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Manuscript for Review

Thermo-structural Model of Stacked Field-programmable

Gate Arrays (FPGAs) with Through-silicon Vias (TSVs)

Journal: Electronics Letters

Manuscript ID: draft

Manuscript Type: Letter

Date Submitted by the Author:

Complete List of Authors: Zhang, Chunbo; Utah State University, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dasu, Aravind; Utah State University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Li, Leijun; Utah State University, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering



Thermo-structural Model of Stacked Field-

programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) with Through-silicon Vias (TSVs)

C. Zhang, A. Dasu, and L. Li1 Micron Research Center, Utah State University

A new 3-D full-scale thermo-structural finite element model of two-stack FPGA

with TSVs, which is developed from an experimentally validated single-stack

FPGA model, is proposed. Typical 3-D distributions and evolutions of

temperature and von Mises stress on both the active layers and TSVs are


Introduction: 3-D chip stacking offers a much higher level of silicon integration

where orders of magnitude I/O density advancement may be possible [1]. It is

believed that through silicon via (TSV) interconnection is the ultimate way for

3-D die stack application. Copper-through-via interconnection offers the

shortest wiring length between dies, thereby leading to higher chip

performance. TSVs are formed by mechanical drilling, laser drilling, or dry

etching, followed by deposition of a layer of SiO2 or Si3N4 for electrical

insulation. The via is then filled with chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of

tungsten or copper, or electrochemical deposition (ECD) of copper.

Induced stresses in 3-D circuits are known to affect transistor performance by

the piezo-resistive effects. TSVs may impact on the performance of

1 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Utah State University, 4130 Old Main Hill, Logan, Utah 84322-4130, USA; email:

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transistors that are close to them because of the high stresses from coefficient

of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch between copper and silicon. Thus, the

successful application of 3-D integration requires significant thermo-structural

analysis. Several authors have used finite element method for insights on the

temperature and stress distributions in 3-D multi-stack circuits [2-3]. The

thermo-structural characteristics of stacked field-programmable gate array

(FPGA) with TSVs have rarely been studied. The objective of this work is to

identify and predict 3-D temperature/stress for typical TSV designs and

reliability estimations with a new finite-element model. For design

consideration, the influence of TSV’s material, geometry, and position on

temperature/stress fields under different thermal cycling conditions can be

studied using the developed model.

Finite Element Model: Considering the symmetry of the chip, a 3-D quarter-

size thermo-structural coupled finite element model has been developed

based on the experimentally determined configuration and dimensions of the

FPGA (Xilinx Spartan 3E-250K), shown in Fig. 1(a). This layer-structured chip

is composed of, following a sequence from bottom to top and represented by

different colours, epoxy mold, copper heat spreader, substrate attachment,

silicon substrate, bottom device layer, in-between silicon layer, and top device

layer. The Si substrate has a thickness of 280 µm, and for the two active

layers each has a thickness of 10 µm. It is assumed that the two active device

layers are bonded together with a face-to-back configuration, sandwiching a

thinned substrate layer underneath the top device layer. Nine through silicon

vias (TSVs) are inserted to connect the two active device layers. Although

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various TSV structures have been reported or proposed, the mainstream

configuration is cylindrical. Fig. 1(b) illustrates the fine meshed annular copper

TSVs and connection pads. All the TSVs have a uniform dimension of 50 µm

diameter and 100 µm length. The space between TSVs is 500 µm. Since

there is no reference about the dimensions of the Cu pads in FPGA, it is

assumed to be 100 µm square plate according to other types of 3-D circuits.

The 3-D 10-node coupled-field element (Solid227) is chosen during mesh

generation. For simplicity, mechanical and thermal properties of different

material are assumed to be constant. This new two-device layer model is

based on a single layer model that has been verified by thermocouple-

measured temperature [4].

Conductive heat flow is included in the finite element model and the governing

equation is as follows:

))(())(( TKqTvt

Tc !""!+=!"+




#$ (1)



" is density, c is specific heat, T is temperature, t is time,


r v is the

velocity vector for mass transport of heat, q& is the heat generation rate per

unit volume,


r K is the conductivity vector, and


" =#




The exposed surfaces are subject to the convective heat flow that is

calculated by:


{q}T{"} = h f (TS #TB ) (2)

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where q is heat flux vector,


" is unit outward normal vector,


hf is film



TB is bulk temperature of the adjacent fluid,


TS is temperature at

the surface of the model.

The stress caused by the thermal strain is calculated by:

! "ref


























{"} is stress vector,


[D] is elastic stiffness matrix;




{"el}, and


{" th}

are the total, elastic, and thermal strain vectors, respectively;


T is the current

temperature at the point in question;


Tref is reference (strain-free)




se is secant coefficient of thermal expansion in the x, y and z


A fixed boundary is applied to the bottom surface of the chip. The cut surfaces

for the quarter-chip model are set with the symmetric boundary conditions,

with no displacement and heat flow along the direction normal to symmetric

planes. The convective boundary conditions are used on all the surfaces

exposed to the air. The TSVs are subjected to a heat flux generated on the

active layers, which is 2.35 W for the condition of 100% slices utilization,

clocked at 100MHz and all look up tables (LUTs) and flip-flops (FFs) toggling

at the maximum possible rate for the modelled device [4]. It is assumed that

the working units are uniformly distributed on the active layers, thus the heat

flux generated by the units is also evenly distributed.

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Simulation Results: A higher temperature zone exists at the centre of the

active layer, in Fig. 2(a), because of the worst heat dissipation condition at the

centre. In regions close to TSVs, more heat can be dissipated compared with

surrounding areas since the thermal conductivity of Cu is higher than Si. The

von Mises stress concentrates on the interface of the active layers and Cu

pads, illustrated in Fig. 2(b), which can be explained by the large CTE

mismatch between the copper and the silicon. The stress level is high enough

to cause possible fracture in the silicon or delaminating at the interface of the

copper/silicon materials. Reliability problems such as electrical breakdown

may occur.

Similarly, the average temperature at TSVs decreases when the TSVs are

located further away from the chip centre, shown in Fig. 3(a). Fig. 3(b)

illustrates the 3-D von Mises stress distributions on TSVs. The maximum

stress in TSVs is located near the connection between the TSVs and Cu

pads, an area for possible debonding failure in the through-wafer copper

interconnects. The sharp angle between the TSV and Cu pad (90°) causes a

high stress level, which could be harmful. Therefore, proper design of

connection shape is required to reduce the stress level and improve the chip

reliability. A possible solution reported is the tapered opening of vias made by

gradient DRIE (Deep Gradient Ion Etching). Such design has produced a

better high-frequency signal transmission performance [5].

Both the temperature field on the active layers and the thermal stress field on

the TSVs have a saturation state, illustrated in Fig. 4. The peak temperature

on active layers saturates at 133°C for the condition of 2.35 W thermal power.

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Because of the high thermal conductivity of Cu and Si, little temperature

difference between the bottom and top active layers can be found (Fig. 4(a)).

Fig. 4(b) shows the evolution of distribution band of maximum von Mises

stress in TSVs. As can be observed, the maximum stresses increase to

constant values ranging from 407 MPa to 431 MPa depending on TSV


Conclusions: A new full-scale 3-D thermo-structural finite element model of

two-stack FPGAs with TSVs has been developed. With this model, typical

thermo-structural characteristics, including 3-D temperature and stress fields

and profiles, have been identified. This model can be applied to study the

effects of TSV parameters on thermo-structural fields and its optimization for

FPGA design.

References 1 Knickerbocker, J.U., Patel, C.S., Andry, P.S., Tsang, C.K., Buchwalter, L.P., Sprogis, E.J., Gan, H., Horton, R.R., Polastre, R.J., Wright, S.L., and Cotte, J.M.: ‘3-D Silicon Integration and Silicon Packaging Technology Using Silicon Through-Vias’. IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits, August 2006, Vol. 41, No. 8, pp. 1718-1725 2 Hsieh, M.C., and Yu, C.K. : ‘Thermo-mechanical Simulations For 4-Layer Stacked IC Packages’. 9th. Int. Conf. on Thermal, Mechanical and Multiphysics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems, 2008, EuroSimE 3 Takana, N., Sato, T., Yamaji, Y., Morifuji, T., Umemoto, M., and Takahashi, K. : ‘Mechanical Effects of Copper Through-Vias in a 3D Die-Stacked Module’. Electron. Comp. and Tech. Conf. 2002 4 Zhang, C., Kallam, R., Deceuster, A., Dasu, A., and Li, L. : ‘A Thermal-mechanical Coupled Finite Element Model with Experimental Temperature Verification for Vertically Stacked FPGAs’. Microelectronic Engineering, 2009, under review 5 Zhao, L., Liao, H., Miao, M., and Jin, Y. : ‘Design and Analysis of an I-shaped TSV Structure for 3D SiP’.10th Electronics Packaging Technology

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Conference, 2008, pp. 200-205 Figure captions: Fig. 1 (a) 3-D quarter-size thermo-structural model for two-stack FPGAs; (b) Meshed TSVs Fig. 2 (a) Temperature distribution on the bottom active layer (t=4s, ºC); (b) Von Mises stress distribution on the bottom active layer (t=4s, MPa) Fig. 3 (a) Temperature distribution on TSVs (t=4s, ºC); (b) Von Mises stress distribution on TSVs (t=4s, MPa) Fig. 4 (a) Temperature evolutions of active layers; (b) Distribution band of maximum von Mises stress evolution in TSVs

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Figure 1 Figure 2

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

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Figure 3 Figure 4

(a) (b)


(a) (b)

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