the weekly clarion. (jackson, miss.) 1865-12-10 [p 2]. · 2 wheely uuftlqrv, jackson, sunday...

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WEEKLY CLARIONI- - IVtnnd with aey sucu . orA message was received from the Sen when the papers on filet the jniniMippi LegUtatnr upon, thepasMISSISSIPPI LEGISLATURE. I The

- - ! rgeof; . .ate reoaeating the House to reoonaiderh hi 1to the PraMnb vonnifiiraiion; gairdi ansnipBBWBHBwsjwVo oftieuov- -ikhr. jp.nit, Isflthe voie relative to atfjou-Bme-

nt. Psfcbti t WWWSENATE JOURNAO,. the negative byof the Legislature ei uor, ithe foil On motion of Mr Ghoiaoo the request

puses pending in jr

ackson county weft 4lie time the reenrda fa

frmm nesro or nlB-i-l- ,',fiats-- KL.omcm Journal of the state


I. . B.w - 1f th. ntMg concurred in and theay, was inei.,.. i ;tS. rrur, Moffered in theu tions burned, it shall ba lavote adopting4 the refaon reconsid

i - miKCIiltil. ayi"". - i aa


TcasDAT, Dee. 5, 186&.Senate met.

to cause new panera to ha Biihstuirfctd tmHM by D. Rob,rtSPrnr, expressing L.aiiii,ni Bueeches, itThermestion was taken on the passage

Yeas-- Mr" Speaker, Messrs. Brooks,Cameron, (JwmwelJ, KxVortB, H oks,Hunter, Huffman, Jones, Kennedy, hid-den, Luie, Manning, Martb, Merrill,Mr dearie, Murpbw. Morria McLaurin,Penny backerh pps, Pound, Reid, Robertson, Steele. Suratt. Webb lot Amite,

reine piace or those destroved where trie ItlllUJalS, Or r -- a "TVl

!..,,. or acts, assaumadmiiltratioa flf theof the leoroDnation bdl over the -- veto r-- ' . l'.a.A r an.lly in rewenoe tori rfsiwni ana eepecis ti ruon lillll O.UiU -

Reading of the journal and regular10, 1863!n.r tit tit iti Ministerti.a. tf,.fit.n of a Ot thai; his reconstruction policy so far as the oroers ot ui uay were suspended.House resolution to take a recess from bd William 28. G.mptl, without a license Irom so

ular Oraabid Cnurch. vendingtrue SOUTHERN VatHarfML 4 baa been Nays Messrs. Aelrei. 4mnU P.ndrlie.

of the Governor and upon a call of theyeas and nays the action of the Governorwbl sustained by yeas 21, nays 36.

On motion of Mr Suratt the committeeon ways and means was instructed toreport an appropriation 4jill at theearliest, practicable moment whereupon

on Wednesday until July next was taken upand on motion of Air Wilaon a substitute oriutox'cnting fiquow, or comi. no more oootemptiblwelghU ! w" V

the of th uro andwholice of the earth than a PaPt Lflft . i ameet Br,e, ? ,WOu' B,Hro of Kemfier, Brown

of Yalohiuba, Burresa, Carter. D.miel, the punisloa the any other mndemesnor,ol which, is not tpetifically

- r therefor was adopted, providing for anadjournment sine die at 9 o'clock A: M. Hi t -


providujtaon, Wuff Graham. Graham. Hamil- - a . : .lU. country. And 4tj-m- J" fz ifTintoo, Hearn, Hillyer by law, shali upOUWJonviction mrecon to morrow the bth inst. Mr MuruocK irom saia committee reHudson, Labauve,lUBirUUDSUIUCIH. ' vbevfeind a11 mpftsuro must he he who nn. (!ountv Court. h tineu not. '8 bt..nThe Senate agreed to the appointment ported favorably to bill making certainI . 1 . r tno vm iiant nf nia I aa tf - "UUvm, lyles, M-ys- on, MearsJ Mclnnis,MoWhorter, Murdook. PoamAShannOtt.of a committee of conference as faked appropriations therein iiueu.Singly proclaims himaeltao in the, . , . ftllP Bnnrobation.

remains any authentic data on wWeh toform such new papers or when fromparol or other evidence the court shall besatisfied that the paper proposed' to besubstituted are substantially the sameas those destroyed and when papers shallbe so substituted, tlVy phall be recordedin the same manner aa the originalsshould have been mid shall in all respects have the same legal force andeffect of the origir.als.

See. 6. Be it further exacted, That inall cases pending in the Chancery, Cit --

cuit and Police Com ts of Jackson County,where papers on file iu said causes weredestroyed by fire at the time the reeordsof said courta were burned, it shall belawful for said courts to cause new papersto be substituted in lieu of the originalswhere there remains any anthentie dataon which to found such new apers orwhere from parol or other evidence the

for by the House on the disagreeing votef the world. The Southerner whoof the two Houses on Senate amend

ten dol.filf. nor more tnan one nunidollars, aim tuny b imprisoned at- -

thediaoretion If the Caurt, not xceadingthirty days.

Sec. 3. Bit further enacted, ThLt l(any white person shaif sell, frnd or fgiTe

an .tru'yTRrr .hat during the last lour ments to House report and resolutionsr im. . i-- a; -- ayears ne ne ver iet mo uroi. euiouun oi re ative to the anno tionment of a del

iank.raly, Wall and Wlker--6l.Ine House then proceeded to considerthe Senate substitute for House bill, entitled an act to reorganize the militia ofthe State.

Mr. Gbolson moved that the Housedisagree to said substitute, and insist onthe ongidal bill reported io the Senate",which was decided in tiA affirmative.

eg it ion to Washington.

tniUIIUWHWluu u . r I

or has been what we would have deaired,but When we take into consideration thecircumstances that have surrounded him,the new and untried difficulties of bis

position, we must admit that he hasused the influence of his office to checkthe. radicalism of the Republicans, and

Messrs. Wilson, Martin. McUargo,

Report received and agreed to.Bill passed after being considered by

the committee of the whole withoutamendment.

Mr. Caperton offered a resolution (theSenate concurring) That this Legislaturetake a recess from this day, December 61 h1865, at one o'clock, P. M., until the4thMonday in January next, A.D. 1866.

Mr Reid offered the following amend-ment .

Strike out 4th Monday in January, and

to any treedtnn, irnegro wr uiuitany fire arms diikor b'TwTfriflllfB tMJm.Stone and Swett - were appointed aa a

Sympathy with the Confederate cause,hat hit heart never throbbed exultinglyt the news of Southern victory, orenk at the rumor of a Federal triumph,

is a man we would not care to trust. The

munition, or any spirituous or intocommittee on the part of the Senateiiitr liauors, eucn peison or persons soMr Seal from the committee on statefeudiiiir. upon cnvicuon thereof, in tand Fed ral relations reported back res I yeas 36, nays 21. Ir . ,r. .. .,County Court of bis or her County, shiifdolr-t- UiaDllfBieU HU IIUIICTL JJUipunc w x

olutions referred to them relative to tneNew York Record thuabe fined not exceeuiog arty dollars, aj i tore the Union on the most ibuid President of the United States and askedand tuitber remarks, that he who coul mv Ua imnrisoned at ihe discretioni a a. i i. 1 J 1 Key insert sine be discharged from a further consid

era tion of the same. t.

iuruuwuu, irom tne coComittee onenrolled bills, submitted a report of billstransmuted to the Gofernor for approvaland signature.

The following message was receivedfrom the Governor tarough his private

Which was decided iu the negative bylive in the very midist of such a atruggle, " oo " "

S? Northern people. For this he de-

tained,ee the courage with whichT it was sua--

and the sacrifices uumurmuringly thanks and BorL . .f. The report was received and agreed to. yeas and nays called for, aa followsweas 26. navs 49.Mr Swett reported sundry bills cor

court snail oe satisfied that toe papersproposed to be subs'kuU'd are subitan-tial- ly

the same aa tho. h destroyed, andwhere papers or other I oents are sosubstituted, they shai h recorded in thesame manner that tb.- - 1 w required theoriginals to be recor' u d, and that saidcauses in which the ; apers or any ofthem have been subs; o ed in any f the

aucceuU 4 condemned by all the abolitionendured, that it might prove rectly enrolled. Mr Hillyer moved to amend the retoluoeuieiary, jar. donn f. Maury.

the Court, not exceeding thirty dy4 ;

Provided, That any Master, Mistreis or

emph yer of any freedmatj. free negD or

muiattoe, may g1' to y freeduap,free negro rr muiatioe, apprenticed to,or employed by such. Anster Mistressor employer, spirituous or intoxicatingliquors but nut iu suffiCent quantity to

tion hv striking out the 4th Monday inThe Governor returned to the Senatewho could liv.. amid the ftuctuaUons naufta eenouaoea a. nsv sg m Office.with his disapproval a Senate bill entU7i w ikA .AHMftM . i ..... i I n i. u Jacks. Ike 5th. 1865Jl iuo uwuutiy iuiu our uauua. J. January, and insert 4th Monday in July,18b6. Lost.war. mark tne tide or success ebb an tied an act te regulate the practice in Ma. Speaker,

certain cases in the courts of law and Mr Hamilton offered to amend by strikare indignant that he should have par-

doned so many thousands of wealthySoutherners and accuse him of rebuilding

courts meutioned in I ms act, shall proceed on to trial, judgment or final deI am directed by ing out 4th Monday in January, and pi Od UCe yaajjfftisFxeUency, the

e Hofffce, that heequity in this State.TJuiJoJUmW--Ui- - -4 n 1 U..Tn(f to inform th insert, 2u Mona-i- y in July. Liosi. S c. i. Urt !t furtBer enactl That,"i me mY oe. in the same

flow, see society breaking up around himfeel the agitation aud upheaval causedOf the throes of the nation in its agony,od refcain unmoved, his equantnmy


his pulses even beat unaccele- -

nas approved and signed on the let of The qnestion wax then teken on the all the p-'i- aid criminal law now iumanner as though the papers or none ofDecember, f865 " -weeks since he was denounced by a adoption of the resolution, and decidedExecutive Offtcs )

Jackson, Deo. 5, 1865. jTo the Senate :

mem naa not been destroyed.An adt to prevent the bunting of stockprominent speaker in the Republican w iuriner enacted, 1 hat itin ine negative by yeas oi, nays Zo ;'

A message was received from thewuu guns or uogs iu mis state in certaint -

rated or ud retarded, is a moral phe herewith return a bill to bo entitled shall be the duty of the Boaid of CountyT 1 I A f a"camp, as "the counsel for the rebel States cases.a V A V r a Senate informing the House that the jroiioeio procure irom the proper deand the upholder of secession." Thesenomen, on a man to be marked ami

avoided for ever. Tne veriest on ine zna December. lBbo. an bill "making certain appropriations

force i. i this 6 tie, defiqiog Otfencee aOlprescribing the iu,,de of punishment forcrimes and committed byslnvee, tree nejtrot or muiattoe , be art1the same are Lure by reauaete! and ddared to be in full force ai d itffer r

against fref-duie- tree negro ad ttulattoes, except o 'ar as the Bu)e andmanner of trl and punishmcr t bav4

partmenta map of all the oveiflwdan act to regulate the prsctice in certainCHsesJn the courts of law and equity inthis State, with my disapproval.

act Buppl nlental to act entitled an act tomiserable fanatic take the ground that therein named had passed,. a.with several land in said county, with a tract bookhe cores over tne pages or txreeic and regulate the per diem and mileage of the amendments thereto in which the con showing the entries that have been made.The 5th section enacts that judgmentsour property belongs to them, that we

belong to them, and that President currence of the House is desired. aec. 6. Be ltfurther enacted, That thememners ot tne Legislature, passed atthe pr. sent session thereof end for other

Roman atory, takes aide unconsciously,and the calm philosophic studentof history glows as he reads of

Kta motion the senate message wastaken up and the several amendments

provisions of this act is hereby made applicable to all the courts of NVwton andJohnson by proclaiming pardon and am purposes.

a . 1 a a . b'en ctiangeq or altered by tawconcurred in.An act ine oetter to secure the paynealy has deprived them of a lawful prey St-- c 5 it lurth r enacte'l. T. jl afVloms brae daed, or-glori-

ous str aggie. rtanKin countiefi whether the public1 - 1 a a a rtA message was received from the GovHanging, coLfisCfltion, and our absolute recorus were destroyed bv Hre or theEverv one can remember for himself thement or tne scnooi lunas ot this SLaieand for other purposes.

An act to repeal an act in relation toernor informing the House of his appro public enemy.

freedmati, ft ee. negro or m'.lat t , convicUd of any oi the misdemeanor! pro-vided agaiuat, in this act, shall fail or re

exclusion for all time, from any participa val and signature of certain bills therein bee. y. tie it further enacted. Thatabsorbing interest with which he followedh course of tbia or that hero of anti- - schools in Yaz,o count.tion in the Government, would have been named. this act take effect from and after its fuse for th- - spiice of five days after eonthe platform of the Republicans but for A message was received from the Sen

ouity. hew real was his intereat in Ceasar, passage. viction, to pay the fine and cost imposAn act to provide tor. drawing jurors in

the Circuit courts of this State.An act for the relief tf M. Henman of

ate and is as follows :President Johnson. Approved November 10, 1865. ed, such pernori be hired out by thShenll'or other officers, at public outcryRegal ved by the Senate (the House

and decrees heretofore rendered shallnot bear any interest from and aft r thepassage of this act, and that judgmentsand decrees rendered after the passageof this act shall not bear nny interest,provided that this section applies onlyto judgments rendered on debts dueprior to the 1st day of May 1865,

Interest is a necessary iucident to theprincipal debt snd enters into the contract of indebtedness. Prior to the 1stday of May. 1865, the laws of Mississippiallowed interest on sll judgments, whichis the law of the contract for all in.Jehtednees prior to the passage of thisact.

To deny interest after the passage ofthis act impairs the obligation and isunconstitutional.

Benj. G. HtrvPHRii),Governor of Mississippi.

m.i us naa ravored confiscation and ne Pike genuine his sympathy for Hannibal,how glowing bis admiration of Aristides.

And re the qualities we admired in theconcurring), That the Legislature do to any white person, who wnl puy sai'iro suffrage, the Republicans would have An act for the relief of Peter Ratcliff. stand adjourned sine die on this day at AW ACT

To modify the Collection Laws of thisfine and costs, and talu; such convict fo"

th. shortest tim.Sheiiffof Amite county, 12 o'clock M." a "ant amo of old to excite no enthusiasm when sustained him and forced them on our

people. He has moderated the counsels State. ,'An act authorizing tie keeper of the Kja nioiioo tne senate message was S. c. G. li ii further enacted, Thatfound in our c itemporaries ? Are the Section 1. Be it enacted bv the Lei -Capitol to furnish the superintendent of taken up and adopted and the clerk Insof that party Who now control all the Ireevirtues that challenged our reverence in army records with an office in'the Capitol. structed to inform the. Senate that the and after its p e.States, and we think beyond all question,islature of the State ot Missi-sipp- i, Thatall laws for the collection of uebts onbonds, promissory notes, bills of ex

the natrioia ot other times and other House of Representatives was now readvt-- wpreserved Us from these .terrible calain Approved. K .v 29h. 1865.

... -- rtrxiesoiuuon in relaton to .Burton 14

Hariisou,of Mississippi,An act to authorize appeals from the


lands, to Le sneered at when illustrated to adjourn.change, open accounts, or any other conities. And tf he has, in other respects Ihe Speaker then in approroriatein the lives and deeds of our fellow-- "T ... i i.ujnrDA.

The Perrcria Obierver learns that acounty courts, established at this session. tract or liability lor the payment ofterms declared the House ot Kepresentafailed to come up to our expectations iff eountivtnen. We sav without fear of money, are hereby suspended until theso tar as relates to the county of Warren fives adjourned sine die.he has approved the execution of Mrs cimp-in- faa I en termed lor the purAn act to incorporate the Phoenix fire first day of Jan nary in the year (1868)

eighteen hundred and 'sixty eight, orSuratt and Capt. Witz if ho hs refus-- d pose ot cjusiiucung a spacious hotel inthat citycompany, No. 2 of Vcksburg.

A IV ACTAn act supplemental to an act in relato pardon Jefferson Davis and many unm omerwise oratrea oy law except m

Said bill was reconsidered and passed' he Senate by a twe-thir- ds vote of yeas14. nays 6.

House bill entitled an act to anthorizehe redemption of land sold to this

ihe terver alio learns that the Telcases of official liabilities, aud proviied,To provide for and aid in supplying thetion to railroad and Ur other purportsapproved Nov. 21st 1855.

other distinguished citizens, to whom we

think he ought to grant amnesty still,that no creditor shall be deprived of histoss or the icecords, Judgments, De

crees and papers in the Circuit, Chan remedy by attachment or distress, aa nowState for taxes, passed. An act granting letve of absence tothe Hon Robert B Maers Probate Judgefor the thousands that have been par

egraph (impatiy are rapidly reconstructsing Lhetrpue of telegraph between Polaid and nsac tla. The completion of

this work 111 place Pnsaola in commu-uxaaiio- a

wivi alt points North and South.Ihse Tallabwsee Sentinel is not dis- -

eery, Probate and Police Courts ofMr Wilson from a committee on con provided by law, Provided that the Pio5visions of this act shall not be so construedoi x uz o coupty.ference recommended the adoption of An act to provide for the assessment or

contradiction that the Southern man who'ook no part in the glorious atruggle ofhit B ction, . who felt no intereat in itsresult, and no pride in the noble qualities displayed by his countrymen, wouldsever have shoulder d his musket in theRrvolution, never have starved withIfanon uor triumphed with Gates. Sucha man would have hounded Washingtonto death had be been unsuccessful, hewou'd have, been a parasite to Howe anda lickspittle to Cornwallis, he would haveblazoned forth his "loyalty to his King,by denouncing his countrymen as rebels,

as to prevent guardians from collectingsnch parts of debts due their wards, asresolutions relative to sending a delega-tion to Washington, &c., 4c- - o yield to the unreasonable de--:.. j' . l amthe Probate GMftKhavin

valuation of lands.J An act to amend the probate court

laws, agreed to on the 4th of Dec' 1865.

Jackson County, aud for other pur-poses.Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legis-

lature of the State of Mississippi, Thatall B eds, conveyances, contracts, orother written instruments in relation tothe title pt either nr personal prop

doned, for the honest efforts he hasmade to aid us in the work of restorationhe deserves our confidence and support.All the Northern democrats approve biscourse on restoration ; they endorsedhim in their party conventions, and the

ot the KHiicilsot the North. Inthe some,Keport received and agreed to.The Senate took from the table the) rt tl. ljst inst., the Sentitr!a aataanananaBBnaciaBaBaw waxaanBai aaast. w. tuub mmfor the

wards.substitute offeied by Mr Lowry on ye-a-

eopldof Florida, have corteteraav tor House bill entiled an act to m mm mi:sec. zerty, or any ot! -- stru-ize the militia of the State and

An act to incorporate the Port Gibsonsavings institution.

An act to cause the enumeration of theinhabitants of this State to be made.

Report of joint standing committee onState and Federal relations on the legis- -

only opposition he has met in the North i8iui dciuanded v

yhim B'U reajuhe this aqt elWe have, at J. ipthe sam passed. I LLLii LUi TaaalaBBlhas been from our.enemies.

ment necesT- -

recorded. t

to 1st 6tnave cases mmmR limldUK.. very. We hs aMr Wilson introduced the following ho amara sa tzsaindAll moderate men thi ire. ut which was unanimously adap- - j of the State of Mis8.

We ia'e e c

TeSlirT fli o Tand proved his fealty to Britain by trea-son to bis native land. There are some

on the nrosustain the Preside! rnmm mum mucuai a.of the clerJackson ragtfiftre-- - tinve Jone allconstruction, becai That a" ' Wthesuch men in the South to-da- y, but not

poaed amendment to the Constitution ofthe United States known as article XIII.

An act to author ize the board of Police rnfi.nd let v.'biright and that his ndered trt-f-r

ihesH-- 'M

ar- -many ; nol many who would purchase IOf Clark count v to authorize the building ick man ra-i- rth&JaWrestoring us toplace or preferment by befouling the V -



21. toil bridges on certain rivers. . f ver, no, never.Wendell Philliiname of uie Confederate leaUeio, ur nginai onsen t to give.Sumner and Cn JUgt tO eJC-'Di- th nr.y ""lu'iaI town of Middleburg, county of sm. Jorsuiting the memory of the Confederate aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&aaaaar aaaaaaaaaKm

com uring its present t.. fissnjja Mil idk'f theor oth .cause they want instrument in relation to solute or q 1.j merit, in u- -Pontotoc Miss.

1 .aBeau. real or al property or any other oe any sales ulands, and negro On motion the House adjourned until7 o'lot k p m.The Southern people have nothing to mGoveriiiahi

of Le .la kdocument or instrument required by theMksisfIt becomes of venditionileyied.

through her ashamed of in their struggle, andothintf io be sorry for but that their

tephens introduced the following' in which was unanimously ad optu Scribe Sena e.R. solved, That the thanks of the

Senate are hereby cordially tendered to'he able and efficient .Secretary of r pPorrerand his assistant secretary R R

Sec. 4. --Be itlaw shall not bePresident in bis efforts to secum tOei

laws of the state to be recorded, haveben destroyed by fire or otherwise be-fore the 1st day of Jrnuary 1864, and theoriginal deed or other instrument ordocument having been recorded is lost or

on t ihea , the . e--

'';Upon . lis

W by

w w

sacrifices were made in vain. Even the the lien whieh h BllaPFORTY-FIFT- DAY.

Tuesday, Dec. 6 th, 1865.Senate rcet.By Mr. Martin, Resolution

a committee to inform the Governor

rights in the Union. Let Us unite in flaw 'true hearted Uuionista of the South glory 9 mwuBpruis support with the the good and true by due procesa

during which tmislaid, then any duly certified copy ofin the prowess, the endurance, and the t f resi lent alOli- n-men of the North, and strengthen theii puted in any case, w mm u vun ew uthat the Legislature was ready to adjourn the same may be recorded in said office,and shall have the same legal force of the limitations comes in qwNrftion.hands in crushing out the Radicals whodash of their people, their . action and

enerev. their fertility in resources, their

Williamson for their prompt and faithfuldischarge of their arduous duties duringthe present session.

Senate adjourned until 3 o'clock p m.


originals and shall relate back to the datedesire our degradation and destructionof the first record of the same. Provided

ruu uau gt-r-m uo a uivu gover imeot, ter

though the Congress may rej . 0S ujr . t im-

plication for retail mission. He , re-store the writ of habeas corp a. He candispense with military tribunal and t)iyus the right of trial hyjury. He cart re-mo- ve

the troops quartered in our midst, fand leave us tp rtguiate our internal atx

Sec. 5; Be it further enacted, Thatthis act shall not apply to contracts orliabilities made and entered into afterits passage, Provided such contracts orliabilities are not lounded ou indebted-ness existing pripr to the passage of this

The Legislature adjourned y ester

- m -

m deration in triumph, and their foititude in defeat. Taey exalt in the deathleas fame they have acq aired, the loftyqualities th y have displayrd, and the ira.

and to know if he bad any further communication to make, adoptee.

The o 'tnmittt e appointed in the above,reported tbat the Governor had nofurther communication to make.

On motion ot Mr Wilson the Secretaryof the Senate was instructed to return tothe House a resolution adepted by- - bothHouses on yesterday tor the

tbat ail deeds, conveyances, documentsor other written instrument contemplatedio this act by the provisions of this actshall be recorded in the office of the

day after a prolongued session of forty -- five

days. There was a very respectableFORTY-FOUR-TH DAY.

Tuesday, Dec. 5th, 1865.House met.Journal of yesterday read and ap

mortal names they have added to the act, nor shall this act apply to debts dueClerk of the Probate Court of Jacksonamount of ability in both Houses, and no fairs in our own way. The Presideanto the school tundsot the several town do in s, aud in consideration ofLegislature, we have ever seen, appeared wutH we,world's roll of lame. They reverencethe hallowed spots, ships and counties in this State.adjournment of the Legislature this day the people, aoseino ed in Convention,proved.more anxious to discharge their duties or asbee. 6. Be it further enacted, That theA message was received from the nave doue, we nave a right to expect aworked more assiduous y at the businessitrethe veteran droopei beside the springald

ioumy wimm six montns irom the pas-sage of this act.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, Thatit shall be lawful lor the Probate Courtof Jackson County, to re instate upon theDocket and records of said court, all or-

ders, final or interlocutory judgments or

least tins much. wSenate. " pjovisions of this act shail apply to judg-ments in detinue and trover, or other.before them. We would have wished The Tallahassee Fioridian of the 21On motion of Mr Labauve tho Senate

Wbaietaak mnagih and symmetyla lias.''

They sympathize with the victors of-judgments for the recovery of mom y,more unanimity on many important message was taken up. decrees, in any courts of equity, general

at 9 o'clock A. Id., with the request thatthe House reconsider the vote adoptingthe same.

Mr. Swett reported resolution in rela-tion to the President of the UnitedStates correctly enrolled.

A message waa receivedfrom the Mouseannouncing tbat the Hoase bad reconaidered their vote adopting the resolu

On motion of Mr McLaurin the Housemeasures but new question, came beforeChancelJorsviile ; and they stand where or special, where the judgment or decreedecrees made by said court before the 1stconcurred iu the following substitute forthem they were mariners on an unstood the few and fearless followers of is in tne alternative, tor the property orot January 18b4, and all grants of letttersHouse resolution relative to adjourn

says the smalNpox has made its appear-ance in the suburbs off the city, amongthe negroes.

The Fioridian mentions thatCoulederate General Palton Ander-

son was then in Tallahassee, and that hehas quite recovered from the terriblewound he received last year near

Lee and Johnston when they surren- - its value, or tor the recovery of damagesot Administration, Letters Testamentary,ment. . . .and no sneritt or other otfacer, shall ex

.a a adeied, and realise with a sense of sym Letters of Guardianship and all probatesof Wills and shall relate .back to theResolyed, By the Senate, the House ecuta tne same, iuriner than the seizingtion to adi turn. -

concurring, that the two Houses adjournpathy, that is painful in its genuineness,

known sea and honestly differing, cameto different conclusions. But their workis done and the people and the government must decide howthei" duties havebeen performed and whether or not theyhave met the expecations of the country.

and delivery of the specific property, andany officer who shall violate any ot the

date of the" original order, judgment ordrcree upon which the necessary process

sine die at 9 o'clock, a m on Wednesday"hew patriots leel when ail but life andtaebih lost.honor' lost." Ten thousand times bet provisions of this act, shall be deemedshall issue.The Senate amendments to House bill

House bill entitled an act making cer-

tain appropriations therein named, andfor other purposes, was taken up, amended and passed.

Mr Smith offered a resolition to takea recess until 2nd Monday ia July, 1866.

3Sec Be it further enacted, That the tresspasser and shall be liable to the parter hre such men than those who fought making appropriations were then con tv aggrieved thereby in double damages,party desiring to reinstate any order,throughout the war, and at its close fall sidered, and with some amendments,Latkst News bv Exeatss The Post-

master General' report is the first oneto be completed of ihe annual depart- -

to be recovered before any court havim;judgment or decree in the Probate Courtdisposed with the victoraand ery peceava. jurisdiction thereof, and shall be liable toJackson, Miie., Dec. 5, 1865.

Mb. Editor : I desire to say one word.Mr L wry offered to arnmd by cbang--: rtr - Hjtt?i i j i of said county, as provided for in tbe

second section of this act shall first file a Wnent nport. It is, for the civil service,We were led to these remarks by read indictment for malfeasance in office, and.t iiiuii iuv t.y leave inirouuceu . before the 4th Monday injoint resolution for the benefit of the j ID? Tuesdayrhia month on conviction thereof, shall be fined iuing a speech cr Judge Biaghan'sof Geor in regard to a distinguished citizen of

1a"2 2 1 . 1 . .petition in said court, setting forth fullythe reasons tor such application uponinstitute for the blind which was placed a sum not exceeding five hundred dolgia, in relation to the teat oath, in which aLwaisaippi, mat persons abroad may lars, and be imprisoned in theHbountvwhich tbe clerk of said court shall issue a

Oa moticn of Mr Wifjbn, both werelaid on the table.

Bv Mr Wilson, resolvedby the Senate,have a full understanding of the facts asthe following passage occurs:

jau at me 01 screwon oi tne court. -notice or summons directed to the person. a - .

an interesting document. For the firsttime in its history, the Post Office Depart-ment is b ll sustaining. It no longershows its dt fi i o' five or six millions ofdollars on the Treasury books. The con-

tracts for the Southern mail service,which have been let, are at such greatlyred u ced ra tea as io. e d to hg h que,

mey existed at the time. 1 al ude to Cthe House concurring. tiat the Legisla Sec. 7. Befjf further em.cted, That allfrom the Union, but I, nevertheless, re-- 1 Gen. W. S. Featherston, of Holly Spring, acts and parts of acta coming in conflict

on the calendar.On motion of Mr Martin the- - House

took a recess for an hour.The hour having expired, Mr Hillyer

from a select committee submitted a resport, .in relation to Sending commissioners to Washington".

Ot motion of Mr Hillyer the report

ture do adjourn sine die on this day at 12with any of the provisions of this act besrei iu ore tun', we wave a canuiuaie lor and his connection with the office of o'clock, si.

Annntfld.Congress in tins district who commends and the same are hereby repealed, andthat, this act be in force from and atterUnited States Senator. When the Le when mail rtpce ia fullyhimelt by taying he thinks he can take

or persons, interested or enected in anyway in said application which shall beexecuted by the Sheriff of 6aid county atleast ten days before the trial term, andin case any person, or persons interestedin said application shall be a non-reside-

o'f the State, publication as to tnem shallbe made SWlu oiner ue ui ur ooo-r- es

idente. Said petition shall be placed

tLrougb-.u- ; the, Sooth, --that tbe detsrti--gislature assembled, it waa understoodthe test oath to which he a its passage.A message was receivedfrom the House

announcing its concurrence in the above

At 12 o'clock, M., the President of themeut w 1 1 e ' i --o h tienapseo nelfWustalnSpeaking ror my ten, I am not wnnug w This aet was returned by the Governor.

doned, and positively would not run forwrite Traitor ovt-- r the graves or the hon-ored dr ad. 1 would not, ill could, thua reconsideration of the same, by a vote greater expendi ure for leas r- v. ..ue tUtT

any other lntil route. The" postal moneySenate, after an appropriate address, de

was recuveu and agreed to, and the resoIUIIUUO auupu u, fvaaawl fmjw wa. J- aWby Messrs L ibauae, Hillyer and Martin,yeas 34 nay 28.

Mr Lewis by leave introduced a bill tobe entitled an act in relation to the

the position. Acting upon this infor determined by yeas and nays, two thirdsunon tbe trial Docket heard and triedineolt ihe tnriivoraof the recent severe. clared the Senate adjourned sine axe. order system has been fairly tried andmation3, coupled with jtho further fact that upon the petition, answer and proofsTuat if the Court after hearing of said ap wotks with great success, though thethe, universal opinion prevailed, that he Monday, Dec 6th, 1865. Government has in it possession a considsuperintendent of the Penitentiary which

of the Senate and two thirds of the Houseof Repr sentavies respectively did agr eto pass the same, and it waa passed a. cordlngiy.


plication shall be ot the opinion,athat thecould not bold the office if elected, was Mouse met. ... ai , L 1 - . erable amount of unclaimed money, spassed. A messaee was received dpi,the Senate order, Odgment or decree snof id be rethe true reason of his not being warmlv

COrfl ot of Sinn,"IS or im it General Fiske says

SO, and mirulile diem Henry WardBe. ober says so. The fret says the South-erner- s

are not repen tan t, and do not profeat to be. and tho second saya he would

The Postmaster General recommendsm acMr Gowan from committee on enrolledbills submitted a report of bitk foundsupported. .Besides this, his best and providing tor the appointment of a com that- - the advertising of the letter list bej Speaker of the House of Repreaap utves.cordance with the prayer of said petitionmost thoughtful friends did not know elt to tbe Postmaster of each city, whoJOHN M. SIMONT0N,five minutes befoie the election that be which Shall hye the same force and

effect of the original order, judgment or2 in his discretion may select any journalSenatewould be voted for at all. General . President of theDecember 1st, 1865.not wish them to profess repaar tan oe, and instead of giving it to the one having the. . .J i r 2decree, upon which ail legal writs shallFeatherston was an aid and able member

mittee to wait upon tne trcrernor.On motion tbe House tok up Senate

message, concurred in same, and filledtbe blank with the number ive.

Tjhe Speaker appointed as such com-

mittee, Messrs. G jwan, Lalauve, Suratt,Martin, and Brown --of- Yallobusba.

nii motion of MrtHillyet, the resolu

would not tiust them if they did. argest, circulation, vjwiog to toe smallissue.

properly enrolled and transmitted to bisExcellency, the Governor, for approvaland signature.

On motion of Mr. G hoi son, the Houseadjourned until 3 o'clock, P. M.

3 o'clock, p. v.House met.A message waa received from the Sen

of the United States Congress, was aBrigadier General in thv Confederate ice paid tor advertising the let LWT I IV.AN ACTEven with such men time serving fails Sec. 4. Be" it further enacted, That ral largely cuoulated journals haveany person or persons, desiring to rem- -in ita object : even they can, afford to des army, and was as earnest, true and

.fearless an officer as ever drew a swordrria II M aL 1 .a- TV- 9

o punish certain offences therein namedand for other purposes :

Section!. Be it enacted by tbe Lgistbe records of the Circuit,pisa a r creant Southerner, who, false to or Police Courts, of Jacksontions relative td the Present of thehis instincts, throws a slur upon the hon ineaoioiers ot me army or Virginia, &

well as those of tbejatntdy of Tennessee, county any Order, final or interlocutory,United States were taken ftom the alotate inTormtng the House of the vetothe Governor to Senate bill entitled

reread to print it, though apecially au-thored to do so by the law. The resulthas been something of a loss to the Gov-ern ments to"; tbe St. Louis Re-publican, v.

-- . .No branch of farminar induatrV in the

iature of tbs State ol Mississippi, That nofreedman, free negro or muiattoe, pot inthe millitary service of the. United States

d deid, by aLolog zing for. instead of dar and adepted.glorying in their efforts iu behalf of their Mr irom select ommitte toct io regulate the practice in certain

judgment or decree of said courts whichwere heretofore mde, in any cause insaid courts, and destroyed by fire whichconsumed the reeords and papers of

Government, and not licensed so to docases in the courts of law and of eouitvnative land. by the Board of Police of his or her Coon

will ever remember Wen, If . as a gallantcommander, a safe leader, and a truehearted and accomplished gentlemananh he will always bo respected and beIpved by Miseissippians ; and I hasardnothing in saying, that be it one of themost popular-me- in the State, and de

to this State, and that upon a reconside wet nas neen pusnea witn moreration the Senate bad nukaH h Kin vigorty, shall keep, or carry, fire arms of anykind, or any ammunition, dirk or bowie

wait on the Governor, repo-ie- d verballythat His Excellency had no further com-

munications to make.Mr. 8teele offered a resolution that the

Senate be requested to return to thisHouse the loint resolution in relation to

An Eight. The Mobile Trifune of and with better success than the cultiva- -VBr the veto of the Governor hv n t.wftthird vote, also the nasaaffA ofWednesday says:

The rest riftt ion on th Eniacobal1 mii oi mrj-BBi-

ii in .8 year. Many morepersons have gone into it than hArpmfnrA

knife, and on conviction thereof in theCounty Court, shall be punished by fine,not exceeding ten dollars, and pay the

bins. 7 'servedly so, and 1 sincerely tiut that the

said court before the 1st day of January1864, may reinstate the same in thesame manner provided for reinstatingorders, judgments and decrees in theProbate Court of said county In the 3rdsection of this act upon which the ne-

cessary writs shall issue and relate backto the date of the original order, judg

when Mississippi On motion of Mr. Hicks, the Senateeburch within ibis dfoceae ave been rc-Wa- will soon homea, mm. aa aa aM il. 'I her adjournment, adopted on yesterday; lost

A message waa received from the Govand more ground ba been appropriatedto it. The season for its gfcpwth, gather-ing and grinding has been letnarablv aooi.

will again take place in the Union,when the people will be delighted to

costs of such proceedings, and all pucharms or ammunition, shall be forfeitedto the informer, and it shall be the duty

message waa taken op. The House thenproceeded to consider the objections otshe Governor to the bill entitled aw at

, moved. Hereafter tbe members ot miadenomination will be allowed to try tosave their owr. souls. Good! "The

ernor. . . The cane crew luxuriantly. ;iri,r,1Ihonor the man who has borne himself BO tbe clerkOb motion oY Mr. Gholsonment or decree. gteat supdly of juice, with a htirnobly through all our trouble.

TfTCTfWwrU mov u QtUJJao aaid feme fmVtof every civil and military officer, toarrift auy freedman, free negro or muUt-- regulate the practice in c rtein cases io f was instructed to inform the Senate of

the oouru of law and equity ia thii State, ' the pepiit. nfHtft of the (Jovernor. See. 5. Be H further enaeted, oi laccaanne (natter.

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