this guide will give you the structure you need to think ...€¦ · your business has a unique set...

Post on 24-May-2020






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    Your business has a unique set of needs to convert traffic into leads. Just like a thumbprint, no companies marketing are the same. The purpose of the Custom Marketing Growth Plan is to give you a blueprint for growing your marketing so you can methodically and systematically develop the leads you need for growth.   This guide will give you the structure you need to think through and create your custom marketing system. In this guide we help you think through the system to decide the best plan for your growth. Here are the 4 areas we are focusing on:   Developing Your Brand Creating Your System Driving Traffic Tracking Your Progress  If at anytime you get stuck and would like to speak with us about your next steps, you can Schedule a Consultation. We are always here to help!    



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Developing Your Brand!  The most important part of any business is its brand. With a strong brand, you can build relationships, foster trust, and communicate the right message to the right audience. In this section of the Custom Marketing Growth Plan, we are going to think through all of the resources you will need for creating and building your brand.   

Company Name & Tagline  The name of your company is the starting point for your brand. Here are some tips for naming your company:  

Does it clearly relay what you do?  Don’t get too fancy or try to play on words. Clarity is the key to powerful branding. Plus, the quickest way to lose potential SEO is confusing keywords with tricky spellings or even trying to rebrand your industry.   Is it memorable?  Simplicity sells. If your audience can easily remember your name, you can create a memorable experience. Keep it Simple!    Does it embody your culture and unique value proposition?  As you may have noticed, we lean very heavily on Custom in everything we do. It’s not simply because that is our name, rather, it is because that is how we handle each project. It’s the value we bring to our clients.   The same should ring true for you. Try to paint an expectation of what your audience is going to hear and they will be more likely to engage you.   


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Brand Essentials  Company Name:   


   Company Phone Number:   

   Domain Name:   

   Email Address:   



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Brand Messaging  What is the unique value that you provide (your Unique Value Proposition)?   



   What type of company do you have (sales, consultative, expert)?   



   What is the most important part of your Culture?   



   What do you do better than anyone else?  





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Brand Colors Choosing your brand colors can feel overwhelming, but at the end of the day, stick with what you like! Sounds simple, but there is actual psychological reasoning behind that.   Colors evoke feelings and emotions. The colors you are drawn to tend to connect with you, and whether you realize it or not, your personality will be your company’s culture. Simply put, which colors you like portray who you, and that’s ultimately the best for your brand. (You don’t want to try to make someone happy if your marketing a funeral home!)   What Are Your Company Brand Colors:   






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Brand Fonts Having uniform fonts in your business creates consistency giving all of your marketing assets a similar feel and style. Your fonts should be easy to use as well as easy to read, and should evoke the feelings you want to inspire.   Now that you have the fonts that you are using, let’s think through how you are going to use them. Here are some options to help you think through this:   Title Font Name:   

  Standard Font Size:   

  Standard Line Spacing:   

  Title Font Color:  


❏ Title Thickness:  ❏ Super Bold ❏ Bold ❏ Semi-Bold ❏ Regular ❏ Light 

 ❏ Title Effects:  

❏ Italic ❏ All Caps ❏ All Lowercase ❏ Title Capitalization ❏ Underline 



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Paragraph Font Name:   

  Standard Font Size:   

  Standard Line Spacing:   

  Title Font Color:  


❏ Paragraph Thickness:  ❏ Super Bold ❏ Bold ❏ Semi-Bold ❏ Regular ❏ Light 

 ❏ Paragraph Effects:  

❏ Italic ❏ All Caps ❏ All Lowercase ❏ Title Capitalization ❏ Underline 



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Custom Marketing Funnel Leads don’t just happen, there is a path that just about every person who opts in to a consultation or sales pitch goes through. Understanding these stages will help you understand how to best market to your audience and engage them where they are at in their decision making process.   



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Introduction Stage Traffic marketing is all about making a great introduction of your company to the audience. In the traffic stage IMAGE IS EVERYTHING. The quality of your design and content will play a significant role in converting traffic to the next stage.   Audience: Everybody who fits your Avatar Demographic  Relationship: NONE - they have never heard of you!   Tone: Light, easy to engage with, educational, inspirational  Strategy: Traffic! There are MANY ways to drive traffic to your website. Here are some of the most common Traffic Strategies.   

● Social Media Traffic Ads ○ Short Traffic Videos ○ Blog Post Promotion 

● Search Engine Traffic Ads ● Search Engine Optimization ● Website SEO 

○ Cornerstone Blog Posts ○ Backlink Building 

 The Goal: Get people to your website and social media!   Your new traffic is your pond that you get to start REALLY fishing in!    


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Connection Stage The connection stage of marketing is convincing your traffic to...well...connect! The reason this works so well as the second stage in your funnel is that the traffic has already agreed to meet with you, now it’s time to show them what you got!   Audience: Social Media Likes, Website Traffic, Introduction Pixel List  Relationship: They have visited your site or interacted with your ads.    Strategy: Connect! The art of connecting with traffic takes time. Most businesses starting out in marketing miss the connection stage and go straight for the lead stage when, in reality, the traffic is there to simply figure out if you can meet their need. Here are recommended tools for connecting with your audience:  

● Lead Magnet Giveaways  ○ Opt-in Landing Page ○ Thank You Landing Page 

● Education or Value video’s or email series ● Something that shows them What you do and How you do it 

 The Goal: Get traffic to opt into your stuff!     


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Interest Stage Now you have someone who knows your name, likes what you do, and may be ready to buy now! Interest traffic open’s all of your emails, likes your posts, and has opted into your lead magnets. The goal of interest marketing is a personal experience.   Audience: Email List, Website Traffic, Introduction Pixel List  Relationship: They have visited your site or interacted with your ads.    Strategy: Answer Their Questions During the interest stage of marketing your traffic wants to know IF you can help them. Your goal during this stage is to answer the most frequently asked questions before they ask it:  

● Product Interest Campaigns  ○ Opt-in Landing Page ○ Thank You Landing Page 

● Discount and Promotions Campaigns ● Retarget Ads ● Chatbot Announcements ● Website Messages 

 The Goal: Turn them into leads!      


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Lead Stage  Once your traffic has reached the goal of signing up as a lead, the funnel does not stop there. Now it’s time to convince them to actually follow through on a consultation or even a presentation. This side of the funnel turns into your Sales System which we will be covering more in depth in the future.    Audience: Leads, Traffic who have opted in for an appointment.   Relationship: Ready to talk with you in person or engage your products/services. .    Strategy: Set Their Expectations Engaging a lead is different than marketing. They have reached a crucial decision on whether or not to do business with you. In any sale your lead must 1) Believe You Can Help Solve a Problem 2) Believe in Your Company 3) Trust You. Here are some great resources for marketing to your leads:    

● Text Message ● Appointment Reminders ● Voice Drops ● Follow Up Emails ● Automated Enrollment or Purchase (for follow up) 

 The Goal: Turn them into clients!     


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Driving Your Traffic!  Traffic is the fuel to your marketing. Without traffic your systems and brand won’t do anything. In the next section we will touch on some of the channels to drive traffic to your website and sales funnels.  Local Marketing  Local marketing is connecting with potential clients in your area. This may include flyers, brochures, networking functions, tradeshows, and any other area specifics that may introduce you to potential clients.   Referral Marketing  Who can refer you business on a consistent basis and how can you win them over? Referral marketing is a great way to quickly build your traffic and provide a consistent stream of qualified leads.   Organic Social Media Marketing  Build relationships online with Social Media. Organic Social Media Marketing is a great way to build your authority and directly connect with your target audience. These are not paid ads, this is one on one interaction in a public forum.   Search Engine Optimization SEO is being found on Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other search engines. SEO takes time and a certain level of expertise to build but can payoff for years to come.   Affiliate Marketing Offer a fee for referring leads to your website or directly to you. Affiliate marketing can build a great network of traffic and interest but it comes at a cost. Affiliate marketing will require a payment to your traffic sources, this is usually best done when your business is profitable.   Paid Traffic Ads We saved the biggest for the last. Digital marketing consists of paid ads and traffic being driven to a specific target URL. This can get very costly very quickly, but if you take your time to optimize your website and sales funnels, you can build a very long term and sustainable plan for the life of your business.   


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Local Marketing Channels Local marketing consists of traffic sources such as radio, television, trade shows, flyers, and local guerilla marketing. (this does not include referral relationships)  Who Are You Going to Market to Locally:   

   How Are You Going to Market Locally:  

   When Are You Going to Market Locally:  

   What is Your Goal for Each Contact:   

   How Will You Capture Their Information:  

   How & When Will You Follow Up With Them:  



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Local Marketing Resources 

Do you have the resources you need for marketing? Such as:    

❏ Business Cards ❏ Client Brochures ❏ Client Flyers ❏ PowerPoint Presentations ❏ Follow-Up System for New Leads ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ 

 Brainstorm Notes...   


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Referral Marketing  Does your business have a referral plan? Your referral marketing can consist of client referrals as well as referral partners to help you grow your business.    Who Are You Going to Market to for Referrals:   

   How Are You Going to Market for Referrals:  

   When Are You Going to Market for Referrals:  

   What is Your Goal for Each Referral Partner:   

   How Will You Capture Their Information:  

   How & When Will You Follow Up With Them:  



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Referral Marketing Resources 

Do you have the resources you need for marketing? Such as:   

❏ Business Cards ❏ Partner Brochures ❏ Partner Flyers ❏ PowerPoint Presentations ❏ Follow-Up System for New Partners ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ 

 Brainstorm Notes...   


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Organic Social Media Marketing  “Organic” SMM strategy consists of building relationships inside of social media groups and networks with posts, comments, and chat. This is not paid ads.    Who Are You Going to Market to on Social Media:   

   How Are You Going to Market on Social Media:  

   When Are You Going to Market on Social Media:  

   What is Your Goal for Each Social Media Interaction:   

   How Will You Capture Their Information:  

   How & When Will You Follow Up With Them:  




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Organic Social Media Resources 

Do you have the resources you need for marketing? Such as:   

❏ Facebook ❏ Twitter ❏ LinkedIn ❏ Instagram ❏ YouTube ❏ Lead Capture System ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ 

 Brainstorm Notes...   


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Search Engine Optimization  Being on the front page of Google for multiple keywords is the fastest way to build organic traffic. What are your goals to get on the front page of the search engines?   Who Are You Going to Market to with SEO:   

   How Are You Going to Market on SEO:  

   When Are You Going to do SEO:  

   What is Your Goal for Each SEO Interaction:   

   How Will You Capture Their Information:  

   How & When Will You Follow Up With Them:  




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Search Engine Optimization Resources 

Do you have the resources you need for marketing? Such as:   

❏ Website  ❏ Lead Capture ❏ Blogs ❏ Google + ❏ Lead Capture System ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ 

 Brainstorm Notes... 


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Affiliate Marketing  Affiliate marketing consists of paying for traffic or conversions. Affiliate marketing can be a great resource for growth when your profit margins can facilitate it.    Who Are You Going to Market to with Affiliate Marketing:   

   How Are You Going to Market on Affiliate Marketing:  

   When Are You Going to do Affiliate Marketing:  

   What is Your Goal for Each Affiliate:   

   How Will You Capture Their Information:  

   How & When Will You Follow Up With Them:  




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Affiliate Marketing Resources 

Do you have the resources you need for marketing? Such as:   

❏ Website  ❏ Affiliate Lead Capture ❏ Affiliate Commission Tracking ❏ Affiliate Creative and Ads  ❏ Affiliate Traffic Analytics ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ 

 Brainstorm Notes...   


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Paid Traffic Paid Traffic goes beyond posts on a Facebook page and dives deep into the recesses of social media, search engines, adwords, and much more.    Who Are You Going to Market to with Paid Traffic:   

   How Are You Going to Market on Paid Traffic:  

   When Are You Going to do Paid Traffic:  

   What is Your Goal for Each Visitor:   

   How Will You Capture Their Information:  

   How & When Will You Follow Up With Them:  




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Paid Traffic Resources 

Do you have the resources you need for marketing? Such as:   

❏ Website  ❏ Website Lead Capture System 

❏ Lead Magnet  ❏ Lead Magnet Landing Page ❏ Lead Magnet Thank You Page ❏ Lead Magnet Follow Up Series 

❏ Long-Term Nurture Campaign ❏ Product Interest Campaigns ❏ Platform Pixels (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, etc) ❏ Analytics and Traffic Reporting ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ ❏ Other:_______________________________ 

 Brainstorm Notes...   


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Custom Marketing System Assets  Required Assets:  

❏ Website ❏ Products Page ❏ Testimonials Page ❏ FAQ Page ❏ Landing Page ❏ Interactive Blog Series 

❏ Website Marketing Assets ❏ Lead Magnet  

❏ Lead Magnet Landing Page ❏ Lead Magnet Thank You Page ❏ *PRO tip: Having Lead Magnets for Each Product or Service You 

Offer Can Capture More Visitors! ❏ Long-Term Nurture Campaign Optin 

❏ Long-Term Nurture Campaign Intro Series ❏ Long-Term Nurture Campaign (Weekly Emails)  

❏ On-Site Search Engine Optimization ❏ Website Backlinks 

❏ Email Marketing System ❏ Long-Term Nurture Intro Series ❏ Long Term Nurture Campaign (Holiday Campaigns) ❏ Sales System 

❏ New Prospect First Contact Series ❏ New Lead First Contact Series ❏ Lead Follow Up Series ❏ Lead Hot, Final Stages Follow Up Series ❏ Lead Cold, Turn Down Series 

❏ Interactive Blog Series ❏ Product Interest Campaign 

❏ Social Media  ❏ Facebook ❏ Twitter ❏ Instagram ❏ LinkedIn ❏ Google+ ❏ YouTube 


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Marketing Goals  

  Current  3 month  6 month   9 month  1 year 







Sales Conversion           


Traffic By Channels 

Goal  Current  3 month  6 month   9 month  1 year 

Local Marketing            

Referral Marketing 


Organic Social Media Marketing  


Search Engine Optimization 


Affiliate Marketing           

Paid Traffic Ads           



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Custom Marketing System Tracking:  

Traffic Tracking 

Source  Traffic  Goal  Changes 






Affiliate Network       

Referral Network       











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Custom Marketing System Conversions Source  Traffic  Goal  Changes 

Total Traffic       

Lead Magnet Conv.       

Landing Page Conv.       







Conversions by Channel 

Source  Opens  Clicks  Lead Conversions 

Lead Magnet       

Long Term Nurture       







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Conclusion Even with 28 pages of content and structure, we have only given you a 10,000 foot view of your marketing! Each section we have covered goes very deep. Our hope for this guide is to give you the resources you need to start learning and discovering your Custom Marketing System so you can Plan your Growth.   For more in depth training on each of these topics follow us online and make sure to join our Facebook Community. We are excited to help you grow your business so you can accomplish your goals and dreams!     


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