the ship’s bell · 2020. 1. 15. · their hawker sea fury aircraft. 4 pacific central region...

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Placer County Council, Navy League of The United States

The Ship’s Bell

May/June 2019 Volume 19, Number 3

From your president, Bonnie Potter: Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for

those who have died in our nation’s service. On Mon-

day, May 27th we will once again participate with our

local veterans’ organizations in paying tribute to those

who have made the ultimate sacrifice while defending

the United States and the principles upon which Ameri-

ca was founded. The main ceremony will take place at

9:00 AM at the War Memorial at the New Auburn

Cemetery. Our Council always provides a wreath

made by O’Shea’s Florist for the New Auburn ceme-

tery, and flowers for the Gold Star family members in

attendance. I hope you will join me on this important

day to show our respect for all our fallen service men

and women who have paid the ultimate price for our

country and our freedoms. Following the primary cere-

mony, brief ceremonies with a wreath-laying and the

rendering of honors will follow at the Old Auburn Cem-

etery (170 Fulweiler, Auburn) at 10:00 AM, the New-

castle Cemetery (850 Taylor Rd, Newcastle) at 11:00

and the Maidu Indian Burial Ground (corner of Maidu

Rd and Wildwood Dr in Auburn) at Noon.

Our speaker this month is Joe Scheimer who

speak on his experience in Laos during the Vietnam

War. In June Ken Dwelle will speak about the history

and restoration of the Hawker Sea Fury aircraft that

Tom Dwelle flew in the Reno Air Races.

Our Council hosted the Pacific Central Region

Meeting on April 26-27th. Thanks to Don and Mona An-

derson who offered to plan the meeting, we had a truly

outstanding meeting in all respects. We started with a

tour of the DeWitt Museum and then held a Meet and

Greet at Van Howd’s studio. Everyone enjoyed an op-

portunity to view the art and hear from Doug and Nan-

cy. The meeting was also held at the studio and our

guest speaker was Captain Sam Pecota, the master of

California Maritime Academy’s Training Ship Golden

Bear. He gave an outstanding presentation about the

past, present and future of the maritime services. We

also had a chance to hear from the Navy League Na-

tional President elect, Bill Stevenson III, who will offi-

cially take office at the National Convention in June.

Carol Ann Hackley served as Chair of the Nominating

Committee, and Don Anderson has been nominated

to be our Northern California Area President and I

have been nominated to be a National Director.

The Big Day of Giving was held on Thursday,

May 2nd and I appreciate the members who made do-

nations totaling over $1700 to support our youth pro-

grams, which include two Sea Cadet units, the Luther

Burbank Navy Junior ROTC program and the Midship-

men at the California Maritime Academy. Thank you!

On May 4th, Don Goard attended the California

Maritime Academy Commissioning and Awards cere-

mony. On behalf of our Council he presented the John

Paul Jones Award, which is a Navy sword, to Ensign

Tyller Byrom, who will become a surface warfare of-

ficer. Congratulations Ensign Byrom!

Two years ago our Council signed an agree-

ment with AirMedCare Network to offer our members

air ambulance memberships, which includes

CALSTAR and REACH air ambulance services, at a

discounted rate. Our Plan Code is 13565-CA-BUS

which you should provide when you renew your mem-

bership in order to get the discount. For more infor-

mation, visit or contact Sonja

Conklin at 530-648-6455.

On June 4th our Council will staff an election

polling place in Roseville from 6 AM to 9 PM as a

Council fundraiser. Thank you Don Anderson, August

Anema, Marlowe Skar, Roberta McGuinn, Aaron

Lonquist, Mona Anderson, Carol Ann Hackley, Janelle

Kershaw, Liz Marrin, Becky Dunavent, Tom Dunavent,

Don Goard, and Nancy Goard for volunteering!

And, as always, let us remember the coura-

geous men and women of all our Services who put

their lives in harms way every day, whether at home

or abroad, in defense of our freedom. And on Memori-

al Day, please take a moment to remember those who

made the ultimate sacrifice.

I wish you all happy, healthy and bright sunny

days! Bonnie


Sacramento Sea Cadets Cyber Patriot Team Selected for National Competition For the second year in a row, the Sacramento Spartans were selected to participate in the Cyber Patriot National Competition. More than 6000 teams compete and only 12 non-service organiza-tions, and two from each of the service organizations are selected to go to Cyber Patriot National Competition. That’s an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations Sacramento Spartans!!

Sacramento Spartans, Cyber Patriot Team from Sacramento Sea Cadets Standing: Ensign Shirley Gu, CPO Connor Yang, PO1 Zack Nkadi (now CPO but was PO1 at the time of

the photo) Ensign Matt Foreman. Sitting: PO3 (now PO2) Evan Huang, PO3 Emily Foreman, PO3 Emily Kelso, SN William Smith

California Maritime Academy Midshipmen of the Month

Don Goard recognizes LT Kevin McKee, and California Maritime Academy Midshipmen of the Month


I m p o r t a n t I n f o r m a t i o n R e g a r d i n g

D i n n e r R e s e r v a t i o n s

• W e n e e d a n a c c u r a t e h e a d c o u n t f o r o u r c a t e r e r s o s h e k n o w s h o w m u c h f o o d t o p r e p a r e .

• W e p a y t h e c a t e r e r f o r t h e n u m -b e r o f m e a l s t h a t w e o r d e r , w h e t h e r yo u s h o w u p o r n o t .

• I f yo u R S V P ye s , a n d t h e n yo u r p l a n s c h a n g e , p l e a s e c a l l B o n n i e a t 5 3 0 - 8 2 3 - 2 8 2 0 a s s o o n a s p o s -s i b l e .

March Meeting Features Youth Programs

Placer County Council Supports STEM Activities at EV Cain School

Rose Hoeper’s daughter Roanne DeShon and her daughter present a bequest from Rose’s estate to Council President Bonnie Potter.

Aaron Lonquist talks about our support of the Matthew Axel-son Division of the Sea Cadets and Training Ship Randy Goodman.

Aaron Lonquist talks about our support of the Sacramento Divi-sion of the Sea Cadets and Training Ship California.

Aaron presents check to Luther Burbank NJROTC

May Speaker: Joe Scheimer speaking about his experience in Laos during the Vietnam War. June Speaker: Ken Dwelle on restoring their Hawker Sea Fury aircraft.


Pacific Central Region Meeting Recap by Mona Anderson Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27, 2019 Van Howd Gallery and Studio Hosted by the Placer County Council

Friday evening began with a 4:00 p.m. tour of the DeWitt History Museum, specially conduct-ed by Placer County Museum Director Ralph Gibson. At 5:00 p.m. the Meet and Greet began at the Van Howd Gallery, where attendees viewed both Doug Van Howd’s world-renowned sculptures and paintings and Nancy Van Howd’s beautiful wildlife photography. The Van Howds spoke briefly about their art and their travels in Africa. Chef Jan’s sliders, skewers and roasted veggies and hummus dip were served and the bar was open. The Saturday meeting kicked off at 8:00 a.m. in the Van Howd’s meeting room with a Conti-nental breakfast. Navy League Cadets from Training Ship California (Sacramento Division of the Sea Cadets) presented the colors very sharply and made us all proud! Placer County Council’s President Bonnie Potter introduced Region President Tom Winant, then National President-elect Bill Stevenson. Stevenson talked about some of what is going on at National that will be different in his administration. Specific goals he mentioned were more emphasis on youth: Sea Cadets and other youth programs; getting younger members and what we

need to do to reach them, specifically evolving as technology evolves in how people communicate and communicating what’s in it for them to join; working on problems with the Portal; and a development office specifically to address a shrinking number of advertisers in Sea Power. He also talked about “Share Point,” a new on-line communications pro-gram. After a short break, keynote speaker Captain Sam Pecota of California Maritime Academy’s Golden Bear delivered a very interesting history of the Past, Present and Future of the Maritime Industry. A Merchant Mariner, he attended King-spoint and focused on the Merchant Marine from the earliest Colonial ship building to the plans and research going on now to build crewless ships that can be remote controlled or even self-controlled in the future. He laced his talk with fas-cinating factoids and took questions throughout his presentation. Bonnie Potter presented him with a thank you gift and Placer County Council coin. Shortly after 11:00 a.m., Region President Tom Winant took the floor again, talking about the up-coming fly-in to Wash-ington D. C. Then he began accepting reports from the Councils represented: Marin, Carson City, San Francisco, Sacra-mento, Placer County, Contra Costa County, Santa Clara Valley, Alameda, Lake Merritt, Pacific Merchant Marine, Stock-ton and Fresno. The reports, full of activities each Council had done during the past year and full of good ideas for other Councils to pick up on, went on until lunch, then resumed again after lunch. The Nominating Committee met after lunch and the committee Chair, Carol Ann Hackley reported the names they will pass on up the chain of command to be confirmed at the National Convention next month. These were Carrie Barnecut for Regional President; Don Anderson, Michelle Langford, Carey Barnecut and Marlene Reinicke for Area Presidents; Virginia Gibson for National Vice-president; and Tom Winant, Bonnie Potter, Carrie Barnecut, Carey Barnecut, Bill Ste-phens, Marlene Reinicke, Phelps Hobart, Michelle Langford, Virginia Gibson and Darryl Fike for National Directors. Bonnie Potter presented several final thank you gifts and a few final remarks were made, including gracious comments by Tom Winant and Bill Stevenson. The meeting was adjourned at about 3:00 p.m. Those attendees who didn’t need to rush to get home got a tour of Doug Van Howd’s sculpture studio before leaving Auburn.

Region President Tom Winant Captain Sam Pecota, Master of the Golden Bear

National President-Elect Bill Stevensen


Revised 5/1/2019

Officers and Directors

President Bonnie Potter 530-823-2820 Vice President Don Anderson 530-888-6710 Secretary Mona Anderson 530-888-6710 Treasurer AugustAnema 530-823-2820 Director, President Emeritus Mike Holmes 530-889-2780 Director Becky Dunavent 707-980-3089 Director Don Goard 530-906-3244 Director Nancy Goard 530-906-3244 Director Carol Ann Hackley 916-253-7565 Director Janelle Kershaw 916-698-1419 Director Aaron Lonquist 530-885-1114 Director Greg Wilbur 530-305-3142

Duties and Points of Contact

Bartender Court Bradbury Chaplain Bruce Lundberg Hall Set-up Bonnie Potter/August Anema Ticket Sellers/Hall Clean-up Greg Wilbur/August Anema Greeters Alicia Wilbur/Nancy Goard/Roberta McGuinn Cal Maritime Don Goard Sea Cadets and NJROTC Aaron Lonquist STEM Don Anderson USS McCampbell Bonnie Potter Fallon Clinic Don Anderson Publicity Mike Holmes Telephone Tree Mona Anderson/Don Goard/Bonnie Potter Legislative Affairs & Programs Mike Holmes Membership/Retention Bonnie Potter Big Day of Giving Team Captain Alicia Wilbur Ship’s Bell, Website, Facebook Bonnie Potter/Don Goard/Alicia Wilbur Veterans’ Hall Board Bonnie Potter/Don Anderson

The Ship’s Bell is emailed every other month to current members and other interested parties, and it is mailed to those who do not have email. Deadline for contribution of information is the first Wednesday of Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, and Nov. Contact Bonnie Potter at (530)823-2820 or with questions, comments, information, or email address changes.

Placer County Navy League PO Box 6135, Auburn, CA 95604

Please share this newsletter with your friends and invite them to our general meetings. We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Auburn Veterans’ Memorial Hall, 100 East Street, Auburn. Social Hour at 5:30pm, Dinner and meeting beginning at 6:30pm. Usual cost of dinner is $15.00. Reservations may be made by calling Bonnie at 530-823-2820.

Help the Council When You Shop!

Do you shop on Amazon? If you log in at instead of, you can select Placer County Council of the Navy League as the charity you support, and a portion of eligible pur-chases will be donated to our council!


About the Navy League of the US

The Navy League of the United States, founded in 1902 with the support of President Theodore Roosevelt, is a nonprofit civilian, educational and advocacy organization that supports America’s sea services: the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and U.S.-flag Merchant Marine. The Navy League of the United States:

• Enhances the morale of sea service personnel and their families through national and council level pro-grams.

• Provides a powerful voice to educate the public and Congress on the importance of our Sea Services to our nation’s defense, well-being and economic prosperity.

• Supports youth through programs, such as the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Junior ROTC and Young Ma-rines, that expose young people to the values of our sea services.

Placer County Council was chartered by the Navy League on December 4, 1956. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (EIN 68-0414086) and we cur-rently have approximately 135 members located throughout Placer and neighboring counties. We are Citizens in Support of the Sea Services, which makes us unique among military support organizations in that you do not have to have served in uniform to be a member.

Placer County Council Community Affiliate Members

Our Council Activities Include:

• Monthly dinner meetings to keep us well informed by hearing from knowledgeable speakers.

• Providing support to our two adopted units: USS McCAMPBELL (DDG 85), an Arleigh Burke-class de-stroyer stationed in Japan, and Naval Branch Health Clinic at Naval Air Station, Fallon, Nevada.

• Providing awards to California Maritime Academy Naval Science Department students.

• Providing support to the Navy JROTC Unit at Lu-ther Burbank High School.

• Providing support to the Sacramento Sea Cadets, and the Yuba Sutter Sea Cadets.

• Participating in the Auburn Area Memorial Day Ceremonies, Fourth of July Parade and Veteran's Day Parade and Ceremony.

• Providing support to Science, Technology, Engi-neering and Math (STEM) programs in local schools.

• Supporting Wreaths Across America.

• Staffing a Placer County Polling Place to raise funds for our activities.

Join now at

Placer County Council Navy League of the United States

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