks. In September we had a group outing to Rocheport.

We spent the day together, enjoying a light lunch, wine tasting, looking around in the shops,

and sharing a delicious dinner together at the Les Bourgeois Winery and Bistro overlooking

the Missouri River.

Other Small Groups:

Ambassadors for Christ

A-Sharp time to B-Flat

Motto Passion

Not ready for Prime Time Players

Wholesome Holy Rollers

If you have an interest in something that is not listed and would like to form your own Small Group, please get

in Touch with Pastor Mike or one of the Equippers – they are:

Bill Perschbacher 636-219-0972 Kirsten Perschb acher 636-219-6821 Sandy Bichel 314-614-4068 Donna Hall 636-373-1437 Carolyn Fox 636-578-9517 Joellyn Furman 314-495-3977

Pastor Mike 636-947-8010

Youth News and Notes and Upcoming Events

M&M (Mission and Ministry) Fundraiser update – Thank you to everyone for your support of our M&M

fundraiser. We raised almost $1200 for our 2015 Summer Service Trip, and had almost 100 tubes returned to

us! Thank you for remembering the youth ministry in your prayers as well!

All Saints Sunday Celebration - All Saints Sunday is Sunday, Nov. 2nd. The Youth of Our Savior will once again be

hanging stars in the sanctuary to honor and remember our loved ones who have gone on to be with the Lord

before us. If you would like to honor your loved one, fill out the stars in the lobby with their name and place the

star in the basket at the Youth Booth.

Summer Servant Event Meeting – Sunday, November 2 following the 11 a.m. worship service we will have a

special Servant Event meeting for all those youth and families who are interested in joining us for the 2015

Summer Servant Event. Come find out more about our destination, the dates, the cost and our upcoming


Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser – We are going to return to the Texas Roadhouse once again this fall for another

lunch fundraiser. Join us Sunday, November 9 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. for a great meal, youth

line dancing, and a lot of fun! The youth will receive 10% of all the proceeds from the lunch with all of the funds

being applied to our 2015 Summer Servant Event. We hope to see you there!

Advent Dinner – The youth will be hosting the first Advent Dinner on Wednesday, December 3. Youth and youth

families are asked to assist with the serving of this dinner. Please sign up with DCE Mark or at the Youth Booth.

Youth Christmas Party – All youth in grades 7 – 12 are invited to the annual Youth Christmas Party and White

Elephant Gift Exchange on Sunday, December 7 at 5 p.m. We will have a special Christmas dinner, play some

Christmas games, and then exchange our White Elephant gifts (White Elephant gifts are similar to gag gifts, but

instead they are gifts you received, perhaps at a Christmas past, and you would like to share that blessing with

someone else ). Please keep the value of these gifts to no less than $5 but not more than $10.

Confirmation Christmas Break – Confirmation Classes will not be held on Sunday, December 21 and December

28. We will resume Confirmation Classes on Sunday, January 4 with our Mid-Year Review with the Elders.

Wednesday Night Youth Group – We will also be taking a hiatus over Christmas break from Wednesday night

youth group. We will meet after Advent services for small group discussion and games, on Dec. 3, 10, and 17.

But we will not meet on Christmas Eve, nor will we meet on New Year’s Eve. We will resume at our regular time

of 7 p.m. on January 7.

TJ’s Pizza Fundraiser – The Youth will be selling TJ’s Pizzas and Specialty Items once again with all items ready

for pick-up by Super Bowl Sunday. Please help support the youth by making a purchase from us as we prepare

for our 2015 Summer Servant Event.

Confirmation Mid Year Retreat – The Confirmation Mid-Year Retreat will be held this year January 23-25 at

Camp Wartburg. All Confirmation Students are asked to plan to be a part of this retreat. More information will

be coming during confirmation classes.




GENERAL FUND $445,201.55 -$21,323.76 $466,762.50 $(21,560.95)

PRESCHOOL $272,626.25 +$15,581.62 $270,408.78 $ 2,217.47

MISSIONS $13,127.00 -$3,037.00 $18,750.00 $( 5,623.00)

DEDICATED $168,927.71 +$78,366.80

TOTAL $899,882.51 +$69,587.66



RECEIPTS: $445,201.55 $272,626.25 $717,827.80

EXPENSES: $470,856.98 $264,586.80 $735,443.78

INCOME LESS EXPENSES: $(25,655.43) $ 8,039.45 $(17,615.98)


September, 2014


SEPT 07 $11,363.00 $6,384.00 $409.00 $1,576.48 $19,732.48

SEPT 14 $7,723.00 $6,611.00 $202.00 $640.01 $15,176.01

SEPT 21 $9,209.00 $5,397.50 $283.00 $404.02 $15,293.52

SEPT 28 $14,256.95 $11,627.50 $191.00 $1,540.46 -$27, 615.91

TOTAL $42,551.95 $30,020.00 $1,085.00 $4,160.97 $77,817.92

JAM Sunday School Ministry – Everyone 3 years old – 6th Grade is encouraged to join us every Sunday for a great lesson

in weaving your faith throughout the week. Meet us upstairs in the Fellowship Hall at 9:40 a.m. and learn about our

Bible Bucks, Kid’s Store, Memory Verse, and more while learning the Bible stories, playing games, and making friends!!!

Children’s Christmas Worship Program is just around the corner!! We will begin taking sign ups on Sunday November 9!

Rehearsals begin Sunday November 23 and all children are encouraged to participate. It’s a great way for kids to learn

and grow in their faith while making unforgettable memories! Sign up in the JAM classrooms during the Sunday School


Children’s Christmas Worship Program is Sunday, December 14 at 11:00. We invite everyone to join us for a time of

worship, celebration, and joy! Please mark your calendar to come out and support these beautiful kiddos as they share

the story of Our Savior’s birth!

Watch your bulletin for date, time, and announcements about the 2014 Birthday Party for Jesus!

Kid’s Connection is held every Sunday during the sermon for children 3 years old – 2nd Grade. It’s a time for them to

learn and worship on their level, but still be a part of their family worship too. If you would like to volunteer, please

contact Cari Hannon in the church office – serving is based on your availability, it’s super easy and a lot of fun!

Check out the Mini-Resource Library at the Children’s Ministry booth! It’s filled with books and a couple DVD’s for family

to use, enjoy, and return. Let Miss Cari know if you’d like to see a certain topic covered in the library!

JAMmin’ In Our Jammies is coming back!!! This is a great reminder to children and their families that we should always

bring our best to worship on Sundays, including the way we dress; however, when it comes down to it, God is just happy

when we’re here spending time with our church family in Him. So, Sunday January 25 kids (and grownups) are

encouraged to wear their PJ’s to JAM Sunday School!!!

There’s An App for That! Well, did you know that there are Faith-Based Family-Friendly apps too! Stop by the Children’s

Ministry booth and pick up a list of them. They’re divided by age groups and are great for the whole family to grow in

their relationship with God through modern technology.

For the Ladies and the Ladies Tea

The 15th Annual Ladies Celebration Tea is Friday, November 7. Join us for an evening of great food, fellowship, and

unity!!! Enjoy the insights and wisdom of our fellow sisters – Kathy Leaf, Barbara Hunt, Carolyn Fox, Joellyn Furman, and

Carol Iannelli! We look forward to spending the evening with you!

Be sure to LIKE us on Facebook! Just log on and search OSLC Women’s Ministry and “LIKE” the page. Every day you will

receive uplifting posts, humorous thoughts, encourage quotes, and Bible verses. It’s a great way to stay filled with His

Spirit and be connected to your sisters in Christ.

Growing Strong

Together Through

God’s Grace! We are off to a great start in our 2014-2015 school year! On the first day of enrollment back in February, we were

blessed to have two full classes in our full-day program! However, we never really filled up as quickly in our part-day

class so we made a few changes and now offer a school-day enrollment in that classroom as well. The flexibility of

the teachers in that class, Connie Kipp and Janet Luetkenhaus, and now offering two different enrollment options in

the same classroom has helped us serve more children than ever!

We are blessed with a record enrollment of 85 preschool children this year so far! I say so far because I have two

more tours next week that might enroll in Mrs. Kipp’s Cardinal Class for a few days each. Mrs. Kipp now works a full

day during the school year. With her extra hours we have been able to increase her class enrollment from an average

of 15 children per day last year to 17.2 children per day this year. Connie and Janet currently serve 34 children in their

classroom! Of course not every child attends every day but that is a lot of children who are blessed to be hearing

God’s word each day they attend. And that’s just in one of our 3 classrooms. If you see Connie or her family at

church, please thank her for her flexibility and commitment to our preschool children. We are blessed with an

incredible teaching staff. God is good and has provided us even more children to serve this year!

We need your help! We will once again be hosting a Thanksgiving Feast for the preschool families and church staff.

Each preschool class is in charge of one item to bring to the feast and the church office has again agreed to coordinate

the desserts. If you can, please call the church office and donate a dessert to be served at the feast. Last year was the

first year to hold our Thanksgiving Feast and it was a HUGE success but we need your help again! Would you like to

help cook, serve, set-up or host this event? We need many volunteers to make this all run smoothly. Please contact

Kathy Brasher if you can help for an hour or two on Monday, November 24 for our luncheon feast. You will get to see

all the smiling faces your preschool ministry serves!

Blessings, Babs Hunt-Preschool Director

The Preschool Committee would like to announce some yummy changes to Chili and Dessert Cook-Off ! This

year we will be hosting an extra yummy: Chili, Soup and Dessert Cook-Off on January 18, 2015 following

the 11:00 am church service in the gym. This is a great opportunity for the preschool families and the church

families to enjoy some fellowship time together and raise funds to support the preschool. We need everyone’s

help to make this a fun and yummy event! Please sign up on January 4th

or 11th

in the church lobby to bring in

your favorite chili, soup or dessert to the event.

Out of the Heart One of the stories that has survived from the early days of the division in East and

West Berlin is this one. It seems that one day, some folks in communist-controlled East

Berlin took a truckload of garbage and dumped it on the West Berlin side. The folks of

West Berlin could have done the same in return. Instead, they took a truck of canned

goods, bread and milk, and neatly stacked it on the East Berlin side. On top of this stack

of good stuff, they placed the sign “Each gives what he has.”

How true that sign was. People, who are filled with gladness, give their joy to others.

Others who have spirits of anger, jealousy and greed, share those negative spirits with

those around them. We should have a lot of thankfulness and love and good to pass on

to others. God has given it to us. Let’s share it!


Our Savior will be serving thirty needy families. We would like to have the

congregation give different items on each of the Sundays leading up to Harvest Home Sunday. October 19 will be designated for

PERSONAL ITEMS: tooth brushes, tooth paste, bathroom tissue, shampoo, hand and bath soap, etc. October 26 will be designated

for CLEANING SUPPLIES: laundry soap, toilet cleaners, floor cleaners, shower and bath cleaners, furniture polish, glass cleaners,

etc. November 2 will be designated for STAPLES: cereal, flour, sugar, rice, boxed potatoes, peanut butter, jelly, cooking oil, cake

mixes, etc. November 9 will be designated CANNED GOODS: vegetables, soup, juice, chili, fruit, baby food, tuna, chicken, etc.

November 16 will be HARVEST HOME SUNDAY and any of the above listed items and/or cash will be accepted as donations.

Please sign-up to pack boxes for Harvest Home on Saturday, November 22 from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Boxes can be picked up Saturday,

November 22 or Sunday November 23.

Contact the family and deliver the boxes no later than November 24. The sign-up sheets for these activities will be by the Harvest

Home display in the church lobby.

Please note that there are no out of pocket expenses for the congregation volunteers who choose to participate in this program. Thank

you so much for your help and support of Harvest Home. We are a truly blest congregation.



October was LWML month (that is Lutheran Women's Missionary League). All Lutheran women are

automatically members of this group. The ladies of Our Savior take the missionary part of our names seriously

and have been busy in the last six years-making, distributing and sending items to our servicemen in Iraq and

Afghanistan, Youth in Need, our Veterans Homes, Newborns in Need and our local hospitals Cancer Societies.

This year we have donated 14 Baby blankets and quilts to Youth in Need. We sent 65 pre-cut shoes for Soles

for Hope. We made and sent greeting cards to our troops in Afghanistan and the Middle East. Our troops in

Afghanistan and the Middle East are not able to purchase greeting cards (birthday, Christmas, Anniversary, etc.)

so we made greeting cards and sent them to our troops. We made and filled 132 Christmas Stockings to be

distributed this December by Oasis Food Pantry.

In addition to all of this-we have attended our Zone and District Rallies and Board meetings. We collect “Mites

for Missions” to support our national LWML fund the thirty mission grant. WHEW! That is a lot of work and a

lot of fun. If you have four hours on the second Friday of the month to spend helping others, having a good

time, and of course sampling a lot of good food. Join us – we guarantee 'you will be glad you did!'.

THE RESULTS ARE IN – well almost. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, November 18 at 7:00 p.m. Karl

Galik from LCEF will be here to present the results from our Feasibility Study. This will include the

compilation of the forums, surveys, and interviews that have taken place over the past couple of months.

Everyone is welcome to join us in the Sanctuary on November 18 for this informative presentation. Thank

you to everyone for participating in the study and for keeping the process and participants in your


IT’S A BIRTHDAY PARTY! Calling all fun-seekers and celebrators!

Sunday, December 7 is our annual, but new Birthday Party for Jesus.

This year we want to make it a family affair – join us for worship and

stay for a party!! Following the 11:00 worship service stay for lunch,

fellowship, games, crafts, and a few surprises! Everyone is welcome so

invite your friends and family!

Congregational Meeting will be held on December 14, at 6:00 p.m. At

this meeting we will update church finances, approve the budget for

2015, update group projects, update trustees’ projects, and vote on

officers and leadership chairman. Those offices that are open are

President, Vice President, and Outreach chairman.


The Ladies Thursday morning Bible Study will stop for the holidays on December 18

and will resume on January 8, at 7:30 in Classroom # 2,

The Flower Chart of 2015 will be posted outside the Eifert Fellowship Hall. Please check your calendar for special dates or memorable occasions that you might want to have flowers noted on that special date or time in your life. Sign your name and phone number by the Sunday you wish to reserve and a member from the Altar Guild will give you a call


The 2015 OSLC Melodrama presents “Curse you, Otis Crummy” this

coming spring. The small town of Calico, California is struggling after the

silver mines are depleted. The deceitful villain, Otis Crummy, acts as

though he is providing a safe haven for the less fortunate, when in reality it

is a home for his gang of thieves.


March 13th

: dessert and show – dessert served at 7pm and the show starts at 7:30pm

March 14th

: matinee and nachos – nachos served at 1:30pm and the show starts at 2pm

March 20th

and 21st: dinner and show – dinner served at 6:30pm and the show starts at 7:30pm.

What is a Melodrama?

A Melodrama is a dramatic play based on comedy and audience participation. The characters have exaggerated

personalities and the lines have more cheese than the dinner. Many of the actors are members of our church, as

well as, friends and family.

Chili and Soup Cook-off will be held on January 18 following the late

service. Watch the bulletin announcements for more information in


Blood Drive at Our Savior on Sunday, January 25, 2015 from 9 a.m. – 1:00 p..m.

Please give blood and help save a life. Let’s try to beat our record from last year.


We have 15 families with one or more children that need help. We suggest two or three families or organizations pool

their resources and adopt a family as a group project. Our Savior will provide funds for the Christmas meal for each

family. The sign-up form is on the table with the Harvest Home sign-up. This is a great opportunity to share the real

meaning of Christmas with others. Contact Virginia Barrett, 636-949-3154 or Terry Wynn, 636-916-1480 for details.



1. Training K-9 Comfort Dogs for LCMS Chaplains $30,000

2. Lutheran Children’s Book for Southeast Asia $72,000

3. Training Indigenous Pastors and Deaconesses – Concordia

Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana $100,000

4. Rebuilding Nord Est. Haiti Lutheran School $100,000

5. Jesus Our savior Lutheran School, Winnebago Tribe, Nebraska $58,553

6. ICAN---Serving At-Risk Children with Learning Needs $99,000

7. Bible Story Books in Sign Language and Written Texts $100,000

8. Native American Outreach Training Center-Fairbanks, Alaska $95,000

9. Strengthening and Expanding Campus Ministry $100,000

10. Worship for Shut-Ins $80,000

11. Preparing Leaders for a Diverse World-Concordia College, Selma, AL $50,000

12. Voice of Care Ministry to the Developmentally Challenged $50,000

13. Christ Centered Tutoring Through Rebecca’s Garden of Hope (RGOH) $100,000

14. Student Scholarships for MOST Ministries, Mission Trips $20,000

15. Building Homes and Hope in Haiti $100,000

16. Support for Lutheran Public Radio $40,000

17. Christian Education Support for Children – India $85,000

18. Mission Outreach at St. Paul Community Lutheran Church – Pontiac, MI $65,559

LWML – We collected $158.00 in our Mite Box Collection. Please pick up a new mite box and

continue to save those mites to help fulfil the Mission Grants as listed. The next collection will

be January 2015.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship Time Wednesday, November 26

th 7:00 p.m.


Wednesdays, December 3, 10, 17

5:30 pm Advent Dinners


Choir Sunday

Sunday, December 21st

Our Savior’s Pre-School Christmas Service

Tuesday, December 9, 2014 - 7:00 p.m.

Christmas Worship Times

Wednesday, December 24th - Candlelight

5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Christmas Day Worship

Thursday, December 25th 9:30 a.m.

- 8:00 a.m. - Steve Freeman 9:30 a.m. - Kirk Zamzow 11:00 a.m. - Wayne Kuppler



Nov - Dec 2014

January - 2015

2014ovember 2013

VOL. #1 ISSUE #6

2800 Elm Street

St. Charles, MO 63301

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