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This document in English is provided for informative purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the

latter will prevail.


Review and approval, where appropriate, of the individual annual accounts of EDP

Renováveis, S.A., as well as those consolidated with its subsidiaries, for the fiscal year ended on December 31st, 2018.


Approve the individual annual accounts of EDP Renováveis, S.A. (balance sheet, profit

and loss account, changes to the net assets, cash flow statement and notes) and those consolidated with its subsidiaries (balance sheet, profit and loss account, changes to the net assets, cash flow statement and notes) for the fiscal year ended December 31st, 2018, which were formulated by the Board of Directors at its meeting dated February 26th, 2019.

This document in English is provided for informative purposes only. In the event of a

discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter will prevail.


Review and approval, where appropriate, of the proposed application of results for

the fiscal year ended on December 31st, 2018, as well as, distribution of dividends.


1. It is proposed to approve the allocation of the profits determined by the Board of Directors, on its meeting held on February 26th, 2019 with the favourable opinion of the Audit, Control and Related Parties Committee, which is detailed below.

Base breakdown:

Profit for the year 2018 29.258.492,74 Euros Distribution:

Legal Reserve 2.925.849,27 Euros To Dividends 26.332.643,47 Euros

2. It is proposed to approve the proposal of the Board of Directors with the favourable opinion of the Audit, Control and Related Parties Committee for the distribution of a gross dividend of 0.07 Euro per EDP Renováveis S.A. share with right to receive it (“the Dividend”) that means an overall amount of 61.061.571,34 Euro that is satisfied against the following headings: (i) 26.332.643,47 Euros against the result of the fiscal year, and (ii) 34.728.927,87 Euros against the Legal Reserve account.

The proposed Dividend, will be subject in any case to the provisions of the tax

legislation. This value refers to the total shares representing the capital of the EDP Renováveis,

S.A. The payment of the Dividend will be effective on May 10th, 2019 and payment will be made through a paying agent. For information purposes, the shares will start trading without right to receive

Dividend (ex dividend) 2 trading days prior to the date of the payment, according to the rules applicable to the regulated markets in which the shares are admitted for trading.

EDP Renováveis, S.A. will provide detailed information on the remaining terms and conditions of payment of the Dividend with at least 10 days prior to the date of the payment thereof (on April 30th, 2019), all in accordance with the rules that are applicable to regulated markets in which the shares are admitted for trading.

It is also proposed to empower, to the full extent that is necessary under the Law, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, with the express power of substitution, to designate the entity which will act as paying agent and to decide and implement all actions necessary or appropriate to achieve the effective implementation of the approved distribution of the Dividend.

This document in English is provided for informative purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the

latter will prevail.


Review and approval, where appropriate, of the Individual Management Report of

EDP Renováveis, S.A., the Consolidated Management Report with its subsidiaries, and its Corporate Governance Report, for the fiscal year ended on December 31st, 2018.


Approve the Individual Management Report of EDP Renováveis, S.A., the Consolidated

Management Report with its subsidiaries, and its Corporate Governance Report, for the fiscal year ended on December 31st, 2018, proposed by the Board of Directors at its meeting dated February 26th, 2019.

This document in English is provided for informative purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the

latter will prevail.


Review and approval, where appropriate, of the Statement of non-financial

information of EDP Renováveis, S.A. consolidated group, for the fiscal year ended on December 31st, 2018.


In accordance with article 49.6 of the Spanish Commercial Code (“Código de

Comercio”), approve the Statement of non-financial information of EDP Renováveis, S.A. included in the Consolidated Management Report of the Company, corresponding to the fiscal year ended on December 31th, 2018.

This document in English is provided for informative purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the

latter will prevail.


Review and approval, where appropriate, of the management and performance of

the Board of Directors and its Executive Committee during the fiscal year ended on December 31st, 2018.


Approve the management and performance of the Board of Directors and its Executive

Committee during the fiscal year ended on December 31st, 2018, as well as give a vote of confidence to its members.

This document in English is provided for informative purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the

latter will prevail.


Board of Directors: ratification of the appointment by co-option of Directors1.

Sixth A: ratification of the appointment by co-option as Executive Director of Mr.

Spyridon Martinis. Sixth B: ratification of the appointment by co-option as Dominical Director of Mrs.

Vera de Morais Pinto Pereira Carneiro.


In accordance with the proposal of the Nominations and Remunerations Committee

submitted to the Board of Directors, it is proposed to:

Sixth A: Ratify the appointment of Mr. Spyridon Martinis as Executive Director, whose personal details are the ones recorded in the Commercial Register and who was appointed by co-option in accordance with the Law and pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 26th February, 2019. The term of office of this appointment will be the one that corresponded to the position of the replaced previous Member of the Board, Mr. João Paulo Nogueira de Sousa Costeira.

Sixth B: Ratify the appointment of Mrs. Vera de Morais Pinto Pereira Carneiro as Dominical Director, whose personal details are the ones recorded in the Commercial Register and who was appointed by co-option in accordance with the Law and pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 26th February 2019. The term of office of this appointment will be the one that corresponded to the position of the replaced previous Member of the Board, Mrs. María Teresa Costa Campi.

The appointed Directors will ratify the acceptance already presented when appointed.

1 Each proposal made under Items Sixth A and B will be deliberated in separate votes.


24 March 1979



Oct ´16 – Dec ´17 Executive Global Leadership Vanguard Program , Xynteo

Oct ´10 – Jan ´12 International Executive MBA, IE Business School

Mar ´05 – Jan ´06 Full time MBA, IEDE-Laureate University

Oct ´04 - Feb ´05 Postgraduate degree in Finance, CESMA

Sep ´98 – Apr ´03 University Degree in Economic & Business Sciences, Aristotle University


Nov ´17-current Executive Business Initiatives Director, EDPR

Board and Steering Board Member in JV structures and Holdings

Jun ´16-Nov´17 Executive Operating Director -Europe, EDPR

Board Member and/or Chairman position in several Holding Companies, SPV and JV management structures (ADIC, AXPO, CTG, GEOR, RG)

Jan ´15-Jun´16 Asset Management & Business Development Director -Europe, EDPR

Jan ´10-Jun´16 Director of EDPR Polska, France and Belgium

Jan ´10-Jan ´15 Business Development Director & Coordinator-Europe, EDPR

Mar ’08-Jan ´10 Head of Business Development, Eastern & Northern Europe, EDPR

Nov ’07-Mar `08 Project Finance specialist, Corporate Finance, Energy Division, BANKIA Oct ’06-Nov ‘07 Business Development Coordinator, Gamesa

May ’06 - Oct ’06 EMEA Planning and Budgeting Financial Analyst, AVON, Madrid Dec ´05 - May ‘06 Financial Analyst, CEMEX Group, Madrid Jun ´99 - Dec ´03 Junior Financial Manager, Alpha Bank, Thessalonica, Greece


English Excellent command– spoken and written

Spanish Bilingual – spoken and written

Greek Native language

Vera Pinto Pereira Executive Board Member at EDP Energias de Portugal SA

(Born 23.04.1974)

Professional Experience

April 2018 to date

EDP Energias de Portugal SA; CEO EDP Comercial

Executive Board Member at EDP Energias de Portugal SA President of the Board at EDP Comercial President of the Board at EDP Soluções Comerciais Board Member at Fundação EDP

Jan 2014 to March 2018

Fox Networks Group Lisbon, Madrid, London Member of Executive Leadership Team Europe and Africa & Executive Vice President - Managing Director for Spain and Portugal

Spain and Portugal are two of the top FNG businesses in Europe. With approximately 180 people, distributed in two local offices (Lisbon and Madrid), these businesses develop and operate 15 channels in their local markets and deliver an additional 40+ channels to several other markets in Europe and Africa

The FNG portfolio includes all Fox branded entertainment channels, National Geographic factual channels, and other local brands such as 24 Kitchen & Viajar. As Managing Director of Fox Networks Groups in Iberia, Vera also oversaw all National Geographic print, licensing and merchandising in the territory.

Pulsa Media Barcelona Non Executive Board Member

Pulsa Media is a TV Advertising Sales House, representing DTT and PayTV channels from several media groups operating in the Spanish Market As a Non Executive Board Member, Vera oversees Pulsa’s Strategic Business Development and Aggregated Commercial Strategy & Policy.

Sep 2007 – Dec 2013

Portugal Telecom Lisbon MEO TV Service Director

Most relevant projects included

• MEO Pay TV service launch across 3 platforms: IPTV over ADSL, IPTV over Fibre, and Satellite

• MEO over-the-top pay TV service launch - MEO Go!, on all devices – PC, tablets and smartphones.

• Creation of a leading interactivity experience on TV

Apr 2003 – Sep 2007

TV Cabo Portugal – PT Multimedia (today NOS) Lisbon TV Service Director

Jan 2001 – Mar 2003

Innovagency Consulting Lisbon Founding Partner

Sep 1996 – Dec 1999

Mercer Management Consulting (today Oliver Wyman) Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, London Associate


INSEAD, 2000 Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.), Fontainebleau

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – NOVA School of Business and Economics, 1996 Graduate & Post-Graduate Degrees in Economics


Portuguese and English (Native or bilingual); Spanish and French (Working proficiency)

This document in English is provided for informative purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the

latter will prevail.


Approval of the remuneration policy for the members of the Board of Directors of the



Approve the statement on the remuneration policy for the members of the Board of

Directors of EDP Renováveis, S.A.

This document in English is provided for informative purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version

the latter will prevail.

DECLARATION ON THE REMUNERATION POLICY The definition of the proposal of the remuneration policy for the members of the Board of Directors is incumbent on Nominations and Remunerations Committee which is appointed by the Board of Directors. This Committee defined the remuneration to be attributed to Directors and to the members of the Executive Committee, with the purpose that it reflects the performance of each of the members in each year of their term of office (variable annual remuneration), as well as their performance during their term of office establishing a variable component which is consistent with the maximisation of the Company's long term performance (variable multi-annual remuneration for a three-year period), and long term incentive plans for the achievement of the most demanding objectives of the business plan, thereby guaranteeing the alignment of the performance of the governing bodies with the interests of the shareholders. The remuneration policy proposed by the Nominations and Remunerations Committee for the period 2017-2019, and approved the last year by de General Shareholders’ Meeting, establishes similar principles to those governing the previous remuneration policies in force, entailing a fixed remuneration for all members of the Board of Directors and a variable remuneration with an annual component and a multi-annual component, for the members of the Executive Committee. Fixed remuneration For the period 2017-2019, the fixed remuneration was approved by the 2017 Shareholders’ Meeting. As established within the previous remuneration policies in force, and in line with the information submitted to the Shareholders’ General Meeting on previous years, EDP Renováveis, S.A., has entered into a Management Services Agreement with EDP pursuant to which EDP Renováveis is due to pay to EDP the corresponding amount (management fee) for the management services rendered by it, which since May 2012 and in accordance with the approved composition of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, includes the services related to both executive and non-executive directors. Under this contract, EDP currently provides to EDP the services corresponding to one executive director and for two non-executive directors. The non-executive directors may opt between receiving a fixed remuneration or the application of an attendance fee per meeting in a value equivalent to the fixed remuneration proposed for a director, and taking into consideration the duties carried out.

The Retirement Savings Plan works as an effective retirement complement and its only applicable to the members of the Executive Committee in a percentage between 3% and 6% of their respective annual remuneration. The Directors do not get any relevant non-monetary benefit as a form of remuneration. Variable annual and multi-annual remuneration Variable annual and multi-annual remuneration only applies to the members of the Executive Committee. Variable annual and multi-annual remuneration will be a percentage of fixed annual component, with a superior weight for multiannual vs. annual component (120% vs. 80%).Thus, the value of the variable remuneration may range between 0% and 85% of the 80% in the case of the annual variable, and between 0% and 85% of the 120% in the case of the multi-annual variable. Such percentages are applied: (i) in case of the CEO, to the gross annual remuneration or (ii) 250.000€ for the rest of the members of the Executive Committee. The key performance indicators (KPIs) used to determine the amounts of the annual and multi-annual variable remuneration for each year of the term, are proposed by the Nominations and Remunerations Committee in order to be aligned with the strategic grounds of the Company: growth, risk control and efficiency. These are the same for all members of the Executive Committee, although with specific targets for the platforms in the case of COO’s. These indicators shall be applied for the financial years 2017-2019, without prejudice to any adjustments which may be proposed by the aforementioned Nominations and Remunerations Committee. The remuneration policy for the period of 2017-2019 was already approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting, and in particular for 2019, the Board of Directors has proposed following the initiative of the Nominations and Remunerations Committee, the same indicators with slight adjustments:

TSR vs. Wind peers & Psi 20 15% 100% 0% 15% 100% 0% *

Growth Incremental MW

(EBITDA+ENEOP) 10% 30% 70% 10% 30% 70%


Strategy Asset Rotation+ Tax Equity 10.0% 100% 0% 7,5% 100% 0% *

Risk - Return

ROIC Cash % 8% 50% 50% 8% 50% 50%

EBITDA + Sell down Gains (in €) 15% 50% 50% 12% 50% 50%

Net Profit (excl. Minorities) 12,5% 100% 0% 12% 100% 0% *

Technical Availabity 6% 40% 60% 6% 40% 60%

Efficiency Opex /Av. EBITDA MW (in €k) 0% 0% 0% 6% 0% 100%

Capex /MW (in €k) 6% 50% 50% 6% 50% 50%



Sustainability 7.5% 100% 0% 7.5% 100% 0% *

Employee Satisfaction 5% 100% 0% 5% 100% 0% *

Apreciation of the

Remuneration Committee 5% 100% 0% 5% 100% 0% *

TOTAL 100,0%




2019 Group Platform


2019 Group Platform

*For the COO NA and COO Europe & Brazil, these KPIs will be calculated, for both annual and multi-annual component, on the basis of Group’s achievement, which has a weight of 100%. Likewise, for the COO Offshore, COO EU and COO NA, there will be a qualitative evaluation from the CEO, that will have a weight of 20% for the annual variable compensation, and 32% for the multi-annual variable remuneration. Long Term Incentive Complementary Programs As mentioned above, the Nominations and Remunerations Committee has designed two Long Term Incentive Complementary Programs (LTICP): one for the COO Offshore, and other for the COO North America. Regarding COO North America, the LTICP for the period 2017 – 2020 is conditioned to the achievement of the strategic business objectives and the Gross Installed MWs, EBITDA AND ROIC CASH, that will be evaluated at the end of the 4-year period. The target amount is 50% of the COO NA year-end base salary for each of the four years, implying a total target of 734.000$ for the period 2017-2020. The payment would be made based on the LTICP % achievement rate and capped at 120% of target and only will be payable in January 2021. The CEO will be entitled to evaluate the accommodation expenses that may be necessary as a consequence of the COO NA move to the US, and add them to the LTICP amount at the moment of its payment. In COO Offshore case, the LTICP KPIs measures are based in reaching Final Investment Decision in the projects where EDPR already has subscribed long term PPAs within the time frames established, and also obtaining additional CfD or FiT contracts. This program will cover the next three years and shall be payable on January 2021. The maximum target amount (TA) to be accrued yearly is 50% of the COO Offshore year-end base salary (EUR 145.000 gross amount) implying a maximum total of EUR 435.000 for the period 2018-2020. Conclusion In conclusion, the remuneration policy includes key elements to enhance a Company’s management performance not only focused on short-term objectives, but also incorporate as part of its results the interests of the Company and of shareholders in the medium and long term. These elements are: the relative weight assigned to each KPIs to calculate annual, multi-annual variable remuneration, and if such is the case, of the LTICPs, the relevance associated with the achievement of such KPIs on the platform in the case of COOs, the three-year term considered for determining the value of variable multi-annual component of the remuneration, as well as the additional deferral in three years for its payment as recommended by CMVM as a good corporate governance practices, conditioning its payment to the fact of there has not been unlawful actions known after the performance evaluated that may jeopardize the sustainability of the company’s performance, the use of the qualitative criteria focused on a strategic and medium term perspective of the development of the Company, the existence of a maximum limit for the variable remuneration and the relative importance of this component in the total remuneration value.

Lisbon, February 18, 2019,

António Nogueira Leite

Francisco Seixas Da Costa

Maria da Conceição Mota Soares de Oliveira Callé Lucas

This document in English is provided for informative purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the

latter will prevail.


Delegation of powers for the formalization and implementation of all resolutions

adopted at the General Shareholders’ Meeting, for the execution of any relevant public deed and for its interpretation, correction, addition or development in order to obtain the appropriate registrations.


To jointly and severally grant powers of attorney to the Chairman of the Board of

Directors Mr. António Luis Guerra Nunes Mexia, to the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer Mr. João Manuel Manso Neto, and to the Secretary of the Board of Directors Mr. Emilio García-Conde Noriega, to the full extent that is necessary under law, to implement all the resolutions adopted by the General Shareholders’ Meeting and for that purpose, to develop, clarify, specify, interpret, supplement and rectify said resolutions or those derived from deeds or documents issued in execution of the same and, in particular, any omissions, defects or errors of content or form, that could prevent registration of said resolutions and their implications with the Commercial Register.

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