the secret to giving your children a better life

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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The Secret to Giving Your Children a Better Life:

It’s Simpler than You May Think.

Just like generations before us, it is safe to say that most of us want our children

to have better lives than we did.

While we can agree that we all generally want our children to

have better lives, the question to ask is: What does “better” look like

to you?

Certainly every life is different, and our concepts about what “better” means will

inevitably be subjective. Still, helping your children to have a better life than

you had may be simpler than you think.

A natural tendency would be to reflect on the places in your childhood where you perceive that things were lacking, and then to compensate for that lack

with your children.

If your parents struggled economically and as a result you had to go without a lot

of things when you were a child, you might want to buy your kids everything

they ask for. If your parents were neglectful, you may be inclined to

shower your children with love and attention.

However it manifests for you with your children, it is worth being aware of the

fact that your actions are often motivated by your desire to make up for your own

feelings of depravation.

Maybe you had a lot of responsibilities around the house as a child. Perhaps

there were a lot of chores to keep up with or younger siblings to look after, and as a result you were not able to participate in extracurricular activities. Now you might be insistent that your children take every opportunity to participate in those same activities, whether they want to or not.

Perhaps your parents did not get along or you came from a broken home. You

might make every effort to portray your relationship with your spouse as being

perfect, even when it isn’t.

Certainly it is good to model healthy relationships for your children, but

hiding the reality from them that even the best relationships may face adversity

may work against you and give them a skewed perspective. It may put you and your spouse in the untenable position of making a “show” of your life rather than engaging in the real dynamics of living it.

No matter which way your tendencies swing, it is wise to be aware that you can unintentionally smother your children

with overcompensation.

Perhaps your parents observed very unhealthy eating habits and now you are

hyper sensitive to the dietary habits of your children. Or, maybe you feel that your parents didn’t show you enough

affection and now you drown your children in it.

As parents we show up with the best intentions for our children, but it is

important for us to be mindful of how our intentions manifest in the

relationships we have with our children.

Ultimately, regardless of what programs we are running, what past traumas are forming our methods of operating and what our most hidden intentions may be, there is one thing that we can give our children that is more important

than anything else.

We should give our children Love… …lots of it.

You will never create better children by giving them everything you never had.

Living vicariously through your children will not help you to heal your old

wounds, and it certainly won't inspire them to be their most authentic selves in

your presence.

Simply Love them, and hold the space for them to grow into the amazing people

that they are destined to become. It can be that simple.

Each of us is on a personal journey through life. Your journey is intended to

be much different from those of your children. This is by nature of our design. Each of us has our own highest destiny

to achieve and our own true path to walk.

We discover our true path as we engage with our Internal Guidance System.

We don’t have to impose upon our children the things that we believe to

be important from our past perceptions of lack.

The greatest gift we can give to our children is our love and support. We

can teach them to tune into their own Internal Guidance System in

order to create the ideal life that they want to live.

By showing up authentically for our children as well as for ourselves, we are naturally creating the conditions for the

best life for everyone.

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