the sun. (new york, ny) 1866-01-04 [p...

Post on 19-Mar-2018






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Nximhov 10.441. NEW YORE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1SGG. Thirty-Thir- d Year.

r The Latest NewsI By Tclcsrrnph to tlm .V Y. Sun.

j FROM"wrsmN&TQN,


An Inoroaso of $2,000,000.

I Grawl Total, $2 J1(5S1,53G.


"j IBIS CAlIIirr WITHGrand Ovation by tho Cltizons.


Intonso Bnfforine and Death.


A Metropolitan Health Hill.

Hogro Franclilso Resolution.I

, CITY rajlroad'I'rojects.' Local and Jlisccllantons News,


Two Persons KiUod-Fi- vo Soalded


Two Children Earned to Doath.


Flntrmrnt lo Jannnrr 11, 18(10.

Vaihxncton, January 3. l'oo. The following lit I'eteuienl of Hie public debt lo-l-b lit of January,IWliCrartrr if l"ut.

I WAn rsdrcwwMor pavaM'. Amount. Totalper rein, Hondi,

31. end

percent, llond1, 1974 . 9n.000.frt) (0

percent Ilonds,1, 171 7,(H?,0,) 00)lt It rent. Ilonds,ill. Ifl'i Mill

. . S82.C4S.9X 00per cent,

Ponds, MerIMSI.or May II,

81i.T5a.MOMper rent, fivrw

tentv Ilon-ls- Nor.1. IM9.or Nov. 1.IWt 14000,000 00

Hi per cent, fire--IIwenle Bond. Nor.1. IbTn, or Nor. 1.1991 10,190,300 00

Flterreent.ten-(or- .tr fiondi, March 1,

I Wl, or Much 1,I I 10'.4 lTJ.TI0.t0O 00J ( Hi per cent. Ilonds,

m Or"on War, July1, 1891 1,010,000 (10

fl $M6T,149,291 KIJ J dim MAxtn ctbbxkct hitkixbi.'( Whra IteJe.rnlble

A Charae'erof Isra. or l'.jr.tlf . Amount.H. hit percent HondaV I', P. K. U. Co . .November 1, 1991.. tlooo CO

'l Biz percent. Ilondi'I C.P.K.K.Cn....Jenuarylo,18i... 2,902,000 00

Four, fir. and sixptr cent, tempo-rary loan Ten dan notice

alter Ihiilydaje.. BT,:ST,194 10Certificates of In

drbtednr One rui from due. GO, C 87,000 00Oue end two year

five ptr cent.note One tnd two years

froru date 8,13O,T0O 00Three year seven- -

UUrtr Treasuryholes Three yeere from

due 810,000,000 00year Com.Notei Three yean from

date 180,011,141 00


Indemnity RonJi... )TJ8,0CO 00T.iO lieMarrnoiei. 4i,''0

nun 11S.4U81,5m

04lioau 1,ju ltl, 104,83031DIUT UKlltlNU SO IIIUKT,

Ifnree Bturi Notei..t4i.31,JS5 71cuireuc)'.. 0,uiw, uiu M

Certlbcate of 4t.T,iS3,140 0CS4S.S1B,9Gn ST

Grand Total rifijljiiijij'iiIn Total.

coin 4t,T,e80 OT

eaneucr.. 44,til,i71 II190,728,691 80

of dfbt, lew cmIi Inf?,"16.Ml,SM 1

foieiolng li a correct itattmrut of the publicai Itappran futu tl.o booki and TrraaUKl'i

rnjnua tbe D.purtmenl on Ibo lit ot Jauuarr,)' Cilned) II nm MnCi'LUct,n,feciclarr ot tbo Ireaturr,

From Washington.I Wiiuiaaus, Jan. CJ.

pem'.ffl-la- l newi from tbe city of Chihuahuaup to tbe !ttli of Norembrr. haa brea receivedbere. J'.tdiJtnt Juirez, tie cabinet, the mimbtriof tbe E'jprcmo Ooutt aul other fuuctlonariearrlred at Cblbauhua, the capital of tbe MaxlcauItipubUc, ou tbe 20th of Nareoiber. 11i- - Prreiilontruet Hb a very warm auj anttiualaatlc rectptloauJ quite a popular urallon. Botcral ladlea "Hh

blgaa oi catlonal colora reccUoJ the I'.eaK'eut at' itc palace, In tbo evcliiK a patriotic tllnner at

kItiu. The Miuiater oi tbe lul.ior laauad on tbetUt of NoT.mLtr, a circular to the fl iT.rnori ofthe SUUr, iuforuiui; them that the Mat of the

7 Natloual Uoverumfnt 111 be Chlhaubua for the

fimil. The )o Ie at large wero rrjo.ced at bat.j' lug got ild of the French trnepi. The new a from

tbe Interior la reprMnlJ to b encouraging for(tbe natloual cauae.

lleuri. Bunion, Iltrlan, Chaae. Sumnar, andwho went lo Haiti mora to attend the funa.

Hoary Winter Dana, bare returned to tbu


city. Orneral Oranl will be ahail Hit a aborttime. lie will aooo make bia trip lo Kaw Orleans.

AU th Uethodltt preachtra of Uia n.atrtel of

Columbia and tlcinlly were lo ruMI Ihla Wesley chapel, to aopt meaaurra for Iba

cenlauary aaulTeraary. Tbe attend-

ance will be targe.The Pelecl Committee on Recnntrucilnn hate

ba I only one meettnr, merely on preliminarybualneaa, The next will not laVe lace uanl thereaseeroWlng of Congree.

All the papera and crelenllle wblch have betareferred lo tbe CornmlttM on Electlona are blnprinted. The tettlmony In the conlaatod electioncasea will mate a large Tolume.

Tbe Freedmen'e Ilureau y lurnaJ nrer lotheir ownera three fauna aliuated in LondonCounty, Va containing Lilt arree, which hadbeen hil l aa eounaeated property.

Four corrpanlee of the Slh l'nltl Blalei Caealryaerrlngln thi ndnlly of Cumberland, Mi., bareban onlired to raporl lo the commanding officerIti Nmh Carolina for aaalgnmenl to duly.

The gold coinage at tbe allot during the monthof tl'cemler waa 11,129,000 1 allrir coinage nearly(ST,000, and copper coinage oeer (103,000.

Tbe amount of prixe money thai hae been al-

ready paid amount! to about nine millions and ahalf dollar, and It la l n mi ted thai about fltemillion, ami a half ramaln unpaid. Thla la oalyone moiety of the of capture! the olhergoing to tVe goTirnmant. The following la a parinf the Hat awarded t

Vice. Admiral 1). O. Farrifut. IM.443;h I'. U,J99,4Mt II H. Porter,

t&Mlti il i. I'. lupKit. (9,4Mitbn. Ililley. S9,lH ; Hear. Admiral f. II.

Hlrlniham, I14.44T ; II. II. Iiell, t It..HOT j T. P. (I recti, ia38: HearAdndral .1. A. IHhlaren, JJ.371Charlei Wilkea, I7.PII i 11. K. Thit-che- r,

a, 1601 J 8. Palmar, 4.61U! Bear.Admiral L. U.(loUitorouh.3,iMAtC. K. HirlMlnr, J,7il ! WilliamMerwln.Jl.47Si II. Harwood, f 173Capu. J. 11. Marebind. !f K.4H0 II, K fands, t..Htli V,U. Walker, $a4,al8t Con.manderi Jameilljoneit, f 27,419 1 John J. Almr, J44.43I i I). II.Kldarlcy, 114.134. It. II. Wjlnui, r4,'J.1 II,U.llint, iU.,?J-- !

i (1. r. Oils. en, 30,4!6i (leorse M,Hanson, J.'O.IW William lludd, St.4'V i 1', J3.CM ! W.O, IJindl, SJ'JI.IU. P.O. Wat.raouih, $14.!i 8. I). Irenebard. fl8,CWt J. K.Mullauy.tll.441 William K-- HenniHO, 13,4IIWwarJ E. lirTaus, el'.iiAii Lieutenant Willi, m H,

inirrarnan, tlD.ITSi Carl Kntllsh, iflSlHi B. II,I ammro, Ti0,l? i Aetlnc Assistant Paymaster WJ..Cott,i$10,43V t Meulenant William H. Cuihltif,tlMno Acllne Volunteer I.leuteuant r're'enea11. etevart, tll.CTSi Acllnc Manera Charles Poller,H1.M1 Chines HurrlM, 1J.U1, Aleiauder Wallli

li.l'4. Actlni Aulstast burieon, A. thick,ilWST.

Departure) of recretnry Howard.Fotlrtf Monro, Jan. 8. The I)' Soto passed

nut tba Cape laal atoning. The Hon. Wm. II.eeward, and Aaatilant Becretary of 8 lata, F. W.Seward, ware on board.

FltO.1I Till'. PLAINS.ftrtn Weather ertoue l.oaa of Life, Rio.

A'orisn City, Jan. Z. Adricea from Banta Feby the coach, eay tbal Intensely cold wanber pre-Mi- ll

on the flilos. The now-boun- d trains hadlost nearly all their animal. Bereral teameterawere eeeerely (roieo. aome fatally. Kin en manwere picked up along the routs In a belpleaa con-

dition and taken to Fort Dodge for treatment Itle anticipated tbal there will e a hear Immigra-

tion In the Spring to thle place. It haa alreadytegun,

Immeme Trade Acraea tbe Plain.Atchiion, Kaniat, Jan. 8. The DatiT Cnaai-n- o

y publlibea an accural etalement of theamount of freight ahlpped from bar tcroa thplain for th paat year. Twanly-aeve- n firm andIndividual freighter are ngai;el In thla trade.During th year th arirregat atrounl of theirahlpmenla waa 21.S00.000 po.nda aaaorlad

rrquirlng for 11 tramportatlon nearly1,000 aroun, over T.1KH) mule nd horaee, andnearly ;&,UW oxen, emijoylng upward of 1,000men. Over halfof thla freight went lo Colorado, andthe remainder to different polnla lu Utah, Uoutans,Nevada, Ilabo, New Mexico, Nibraakaand WritersKanaaa, locludtug military poala. The ciplialluvcaled lo tbla bualniaa la over H 8,000, 000Ytt value of tbe mercbandixe and machinerylraoepoitt li not deflutlely known. The overlandcoaches, which leas and arrive bere dally, havetaken out and brought In over 4.000 paaaengera,and ban alao brougt t In (2,400,000 In apecie, andcarried out 4, COO juunrfe of expreaa freight, TbeIliitlerfie d Overland Dupalih bne haa alao carrieda lartfe number of pasamt'era each way t but aathat Hie n aitalliebed late In the ee.aun, noaccurate atatement of Ita bualnaai la made.Freighting buainaaa In the city la aaven tlmeekreater tbla year than In 1MI, Ive tlmee largerthan In 1S62, lour tlmea larger than in ISO, and1,(00,000 jnunda greaUr than In IMi, Th moateiwricncod frelgbiera think that l La trade In 1640Mill be nearly double thai of tbe paat year.


Auguitx, ife., Jan.H.Tbt Maine Legieleturmet and organued tbla forenoon. William WirtVirgin, of Norway, la Prealdent of the Senate, andJimee M. Btone, of Eennebuuk, i Bpeakar of thHouae, Oovernor Coney will ba Inaugurated to-

morrow.New Ilampablrc.

Ccntord, If. If., Jan.S,M tbe Republican BtateConvention, bold In tbla city bla Excel-lency Frederick Bnyth waa unanimously electedby acclamation for Oovernor. Unit. Col. (leo. D,Savage, of Alton, wa nominated for RailroadCommlaaloner. on the firal ballot.

Concord, .V, , Jan, 8, I'. 3f In tbe Republl.can Btate Convention rnoluUon waaadopted recognizing In Andrew Johnaon, thejuitallien, th sincere patriot and lb dlatlngulahedataleaman i and derliring thai "the lone and tern- -

er of hie recent annual taeieig lo Cougmameet our arm approval and auera well for theaurccaa of hi a'lm nlalration."

Another resolution d eel ires that tbe acheme toplant by foralgii Uyoneta aa Auatnan dei ollamin M xlco bad Ita In undlagulaed boitllllyto tbe Uo'lid Statca and la a ataudlnir Iniult to ourpower aud a menace to our republican Inatitutloii.

MaaancbuecU.Jjoiton, Jan, 8, Tbe Le.ialalure met

Tbe Uouac elrcloJ Ur. Jainta A, Btone, of Cbirlei-t"w- n.

Speaker. The U nite cboa Ur. Joseph A.Pond, Prrildent, by a uoanlmoua vote, Oovernorllullock will not, probably, deliver bla Ueiiag tillSaturday.

Xloifon, Jan. 8, '. M.Qor. Andrew aent Intothe Senate a ipecial meaaaee which etale that thtotal exinditur Incurred by Maeaachiuetle onaccount of th war atnouuta to 127,706,109. Thirun Includia only inch axpenaea aa have accruedunder tbe direction and lupervlalpn of tbe aeveralbtala deparlmenta aa auihorltea by leglelillveenietm'nti, Ai far aa aacertainedtbaexpenaea In-

curred by tittle and KJKI--I for bjuilUM ajid oilltr

rollltary pnrpowe amount lo nearly an equal eum,A Tier the rerepilon of the special rueeaete, theGovernor and Letflalalure proceled tn the O'dflmtb Chuicb, wjiire the e action Mrmon wapreached.

rennet It anln.narritburg, Jan. S.ln thi Leglalalur

a brief Meaaage waa received from Oovernor Curtin, dated November 2Tlh, etallner th neoeiilly of

hi temporarily abaasllng hlmeetf and aojiinrnluglo Cuba, In ccneerpicnee cf bad health.

Wleconein.Jrfadfaon, Wll Jan. 1. Thle evening tbe new

Stele offlcer were eworn Into ofnee. OovernorFalrcblld In hie Inaugural raya I

With the rloa nf the civil war all dinreri havenot ln averted, nor have all revpoueihlllile.reeled. Great p,4!t!cel proMema remain tineolved.Two great nnl Important quentlone are. however,already determined by the late war. The rtghl ofecesalon. eo'y dalmel by the I'Or'ple of

the Smith, haa teen forever decided themand alavcry baa a thiug U tba rat. Hutnot until Jiffiraon Da via ahall been tried, convicted and hurur for Ireaaon, and the fact that reasonla a crime which cannot be committed with Impu.nlly, ahall bate lhu ln fully demnnitrated, willthe American people be content. It now devolveutn ua to ae to It that freedom ahallt aomethlng more than met nsme. llI a matter to regret tbal the rltliena of ourown But. should have denied colored people Inour mldet the riihl of audrage. Tim will yetmodify Iho'r oplnlone Thla privilege, iouer orlater, will t exteuded to that claaa. In recon-structing tba Btatei lately In rehlllon II aeemaneceaaary that ample evidence b. required upontheir pert that thoy are dupoMd loyicli a readyand willing obedience to the Conaittution and thelawa. Esca Bute ought alao lo be required toratlly further amenduieala to the Cuuaillutlonforever probiblltng the paynieut ot debt contractedIn aupport of the reUlllon, and affirming tli d

nisi of the national debt I alao declaring allordlnancee of aeceaaloo null and void , apportion-ing rai resenutlun In Con.'resn ujiou the laale otthe uumber of voUra In each Bute. The ower lain the I. audi of Ita Preaidenl and lung re. Wi

make victory, ao dearly won, lasting lnefil tothe country and, with full eonlidioce la tiielrwiadom aud Judfmenl, lb people await theiractlou.

Minnesota,St. Pout, Jffnn, Jan. J. fbe Igialatur

al noon Ur. B. II. WakeficMof ll

county, waa elected Speaker of the llouee,and Ur, Oeorge P Wilaon wa choaen Becretary ofthe Benate. No other buelneee waa transacted,Tbe Oovernor will not 1 ready to deliver himeaaage until Uonday next,

Nerth Carolina.RiWjH, S, C, Jan. 8. Oovernor Worth haa

laiued prcKlimallon, by reromromi,' tlini of htacounc.l, calling the Legislature to meet on tbe lHiho( January.

THE K&NTIX'KV PHItltD.nlLN.Addrran of tJco. rnlmer to 4000 Colored

People.LouUrilU, Ky Jan. IVmer addreaeed

four tbouaaud colored toi,le In the orn eir lei- -

Unlay.He waa glad that hereafter, before the liw,

there ahall t no other dlffcreoee beiweon II e col-ored nee and othera than thit cf color t that Intbe nature of thlnga, for yeara to come, the mitredpsnple nf thla country mint l lalmrera, but thattheir InlereaU and tbe intereate of while lalorwere la t e I ilentlcal -- that all eftorte tn degrade ihetbe blacks la to degrade lalor. ami In erfertto degrade the lalor of all olhera, and tLinte whoaliemrt It are Juat aa much the euetnlea ef tl ewhite laborer a they are of Ike colored laborer.He that counaela the black man to work forhalf price, compel tbe white man to do theearne. The Inlerraia nf the I lack man are, there-for, the intereiU of every white man in tbe coun-try. the legialitlen of the country hasbsen very much In favor of wealth and ownera ofalavea, but hereafter elasery belog out of Hie way

11 must be for tbe lalurer, no matter what hlacolor may he, to protect blm limn toedespolleni ofcapital. He eiprciccd hi gratiflcatiou al thegtneial kindness exhibited by tbe i1 of y

for their 1st elate", which he eild wse tberule notwithstanding there had been aome caaee ofbrutality and outrage committed, the work ofebandoucd peraoai lu diflrriu purls of the Blate,He epoke ot the right of colored peraona lo teu.Uylu the Court predicted Ibil within a ahort limeall dia,bdit,ee would be reruovsd, end that wlthlua few t eare the question to be aiked would be not"who le wbileit. but who la moat houea. intelli-gent and luduairioua."

The rpotch waa enthualiatlcally received by thecolored people.

NKW yoitlt (STATU I,i:t.'LLATUnU.fennte,

Albany, Jan. 1, Ur. Andrewe gave notice of abill to create Ihe Uetropolllan Sanitary Diatrlctand Hoard of ll'illh.

Ur. Ezra Cornell Introduced a bill which amendethe banking law of ISM, by declaring thai thefranchise or privilege of banking, under aaid act,ahall be deemeJ perejnal property and be llakle totaxation lo an amount not exceeding the capital


Ur. Cornell alio Introduced a bill tppljlugthaam provlelon aa the above to all named rorpo-ratio- n

aud aaocIatlon In th BlaU wblch are notorganized under the act of 1839.

Ur. O'Donnell Introduced lb following rsiolo-tlon- e,

which lie ovenHl'oltui, If the Aeiembly concura. That line

lb dispersion of the rebellion recent facte havethat the dangeroua principlee which

culminated In lebellton and civil war still exist Intbe South to a large extant. It le now the duly ofall good cltlaene to demand of Congreie euch wtaeand careful meaauree of roorganltallnn a ah .11

complete the work of restoring our Union upoutbe Immutable principle of equal rlgbu lo all,

of color.Resolved, That, with proper safeguard! to Ihe

purity of the ballot-lnx- , tVe elective franchise,baaed upon loyalty to tbe Conatttutlon and tbeUuluu. ought lo be granted Immediately to allloyal toen In the D, Uriel of Columbia, withoutdistinction of color,

Resolved, That a copy of these reanlutlme 1

sent lo each of the Senators and Uoinber of e

from thi State, Adjourned.

Assembly.Th speaktr preainled Ihe annual fin and si re-

port of Ihe Auditor of the Canal Dtpartmenti alaotbe report of tbe Buieriutendeut of llauklai aliothe annual r'jion cf the Comptroller i alao theannual report of It Canal Comiuisaloucr.

Ur, Uichardsun preaented ihe rietltlon of AndrewWilllama for the seat occupied by Ur. Weed.

Ur, Jewell preaented Ihe petition of James 8.Lyon claiming th scat occupied by Ur, William,

nonot.To amend Ihe Metropolitan Police Law,To amend the suffrage act.lo regulate the far on th Eighth Avenue Rail-

road.lo provide for filling vacancies In tbe offices of

Snrroirite and Rnrvirder In New York city.1 o Incorporate the Oroedway underground, rail,


Tn the emes.lown railroad crmpany.Tn prevent gas companies frotn chanting rant cm

metres.To authortre dlvrc In eeru'n case.Til Increase the fee of eontta'deFor eompeneatlon for cauelng death bv wrongful

acts, netflecl or default.For ihe aurvey r the Chemplaln Canal and

nudann R ver frmi Troy lo Whitehall.To limit lb bout ot labor to eight hour per

day.The New York Fenllary bin.To eq'iellr. the eompenatilnn of Jur'je.To limit lb lime of offioen of lb Nal'oaal

Ouant.Relative tn criminal caTence. In the Metropolitan

Police IHitrlct.To amend lb paneral Invurane act.To eelahllah a iHMik of forma.To amend Ihe charter of Pokeepsrle,To atithorlre Ihe Kinga County Bopervleor lo

rale, money bv Ux,To iretem fraud tn the purchase ot braadatulTa

lo New York.To Incorporate Ihe Atlantic Tacht Clnb.To prevent from holdlug atandd In

market.Fur the leilr retrulatlon of the sale of ter and

oihrr malt Hqtaor.For a railroad In Ilodston, Grand and Ibnd

slreeui. New YmkTo inc. rporate the United BUtea R'al EeUle

Credit Company.To rigulate the commission of brokers,

ArpelnlnieuU by the Covernor.Albany, Jan. 8. The Oovernor having nomin-

ated Ur. George W. Bohutler, or Tompkins, liteStale Treasurer, Superintendent of the Rauk Di.partmenl, r IVIwsrd Hand, decease-)- tbe Sen-

ate, In eiecutlve ecaalon, y confirmed thenomination.


Iim r4.1O.O0O.

I'onter. Jan. I A deetructlve fir and thlrgt which vir occurred In thi village, brokeout In th four story building on Oetty Bqusr, Inlb .enlre of th buslu portion of th village,

owned by tbe Hon Wiu. lUlford,about on o'clockihla morntnr, which, in a few hours, waa entirelydeatroysd. Tl poalomcr, the Uvaiasuasi newa-pap-

and job printing olfic, th grocery of Uorriand Ur 1, th liquor store of Wtu, Cummlng, thenews office of Dinlel Ibtni. a Isgerbeer ailoon andIt Nat'oriftl Guard Armory (which wee tbe prin-cipal public ball there), all were located In tbeaid building. The trial Ion bv fir. le estimated

at tVAOOO, upon wblrb tl are Is an Inauraoce lu the

amount of tlcsfe").

Fro sn Japnn.Hon t'rnntUro, Jin 8 Advice from Japan lo

Nor. 1 1 th, state dial a rominlislon had gone InOik a in aacrtaln II lie Tycoon Intended lo with-dia-

from Ynldo and reside near Kealo, thdwelling place of tbe Mikado. If so, they wouldtbu l ubli In dl.uss tbe qucitlon of Indemultyanu ils prnjNAiuuii oi , nine a n-- ,n, anutry to settle lie d fficulliea created by Nuats-end demand a reduction of all duties to the adraloram rate of five per cent, on lrujotti and

ll waa aim huod that they mli;ht coma toailear Mioltrn'sMlIng of the legitimate jnwer ofllelntleib.. eoveretgn of Japan, the Mikado.

Wovva Items.Uy TiUjraph to tU Ktu Tort Sun.

Tu TTih I'enr.ijltinla Riglmeut ptsta Cairo,IM,, yesterday, on Its way home.

Tm ateamer Minnie, yesterday, collided withone of lo Monitor lying off Cairo, III and aunk.Gbe wis yslued al $U,O00.

Till double-eude- r Agawan cvp'oleil her eteamcbest near Norfolk, Va on Tuns-lay- , and wiaol llged to to FortreMi Monroo.

A rtn broke out. on Tueaday, on lie comer of

live and 2d .ireeta, Cimluu.ul, destroying sev-

eral bulldii-ge- . L jss eloul e;20,ooi).

Tm restrictions under which Ihe Episcopalclergymen have been laboring under la Alabamahave bevn formally withdrawn.

Tss Wool Oronar. Aisnclatlon asismbled alColumbus. Ohio, on Tueaday, Milter of muchlatere! to at.eep farmera ere to be dlsouaaM.

A rial, Tueaday night. In N, Y do-- s

rojed Ihe block of buddlnge In which the o(2co

of the Wraleni Dn'.on Telegraph was r.tuatcd.L, Dimmer A Bom' rtire, In Cleveland, O'llo,

waa robbe-J-, Tueaday njght, of acferal thouaanldollars' worth of fura. No arreala have beenmade.

Tn total los by tbe great Cr In Ililledelrihla,on Tuesday, amouula to half a million cf dollars,npon which there I an insurance of about one-thir-d

that amount.Son commotion wa created, a few nlgbU ago,

In a theatre at Mobile, by aomi person bluingth tun ot "Yanke Doodle," and the ildler ap-

plauding It. The tune wa ordered to be playedby tbe military commander.

Naw Yiaai day paaad olfviry quietly InVlrginl.Tl a colored population la Hampton turned oilen mail In a grand proceailoo. beailtd by a bandof rnuiic from Ihe 8th N. Y. Artillery, garrisoninglb fort, and were reviewed by Mejor-Ue- Uilee,commanding the poll.

General IntoUigenco.ID) Mail to ( .Vris York Sun )

Uim Lath Ksiaa playing 'The Wnikrnen ofNew York" with great auccoa In hew Orleans.

A Italian girl In Parma lately committedbecause her lover doclered that be fill ruor

affection for his tuetbiT than for herself.Ina PuughkeepalefN. Y.) Pass of Tundsy says

Ibil for four day pravious only one arrest wamade In thai city, and that wa for drunkenneis.

To laleat Doeton notion le a "piper hat"which Is now forming. Waterproof paper

Lite are lo be made for frcm eight lo liuly.,.ecenli.

Aurizrji of Atlanls, Oeorgla, baa aent the ed.torol the Wyandotte Kiuiaa, Oazarr 4o0,onu Inrebel mouey, and lu returu " the papsr lor auioulb.

A ul.uiND pin, containing tbirtr dlamonda,and worm inauy hundred dollara, waa found atll.likor, Me., the other day, In a lot of rage import,ed from Smyrna,

Tux Charleston Coi'am announcea Ihe death ofCaptain W. C ol the revenue cutter Kswa-n.e- .

He died of typhusfever after a week' lilacs.Ill family le In the North.

Naw Year"! reception wa fatiguing work for lb.Preildenl, IPa right arm we conelderal ly swoi.Ian oo Monday night from ehaklng handa with aomany i,er.ons, and gave him conaldtrable paja.

I tbe little town of Wegelbtu, lo Wistphilla,fifty-fou- rsone have eulfereil death from trtch-lac-

derived Irotu tailn th flta- - of a oUcased

win. The dlees. le uncou troll able, and tbdeath a dreadful one.

Inn King and Queen ef Portugal have errlrin In-lo- after a villi so France andt"sly. The King Is twenty Ate year old and ihQueen Iwenlr-one- . Ther are tbegueilsof Que.Victoria at Windsor Caitle.

TnProvldenc It. I., Ilrttrtt sevsthat iliao?Ls ?r ! '12" Pfl'Ollu tanoui parte ofi

Island. Twomm ef North Providence hitkwt two thousand dollars worth of bore fcy lhedleeaae within a ihorl lime.Two gambler In San Fmndeeo, rond.ranid toe

E'f.v Mu.,u'd lh amount In gieeubacks.1 'ur '". 'onalderlng Ihe rnestlon whether

coin ahall rinl b rciuired of them. Long legsargument hit Uken place.

i'"? CniisTiam of Bchle.wl,.IIolste1n. has!left England for the Continent. This ualmporluik.fact ts chronic!,! si great length in Ihe Londonlpere, tcame tbe Ptlnce le now loII, Una of England.

Ppeere to b ronnderibl difficultyal the Mint ,u pulling on oolua th motto, "1O vt we Trust " Th offlcer are afraid Iliaeverybody will reed II "In Hold we Trust"which la much nearer the fact.

Duma Ihe last forty year Mexico has hat.tlurly aetan dill, rant forme of government, thirty!!S "'',ch " ""iuMlca," with Mv.uty-ftve- s

illlreteni Presidents, lis revolution during that)Duo lave amounted to over two hundred.

Ri order of Gov. Andrew the great event of lhaeabolition of ilavery wai rclelreted al noon oo4Monday, by ringing the church and firmsralss on ll,ion common and al (limlLaxmgkin, Dorcheeter, Cbarlealowu and olheaf

l tiea,Tu I.tnravou of list week conlalne the vale- -"

dlolory of Wiu. L'oyd Girriion, who annouuceathat till la the laetnumler, the paper hatlny beeialp ibl.ahad Ihlily-nv- e yirs. He aaye th objeel for"wbuh the umsAioa waa commrucel baa

coniummated.A DSLxutTto of alx Indian chiefs of the Klowilel

and Hi, a arid Fcrxsa, passed through IudUnsiolis.1alewdaya ago, with two Interpreter. Thy aron llieir way lo ameke a pip. of pesue and eouler'with their Great Father, the Preildenl. One 06them, a bldeouedooklng old fellow, la reported tofhiv boen uarrlel elgbly-flt- time.

Arrival ef tstrnnshlp llrttnanta-Lo- se efiHer Captain.

The Ilritennli, which arrived her yesterdaymnru ng, sailed from fllaagow Dee. 13lh, with Vcabin and 212 steerage passengers, had throughnut Ihe paeaage very heavy westerly gala. Oa the22J, while bote lo tinder cine, reefed main mlriemtopeall during the lerrlttc gale with Immenee eea.ehippcd large quanllllea of water, atove Iwoand loel two othara t had wheel-hou- etov. tuand rclveil other slight damag ) al 11 o'clock aJuight, dunng Ihe height of the gale, th ehlpilaboring boavlly. the barometer making 2A.20, andUrge quetlllt aa of water ou deck, Iba CaptainJohn Cmpl-ell- , wa seen to pail all lowarda lbwheel, and waa not aeen after, end II la talleve4he waa washed from tba deck overboard. He,wee aliout 2S yeara of age, and belouied lo tt)neath, Bcotland. tori: and Tn vicinttt.

DisASTun t nir. Lowim TUt. Two Pimmiss Klu.siFlvs Riri.v SOALntn. Tbe ateatnJtug Ne;ilune. while In the lower bay. yesterdaymorning, burst her boiler, killing two men, andtbadly scalding fit other. They wrr transferredto the tug Resolute and brought lo th city, andwhile on the paisage up an accident oecurredlo'Ihe Resolute'e machinery, whereby tba eon of the,C iptaln of the Neptune, who wes tbe only one whei

eecaii on the litter. w icilded. No oncleotitbe Resolute wes hurt,

mow Anornia ixrosTn.At lb Urn of th dlstster Ihe Neptune wtaY

fsstii-- l loth Spit Huoy inside of Bendy ItookJThe efploelon look place al about half-pas- t foualA M , th vraeel lnetaiitly euvcJop,! Incloud nf steam, ami slukln; m three minute eJteqtbe eiploelon. The pilot nd cook were Inatantlyekilled, auil the remainder of the erew severely, bugnot mortally a'slda-l- . Ct- - Wtlllsinswa on etorej

t Ihe time bjl his sou was on loard tho veaeeli.,l wss lbs only one tbal escefied w.thowt 1dm

Jury. Tbe tug ltcsolute, lying near by. look thaiwounded men on Isia'd and brought them np Uslid .ty. When lurt Goteruoe'ii Idand, tbalcylinder head o' the Reeolute blew out, the osumlug sieim I odly HcalJIug Mr. Willlaina, who waasliilng in Ihe engine-ri'i- at the time. Th. sufferere v ere 'ended al tie llailory and every altenllneipaid Ij Ihetr want. II I expelled they will ateootir. On of tho crew, Peter Atkma, iraaUaithat ou being relieved Irolu bla uau.h al 4 u'clnckybe went I elnw and retlrtd to bla bunk. He badnot 1 eon asleep many mlnutee, however, before hawaa martial by a loud explnaiuti, followed by atsevere shock which threw luic Irom bla berth teaIbo floor. The cabin waa lnalnlly filled Wlbswater. With aome difficulty he manage,! lo galaacceai to Hie deck. He there found the veaeel acomplete wreck aud In n eluklng condttlou. TheNeptune waa a propsller. built and owned at Bondout, by Meears. John D.llon A Co 8b e waa a wiwtuiel, and valud at ik3O,0OO. Bbe wa Tl longburltin, ac-- about 128 feat in Isngtb,


Henry UtOlnne, pilot, klllrl,Ucoei Kanlne, cook, kilU--1.

John Aralker, craw, acaldad,Roger Wllliaice, Csptuln'a eon, scalded.Piter Arkina, crew, scalded.John Cogswell, crew, nelded,llrruard Quliiu, ciew, acalde,!,l"he wouuded were at once removed to see

Ilocpllal, where they were well cared for,

Edwin IIootii at the WisTnrt (lAnpss.IloaiiAnT IUcn-non- . The au Jlenre at the Win-

ter Oarden last evening wn no doubt tl g largestever aeambled In that theatre. Ae elated Id

tbe Sum yeelerday morning, every ecu bad beers

aold long before noon on Tuesday, and jeeterdeaonly a United numbtr of standing places wireold. The doore were oponcd tl seven o'clock P.

U , when a regular rueh wa made, audianon lb lergebulldlng wa ciowde.1 tn very pirt.It waa uppoid by some that Ur llo&th'i recep,

lion woukl 1 a marred by an attempt to Mae himfrom tbe atage, but Ihoae who knew better did notrefrain from bringing wives and sister to greet thie

young Irtgedlan' first epjieerance after the Waah.ington tragely. In tbe audienic oar reporter no-t'.-tcd

many of cor moat rei, eiUlle citizens,tn all political parties, who milted In wel-

coming aga n to the atae a talented youag actor.Among the moil distinguished gentlemen pruaera

were obaerved the Hon. George Rancroft,Oeorge W. Curtl. r !ol. Bhaw nt tbe firstnegro rerlmenl ro tore 1 Into the United Stale

aervica, W. T. Rio Uei, Erq , Rayard Taylor, IliberlD, Holmes, Grand Mis or of P. and A, Uaaons of

Ihe Slate of New York, Dr. Charles D Drown,

of l'r- eldent Lincoln's reniilne, &z. Wheathe curtain rc there wa a general buret of an

(CoWluiitU tm Ihej Lu; 1'ageg

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