the verb time

Post on 26-Jul-2015






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The Verb TimeEANOR

School of Agriculture of North Easten EANOR

Name: Jhonatan Estuardo Ramirez ventura Mazariegos Zuñiga Oscar Rene

Grade: 5to Agronomy

Section: “B”

Work: The verb time

Date: 15-01-15

Present Simple To conjugate the present simple use the inifinitivo for subjects "I", "you", "we" and "they" and another for "he", "she" and "it", we added a "-s" to end of the verb.


Affirmative Sentences: Subject + main verb.

Negative Sentences: Subject + auxiliary verb ("to do") + auxiliary negative ("not") + main verb.

Interrogative Sentences: Auxiliary verb ("to do") + subject + main verb

Example Affirmative Sentences:

I talk.

He eats.

Negative Sentences:

I do not [don't] talk.

He does not [doesn't] eat.

Interrogative Sentences:

Do you talk?

Does he eat?

Past Simple To form the past simple regular verbs, add suffix "-ed" to the verb. The form is the same for everyone (I, you, he, she, it, we, They).


Affirmative Sentences: Subject + main verb

Negative Sentences: Subject + "to be" + "not".

Interrogative Sentences: "To be" + subject.

Examples Affirmative Sentences:

She was a doctor.

The keys were in the drawer.

Negative Sentences:

She wasn't a doctor.

The keys weren't in the drawer.

Interrogative Sentences:

Was she a doctor?

Were the keys in the drawer?

Future Simple Hay dos formas principales para expresar el futuro. A veces son intercambiables, pero a menudo pueden tener significados diferentes. Existe una forma corta del verbo auxiliar "will".


Affirmative Sentences: Subject + "will" + main verb.

Negative Sentences: Subject + "will" + "not" + main verb.

Interrogative Sentences: "Will" + subject + main verb.

Examples Affirmative Sentences:

I will [I'll] ring (call) you tonight.

She will [She'll] arrive late.

Negative Sentences:

I will not [won't] ring (call) you tonight

She will not [won't] arrive late.

Interrogative Sentences:

Will you ring (call) me tonight?

Will she arrive late?

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