the southerner. (tarboro', edgecombe co., (n.c.)) 1856-04-26 jeyclry 8torc, of cook $...

Post on 17-Sep-2020






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iew-- -


State of North Carolina,EDGECOMBE COUNTY.

Court of Picas and Quarter St tons

. FEB ItU A RY T lu 11 M, 135G. :;

Joseph 31. Edwards vs James O.

;;,;lr". V - ..' Cherry, , ' ' - the -- satisfaction of

Nc Jeycl ry 8torc,Of Cook $ I)ug(tn's.

TMfllOMAS:M.';COOK,HAS iu.t returned fr om , the

with a.' ph iidid collection of- Watches and Jewelry,

And a fine eollcction o Articles-to- o

nnnierous to. mention but inV:f

Gov. Bragg, who was received with the

warmest demonstrations of regard.Gov. Bragg addressed the conventionat some length in an able and impres-siv- e

manner accepting the nomina-

tion, and pledging himself . to use his

best exertions to carry the Democratic

bauner in triumph through the contest.

On motion, the convention took a re-op- ss

till seven o'clock.the Court, that James O. Cherry, thedefendant in this cassis nonresidentof thistftatei It is ordered, by the Court,

that publication be made for six weeks

in The Southerner, a newspaper pub-

lished in Tarboro notifying him to ap-

pear at the uest Term of this Court, to

be held at the Court House in Tarboro',on the fourth Monday of May next,then and there to replevy the propertyattached and plead to issue, or judg-

ment pro confesso will be entered againsthim, aud such other proceedings had

i hereon as the Comt shall deem rightaud proper. :

Done by order of said Court, at J.ob- -

ruary lerui, looo.)V. S. i'llt, Ul k

By W. A. Jones, Dip. VI'k.KW Jth. TSt).


THE Copartnerslrp of G tf & Snarta, is this dissolved by mutualconsent. Tiie business hereafter willbe continued bv John K. Cherry, who!is auth- - rised to settle all debts.

Guff t Chrrry.April 3rd, 18. 1G-- S'

Mrs. Julia Bell,

Spring Goods.

WE have opened our

Spring STOCK of GOODS, JWhich' we uovv olfer for sale. .

English and American Calicoes, of allqualities,

Seotch and American 'Ginghams, !

Barrage and Dawn Robes,Figured and plaiu Barrage,Printed and plain Lawns, in jgreat va

riety,Freuch Jaconets,Lace, Jaconct, and Em broidercd Col

lars, (some vuy 1 w,)Linen cambric Handkerchiefs,Ladies' white, elate, and uubleacbc

cotton II oso,Mises white and slate Ho?e,M.uitles for spring and summer,Parasols and Fans, Gloves, ltibbout-an- d


Crockery anlJinc Chiud isa re. Jwirj and Catl ry, aiil luauy otherarticles.

We invite a call finiii ail di.po&cd topurehaiC Goods in oar mark-et- ,

h T. .;,.s-- f: BoiciHtch.Tarbor..', 2'2. April,

GoodsFor I he Spring Summer Tru.le.

Wcddeli $ Hart,RESPECTFULLY iiiV.i.ui their

fricn i, cu-to- ar rs, an 1 the public, thatthey have received their Spring Purchu- -

j.seK, and are wow nivpajied to exhibit anexteisive. ru b and Fashioaable Ai- -

mortment of loreigu and American

Fancy and Staple f)ry Goods,Embracing all the latest and leadingstyles of L dies' Uress (i;ods, Frcnclijia.l S'-oti- JCiirbaoitilciio Maudescrape and bare Shawl, Ribbon:Gloves ll 's ery &C. .ve.

Als"), n largo supply of Staple Goodt5,

Rialj made Cloth!mj,!I use k epii;g artades, Hats, Bootsand Shoe, Hardware, Fanning Utensils, Glass mi Crockery ware, Groce-ries, 4.te oi--.

In fae, every thing usually found inu first dass country Store, all of whichhave been sokx-fcc-i with yreat care andwith cspocinl refen-nc:- : to the wtvtts, of'he citizens of lgcmnbe an 1 adjoin-ing coiiutics, and w:ll ! sold very iow.

E:i;:miue our S'ock before vu huy.WED DEL F, f: HART.

Tarkro', J-li- h .Ajuil, 1850.

MNSTfil5LSWill give two


On Fr nlay and Saturday Eocninys,'JOA and ''2(jth of April.

Attached to the Company is the ceksbrated U nyoist WOK SWKKNY ai--

so, 11. H. 11 ALL, the champion JigDmcer and the youthful l.illadist J .

T. OA RUN Ell.

WOULD re.'p-etful-ly inform theciti- - consent, 1. 15 Wills retiring fr.,m

of Tajb io' and vicinity, that she siucss. J B Wills





t 1


'1 .








,;. (I

ged on last; Monday. Thenars leave

Goldsb jro' at 40 minutes past G o'clock

in the niomingf and return. at 40 min-

utes past 7 in the evening. By this ar-

rangement passengers take breakfast

and supper at GoIdsboroV

. Go'fry's Lady's Book --

The May No. of this sp'endid Maga

zine has been received. It is as prompt

ia its arrival as its contents are beauti-

ful, entertaining and instructive.

Broke Jail.On Monday night last a bog-stealin- g

od Mojcchan. broke the Jail

roof accompanied by a runaway negro.

Small Pox in Wash injton.The Times of Wednesday last,

,One case of Small Fox exis-- in this

tlio n.itiont was taken - several' '

J -- uu..ti.iu,-..umg from the North. The attae-- k is

light and the pitijnt likely to recover

in a day or two.

li ja n oke Rj 11 C'T

to the family allliction recent-:I- y

.sustained by C. N. Webb, Esq., edi-to- i-

f the UMiikc Halifax) Ropubli-can- ,

he has deitcrmiiud to diseoutiuue

the publication of that paper- -


A mm itauiud Mitchell, was run

over by the ears near Weldon on F-ri- -'

day ot lat witk, aud luatautly killed,(

Aie was Lving au ti:c trac k, and was j

supposed to have boeu either asleep or


T'irtjitfid Jii iff--.

Tiie Milton Chronicle relaL s the casei

of a Jadre in Ahrnatice coun'V wh a i

few momenta after tduring the Gran i i

Jury particularly with regard Jo th"f

small note law, camo off the Bench and

iu paying a debt, gtvj his creditorsome --52 bdls.

Tj'.ltrr lie It's J) otn lCnripr..

The steamer Africa has arrive 1,

with Livorp J tlafes t.M-rt- k iwrt.Cotton ha-- advanced to J Breail- -

a I 1

stulis ami nrovisioi! r.iich;vn

The I'e.ico Contcrc nee continues itssittings, and is engaged iu settling themiror details uf the Treaty.. laee hasboeH at St. PctcrslHtrg, audwas faVorilKv lccclVcJ there.

Tautswiio' Market, April ti 5.Turpentiue. Dip,i?2 U0to2 10.Tar, 7 J cts to $1 00.Scrape, S to 40 cts. per 100 lbs.Corn, $2 5-- 0 W 75 .pwr bbl.B;icon, 10 to 11 :X.i.

Lard,) to 10 ct.Cotton, 9 to 94 els.

WasthimjUm Market,, April 28Naval stores No change to notice in

the valued any article under this. head,Grain a boat load of Hyde county

c"r" received yesterday sold at46 cents for shipment South- - morecould be sold a:t about the same pricesfor the same purpose.

Pctersbnnj Market-- , April 22.Carefully corrected weekly by N. M.

Martin, Bio. & Co., Grocers andCommission Merchants, No.

129 Sycamore street.Cottcn there is considerable activi-

ty in tho market this week for this ar-

ticle, and prices have advanced tocent on last week's quotations, with agood business doing both shippers and :

manufacturers havo bought freely throthe week- - the stock in hand of holdersis light, and the receipts continue smallfor the season holders generally de-

mand 10 cts for prime parcels in store.Cornthe market remains quiet at

6f vts pcT bushel of 56 lbs-- receiptslight and demand limited.

Wheat continues dull and depress- -

ed, tho the sales fer the past ten dayshave been heavy- - we quote prime redand white $1,50 to 1 ,60; inferior andmedium grades, $1,15 to 1,45.

Bacon there is more activity in themarket, and prices have slightly advanced we quote Va. aud N. C. hoground, 12 cts Western shoulders, 91to 9i; sides, 10 to 10. ' ?

Lard N. O. and Va. in kegs 12 cts--Western in bbla. 11 J cts.

Guano No. 1, Peruvian; 857.

" Religious Notice.Elder V. B. Hassell expects to preach

in Tarboro, on the first Saturday audSunday iu May next. Com.


... jMr. Hill,' of Halifax, chairman oi

the committee on Resolutions, report-e- d

the following, which were read and

unanimously adopted: We will insertthe Resolutions entire in our next pa-pe- r.

They re-affi- rm the Resolutions of

the Democratic National Conventions of

1844. 1848, and 1852, as far as they !

. .a V. .1 A. V

are applicable to tne preai couu.uuouuu ua-wi-e n v w-


oi couurrv y.for Franklin Pierce as a candidate

for President, aud James C. Dobbin for

Vice President.Mr. Cook, of Cumberland, moved

that the convention now proceed to

elect four Delegates to represent the

State at brcre in the Democratic National Convention,, and four


Delegates; which was agreed to.

The following gentlemen wersen; Delegates William S. Ash, ofNew Hanover; Wr. W. Avery, ofBurke; Bedford Brown, af Caswell;

and Robert. R. Heath, of Chowan.

Alternates William Hill.' of Halifax;John liiil, of Stokes; Dr. Coluiubuw

Mills, of Polk; and E. G. Haywood, ofWake.

On. motion, the convention theuproceeded to appoint two Electors forthe State at large. The following gen-

tlemen were chosen: B. M. Sliaw, of

Currituck; aud Samuel P. Hill, of Cas-


eonstrtutnig the Doinocrutic Executivej immi.tee for the State, to wit: Wil-- ,

ham W . Hoiden, oi ake. James rI ul- -

tou, New Hanover; James li. White,Gaston; Je.-s- e A. Waugh, For.-yi- h;

Robert- L. French, Robeson; NVilliaiii

A. Jenkins, Warren; W. K Lane,Wayne; David Coleman, Vaney; R. PWraring, Mecklenburg; aud J oseph Al-

lison. O ran ire.The convention then adjourned uulil

Tlnuwlav nioininir ten o'clock.On Thursday, xMr. Bow, of Cumber-

land, offered the following Resolution,which was unaninnMisly adojted:

Resolved, That we highly approve of

the course pursued by our able and pa-

triotic Senators, David S. Beid and A- -

Bigg.; and oui Democratic Repre- -

sen ta fives sow m 4jongl-css-.

The convention then went into the i

election of four Assistant Elect rs forthe State at large; which resulted in

the choice of the following jicnth-me- :

Dr. R. C. Piitchard, of Warren.; Mar -

cus Erw'uv, of Buncombe--- : A. M. Scales,T .1111 ll"fll !

rfr., oi jiocKingnan, ana r uiier, orCumberland.

Dr. It. C. Pritchard, of Warren, Mr,Fuller, of CuKibaj-land- , E. G. Haywood,of Wake, Sidm'y Smith, of Orange, andDr. CopetanJ,of Northampton, address,ed the convention iu J he order named,in an able and iiirprcssive manner, andwith much applause.

The convention then adjourned until ;

3 o'clock, P. M.

The convention met according to ad-

journment appointed a committee toinvite the military coiupauies of the ci

ty of Raleigh to visit tue conventionpassed a Resolution complimentingthem on their appearance and afiJrthe customar' closing proceedings ad

jourued, sine die.


The Senate is principally engagedwith the Deficiency bill.

The House, with various projects onthe Kansas question.

NflD Goo da, t&c.

Our naerchants are iu receipt of theirSoring supplies, and business assumesan unusual appearance of bustle andactivity. We would call particular at-

tention to the advertisements of MessrsHoskins & Bowditch and Wcddeli &

Hart. By giving them a call, purcha-sers will fiud a fdendid collection of

useful aud ornamental articles.

The Wilmington and WeldonRail Road, it will be seen, has declaredthe handsome dividend of oi per cent,out ef the profits of the last sii months.No better evidence could be given of theprosperity of the Road under its presentefficient managers.

Lots of Fun,.

If you want to get fifty cents worthof fun for a quarter, go and hear theSweeny & Sherman's Minstrels to-ni"-ht.

Carolina Rail Road.The schedule on this Road waschan

;the Idie and Genthmon of Tarboro'to ca it and. ex mi for themselves.

A lartre coBection of Clocks.WatcUesv Clocks and Jewelry repair

ed at the shortest notice and warranted, v Jusl Received,

A large Lot of Music, some of latestpublications: call aud examiue.

Tarboro', April , lSf6.

E. II. Hooper,jLPeniai mtrgeoit

HAYING permanently located in

v Tarbbrvugh, N. C,n" u" feei,ce u,e puonc m the


All applications ; trr hi m, cither in

town or from the country, will receive

prompt .attention.:...... REFERENCES.

To th,e Faculty of the PhiladcUkCollege of Dental Surgery.

J an. lboo -

THE Partnership of Willi & Pitt-na- n

is this day dissolved bv nmtail

Blake P. ttman.Petersburg, April 1st, ISoG.

-- m-

New Firm.HAVIXG associated with me, Messrs.

James Wade ami T.J.Charlton, lateof Christiausburg, Va., we will trausactiu the nalne f


At the abovi? store formerly occupiedby W ills & Pittman. And from those

friends who hare patronized me hereto-

fore, I ask a continuance of their favors

to the new concern. Bhdc Pittman.Petersburg, April 1st, 185(3.


In retiring from business,! take plea- -

sure in recoiumeuding to my t'neuds andnatrons, inv successors in bunes31essrs. Pittman, Wade & Charlton,

aud fetd assured that any business en-

trusted to them - will cla'1114 at their

hands prompt and undivided attention.P. B. Wills.



(Successors to Wills & Pittmao,)


Commission ilSercha(s,Petersburg, Va.

Blake Pittman. Y LatToTthe Finn of

James Wade, V W ills & Pittman.

l J, CHAttLTON. ) late of Moutgoine- -

ry Co., Va.

$300 -- Reward.THE subscriber offers Three

Hundred Dollars Reward for

his, negro man HARRY, who

ran away on the 1st of F bru-t- y,

1856. Harry is 25 or 30

years old, light complexion,and has a beautiful set of teeth and a

very black pair of : whiskers. I think

one of the fingers on his hand has

a scar, caused ' by being caught

in a cotton glu last fall: He is about

six feet high, and weighs about 180 or

200 pounds. He had on when he went

off a suit of homespun clothes, and a

common white felt hat; he also carried

off a black leather carpet bag, blue

cloth coit,. black pants, black satin

vest, a low crown black hat, and pen,

ink and paper. I have no doubt he is

attempting to make his way to a free

State, by passing himself as free, as I

know that he can both read and write.

He was seen a few days before he U'tt

with an instrument of writing. The

said boy was raised In Ren u fort county,

and is well known in Washington, Wil-liamsto- n;

and Hamilton; he also work-

ed in South Carolina, aud is also a gooicarpenter.

The above reward will be paid rthe said boy, if confined in any pd sa

that I get him again.: I wiM af P3

Five Hundred Dollar for evidence &

convict at law, any white man of carrjing or sending the above aimed boy W

a free State. All masters of vesUand Conductors on rail roads an part'cularly requested to keep a watch frhim. J JJ. Gorh1'

Battk-boro- ', N. O.V Feb. 8, 1856.; Washiogton Times and Nebcr0New will iasert the above till forbid- -

democratic Repu blican Ticket.FOR GOVERNOR,


rrme auuiiieriierTARBORO': APRIL 26.

Gov. BraygWe insert with pleasure the procoed-ii'g- s

of cur Democratic State Conven-iion- .

Gov. Bragg has been unanimous-ly and doubtless will be

triumphantly re-elect- ed.

Democratic State Convention.The Democratic State Convention

for North Carolina assembled iu theConinious Hall, iu the City of Raleigh,

si Wednesday, the 10th of April, at11 o'clock, A. M. The conventionv. .as temporarily organizt d, cu motionof J. G. bhepherd, of Cumberland, bycalling Dr. James E. Williamson, ofCaswell, to the chuir; and on njotionoi'Wr. W. Ilolden, W. J. Yates, of Cum-berlan- d,

W. V. Jeffrey, of Pasquotank,and C. W Styron, of New llanovcr,wcroappoiuted Secretaries.

On motion the counties were then!.- -j -- lu uiu iiuuuiiu aim DL til!- -

.-i- - a

counties, appearedOn motion, the chairman was tg-qncst- ed

to appoint a committee of twolrom each congressional District to re-

port Officers for the permanent organi-zation oT the convention. Th; follow-ing gentlemen were appointed: W. F.Riddick, Thos. W. Jordan, 3. V. WiK)t-f- n,

W. K. Delaney, J. . Cook, W. J.Houston, A. W. Vcnable, T. I. Jud-kin- s,

M.'D. Smith, Col, Jno. Morrison,Gen. F.L. Simps jo, W. Hanore,Jasper Stowe, N. N. Fleming, W. V.

Holdeu, and T. W; Bradburu.The convention then took a recess

until three o'clock.The committee appointed on perma-

nent organization made the followingReport through their chaiimm, Hon.A. W. Yenable: For President of theconvention, Jesse G. Shepherd, ofQumborlaud. Vice Presidents, 1stcongressional District, W. A. Fergu-son, of; Bertie; 2d District. Dr. W. J.Blow, of Pitt; iid District, W. S.Ashe,New Hanover; 4th District, Jno. D.Hawkius, Franklin; 5th District, Robt.P. Dick, Guilicrd; Gth District, Gen.F. L. Simpson, .Rockingham.; 7th Dis-

trict, Dr. Win, Sloan, Gaston; 8ih Dis-

trict, T. W. Bradburu, Catawba. Sec-

retaries, V. V. Geoffroy, of Pasquo-tank; J. C. Connon, Rowan; W. J.Yates, Cumberland; J. K. Marriott,Wake; C. W. Styron, New Hanover.

On motion the report was unauiwoudlycoc tinned; and --the chaiman appoint-ed the Hon. A. W. Yenable and Ja?.G. Cooke, Esq., to conduct Mr. Shep-herd to the chair.

On motion of Dr. Pritchard. of War-re- n,

the President appointed a commit-tee of two from each" congressionalDistrict to ,pi cpare and report Resolu-tions for the consideration and actionof the convention. The following gen-tlemen were appointed:

1st District, William Hill, of Hali-fax, W. F. Riddick, of Gates.

'2nd District, L. W. H umphrey, ofOnslow, Dr. W, J. Blow, of litt.

3d District, B. Fuller, of Cumber-land, Juhn D. Taylor, of Brunswick.

4th District, W. W. Holden, of Wake,R. A. Ezell, of Warren.

5th District, Benj. Trollinger, of Al-amance, Dr. J. E. Williamson, of Cas-well.

Gth District, Gen. F. L. Simpson, ofRockingham, F. E. Boner, of Forsythe.

7th District, N. N. Fleming, of Row-

an, Jasper Stowe, of Gaston.8th" District, F. 1. Wilson, T. W.

Bradburn.W. S. Ashe, of New Hanover, then

offered the following Resolution, whichwas adopted by acclamation:

Resolved, That liis Excellency, Gov.THOMAS BRAGG be, and he ishereby, unauimouslv nominated for reelection as Governor of the State ofNorth Carolina.

On motion the President appointeda committee, as follows, to wait onGov. llragg and inform him of his nom-ination: A.,W. Venable, William Hill,11 l J- - 0 Cooke, and W. KLane.

The committee retired, and after afdicjt time returned, aceomruukU by

J6r"Tickets 25 cents. Doors open iog South. Returning will leave7 o'clock Performance tocomtBcuce don nt - P M,, after tire arrival of the

ba,s just received


Honnefs. Ribbons, Flowers, c.Xdapted to spring and summer wear,!which she will sell ou reasonable audaccommodating terms.

M intuii making and MilUnrry,Tn all the latest approved styles nodfashions done at the shortest notice.and in a satisfactory manner.

Tarboro', April 45, 1885. 2 m

Raleigh and Gaston1 A- -

RAJIi ROAD.OlBce R. & G. 11. It. Co. )

llaleigh, March 21), 185G. )

Schedulc Jar Mail Train on andafter Tupxdan . ihr first- v ,7t n :

day fff vipril.ON and after Tuesday nxt, the Mail

Train, leaving the North Carolina Kaillload Depot, on the arrival of the Carsfrom the West, at f47. A. M. ras atvpresent,) will at the Northern for

M) Depot, i tbl ci.y, until 7 o'clock,all owuag auple time for passengers fromthat Koad to tjiice breakfast at the IIo- -'

j tels in Llaleigh, to and from which they j

will be conveyed by the Proprietors,!free of ch rge.

Leaving at 7 o'clock, the Train willarrive at Weldon at 11.40, A M, inlull time for all T rains going rsortu,and also for the Wilmington Train, go- -

Petersburg, Portsmouth, and Wilming-ton Trains, and will reach Ra!eigh at6.15, P. M.

R. A. Hamuli cm, President.

VVillard &l Curtis,Commission Merchants,

And Wholesale Dealers in

Groceries and ProvisionsNo. 10 North Water Street,


James A. Willard. Henry M. Curtis.

Who wants Land?9

THE Subscriber ha3 for sale, a valu-able Tract of Land, containing

Over 1200 rfcrcs.Which he will sell in one body, or di-

vide as specified below to suit the con-venience of purchasers.

To wit: One Tract, containing 2 1 6Acres Oue Tract, 400 Acres andtwo Tracts containing 300 Acres eachThese lands are well timbered and wellsupplied with Mud aud Marl. For astock raising Farm, the above has facil-ities excelled by none. On it, is alarge Hay Meadow, which has beenknown to yUdd, over hundred stacksof Hay per season and near by is abeautiful Lake, which is the resort Mthe whole neighborhood for fishing andshooting wild duck, the supply ofwhich is unlimited. Persons wishingt.rt f!H111li ttl oVir f '11 '..v, uuj,; jjkiuu, win ap-ply to the subscriber, Smiles north ofllilliardstou, Nash county, N.'C.

, . J. IT. Harrison.October lSpo.

;at 8 o'clock, P. M.P. A. ZimmrrruiH Agent.

April 23, 1850.

Offi e Wit. and Weldon R. R. Co., i

Wilmington, 18th April, IS5G. )

A DIVIDEND of per ent. onthe Profits of this C ompany for the lastsix months, has been declared, and willbe paid to Stockholders ou or after the15th May, next.

Books for transfer of Stock will beclosed on the 1st May, next,

James S. Green,Treas. Wil. & Wei. R R. Co.

April 19, 1856. 3

NATIONALAgricu 8 1 lira I Warehouse,


Machinery Depm and Seed Store,251 Pearl St. near Fulton, New-Yor- k.

JOHN JONES, Proprietor.J5-

THE subscriber being a practicalMechanic, and having many years' ex.perience iu the manufacture of

All Kinds of Agricultural ImplementsWould respectfully call the attention of.Merchants and Planters to his largoand most complete assortment of theabove Goods, which he offers for sale attowr prrccs than any other House inthe trade. :

', .




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